import { AssetType, LibraryType } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { BadRequestException, Inject, Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { R_OK } from 'node:constants'; import { Stats } from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import { basename, parse } from 'path'; import { AccessCore, IAccessRepository, Permission } from '../access'; import { IAssetRepository, WithProperty } from '../asset'; import { AuthUserDto } from '../auth'; import { usePagination } from '../domain.util'; import { ICryptoRepository } from '../crypto'; import { mimeTypes } from '../domain.constant'; import { IBaseJob, IEntityJob, IJobRepository, ILibraryFileJob, ILibraryRefreshJob, IOfflineLibraryFileJob, JobName, JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, } from '../job'; import { IStorageRepository } from '../storage'; import { IUserRepository } from '../user'; import { CreateLibraryDto, LibraryResponseDto, LibraryStatsResponseDto, mapLibrary, ScanLibraryDto, UpdateLibraryDto, } from './library.dto'; import { ILibraryRepository } from './library.repository'; @Injectable() export class LibraryService { readonly logger = new Logger(; private access: AccessCore; constructor( @Inject(IAccessRepository) accessRepository: IAccessRepository, @Inject(IAssetRepository) private assetRepository: IAssetRepository, @Inject(ICryptoRepository) private cryptoRepository: ICryptoRepository, @Inject(IJobRepository) private jobRepository: IJobRepository, @Inject(ILibraryRepository) private repository: ILibraryRepository, @Inject(IStorageRepository) private storageRepository: IStorageRepository, @Inject(IUserRepository) private userRepository: IUserRepository, ) { this.access = new AccessCore(accessRepository); } async getStatistics(authUser: AuthUserDto, id: string): Promise { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.LIBRARY_READ, id); return this.repository.getStatistics(id); } async getCount(authUser: AuthUserDto): Promise { return this.repository.getCountForUser(; } async getAllForUser(authUser: AuthUserDto): Promise { const libraries = await this.repository.getAllByUserId(; return => mapLibrary(library)); } async get(authUser: AuthUserDto, id: string): Promise { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.LIBRARY_READ, id); const library = await this.findOrFail(id); return mapLibrary(library); } async handleQueueCleanup(): Promise { this.logger.debug('Cleaning up any pending library deletions'); const pendingDeletion = await this.repository.getAllDeleted(); for (const libraryToDelete of pendingDeletion) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_DELETE, data: { id: } }); } return true; } async create(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: CreateLibraryDto): Promise { switch (dto.type) { case LibraryType.EXTERNAL: if (! { = 'New External Library'; } break; case LibraryType.UPLOAD: if (! { = 'New Upload Library'; } if (dto.importPaths && dto.importPaths.length > 0) { throw new BadRequestException('Upload libraries cannot have import paths'); } if (dto.exclusionPatterns && dto.exclusionPatterns.length > 0) { throw new BadRequestException('Upload libraries cannot have exclusion patterns'); } break; } const library = await this.repository.create({ ownerId:, name:, type: dto.type, importPaths: dto.importPaths ?? [], exclusionPatterns: dto.exclusionPatterns ?? [], isVisible: dto.isVisible ?? true, }); return mapLibrary(library); } async update(authUser: AuthUserDto, id: string, dto: UpdateLibraryDto): Promise { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.LIBRARY_UPDATE, id); const library = await this.repository.update({ id, ...dto }); return mapLibrary(library); } async delete(authUser: AuthUserDto, id: string) { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.LIBRARY_DELETE, id); const library = await this.findOrFail(id); const uploadCount = await this.repository.getUploadLibraryCount(; if (library.type === LibraryType.UPLOAD && uploadCount <= 1) { throw new BadRequestException('Cannot delete the last upload library'); } await this.repository.softDelete(id); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_DELETE, data: { id } }); } async handleDeleteLibrary(job: IEntityJob): Promise { const library = await this.repository.get(, true); if (!library) { return false; } // TODO use pagination const assetIds = await this.repository.getAssetIds(; this.logger.debug(`Will delete ${assetIds.length} asset(s) in library ${}`); // TODO queue a job for asset deletion await this.deleteAssets(assetIds); this.logger.log(`Deleting library ${}`); await this.repository.delete(; return true; } async handleAssetRefresh(job: ILibraryFileJob) { const assetPath = path.normalize(job.assetPath); const user = await this.userRepository.get(job.ownerId); if (!user?.externalPath) { this.logger.warn('User has no external path set, cannot import asset'); return false; } if (!path.normalize(assetPath).match(new RegExp(`^${user.externalPath}`))) { this.logger.error("Asset must be within the user's external path"); return false; } const existingAssetEntity = await this.assetRepository.getByLibraryIdAndOriginalPath(, assetPath); let stats: Stats; try { stats = await this.storageRepository.stat(assetPath); } catch (error: Error | any) { // Can't access file, probably offline if (existingAssetEntity) { // Mark asset as offline this.logger.debug(`Marking asset as offline: ${assetPath}`); await{ id:, isOffline: true }); return true; } else { // File can't be accessed and does not already exist in db throw new BadRequestException("Can't access file", { cause: error }); } } let doImport = false; let doRefresh = false; if (job.forceRefresh) { doRefresh = true; } if (!existingAssetEntity) { // This asset is new to us, read it from disk this.logger.debug(`Importing new asset: ${assetPath}`); doImport = true; } else if (stats.mtime.toISOString() !== existingAssetEntity.fileModifiedAt.toISOString()) { // File modification time has changed since last time we checked, re-read from disk this.logger.debug( `File modification time has changed, re-importing asset: ${assetPath}. Old mtime: ${existingAssetEntity.fileModifiedAt}. New mtime: ${stats.mtime}`, ); doRefresh = true; } else if (!job.forceRefresh && stats && !existingAssetEntity.isOffline) { // Asset exists on disk and in db and mtime has not changed. Also, we are not forcing refresn. Therefore, do nothing this.logger.debug(`Asset already exists in database and on disk, will not import: ${assetPath}`); } if (stats && existingAssetEntity?.isOffline) { // File was previously offline but is now online this.logger.debug(`Marking previously-offline asset as online: ${assetPath}`); await{ id:, isOffline: false }); doRefresh = true; } if (!doImport && !doRefresh) { // If we don't import, exit here return true; } let assetType: AssetType; if (mimeTypes.isImage(assetPath)) { assetType = AssetType.IMAGE; } else if (mimeTypes.isVideo(assetPath)) { assetType = AssetType.VIDEO; } else { throw new BadRequestException(`Unsupported file type ${assetPath}`); } // TODO: doesn't xmp replace the file extension? Will need investigation let sidecarPath: string | null = null; if (await this.storageRepository.checkFileExists(`${assetPath}.xmp`, R_OK)) { sidecarPath = `${assetPath}.xmp`; } const deviceAssetId = `${basename(assetPath)}`.replace(/\s+/g, ''); const pathHash = this.cryptoRepository.hashSha1(`path:${assetPath}`); let assetId; if (doImport) { const library = await this.repository.get(, true); if (library?.deletedAt) { this.logger.error('Cannot import asset into deleted library'); return false; } // TODO: In wait of refactoring the domain asset service, this function is just manually written like this const addedAsset = await this.assetRepository.create({ ownerId: job.ownerId, libraryId:, checksum: pathHash, originalPath: assetPath, deviceAssetId: deviceAssetId, deviceId: 'Library Import', fileCreatedAt: stats.mtime, fileModifiedAt: stats.mtime, type: assetType, originalFileName: parse(assetPath).name, sidecarPath, isReadOnly: true, isExternal: true, }); assetId =; } else if (doRefresh && existingAssetEntity) { assetId =; await this.assetRepository.updateAll([], { fileCreatedAt: stats.mtime, fileModifiedAt: stats.mtime, }); } else { // Not importing and not refreshing, do nothing return true; } this.logger.debug(`Queuing metadata extraction for: ${assetPath}`); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id: assetId, source: 'upload' } }); if (assetType === AssetType.VIDEO) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, data: { id: assetId } }); } return true; } async queueScan(authUser: AuthUserDto, id: string, dto: ScanLibraryDto) { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.LIBRARY_UPDATE, id); const library = await this.repository.get(id); if (!library || library.type !