mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00
chore: Remove donation info from readme_i18n (#9225)
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 0 additions and 217 deletions
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
- [Introduction](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Introduction](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Installation](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Installation](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Contribution Guidelines](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Contribution Guidelines](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Support The Project](#support-the-project)
## Documentation
## Documentation
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
- [Introducció](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Introducció](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Instal·lació](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Instal·lació](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Directrius de contribució](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Directrius de contribució](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Donar suport al projecte](#suportar-el-projecte)
## Documentació
## Documentació
@ -96,20 +95,3 @@ Spec: Free-tier Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CPU, 24GB RAM
| Records (fa x anys) | Sí | Sí |
| Records (fa x anys) | Sí | Sí |
| Suport fora de línia | Sí | No |
| Suport fora de línia | Sí | No |
| Galeria de només lectura | Sí | Sí |
| Galeria de només lectura | Sí | Sí |
# Donar suport al projecte
M'he compromès amb aquest projecte i no em detindré. Continuaré actualitzant la documentació, afegint noves funcionalitats i solucionant errors. Però no ho puc fer sol. Per això, necessito la vostra ajuda per donar-me motivació addicional per seguir endavant.
Com van dir els nostres amfitrions a l'episodi [selfhosted.show - 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418), això és una tasca enorme del que l'equip i jo estem fent. I m'encantaria poder dedicar-m'hi a temps complet, per la qual cosa us demano la vostra ajuda per fer-ho possible.
Si creieu que aquesta és una causa justa i l'aplicació és alguna cosa que us veieu utilitzant durant molt de temps, considereu donar suport al projecte amb alguna de les opcions següents.
## Donació
- [Donació mensual](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) a través de GitHub Sponsors
- [Donació única](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) a través de GitHub Sponsors
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
- [Einführung](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Einführung](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Installation](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Installation](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Beitragsrichtlinien](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Beitragsrichtlinien](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Unterstütze das Projekt](#unterstütze-das-projekt)
## Dokumentation
## Dokumentation
@ -100,23 +99,6 @@ Spec: Free-tier Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CPU, 24GB RAM
| Schreibgeschützte Gallerie | Ja | Ja |
| Schreibgeschützte Gallerie | Ja | Ja |
| Gestapelte Bilder | Ja | Ja |
| Gestapelte Bilder | Ja | Ja |
## Unterstütze das Projekt
Ich habe mich diesem Projekt verpflichtet und werde nicht aufgeben. Ich werde die Dokumentation weiter aktualisieren, neue Funktionen hinzufügen und Fehler beheben. Allerdings kann ich das nicht alleine schaffen. Daher brauche ich Eure Unterstützung, um mir zusätzliche Motivation zu geben, weiterzumachen.
Wie unsere Gastgeber in der [selfhosted.show - In der Episode 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418) gesagt haben, ist dies ein riesiges Unterfangen, welchem das Team und ich uns annehmen. In Zukunft würde ich liebend gerne Vollzeit an dem Projekt arbeiten und bitte daher um Eure Unterstützung.
Wenn Du denkst, dass dies die richtige Sache ist und dich selbst die App für eine längere Zeit nutzen siehst, dann denke bitte darüber nach, das Projekt mit einer der unten aufgelisteten Optionen zu unterstützen.
### Spenden
- [Monatliche Spende](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Einmalige Spende](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=immich-app) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
## Mitwirkende
## Mitwirkende
<a href="https://github.com/alextran1502/immich/graphs/contributors">
<a href="https://github.com/alextran1502/immich/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=immich-app/immich" width="100%"/>
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=immich-app/immich" width="100%"/>
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
- [Introducción](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Introducción](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Instalación](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Instalación](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Directrices para contribuir](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Directrices para contribuir](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Apoya el proyecto](#support-the-project)
## Documentación
## Documentación
@ -97,20 +96,3 @@ Especificaciones: VM de nivel gratuito de Oracle - Ámsterdam - CPU ARM64 de cua
| Recuerdos (hace x años) | Sí | Sí |
| Recuerdos (hace x años) | Sí | Sí |
| Soporte sin conexión | Sí | No |
| Soporte sin conexión | Sí | No |
| Galería de solo lectura | Sí | Sí |
| Galería de solo lectura | Sí | Sí |
## Apoya el proyecto
Me he comprometido con este proyecto, y no me detendré. Continuaré actualizando la documentación, agregando nuevas funcionalidades y corrigiendo errores. Pero no puedo hacerlo solo. Por eso, necesito tu ayuda para darme una motivación adicional para seguir adelante.
