import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:fluttertoast/fluttertoast.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/asset_extensions.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/build_context_extensions.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/asset.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/asset.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/services/asset.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/services/share.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/common/date_time_picker.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/common/immich_toast.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/common/location_picker.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/common/share_dialog.dart'; import 'package:maplibre_gl/maplibre_gl.dart'; void handleShareAssets( WidgetRef ref, BuildContext context, Iterable selection, ) { showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext buildContext) { ref .watch(shareServiceProvider) .shareAssets(selection.toList(), context) .then( (bool status) { if (!status) { context: context, msg: 'image_viewer_page_state_provider_share_error'.tr(), toastType: ToastType.error, gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, ); } buildContext.pop(); }, ); return const ShareDialog(); }, barrierDismissible: false, ); } Future handleArchiveAssets( WidgetRef ref, BuildContext context, List selection, { bool? shouldArchive, ToastGravity toastGravity = ToastGravity.BOTTOM, }) async { if (selection.isNotEmpty) { shouldArchive ??= !selection.every((a) => a.isArchived); await ref .read(assetProvider.notifier) .toggleArchive(selection, shouldArchive); final assetOrAssets = selection.length > 1 ? 'assets' : 'asset'; final archiveOrLibrary = shouldArchive ? 'archive' : 'library'; if (context.mounted) { context: context, msg: 'Moved ${selection.length} $assetOrAssets to $archiveOrLibrary', gravity: toastGravity, ); } } } Future handleFavoriteAssets( WidgetRef ref, BuildContext context, List selection, { bool? shouldFavorite, ToastGravity toastGravity = ToastGravity.BOTTOM, }) async { if (selection.isNotEmpty) { shouldFavorite ??= !selection.every((a) => a.isFavorite); await ref .watch(assetProvider.notifier) .toggleFavorite(selection, shouldFavorite); final assetOrAssets = selection.length > 1 ? 'assets' : 'asset'; final toastMessage = shouldFavorite ? 'Added ${selection.length} $assetOrAssets to favorites' : 'Removed ${selection.length} $assetOrAssets from favorites'; if (context.mounted) { context: context, msg: toastMessage, gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, ); } } } Future handleEditDateTime( WidgetRef ref, BuildContext context, List selection, ) async { DateTime? initialDate; String? timeZone; Duration? offset; if (selection.length == 1) { final asset = selection.first; final assetWithExif = await; final (dt, oft) = assetWithExif.getTZAdjustedTimeAndOffset(); initialDate = dt; offset = oft; timeZone = assetWithExif.exifInfo?.timeZone; } final dateTime = await showDateTimePicker( context: context, initialDateTime: initialDate, initialTZ: timeZone, initialTZOffset: offset, ); if (dateTime == null) { return; }, dateTime); } Future handleEditLocation( WidgetRef ref, BuildContext context, List selection, ) async { LatLng? initialLatLng; if (selection.length == 1) { final asset = selection.first; final assetWithExif = await; if (assetWithExif.exifInfo?.latitude != null && assetWithExif.exifInfo?.longitude != null) { initialLatLng = LatLng( assetWithExif.exifInfo!.latitude!, assetWithExif.exifInfo!.longitude!, ); } } final location = await showLocationPicker( context: context, initialLatLng: initialLatLng, ); if (location == null) { return; }, location); }