{ "about": "About", "account": "Account", "account_settings": "Account Settings", "acknowledge": "Acknowledge", "action": "Action", "actions": "Actions", "active": "Active", "activity": "Activity", "activity_changed": "Activity is {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}", "add": "Add", "add_a_description": "Add a description", "add_a_location": "Add a location", "add_a_name": "Add a name", "add_a_title": "Add a title", "add_exclusion_pattern": "Add exclusion pattern", "add_import_path": "Add import path", "add_location": "Add location", "add_more_users": "Add more users", "add_partner": "Add partner", "add_path": "Add path", "add_photos": "Add photos", "add_to": "Add to...", "add_to_album": "Add to album", "add_to_shared_album": "Add to shared album", "added_to_archive": "Added to archive", "added_to_favorites": "Added to favorites", "added_to_favorites_count": "Added {count} to favorites", "admin": { "add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Add exclusion patterns. Globbing using *, **, and ? is supported. To ignore all files in any directory named \"Raw\", use \"**/Raw/**\". To ignore all files ending in \".tif\", use \"**/*.tif\". To ignore an absolute path, use \"/path/to/ignore/**\".", "authentication_settings": "Authentication Settings", "authentication_settings_description": "Manage password, OAuth, and other authentication settings", "authentication_settings_reenable": "To re-enable, use a Server Command.", "background_task_job": "Background Tasks", "check_all": "Check All", "cleared_jobs": "Cleared jobs for: {job}", "config_set_by_file": "Config is currently set by a config file", "confirm_delete_library": "Are you sure you want to delete {library} library?", "confirm_delete_library_assets": "Are you sure you want to delete this library? This will delete {count, plural, one {# contained asset} other {all # contained assets}} from Immich and cannot be undone. Files will remain on disk.", "confirm_email_below": "To confirm, type \"{email}\" below", "confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Are you sure you want to reprocess all faces? This will also clear named people.", "confirm_user_password_reset": "Are you sure you want to reset {user}'s password?", "disable_login": "Disable login", "duplicate_detection_job_description": "Run machine learning on assets to detect similar images. Relies on Smart Search", "exclusion_pattern_description": "Exclusion patterns lets you ignore files and folders when scanning your library. This is useful if you have folders that contain files you don't want to import, such as RAW files.", "external_library_created_at": "External library (created on {date})", "external_library_management": "External Library Management", "face_detection": "Face detection", "face_detection_description": "Detect the faces in assets using machine learning. For videos, only the thumbnail is considered. \"All\" (re-)processes all assets. \"Missing\" queues assets that haven't been processed yet. Detected faces will be queued for Facial Recognition after Face Detection is complete, grouping them into existing or new people.", "facial_recognition_job_description": "Group detected faces into people. This step runs after Face Detection is complete. \"All\" (re-)clusters all faces. \"Missing\" queues faces that don't have a person assigned.", "failed_job_command": "Command {command} failed for job: {job}", "force_delete_user_warning": "WARNING: This will immediately remove the user and all assets. This cannot be undone and the files cannot be recovered.", "forcing_refresh_library_files": "Forcing refresh of all library files", "image_format_description": "WebP produces smaller files than JPEG, but is slower to encode.", "image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Prefer embedded preview", "image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "Use embedded previews in RAW photos as the input to image processing when available. This can produce more accurate colors for some images, but the quality of the preview is camera-dependent and the image may have more compression artifacts.", "image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Prefer wide gamut", "image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "Use Display P3 for thumbnails. This better preserves the vibrance of images with wide colorspaces, but images may appear differently on old devices with an old browser version. sRGB images are kept as sRGB to avoid color shifts.", "image_preview_format": "Preview format", "image_preview_resolution": "Preview resolution", "image_preview_resolution_description": "Used when viewing a single photo and for machine learning. Higher resolutions can preserve more detail but take longer to encode, have larger file sizes, and can reduce app responsiveness.", "image_quality": "Quality", "image_quality_description": "Image quality from 1-100. Higher is better for quality but produces larger files, this option affects the Preview and Thumbnail images.", "image_settings": "Image Settings", "image_settings_description": "Manage the quality and resolution of generated images", "image_thumbnail_format": "Thumbnail format", "image_thumbnail_resolution": "Thumbnail resolution", "image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Used when viewing groups of photos (main timeline, album view, etc.). Higher resolutions can preserve more detail but take longer to encode, have larger file sizes, and can reduce app responsiveness.", "job_concurrency": "{job} concurrency", "job_not_concurrency_safe": "This job is not concurrency-safe.", "job_settings": "Job Settings", "job_settings_description": "Manage job concurrency", "job_status": "Job Status", "jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# delayed}}", "jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# failed}}", "library_created": "Created library: {library}", "library_cron_expression": "Cron expression", "library_cron_expression_description": "Set the scanning interval using the cron format. For more information please refer to e.g. Crontab Guru", "library_cron_expression_presets": "Cron expression presets", "library_deleted": "Library deleted", "library_import_path_description": "Specify a folder to import. This folder, including subfolders, will be scanned for images and videos.", "library_scanning": "Periodic Scanning", "library_scanning_description": "Configure periodic library scanning", "library_scanning_enable_description": "Enable periodic library scanning", "library_settings": "External Library", "library_settings_description": "Manage external library settings", "library_tasks_description": "Perform library tasks", "library_watching_enable_description": "Watch external libraries for file changes", "library_watching_settings": "Library watching (EXPERIMENTAL)", "library_watching_settings_description": "Automatically watch for changed files", "logging_enable_description": "Enable logging", "logging_level_description": "When enabled, what log level to use.", "logging_settings": "Logging", "machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP model", "machine_learning_clip_model_description": "The name of a CLIP model listed here. Note that you must re-run the 'Smart Search' job for all images upon changing a model.", "machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Duplicate Detection", "machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Enable duplicate detection", "machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "If disabled, exactly identical assets will still be de-duplicated.", "machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Use CLIP embeddings to find likely duplicates", "machine_learning_enabled": "Enable machine learning", "machine_learning_enabled_description": "If disabled, all ML features will be disabled regardless of the below settings.", "machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Facial Recognition", "machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Detect, recognize and group faces in images", "machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Facial recognition model", "machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "Models are listed in descending order of size. Larger models are slower and use more memory, but produce better results. Note that you must re-run the Face Detection job for all images upon changing a model.", "machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Enable facial