import { Body, Controller, Delete, Get, HttpCode, HttpStatus, Inject, Next, Param, Post, Put, Query, Res, UploadedFile, UseInterceptors, } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ApiBody, ApiConsumes, ApiTags } from '@nestjs/swagger'; import { NextFunction, Response } from 'express'; import { AuthDto } from 'src/dtos/auth.dto'; import { CreateProfileImageDto, CreateProfileImageResponseDto } from 'src/dtos/user-profile.dto'; import { CreateUserDto, DeleteUserDto, UpdateUserDto, UserResponseDto } from 'src/dtos/user.dto'; import { ILoggerRepository } from 'src/interfaces/logger.interface'; import { Auth, Authenticated, FileResponse } from 'src/middleware/auth.guard'; import { FileUploadInterceptor, Route } from 'src/middleware/file-upload.interceptor'; import { UserService } from 'src/services/user.service'; import { sendFile } from 'src/utils/file'; import { UUIDParamDto } from 'src/validation'; @ApiTags('User') @Controller(Route.USER) export class UserController { constructor( private service: UserService, @Inject(ILoggerRepository) private logger: ILoggerRepository, ) {} @Get() @Authenticated() getAllUsers(@Auth() auth: AuthDto, @Query('isAll') isAll: boolean): Promise { return this.service.getAll(auth, isAll); } @Get('info/:id') @Authenticated() getUserById(@Param() { id }: UUIDParamDto): Promise { return this.service.get(id); } @Get('me') @Authenticated() getMyUserInfo(@Auth() auth: AuthDto): Promise { return this.service.getMe(auth); } @Post() @Authenticated({ admin: true }) createUser(@Body() createUserDto: CreateUserDto): Promise { return this.service.create(createUserDto); } @Delete('profile-image') @HttpCode(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) @Authenticated() deleteProfileImage(@Auth() auth: AuthDto): Promise { return this.service.deleteProfileImage(auth); } @Delete(':id') @Authenticated({ admin: true }) deleteUser( @Auth() auth: AuthDto, @Param() { id }: UUIDParamDto, @Body() dto: DeleteUserDto, ): Promise { return this.service.delete(auth, id, dto); } @Post(':id/restore') @Authenticated({ admin: true }) restoreUser(@Auth() auth: AuthDto, @Param() { id }: UUIDParamDto): Promise { return this.service.restore(auth, id); } // TODO: replace with @Put(':id') @Put() @Authenticated() updateUser(@Auth() auth: AuthDto, @Body() updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto): Promise { return this.service.update(auth, updateUserDto); } @UseInterceptors(FileUploadInterceptor) @ApiConsumes('multipart/form-data') @ApiBody({ description: 'A new avatar for the user', type: CreateProfileImageDto }) @Post('profile-image') @Authenticated() createProfileImage( @Auth() auth: AuthDto, @UploadedFile() fileInfo: Express.Multer.File, ): Promise { return this.service.createProfileImage(auth, fileInfo); } @Get('profile-image/:id') @FileResponse() @Authenticated() async getProfileImage(@Res() res: Response, @Next() next: NextFunction, @Param() { id }: UUIDParamDto) { await sendFile(res, next, () => this.service.getProfileImage(id), this.logger); } }