import 'dart:io'; import 'package:device_info_plus/device_info_plus.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart'; class GalleryPermissionNotifier extends StateNotifier<PermissionStatus> { GalleryPermissionNotifier() : super(PermissionStatus.denied) // Denied is the intitial state { // Sets the initial state getGalleryPermissionStatus(); } get hasPermission => state.isGranted || state.isLimited; /// Requests the gallery permission Future<PermissionStatus> requestGalleryPermission() async { PermissionStatus result; // Android 32 and below uses if (Platform.isAndroid) { final androidInfo = await DeviceInfoPlugin().androidInfo; if (androidInfo.version.sdkInt <= 32) { // Android 32 and below need storage final permission = await; result = permission; } else { // Android 33 need photo & video final photos = await; if (!photos.isGranted) { // Don't ask twice for the same permission state = photos; return photos; } final videos = await Permission.videos.request(); // Return the joint result of those two permissions final PermissionStatus status; if (photos.isGranted && videos.isGranted) { status = PermissionStatus.granted; } else if (photos.isDenied || videos.isDenied) { status = PermissionStatus.denied; } else if (photos.isPermanentlyDenied || videos.isPermanentlyDenied) { status = PermissionStatus.permanentlyDenied; } else { status = PermissionStatus.denied; } result = status; } if (result == PermissionStatus.granted && androidInfo.version.sdkInt >= 29) { result = await Permission.accessMediaLocation.request(); } } else { // iOS can use photos final photos = await; result = photos; } state = result; return result; } /// Checks the current state of the gallery permissions without /// requesting them again Future<PermissionStatus> getGalleryPermissionStatus() async { PermissionStatus result; // Android 32 and below uses if (Platform.isAndroid) { final androidInfo = await DeviceInfoPlugin().androidInfo; if (androidInfo.version.sdkInt <= 32) { // Android 32 and below need storage final permission = await; result = permission; } else { // Android 33 needs photo & video final photos = await; final videos = await Permission.videos.status; // Return the joint result of those two permissions final PermissionStatus status; if (photos.isGranted && videos.isGranted) { status = PermissionStatus.granted; } else if (photos.isDenied || videos.isDenied) { status = PermissionStatus.denied; } else if (photos.isPermanentlyDenied || videos.isPermanentlyDenied) { status = PermissionStatus.permanentlyDenied; } else { status = PermissionStatus.denied; } result = status; } if (state == PermissionStatus.granted && androidInfo.version.sdkInt >= 29) { result = await Permission.accessMediaLocation.status; } } else { // iOS can use photos final photos = await; result = photos; } state = result; return result; } } final galleryPermissionNotifier = StateNotifierProvider<GalleryPermissionNotifier, PermissionStatus>( (ref) => GalleryPermissionNotifier(), );