recognition", "machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "If disabled, images will not be encoded for facial recognition and will not populate the People section in the Explore page.", "machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "Maximum detection distance", "machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "Maximum distance between two images to consider them duplicates, ranging from 0.001-0.1. Higher values will detect more duplicates, but may result in false positives.", "machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "Maximum recognition distance", "machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "Maximum distance between two faces to be considered the same person, ranging from 0-2. Lowering this can prevent labeling two people as the same person, while raising it can prevent labeling the same person as two different people. Note that it is easier to merge two people than to split one person in two, so err on the side of a lower threshold when possible.", "machine_learning_min_detection_score": "Minimum detection score", "machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "Minimum confidence score for a face to be detected from 0-1. Lower values will detect more faces but may result in false positives.", "machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "Minimum recognized faces", "machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "The minimum number of recognized faces for a person to be created. Increasing this makes Facial Recognition more precise at the cost of increasing the chance that a face is not assigned to a person.", "machine_learning_settings": "Machine Learning Settings", "machine_learning_settings_description": "Manage machine learning features and settings", "machine_learning_smart_search": "Smart Search", "machine_learning_smart_search_description": "Search for images semantically using CLIP embeddings", "machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Enable smart search", "machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "If disabled, images will not be encoded for smart search.", "machine_learning_url_description": "URL of the machine learning server", "manage_concurrency": "Manage Concurrency", "manage_log_settings": "Manage log settings", "map_dark_style": "Dark style", "map_enable_description": "Enable map features", "map_light_style": "Light style", "map_reverse_geocoding": "Reverse Geocoding", "map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Enable reverse geocoding", "map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Reverse Geocoding Settings", "map_settings": "Map & GPS Settings", "map_settings_description": "Manage map settings", "map_style_description": "URL to a style.json map theme", "metadata_extraction_job": "Extract metadata", "metadata_extraction_job_description": "Extract metadata information from each asset, such as GPS and resolution", "migration_job": "Migration", "migration_job_description": "Migrate thumbnails for assets and faces to the latest folder structure", "no_paths_added": "No paths added", "no_pattern_added": "No pattern added", "note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Note: To apply the Storage Label to previously uploaded assets, run the", "note_cannot_be_changed_later": "NOTE: This cannot be changed later!", "note_unlimited_quota": "Note: Enter 0 for unlimited quota", "notification_email_from_address": "From address", "notification_email_from_address_description": "Sender email address, for example: \"Immich Photo Server \"", "notification_email_host_description": "Host of the email server (e.g. smtp.immich.app)", "notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Ignore certificate errors", "notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Ignore TLS certificate validation errors (not recommended)", "notification_email_password_description": "Password to use when authenticating with the email server", "notification_email_port_description": "Port of the email server (e.g 25, 465, or 587)", "notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Send test email and save", "notification_email_setting_description": "Settings for sending email notifications", "notification_email_test_email": "Send test email", "notification_email_test_email_failed": "Failed to send test email, check your values", "notification_email_test_email_sent": "A test email has been sent to {email}. Please check your inbox.", "notification_email_username_description": "Username to use when authenticating with the email server", "notification_enable_email_notifications": "Enable email notifications", "notification_settings": "Notification Settings", "notification_settings_description": "Manage notification settings, including email", "oauth_auto_launch": "Auto launch", "oauth_auto_launch_description": "Start the OAuth login flow automatically upon navigating to the login page", "oauth_auto_register": "Auto register", "oauth_auto_register_description": "Automatically register new users after signing in with OAuth", "oauth_button_text": "Button text", "oauth_client_id": "Client ID", "oauth_client_secret": "Client Secret", "oauth_enable_description": "Login with OAuth", "oauth_issuer_url": "Issuer URL", "oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "Mobile redirect URI", "oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "Mobile redirect URI override", "oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "Enable when 'app.immich:/' is an invalid redirect URI.", "oauth_scope": "Scope", "oauth_settings": "OAuth", "oauth_settings_description": "Manage OAuth login settings", "oauth_settings_more_details": "For more details about this feature, refer to the docs.", "oauth_signing_algorithm": "Signing algorithm", "oauth_storage_label_claim": "Storage label claim", "oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Automatically set the user's storage label to the value of this claim.", "oauth_storage_quota_claim": "Storage quota claim", "oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "Automatically set the user's storage quota to the value of this claim.", "oauth_storage_quota_default": "Default storage quota (GiB)", "oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "Quota in GiB to be used when no claim is provided (Enter 0 for unlimited quota).", "offline_paths": "Offline Paths", "offline_paths_description": "These results may be due to manual deletion of files that are not part of an external library.", "password_enable_description": "Login with email and password", "password_settings": "Password Login", "password_settings_description": "Manage password login settings", "paths_validated_successfully": "All paths validated successfully", "quota_size_gib": "Quota Size (GiB)", "refreshing_all_libraries": "Refreshing all libraries", "registration": "Admin Registration", "registration_description": "Since you are the first user on the system, you will be assigned as the Admin and are responsible for administrative tasks, and additional users will be created by you.", "removing_offline_files": "Removing Offline Files", "repair_all": "Repair All", "repair_matched_items": "Matched {count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}", "repaired_items": "Repaired {count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}", "require_password_change_on_login": "Require user to change password on first login", "reset_settings_to_default": "Reset settings to default", "reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Reset settings to the recent saved settings", "scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Scanning library for changed files", "scanning_library_for_new_files": "Scanning library for new files", "send_welcome_email": "Send welcome email", "server_external_domain_settings": "External domain", "server_external_domain_settings_description": "Domain for public shared links, including http(s)://", "server_settings": "Server Settings", "server_settings_description": "Manage server settings", "server_welcome_message": "Welcome message", "server_welcome_message_description": "A message that is displayed on the login page.", "sidecar_job": "Sidecar metadata", "sidecar_job_description": "Discover or synchronize sidecar metadata from the filesystem", "slideshow_duration_description": "Number of seconds to display each image", "smart_search_job_description": "Run machine learning on assets to support smart search", "storage_template_enable_description": "Enable