Como dijeron nuestros anfitriones en [selfhosted.show - En el episodio 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418), esto es una gran tarea de lo que el equipo y yo estamos haciendo. Y me encantaría poder dedicarme a esto a tiempo completo algún día, así que te pido tu ayuda para que eso sea posible.
Si consideras que esta es una causa justa y la aplicación es algo que te gustaría usar durante mucho tiempo, por favor, considera apoyar el proyecto con las siguientes opciones.
## Donación
- [Donación mensual](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) a través de GitHub Sponsors
- [Donación única](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) a través de GitHub Sponsors
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
- [Introduction](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Introduction](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Installation](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Installation](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Contribution](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Contribution](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Soutenir le projet](#support-the-project)
## Documentation
## Documentation
@ -98,20 +97,3 @@ Caractéristiques: Plan gratuit Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quatre-cœurs ARM
| Souvenirs (il y a x années) | Oui | Oui |
| Souvenirs (il y a x années) | Oui | Oui |
| Support hors-ligne | Oui | Non |
| Support hors-ligne | Oui | Non |
| Gallerie en lecture seule | Oui | Oui |
| Gallerie en lecture seule | Oui | Oui |
# Soutenir le projet
Je me suis engagé sur ce projet, et je ne compte pas m'arrêter. Je continuerai à mettre à jour les documentations, d'ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités et de résoudre des bugs. Mais je ne peux pas faire cela seul. Donc j'ai besoin de votre aide pour me donner encore plus de motivation et ainsi continuer.
Comme l'ont dit nos hôtes dans le [selfhosted.show - Dans l'épisode 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418), c'est un travail colossal ce que l'équipe et moi faisons. J'aimerais un jour être capable de faire ça à temps plein, c'est pourquoi je vous demande votre aide pour rendre cela possible.
Si vous estimez que c'est pour la bonne cause et que vous prévoyez d'utiliser l'application pour un moment, s'il-vous-plaît, pensez à soutenir le projet avec les moyens ci-dessous.
## Donation
- [Donation mensuelle](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Donation occasionnelle](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
- [Introduzione](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Introduzione](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Installazione](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Installazione](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Linee Guida per Contribuire](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Linee Guida per Contribuire](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Supporta il Progetto](#support-the-project)
## Documentazione
## Documentazione
@ -99,20 +98,3 @@ Spec: Free-tier Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CPU, 24GB RAM
| Supporto offline | Sì | No |
| Supporto offline | Sì | No |
| Galleria sola lettura | Sì | Sì |
| Galleria sola lettura | Sì | Sì |
| Foto raggruppate | Sì | Sì |
| Foto raggruppate | Sì | Sì |
# Supporta il progetto
Mi dedico al progetto e non smetterò di farlo. Manterrò aggiornata la documentazione, aggiungerò nuove funzioni e risolverò i bug, ma non posso farlo da solo. Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto che mi da motivazione per continuare.
Come detto dal nostro host [selfhosted.show - Nell'episodio 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418), quello che il team ed io stiamo facendo è un lavoro enorme. Mi piacerebbe dedicarmi al progetto full-time e chiedo il tuo aiuto affinchè sia possibile.
Se pensi che Immich sia una buona causa e che l'app sia qualcosa che useresti nel lungo termine, sappi che puoi supportare il progetto scegliendo tra le opzioni sotto elencate.
## Donazioni
- [Donazione mensile](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) tramite GitHub Sponsors
- [Donazione una tantum](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) tramite GitHub Sponsors
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
- [紹介](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [紹介](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [インストール](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [インストール](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [コントリビューションガイド](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [コントリビューションガイド](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [プロジェクトのサポート](#プロジェクトのサポート)
## ドキュメント
## ドキュメント
@ -98,19 +97,3 @@ Spec: Free-tier Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CPU, 24GB RAM
| 思い出(x 年前) | はい | はい |
| 思い出(x 年前) | はい | はい |
| オフラインサポート | はい | いいえ |
| オフラインサポート | はい | いいえ |
| 読み取り専用ギャラリー | はい | はい |
| 読み取り専用ギャラリー | はい | はい |
# プロジェクトのサポート
[selfhosted.show - In the episode 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418) のホストが言ったように、これはチームと私がやっていることの大規模な事業だ。そしていつの日か、フルタイムでこの仕事ができるようになりたいと思っています。
## 寄付
- GitHub スポンサー経由の[毎月の寄付](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app)
- GitHub スポンサー経由の[一回寄付](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502)
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
- [소개](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [소개](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [설치](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [설치](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [기여 가이드](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [기여 가이드](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [프로젝트 지원](#support-the-project)
## 문서
## 문서
@ -99,20 +98,3 @@ password: demo
| 오프라인 지원 | 예 | 아니요 |
| 오프라인 지원 | 예 | 아니요 |
| 읽기 전용 갤러리 | 예 | 예 |
| 읽기 전용 갤러리 | 예 | 예 |
| 사진 스택 | 예 | 예 |
| 사진 스택 | 예 | 예 |
## 프로젝트 지원
저는 이 프로젝트에 전념해왔고, 앞으로도 멈추지 않을 것입니다. 문서를 업데이트하고, 새로운 기능을 추가하고, 버그를 수정하려 합니다. 하지만 혼자서는 할 수 없습니다. 계속해서 나아갈 수 있는 추가적인 동기부여를 위해 당신의 도움이 필요합니다.
