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synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00
chore(web): update translations (#11758)
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ar/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/cs/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/da/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/en_devel/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/et/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fa/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/he/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/hr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/hu/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/id/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ko/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/lt/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/mn/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/nl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/pl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/pt/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/pt_BR/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/sl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/sr_Cyrl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/sr_Latn/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/sv/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ta/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/th/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/tr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/vi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/zh_Hant/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/zh_SIMPLIFIED/ Translation: Immich/immich Co-authored-by: - <Cenciak@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Adam <adammarzec2@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo <andreas@gdamsbo.dk> Co-authored-by: André K <lordikohchang@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Bartłomiej Ruk <bartek04041993@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ben <boiben609@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Bezruchenko Simon <worcposj44@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Bilguun Ochirbat <bilguun0203@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Boštjan Kolar <bostjan.kolar@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: CanbiZ <mickey.leskowitz@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Cohinem <twitch9ofe@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Denis Pacquier <denis.pacquier@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Erik Järlestrand <erik.jarlestrand@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Fjuro <fjuro@alius.cz> Co-authored-by: Florian Ostertag <florian.kuepper@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Fredrik Ekdahl <fekdahl@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Hozoy <Zrincet@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ignas C <ignusiukas1@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Indrek Haav <IndrekHaav@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Indrek Haav <indrek.haav@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: JH <weblate@dm2.fi> Co-authored-by: Joachim Klahr <joachim@klahr.se> Co-authored-by: Jordy H <jordy@hoebergen.net> Co-authored-by: José Rodrigues <j.rodrigues.pcmedic@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Junghyuk Kwon <kwon@junghy.uk> Co-authored-by: Karthik Raja K <2001.3.12kaarthik@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Kenneth <kenneth@flugheim.no> Co-authored-by: Kristoffer Braa <kristoffer@lolandbraa.no> Co-authored-by: Leo Bottaro <github@leobottaro.com> Co-authored-by: Leo Bottaro <weblate@leobottaro.com> Co-authored-by: Lukas Hamm <ideallygrey@tuta.io> Co-authored-by: Majid <abtin.php@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Marius Kavoliunas <kavoliunas.m@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Mateusz Kędziak <matizek43@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Matteo Morari <matteo.morari04@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Michel Heusschen <59014050+michelheusschen@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Miki Mrvos <medolino2009@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: PUFF1N <frkmhyt@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Philipp66904 <philippg.pgb@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ponas <le.slab124@aleeas.com> Co-authored-by: René Dyhr <bazzo39@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Rui <rui-costa@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Runskrift <anders@rimfrost.nu> Co-authored-by: Shawn <xiaxinx@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: TheScientistPT <joao.ed.reis.gomes@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Tuomas Tornberg <tuomas.tornberg00@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Tyoda <tyoda@pm.me> Co-authored-by: Ulices <hasecilu@tuta.io> Co-authored-by: Unn Krigul <unn@arter.studio> Co-authored-by: Varga Bence Levente <varga.bence.levente@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: Vladimir Petrov (Vlado) <mr.vlado@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer@arcor.de> Co-authored-by: Xo <xocodokie@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: chapvic <victor@chapaev.org> Co-authored-by: dvbthien <dvbthien@dvbthien.onmicrosoft.com> Co-authored-by: eav5jhl0 <eav5jhl0@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: fabianosan <fabianosan2006@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es> Co-authored-by: lasharor <salih@ergezen.nl> Co-authored-by: rbasliana <rbasliana@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: rondadon <hans.murks@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: tw-easy <sinale0611@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: waclaw66 <waclaw66@seznam.cz> Co-authored-by: Вячеслав Лукьяненко <madeinchuguev@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Оргил Пүрэвдорж <orgyldinio@proton.me> Co-authored-by: 李奕寯 <eugenelego88@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
36 changed files with 2436 additions and 943 deletions
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"map_reverse_geocoding": "عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "تفعيل عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "إعدادات عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_settings": "إعدادات الخريطة",
"map_settings": "الخريطة",
"map_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات الخريطة",
"map_style_description": "عنوان URL لسمة الخريطة style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "استخراج البيانات الوصفية",
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
"user_settings": "إعدادات المستخدم",
"user_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات المستخدم",
"user_successfully_removed": "تمت إزالة المستخدم {email} بنجاح.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "تفعيل إرسال طلبات دورية إلى GitHub للتحقق من الإصدارات الجديدة",
"version_check_enabled_description": "تفعيل التحقق من الإصدارات الجديدة",
"version_check_settings": "التحقق من الإصدار",
"version_check_settings_description": "تفعيل/تعطيل الإشعار لإصدار جديد",
"video_conversion_job": "تحويل أشرطة الفيديو",
@ -336,7 +336,8 @@
"album_added": "تمت إضافة الألبوم",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "تلقي إشعارًا بالبريد الإلكتروني عند إضافتك إلى ألبوم مشترك",
"album_cover_updated": "تم تحديث غلاف الألبوم",
"album_delete_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف الألبوم {album}؟\nإذا تمت مشاركة هذا الألبوم، فلن يتمكن المستخدمون الآخرون من الوصول إليه بعد الآن.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف الألبوم {album}؟",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "إذا تمت مشاركة هذا الألبوم، فلن يتمكن المستخدمون الآخرون من الوصول إليه بعد الآن.",
"album_info_updated": "تم تحديث معلومات الألبوم",
"album_leave": "هل تريد مغادرة الألبوم؟",
"album_leave_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد مغادرة {album}؟",
@ -360,6 +361,7 @@
"allow_edits": "إسمح بالتعديل",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "السماح لأي مستخدم عام بالتنزيل",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "السماح للمستخدم العام بالرفع",
"anti_clockwise": "عكس اتجاه عقارب الساعة",
"api_key": "مفتاح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات",
"api_key_description": "سيتم عرض هذه القيمة مرة واحدة فقط. يرجى التأكد من نسخها قبل إغلاق النافذة.",
"api_key_empty": "يجب ألا يكون اسم مفتاح API فارغًا",
@ -440,6 +442,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "مسح جميع عمليات البحث الأخيرة",
"clear_message": "إخلاء الرسالة",
"clear_value": "إخلاء القيمة",
"clockwise": "باتجاه عقارب الساعة",
"close": "إغلاق",
"collapse": "طي",
"collapse_all": "طيّ الكل",
@ -516,6 +519,7 @@
"do_not_show_again": "لا تُظهر هذه الرسالة مرة آخرى",
"done": "تم",
"download": "تنزيل",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "مقاطع الفيديو المدمجة",
"download_settings": "التنزيلات",
"download_settings_description": "إدارة الإعدادات المتعلقة بتنزيل المحتويات",
"downloading": "جارٍ التنزيل",
@ -548,7 +552,9 @@
"edit_title": "تعديل العنوان",
"edit_user": "تعديل المستخدم",
"edited": "تم التعديل",
"editor": "",
"editor": "محرر",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "لن يتم حفظ التغييرات",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "إغلاق المحرر؟",
"email": "البريد الإلكتروني",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
@ -719,6 +725,7 @@
"filter_people": "تصفية الاشخاص",
"find_them_fast": "يمكنك العثور عليها بسرعة بالاسم من خلال البحث",
"fix_incorrect_match": "إصلاح المطابقة غير الصحيحة",
"folders": "المجلدات",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "فرض إعادة فحص جميع ملفات المكتبة",
"forward": "إلى الأمام",
"general": "عام",
@ -983,6 +990,7 @@
"previous_memory": "الذكرى السابقة",
"previous_or_next_photo": "الصورة السابقة أو التالية",
"primary": "أساسي",
"privacy": "الخصوصية",
"profile_image_of_user": "صورة الملف الشخصي لـ {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "مجموعة الصور الشخصية.",
"public_album": "الألبوم العام",
@ -1241,6 +1249,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "إلغاء ربط OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "تم إلغاء ربط حساب OAuth",
"unnamed_album": "ألبوم بلا إسم",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا الألبوم؟",
"unnamed_share": "مشاركة بلا إسم",
"unsaved_change": "تغيير غير محفوظ",
"unselect_all": "إلغاء تحديد الكل",
@ -127,12 +127,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Активиране на картата",
"map_gps_settings": "Настройки на картата и GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Управление на настройките на картата и GPS (обратно геокодиране)",
"map_implications": "Функцията за карта разчита на външна услуга (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Светъл стил",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Управление на настройките за <link>обратно геокодиране</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Обратно геокодиране",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Включване на обратно геокодиране",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Настройки на опбратно геокодиране",
"map_settings": "Настройки на картата",
"map_settings": "Карта",
"map_settings_description": "Управление на настройките на картата",
"map_style_description": "URL адрес към файл \"style.json\" за задаване на стил на картата",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Извличане на метаданни",
@ -297,7 +298,7 @@
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_video_codec": "Видеокодек",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "VP9 има висока ефективност и уеб съвместимост, но отнема повече време за транскодиране. HEVC работи по подобен начин, но има по-ниска уеб съвместимост. H.264 е широко съвместим и бърз за разкодиране, но създава много по-големи файлове. AV1 е най-ефективният кодек, но му липсва поддръжка на по-стари устройства.",
"trash_enabled_description": "",
"trash_enabled_description": "Активирайте функциите за кошче",
"trash_number_of_days": "Брой дни",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "Брой дни, в които файловете да се съхраняват на боклука, преди да бъдат окончателно премахнати",
"trash_settings": "Настройки на кошчето",
@ -936,44 +937,52 @@
"select_face": "",
"select_featured_photo": "",
"select_keep_all": "",
"select_library_owner": "",
"select_new_face": "",
"select_photos": "",
"select_trash_all": "",
"select_library_owner": "Изберете собственик на библиотека",
"select_new_face": "Изберете ново лице",
"select_photos": "Изберете снимки",
"select_trash_all": "Изберете всичко за кошчето",
"selected": "Избрано",
"send_message": "",
"send_welcome_email": "",
"send_message": "Изпратете съобщение",
"send_welcome_email": "Изпратете имейл за добре дошли",
"server": "Сървър",
"server_stats": "",
"server_offline": "Сървър офлайн",
"server_online": "Сървър онлайн",
"server_stats": "Статус на сървъра",
"server_version": "Версия на сървъра",
"set": "Задай",
"set_as_album_cover": "",
"set_as_profile_picture": "",
"set_date_of_birth": "",
"set_profile_picture": "",
"set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "",
"set_as_album_cover": "Задаване като обложка на албум",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Задаване като профилна снимка",
"set_date_of_birth": "Задайте дата на раждане",
"set_profile_picture": "Задайте профилна снимка",
"set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "Задайте Слайдшоу на цял екран",
"settings": "Настройки",
"settings_saved": "",
"settings_saved": "Настройките са запазени",
"share": "Споделяне",
"shared": "Споделено",
"shared_by": "",
"shared_by_you": "",
"shared_from_partner": "",
"shared_links": "",
"shared_by": "Споделено от",
"shared_by_user": "Споделено от {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Споделено от теб",
"shared_from_partner": "Снимки от {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Опции за споделена връзка",
"shared_links": "Споделени връзки",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "",
"shared_with_partner": "",
"shared_with_partner": "Споделено с {partner}",
"sharing": "Споделени",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "",
"show_album_options": "",
"show_and_hide_people": "",
"show_file_location": "",
"show_gallery": "",
"show_hidden_people": "",
"sharing_enter_password": "Моля, въведете паролата, за да видите тази страница.",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Покажи връзка към Споделяне в страничната лента",
"show_album_options": "Показване опции за албум",
"show_albums": "Покажи албуми",
"show_all_people": "Покажи всички хора",
"show_and_hide_people": "Показване и скриване на хора",
"show_file_location": "Покажи местоположението на файла",
"show_gallery": "Покажи галерия",
"show_hidden_people": "Показване на скритите хора",
"show_in_timeline": "Показване във времевата линия",
"show_in_timeline_setting_description": "Показване на снимки и видеа от този потребител във времевата линия",
"show_keyboard_shortcuts": "",
"show_metadata": "",
"show_or_hide_info": "",
"show_password": "",
"show_keyboard_shortcuts": "Покажи клавишни комбинации",
"show_metadata": "Покажи метаданни",
"show_or_hide_info": "Покажи или скрий информацията",
"show_password": "Покажи паролата",
"show_person_options": "",
"show_progress_bar": "",
"show_search_options": "",
@ -322,6 +322,7 @@
"user_settings_description": "Správa nastavení uživatelů",
"user_successfully_removed": "Uživatel {email} byl úspěšně odstraněn.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Povolit kontrolu verzí",
"version_check_implications": "Kontrola verze je založena na pravidelné komunikaci s github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Kontrola verze",
"version_check_settings_description": "Povolení/zakázání oznámení o nové verzi",
"video_conversion_job": "Překódování videí",
@ -337,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Přidáno album",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Dostávat e-mailové oznámení, když jste přidáni do sdíleného alba",
"album_cover_updated": "Obal alba aktualizován",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete album {album} odstranit?\nPokud je toto album sdílené, ostatní uživatelé k němu již nebudou mít přístup.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete album {album} odstranit?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Pokud je toto album sdíleno, ostatní uživatelé k němu již nebudou mít přístup.",
"album_info_updated": "Informace o albu aktualizovány",
"album_leave": "Opustit album?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete opustit {album}?",