storage template engine", "storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hash verification enabled", "storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Enables hash verification, don't disable this unless you're certain of the implications", "storage_template_migration": "Storage template migration", "storage_template_migration_description": "Apply the current {template} to previously uploaded assets", "storage_template_migration_info": "Template changes will only apply to new assets. To retroactively apply the template to previously uploaded assets, run the {job}.", "storage_template_migration_job": "Storage Migration Job", "storage_template_more_details": "For more details about this feature, refer to the Storage Template and its implications", "storage_template_onboarding_description": "When enabled, this feature will auto-organize files based on a user-defined template. Due to stability issues the feature has been turned off by default. For more information, please see the documentation.", "storage_template_path_length": "Approximate path length limit: {length, number}/{limit, number}", "storage_template_settings": "Storage Template", "storage_template_settings_description": "Manage the folder structure and file name of the upload asset", "storage_template_user_label": "{label} is the user's Storage Label", "system_settings": "System Settings", "theme_custom_css_settings": "Custom CSS", "theme_custom_css_settings_description": "Cascading Style Sheets allow the design of Immich to be customized.", "theme_settings": "Theme Settings", "theme_settings_description": "Manage customization of the Immich web interface", "these_files_matched_by_checksum": "These files are matched by their checksums", "thumbnail_generation_job": "Generate Thumbnails", "thumbnail_generation_job_description": "Generate large, small and blurred thumbnails for each asset, as well as thumbnails for each person", "transcoding_acceleration_api": "Acceleration API", "transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "The API that will interact with your device to accelerate transcoding. This setting is 'best effort': it will fallback to software transcoding on failure. VP9 may or may not work depending on your hardware.", "transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC (requires NVIDIA GPU)", "transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "Quick Sync (requires 7th gen Intel CPU or later)", "transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (only on Rockchip SOCs)", "transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI", "transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "Accepted audio codecs", "transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "Select which audio codecs do not need to be transcoded. Only used for certain transcode policies.", "transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "Accepted video codecs", "transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "Select which video codecs do not need to be transcoded. Only used for certain transcode policies.", "transcoding_advanced_options_description": "Options most users should not need to change", "transcoding_audio_codec": "Audio codec", "transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus is the highest quality option, but has lower compatibility with old devices or software.", "transcoding_bitrate_description": "Videos higher than max bitrate or not in an accepted format", "transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "To learn more about the terminology used here, refer to FFmpeg documentation for H.264 codec, HEVC codec and VP9 codec.", "transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Constant quality mode", "transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ is better than CQP, but some hardware acceleration devices do not support this mode. Setting this option will prefer the specified mode when using quality-based encoding. Ignored by NVENC as it does not support ICQ.", "transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Constant rate factor (-crf)", "transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "Video quality level. Typical values are 23 for H.264, 28 for HEVC, 31 for VP9, and 35 for AV1. Lower is better, but produces larger files.", "transcoding_disabled_description": "Don't transcode any videos, may break playback on some clients", "transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Hardware Acceleration", "transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Experimental; much faster, but will have lower quality at the same bitrate", "transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Hardware decoding", "transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Applies only to NVENC and RKMPP. Enables end-to-end acceleration instead of only accelerating encoding. May not work on all videos.", "transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC codec", "transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maximum B-frames", "transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Higher values improve compression efficiency, but slow down encoding. May not be compatible with hardware acceleration on older devices. 0 disables B-frames, while -1 sets this value automatically.", "transcoding_max_bitrate": "Maximum bitrate", "transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "Setting a max bitrate can make file sizes more predictable at a minor cost to quality. At 720p, typical values are 2600k for VP9 or HEVC, or 4500k for H.264. Disabled if set to 0.", "transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "Maximum keyframe interval", "transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "Sets the maximum frame distance between keyframes. Lower values worsen compression efficiency, but improve seek times and may improve quality in scenes with fast movement. 0 sets this value automatically.", "transcoding_optimal_description": "Videos higher than target resolution or not in an accepted format", "transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "Preferred hardware device", "transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "Applies only to VAAPI and QSV. Sets the dri node used for hardware transcoding.", "transcoding_preset_preset": "Preset (-preset)", "transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Compression speed. Slower presets produce smaller files, and increase quality when targeting a certain bitrate. VP9 ignores speeds above `faster`.", "transcoding_reference_frames": "Reference frames", "transcoding_reference_frames_description": "The number of frames to reference when compressing a given frame. Higher values improve compression efficiency, but slow down encoding. 0 sets this value automatically.", "transcoding_required_description": "Only videos not in an accepted format", "transcoding_settings": "Video Transcoding Settings", "transcoding_settings_description": "Manage the resolution and encoding information of the video files", "transcoding_target_resolution": "Target resolution", "transcoding_target_resolution_description": "Higher resolutions can preserve more detail but take longer to encode, have larger file sizes, and can reduce app responsiveness.", "transcoding_temporal_aq": "Temporal AQ", "transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "Applies only to NVENC. Increases quality of high-detail, low-motion scenes. May not be compatible with older devices.", "transcoding_threads": "Threads", "transcoding_threads_description": "Higher values lead to faster encoding, but leave less room for the server to process other tasks while active. This value should not be more than the number of CPU cores. Maximizes utilization if set to 0.", "transcoding_tone_mapping": "Tone-mapping", "transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "Attempts to preserve the appearance of HDR videos when converted to SDR. Each algorithm makes different tradeoffs for color, detail and brightness. Hable preserves detail, Mobius preserves color, and Reinhard preserves brightness.", "transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "Tone-mapping NPL", "transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "Colors will be adjusted to look normal for a display of this brightness. Counter-intuitively, lower values increase the brightness of the video and vice versa since it compensates for the brightness of the display. 