import { BadRequestException, Inject, Injectable, InternalServerErrorException, NotFoundException, } from '@nestjs/common'; import { extname } from 'node:path'; import sanitize from 'sanitize-filename'; import { StorageCore } from 'src/cores/storage.core'; import { AssetBulkUploadCheckResponseDto, AssetMediaResponseDto, AssetMediaStatus, AssetRejectReason, AssetUploadAction, CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto, } from 'src/dtos/asset-media-response.dto'; import { AssetBulkUploadCheckDto, AssetMediaCreateDto, AssetMediaOptionsDto, AssetMediaReplaceDto, AssetMediaSize, CheckExistingAssetsDto, UploadFieldName, } from 'src/dtos/asset-media.dto'; import { AuthDto } from 'src/dtos/auth.dto'; import { ASSET_CHECKSUM_CONSTRAINT, AssetEntity } from 'src/entities/asset.entity'; import { AssetStatus, AssetType, CacheControl, Permission, StorageFolder } from 'src/enum'; import { IAccessRepository } from 'src/interfaces/access.interface'; import { IAssetRepository } from 'src/interfaces/asset.interface'; import { IEventRepository } from 'src/interfaces/event.interface'; import { IJobRepository, JobName } from 'src/interfaces/job.interface'; import { ILoggerRepository } from 'src/interfaces/logger.interface'; import { IStorageRepository } from 'src/interfaces/storage.interface'; import { IUserRepository } from 'src/interfaces/user.interface'; import { requireAccess, requireUploadAccess } from 'src/utils/access'; import { getAssetFiles, onBeforeLink } from 'src/utils/asset.util'; import { ImmichFileResponse } from 'src/utils/file'; import { mimeTypes } from 'src/utils/mime-types'; import { fromChecksum } from 'src/utils/request'; import { QueryFailedError } from 'typeorm'; export interface UploadRequest { auth: AuthDto | null; fieldName: UploadFieldName; file: UploadFile; } export interface UploadFile { uuid: string; checksum: Buffer; originalPath: string; originalName: string; size: number; } @Injectable() export class AssetMediaService { constructor( @Inject(IAccessRepository) private access: IAccessRepository, @Inject(IAssetRepository) private assetRepository: IAssetRepository, @Inject(IJobRepository) private jobRepository: IJobRepository, @Inject(IStorageRepository) private storageRepository: IStorageRepository, @Inject(IUserRepository) private userRepository: IUserRepository, @Inject(IEventRepository) private eventRepository: IEventRepository, @Inject(ILoggerRepository) private logger: ILoggerRepository, ) { this.logger.setContext(; } async getUploadAssetIdByChecksum(auth: AuthDto, checksum?: string): Promise<AssetMediaResponseDto | undefined> { if (!checksum) { return; } const assetId = await this.assetRepository.getUploadAssetIdByChecksum(, fromChecksum(checksum)); if (!assetId) { return; } return { id: assetId, status: AssetMediaStatus.DUPLICATE }; } canUploadFile({ auth, fieldName, file }: UploadRequest): true { requireUploadAccess(auth); const filename = file.originalName; switch (fieldName) { case UploadFieldName.ASSET_DATA: { if (mimeTypes.isAsset(filename)) { return true; } break; } case UploadFieldName.SIDECAR_DATA: { if (mimeTypes.isSidecar(filename)) { return true; } break; } case UploadFieldName.PROFILE_DATA: { if (mimeTypes.isProfile(filename)) { return true; } break; } } this.logger.error(`Unsupported file type ${filename}`); throw new BadRequestException(`Unsupported file type ${filename}`); } getUploadFilename({ auth, fieldName, file }: UploadRequest): string { requireUploadAccess(auth); const originalExtension = extname(file.originalName); const lookup = { [UploadFieldName.ASSET_DATA]: originalExtension, [UploadFieldName.SIDECAR_DATA]: '.xmp', [UploadFieldName.PROFILE_DATA]: originalExtension, }; return sanitize(`${file.uuid}${lookup[fieldName]}`); } getUploadFolder({ auth, fieldName, file }: UploadRequest): string { auth = requireUploadAccess(auth); let folder = StorageCore.getNestedFolder(StorageFolder.UPLOAD,, file.uuid); if (fieldName === UploadFieldName.PROFILE_DATA) { folder = StorageCore.getFolderLocation(StorageFolder.PROFILE,; } this.storageRepository.mkdirSync(folder); return folder; } async uploadAsset( auth: AuthDto, dto: AssetMediaCreateDto, file: UploadFile, sidecarFile?: UploadFile, ): Promise<AssetMediaResponseDto> { try { await requireAccess(this.access, { auth, permission: Permission.ASSET_UPLOAD, // do not need an id here, but the interface requires it ids: [], }); this.requireQuota(auth, file.size); if (dto.livePhotoVideoId) { await