@ -361,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Povolit úpravy",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Povolit veřejnosti stahování",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Povolit veřejnosti nahrávat",
"anti_clockwise": "Proti směru hodinových ručiček",
"api_key": "API klíč",
"api_key_description": "Tato hodnota se zobrazí pouze jednou. Před zavřením okna ji nezapomeňte zkopírovat.",
"api_key_empty": "Název klíče API by neměl být prázdný",
@ -442,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Vymazat všechna nedávná vyhledávání",
"clear_message": "Vyčistit zprávu",
"clear_value": "Vyčistit hodnotu",
"clockwise": "Po směru hodinových ručiček",
"close": "Zavřít",
"collapse": "Sbalit",
"collapse_all": "Sbalit vše",
@ -518,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Tuto zprávu již nezobrazovat",
"done": "Hotovo",
"download": "Stáhnout",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Vložená videa",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Zahrnout videa vložená do pohyblivých fotografií jako samostatný soubor",
"download_settings": "Stahování",
"download_settings_description": "Správa nastavení souvisejících se stahováním",
"downloading": "Stahování",
@ -551,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "Upravit uživatele",
"edited": "Upraveno",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Změny nebudou uloženy",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Zavřít editor?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Poměr stran",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Otočení",
"email": "E-mail",
"empty": "Prázdné",
"empty_album": "Prázdné album",
@ -700,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "Vypršela platnost",
"expires_date": "Platnost končí {date}",
"explore": "Prozkoumat",
"explorer": "Průzkumník",
"export": "Export",
"export_as_json": "Exportovat jako JSON",
"extension": "Přípona",
@ -721,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Filtrovat lidi",
"find_them_fast": "Najděte je rychle vyhledáním jejich jména",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Opravit nesprávnou shodu",
"folders": "Složky",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Vynucené prohledání všech souborů knihovny",
"forward": "Dopředu",
"general": "Obecné",
@ -913,6 +925,7 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Nejstarší první",
"onboarding": "Zahájení",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Následující (volitelné) funkce jsou závislé na externích službách a lze je kdykoli zakázat v nastavení správy.",
"onboarding_storage_template_description": "Pokud je tato funkce povolena, automaticky uspořádá soubory na základě uživatelem definované šablony. Vzhledem k problémům se stabilitou byla tato funkce ve výchozím nastavení vypnuta. Další informace naleznete v [dokumentaci].",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Zvolte si barevné téma pro svou instanci. Můžete to později změnit v nastavení.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Nastavíme vaši instanci pomocí několika běžných nastavení.",
@ -987,6 +1000,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Předchozí vzpomínka",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Předchozí nebo další fotka",
"primary": "Primární",
"privacy": "Soukromí",
"profile_image_of_user": "Profilový obrázek uživatele {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Profilový obrázek nastaven.",
"public_album": "Veřejné album",
@ -1025,6 +1039,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Produktový klíč serveru spravuje správce",
"range": "Rozsah",
"rating": "Hodnocení hvězdičkami",
"rating_clear": "Vyčistit hodnocení",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# hvězdička} few {# hvězdičky} other {# hvězdček}}",
"rating_description": "Zobrazit exif hodnocení v informačním panelu",
"raw": "Raw",
"reaction_options": "Možnosti reakce",
@ -1148,6 +1164,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Sdíleno uživatelem {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Sdíleli jste",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotky od {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Možnosti sdíleného odkazu",
"shared_links": "Sdílené odkazy",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, one {# sdílená fotografie a video.} few {# sdílené fotografie a videa.} other {# sdílených fotografií a videí.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Sdíleno s {partner}",
@ -1223,7 +1240,7 @@
"to_login": "Přihlásit",
"to_trash": "Vyhodit",
"toggle_settings": "Přepnout nastavení",
"toggle_theme": "Přepnout motiv",
"toggle_theme": "Přepnout tmavý motiv",
"toggle_visibility": "Přepnout viditelnost",
"total_usage": "Celkové využití",
"trash": "Koš",
@ -1245,6 +1262,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Zrušit OAuth propojení",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "OAuth účet odpojen",
"unnamed_album": "Nepojmenované album",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete toto album smazat?",
"unnamed_share": "Nejmenované sdílení",
"unsaved_change": "Neuložená změna",
"unselect_all": "Zrušit výběr všech",
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
"logging_level_description": "Når slået til, hvilket logniveau, der skal bruges.",
"logging_settings": "Logning",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP-model",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Navnet på CLIP-modellen på listen <link>her</link>. Bemærk at du skal genkøre \"Smart Søgning\"-jobbet for alle billeder, hvis du skifter model.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Dubletdetektion",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Aktiver duplikatdetektion",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Når slået fra, vil nøjagtigt identiske mediefiler blive de-duplikerede.",
@ -128,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Aktivér kortfunktioner",
"map_gps_settings": "Kort- og GPS-indstillinger",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Håndter indstillinger for Kort og GPS (Omvendt Geokodning)",
"map_implications": "Kortfunktionen afhænger af en ekstern felt-service (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Lyst tema",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Håndtér indstillinger for <link>Omvendt Geokoding</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Omvendt geokodning",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Aktiver omvendt geokodning",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Omvendt geokodningsindstillinger",
"map_settings": "Kortindstillinger",
"map_settings": "Kort",
"map_settings_description": "Administrer kortindstillinger",
"map_style_description": "URL til en style.json for et korttema",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Udtræk metadata",
@ -154,6 +156,7 @@
"notification_email_port_description": "Emailserverens port (fx 25, 465 eller 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Send test-email og gem",
"notification_email_setting_description": "Indstillinger for sending af emailnotifikationer",
"notification_email_test_email": "Send test-email",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "Fejl ved afsendelse af test-email, tjek dine værdier",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "En test-email er blevet sendt til {email}. Venligst tjek din inbox.",
"notification_email_username_description": "Brugernavn til brug ved autentificering med e-mailserveren",
@ -172,9 +175,12 @@
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "Mobilomdiregerings-URL",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "Tilsidesættelse af mobil omdiregerings-URL",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "Slå til når \"app.immich:/\" er en ugyldig omdiregerings-URL.",
"oauth_profile_signing_algorithm": "Log-ind-algoritme",
"oauth_profile_signing_algorithm_description": "Algoritme til signering af brugerprofilen.",
"oauth_scope": "Omfang",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "Administrer OAuth login-indstillinger",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "Læs flere detaljer om funktionen i <link>dokumentationen</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Signeringsalgoritme",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Lagringsmærkat fordring",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Sæt automatisk brugerens lagringsmærkat til denne fordrings værdi.",
@ -190,6 +196,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Alle stier valideret med succes",
"quota_size_gib": "Kvotestørrelse (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Opdaterer alle biblioteker",
"registration": "Administratorregistrering",
"registration_description": "Da du er den første bruger i systemet, får du tildelt rollen som administrator og ansvar for administration og oprettelsen af nye brugere.",
"removing_offline_files": "Fjerner offline-filer",
"repair_all": "Reparér alle",
"repair_matched_items": "Har parret {count, plural, one {# element} other {# elementer}}",
@ -210,10 +218,13 @@
"sidecar_job_description": "Opdag eller synkroniser medfølgende metadata fra filsystemet",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Antal sekunder at vise hvert billede",
"smart_search_job_description": "Kør maskinlæring på mediefiler for at understøtte smart søgning",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "Mediefilens oprettelsesregistrering er grundlag for dato-tid-informationen",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "Eksempel tid {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Slå lagringsskabelonredskab til",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hash-verifikation slog fejl",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hash-verifikation slået til",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Slår hash-verifikation til, slå ikke dette fra med mindre du er sikker på dets konsekvenser",
"storage_template_migration": "Lagringsskabelonmigration",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Anvend den nuværende <link>{template}</link> på tidligere uploadede mediefiler",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Lagringsmigrationsopgave",
"storage_template_settings": "Lagringsskabelon",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Administrer mappestrukturen og filnavnet for den uploadede mediefil",
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "Standard-Speicherplatzkontingent (GiB)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "Kontingent in GiB, welcher verwendet werden kann, wenn kein Anspruch erhoben wurde (Gib 0 für einen unbegrenzten Speicherkontingent ein).",
"offline_paths": "Offline-Pfade",
"offline_paths_description": "Die Ergebnisse könnten durch manuelles Löschen von Dateien, die nicht Teil einer externen Bibliothek sein, verursacht sein.",
"offline_paths_description": "Die Ergebnisse könnten durch manuelles Löschen von Dateien, die nicht Teil einer externen Bibliothek sind, verursacht sein.",
"password_enable_description": "Login mit E-Mail und Passwort",
"password_settings": "Passwort Login",
"password_settings_description": "Passwort-Anmeldeeinstellungen verwalten",
@ -338,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Album hinzugefügt",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Erhalte eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung, wenn du zu einem freigegebenen Album hinzugefügt wurdest",
"album_cover_updated": "Album-Cover aktualisiert",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du das Album {album} löschen willst?\nWenn dieses Album geteilt wurde, können andere Benutzer nicht mehr darauf zugreifen.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du das Album {album} löschen willst?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Wenn dieses Album geteilt wurde, können andere Benutzer nicht mehr darauf zugreifen.",
"album_info_updated": "Album-Infos aktualisiert",
"album_leave": "Album verlassen?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du das Album {album} verlassen willst?",
@ -362,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Bearbeiten erlauben",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Erlaube öffentlichen Benutzern, herunterzuladen",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Erlaube öffentlichen Benutzern, hochzuladen",
"anti_clockwise": "Gegen den Uhrzeigersinn",
"api_key": "API-Schlüssel",
"api_key_description": "Dieser Wert wird nur einmal angezeigt. Bitte kopiere ihn, bevor du das Fenster schließt.",
"api_key_empty": "Dein API-Schlüssel-Name darf nicht leer sein",
@ -443,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Alle letzten Suchvorgänge löschen",
"clear_message": "Nachrichten leeren",
"clear_value": "Wert leeren",
"clockwise": "Im Uhrzeigersinn",
"close": "Schließen",
"collapse": "Zusammenklappen",
"collapse_all": "Alles aufklappen",
@ -519,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Diese Nachricht nicht erneut anzeigen",
"done": "Erledigt",
"download": "Download",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Eingebettete Videos",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Videos, die in Bewegungsfotos eingebettet sind, als separate Datei einfügen",
"download_settings": "Download",
"download_settings_description": "Verwaltung der Einstellungen für den Dateidownload",
"downloading": "Downloaden",
@ -552,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "Nutzer bearbeiten",
"edited": "Bearbeitet",
"editor": "Bearbeiter",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Diese Änderungen werden nicht gespeichert",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Editor schließen?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Seitenverhältnisse",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotation",
"email": "E-Mail",
"empty": "Leer",
"empty_album": "Leeres Album",
@ -701,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "Verfallen",
"expires_date": "Läuft am {date} ab",
"explore": "Erkunden",
"explorer": "Entdeccker",
"export": "Exportieren",
"export_as_json": "Als JSON exportieren",
"extension": "Erweiterung",
@ -722,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Personen filtern",
"find_them_fast": "Finde sie schneller mit der Suche nach Namen",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Fehlerhafte Übereinstimmung beheben",
"folders": "Ordner",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Erzwingen des erneuten Scannens aller Bibliotheksdateien",
"forward": "Weiterleiten",
"general": "Allgemein",
@ -914,7 +925,7 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Älteste zuerst",
"onboarding": "Einstieg",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Die folgenden (optionalen) Funktionen basieren auf externen Services und könnem jederzeit in den Administrationseinstellungen deaktiviert werden.",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Die folgenden (optionalen) Funktionen hängen von externen Diensten ab und können jederzeit in den Administrationseinstellungen deaktiviert werden.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Wähle ein Farbschema für deine Instanz aus. Du kannst dies später in deinen Einstellungen ändern.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Lass uns deine Instanz mit einigen allgemeinen Einstellungen konfigurieren.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Willkommen, {user}",
@ -1027,6 +1038,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Der Server Produktschlüssel wird durch den Administrator verwaltet",
"range": "Reichweite",
"rating": "Bewertung",
"rating_clear": "Bewertung löschen",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# Stern} other {# Sterne}}",
"rating_description": "Stellt die Exif-Bewertung im Informationsbereich dar",
"raw": "RAW",
"reaction_options": "Reaktionsmöglichkeiten",
@ -1226,7 +1239,7 @@
"to_login": "Anmelden",
"to_trash": "Zum Papierkorb verschieben",
"toggle_settings": "Einstellungen umschalten",
"toggle_theme": "Theme umschalten",
"toggle_theme": "Dunkles Theme umschalten",
"toggle_visibility": "Sichtbarkeit umschalten",
"total_usage": "Gesamtnutzung",
"trash": "Papierkorb",
@ -1248,6 +1261,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "OAuth entfernen",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Nicht verknüpftes OAuth-Konto",
"unnamed_album": "Unbenanntes Album",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Album löschen willst?",
"unnamed_share": "Unbenannte Teilung",
"unsaved_change": "Ungespeicherte Änderung",
"unselect_all": "Alles abwählen",
@ -864,7 +864,7 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Oldest first",