0 sets this value automatically.", "transcoding_transcode_policy": "Transcode policy", "transcoding_transcode_policy_description": "Policy for when a video should be transcoded. HDR videos will always be transcoded (except if transcoding is disabled).", "transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "Two-pass encoding", "transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "Transcode in two passes to produce better encoded videos. When max bitrate is enabled (required for it to work with H.264 and HEVC), this mode uses a bitrate range based on the max bitrate and ignores CRF. For VP9, CRF can be used if max bitrate is disabled.", "transcoding_video_codec": "Video Codec", "transcoding_video_codec_description": "VP9 has high efficiency and web compatibility, but takes longer to transcode. HEVC performs similarly, but has lower web compatibility. H.264 is widely compatible and quick to transcode, but produces much larger files. AV1 is the most efficient codec but lacks support on older devices.", "trash_enabled_description": "Enable Trash features", "trash_number_of_days": "Number of days", "trash_number_of_days_description": "Number of days to keep the assets in trash before permanently removing them", "trash_settings": "Trash Settings", "trash_settings_description": "Manage trash settings", "untracked_files": "Untracked Files", "untracked_files_description": "These files are not tracked by the application. They can be the results of failed moves, interrupted uploads, or left behind due to a bug", "user_delete_delay": "{user}'s account and assets will be scheduled for permanent deletion in {delay, plural, one {# day} other {# days}}.", "user_delete_delay_settings": "Delete delay", "user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Number of days after removal to permanently delete a user's account and assets. The user deletion job runs at midnight to check for users that are ready for deletion. Changes to this setting will be evaluated at the next execution.", "user_delete_immediately": "{user}'s account and assets will be queued for permanent deletion immediately.", "user_management": "User Management", "user_password_has_been_reset": "The user's password has been reset:", "user_password_reset_description": "Please provide the temporary password to the user and inform them they will need to change the password at their next login.", "user_restore_description": "{user}'s account will be restored.", "user_settings": "User Settings", "user_settings_description": "Manage user settings", "user_successfully_removed": "User {email} has been successfully removed.", "version_check_enabled_description": "Enable periodic requests to GitHub to check for new releases", "version_check_settings": "Version Check", "version_check_settings_description": "Enable/disable the new version notification", "video_conversion_job": "Transcode videos", "video_conversion_job_description": "Transcode videos for wider compatibility with browsers and devices" }, "admin_email": "Admin Email", "admin_password": "Admin Password", "administration": "Administration", "advanced": "Advanced", "age_months": "Age {months, plural, one {# month} other {# months}}", "age_year_months": "Age 1 year, {months, plural, one {# month} other {# months}}", "age_years": "{years, plural, other {Age #}}", "album_added": "Album added", "album_added_notification_setting_description": "Receive an email notification when you are added to a shared album", "album_cover_updated": "Album cover updated", "album_delete_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete the album {album}?\nIf this album is shared, other users will not be able to access it anymore.", "album_info_updated": "Album info updated", "album_leave": "Leave album?", "album_leave_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to leave {album}?", "album_name": "Album Name", "album_options": "Album options", "album_remove_user": "Remove user?", "album_remove_user_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove {user}?", "album_share_no_users": "Looks like you have shared this album with all users or you don't have any user to share with.", "album_updated": "Album updated", "album_updated_setting_description": "Receive an email notification when a shared album has new assets", "album_user_left": "Left {album}", "album_user_removed": "Removed {user}", "album_with_link_access": "Let anyone with the link see photos and people in this album.", "albums": "Albums", "albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Album} other {{count, number} Albums}}", "all": "All", "all_albums": "All albums", "all_people": "All people", "all_videos": "All videos", "allow_dark_mode": "Allow dark mode", "allow_edits": "Allow edits", "allow_public_user_to_download": "Allow public user to download", "allow_public_user_to_upload": "Allow public user to upload", "api_key": "API Key", "api_key_description": "This value will only be shown once. Please be sure to copy it before closing the window.", "api_key_empty": "Your API Key name shouldn't be empty", "api_keys": "API Keys", "app_settings": "App Settings", "appears_in": "Appears in", "archive": "Archive", "archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Archive or unarchive photo", "archive_size": "Archive Size", "archive_size_description": "Configure the archive size for downloads (in GiB)", "archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Archived #}}", "are_these_the_same_person": "Are these the same person?", "are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Are you sure you want to do this?", "asset_filename_is_offline": "Asset {filename} is offline", "asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Asset has unassigned faces", "asset_offline": "Asset offline", "asset_offline_description": "This asset is offline. Immich can not access its file location. Please ensure the asset is available and then rescan the library.", "assets": "Assets", "assets_added_count": "Added {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "assets_added_to_album_count": "Added {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to the album", "assets_added_to_name_count": "Added {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to {name}", "assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "assets_moved_to_trash_count": "Moved {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to trash", "assets_permanently_deleted_count": "Permanently deleted {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "assets_removed_count": "Removed {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "assets_restore_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to restore all your trashed assets? You cannot undo this action!", "assets_restored_count": "Restored {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "assets_trashed_count": "Trashed {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {Asset was} other {Assets were}} already part of the album", "authorized_devices": "Authorized Devices", "back": "Back", "back_close_deselect": "Back, close, or deselect", "backward": "Backward", "birthdate_saved": "Date of birth saved successfully", "birthdate_set_description": "Date of birth is used to calculate the age of this person at the time of a photo.", "blurred_background": "Blurred background", "build": "Build", "build_image": "Build Image", "bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to bulk delete {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}}? This will keep the largest asset of each group and permanently delete all other duplicates. You cannot undo this action!", "bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to keep {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}}? This will resolve all duplicate groups without deleting anything.", "bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to bulk trash {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}}? This will keep the largest asset of each group and trash all other duplicates.", "camera": "Camera", "camera_brand": "Camera brand", "camera_model": "Camera model", "cancel": "Cancel", "cancel_search": "Cancel search", "cannot_merge_people": "Cannot merge people", "cannot_undo_this_action": "You cannot undo this action!", "cannot_update_the_description": "Cannot update the description", "change_date": "Change date", "change_expiration_time": "Change expiration time", "change_location": "Change location", "change_name": "Change name", "change_name_successfully": "Change name