onBeforeLink( { asset: this.assetRepository, event: this.eventRepository }, { userId:, livePhotoVideoId: dto.livePhotoVideoId }, ); } const asset = await this.create(, dto, file, sidecarFile); await this.userRepository.updateUsage(, file.size); return { id:, status: AssetMediaStatus.CREATED }; } catch (error: any) { return this.handleUploadError(error, auth, file, sidecarFile); } } async replaceAsset( auth: AuthDto, id: string, dto: AssetMediaReplaceDto, file: UploadFile, sidecarFile?: UploadFile, ): Promise<AssetMediaResponseDto> { try { await requireAccess(this.access, { auth, permission: Permission.ASSET_UPDATE, ids: [id] }); const asset = (await this.assetRepository.getById(id)) as AssetEntity; this.requireQuota(auth, file.size); await this.replaceFileData(, dto, file, sidecarFile?.originalPath); // Next, create a backup copy of the existing record. The db record has already been updated above, // but the local variable holds the original file data paths. const copiedPhoto = await this.createCopy(asset); // and immediate trash it await this.assetRepository.updateAll([], { deletedAt: new Date(), status: AssetStatus.TRASHED }); await this.eventRepository.emit('asset.trash', { assetId:, userId: }); await this.userRepository.updateUsage(, file.size); return { status: AssetMediaStatus.REPLACED, id: }; } catch (error: any) { return this.handleUploadError(error, auth, file, sidecarFile); } } async downloadOriginal(auth: AuthDto, id: string): Promise<ImmichFileResponse> { await requireAccess(this.access, { auth, permission: Permission.ASSET_DOWNLOAD, ids: [id] }); const asset = await this.findOrFail(id); if (!asset) { throw new NotFoundException('Asset does not exist'); } return new ImmichFileResponse({ path: asset.originalPath, contentType: mimeTypes.lookup(asset.originalPath), cacheControl: CacheControl.PRIVATE_WITH_CACHE, }); } async viewThumbnail(auth: AuthDto, id: string, dto: AssetMediaOptionsDto): Promise<ImmichFileResponse> { await requireAccess(this.access, { auth, permission: Permission.ASSET_VIEW, ids: [id] }); const asset = await this.findOrFail(id); const size = dto.size ?? AssetMediaSize.THUMBNAIL; const { thumbnailFile, previewFile } = getAssetFiles(asset.files); let filepath = previewFile?.path; if (size === AssetMediaSize.THUMBNAIL && thumbnailFile) { filepath = thumbnailFile.path; } if (!filepath) { throw new NotFoundException('Asset media not found'); } return new ImmichFileResponse({ path: filepath, contentType: mimeTypes.lookup(filepath), cacheControl: CacheControl.PRIVATE_WITH_CACHE, }); } async playbackVideo(auth: AuthDto, id: string): Promise<ImmichFileResponse> { await requireAccess(this.access, { auth, permission: Permission.ASSET_VIEW, ids: [id] }); const asset = await this.findOrFail(id); if (!asset) { throw new NotFoundException('Asset does not exist'); } if (asset.type !== AssetType.VIDEO) { throw new BadRequestException('Asset is not a video'); } const filepath = asset.encodedVideoPath || asset.originalPath; return new ImmichFileResponse({ path: filepath, contentType: mimeTypes.lookup(filepath), cacheControl: CacheControl.PRIVATE_WITH_CACHE, }); } async checkExistingAssets( auth: AuthDto, checkExistingAssetsDto: CheckExistingAssetsDto, ): Promise<CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto> { const existingIds = await this.assetRepository.getByDeviceIds(, checkExistingAssetsDto.deviceId, checkExistingAssetsDto.deviceAssetIds, ); return { existingIds }; } async bulkUploadCheck(auth: AuthDto, dto: AssetBulkUploadCheckDto): Promise<AssetBulkUploadCheckResponseDto> { const checksums: Buffer[] = => fromChecksum(asset.checksum)); const results = await this.assetRepository.getByChecksums(, checksums); const checksumMap: Record<string, { id: string; isTrashed: boolean }> = {}; for (const { id, deletedAt, checksum } of results) { checksumMap[checksum.toString('hex')] = { id, isTrashed: !!deletedAt }; } return { results:{ id, checksum }) => { const duplicate = checksumMap[fromChecksum(checksum).toString('hex')]; if (duplicate) { return { id, action: AssetUploadAction.REJECT, reason: AssetRejectReason.DUPLICATE, assetId:, isTrashed: duplicate.isTrashed, }; } return { id, action: AssetUploadAction.ACCEPT, }; }), }; } private async handleUploadError( error: any, auth: AuthDto, file: UploadFile, sidecarFile?: UploadFile, ): Promise<AssetMediaResponseDto> { // clean up files await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.DELETE_FILES, data: { files: [file.originalPath, sidecarFile?.originalPath] }, }); // handle duplicates with a success response if (error instanceof QueryFailedError && (error as any).constraint === ASSET_CHECKSUM_CONSTRAINT) { const duplicateId = await this.assetRepository.getUploadAssetIdByChecksum(, file.checksum); if (!duplicateId) { this.logger.error(`Error locating duplicate for checksum constraint`); throw new InternalServerErrorException(); } return { status: AssetMediaStatus.DUPLICATE, id: duplicateId }; } this.logger.error(`Error uploading file ${error}`, error?.stack); throw error; } /** * Updates the specified assetId to the specified photo data file properties: checksum, path, * timestamps, deviceIds, and sidecar. Derived properties like: faces, smart search info, etc * are UNTOUCHED. The photo data files modification times on the filesysytem are updated to * the specified timestamps. The exif db record is upserted, and then A METADATA_EXTRACTION * job is queued to update these derived properties. */ private async replaceFileData( assetId: string, dto: AssetMediaReplaceDto, file: UploadFile, sidecarPath?: string, ): Promise<void> { await this.assetRepository.update({ id: assetId, checksum: file.checksum, originalPath: file.originalPath, type: mimeTypes.assetType(file.originalPath), originalFileName: file.originalName, deviceAssetId: dto.deviceAssetId, deviceId: dto.deviceId, fileCreatedAt: dto.fileCreatedAt, fileModifiedAt: dto.fileModifiedAt, localDateTime: dto.fileCreatedAt, duration: dto.duration || null, livePhotoVideo: null, sidecarPath: sidecarPath || null, }); await this.storageRepository.utimes(file.originalPath, new Date(), new Date(dto.fileModifiedAt)); await this.assetRepository.upsertExif({ assetId, fileSizeInByte: file.size }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id: assetId, source: 'upload' }, }); } /** * Create a 'shallow' copy of the specified asset record creating a new asset record in the database. * Uses only vital properties excluding things like: stacks, faces, smart search info, etc, * and then queues a METADATA_EXTRACTION job. */ private async createCopy(asset: AssetEntity): Promise<AssetEntity> { const created = await this.assetRepository.create({ ownerId: asset.ownerId, originalPath: asset.originalPath, originalFileName: asset.originalFileName, libraryId: asset.libraryId, deviceAssetId: asset.deviceAssetId, deviceId: asset.deviceId, type: asset.type, checksum: asset.checksum, fileCreatedAt: asset.fileCreatedAt, localDateTime: asset.localDateTime, fileModifiedAt: asset.fileModifiedAt, livePhotoVideoId: asset.livePhotoVideoId, sidecarPath: asset.sidecarPath, }); const { size } = await this.storageRepository.stat(created.originalPath); await this.assetRepository.upsertExif({ assetId:, fileSizeInByte: size }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id:, source: 'copy' } }); return created; } private async create( ownerId: string, dto: AssetMediaCreateDto, file: UploadFile, sidecarFile?: UploadFile, ): Promise<AssetEntity> { const asset = await this.assetRepository.create({ ownerId, libraryId: null, checksum: file.checksum, originalPath: file.originalPath, deviceAssetId: dto.deviceAssetId, deviceId: dto.deviceId, fileCreatedAt: dto.fileCreatedAt, fileModifiedAt: dto.fileModifiedAt, localDateTime: dto.fileCreatedAt, type: mimeTypes.assetType(file.originalPath), isFavorite: dto.isFavorite, isArchived: dto.isArchived ?? false, duration: dto.duration || null, isVisible: dto.isVisible ?? true, livePhotoVideoId: dto.livePhotoVideoId, originalFileName: file.originalName, sidecarPath: sidecarFile?.originalPath, }); if (sidecarFile) { await this.storageRepository.utimes(sidecarFile.originalPath, new Date(), new Date(dto.fileModifiedAt)); } await this.storageRepository.utimes(file.originalPath, new Date(), new Date(dto.fileModifiedAt)); await this.assetRepository.upsertExif({ assetId:, fileSizeInByte: file.size }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id:, source: 'upload' } }); return asset; } private requireQuota(auth: AuthDto, size: number) { if (auth.user.quotaSizeInBytes && auth.user.quotaSizeInBytes < auth.user.quotaUsageInBytes + size) { throw new BadRequestException('Quota has been exceeded!'); } } private async findOrFail(id: string): Promise<AssetEntity> { const asset = await this.assetRepository.getById(id, { files: true }); if (!asset) { throw new NotFoundException('Asset not found'); } return asset; } }