"onboarding": "Onboarding",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "The following (optional) features rely on external services, and can by disabled at any time in the administration settings.",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "The following (optional) features rely on external services, and can be disabled at any time in the administration settings.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Choose a color theme for your instance. You can change this later in your settings.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Let's get your instance set up with some common settings.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Welcome, {user}",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Habilitar características del mapa",
"map_gps_settings": "Configuración de mapas y GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Administrar la configuración de mapas y GPS (geocodificación inversa)",
"map_implications": "La función de mapa depende de un servicio externo de mosaicos (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Estilo claro",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Gestionar los ajustes de la <link>geocodificación inversa</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Geocodificación inversa",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Activar geocodificación inversa",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Ajustes Geocodificación Inversa",
"map_settings": "Configuración del mapa",
"map_settings": "Mapa",
"map_settings_description": "Administrar la configuración del mapa",
"map_style_description": "Dirección URL a un tema de mapa (style.json)",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Extracción de metadatos",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Ajustes de usuario",
"user_settings_description": "Administrar la configuración del usuario",
"user_successfully_removed": "El usuario {email} ha sido eliminado exitosamente.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Habilite las comprobaciones periódicas a GitHub para verificar nuevas versiones",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Activar la comprobación de la versión",
"version_check_implications": "La función de comprobación de versiones depende de la comunicación periódica con github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Verificar Versión",
"version_check_settings_description": "Activar/desactivar la notificación de nueva versión",
"video_conversion_job": "Transcodificar vídeos",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Álbum añadido",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Reciba una notificación por correo electrónico cuando lo agreguen a un álbum compartido",
"album_cover_updated": "Portada del álbum actualizada",
"album_delete_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar el álbum {album}?\nSi se comparte este álbum, otros usuarios ya no podrán acceder a él.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar el álbum {album}?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Si este álbum se comparte, otros usuarios ya no podrán acceder a él.",
"album_info_updated": "Información del álbum actualizada",
"album_leave": "¿Abandonar el álbum?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres dejar {album}?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Permitir edición",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permitir descargar al usuario público",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permitir cargar al usuario publico",
"anti_clockwise": "En sentido antihorario",
"api_key": "Clave API",
"api_key_description": "Este valor sólo se mostrará una vez. Asegúrese de copiarlo antes de cerrar la ventana.",
"api_key_empty": "El nombre de su clave API no debe estar vacío",
@ -368,7 +372,7 @@
"appears_in": "Aparece en",
"archive": "Archivo",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Archivar o restaurar foto",
"archive_size": "Tamaño de archivo",
"archive_size": "Tamaño del archivo",
"archive_size_description": "Configure el tamaño del archivo para descargas (en GB)",
"archived": "Archivado",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, one {# archivado} other {# archivados}}",
@ -441,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Borrar búsquedas recientes",
"clear_message": "Limpiar mensaje",
"clear_value": "Limpiar valor",
"clockwise": "En el sentido de las agujas del reloj",
"close": "Cerrar",
"collapse": "Agrupar",
"collapse_all": "Desplegar todo",
@ -517,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje otra vez",
"done": "Hecho",
"download": "Descargar",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Vídeos incrustados",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Incluir vídeos incrustados en fotografías en movimiento como un archivo separado",
"download_settings": "Descargar",
"download_settings_description": "Administrar configuraciones relacionadas con la descarga de archivos",
"downloading": "Descargando",
@ -550,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "Editar usuario",
"edited": "Editado",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "No se guardarán los cambios",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "¿Cerrar el editor?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Proporciones del aspecto",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotación",
"email": "Correo",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Álbum vacío",
@ -692,13 +703,14 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exif": "EXIF",
"exit_slideshow": "Salir de la presentación",
"expand_all": "Expandir todo",
"expire_after": "Expirar después de",
"expired": "Caducado",
"expires_date": "Expira el {date}",
"explore": "Explorar",
"explorer": "Explorador",
"export": "Exportar",
"export_as_json": "Exportar a JSON",
"extension": "Extension",
@ -720,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Filtrar personas",
"find_them_fast": "Encuéntrelos rápidamente por nombre con la búsqueda",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Corregir coincidencia incorrecta",
"folders": "Carpetas",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Forzar reescaneo de todos los archivos de la biblioteca",
"forward": "Reenviar",
"general": "General",
@ -912,6 +925,7 @@
"ok": "Sí",
"oldest_first": "Los más antiguos primero",
"onboarding": "Incorporando",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Las siguientes funciones (opcionales) dependen de servicios externos y pueden desactivarse en cualquier momento en los ajustes.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Elija un color de tema para su instancia. Puedes cambiar esto más tarde en tu configuración.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Configuremos su instancia con algunas configuraciones comunes.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Bienvenido, {user}",
@ -985,6 +999,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Recuerdo anterior",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Foto anterior o siguiente",
"primary": "Básico",
"privacy": "Privacidad",
"profile_image_of_user": "Foto de perfil de {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Conjunto de imágenes de perfil.",
"public_album": "Álbum público",
@ -1022,6 +1037,10 @@
"purchase_server_title": "Servidor",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "La clave del producto del servidor la administra el administrador",
"range": "",
"rating": "Valoración",
"rating_clear": "Borrar calificación",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# estrella} other {# estrellas}}",
"rating_description": "Mostrar la clasificación exif en el panel de información",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Opciones de reacción",
"read_changelog": "Leer registro de cambios",
@ -1144,6 +1163,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Compartido por {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Compartido por ti",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotos de {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Opciones de enlaces compartidos",
"shared_links": "Enlaces compartidos",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# Fotos y vídeos compartidos.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Compartido con {partner}",
@ -1219,7 +1239,7 @@
"to_login": "Iniciar Sesión",
"to_trash": "Papelera",
"toggle_settings": "Alternar ajustes",
"toggle_theme": "Alternar tema",
"toggle_theme": "Alternar tema oscuro",
"toggle_visibility": "Alternar visibilidad",
"total_usage": "Uso total",
"trash": "Papelera",
@ -1241,6 +1261,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Desvincular OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Cuenta OAuth desconectada",
"unnamed_album": "Album sin nombre",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "¿Seguro que quieres borrar este álbum?",
"unnamed_share": "Compartido sin nombre",
"unsaved_change": "Cambio no guardado",
"unselect_all": "Limpiar selección",
@ -1 +1,563 @@
"about": "Teave",
"account": "Konto",
"account_settings": "Konto seaded",
"acknowledge": "Sain aru",
"action": "Tegevus",
"actions": "Tegevused",
"active": "Aktiivne",
"activity": "Aktiivsus",
"activity_changed": "Aktiivsus on {enabled, select, true {lubatud} other {keelatud}}",
"add": "Lisa",
"add_a_description": "Lisa kirjeldus",
"add_a_location": "Lisa asukoht",
"add_a_name": "Lisa nimi",
"add_a_title": "Lisa pealkiri",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "Lisa välistamismuster",
"add_import_path": "Lisa imporditee",
"add_location": "Lisa asukoht",
"add_more_users": "Lisa rohkem kasutajaid",
"add_partner": "Lisa partner",
"add_path": "Lisa tee",
"add_photos": "Lisa fotosid",
"add_to": "Lisa kohta...",
"add_to_album": "Lisa albumisse",
"add_to_shared_album": "Lisa jagatud albumisse",
"added_to_archive": "Lisatud arhiivi",
"added_to_favorites": "Lisatud lemmikutesse",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count, number} pilti lisatud lemmikutesse",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Lisa välistamismustreid. Toetatud on metamärgid *, ** ja ?. Kõikide kataloogis nimega \"Raw\" olevate failide ignoreerimiseks kasuta \"**/Raw/**\". Kõikide .tif failide ignoreerimiseks kasuta \"**/*.tif\". Absouutse tee ignoreerimiseks kasuta \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Autentimise seaded",
"authentication_settings_description": "Halda parooli, OAuth ja muid autentimise seadeid",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid kõik sisselogimismeetodid välja lülitada? Sisselogimine lülitatakse täielikult välja.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Et taas lubada, kasuta <link>serveri käsku</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Taustaülesanded",
"check_all": "Märgi kõik",
"cleared_jobs": "Ülesanded eemaldatud: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Konfiguratsioon on määratud konfifaili abil",
"confirm_delete_library": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid kustutada {library} kogu?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle kogu kustutada? Sellega kustutatakse {count, plural, one {# sisalduv üksus} other {kõik # sisalduvat üksust}} Immich'ist ning seda ei saa tagasi võtta. Failid jäävad kettale alles.",
"confirm_email_below": "Kinnitamiseks sisesta allpool \"{email}\"",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid kõik näod uuesti töödelda? See eemaldab kõik nimega isikud.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid kasutaja {user} parooli lähtestada?",
"disable_login": "Keela sisselogimine",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "Välistamismustrid võimaldavad ignoreerida faile ja kaustu kogu skaneerimisel. See on kasulik, kui sul on kaustu, mis sisaldavad faile, mida sa ei soovi importida, nagu RAW failid.",
"external_library_created_at": "Väline kogu (lisatud {date})",
"external_library_management": "Väliste kogude haldus",
"face_detection": "Näotuvastus",
"face_detection_description": "Otsi üksustest nägusid masinõppe abil. Videote puhul kasutatakse ainult pisipilti. \"Kõik\" töötleb kõik üksused uuesti. \"Puuduvad\" võtab ette üksused, mida pole veel töödeldud. Leitud näod suunatakse näotuvastusse, et grupeerida nad olemasolevateks või uuteks isikuteks.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Grupeeri leitud näod inimesteks. See samm käivitub siis, kui näotuvastus on lõppenud. \"Kõik\" grupeerib kõik näod uuesti. \"Puuduvad\" võtab ette näod, mida pole isikuga seostatud.",
"force_delete_user_warning": "HOIATUS: See kustutab koheselt kasutaja ja kõik üksused. Seda ei saa tagasi võtta ja faile ei saa taastada.",
"image_format_description": "WebP failid on väiksemad kui JPEG, aga kodeerimine on aeglasem.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "Kasuta pilditöötluse sisendina võimalusel RAW fotodesse manustatud eelvaateid. See võib mõnede piltide puhul anda tulemuseks täpsemad värvid, aga eelvaate kvaliteet sõltub konkreetsest kaamerast ning pildis võib olla rohkem tihendusmüra.",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "Kasuta pisipiltide jaoks Display P3. See säilitab paremini laia värviruumiga piltide erksuse, aga vanematel seadmetel ja vanemate brauseritega võivad pildid teistsugused välja näha. sRGB pildid säilitatakse värvinihete vältimiseks.",
"image_preview_format": "Eelvaate formaat",
"image_preview_resolution": "Eelvaate resolutsioon",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Kasutusel üksiku foto vaatamisel ja masinõppe jaoks. Kõrgem resolutsioon säilitab rohkem detaile, aga kodeerimine võtab rohkem aega, tekitab suurema faili ning võib mõjutada rakenduse töökiirust.",
"image_quality_description": "Pildikvaliteet vahemikus 1-100. Kõrgem väärtus tähendab paremat kvaliteeti ja suuremaid faile. See valik mõjutab eelvaateid ja pisipilte.",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Pisipildi formaat",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Pisipildi resolutsioon",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Kasutusel fotode mitmekaupa vaatamisel (ajajoon, albumi vaade, jne). Kõrgem resolutsioon säilitab rohkem detaile, aga kodeerimine võtab rohkem aega, tekitab suurema faili ning võib mõjutada rakenduse töökiirust.",
"library_created": "Lisatud kogu: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron avaldis",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Sea skaneerimise intervall cron formaadis. Rohkema info jaoks vaata nt. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_deleted": "Kogu kustutatud",
"library_import_path_description": "Määra kaust, mida importida. Sellest kaustast ning alamkaustadest otsitakse pilte ja videosid.",
"library_scanning": "Perioodiline skaneerimine",
"library_scanning_description": "Seadista kogu perioodiline skaneerimine",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Luba kogu perioodiline skaneerimine",
"library_settings": "Väline kogu",
"library_settings_description": "Halda välise kogu seadeid",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Jälgi välises kogus failide muudatusi",
"library_watching_settings": "Kogu jälgimine (EKSPERIMENTAALNE)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Jälgi automaatselt muutunud faile",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Kui keelatud, dedubleeritakse siiski täpselt identsed üksused.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Otsi, tuvasta ja grupeeri piltidel näod",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "Mudelid on järjestatud suuruse järgi kahanevalt. Suuremad mudelid on aeglasemad ja kasutavad rohkem mälu, kuid annavad parema tulemuse. Mudeli muutmisel tuleb kõik pildid uuesti näotuvastusest läbi lasta.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "Maksimaalne kaugus kahe näo vahel, mida tuleks lugeda samaks isikuks, vahemikus 0-2. Selle vähendamine aitab vältida erinevate inimeste samaks isikuks märkimist ja tõstmine aitab vältida sama inimese kaheks erinevaks isikuks märkimist. Pane tähele, et kaht isikut ühendada on lihtsam kui üht isikut kaheks eraldada, seega võimalusel kasuta madalamat lävendit.",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "Minimaalne usaldusskoor näo tuvastamiseks, vahemikus 0-1. Madalamad väärtused leiavad rohkem nägusid, kuid võib esineda valepositiivseid.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "Minimaalne leitud nägude arv",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "Minimaalne leitud nägude arv, mida saab isikuks grupeerida. Selle suurendamine teeb näotuvastuse täpsemaks, kuid suureneb tõenäosus, et nägu ei seostata ühegi isikuga.",
"machine_learning_settings": "Masinõppe seaded",
"machine_learning_url_description": "Masinõppe serveri URL",
"map_dark_style": "Tume stiil",
"map_gps_settings": "Kaardi ja GPS-i seaded",
"map_light_style": "Hele stiil",
"map_settings": "Kaart",
"map_settings_description": "Halda kaardi seadeid",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "Eralda igast üksusest metaandmed, nagu GPS-koordinaadid ja resolutsioon",
