* Added album page
* Refactor sidebar
* Added album assets count info
* Added album viewer page
* Refactor album sorting
* Fixed incorrectly showing selected asset in album selection
* Improve fetching speed with prefetch
* Refactor to use ImmichThubmnail component for all
* Update to the latest version of Svelte
* Implement fixed app bar in album viewer
* Added shared user avatar
* Correctly get all owned albums, including shared
* Deprecate login scenarios that support pre-web era
* refactor and simplify setup
* Added user info to change password form
* change isFistLogin column to shouldChangePassword
* Implemented change user password
* Implement the change password page for mobile
* Change label
* Added changes log and up minor version
* Fixed typo in the release note
* Up server version
* Added file selector
* Extract metadata to upload files to the web
* Added request for uploading
* Generate jpeg/Webp thumbnail for asset uploaded without thumbnail data
* Added generating thumbnail for video and WebSocket broadcast after thumbnail is generated
* Added video length extraction
* Added Uploading Panel
* Added upload progress store and styling the uploaded asset
* Added condition to only show upload panel when there is upload in progress
* Remove asset from the upload list after successfully uploading
* Added WebSocket to listen to upload event on the web
* Added mechanism to check for existing assets before uploading on the web
* Added test workflow
* Update readme