successfully", "change_password": "Change Password", "change_password_description": "This is either the first time you are signing into the system or a request has been made to change your password. Please enter the new password below.", "change_your_password": "Change your password", "changed_visibility_successfully": "Changed visibility successfully", "check_all": "Check All", "check_logs": "Check Logs", "choose_matching_people_to_merge": "Choose matching people to merge", "city": "City", "clear": "Clear", "clear_all": "Clear all", "clear_message": "Clear message", "clear_value": "Clear value", "close": "Close", "collapse": "Collapse", "collapse_all": "Collapse all", "color_theme": "Color theme", "comment_deleted": "Comment deleted", "comment_options": "Comment options", "comments_and_likes": "Comments & likes", "comments_are_disabled": "Comments are disabled", "confirm": "Confirm", "confirm_admin_password": "Confirm Admin Password", "confirm_delete_shared_link": "Are you sure you want to delete this shared link?", "confirm_password": "Confirm password", "contain": "Contain", "context": "Context", "continue": "Continue", "copied_image_to_clipboard": "Copied image to clipboard.", "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard!", "copy_error": "Copy error", "copy_file_path": "Copy file path", "copy_image": "Copy Image", "copy_link": "Copy link", "copy_link_to_clipboard": "Copy link to clipboard", "copy_password": "Copy password", "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", "country": "Country", "cover": "Cover", "covers": "Covers", "create": "Create", "create_album": "Create album", "create_library": "Create Library", "create_link": "Create link", "create_link_to_share": "Create link to share", "create_link_to_share_description": "Let anyone with the link see the selected photo(s)", "create_new_person": "Create new person", "create_new_person_hint": "Assign selected assets to a new person", "create_new_user": "Create new user", "create_user": "Create user", "created": "Created", "current_device": "Current device", "custom_locale": "Custom Locale", "custom_locale_description": "Format dates and numbers based on the language and the region", "dark": "Dark", "date_after": "Date after", "date_and_time": "Date and Time", "date_before": "Date before", "date_range": "Date range", "day": "Day", "deduplicate_all": "Deduplicate All", "default_locale": "Default Locale", "default_locale_description": "Format dates and numbers based on your browser locale", "delete": "Delete", "delete_album": "Delete album", "delete_api_key_prompt": "Are you sure you want to delete this API key?", "delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete these duplicates?", "delete_key": "Delete key", "delete_library": "Delete library", "delete_link": "Delete link", "delete_shared_link": "Delete shared link", "delete_user": "Delete user", "deleted_shared_link": "Deleted shared link", "description": "Description", "details": "Details", "direction": "Direction", "disabled": "Disabled", "disallow_edits": "Disallow edits", "discover": "Discover", "dismiss_all_errors": "Dismiss all errors", "dismiss_error": "Dismiss error", "display_options": "Display options", "display_order": "Display order", "display_original_photos": "Display original photos", "display_original_photos_setting_description": "Prefer to display the original photo when viewing an asset rather than thumbnails when the original asset is web-compatible. This may result in slower photo display speeds.", "do_not_show_again": "Do not show this message again", "done": "Done", "download": "Download", "download_settings": "Download", "download_settings_description": "Manage settings related to asset download", "downloading": "Downloading", "downloading_asset_filename": "Downloading asset {filename}", "drop_files_to_upload": "Drop files anywhere to upload", "duplicates": "Duplicates", "duplicates_description": "Resolve each group by indicating which, if any, are duplicates", "duration": "Duration", "edit": "Edit", "edit_album": "Edit album", "edit_avatar": "Edit avatar", "edit_date": "Edit date", "edit_date_and_time": "Edit date and time", "edit_exclusion_pattern": "Edit exclusion pattern", "edit_faces": "Edit faces", "edit_import_path": "Edit import path", "edit_import_paths": "Edit Import Paths", "edit_key": "Edit key", "edit_link": "Edit link", "edit_location": "Edit location", "edit_name": "Edit name", "edit_people": "Edit people", "edit_title": "Edit Title", "edit_user": "Edit user", "edited": "Edited", "email": "Email", "empty_trash": "Empty trash", "empty_trash_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to empty the trash? This will remove all the assets in trash permanently from Immich.\nYou cannot undo this action!", "enable": "Enable", "enabled": "Enabled", "end_date": "End date", "error": "Error", "error_loading_image": "Error loading image", "error_title": "Error - Something went wrong", "errors": { "cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Cannot navigate to the next asset", "cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Cannot navigate to previous asset", "cant_apply_changes": "Can't apply changes", "cant_change_activity": "Can't {enabled, select, true {disable} other {enable}} activity", "cant_change_asset_favorite": "Can't change favorite for asset", "cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Can't change metadata of {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "cant_get_faces": "Can't get faces", "cant_get_number_of_comments": "Can't get number of comments", "cant_search_people": "Can't search people", "cant_search_places": "Can't search places", "cleared_jobs": "Cleared jobs for: {job}", "error_adding_assets_to_album": "Error adding assets to album", "error_adding_users_to_album": "Error adding users to album", "error_deleting_shared_user": "Error deleting shared user", "error_downloading": "Error downloading {filename}", "error_removing_assets_from_album": "Error removing assets from album, check console for more details", "error_selecting_all_assets": "Error selecting all assets", "exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "This exclusion pattern already exists.", "failed_job_command": "Command {command} failed for job: {job}", "failed_to_create_album": "Failed to create album", "failed_to_create_shared_link": "Failed to create shared link", "failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Failed to edit shared link", "failed_to_get_people": "Failed to get people", "failed_to_stack_assets": "Failed to stack assets", "failed_to_unstack_assets": "Failed to un-stack assets", "import_path_already_exists": "This import path already exists.", "incorrect_email_or_password": "Incorrect email or password", "paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# path} other {# paths}} failed validation", "profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Profile pictures cannot have transparent pixels. Please zoom in and/or move the image.", "quota_higher_than_disk_size": "You set a quota higher than the disk size", "repair_unable_to_check_items": "Unable to check {count, select, one {item} other {items}}", "unable_to_add_album_users": "Unable to add users to album", "unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Unable to add assets to shared link", "unable_to_add_comment": "Unable to add comment", "unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Unable to add exclusion pattern", "unable_to_add_import_path": "Unable to add import path", "unable_to_add_partners": "Unable to add partners", "unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Unable to {archived, select, true {remove asset from} other {add asset to}} archive", "unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Unable to {favorite, select, true {add asset to} other {remove asset from}} favorites", "unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Unable to {archived, select, true {archive} other {unarchive}}", "unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Unable to change the album user's role", "unable_to_change_date": "Unable to change date", "unable_to_change_favorite": "Unable to change favorite for asset", "unable_to_change_location": "Unable to change location", "unable_to_change_password": "Unable to change password", "unable_to_change_visibility": "Unable to change the visibility for {count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}", "unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Unable