import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/constants/hive_box.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/login/models/authentication_state.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/login/models/hive_saved_login_info.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/services/backup.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/api.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/device_info.service.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; class AuthenticationNotifier extends StateNotifier { AuthenticationNotifier( this._deviceInfoService, this._backupService, this._apiService, ) : super( AuthenticationState( deviceId: "", deviceType: DeviceTypeEnum.ANDROID, userId: "", userEmail: "", firstName: '', lastName: '', profileImagePath: '', isAdmin: false, shouldChangePassword: false, isAuthenticated: false, deviceInfo: DeviceInfoResponseDto( id: 0, userId: "", deviceId: "", deviceType: DeviceTypeEnum.ANDROID, createdAt: "", isAutoBackup: false, ), ), ); final DeviceInfoService _deviceInfoService; final BackupService _backupService; final ApiService _apiService; Future login( String email, String password, String serverEndpoint, bool isSavedLoginInfo, ) async { // Store server endpoint to Hive and test endpoint if (serverEndpoint[serverEndpoint.length - 1] == "/") { var validUrl = serverEndpoint.substring(0, serverEndpoint.length - 1);, validUrl); } else {, serverEndpoint); } // Check Server URL validity try { _apiService.setEndpoint(; await _apiService.serverInfoApi.pingServer(); } catch (e) { debugPrint('Invalid Server Endpoint Url $e'); return false; } // Store device id to local storage var deviceInfo = await _deviceInfoService.getDeviceInfo();, deviceInfo["deviceId"]); state = state.copyWith( deviceId: deviceInfo["deviceId"], deviceType: deviceInfo["deviceType"], ); // Make sign-in request try { var loginResponse = await _apiService.authenticationApi.login( LoginCredentialDto( email: email, password: password, ), ); if (loginResponse == null) { debugPrint('Login Response is null'); return false; }, loginResponse.accessToken); state = state.copyWith( isAuthenticated: true, userId: loginResponse.userId, userEmail: loginResponse.userEmail, firstName: loginResponse.firstName, lastName: loginResponse.lastName, profileImagePath: loginResponse.profileImagePath, isAdmin: loginResponse.isAdmin, shouldChangePassword: loginResponse.shouldChangePassword, ); // Login Success - Set Access Token to API Client _apiService.setAccessToken(loginResponse.accessToken); if (isSavedLoginInfo) { // Save login info to local storage savedLoginInfoKey, HiveSavedLoginInfo( email: email, password: password, isSaveLogin: true, serverUrl:, ), ); } else { .delete(savedLoginInfoKey); } } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error logging in $e"); return false; } // Register device info try { DeviceInfoResponseDto? deviceInfo = await _apiService.deviceInfoApi.createDeviceInfo( CreateDeviceInfoDto( deviceId: state.deviceId, deviceType: state.deviceType, ), ); if (deviceInfo == null) { debugPrint('Device Info Response is null'); return false; } state = state.copyWith(deviceInfo: deviceInfo); } catch (e) { debugPrint("ERROR Register Device Info: $e"); return false; } return true; } Future logout() async {; state = state.copyWith(isAuthenticated: false); return true; } setAutoBackup(bool backupState) async { var deviceInfo = await _deviceInfoService.getDeviceInfo(); var deviceId = deviceInfo["deviceId"]; DeviceTypeEnum deviceType = deviceInfo["deviceType"]; DeviceInfoResponseDto updatedDeviceInfo = await _backupService.setAutoBackup(backupState, deviceId, deviceType); state = state.copyWith(deviceInfo: updatedDeviceInfo); } updateUserProfileImagePath(String path) { state = state.copyWith(profileImagePath: path); } Future changePassword(String newPassword) async { try { await _apiService.userApi.updateUser( UpdateUserDto( id: state.userId, password: newPassword, shouldChangePassword: false, ), ); state = state.copyWith(shouldChangePassword: false); return true; } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error changing password $e"); return false; } } } final authenticationProvider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) { return AuthenticationNotifier(,,, ); });