import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_cache_manager/flutter_cache_manager.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/build_context_extensions.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/asset.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/store.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/image_url_builder.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart' as api; import 'package:photo_manager_image_provider/photo_manager_image_provider.dart'; /// Renders an Asset using local data if available, else remote data class ImmichImage extends StatelessWidget { const ImmichImage( this.asset, { this.width, this.height, = BoxFit.cover, this.useGrayBoxPlaceholder = false, this.useProgressIndicator = false, this.type = api.ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, this.preferredLocalAssetSize = 250, super.key, }); final Asset? asset; final bool useGrayBoxPlaceholder; final bool useProgressIndicator; final double? width; final double? height; final BoxFit fit; final api.ThumbnailFormat type; final int preferredLocalAssetSize; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (this.asset == null) { return Container( decoration: const BoxDecoration( color: Colors.grey, ), child: SizedBox( width: width, height: height, child: const Center( child: Icon(Icons.no_photography), ), ), ); } final Asset asset = this.asset!; if (useLocal(asset)) { return Image( image: localImageProvider(asset, size: preferredLocalAssetSize), width: width, height: height, fit: fit, frameBuilder: (context, child, frame, wasSynchronouslyLoaded) { if (wasSynchronouslyLoaded || frame != null) { return child; } // Show loading if desired return Stack( children: [ if (useGrayBoxPlaceholder) const SizedBox.square( dimension: 250, child: DecoratedBox( decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.grey), ), ), if (useProgressIndicator) const Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator(), ), ], ); }, errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) { if (error is PlatformException && error.code == "The asset not found!") { debugPrint( "Asset ${asset.localId} does not exist anymore on device!", ); } else { debugPrint( "Error getting thumb for assetId=${asset.localId}: $error", ); } return Icon( Icons.image_not_supported_outlined, color: context.primaryColor, ); }, ); } final String? accessToken = Store.get(StoreKey.accessToken); final String thumbnailRequestUrl = getThumbnailUrl(asset, type: type); return CachedNetworkImage( imageUrl: thumbnailRequestUrl, httpHeaders: {"x-immich-user-token": accessToken ?? ""}, cacheKey: getThumbnailCacheKey(asset, type: type), width: width, height: height, // keeping memCacheWidth, memCacheHeight, maxWidthDiskCache and // maxHeightDiskCache = null allows to simply store the webp thumbnail // from the server and use it for all rendered thumbnail sizes fit: fit, fadeInDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 250), progressIndicatorBuilder: (context, url, downloadProgress) { // Show loading if desired return Stack( children: [ if (useGrayBoxPlaceholder) const SizedBox.square( dimension: 250, child: DecoratedBox( decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.grey), ), ), if (useProgressIndicator) Transform.scale( scale: 2, child: Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive( strokeWidth: 1, value: downloadProgress.progress, ), ), ), ], ); }, errorWidget: (context, url, error) { if (error is HttpExceptionWithStatus && error.statusCode >= 400 && error.statusCode < 500) { debugPrint("Evicting thumbnail '$url' from cache: $error"); CachedNetworkImage.evictFromCache(url); } return Icon( Icons.image_not_supported_outlined, color: context.primaryColor, ); }, ); } static AssetEntityImageProvider localImageProvider( Asset asset, { int size = 250, }) => AssetEntityImageProvider( asset.local!, isOriginal: false, thumbnailSize: ThumbnailSize.square(size), ); static CachedNetworkImageProvider remoteThumbnailProvider( Asset asset, api.ThumbnailFormat type, Map<String, String> authHeader, ) => CachedNetworkImageProvider( getThumbnailUrl(asset, type: type), cacheKey: getThumbnailCacheKey(asset, type: type), headers: authHeader, ); /// TODO: refactor image providers to separate class static CachedNetworkImageProvider remoteThumbnailProviderForId( String assetId, { api.ThumbnailFormat type = api.ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, }) => CachedNetworkImageProvider( getThumbnailUrlForRemoteId(assetId, type: type), cacheKey: getThumbnailCacheKeyForRemoteId(assetId, type: type), headers: { "x-immich-user-token": Store.get(StoreKey.accessToken), }, ); /// Precaches this asset for instant load the next time it is shown static Future<void> precacheAsset( Asset asset, BuildContext context, { type = api.ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, size = 250, }) { if (useLocal(asset)) { // Precache the local image return precacheImage( localImageProvider(asset, size: size), context, ); } else { final accessToken = Store.get(StoreKey.accessToken); // Precache the remote image since we are not using local images return precacheImage( remoteThumbnailProvider(asset, type, {"x-immich-user-token": accessToken}), context, ); } } static bool useLocal(Asset asset) => !asset.isRemote || asset.isLocal && !Store.get(StoreKey.preferRemoteImage, false); }