== LibraryType.EXTERNAL) { throw new BadRequestException('Can only refresh external libraries'); } await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_SCAN, data: { id, refreshModifiedFiles: dto.refreshModifiedFiles ?? false, refreshAllFiles: dto.refreshAllFiles ?? false, }, }); } async queueRemoveOffline(authUser: AuthUserDto, id: string) { this.logger.verbose(`Removing offline files from library: ${id}`); await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.LIBRARY_UPDATE, id); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_REMOVE_OFFLINE, data: { id, }, }); } async handleQueueAllScan(job: IBaseJob): Promise { this.logger.debug(`Refreshing all external libraries: force=${job.force}`); // Queue cleanup await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_QUEUE_CLEANUP, data: {} }); // Queue all library refresh const libraries = await this.repository.getAll(true, LibraryType.EXTERNAL); for (const library of libraries) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_SCAN, data: { id:, refreshModifiedFiles: !job.force, refreshAllFiles: job.force ?? false, }, }); } return true; } async handleOfflineRemoval(job: IEntityJob): Promise { const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => { return this.assetRepository.getWith(pagination, WithProperty.IS_OFFLINE,; }); const assetIds: string[] = []; for await (const assets of assetPagination) { for (const asset of assets) { assetIds.push(; } } this.logger.verbose(`Found ${assetIds.length} offline assets to remove`); await this.deleteAssets(assetIds); return true; } async handleQueueAssetRefresh(job: ILibraryRefreshJob): Promise { const library = await this.repository.get(; if (!library || library.type !== LibraryType.EXTERNAL) { this.logger.warn('Can only refresh external libraries'); return false; } const user = await this.userRepository.get(library.ownerId); if (!user?.externalPath) { this.logger.warn('User has no external path set, cannot refresh library'); return false; } this.logger.verbose(`Refreshing library: ${}`); const crawledAssetPaths = ( await this.storageRepository.crawl({ pathsToCrawl: library.importPaths, exclusionPatterns: library.exclusionPatterns, }) ) .map(path.normalize) .filter((assetPath) => // Filter out paths that are not within the user's external path assetPath.match(new RegExp(`^${user.externalPath}`)), ); this.logger.debug(`Found ${crawledAssetPaths.length} assets when crawling import paths ${library.importPaths}`); const assetsInLibrary = await this.assetRepository.getByLibraryId([]); const offlineAssets = assetsInLibrary.filter((asset) => !crawledAssetPaths.includes(asset.originalPath)); this.logger.debug(`${offlineAssets.length} assets in library are not present on disk and will be marked offline`); for (const offlineAsset of offlineAssets) { const offlineJobData: IOfflineLibraryFileJob = { id:, assetPath: offlineAsset.originalPath, }; await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_MARK_ASSET_OFFLINE, data: offlineJobData }); } if (crawledAssetPaths.length > 0) { let filteredPaths: string[] = []; if (job.refreshAllFiles || job.refreshModifiedFiles) { filteredPaths = crawledAssetPaths; } else { const existingPaths = await this.repository.getOnlineAssetPaths(; this.logger.debug(`Found ${existingPaths.length} existing asset(s) in library ${}`); filteredPaths = crawledAssetPaths.filter((assetPath) => !existingPaths.includes(assetPath)); this.logger.debug(`After db comparison, ${filteredPaths.length} asset(s) remain to be imported`); } for (const assetPath of filteredPaths) { const libraryJobData: ILibraryFileJob = { id:, assetPath: path.normalize(assetPath), ownerId: library.ownerId, forceRefresh: job.refreshAllFiles ?? false, }; await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_SCAN_ASSET, data: libraryJobData }); } } await this.repository.update({ id:, refreshedAt: new Date() }); return true; } async handleOfflineAsset(job: IOfflineLibraryFileJob): Promise { const existingAssetEntity = await this.assetRepository.getByLibraryIdAndOriginalPath(, job.assetPath); if (existingAssetEntity) { this.logger.verbose(`Marking asset as offline: ${job.assetPath}`); await{ id:, isOffline: true }); } return true; } private async findOrFail(id: string) { const library = await this.repository.get(id); if (!library) { throw new BadRequestException('Library not found'); } return library; } private async deleteAssets(assetIds: string[]) { // TODO: this should be refactored to a centralized asset deletion service for (const assetId of assetIds) { const asset = await this.assetRepository.getById(assetId); this.logger.debug(`Removing asset from library: ${asset.originalPath}`); if (asset.faces) { await Promise.all({ assetId, personId }) => this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_REMOVE_FACE, data: { assetId, personId } }), ), ); } await this.assetRepository.remove(asset); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_REMOVE_ASSET, data: { ids: [] } }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.DELETE_FILES, data: { files: [asset.webpPath, asset.resizePath, asset.encodedVideoPath, asset.sidecarPath] }, }); // TODO refactor this to use cascades if (asset.livePhotoVideoId && !assetIds.includes(asset.livePhotoVideoId)) { assetIds.push(asset.livePhotoVideoId); } } } }