// @dart=2.12

// ignore_for_file: unused_element, unused_import
// ignore_for_file: always_put_required_named_parameters_first
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars

import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

/// tests for AssetApi
void main() {
  // final instance = AssetApi();

  group('tests for AssetApi', () {
    // Checks if assets exist by checksums
    //Future<AssetBulkUploadCheckResponseDto> checkBulkUpload(AssetBulkUploadCheckDto assetBulkUploadCheckDto) async
    test('test checkBulkUpload', () async {
      // TODO

    // Checks if multiple assets exist on the server and returns all existing - used by background backup
    //Future<CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto> checkExistingAssets(CheckExistingAssetsDto checkExistingAssetsDto) async
    test('test checkExistingAssets', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future deleteAssets(AssetBulkDeleteDto assetBulkDeleteDto) async
    test('test deleteAssets', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<MultipartFile> downloadArchiveOld(AssetIdsDto assetIdsDto, { String key }) async
    test('test downloadArchiveOld', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<MultipartFile> downloadFileOld(String id, { String key }) async
    test('test downloadFileOld', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future emptyTrashOld() async
    test('test emptyTrashOld', () async {
      // TODO

    // Get all AssetEntity belong to the user
    //Future<List<AssetResponseDto>> getAllAssets({ String ifNoneMatch, bool isArchived, bool isFavorite, int skip, int take, DateTime updatedAfter, DateTime updatedBefore, String userId }) async
    test('test getAllAssets', () async {
      // TODO

    // Get all asset of a device that are in the database, ID only.
    //Future<List<String>> getAllUserAssetsByDeviceId(String deviceId) async
    test('test getAllUserAssetsByDeviceId', () async {
      // TODO

    // Get a single asset's information
    //Future<AssetResponseDto> getAssetById(String id, { String key }) async
    test('test getAssetById', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<AssetResponseDto> getAssetInfo(String id, { String key }) async
    test('test getAssetInfo', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<String>> getAssetSearchTerms() async
    test('test getAssetSearchTerms', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<AssetStatsResponseDto> getAssetStatistics({ bool isArchived, bool isFavorite, bool isTrashed }) async
    test('test getAssetStatistics', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<MultipartFile> getAssetThumbnail(String id, { ThumbnailFormat format, String key }) async
    test('test getAssetThumbnail', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<CuratedLocationsResponseDto>> getCuratedLocations() async
    test('test getCuratedLocations', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<CuratedObjectsResponseDto>> getCuratedObjects() async
    test('test getCuratedObjects', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<DownloadResponseDto> getDownloadInfoOld(DownloadInfoDto downloadInfoDto, { String key }) async
    test('test getDownloadInfoOld', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<MapMarkerResponseDto>> getMapMarkers({ DateTime fileCreatedAfter, DateTime fileCreatedBefore, bool isArchived, bool isFavorite }) async
    test('test getMapMarkers', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<MemoryLaneResponseDto>> getMemoryLane(int day, int month) async
    test('test getMemoryLane', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<AssetResponseDto>> getRandom({ num count }) async
    test('test getRandom', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<AssetResponseDto>> getTimeBucket(TimeBucketSize size, String timeBucket, { String albumId, bool isArchived, bool isFavorite, bool isTrashed, String key, String personId, String userId, bool withPartners, bool withStacked }) async
    test('test getTimeBucket', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<TimeBucketResponseDto>> getTimeBuckets(TimeBucketSize size, { String albumId, bool isArchived, bool isFavorite, bool isTrashed, String key, String personId, String userId, bool withPartners, bool withStacked }) async
    test('test getTimeBuckets', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future restoreAssetsOld(BulkIdsDto bulkIdsDto) async
    test('test restoreAssetsOld', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future restoreTrashOld() async
    test('test restoreTrashOld', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future runAssetJobs(AssetJobsDto assetJobsDto) async
    test('test runAssetJobs', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<List<AssetResponseDto>> searchAssets({ String checksum, String city, String country, DateTime createdAfter, DateTime createdBefore, String deviceAssetId, String deviceId, String encodedVideoPath, String id, bool isArchived, bool isEncoded, bool isExternal, bool isFavorite, bool isMotion, bool isOffline, bool isReadOnly, bool isVisible, String lensModel, String libraryId, String make, String model, AssetOrder order, String originalFileName, String originalPath, num page, String resizePath, num size, String state, DateTime takenAfter, DateTime takenBefore, DateTime trashedAfter, DateTime trashedBefore, AssetTypeEnum type, DateTime updatedAfter, DateTime updatedBefore, String webpPath, bool withDeleted, bool withExif, bool withPeople, bool withStacked }) async
    test('test searchAssets', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<MultipartFile> serveFile(String id, { bool isThumb, bool isWeb, String key }) async
    test('test serveFile', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<AssetResponseDto> updateAsset(String id, UpdateAssetDto updateAssetDto) async
    test('test updateAsset', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future updateAssets(AssetBulkUpdateDto assetBulkUpdateDto) async
    test('test updateAssets', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future updateStackParent(UpdateStackParentDto updateStackParentDto) async
    test('test updateStackParent', () async {
      // TODO

    //Future<AssetFileUploadResponseDto> uploadFile(MultipartFile assetData, String deviceAssetId, String deviceId, DateTime fileCreatedAt, DateTime fileModifiedAt, { String key, String duration, bool isArchived, bool isExternal, bool isFavorite, bool isOffline, bool isReadOnly, bool isVisible, String libraryId, MultipartFile livePhotoData, MultipartFile sidecarData }) async
    test('test uploadFile', () async {
      // TODO