"migration_job_description": "Migreeri üksuste ja nägude pisipildid uusimale kaustastruktuurile",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "MÄRKUS: Seda ei saa hiljem muuta!",
"notification_email_from_address": "Saatja aadress",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "Saatja e-posti aadress, näiteks: \"Immich Photo Server <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "E-posti serveri host (nt. smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Ignoreeri sertifikaadi vigu",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Ignoreeri TLS sertifikaadi valideerimise vigu (mittesoovituslik)",
"notification_email_password_description": "Parool e-posti serveriga autentimiseks",
"notification_email_port_description": "E-posti serveri port (nt. 25, 465 või 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Saada test e-kiri ja salvesta",
"notification_email_test_email": "Saada test e-kiri",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Test e-kiri saadeti aadressile {email}. Kontrolli oma kirjakasti.",
"notification_email_username_description": "Kasutajanimi e-posti serveriga autentimiseks",
"oauth_enable_description": "Sisene OAuth abil",
"oauth_settings_description": "Halda OAuth sisselogimise seadeid",
"password_enable_description": "Logi sisse e-posti aadressi ja parooliga",
"password_settings": "Parooliga sisselogimine",
"password_settings_description": "Halda parooliga sisselogimise seadeid",
"quota_size_gib": "Kvoot (GiB)",
"registration_description": "Kuna sa oled süsteemis esimene kasutaja, määratakse sind administraatoriks, ning sa saad lisada täiendavaid kasutajaid.",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Nõua kasutajalt esmakordsel sisenemisel parooli muutmist",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Lähtesta seaded",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Taasta hiljuti salvestatud seaded",
"server_external_domain_settings": "Väline domeen",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "Domeen avalikult jagatud linkide jaoks, k.a. http(s)://",
"server_settings": "Serveri seaded",
"server_settings_description": "Halda serveri seadeid",
"server_welcome_message": "Tervitusteade",
"server_welcome_message_description": "Teade, mida kuvatakse sisselogimise lehel.",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Mitu sekundit igat pilti kuvada",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Halda üleslaaditud üksuse kaustastruktuuri ja failinime",
"system_settings": "Süsteemi seaded",
"theme_settings_description": "Halda Immich'i veebiliidese kohandamist",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "Genereeri pisipildid",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "Genereeri iga üksuse kohta suur, väike ja udustatud pisipilt ning iga isiku kohta pisipilt",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "Lubatud audiokoodekid",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "Vali, millised audiokoodekid ei vaja transkodeerimist. Kasutusel ainult teatud transkodeerimisreeglite puhul.",
"transcoding_accepted_containers": "Lubatud konteinerid",
"transcoding_accepted_containers_description": "Vali, millised konteineriformaadid ei vaja MP4-ks teisendamist. Kasutusel ainult teatud transkodeerimisreeglite puhul.",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "Lubatud videokoodekid",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "Vali, millised videokoodekid ei vaja transkodeerimist. Kasutusel ainult teatud transkodeerimisreeglite puhul.",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Audiokoodek",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus on kõrgeima kvaliteediga valik, aga on vähem ühilduv vanade seadmete või tarkvaraga.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Kõrgema kui lubatud bitisagedusega või mittelubatud formaadis videod",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Siin kasutatud terminoloogia kohta rohkem teada saamiseks loe FFmpeg-i dokumentatsiooni <h264-link>H.264</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC</hevc-link> ja <vp9-link>VP9</vp9-link> koodekite kohta.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "Video kvaliteeditase. Tüüpilised väärtused on 23 (H.264), 28 (HEVC), 31 (VP9) ning 35 (AV1). Madal on parem, aga tulemuseks on suuremad failid.",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "Ära transkodeeri videosid. Võib takistada taasesitamist mõnedes seadmetes",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Eksperimentaalne; palju kiirem, aga sama bitisageduse juures madalam kvaliteet",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC koodek",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "Maksimaalne bitisagedus",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "Maksimaalse bitisageduse määramine teeb failisuurused ennustatavamaks, väikese kvaliteedikao hinnaga. 720p resolutsiooni puhul on tüüpilised väärtused 2600k (VP9 ja HEVC) või 4500k (H.264). Väärtus 0 eemaldab piirangu.",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "Kõrgema kui lubatud resolutsiooniga või mittelubatud formaadis videod",
"transcoding_required_description": "Ainult mittelubatud formaadis videod",
"transcoding_settings": "Video transkodeerimise seaded",
"transcoding_settings_description": "Halda videofailide resolutsiooni ja kodeerimist",
"transcoding_threads_description": "Kõrgem väärtus tähendab kiiremat kodeerimist, aga jätab serverile muude tegevuste jaoks vähem ressursse. See väärtus ei tohiks olla suurem kui protsessori tuumade arv. Väärtus 0 tähendab maksimaalset kasutust.",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "Transkodeerimise reegel",
"transcoding_transcode_policy_description": "Reegel, millal tuleks videot transkodeerida. HDR-videosid transkodeeritakse alati (v.a. kui transkodeerimine on keelatud).",
"transcoding_video_codec": "Videokoodek",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "VP9 on võimekas ja veebiga ühilduv, aga transkodeerimine võtab kauem aega. HEVC on sarnase jõudluse, aga mitte nii hea veebiga ühilduvusega. H.264 on laialt ühilduv ja transkodeerimine on kiire, aga tulemuseks on suuremad failid. AV1 on kõige võimekam koodek, aga pole vanematel seadmetel toetatud.",
"trash_number_of_days": "Päevade arv",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "Päevade arv, kui kaua hoida üksusi prügikastis enne nende lõplikku kustutamist",
"user_delete_delay": "Kasutaja <b>{user}</b> konto ja üksuste lõplik kustutamine on planeeritud {delay, plural, one {# päeva} other {# päeva}} pärast.",
"user_delete_immediately": "Kasutaja <b>{user}</b> konto ja üksused suunatakse <b>koheselt</b> jäädavale kustutamisele.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "Suuna kasutaja ja üksused jäädavale kustutamisele",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "Kasutaja parool on lähtestatud:",
"user_restore_description": "Kasutaja <b>{user}</b> konto taastatakse.",
"user_successfully_removed": "Kasutaja {email} on eemaldatud.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Luba versioonikontroll",
"version_check_implications": "Versioonikontroll vajab perioodilist ühendumist github.com-iga",
"version_check_settings": "Versioonikontroll",
"version_check_settings_description": "Luba/keela uue versiooni teavitus",
"video_conversion_job": "Transkodeeri videod",
"video_conversion_job_description": "Transkodeeri videod suurema brauserite ja seadmetega ühilduvuse nimel"
"admin_email": "Administraatori e-post",
"admin_password": "Administraatori parool",
"age_months": "Vanus {months, plural, one {# kuu} other {# kuud}}",
"age_year_months": "Vanus 1 aasta, {months, plural, one {# kuu} other {# kuud}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {Vanus #}}",
"album_added": "Album lisatud",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Saa teavitus e-posti teel, kui sind lisatakse jagatud albumisse",
"album_cover_updated": "Albumi kaanepilt muudetud",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid albumi {album} kustutada?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Kui see album on jagatud, ei pääse teised kasutajad sellele enam ligi.",
"album_info_updated": "Albumi info muudetud",
"album_leave": "Lahku albumist?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid albumist {album} lahkuda?",
"album_name": "Albumi nimi",
"album_options": "Albumi valikud",
"album_remove_user": "Eemalda kasutaja?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid kasutaja {user} eemaldada?",
"album_updated": "Album muudetud",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Saa e-posti teel teavitus, kui jagatud albumis on uusi üksuseid",
"albums": "Albumid",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} album} other {{count, number} albumit}}",
"all_albums": "Kõik albumid",
"all_videos": "Kõik videod",
"archive": "Arhiiv",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Arhiveeri või taasta foto",
"archive_size": "Arhiivi suurus",
"archive_size_description": "Seadista arhiivi suurus allalaadimiseks (GiB)",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid seda teha?",
"asset_added_to_album": "Lisatud albumisse",
"asset_adding_to_album": "Albumisse lisamine...",
"asset_description_updated": "Üksuse kirjeldus on muudetud",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "Üksus {filename} ei ole kättesaadav",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Üksusel on seostamata nägusid",
"asset_hashing": "Räsimine...",
"asset_offline": "Üksus pole kättesaadav",
"asset_offline_description": "See üksus pole kättesaadav. Immich ei saa selle asukohale ligi. Palun tee üksus kättesaadavaks ja siis skaneeri kogu uuesti.",
"asset_skipped": "Vahele jäetud",
"asset_uploaded": "Üleslaaditud",
"asset_uploading": "Üleslaadimine...",
"assets": "Üksused",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} lisatud",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} albumisse lisatud",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} lisatud {hasName, select, true {albumisse <b>{name}</b>} other {uude albumisse}}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} liigutatud prügikasti",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} jäädavalt kustutatud",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} eemaldatud",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid oma kustutatud üksused taastada? Seda ei saa tagasi võtta!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} taastatud",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} kustutatud",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {Üksus oli} other {Üksused olid}} juba osa albumist",
"authorized_devices": "Autoriseeritud seadmed",
"birthdate_saved": "Sünnikuupäev salvestatud",
"birthdate_set_description": "Sünnikuupäeva kasutatakse isiku vanuse arvutamiseks foto tegemise hetkel.",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid {count, plural, one {# dubleeritud üksuse} other {# dubleeritud üksust}} masskustutada? Sellega jäetakse alles iga grupi suurim üksus ning duplikaadid kustutatakse jäädavalt. Seda tegevust ei saa tagasi võtta!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid {count, plural, one {# dubleeritud üksuse} other {# dubleeritud üksust}} alles jätta? Sellega märgitakse kõik duplikaadigrupid lahendatuks ilma midagi kustutamata.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid {count, plural, one {# dubleeritud üksuse} other {# dubleeritud üksust}} masskustutada? Sellega jäetakse alles iga grupi suurim üksus ning duplikaadid liigutatakse prügikasti.",
"camera": "Kaamera",
"camera_brand": "Kaamera mark",
"camera_model": "Kaamera mudel",
"cancel": "Katkesta",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Sa ei saa seda tagasi võtta!",
"change_password": "Parooli muutmine",
"change_your_password": "Muuda oma parooli",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Nähtavus muudetud",
"check_all": "Märgi kõik",
"city": "Linn",
"clockwise": "Päripäeva",
"close": "Sulge",
"confirm": "Kinnita",
"confirm_admin_password": "Kinnita administraatori parool",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle jagatud lingi kustutada?",
"confirm_password": "Kinnita parool",
"context": "Kontekst",
"copy_error": "Kopeeri viga",
"copy_password": "Kopeeri parool",
"country": "Riik",
"create_album": "Lisa album",
"create_library": "Lisa kogu",
"create_new_person_hint": "Seosta valitud üksused uue isikuga",
"current_device": "Praegune seade",
"custom_locale": "Kohandatud lokaat",
"custom_locale_description": "Vorminda kuupäevad ja arvud vastavalt keelele ja regioonile",
"date_of_birth_saved": "Sünnikuupäev salvestatud",
"day": "Päev",
"default_locale": "Vaikimisi lokaat",
"default_locale_description": "Vorminda kuupäevad ja numbrid vastavalt brauseri lokaadile",
"delete_album": "Kustuta album",
"delete_api_key_prompt": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle API võtme kustutada?",
"delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid need duplikaadid jäädavalt kustutada?",
"delete_library": "Kustuta kogu",
"delete_link": "Kustuta link",
"delete_shared_link": "Kustuta jagatud link",
"delete_user": "Kustuta kasutaja",
"deleted_shared_link": "Jagatud link kustutatud",
"description": "Kirjeldus",
"direction": "Suund",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Eelista üksuse vaatamisel pisipildile algset fotot, kui see on veebiga ühilduv. See võib mõjutada fotode kuvamise kiirust.",
"download": "Laadi alla",
"download_settings": "Allalaadimine",
"download_settings_description": "Halda üksuste allalaadimise seadeid",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Üksuse {filename} allalaadimine",
"duplicates": "Duplikaadid",
"duplicates_description": "Lahenda iga grupp, valides duplikaadid, kui neid on",
"duration": "Kestus",
"edit_album": "Muuda albumit",
"edit_faces": "Muuda nägusid",
"email": "E-post",
"empty_trash": "Tühjenda prügikast",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid prügikasti tühjendada? See eemaldab kõik seal olevad üksused Immich'ist jäädavalt.\nSeda tegevust ei saa tagasi võtta!",
"end_date": "Lõppkuupäev",
"error": "Viga",
"error_loading_image": "Viga pildi laadimisel",
"error_title": "Viga - midagi läks valesti",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Järgmise üksuse juurde liikumine ebaõnnestus",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Eelmise üksuse juurde liikumine ebaõnnestus",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Üksuse lemmiku staatuse muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksuse} other {# üksuse}} metaandmete muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"cant_get_faces": "Nägusid ei õnnestunud kätte saada",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Viga üksuste albumisse lisamisel",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Viga jagatud kasutaja kustutamisel",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Viga üksuste albumist eemaldamisel, rohkem infot leiad konsoolilt",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Viga kõigi üksuste valimisel",
"failed_to_create_album": "Albumi lisamine ebaõnnestus",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Jagatud lingi lisamine ebaõnnestus",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Jagatud lingi muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"failed_to_load_asset": "Üksuse laadimine ebaõnnestus",
