// // AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT MODIFY! // // @dart=2.18 // ignore_for_file: unused_element, unused_import // ignore_for_file: always_put_required_named_parameters_first // ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names // ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; /// tests for AssetApi void main() { // final instance = AssetApi(); group('tests for AssetApi', () { // Checks if assets exist by checksums // //Future<AssetBulkUploadCheckResponseDto> checkBulkUpload(AssetBulkUploadCheckDto assetBulkUploadCheckDto) async test('test checkBulkUpload', () async { // TODO }); // Checks if multiple assets exist on the server and returns all existing - used by background backup // //Future<CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto> checkExistingAssets(CheckExistingAssetsDto checkExistingAssetsDto) async test('test checkExistingAssets', () async { // TODO }); //Future deleteAssets(AssetBulkDeleteDto assetBulkDeleteDto) async test('test deleteAssets', () async { // TODO }); // Get all AssetEntity belong to the user // //Future<List<AssetResponseDto>> getAllAssets({ String ifNoneMatch, bool isArchived, bool isFavorite, int skip, int take, DateTime updatedAfter, DateTime updatedBefore, String userId }) async test('test getAllAssets', () async { // TODO }); // Get all asset of a device that are in the database, ID only. // //Future<List<String>> getAllUserAssetsByDeviceId(String deviceId) async test('test getAllUserAssetsByDeviceId', () async { // TODO }); //Future<AssetResponseDto> getAssetInfo(String id, { String key }) async test('test getAssetInfo', () async { // TODO }); //Future<AssetStatsResponseDto> getAssetStatistics({ bool isArchived, bool isFavorite, bool isTrashed }) async test('test getAssetStatistics', () async { // TODO }); //Future<MultipartFile> getAssetThumbnail(String id, { ThumbnailFormat format, String key }) async test('test getAssetThumbnail', () async { // TODO }); //Future<List<MapMarkerResponseDto>> getMapMarkers({ DateTime fileCreatedAfter, DateTime fileCreatedBefore, bool isArchived, bool isFavorite, bool withPartners, bool withSharedAlbums }) async test('test getMapMarkers', () async { // TODO }); //Future<List<MemoryLaneResponseDto>> getMemoryLane(int day, int month) async test('test getMemoryLane', () async { // TODO }); //Future<List<AssetResponseDto>> getRandom({ num count }) async test('test getRandom', () async { // TODO }); //Future runAssetJobs(AssetJobsDto assetJobsDto) async test('test runAssetJobs', () async { // TODO }); //Future<MultipartFile> serveFile(String id, { bool isThumb, bool isWeb, String key }) async test('test serveFile', () async { // TODO }); //Future<AssetResponseDto> updateAsset(String id, UpdateAssetDto updateAssetDto) async test('test updateAsset', () async { // TODO }); //Future updateAssets(AssetBulkUpdateDto assetBulkUpdateDto) async test('test updateAssets', () async { // TODO }); //Future updateStackParent(UpdateStackParentDto updateStackParentDto) async test('test updateStackParent', () async { // TODO }); //Future<AssetFileUploadResponseDto> uploadFile(MultipartFile assetData, String deviceAssetId, String deviceId, DateTime fileCreatedAt, DateTime fileModifiedAt, { String key, String xImmichChecksum, String duration, bool isArchived, bool isFavorite, bool isOffline, bool isVisible, String libraryId, MultipartFile livePhotoData, MultipartFile sidecarData }) async test('test uploadFile', () async { // TODO }); }); }