[selfhosted.show - In the episode 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418) 진행자가 말했듯이, 우리가 하고 있는 것은 대규모 프로젝트입니다. 언젠가는 이 일을 풀타임으로 하는 것을 희망하며, 이를 실현하기 위해 당신의 도움이 필요합니다.
만약 이에 동의하거나 이 앱을 장기간 사용하고자 한다면, 아래의 수단을 통해 이 프로젝트를 지원해 주세요.
### 후원
- GitHub 스폰서를 통한 [정기 후원](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app)
- GitHub 스폰서를 통한 [일시 후원](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502)
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
- [Introductie](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Introductie](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Installatie](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Installatie](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Richtlijnen voor bijdragen](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Richtlijnen voor bijdragen](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Steun het project](#steun-het-project)
## Documentatie
## Documentatie
@ -98,20 +97,3 @@ Spec: Free-tier Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CPU, 24GB RAM
| Herinneringen (x jaar geleden) | Ja | Ja |
| Herinneringen (x jaar geleden) | Ja | Ja |
| Offline-ondersteuning | Ja | Nee |
| Offline-ondersteuning | Ja | Nee |
| Alleen-lezen galerij | Ja | Ja |
| Alleen-lezen galerij | Ja | Ja |
# Steun het project
Ik ben trouw aan dit project en ik zal niet stoppen. Ik zal de documenten blijven bijwerken, nieuwe functies toevoegen en bugs oplossen. Maar ik kan het niet alleen. Ik heb dus jouw hulp nodig om mij extra motivatie te geven om door te gaan.
Als onze gastheren in de [selfhosted.show - In de aflevering 'The-organization-must-Neet-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418) zeiden, dit is een enorme onderneming van wat het team en ik doen. En ik zou dit graag fulltime willen doen, ik vraag jouw hulp om dat mogelijk te maken.
Als je denkt dat dit het juiste doel is en de app iets is dat je jezelf al heel lang ziet gebruiken, overweeg dan om het project te steunen met de onderstaande optie.
## Doneren
- [Maandelijkse donatie](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Eenmalige donatie](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
- [Introdução](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Introdução](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Instalação](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Instalação](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Diretrizes de Contribuição](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Diretrizes de Contribuição](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Apoie o Projeto](#support-the-project)
## Documentação
## Documentação
@ -107,23 +106,6 @@ Especificações: Nível Gratuito da Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core AR
| Galeria em modo apenas leitura | Sim | Sim |
| Galeria em modo apenas leitura | Sim | Sim |
| Empilhamento de fotos | Sim | Sim |
| Empilhamento de fotos | Sim | Sim |
## Apoie o Projeto
Comprometi-me com este projeto, e não vou parar. Continuarei atualizando a documentação, adicionando novos recursos e corrigindo bugs. Mas não posso fazer isso sozinho. Então, preciso da sua ajuda para me fornecer motivação adicional para continuar.
Como nossos anfitriões no [selfhosted.show - No episódio 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418) disseram, isso é uma empreitada massiva do que a equipe e eu estamos fazendo. E eu adoraria, algum dia, poder dedicar-me integralmente a esse projeto, e estou pedindo a sua ajuda para tornar isso possível.
Se você acredita que esta é a causa certa e que o aplicativo é algo que você pretende usar por um longo tempo, por favor, considere apoiar o projeto através de uma das opções abaixo.