"failed_to_load_assets": "Üksuste laadimine ebaõnnestus",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Üksuste virnastamine ebaõnnestus",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Vale e-posti aadress või parool",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Profiilipildis ei tohi olla läbipaistvaid piksleid. Palun suumi sisse ja/või liiguta pilti.",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Kasutajate lisamine albumisse ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Üksuste jagatud lingile lisamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Kommentaari lisamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Partnerite lisamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "{archived, select, true {Üksuse arhiivist taastamine} other {Üksuse arhiveerimine}} ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Üksuse {favorite, select, true {lemmikuks lisamine} other {lemmikutest eemaldamine}} ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "{archived, select, true {Arhiveerimine} other {Arhiivist taastamine}} ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_change_date": "Kuupäeva muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Üksuse lemmiku staatuse muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_change_location": "Asukoha muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_change_password": "Parooli muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "{count, plural, one {# isiku} other {# isiku}} nähtavuse muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "OAuth sisselogimine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_connect": "Ühendumine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_connect_to_server": "Serveriga ühendumine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Administraatori konto loomine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_create_library": "Kogu lisamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_create_user": "Kasutaja lisamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Albumi kustutamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Üksuse kustutamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Viga üksuste kustutamisel",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Jagatud lingi kustutamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Kasutaja kustutamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_download_files": "Failide allalaadimine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Prügikasti tühjendamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Kommentaaride arvu leidmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Isiku peitmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_load_album": "Albumi laadimine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Üksuse aktiivsuse laadimine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Kõigist seadmetest väljalogimine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Seadmest väljalogimine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "OAuth abil sisselogimine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_play_video": "Video esitamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Üksuste {name, select, null {olemasoleva isikuga} other {isikuga {name}}} seostamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Üksuste uue isikuga seostamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Kasutajate albumist eemaldamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Üksuste jagatud lingilt eemaldamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Kogu eemaldamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_remove_partner": "Partneri eemaldamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "Reaktsiooni eemaldamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_reset_password": "Parooli lähtestamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "Üksuste taastamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_restore_user": "Kasutaja taastamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_save_album": "Albumi salvestamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_save_date_of_birth": "Sünnikuupäeva salvestamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_save_name": "Nime salvestamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_save_profile": "Profiili salvestamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_save_settings": "Seadete salvestamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Kogu skaneerimine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Esiletõstetud foto seadmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Profiilipildi seadmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Üksuse kustutamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Albumi kaanepildi muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Albumi info muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_update_library": "Kogu uuendamine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_update_location": "Asukoha muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Seadete muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_update_user": "Kasutaja muutmine ebaõnnestus",
"unable_to_upload_file": "Faili üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus"
"extension": "Laiend",
"face_unassigned": "Seostamata",
"feature_photo_updated": "Esiletõstetud foto muudetud",
"group_albums_by": "Grupeeri albumid...",
"group_no": "Ära grupeeri",
"group_owner": "Grupeeri omaniku kaupa",
"group_year": "Grupeeri aasta kaupa",
"hide_password": "Peida parool",
"hour": "Tund",
"image": "Pilt",
"immich_web_interface": "Immich'i veebiliides",
"in_archive": "Arhiivis",
"info": "Info",
"interval": {
"day_at_onepm": "Iga päev kell 13",
"night_at_midnight": "Iga päev keskööl",
"night_at_twoam": "Iga öö kell 2"
"language": "Keel",
"language_setting_description": "Vali oma eelistatud keel",
"latest_version": "Uusim versioon",
"latitude": "Laiuskraad",
"library": "Kogu",
"library_options": "Kogu seaded",
"log_out": "Logi välja",
"log_out_all_devices": "Logi kõigist seadmetest välja",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Kõigist seadmetest välja logitud",
"logged_out_device": "Seadmest välja logitud",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Sisselogimine on keelatud.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid kõigist seadmetest välja logida?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid sellest seadmest välja logida?",
"longitude": "Pikkuskraad",
"make": "Mark",
"manage_shared_links": "Halda jagatud linke",
"manage_sharing_with_partners": "Halda partneritega jagamist",
"manage_your_account": "Halda oma kontot",
"manage_your_devices": "Halda oma autenditud seadmeid",
"map": "Kaart",
"map_settings": "Kaardi seaded",
"memories": "Mälestused",
"merge": "Ühenda",
"merge_people": "Ühenda isikud",
"merge_people_limit": "Korraga saab ühendada kuni 5 nägu",
"merge_people_prompt": "Kas soovid need isikud ühendada? Seda tegevust ei saa tagasi võtta.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Isikud ühendatud",
"merged_people_count": "Ühendatud {count, plural, one {# isik} other {# isikut}}",
"minute": "Minut",
"model": "Mudel",
"month": "Kuu",
"my_albums": "Minu albumid",
"name": "Nimi",
"name_or_nickname": "Nimi või hüüdnimi",
"new_album": "Uus album",
"new_password": "Uus parool",
"new_version_available": "UUS VERSIOON SAADAVAL",
"next": "Järgmine",
"no": "Ei",
"no_albums_message": "Lisa album fotode ja videote organiseerimiseks",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Arhiveeri fotod ja videod, et neid Fotod vaatest peita",
"no_favorites_message": "Lisa lemmikud, et oma parimaid fotosid ja videosid kiiresti leida",
"no_libraries_message": "Lisa väline kogu oma fotode ja videote vaatamiseks",
"open_in_map_view": "Ava kaardi vaates",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Ava OpenStreetMap",
"organize_your_library": "Korrasta oma kogu",
"other_devices": "Muud seadmed",
"owner": "Omanik",
"partner": "Partner",
"partner_can_access": "{partner} pääseb ligi",
"partner_can_access_assets": "Kõik su fotod ja videod, välja arvatud arhiveeritud ja kustutatud",
"partner_can_access_location": "Asukohad, kus su fotod tehti",
"partner_sharing": "Partneriga jagamine",
"partners": "Partnerid",
"password": "Parool",
"password_does_not_match": "Parool ei klapi",
"password_reset_success": "Parooli lähtestamine õnnestus",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {Viimane päev} other {Viimased # päeva}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Viimane tund} other {Viimased # tundi}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Viimane aasta} other {Viimased # aastat}}"
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Kuva hoiatust üksuste jäädaval kustutamisel",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Kustuta {count, plural, one {üksus} other {üksused}} jäädavalt",
"permanently_delete_assets_prompt": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid {count, plural, one {selle üksuse} other {need <b>#</b> üksust}} jäädavalt kustutada? Sellega eemaldatakse {count, plural, one {see} other {need}} ka oma albumi(te)st.",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Üksus jäädavalt kustutatud",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} jäädavalt kustutatud",
"photos": "Fotod",
"photos_and_videos": "Fotod ja videod",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} foto} other {{count, number} fotot}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Fotod varasematest aastatest",
"preview": "Eelvaade",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Eelmine või järgmine foto",
"public_album": "Avalik album",
"purchase_account_info": "Toetaja",
"purchase_activated_subtitle": "Aitäh, et toetad Immich'it ja avatud lähtekoodiga tarkvara",
"purchase_activated_title": "Sinu võtme aktiveerimine õnnestus",
"purchase_button_reminder": "Tuleta mulle 30 päeva pärast meelde",
"purchase_individual_description_2": "Toetaja staatus",
"purchase_license_subtitle": "Osta Immich, et toetada selle jätkuvat arendust",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "Kuna oleme otsustanud maksumüüre mitte lisada, ei anna see ost sulle Immich'is lisavõimalusi. Me loodame Immich'i jätkuvaks arenduseks sinusuguste kasutajate toetusele.",
"purchase_panel_title": "Toeta projekti",
"purchase_remove_product_key_prompt": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid tootevõtme eemaldada?",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "Eemalda serveri tootevõti",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key_prompt": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid serveri tootevõtme eemaldada?",
"purchase_server_description_1": "Kogu serveri jaoks",
"purchase_server_description_2": "Toetaja staatus",
"purchase_server_title": "Server",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Serveri tootevõtit haldab administraator",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} seostatud {name, select, null {olemasoleva isikuga} other {isikuga {name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} seostatud uue isikuga",
"reassing_hint": "Seosta valitud üksused olemasoleva isikuga",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Värskenda kodeeritud videod",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Värskenda pisipildid",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Kodeeritud videote värskendamine",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Pisipiltide uuesti genereerimine",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid {count, plural, one {# üksuse} other {# üksust}} albumist eemaldada?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid eemaldada {count, plural, one {# üksuse} other {# üksust}} sellelt jagatud lingilt?",
"remove_assets_title": "Eemalda üksused?",
"remove_from_album": "Eemalda albumist",
"removed_from_archive": "Arhiivist eemaldatud",
"require_password": "Nõua parooli",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Nõua kasutajalt esimesel sisenemisel parooli muutmist",
"reset": "Lähtesta",
"reset_password": "Lähtesta parool",
"reset_to_default": "Lähtesta",
"restored_asset": "Üksus taastatud",
"role": "Roll",
"save": "Salvesta",
"search": "Otsi",
"search_by_filename": "Otsi failinime või -laiendi järgi",
"search_by_filename_example": "st. IMG_1234.JPG või PNG",
"search_camera_make": "Otsi kaamera marki...",
"search_camera_model": "Otsi kaamera mudelit...",
"search_city": "Otsi linna...",
"search_country": "Otsi riiki...",
"search_state": "Otsi osariiki...",
"search_timezone": "Otsi ajavööndit...",
"search_your_photos": "Otsi oma fotosid",
"second": "Sekund",
"select_album_cover": "Vali albumi kaanepilt",
"select_all": "Vali kõik",
"select_all_duplicates": "Vali kõik duplikaadid",
"select_face": "Vali nägu",
"select_featured_photo": "Vali esiletõstetud foto",
"select_library_owner": "Vali kogu omanik",
"select_new_face": "Vali uus nägu",
"select_photos": "Vali fotod",
"server_stats": "Serveri statistika",
"server_version": "Serveri versioon",
"set_as_album_cover": "Sea albumi kaanepildiks",
"shared": "Jagatud",
"shared_by_user": "Jagas {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Jagasid sina",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotod partnerilt {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Jagatud lingi valikud",
"shared_links": "Jagatud lingid",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# jagatud fotot ja videot.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Jagatud partneriga {partner}",
"sharing_enter_password": "Palun sisesta selle lehe vaatamiseks salasõna.",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "vajuta ⇧, et üksus jäädavalt kustutada",
"show_in_timeline_setting_description": "Kuva oma ajajoonel selle kasutaja fotosid ja videosid",
"show_password": "Kuva parooli",
"show_supporter_badge": "Toetaja märk",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "Kuva toetaja märki",
"sort_albums_by": "Järjesta albumid...",
"sort_oldest": "Vanim foto",
"sort_recent": "Kõige hiljutisem foto",
"stack": "Virn",
"stack_select_one_photo": "Vali virnale kaanefoto",
"stack_selected_photos": "Virnasta valitud fotod",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# üksus} other {# üksust}} virnastatud",
"state": "Osariik",
"stop_photo_sharing": "Lõpeta oma fotode jagamine?",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} ei pääse rohkem su fotodele ligi.",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Lõpeta oma fotode selle kasutajaga jagamine",
"timezone": "Ajavöönd",
"to_archive": "Arhiivi",
"to_change_password": "Muuda parool",
"trash_delete_asset": "Kustuta üksus",
"unarchive": "Taasta arhiivist",
"unnamed_album": "Nimetu album",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle albumi kustutada?",
"updated_password": "Parool muudetud",
"upload_errors": "Üleslaadimine lõpetatud {count, plural, one {# veaga} other {# veaga}}, uute üksuste nägemiseks värskenda lehte.",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {# dubleeritud üksus} other {# dubleeritud üksust}} vahele jäetud",
"upload_success": "Üleslaadimine õnnestus, uute üksuste nägemiseks värskenda lehte.",
"user_liked": "Kasutajale {user} meeldis {type, select, photo {see foto} video {see video} asset {see üksus} other {see}}",
"username": "Kasutajanimi",
"users": "Kasutajad",
"utilities": "Tööriistad",
"variables": "Muutujad",
"version": "Versioon",
"version_announcement_closing": "Sinu sõber, Alex",
"video": "Video",
"video_hover_setting": "Esita hõljutamisel video eelvaade",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Esita video eelvaade, kui hiirt selle kohal hõljutada. Isegi kui keelatud, saab taasesituse alustada taasesitusnupu kohal hõljutades.",
"videos": "Videod",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# video} other {# videot}}",
"view_album": "Vaata albumit",
"view_next_asset": "Vaata järgmist üksust",
"view_previous_asset": "Vaata eelmist üksust",
"week": "Nädal",
"year": "Aasta",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# aasta} other {# aastat}} tagasi",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Sul pole ühtegi jagatud linki"
@ -213,113 +213,120 @@
"sidecar_job": "اطلاعات جانبی",
"sidecar_job_description": "یافتن یا همگامسازی اطلاعات جانبی از فایل سیستم",
"slideshow_duration_description": "زمان ( به ثانیه ) نشان دادن هر عکس",
"smart_search_job_description": "اجرای یادگیری ماشین بر روی عکسها برای پشتیبانی از جستجوی هوشمند",
"smart_search_job_description": "اجرای یادگیری ماشینی بر روی داراییها برای پشتیبانی از جستجوی هوشمند",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "زمانبندی ایجاد دارایی برای اطلاعات تاریخ و زمان استفاده میشود",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "نمونه زمان {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "",
"storage_template_migration": "",
"storage_template_migration_description": "",
"storage_template_migration_info": "",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_more_details": "",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "",
"storage_template_path_length": "",
"storage_template_settings": "",
"storage_template_settings_description": "",
"storage_template_user_label": "",
"system_settings": "",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "",
"theme_settings": "",
"theme_settings_description": "",
"these_files_matched_by_checksum": "",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "تأیید هَش فعال شد",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "تأیید هَش را فعال میکند؛ این گزینه را غیرفعال نکنید مگر اینکه از عواقب آن مطمئن باشید",
"storage_template_migration": "انتقال الگوی ذخیره سازی",
"storage_template_migration_description": "قالب فعلی <link>{template}</link> را به داراییهای بارگذاری شده قبلی اعمال کنید",
"storage_template_migration_info": "تغییرات قالب فقط به داراییهای جدید اعمال خواهد شد. برای اعمال قالب به داراییهای بارگذاری شده قبلی، باید <link>{job}</link> را اجرا کنید.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "وظیفه مهاجرت الگوی ذخیرهسازی",
"storage_template_more_details": "برای جزئیات بیشتر درباره این ویژگی، به <template-link>قالب ذخیرهسازی</template-link> و <implications-link>مفاهیم</implications-link> آن مراجعه کنید",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "زمانی که این ویژگی فعال شود، فایلها بهطور خودکار بر اساس یک قالب تعریفشده توسط کاربر سازماندهی میشوند. به دلیل مشکلات پایداری، این ویژگی بهطور پیشفرض غیرفعال است. برای اطلاعات بیشتر، لطفاً به <link>مستندات</link> مراجعه کنید.",