to complete OAuth login", "unable_to_connect": "Unable to connect", "unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Cannot copy to clipboard, make sure you are accessing the page through https", "unable_to_create_admin_account": "Unable to create admin account", "unable_to_create_api_key": "Unable to create a new API Key", "unable_to_create_library": "Unable to create library", "unable_to_create_user": "Unable to create user", "unable_to_delete_album": "Unable to delete album", "unable_to_delete_asset": "Unable to delete asset", "unable_to_delete_assets": "Error deleting assets", "unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Unable to delete exclusion pattern", "unable_to_delete_import_path": "Unable to delete import path", "unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Unable to delete shared link", "unable_to_delete_user": "Unable to delete user", "unable_to_download_files": "Unable to download files", "unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Unable to edit exclusion pattern", "unable_to_edit_import_path": "Unable to edit import path", "unable_to_empty_trash": "Unable to empty trash", "unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Unable to enter fullscreen", "unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Unable to exit fullscreen", "unable_to_get_comments_number": "Unable to get number of comments", "unable_to_hide_person": "Unable to hide person", "unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Unable to link OAuth account", "unable_to_load_album": "Unable to load album", "unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Unable to load asset activity", "unable_to_load_items": "Unable to load items", "unable_to_load_liked_status": "Unable to load liked status", "unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Unable to log out all devices", "unable_to_log_out_device": "Unable to log out device", "unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Unable to login with OAuth", "unable_to_play_video": "Unable to play video", "unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Unable to reassign assets to {name, select, null {an existing person} other {{name}}}", "unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Unable to reassign assets to a new person", "unable_to_refresh_user": "Unable to refresh user", "unable_to_remove_album_users": "Unable to remove users from album", "unable_to_remove_api_key": "Unable to remove API Key", "unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Unable to remove assets from shared link", "unable_to_remove_library": "Unable to remove library", "unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Unable to remove offline files", "unable_to_remove_partner": "Unable to remove partner", "unable_to_remove_reaction": "Unable to remove reaction", "unable_to_repair_items": "Unable to repair items", "unable_to_reset_password": "Unable to reset password", "unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "Unable to resolve duplicate", "unable_to_restore_assets": "Unable to restore assets", "unable_to_restore_trash": "Unable to restore trash", "unable_to_restore_user": "Unable to restore user", "unable_to_save_album": "Unable to save album", "unable_to_save_api_key": "Unable to save API Key", "unable_to_save_name": "Unable to save name", "unable_to_save_profile": "Unable to save profile", "unable_to_save_settings": "Unable to save settings", "unable_to_scan_libraries": "Unable to scan libraries", "unable_to_scan_library": "Unable to scan library", "unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Unable to set profile picture", "unable_to_submit_job": "Unable to submit job", "unable_to_trash_asset": "Unable to trash asset", "unable_to_unlink_account": "Unable to unlink account", "unable_to_update_album_cover": "Unable to update album cover", "unable_to_update_album_info": "Unable to update album info", "unable_to_update_library": "Unable to update library", "unable_to_update_location": "Unable to update location", "unable_to_update_settings": "Unable to update settings", "unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "Unable to update timeline display status", "unable_to_update_user": "Unable to update user" }, "exif": "Exif", "exit_slideshow": "Exit Slideshow", "expand_all": "Expand all", "expire_after": "Expire after", "expired": "Expired", "expires_date": "Expires {date}", "explore": "Explore", "export": "Export", "export_as_json": "Export as JSON", "extension": "Extension", "external": "External", "external_libraries": "External Libraries", "favorite": "Favorite", "favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "Favorite or unfavorite photo", "favorites": "Favorites", "feature_photo_updated": "Feature photo updated", "file_name": "File name", "file_name_or_extension": "File name or extension", "filename": "Filename", "filetype": "Filetype", "filter_people": "Filter people", "find_them_fast": "Find them fast by name with search", "fix_incorrect_match": "Fix incorrect match", "force_re-scan_library_files": "Force Re-scan All Library Files", "forward": "Forward", "general": "General", "get_help": "Get Help", "getting_started": "Getting Started", "go_back": "Go back", "go_to_search": "Go to search", "go_to_share_page": "Go to share page", "group_albums_by": "Group albums by...", "group_no": "No grouping", "group_owner": "Group by owner", "group_year": "Group by year", "has_quota": "Has quota", "hi_user": "Hi {name} ({email})", "hide_gallery": "Hide gallery", "hide_password": "Hide password", "hide_person": "Hide person", "host": "Host", "hour": "Hour", "image": "Image", "immich_logo": "Immich Logo", "immich_web_interface": "Immich Web Interface", "import_from_json": "Import from JSON", "import_path": "Import path", "in_albums": "In {count, plural, one {# album} other {# albums}}", "in_archive": "In archive", "include_archived": "Include archived", "include_shared_albums": "Include shared albums", "include_shared_partner_assets": "Include shared partner assets", "individual_share": "Individual share", "info": "Info", "interval": { "day_at_onepm": "Every day at 1pm", "hours": "Every {hours, plural, one {hour} other {{hours, number} hours}}", "night_at_midnight": "Every night at midnight", "night_at_twoam": "Every night at 2am" }, "invite_people": "Invite People", "invite_to_album": "Invite to album", "items_count": "{count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}", "jobs": "Jobs", "keep": "Keep", "keep_all": "Keep All", "keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts", "language": "Language", "language_setting_description": "Select your preferred language", "last_seen": "Last seen", "latest_version": "Latest Version", "leave": "Leave", "let_others_respond": "Let others respond", "level": "Level", "library": "Library", "library_options": "Library options", "light": "Light", "like_deleted": "Like deleted", "link_options": "Link options", "link_to_oauth": "Link to OAuth", "linked_oauth_account": "Linked OAuth account", "list": "List", "loading": "Loading", "loading_search_results_failed": "Loading search results failed", "log_out": "Log out", "log_out_all_devices": "Log Out All Devices", "logged_out_all_devices": "Logged out all devices", "logged_out_device": "Logged out device", "login": "Login", "login_has_been_disabled": "Login has been disabled.", "logout_all_device_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to log out all devices?", "logout_this_device_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to log out this device?", "look": "Look", "loop_videos": "Loop videos", "loop_videos_description": "Enable to automatically loop a video in the detail viewer.", "make": "Make", "manage_shared_links": "Manage shared links", "manage_sharing_with_partners": "Manage sharing with partners", "manage_the_app_settings": "Manage the app settings", "manage_your_account": "Manage your account", "manage_your_api_keys": "Manage your API keys", "manage_your_devices": "Manage your logged-in devices", "manage_your_oauth_connection": "Manage your OAuth connection", "map": "Map", "map_marker_for_images": "Map marker for images taken in {city}, {country}", "map_marker_with_image": "Map marker with image", "map_settings": "Map settings", "matches": "Matches", "media_type": "Media type", "memories": "Memories", "memories_setting_description": "Manage what you see in your memories", "memory": "Memory", "menu": "Menu", "merge": "Merge", "merge_people": "Merge