import { ImmichTelemetry } from 'src/enum'; import { clearEnvCache, ConfigRepository } from 'src/repositories/config.repository'; const getEnv = () => { clearEnvCache(); return new ConfigRepository().getEnv(); }; const resetEnv = () => { for (const env of [ 'IMMICH_ENV', 'IMMICH_WORKERS_INCLUDE', 'IMMICH_WORKERS_EXCLUDE', 'IMMICH_TRUSTED_PROXIES', 'IMMICH_API_METRICS_PORT', 'IMMICH_MICROSERVICES_METRICS_PORT', 'IMMICH_TELEMETRY_INCLUDE', 'IMMICH_TELEMETRY_EXCLUDE', 'DB_URL', 'DB_HOSTNAME', 'DB_PORT', 'DB_USERNAME', 'DB_PASSWORD', 'DB_DATABASE_NAME', 'DB_SKIP_MIGRATIONS', 'DB_VECTOR_EXTENSION', 'REDIS_HOSTNAME', 'REDIS_PORT', 'REDIS_DBINDEX', 'REDIS_USERNAME', 'REDIS_PASSWORD', 'REDIS_SOCKET', 'REDIS_URL', 'NO_COLOR', ]) { delete process.env[env]; } }; const sentinelConfig = { sentinels: [ { host: 'redis-sentinel-node-0', port: 26_379, }, { host: 'redis-sentinel-node-1', port: 26_379, }, { host: 'redis-sentinel-node-2', port: 26_379, }, ], name: 'redis-sentinel', }; describe('getEnv', () => { beforeEach(() => { resetEnv(); }); it('should use defaults', () => { const config = getEnv(); expect(config).toMatchObject({ host: undefined, port: 2283, environment: 'production', configFile: undefined, logLevel: undefined, }); }); describe('database', () => { it('should use defaults', () => { const { database } = getEnv(); expect(database).toEqual({ config: expect.objectContaining({ type: 'postgres', host: 'database', port: 5432, database: 'immich', username: 'postgres', password: 'postgres', }), skipMigrations: false, vectorExtension: 'vectors', }); }); it('should allow skipping migrations', () => { process.env.DB_SKIP_MIGRATIONS = 'true'; const { database } = getEnv(); expect(database).toMatchObject({ skipMigrations: true }); }); }); describe('redis', () => { it('should use defaults', () => { const { redis } = getEnv(); expect(redis).toEqual({ host: 'redis', port: 6379, db: 0, username: undefined, password: undefined, path: undefined, }); }); it('should parse base64 encoded config, ignore other env', () => { process.env.REDIS_URL = `ioredis://${Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(sentinelConfig)).toString('base64')}`; process.env.REDIS_HOSTNAME = 'redis-host'; process.env.REDIS_USERNAME = 'redis-user'; process.env.REDIS_PASSWORD = 'redis-password'; const { redis } = getEnv(); expect(redis).toEqual(sentinelConfig); }); it('should reject invalid json', () => { process.env.REDIS_URL = `ioredis://${Buffer.from('{ "invalid json"').toString('base64')}`; expect(() => getEnv()).toThrowError('Failed to decode redis options'); }); }); describe('noColor', () => { beforeEach(() => { delete process.env.NO_COLOR; }); it('should default noColor to false', () => { const { noColor } = getEnv(); expect(noColor).toBe(false); }); it('should map NO_COLOR=1 to true', () => { process.env.NO_COLOR = '1'; const { noColor } = getEnv(); expect(noColor).toBe(true); }); it('should map NO_COLOR=true to true', () => { process.env.NO_COLOR = 'true'; const { noColor } = getEnv(); expect(noColor).toBe(true); }); }); describe('workers', () => { it('should return default workers', () => { const { workers } = getEnv(); expect(workers).toEqual(['api', 'microservices']); }); it('should return included workers', () => { process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_INCLUDE = 'api'; const { workers } = getEnv(); expect(workers).toEqual(['api']); }); it('should excluded workers from defaults', () => { process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_EXCLUDE = 'api'; const { workers } = getEnv(); expect(workers).toEqual(['microservices']); }); it('should exclude workers from include list', () => { process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_INCLUDE = 'api,microservices,randomservice'; process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_EXCLUDE = 'randomservice,microservices'; const { workers } = getEnv(); expect(workers).toEqual(['api']); }); it('should remove whitespace from included workers before parsing', () => { process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_INCLUDE = 'api, microservices'; const { workers } = getEnv(); expect(workers).toEqual(['api', 'microservices']); }); it('should remove whitespace from excluded workers before parsing', () => { process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_EXCLUDE = 'api, microservices'; const { workers } = getEnv(); expect(workers).toEqual([]); }); it('should remove whitespace from included and excluded workers before parsing', () => { process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_INCLUDE = 'api, microservices, randomservice,randomservice2'; process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_EXCLUDE = 'randomservice,microservices, randomservice2'; const { workers } = getEnv(); expect(workers).toEqual(['api']); }); it('should throw error for invalid workers', () => { process.env.IMMICH_WORKERS_INCLUDE = 'api,microservices,randomservice'; expect(getEnv).toThrowError('Invalid worker(s) found: api,microservices,randomservice'); }); }); describe('network', () => { it('should return default network options', () => { const { network } = getEnv(); expect(network).toEqual({ trustedProxies: [], }); }); it('should parse trusted proxies', () => { process.env.IMMICH_TRUSTED_PROXIES = ',,'; const { network } = getEnv(); expect(network).toEqual({ trustedProxies: ['', '', ''], }); }); it('should reject invalid trusted proxies', () => { process.env.IMMICH_TRUSTED_PROXIES = '10.1'; expect(() => getEnv()).toThrowError('Invalid environment variables: IMMICH_TRUSTED_PROXIES'); }); }); describe('telemetry', () => { it('should have default values', () => { const { telemetry } = getEnv(); expect(telemetry).toEqual({ apiPort: 8081, microservicesPort: 8082, metrics: new Set([]), }); }); it('should parse custom ports', () => { process.env.IMMICH_API_METRICS_PORT = '2001'; process.env.IMMICH_MICROSERVICES_METRICS_PORT = '2002'; const { telemetry } = getEnv(); expect(telemetry).toMatchObject({ apiPort: 2001, microservicesPort: 2002, metrics: expect.any(Set), }); }); it('should run with telemetry enabled', () => { process.env.IMMICH_TELEMETRY_INCLUDE = 'all'; const { telemetry } = getEnv(); expect(telemetry.metrics).toEqual(new Set(Object.values(ImmichTelemetry))); }); it('should run with telemetry enabled and jobs disabled', () => { process.env.IMMICH_TELEMETRY_INCLUDE = 'all'; process.env.IMMICH_TELEMETRY_EXCLUDE = 'job'; const { telemetry } = getEnv(); expect(telemetry.metrics).toEqual( new Set([ImmichTelemetry.API, ImmichTelemetry.HOST, ImmichTelemetry.IO, ImmichTelemetry.REPO]), ); }); it('should run with specific telemetry metrics', () => { process.env.IMMICH_TELEMETRY_INCLUDE = 'io, host, api'; const { telemetry } = getEnv(); expect(telemetry.metrics).toEqual(new Set([ImmichTelemetry.API, ImmichTelemetry.HOST, ImmichTelemetry.IO])); }); }); });