"storage_template_path_length": "حداکثر طول مسیر تقریبی: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "قالب ذخیرهسازی",
"storage_template_settings_description": "مدیریت ساختار پوشه و نام فایل دارایی بارگذاری شده",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code> برچسب ذخیرهسازی کاربر است",
"system_settings": "تنظیمات سیستم",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "CSS سفارشی",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "برگههای سبک آبشاری (CSS) امکان سفارشیسازی طراحی Immich را فراهم میکنند.",
"theme_settings": "تنظیمات پوسته",
"theme_settings_description": "مدیریت سفارشیسازی رابط کاربری وب Immich",
"these_files_matched_by_checksum": "این فایلها با استفاده از چکسامهایشان مطابقت دارند",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "ایجاد تصاویر بندانگشتی",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "ایجاد تصاویر بندانگشتی بزرگ، کوچک و تار برای هر دارایی، همچنین تصاویر بندانگشتی برای هر فرد",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "API شتابدهنده",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "API که با دستگاه شما تعامل خواهد داشت تا فرایند تبدیل (ترنسکودینگ) را تسریع کند. این تنظیم بهصورت «بهترین تلاش» عمل میکند: در صورت شکست، به تبدیل نرمافزاری بازمیگردد. عملکرد VP9 بسته به سختافزار شما ممکن است کار کند یا نکند.",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC ( کارت گرافیک NVIDIA لازم است )",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "همگام سازی سریع (نیاز به پردازنده اینتل نسل هفتم یا بالاتر)",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (فقط بر روی Rockchip SOCs)",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "کدکهای صوتی پذیرفته شده",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "انتخاب کدکهای صوتی که نیازی به تبدیل (ترنسکود) ندارند. فقط برای برخی سیاستهای رمزگشایی استفاده میشود.",
"transcoding_accepted_containers": "کانتینرهای پذیرفته شده",
"transcoding_accepted_containers_description": "انتخاب قالبهای محتوایی که نیازی به تغییر به MP4 ندارند. فقط برای برخی سیاستهای رمزگشایی استفاده میشود.",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "کدکهای ویدیویی پذیرفته شده",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "انتخاب کدکهای ویدیویی که نیازی به تبدیل (ترنسکود) ندارند. فقط برای برخی سیاستهای رمزگشایی استفاده میشود.",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "گزینههایی که بیشتر کاربران نیازی به تغییر آنها ندارند",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "کدک صوتی",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "OPUS بهترین گزینه از نظر کیفیت است، اما با دستگاهها یا نرمافزارهای قدیمیتر سازگاری کمتری دارد.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "ویدیوهایی که بالاتر از حداکثر بیتریت هستند یا در فرمت پذیرفته شده نیستند",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "برای آشنایی بیشتر با اصطلاحات استفاده شده در اینجا، به مستندات FFmpeg برای کدکهای <h264-link>H.264</h264-link>، <hevc-link>HEVC</hevc-link> و <vp9-link>VP9</vp9-link> مراجعه کنید.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "حالت کیفیت ثابت",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ بهتر از CQP است، اما برخی از دستگاههای تسریع سختافزاری از این حالت پشتیبانی نمیکنند. تنظیم این گزینه باعث میشود که حالت مشخص شده در هنگام استفاده از کدگذاری مبتنی بر کیفیت ترجیح داده شود. این گزینه توسط NVENC نادیده گرفته میشود زیرا از ICQ پشتیبانی نمیکند.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "ضریب نرخ ثابت ( crf- )",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "سطح کیفیت ویدیو. هرچه عدد کمتر باشد، کیفیت بهتر است، اما فایلهای بزرگتری تولید میکند. مقادیر معمول عبارتند از: (23 <-- H.264) - (28 --> HEVC) - (31 --> VP9) - (35 --> AV1).",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "هیچ ویدیویی را تبدیل فرمت نکنید، زیرا ممکن است پخش در برخی از کلاینتها را مختل کند",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "شتاب دهنده سخت افزاری",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "آزمایشی؛ بسیار سریعتر است، اما در همان بیتریت کیفیت کمتری خواهد داشت",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "رمزگشایی سخت افزاری",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "",
"transcoding_required_description": "",
"transcoding_settings": "",
"transcoding_settings_description": "",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "",
"transcoding_threads": "",
"transcoding_threads_description": "",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "کدک HEVC",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "بیشترین B-frames",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "مقادیر بالاتر کارایی فشرده سازی را بهبود میبخشند، اما کدگذاری را کند میکنند. ممکن است با شتاب دهی سختافزاری در دستگاههای قدیمی سازگار نباشد. مقدار( 0 ) B-frames را غیرفعال میکند، در حالی که مقدار ( 1 ) این مقدار را به صورت خودکار تنظیم میکند.",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "بیشترین بیت ریت",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "تنظیم حداکثر بیتریت میتواند اندازه فایلها را در حدی قابل پیشبینیتر کند، هرچند که هزینه کمی برای کیفیت دارد. در وضوح 720p، مقادیر معمول 2600k برای VP9 یا HEVC و 4500k برای H.264 است. اگر به 0 تنظیم شود، غیرفعال میشود.",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "حداکثر فاصله کلید فریم",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "حداکثر فاصله فریم بین کلیدفریمها را تنظیم میکند. مقادیر پایینتر کارایی فشردهسازی را کاهش میدهند، اما زمان جستجو را بهبود میبخشند و ممکن است کیفیت را در صحنههای با حرکت سریع بهبود دهند. مقدار 0 این مقدار را بهطور خودکار تنظیم میکند.",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "ویدیوهایی که از رزولوشن هدف بالاتر هستند یا در قالب پذیرفته شده نیستند",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "دستگاه سختافزاری ترجیحی",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "این گزینه فقط به VAAPI و QSV اعمال میشود. DRI node مورد استفاده برای تبدیل فرمت سختافزاری را تنظیم میکند.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "پیشتنظیم (preset-)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "سرعت فشردهسازی. پیشتنظیمهای کندتر فایلهای کوچکتری تولید میکنند و کیفیت را هنگام هدفگذاری بر روی یک بیتریت خاص افزایش میدهند. VP9 سرعتهای بالاتر از 'faster' را نادیده میگیرد.",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "فریمهای مرجع",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "تعداد فریمهایی که هنگام فشردهسازی یک فریم مشخص به آنها ارجاع داده میشود. مقادیر بالاتر کارایی فشردهسازی را بهبود میبخشند، اما کدگذاری را کندتر میکنند. مقدار 0 این مقدار را بهطور خودکار تنظیم میکند.",
"transcoding_required_description": "فقط ویدیوهایی که در فرمت پذیرفتهشده نیستند",
"transcoding_settings": "تنظیمات تبدیل ویدیو",
"transcoding_settings_description": "مدیریت وضوح و اطلاعات کدگذاری فایلهای ویدئویی",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "وضوح هدف",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "وضوحهای بالاتر میتوانند جزئیات بیشتری را حفظ کنند، اما زمان بیشتری برای کدگذاری نیاز دارند، اندازه فایلهای بزرگتری دارند و ممکن است باعث کاهش پاسخگویی برنامه شوند.",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "AQ موقتی",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "این مورد فقط برای NVENC اعمال می شود. افزایش کیفیت در صحنه های با جزئیات بالا و حرکت کم. ممکن است با دستگاه های قدیمی تر سازگار نباشد.",
"transcoding_threads": "رشته ها ( موضوعات )",
"transcoding_threads_description": "مقادیر بالاتر منجر به رمزگذاری سریع تر می شود، اما فضای کمتری برای پردازش سایر وظایف سرور در حین فعالیت باقی می گذارد. این مقدار نباید بیشتر از تعداد هسته های CPU باشد. اگر روی 0 تنظیم شود، بیشترین استفاده را خواهد داشت.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "تلاش برای حفظ ظاهر ویدیوهای HDR هنگام تبدیل به SDR. هر الگوریتم تعادل های متفاوتی را برای رنگ، جزئیات و روشنایی ایجاد می کند. Hable جزئیات را حفظ می کند، Mobius رنگ را حفظ می کند و Reinhard روشنایی را حفظ می کند.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "",
"transcoding_transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_video_codec": "",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "",
"trash_enabled_description": "",
"trash_number_of_days": "",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "",
"trash_settings": "",
"trash_settings_description": "",
"untracked_files": "",
"untracked_files_description": "",
"user_delete_delay": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "",
"user_delete_immediately": "",
"user_management": "",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "",
"user_password_reset_description": "",
"user_restore_description": "",
"user_settings": "",
"user_settings_description": "",
"user_successfully_removed": "",
"version_check_enabled_description": "",
"version_check_settings": "",
"version_check_settings_description": "",
"video_conversion_job": "",
"video_conversion_job_description": ""
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "رنگ ها برای ظاهر طبیعی در یک نمایشگر با این روشنایی تنظیم خواهند شد. برخلاف انتظار، مقادیر پایین تر باعث افزایش روشنایی ویدیو و برعکس می شوند، زیرا آن را برای روشنایی نمایشگر جبران می کند. مقدار 0 این مقدار را به طور خودکار تنظیم می کند.",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "سیاست رمزگذاری",
"transcoding_transcode_policy_description": "سیاست برای زمانی که ویدیویی باید مجددا تبدیل (رمزگذاری) شود. ویدیوهای HDR همیشه تبدیل (رمزگذاری) مجدد خواهند شد (مگر رمزگذاری مجدد غیرفعال باشد).",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "تبدیل (رمزگذاری) دو مرحله ای",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "تبدیل (رمزگذاری) ویدیو در دو مرحله برای تولید ویدیوهای رمزگذاری شده بهتر. وقتی حداکثر نرخ بیت فعال باشد (برای کار با H.264 و HEVC لازم است)، این حالت از یک محدوده نرخ بیت بر اساس حداکثر نرخ بیت استفاده می کند و CRF را نادیده می گیرد. برای VP9، اگر حداکثر نرخ بیت غیرفعال باشد، می توان از CRF استفاده کرد.",
"transcoding_video_codec": "کدک ویدیویی",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "VP9 کارایی بالا و سازگاری وب را دارد، اما تبدیل (رمزگذاری) مجدد آن زمان بیشتری می گیرد. HEVC عملکرد مشابهی دارد، اما سازگاری وب کمتری دارد. H.264 سازگاری گسترده و رمزگذاری سریع دارد، اما فایل های بزرگتری تولید می کند. AV1 کدک کارآمدترین است، اما از پشتیبانی در دستگاه های قدیمی تر برخوردار نیست.",
"trash_enabled_description": "فعال سازی ویژگی های سطل بازیافت (سطل زباله)",
"trash_number_of_days": "تعداد روزها",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "تعداد روزهایی که دارایی ها(عکسها و فیملها) در زباله دان(سطل بازیافت) قبل از حذف دائمی نگهداری میشوند",
"trash_settings": "تنظیمات سطل بازیافت (سطل زباله)",
"trash_settings_description": "مدیریت تنظیمات سطل بازیافت (سطل زباله)",
"untracked_files": "فایل های ردیابی نشده",
"untracked_files_description": "این فایل ها توسط برنامه ردیابی نمی شوند. می توانند نتیجه انتقال ناموفق، بارگذاری متوقف شده یا به دلیل یک باگ باقی مانده باشند",
"user_delete_delay": "<b>{user}</b>'s حساب کاربری و دارایی ها(عکس و فیلم) برای حذف دائمی در {delay, plural, one {# روز} other {# روز}} برنامه ریزی خواهند شد.",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "تأخیر در حذف",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "تعداد روزهایی که پس از حذف، حساب کاربری و دارایی های(عکس و فیلم) کاربر به طور دائمی حذف می شوند. کار حذف کاربر در نیمه شب اجرا می شود تا کاربرانی که آماده حذف هستند را بررسی کند. تغییرات در این تنظیم در اجرای بعدی ارزیابی خواهند شد.",
"user_delete_immediately": "<b>{user}</b>'s حساب کاربری و دارایی ها (عکس و فیلم) <b>فوراً</b> برای حذف دائمی در صف قرار خواهند گرفت.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "کاربر و دارایی ها (عکس و فیلم) را برای حذف فوری در صف قرار بده",
"user_management": "مدیریت کاربر",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "رمز عبور کاربر بازنشانی شد:",
"user_password_reset_description": "لطفاً رمز عبور موقت را به کاربر ارائه دهید و به او اطلاع دهید که باید در ورود بعدی رمز عبور خود را تغییر دهد.",
"user_restore_description": "<b>{user}</b>'s حساب کاربری بازیابی خواهد شد.",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "بازیابی کاربر - حذف برنامه ریزی شده در {date, date, long}",
"user_settings": "تنظیمات کاربر",
"user_settings_description": "مدیریت تنظیمات کاربر",
"user_successfully_removed": "کاربر {email} با موفقیت حذف شد.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "فعالسازی بررسی نسخه",
"version_check_implications": "ویژگی بررسی نسخه به ارتباط دوره ای با github.com متکی است",
"version_check_settings": "بررسی نسخه",
"version_check_settings_description": "فعال یا غیرفعال کردن اعلان نسخه جدید",
"video_conversion_job": "تبدیل (رمزگذاری) ویدیوها",
"video_conversion_job_description": "تبدیل (رمزگذاری)ویدیوها برای سازگاری بیشتر با مرورگرها و دستگاهها"
"admin_email": "",
"admin_password": "",
"administration": "",
"advanced": "",
"admin_email": "ایمیل مدیر",
"admin_password": "رمز عبور مدیر",
"administration": "مدیریت",
"advanced": "پیشرفته",
"album_added": "",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "",
"album_cover_updated": "",
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
"map_enable_description": "Ota käyttöön karttatoiminnot",
"map_gps_settings": "Kartta & GPS- asetukset",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Hallitse Kartan & GPS (Käänteinen Geokoodaus) Asetuksia",
"map_implications": "Kartta -ominaisuus käyttää ulkoista karttapalvelua",
"map_light_style": "Vaalea teema",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Hallitse <link>käänteisen geokoodauksen</link> asetuksia",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Käänteinen Geokoodaus",
@ -333,8 +334,11 @@
"album_cover_updated": "Albumin kansikuva päivitetty",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa albumin {album}?\nJos albumi on jaettu, muut eivät pääse siihen enää.",
"album_info_updated": "Albumin tiedot päivitetty",
"album_leave": "Poistu albumista?",
"album_name": "Albumin nimi",
"album_options": "Albumin asetukset",
"album_remove_user": "Poista käyttäjä?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Oletko varma että haluat poistaa {user}?",
"album_share_no_users": "Näyttää että olet jakanut tämän albumin kaikkien kanssa, tai sinulla ei ole käyttäjiä joille jakaa.",
"album_updated": "Albumi päivitetty",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Saa sähköpostia kun jaetussa albumissa on uutta sisältöä",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Activer la carte",
"map_gps_settings": "Paramètres de la carte et GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Gérer les paramètres de la Carte & GPS",
"map_implications": "La carte repose sur un service de tuiles externe (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Thème clair",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Gérer les <link> paramètres de géocodage inversé</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Géocodage inversé",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Activer le géocodage inversé",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Paramètres de géocodage inversé",
"map_settings": "Paramètres de la carte",
"map_settings": "Carte",
"map_settings_description": "Gérer les paramètres de la carte",
"map_style_description": "URL vers un thème de carte au format style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Extraction des métadonnées",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Paramètres utilisateur",
"user_settings_description": "Gérer les paramètres utilisateur",
"user_successfully_removed": "L'utilisateur {email} a bien été supprimé.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Activer la vérification périodique de nouvelle version sur GitHub",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Activer la vérification périodique de nouvelle version",
"version_check_implications": "Le contrôle de version repose sur une communication périodique avec github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Vérification de la version",
"version_check_settings_description": "Gérer la vérification de nouvelle version d'Immich",
"video_conversion_job": "Transcodage des vidéos",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Album ajouté",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Recevoir une notification par courriel lorsque vous êtes ajouté(e) à un album partagé",
"album_cover_updated": "Couverture de l'album mise à jour",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'album {album} ?\nSi cet album est partagé, les autres utilisateurs ne pourront plus y accéder.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'album {album} ?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Si cet album est partagé, d'autres utilisateurs ne pourront plus y accéder.",
"album_info_updated": "Détails de l'album mis à jour",
"album_leave": "Quitter l'album ?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter l'album {album} ?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Autoriser les modifications",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permettre aux utilisateurs non connectés de télécharger",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permettre aux utilisateurs non connectés de téléverser",