people", "merge_people_limit": "You can only merge up to 5 faces at a time", "merge_people_prompt": "Do you want to merge these people? This action is irreversible.", "merge_people_successfully": "Merge people successfully", "merged_people_count": "Merged {count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}", "minimize": "Minimize", "minute": "Minute", "missing": "Missing", "model": "Model", "month": "Month", "more": "More", "moved_to_trash": "Moved to trash", "my_albums": "My albums", "name": "Name", "name_or_nickname": "Name or nickname", "never": "Never", "new_api_key": "New API Key", "new_password": "New password", "new_person": "New person", "new_user_created": "New user created", "new_version_available": "NEW VERSION AVAILABLE", "newest_first": "Newest first", "next": "Next", "next_memory": "Next memory", "no": "No", "no_albums_message": "Create an album to organize your photos and videos", "no_albums_with_name_yet": "It looks like you do not have any albums with this name yet.", "no_albums_yet": "It looks like you do not have any albums yet.", "no_archived_assets_message": "Archive photos and videos to hide them from your Photos view", "no_assets_message": "CLICK TO UPLOAD YOUR FIRST PHOTO", "no_duplicates_found": "No duplicates were found.", "no_exif_info_available": "No exif info available", "no_explore_results_message": "Upload more photos to explore your collection.", "no_favorites_message": "Add favorites to quickly find your best pictures and videos", "no_libraries_message": "Create an external library to view your photos and videos", "no_name": "No Name", "no_places": "No places", "no_results": "No results", "no_results_description": "Try a synonym or more general keyword", "no_shared_albums_message": "Create an album to share photos and videos with people in your network", "not_in_any_album": "Not in any album", "note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Note: To apply the Storage Label to previously uploaded assets, run the", "note_unlimited_quota": "Note: Enter 0 for unlimited quota", "notes": "Notes", "notification_toggle_setting_description": "Enable email notifications", "notifications": "Notifications", "notifications_setting_description": "Manage notifications", "oauth": "OAuth", "offline": "Offline", "offline_paths": "Offline paths", "offline_paths_description": "These results may be due to manual deletion of files that are not part of an external library.", "ok": "Ok", "oldest_first": "Oldest first", "onboarding": "Onboarding", "onboarding_theme_description": "Choose a color theme for your instance. You can change this later in your settings.", "onboarding_welcome_description": "Let's get your instance set up with some common settings.", "onboarding_welcome_user": "Welcome, {user}", "online": "Online", "only_favorites": "Only favorites", "only_refreshes_modified_files": "Only refreshes modified files", "open_in_openstreetmap": "Open in OpenStreetMap", "open_the_search_filters": "Open the search filters", "options": "Options", "or": "or", "organize_your_library": "Organize your library", "original": "original", "other": "Other", "other_devices": "Other devices", "other_variables": "Other variables", "owned": "Owned", "owner": "Owner", "partner": "Partner", "partner_can_access": "{partner} can access", "partner_can_access_assets": "All your photos and videos except those in Archived and Deleted", "partner_can_access_location": "The location where your photos were taken", "partner_sharing": "Partner Sharing", "partners": "Partners", "password": "Password", "password_does_not_match": "Password does not match", "password_required": "Password Required", "password_reset_success": "Password reset success", "past_durations": { "days": "Past {days, plural, one {day} other {# days}}", "hours": "Past {hours, plural, one {hour} other {# hours}}", "years": "Past {years, plural, one {year} other {# years}}" }, "path": "Path", "pattern": "Pattern", "pause": "Pause", "pause_memories": "Pause memories", "paused": "Paused", "pending": "Pending", "people": "People", "people_edits_count": "Edited {count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}", "people_sidebar_description": "Display a link to People in the sidebar", "permanent_deletion_warning": "Permanent deletion warning", "permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Show a warning when permanently deleting assets", "permanently_delete": "Permanently delete", "permanently_delete_assets_count": "Permanently delete {count, plural, one {asset} other {assets}}", "permanently_deleted_asset": "Permanently deleted asset", "permanently_deleted_assets_count": "Permanently deleted {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "person": "Person", "person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (hidden)} other {}}", "photo_shared_all_users": "Looks like you shared your photos with all users or you don't have any user to share with.", "photos": "Photos", "photos_and_videos": "Photos & Videos", "photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Photo} other {{count, number} Photos}}", "photos_from_previous_years": "Photos from previous years", "pick_a_location": "Pick a location", "place": "Place", "places": "Places", "play": "Play", "play_memories": "Play memories", "play_motion_photo": "Play Motion Photo", "play_or_pause_video": "Play or pause video", "port": "Port", "preset": "Preset", "preview": "Preview", "previous": "Previous", "previous_memory": "Previous memory", "previous_or_next_photo": "Previous or next photo", "primary": "Primary", "profile_picture_set": "Profile picture set.", "public_album": "Public album", "public_share": "Public Share", "reaction_options": "Reaction options", "read_changelog": "Read Changelog", "reassign": "Reassign", "reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "Re-assigned {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to {name, select, null {an existing person} other {{name}}}", "reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "Re-assigned {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to a new person", "reassing_hint": "Assign selected assets to an existing person", "recent": "Recent", "recent_searches": "Recent searches", "refresh": "Refresh", "refresh_encoded_videos": "Refresh encoded videos", "refresh_metadata": "Refresh metadata", "refresh_thumbnails": "Refresh thumbnails", "refreshed": "Refreshed", "refreshes_every_file": "Refreshes every file", "refreshing_encoded_video": "Refreshing encoded video", "refreshing_metadata": "Refreshing metadata", "regenerating_thumbnails": "Regenerating thumbnails", "remove": "Remove", "remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} from the album?", "remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} from this shared link?", "remove_assets_title": "Remove assets?", "remove_custom_date_range": "Remove custom date range", "remove_from_album": "Remove from album", "remove_from_favorites": "Remove from favorites", "remove_from_shared_link": "Remove from shared link", "remove_offline_files": "Remove Offline Files", "remove_user": "Remove user", "removed_api_key": "Removed API Key: {name}", "removed_from_archive": "Removed from archive", "removed_from_favorites": "Removed from favorites", "removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, other {Removed #}} from favorites", "rename": "Rename", "repair": "Repair", "repair_no_results_message": "Untracked and missing files will show up here", "replace_with_upload": "Replace with upload", "repository": "Repository", "require_password": "Require password", "require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Require user to change password on first login", "reset": "Reset", "reset_password": "Reset password", "reset_people_visibility": "Reset people visibility", "reset_to_default": "Reset to default", "resolved_all_duplicates": "Resolved all duplicates", "restore": "Restore", "restore_all": "Restore all", "restore_user": "Restore user", "restored_asset": "Restored asset", "resume": "Resume", "retry_upload": "Retry upload", "review_duplicates": "Review duplicates", "role": "Role", "role_editor": "Editor", "role_viewer": "Viewer", "save": "Save", "saved_api_key": "Saved API Key", "saved_profile": "Saved profile", "saved_settings": "Saved settings", "say_something": "Say something", "scan_all_libraries": "Scan All Libraries", "scan_all_library_files": "Re-scan All Library Files", "scan_new_library_files": "Scan New Library Files", "scan_settings": "Scan