import { ArgumentMetadata, BadRequestException, FileValidator, Injectable, ParseUUIDPipe, applyDecorators, } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ApiProperty } from '@nestjs/swagger'; import { Transform } from 'class-transformer'; import { IsArray, IsBoolean, IsDate, IsNotEmpty, IsOptional, IsString, IsUUID, Validate, ValidateBy, ValidateIf, ValidationOptions, ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface, buildMessage, isDateString, } from 'class-validator'; import { CronJob } from 'cron'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import sanitize from 'sanitize-filename'; import { isIP, isIPRange } from 'validator'; @Injectable() export class ParseMeUUIDPipe extends ParseUUIDPipe { async transform(value: string, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) { if (value == 'me') { return value; } return super.transform(value, metadata); } } @Injectable() export class FileNotEmptyValidator extends FileValidator { constructor(private requiredFields: string[]) { super({}); this.requiredFields = requiredFields; } isValid(files?: any): boolean { if (!files) { return false; } return this.requiredFields.every((field) => files[field]); } buildErrorMessage(): string { return `Field(s) ${this.requiredFields.join(', ')} should not be empty`; } } export class UUIDParamDto { @IsNotEmpty() @IsUUID('4') @ApiProperty({ format: 'uuid' }) id!: string; } export interface OptionalOptions extends ValidationOptions { nullable?: boolean; /** convert empty strings to null */ emptyToNull?: boolean; } /** * Checks if value is missing and if so, ignores all validators. * * @param validationOptions {@link OptionalOptions} * * @see IsOptional exported from `class-validator. */ // export function Optional({ nullable, emptyToNull, ...validationOptions }: OptionalOptions = {}) { const decorators: PropertyDecorator[] = []; if (nullable === true) { decorators.push(IsOptional(validationOptions)); } else { decorators.push(ValidateIf((object: any, v: any) => v !== undefined, validationOptions)); } if (emptyToNull) { decorators.push(Transform(({ value }) => (value === '' ? null : value))); } return applyDecorators(...decorators); } type UUIDOptions = { optional?: boolean; each?: boolean; nullable?: boolean }; export const ValidateUUID = (options?: UUIDOptions) => { const { optional, each, nullable } = { optional: false, each: false, nullable: false, ...options }; return applyDecorators( IsUUID('4', { each }), ApiProperty({ format: 'uuid' }), optional ? Optional({ nullable }) : IsNotEmpty(), each ? IsArray() : IsString(), ); }; type DateOptions = { optional?: boolean; nullable?: boolean; format?: 'date' | 'date-time' }; export const ValidateDate = (options?: DateOptions) => { const { optional, nullable, format } = { optional: false, nullable: false, format: 'date-time', ...options }; const decorators = [ ApiProperty({ format }), IsDate(), optional ? Optional({ nullable: true }) : IsNotEmpty(), Transform(({ key, value }) => { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return value; } if (!isDateString(value)) { throw new BadRequestException(`${key} must be a date string`); } return new Date(value as string); }), ]; if (optional) { decorators.push(Optional({ nullable })); } return applyDecorators(...decorators); }; type BooleanOptions = { optional?: boolean }; export const ValidateBoolean = (options?: BooleanOptions) => { const { optional } = { optional: false, ...options }; const decorators = [ // ApiProperty(), IsBoolean(), Transform(({ value }) => { if (value == 'true') { return true; } else if (value == 'false') { return false; } return value; }), ]; if (optional) { decorators.push(Optional()); } return applyDecorators(...decorators); }; @ValidatorConstraint({ name: 'cronValidator' }) class CronValidator implements ValidatorConstraintInterface { validate(expression: string): boolean { try { new CronJob(expression, () => {}); return true; } catch { return false; } } } export const IsCronExpression = () => Validate(CronValidator, { message: 'Invalid cron expression' }); type IValue = { value: unknown }; export const toEmail = ({ value }: IValue) => (typeof value === 'string' ? value.toLowerCase() : value); export const toSanitized = ({ value }: IValue) => { const input = typeof value === 'string' ? value : ''; return sanitize(input.replaceAll('.', '')); }; export const isValidInteger = (value: number, options: { min?: number; max?: number }): value is number => { const { min = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } = options; return Number.isInteger(value) && value >= min && value <= max; }; export function isDateStringFormat(value: unknown, format: string) { if (typeof value !== 'string') { return false; } return DateTime.fromFormat(value, format, { zone: 'utc' }).isValid; } export function IsDateStringFormat(format: string, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions) { return ValidateBy( { name: 'isDateStringFormat', constraints: [format], validator: { validate(value: unknown) { return isDateStringFormat(value, format); }, defaultMessage: () => `$property must be a string in the format ${format}`, }, }, validationOptions, ); } function maxDate(date: DateTime, maxDate: DateTime | (() => DateTime)) { return date <= (maxDate instanceof DateTime ? maxDate : maxDate()); } export function MaxDateString( date: DateTime | (() => DateTime), validationOptions?: ValidationOptions, ): PropertyDecorator { return ValidateBy( { name: 'maxDateString', constraints: [date], validator: { validate: (value, args) => { const date = DateTime.fromISO(value, { zone: 'utc' }); return maxDate(date, args?.constraints[0]); }, defaultMessage: buildMessage( (eachPrefix) => 'maximal allowed date for ' + eachPrefix + '$property is $constraint1', validationOptions, ), }, }, validationOptions, ); } type IsIPRangeOptions = { requireCIDR?: boolean }; export function IsIPRange(options: IsIPRangeOptions, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions): PropertyDecorator { const { requireCIDR } = { requireCIDR: true, ...options }; return ValidateBy( { name: 'isIPRange', validator: { validate: (value): boolean => { if (isIPRange(value)) { return true; } if (!requireCIDR && isIP(value)) { return true; } return false; }, defaultMessage: buildMessage( (eachPrefix) => eachPrefix + '$property must be an ip address, or ip address range', validationOptions, ), }, }, validationOptions, ); }