"anti_clockwise": "Sens anti-horaire",
"api_key": "Clé API",
"api_key_description": "Cette valeur ne sera affichée qu'une seule fois. Assurez-vous de la copier avant de fermer la fenêtre.",
"api_key_empty": "Le nom de votre clé API ne doit pas être vide",
@ -441,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Supprimer les recherches récentes",
"clear_message": "Effacer le message",
"clear_value": "Effacer la valeur",
"clockwise": "Sens horaire",
"close": "Fermer",
"collapse": "Réduire",
"collapse_all": "Tout réduire",
@ -517,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Ne plus afficher ce message",
"done": "Terminé",
"download": "Télécharger",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Vidéos embarquées",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Inclure des vidéos intégrées dans les photos de mouvement comme un fichier séparé",
"download_settings": "Télécharger",
"download_settings_description": "Gérer les paramètres de téléchargement des médias",
"downloading": "Téléchargement",
@ -550,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "Modifier l'utilisateur",
"edited": "Modifié",
"editor": "Editeur",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Les changements ne seront pas enregistrés",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Fermer l'éditeur ?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Rapports hauteur/largeur",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotation",
"email": "Courriel",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Album vide",
@ -699,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "Expiré",
"expires_date": "Expire le {date}",
"explore": "Explorer",
"explorer": "Explorateur",
"export": "Exporter",
"export_as_json": "Exporter en JSON",
"extension": "Extension",
@ -720,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Filtrer les personnes",
"find_them_fast": "Pour les retrouver rapidement par leur nom",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Corriger une association incorrecte",
"folders": "Dossiers",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Forcer la réactualisation de tous les fichiers de la bibliothèque",
"forward": "Avant",
"general": "Général",
@ -912,6 +925,7 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Anciens en premier",
"onboarding": "Accueil",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Les fonctions suivantes (optionnelles) dépendent de services externes et peuvent être désactivées à tout moment dans les paramètres d'administration.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Choisissez un thème de couleur pour votre instance. Vous pouvez le changer plus tard dans vos paramètres.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Mettons votre instance en place avec quelques paramètres communs.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Bienvenue {user}",
@ -985,6 +999,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Souvenir précédent",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Photo précédente ou suivante",
"primary": "Primaire",
"privacy": "Vie privée",
"profile_image_of_user": "Image de profil de {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Photo de profil définie.",
"public_album": "Album public",
@ -1023,6 +1038,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "La clé du produit pour le Serveur est gérée par l'administrateur",
"range": "",
"rating": "Étoile d'évaluation",
"rating_clear": "Effacer l'évaluation",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# étoile} other {# étoiles}}",
"rating_description": "Afficher l'évaluation d'exif dans le panneau d'information",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Options de réaction",
@ -1146,6 +1163,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Partagé par {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Partagé par vous",
"shared_from_partner": "Photos de {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Options de lien partagé",
"shared_links": "Liens partagés",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# photos et vidéos partagées.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Partagé avec {partner}",
@ -1221,7 +1239,7 @@
"to_login": "Se connecter",
"to_trash": "Corbeille",
"toggle_settings": "Inverser les paramètres",
"toggle_theme": "Changer le thème",
"toggle_theme": "Inverser le thème sombre",
"toggle_visibility": "Modifier la visibilité",
"total_usage": "Utilisation globale",
"trash": "Corbeille",
@ -1243,6 +1261,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Déconnecter OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Compte OAuth non connecté",
"unnamed_album": "Album sans nom",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet album ?",
"unnamed_share": "Partage sans nom",
"unsaved_change": "Modification non enregistrée",
"unselect_all": "Annuler la sélection",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "אפשר תכונות מפה",
"map_gps_settings": "הגדרות מפה & GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "נהל הגדרות מפה & GPS (קידוד גאוגרפי הפוך)",
"map_implications": "תכונת המפה מסתמכת על שירות אריח חיצוני (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "עיצוב בהיר",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "נהל הגדרות <link>קידוד גאוגרפי הפוך</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "קידוד גיאוגרפי הפוך",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "אפשר קידוד גיאוגרפי הפוך",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "הגדרות קידוד גיאוגרפי הפוך",
"map_settings": "הגדרות מפה",
"map_settings": "מפה",
"map_settings_description": "נהל הגדרות מפה",
"map_style_description": "כתובת אתר לערכת נושא של מפה style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "חלץ מטא-נתונים",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "הגדרות משתמש",
"user_settings_description": "נהל הגדרות משתמש",
"user_successfully_removed": "המשתמש {email} הוסר בהצלחה.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "אפשר בקשות רשת תקופתיות ל-GitHub כדי לבדוק אם יש מהדורות חדשות",
"version_check_enabled_description": "אפשר בדיקת גרסה",
"version_check_implications": "תכונת בדיקת הגרסה מסתמכת על תקשורת תקופתית עם github.com",
"version_check_settings": "בדיקת גרסה",
"version_check_settings_description": "הפעל/השבת את ההתראה על גרסה חדשה",
"video_conversion_job": "המרת קידוד סרטונים",
@ -360,6 +362,7 @@
"allow_edits": "אפשר עריכות",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "אפשר למשתמש ציבורי להוריד",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "אפשר למשתמש ציבורי להעלות",
"anti_clockwise": "נגד כיוון השעון",
"api_key": "מפתח API",
"api_key_description": "הערך הזה יוצג רק פעם אחת. נא לוודא שהעתקת אותו לפני סגירת החלון.",
"api_key_empty": "מפתח ה-API שלך לא אמור להיות ריק",
@ -441,6 +444,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "נקה את כל החיפושים האחרונים",
"clear_message": "נקה הודעה",
"clear_value": "נקה ערך",
"clockwise": "עם כיוון השעון",
"close": "סגור",
"collapse": "כווץ",
"collapse_all": "כווץ הכל",
@ -517,6 +521,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "אל תציג את ההודעה הזאת שוב",
"done": "סיום",
"download": "הורדה",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "סרטונים מוטמעים",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "כלול סרטונים מוטעמים בתמונות עם תנועה כקובץ נפרד",
"download_settings": "הורדה",
"download_settings_description": "נהל הגדרות הקשורות להורדת נכסים",
"downloading": "מוריד",
@ -550,6 +556,10 @@
"edit_user": "ערוך משתמש",
"edited": "נערך",
"editor": "עורך",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "השינויים לא יישמרו",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "לסגור את העורך?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "יחסי רוחב גובה",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "סיבוב",
"email": "דוא\"ל",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "אלבום ריק",
@ -912,6 +922,7 @@
"ok": "בסדר",
"oldest_first": "הישן ביותר ראשון",
"onboarding": "היכרות",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "התכונות (האופציונליות) הבאות מסתמכות על שירותים חיצוניים, וניתנות לביטול בכל עת בהגדרות הניהול.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "בחר/י את צבע ערכת הנושא עבור ההתקנה שלך. את/ה יכול/ה לשנות את זה מאוחר יותר בהגדרות שלך.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "בואו נכין את ההתקנה שלכם עם כמה הגדרות נפוצות.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "ברוכ/ה הבא/ה, {user}",
@ -985,6 +996,7 @@
"previous_memory": "זיכרון קודם",
"previous_or_next_photo": "התמונה הקודמת או הבאה",
"primary": "ראשי",
"privacy": "פרטיות",
"profile_image_of_user": "תמונת פרופיל של {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "תמונת פרופיל נבחרה.",
"public_album": "אלבום ציבורי",
@ -995,7 +1007,7 @@
"purchase_activated_title": "המפתח שלך הופעל בהצלחה",
"purchase_button_activate": "הפעל",
"purchase_button_buy": "קנה",
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "קנה Immich",
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "קנה את Immich",
"purchase_button_never_show_again": "לעולם אל תראה שוב",
"purchase_button_reminder": "הזכר לי בעוד 30 יום",
"purchase_button_remove_key": "הסר מפתח",
@ -1146,6 +1158,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "משותף על ידי {user}",
"shared_by_you": "משותף על ידך",
"shared_from_partner": "תמונות מאת {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "אפשרויות קישור משותף",
"shared_links": "קישורים משותפים",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# תמונות וסרטונים משותפים.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "משותף עם {partner}",
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"about": "Oko",
"about": "O",
"account": "Račun",
"account_settings": "Postavke računa",
"acknowledge": "Potvrdi",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"add_to_shared_album": "Dodaj u dijeljeni album",
"added_to_archive": "Dodano u arhivu",
"added_to_favorites": "Dodano u omiljeno",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Dodano {count} u omiljeno",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Dodano {count, number} u omiljeno",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"authentication_settings": "Postavke autentikacije",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Jeste li sigurni da želite onemogućenit sve načine prijave? Prijava će biti potpuno onemogućena.",
"background_task_job": "Pozadinski zadaci",
"check_all": "Provjeri sve",
"cleared_jobs": "Izbrisani poslovi za: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Konfiguracija je trenutno postavljena konfiguracijskom datotekom",
"confirm_delete_library": "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati biblioteku {library}?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu biblioteku? Time će se izbrisati sva {count} sadržana sredstva iz Immicha i ne može se poništiti. Datoteke će ostati na disku.",
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
"face_detection": "Detekcija lica",
"face_detection_description": "Prepoznajte lica u sredstvima pomoću strojnog učenja. Za videozapise u obzir se uzima samo minijaturni prikaz. \"Sve\" (ponovno) obrađuje svu imovinu. \"Nedostaje\" stavlja u red čekanja sredstva koja još nisu obrađena. Otkrivena lica bit će stavljena u red čekanja za prepoznavanje lica nakon dovršetka prepoznavanja lica, grupirajući ih u postojeće ili nove osobe.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Grupirajte otkrivena lica u osobe. Ovaj se korak pokreće nakon dovršetka prepoznavanja lica. \"Sve\" (ponovno) grupira sva lica. \"Nedostajuća\" lica u redovima kojima nije dodijeljena osoba.",
"failed_job_command": "Naredba {command} nije uspjela za posao: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "UPOZORENJE: Ovo će odmah ukloniti korisnika i sve pripadajuće podatke. Ovo se ne može poništiti i datoteke se ne mogu vratiti.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Prisilno osvježavanje svih datoteka knjižnice",
"image_format_description": "WebP proizvodi manje datoteke od JPEG-a, ali se sporije kodira.",
@ -67,30 +69,33 @@
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Koristi se prilikom pregledavanja grupa fotografija (glavna vremenska traka, prikaz albuma itd.). Veće razlučivosti mogu sačuvati više detalja, ali trebaju dulje za kodiranje, imaju veće veličine datoteka i mogu smanjiti odaziv aplikacije.",
"job_concurrency": "{job} istovremenost",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Ovaj posao nije siguran za istovremenost.",
"job_settings": "",
"job_settings_description": "",
"job_status": "",
"job_settings": "Postavke posla",
"job_settings_description": "Upravljajte istovremenošću poslova",
"job_status": "Status posla",
"jobs_delayed": "",
"jobs_failed": "",
"library_created": "",
"library_cron_expression": "",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
"library_deleted": "",
"library_import_path_description": "",
"library_scanning": "",
"library_scanning_description": "",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "",
"library_settings": "",
"library_settings_description": "",
"library_tasks_description": "",
"library_watching_enable_description": "",
"library_watching_settings": "",
"library_watching_settings_description": "",
"logging_enable_description": "",
"logging_level_description": "",
"logging_settings": "",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "",
"library_created": "Stvorena biblioteka: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron izraz",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Postavite interval skeniranja koristeći cron format. Za više informacija pogledajte npr. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Unaprijed postavljene cron izraze",
"library_deleted": "Biblioteka izbrisana",
"library_import_path_description": "Navedite mapu za uvoz. Ova će se mapa, uključujući podmape, skenirati u potrazi za slikama i videozapisima.",
"library_scanning": "Periodično Skeniranje",
"library_scanning_description": "Konfigurirajte periodično skeniranje biblioteke",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Omogući periodično skeniranje biblioteke",
"library_settings": "Externa biblioteka",
"library_settings_description": "Upravljajte postavkama vanjske biblioteke",
"library_tasks_description": "Obavljati bibliotekne zadatke",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Pratite vanjske biblioteke za promjena datoteke",
"library_watching_settings": "Gledanje biblioteke (EKSPERIMENTALNO)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Automatsko praćenje promijenjenih datoteke",
"logging_enable_description": "Omogući zapisivanje",
"logging_level_description": "Kada je omogućeno, koju razinu zapisavanje koristiti.",
"logging_settings": "Zapisavanje",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP model",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Naziv CLIP modela navedenog <link>ovdje</link>. Imajte na umu da morate ponovno pokrenuti posao 'Pametno Pretraživanje' za sve slike nakon promjene modela.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Detekcija Duplikata",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Omogući detekciju duplikata",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "",
@ -111,53 +116,59 @@
"machine_learning_settings_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_url_description": "",
"manage_concurrency": "",
"manage_log_settings": "",
"map_dark_style": "",
"map_enable_description": "",
"map_light_style": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "",
"map_settings": "",
"map_settings_description": "",
"map_style_description": "",
"metadata_extraction_job": "",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "",
"migration_job": "",
"migration_job_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Omogući pametno pretraživanje",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "Ako je onemogućeno, slike neće biti kodirane za pametno pretraživanje.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "URL poslužitelja strojnog učenja",
"manage_concurrency": "Upravljanje Istovremenošću",
"manage_log_settings": "Upravljanje postavkama zapisivanje",
"map_dark_style": "Tamni stil",
"map_enable_description": "Omogući značajke karte",
"map_gps_settings": "Postavke Karte i GPS-a",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Upravljajte Postavkama Karte i GPS-a (Obrnuto Geokodiranje)",
"map_implications": "Značajka karte se oslanja na vanjsku uslugu pločica (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Svijetli stil",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Upravljajte postavkama <link>Obrnutog Geokodiranja</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Obrnuto Geokodiranje",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Omogući obrnuto geokodiranje",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Postavke Obrnuto Geokodiranje",