### Doação
- [Doação recorrente mensal](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Doação única](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
## Contribuidores
## Contribuidores
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@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
- [Введение](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Введение](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Инсталяция](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Инсталяция](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Гайд по доработке проекта](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Гайд по доработке проекта](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Поддержки проект](#support-the-project)
## Документация
## Документация
@ -101,24 +100,6 @@ Spec: Free-tier Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CPU, 24GB RAM
| Галлереи только для просмотра | Да | Да |
| Галлереи только для просмотра | Да | Да |
| Колллажи | Да | Да |
| Колллажи | Да | Да |
## Поддержка проекта
Я посвятил себя этому проекту и не остановлюсь. Я буду продолжать обновлять документацию, добавлять новые функции и исправлять ошибки. Но я не могу сделать это один. Поэтому мне нужна ваша помощь, чтобы дать мне дополнительную мотивацию продолжать идти дальше.
Как сказали наши покровители [selfhosted.show - In the episode 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418), это масштабная работа, которую мы с командой делаем. И мне бы очень хотелось когда-нибудь иметь возможность заниматься этим на постоянной основе, и я прошу вашей помощи, чтобы это произошло.
Если вы считаете, что это правильная причина и вы уже давно используете это приложение, рассмотрите возможность финансовой поддержки проекта, выбрав вариант ниже.
### Пожертвование
- [Ежемесячное пожертвование](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Одноразовое пожертвование](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
## Авторы
## Авторы
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<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=immich-app/immich" width="100%"/>
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
- [Giriş](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Giriş](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [Kurulum](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Kurulum](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [Katkı Sağlama Rehberi](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Katkı Sağlama Rehberi](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [Projeyi Destekle](#projeyi-destekle)
## Belgeler
## Belgeler
@ -95,20 +94,3 @@ Server Özellikleri: Free-tier Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CP
| Partner paylaşımı | Evet | Evet |
| Partner paylaşımı | Evet | Evet |
| Yüz tanıma ve kümeleme | Hayır | Evet |
| Yüz tanıma ve kümeleme | Hayır | Evet |
| Çevrimdışı destek | Evet | Hayır|
| Çevrimdışı destek | Evet | Hayır|
# Projeyi Destekle
Bu projeye bağlı kaldım ve durmayacağım. Belgeleri güncellemeye, yeni özellikler eklemeye ve hataları düzeltmeye devam edeceğim. Ancak bunu tek başıma yapamam. Bu yüzden devam etme konusunda bana motivasyon sağlamanız için yardımınıza ihtiyacım var.
[selfhosted.show - In the episode 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418) bölümünde söylendiği üzere,bu projede takımımın ve benim projeye harcadağımız büyük bir çaba var. Bir gün bunu tam zamanlı olarak yapabilmeyi çok isterim. Bunu gerçekleştirebilmek için gerçekten sizlerin desteğine ihtiyacım var.
Eğer bu size doğru bir amaç gibi geliyorsa ve uygulamanın uzun bir süre boyunca kullanacağınız bir şey olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, aşağıdaki bağlantılardan birini kullanarak bana destek olabilirsiniz.
## Bağış
- [Aylık bağış](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Bir seferlik bağış](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) via GitHub Sponsors
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- Bitcoin: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
- [介绍](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [介绍](https://immich.app/docs/overview/introduction)
- [安装](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [安装](https://immich.app/docs/install/requirements)
- [贡献指南](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [贡献指南](https://immich.app/docs/overview/support-the-project)
- [支持本项目](#支持本项目)
## 官方文档
## 官方文档
@ -111,23 +110,6 @@
| 只读相册 | 是 | 是 |
| 只读相册 | 是 | 是 |
| 照片堆叠 | 是 | 是 |
| 照片堆叠 | 是 | 是 |
# 支持本项目
就像我在 [selfhosted.show - In the episode 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418) 节目里说的一样,这是我和团队的一项艰巨任务。并且我希望某一天我能够全职开发本项目,在此我请求您能够助我梦想成真。
## 捐赠
- 通过 GitHub Sponsors [按月捐赠](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app)
- 通过 Github Sponsors [单次捐赠](https://github.com/sponsors/immich-app?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502)
- [Librepay](https://liberapay.com/alex.tran1502/)
- [buymeacoffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/altran1502)
- 比特币: 3QVAb9dCHutquVejeNXitPqZX26Yg5kxb7
- ZCash: u1smm4wvqegcp46zss2jf5xptchgeczp4rx7a0wu3mermf2wxahm26yyz5w9mw3f2p4emwlljxjumg774kgs8rntt9yags0whnzane4n67z4c7gppq4yyvcj404ne3r769prwzd9j8ntvqp44fa6d67sf7rmcfjmds3gmeceff4u8e92rh38nd30cr96xw6vfhk6scu4ws90ldzupr3sz
## 贡献者
## 贡献者
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