Settings", "scanning_for_album": "Scanning for album...", "search": "Search", "search_albums": "Search albums", "search_by_context": "Search by context", "search_camera_make": "Search camera make...", "search_camera_model": "Search camera model...", "search_city": "Search city...", "search_country": "Search country...", "search_for_existing_person": "Search for existing person", "search_no_people": "No people", "search_no_people_named": "No people named \"{name}\"", "search_people": "Search people", "search_places": "Search places", "search_state": "Search state...", "search_timezone": "Search timezone...", "search_type": "Search type", "search_your_photos": "Search your photos", "searching_locales": "Searching locales...", "second": "Second", "see_all_people": "See all people", "select_album_cover": "Select album cover", "select_all": "Select all", "select_avatar_color": "Select avatar color", "select_face": "Select face", "select_featured_photo": "Select featured photo", "select_from_computer": "Select from computer", "select_keep_all": "Select keep all", "select_library_owner": "Select library owner", "select_new_face": "Select new face", "select_photos": "Select photos", "select_trash_all": "Select trash all", "selected": "Selected", "selected_count": "{count, plural, other {# selected}}", "send_message": "Send message", "send_welcome_email": "Send welcome email", "server": "Server", "server_stats": "Server Stats", "server_version": "Server Version", "set": "Set", "set_as_album_cover": "Set as album cover", "set_as_profile_picture": "Set as profile picture", "set_date_of_birth": "Set date of birth", "set_profile_picture": "Set profile picture", "set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "Set Slideshow to fullscreen", "settings": "Settings", "settings_saved": "Settings saved", "share": "Share", "shared": "Shared", "shared_by": "Shared by", "shared_by_user": "Shared by {user}", "shared_by_you": "Shared by you", "shared_from_partner": "Photos from {partner}", "shared_links": "Shared links", "shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# shared photos & videos.}}", "shared_with_partner": "Shared with {partner}", "sharing": "Sharing", "sharing_sidebar_description": "Display a link to Sharing in the sidebar", "shift_to_permanent_delete": "press ⇧ to permanently delete asset", "show_album_options": "Show album options", "show_and_hide_people": "Show & hide people", "show_file_location": "Show file location", "show_gallery": "Show gallery", "show_hidden_people": "Show hidden people", "show_in_timeline": "Show in timeline", "show_in_timeline_setting_description": "Show photos and videos from this user in your timeline", "show_keyboard_shortcuts": "Show keyboard shortcuts", "show_metadata": "Show metadata", "show_or_hide_info": "Show or hide info", "show_password": "Show password", "show_person_options": "Show person options", "show_progress_bar": "Show Progress Bar", "show_search_options": "Show search options", "shuffle": "Shuffle", "sign_out": "Sign Out", "sign_up": "Sign up", "size": "Size", "skip_to_content": "Skip to content", "slideshow": "Slideshow", "slideshow_settings": "Slideshow settings", "sort_albums_by": "Sort albums by...", "sort_created": "Date created", "sort_items": "Number of items", "sort_modified": "Date modified", "sort_oldest": "Oldest photo", "sort_recent": "Most recent photo", "sort_title": "Title", "source": "Source", "stack": "Stack", "stack_selected_photos": "Stack selected photos", "stacked_assets_count": "Stacked {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "stacktrace": "Stacktrace", "start": "Start", "start_date": "Start date", "state": "State", "status": "Status", "stop_motion_photo": "Stop Motion Photo", "stop_photo_sharing": "Stop sharing your photos?", "stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} will no longer be able to access your photos.", "stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Stop sharing your photos with this user", "storage": "Storage", "storage_label": "Storage label", "storage_usage": "{used} of {available} used", "submit": "Submit", "suggestions": "Suggestions", "sunrise_on_the_beach": "Sunrise on the beach", "swap_merge_direction": "Swap merge direction", "sync": "Sync", "template": "Template", "theme": "Theme", "theme_selection": "Theme selection", "theme_selection_description": "Automatically set the theme to light or dark based on your browser's system preference", "they_will_be_merged_together": "They will be merged together", "time_based_memories": "Time-based memories", "timezone": "Timezone", "to_archive": "Archive", "to_change_password": "Change password", "to_favorite": "Favorite", "to_login": "Login", "to_trash": "Trash", "toggle_settings": "Toggle settings", "toggle_theme": "Toggle theme", "toggle_visibility": "Toggle visibility", "total_usage": "Total usage", "trash": "Trash", "trash_all": "Trash All", "trash_count": "Trash {count}", "trash_delete_asset": "Trash/Delete Asset", "trash_no_results_message": "Trashed photos and videos will show up here.", "trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Trashed items will be permanently deleted after {days, plural, one {# day} other {# days}}.", "type": "Type", "unarchive": "Unarchive", "unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {Unarchived #}}", "unfavorite": "Unfavorite", "unhide_person": "Unhide person", "unknown": "Unknown", "unknown_year": "Unknown Year", "unlimited": "Unlimited", "unlink_oauth": "Unlink OAuth", "unlinked_oauth_account": "Unlinked OAuth account", "unnamed_album": "Unnamed Album", "unnamed_share": "Unnamed Share", "unsaved_change": "Unsaved change", "unselect_all": "Unselect all", "unstack": "Un-stack", "unstacked_assets_count": "Un-stacked {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}", "untracked_files": "Untracked files", "untracked_files_decription": "These files are not tracked by the application. They can be the results of failed moves, interrupted uploads, or left behind due to a bug", "up_next": "Up next", "updated_password": "Updated password", "upload": "Upload", "upload_concurrency": "Upload concurrency", "upload_errors": "Upload completed with {count, plural, one {# error} other {# errors}}, refresh the page to see new upload assets.", "upload_progress": "Remaining {remaining} - Processed {processed}/{total}", "upload_skipped_duplicates": "Skipped {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}}", "upload_status_duplicates": "Duplicates", "upload_status_errors": "Errors", "upload_status_uploaded": "Uploaded", "upload_success": "Upload success, refresh the page to see new upload assets.", "url": "URL", "usage": "Usage", "use_custom_date_range": "Use custom date range instead", "user": "User", "user_id": "User ID", "user_liked": "{user} liked {type, select, photo {this photo} video {this video} asset {this asset} other {it}}", "user_role_set": "Set {user} as {role}", "user_usage_detail": "User usage detail", "username": "Username", "users": "Users", "utilities": "Utilities", "validate": "Validate", "variables": "Variables", "version": "Version", "version_announcement_message": "Hi friend, there is a new version of the application please take your time to visit the release notes and ensure your docker-compose.yml, and .env setup is up-to-date to prevent any misconfigurations, especially if you use WatchTower or any mechanism that handles updating your application automatically.", "video": "Video", "video_hover_setting": "Play video thumbnail on hover", "video_hover_setting_description": "Play video thumbnail when mouse is hovering over item. Even when disabled, playback can be started by hovering over the play icon.", "videos": "Videos", "videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# Video} other {# Videos}}", "view": "View", "view_album": "View Album", "view_all": "View All", "view_all_users": "View all users", "view_links": "View links", "view_next_asset": "View next asset", "view_previous_asset": "View previous asset", "view_stack": "View Stack", "visibility_changed": "Visibility changed for {count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}", "waiting": "Waiting", "warning": "Warning", "week": "Week", "welcome": "Welcome", "welcome_to_immich": "Welcome to immich", "year": "Year", "years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# year} other {# years}} ago", "yes": "Yes", "you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "You don't have any shared links", "zoom_image": "Zoom Image" }