"map_settings": "Karta",
"map_settings_description": "Upravljanje postavkama karte",
"map_style_description": "URL na style.json temu karte",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Izdvoj metapodatke",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "Izdvojite podatke o metapodacima iz svakog sredstva, kao što su GPS i rezolucija",
"migration_job": "Migracija",
"migration_job_description": "Premjestite minijature za sredstva i lica u najnoviju strukturu mapa",
"no_paths_added": "",
"no_pattern_added": "",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "",
"note_unlimited_quota": "",
"notification_email_from_address": "",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "",
"notification_email_host_description": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "",
"notification_email_password_description": "",
"notification_email_port_description": "",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "",
"notification_email_setting_description": "",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "",
"notification_email_username_description": "",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "",
"notification_settings": "",
"notification_settings_description": "",
"oauth_auto_launch": "",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "",
"oauth_auto_register": "",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "",
"oauth_button_text": "",
"oauth_client_id": "",
"oauth_client_secret": "",
"oauth_enable_description": "",
"oauth_issuer_url": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "",
"no_pattern_added": "Nije dodan uzorak",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Napomena: da biste primijenili Oznaku Pohrane na prethodno prenesena sredstva, pokrenite",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "NAPOMENA: Ovo se ne može promijeniti kasnije!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Napomena: Unesite 0 za neograničenu kvotu",
"notification_email_from_address": "Od adrese",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "E-mail adresa pošiljatelja, na primjer: \"Immich Photo Server <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "Poslužitelja e-pošte (npr. smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Ignoriraj pogreške certifikata",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Ignoriraj pogreške provjere valjanosti TLS certifikata (nije preporučeno)",
"notification_email_password_description": "Lozinka za korištenje pri autentifikaciji s poslužiteljem e-pošte",
"notification_email_port_description": "Port poslužitelja e-pošte (npr. 25, 465, ili 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Pošaljite probni e-mail i spremi",
"notification_email_setting_description": "Postavke za slanje e-mail obavijeste",
"notification_email_test_email": "Pošalji probni e-mail",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "Slanje testne e-pošte nije uspjelo, provjerite svoje postavke",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Testna e-poruka poslana je na {email}. Provjerite svoju pristiglu poštu.",
"notification_email_username_description": "Korisničko ime koje se koristi pri autentifikaciji s poslužiteljem e-pošte",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "Omogući obavijesti putem e-pošte",
"notification_settings": "Postavke Obavijesti",
"notification_settings_description": "Upravljanje postavkama obavijesti, uključujući e-poštu",
"oauth_auto_launch": "Automatsko pokretanje",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "Automatski pokrenite OAuth prijavu nakon navigacije na stranicu za prijavu",
"oauth_auto_register": "Automatska registracija",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "Automatski registrirajte nove korisnike nakon prijave s OAuth",
"oauth_button_text": "Tekst gumba",
"oauth_client_id": "ID Klijenta",
"oauth_client_secret": "Tajna Klijenta",
"oauth_enable_description": "Prijavite se putem OAutha",
"oauth_issuer_url": "URL Izdavatelja",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "Mobilnog Preusmjeravanja URI",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "",
"oauth_scope": "",
@ -839,27 +850,31 @@
"storage_label": "",
"storage_usage": "",
"submit": "",
"suggestions": "",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "",
"suggestions": "Prijedlozi",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "Sunrise on the beach",
"swap_merge_direction": "",
"sync": "",
"sync": "Sink.",
"template": "",
"theme": "",
"theme_selection": "",
"theme_selection_description": "",
"time_based_memories": "",
"timezone": "",
"to_archive": "",
"to_favorite": "",
"toggle_settings": "",
"toggle_theme": "",
"theme": "Tema",
"theme_selection": "Izbor teme",
"theme_selection_description": "Automatski postavite temu na svijetlu ili tamnu ovisno o postavkama sustava vašeg preglednika",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Oni ću biti spojeni zajedno",
"time_based_memories": "Uspomene temeljene na vremenu",
"timezone": "Vremenska zona",
"to_archive": "Arhivaj",
"to_change_password": "Promjeni lozinku",
"to_favorite": "Omiljeni",
"to_login": "Prijava",
"to_trash": "Smeće",
"toggle_settings": "Uključi/isključi postavke",
"toggle_theme": "Promjeni temu",
"toggle_visibility": "",
"total_usage": "",
"trash": "",
"trash_all": "",
"trash_no_results_message": "",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "",
"type": "",
"total_usage": "Ukupna upotreba",
"trash": "Smeće",
"trash_all": "Stavi sve u smeće",
"trash_no_results_message": "Ovdje će se prikazati bačene fotografije i videozapisi.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Stavke bačene u smeće trajno će se izbrisati nakon {days, plural, one {# day} other {# days}}.",
"type": "Vrsta",
"unarchive": "",
"unarchived": "",
"unfavorite": "",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Térkép funkciók engedélyezése",
"map_gps_settings": "Térkép és GPS beállítások",
"map_gps_settings_description": "A térkép és a GPS (fordított geokódolás) beállításainak kezelése",
"map_implications": "A térkép szolgáltatás egy külső csempeszolgáltatót használ (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Világos stílus",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "A <link>fordított geokódolás</link> beállításainak kezelése",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Fordított Geokódolás",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Fordított geokódolás engedélyezése",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Fordított Geokódolási Beállítások",
"map_settings": "Térkép beállítások",
"map_settings": "Térkép",
"map_settings_description": "Térkép beállítások kezelése",
"map_style_description": "Egy style.json térképstílusra mutató URL",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Metaadatok feldolgozása",
@ -227,7 +228,7 @@
"storage_template_migration_info": "A megváltozott sablon csak az újonnan feltöltött fájlokra lesz alkalmazva. A fájlok visszamenőleges megváltoztatásához futtatni kell a megfelelő munkát: <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Tárhely Sablon Migrációja",
"storage_template_more_details": "További információért erről a szolgáltatásról lásd <template-link>Tárolási Sablont</template-link> és az <implications-link>implikációkat</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Engedélyezve, ez a funkció automatikusan rendszerezi a fájlokat egy felhasználó által megadott sablon alapján. Stabilitási problémák miatt a funkció alapértelmezés szerint ki van kapcsolva. További információkért tekintse meg a <link>dokumentációt</link>.",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Ez a funkció, ha be van kapcsolva, automatikusan rendszerezi a fájlokat egy felhasználó által megadott sablon alapján. Stabilitási problémák miatt a funkció alapértelmezés szerint ki van kapcsolva. További információkért tekintse meg a <link>dokumentációt</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Út hozzávetőleges maximális hossza: <b>{length, number}</b>{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Tárolási sablon",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Kezelje a feltöltött képi vagyontárgyak mappaszerkezetét és fájlnevét",
@ -260,7 +261,7 @@
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Hogy többet tudjon meg az itt felhasznált kifejezésekről, látogassa meg az FFmpeg dokumentációt a <h264-link>H.264 kodekhez</h264-link>, a <hevc-link>HEVC kodekhez</hevc-link> és a <vp9-link>VP9 kodekhez</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Állandó minőségi mód",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "Az ICQ jobb, mint a CQP, viszont nem minden hardver támogatja. A rendszer az itt beállított módszert részesíti előnyben. A NVENC ignorálja a beállítást, mivel nem támogatja az ICQ-t.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Állandó ráta tényező (árt)",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Állandó ráta tényező (-crf)",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "Videó minőségi szint. Jellemző értékek kodekenként: H.264: 23, HEVC: 28, VP9: 31, AV1: 35. Minél alacsonyabb, annál jobb minőséget eredményez, viszont nagyobb fájlmérettel is jár.",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "Ne transzkódoljon videót. Nem lejátszható videókhoz vezethet néhány kliensen",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Hardveres Gyorsítás",
@ -278,7 +279,7 @@
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "Átkódoláshoz preferált hardver eszköz",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "Csak VAAPI vagy QSV esetén. Beállítja a hardveres transzkódoláshoz használt DRI node-ot.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "Beállítás (-preset)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Tömörítési gyorsaság. Lassabb beállítások esetén kisebb fájlokat generál, valamint növeli a minőséget megcélzott bitráta esetén. A VP9 kódolás figyelmen kívül hagyja a `faster`-nél gyorsabb beállításokat.",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Tömörítési gyorsaság. Lassabb beállítások esetén kisebb fájlokat generál, valamint növeli a minőséget megcélzott bitráta esetén. A VP9 kódolás figyelmen kívül hagyja a 'faster (gyorsabb)'-nál gyorsabb beállításokat.",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "Referencia képkockák",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "Ennyi képkockára hivatkozzon egy képkocka tömörítéséhez. Magasabb értékek növelik a tömörítési hatékonyságot, de lelassítják a kódolási folyamatot. 0 esetén a szoftver magának beállítja az értéket.",
"transcoding_required_description": "Csak az el nem fogadott formátumú videókat",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Felhasználó Beállítások",
"user_settings_description": "Felhasználó beállítások kezelése",
"user_successfully_removed": "{email} felhasználó sikeresen törlésre került.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Engedélyezze rendszeres kérések küldését a GitHub szervereinek új verzió elérhetőségének ellenőrzésére",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Új verziók elérhetőségének ellenőrzése",
"version_check_implications": "Az új verziók ellenőrzése szolgáltatás időszakos kommunikációt igényel a github.com oldallal",
"version_check_settings": "Verzió Ellenőrzés",
"version_check_settings_description": "Az új verzióról való értesítés be- és kikapcsolása",
"video_conversion_job": "Videók Átkódolása",
@ -332,6 +334,7 @@
"advanced": "Haladó",
"age_months": "Kor {months, plural, one {# month} other {# months}}",
"age_year_months": "Kor 1 év, {months, plural, one {# month} other {# months}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {# éves}}",
"album_added": "Albumhoz hozzáadva",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Küldjön emailes értesítőt, amikor hozzáadnak egy megosztott albumhoz",
"album_cover_updated": "Album borító frissítve",
@ -358,7 +361,8 @@
"allow_dark_mode": "Sötét stílus engedélyezése",
"allow_edits": "Szerkesztések engedélyezése",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Engedélyezze publikus felhasználónak, hogy letöltse",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Engedélyezze publikus felhasználónak, hogy feltöltsön",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Engedélyezze a feltöltést publikus felhasználónak",
"anti_clockwise": "Óramutató járásával ellentétes irány",
"api_key": "API kulcs",
"api_key_description": "Ez az érték csak egyszer jelenik meg. Az ablak bezárása előtt feltétlenül másolja át.",
"api_key_empty": "A te API Kulcs neved nem kéne üres legyen",
@ -385,8 +389,18 @@
"asset_uploaded": "Feltöltve",
"asset_uploading": "Feltöltés...",
"assets": "elemek",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} hozzáadva",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} hozzáadva az albumhoz",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} hozzáadva a(z) {hasName, select, true {<b>{name}</b>} other {új}} albumba",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {# fájl} other {# fájl}} a lomtárba mozgatva",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} szemétbe mozgatva",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} örökre törölve",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} eltávolítva",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Biztosan visszaállítja a lomtárbeli elemeket? Ez a művelet nem visszavonható!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} visszaállítva",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} kidobva",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} már az album része volt",
"authorized_devices": "Engedélyezett készülékek",
"back": "Vissza",
"back_close_deselect": "Vissza, bezárás, vagy kijelölés törlése",
@ -394,7 +408,10 @@
"birthdate_saved": "Születésnap elmentve",
"birthdate_set_description": "A születés napját a rendszer annak kijelzésére használja, hogy a fénykép készítésének idejében az illető hány éves volt.",
"blurred_background": "Homályos háttér",
"build": "Építés",
"build_image": "Kép építése",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Biztosan kitöröl {count, plural, one {# duplikált fájlt} other {# duplikált fájlt}}? A művelet során minden hasonló fájlcsoportból a legnagyobb méretű fájlt megtartja, minden másik duplikált fájlt kitörli. Ez a művelet nem visszavonható!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Biztosan meg szeretne tartani {count, plural, other {# egyező elemet}}? Ez felold minden duplikátum csoportot elemek törlése nélkül.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Biztosan kitöröl {count, plural, one {# duplikált fájlt} other {# duplikált fájlt}}? Ez a művelet megtartja minden fájlcsoportból a legnagyobb méretű elemet, és kitörli minden másik duplikáltat.",
"buy": "Immich megvásárlása",
"camera": "Fényképezőgép",
@ -427,6 +444,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Legutóbbi keresések törlése",
"clear_message": "Üzenet törlése",
"clear_value": "Érték törlése",
"clockwise": "Óramutató járásával megegyező irány",
"close": "Bezárás",
"collapse": "Összecsuk",
"collapse_all": "Mindet összecsuk",
@ -503,12 +521,15 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Ne mutassa többet ezt az üzenetet",
"done": "Kész",
"download": "Letöltés",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Beágyazott videók",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Mozgó képekbe beágyazott videók mutatása külön fájlként",
"download_settings": "Letöltés",
"download_settings_description": "Képi vagyontárgyak letöltésére vonatkozó beállítások",
"downloading": "Letöltés",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Fájl letöltése {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Húzza a fájlokat bárhova a feltöltéshez",
"duplicates": "Duplikátumok",
"duplicates_description": "Oldja fel a csoportokat a (ha léteznek) duplukátumok megjelölésével",
"duration": "Időtartam",
"durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {nap} other {{days, number} nap}}",
@ -535,6 +556,10 @@
"edit_user": "Felhasználó módosítása",
"edited": "Módosítva",
"editor": "Szerkesztő",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "A változtatások nem lesznek mentve",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Szerkesztő bezárása?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Oldalarányok",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Forgatás",
"email": "Email",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Üres Album",
@ -542,7 +567,7 @@
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Biztosan kiüríti a lomtárat? Ezzel minden lomtárbeli fájlt véglegesen letöröl az Immich szolgáltatásból.\nEz a művelet nem visszavonható!",
"enable": "Engedélyezés",
"enabled": "Engedélyezve",
"end_date": "",
"end_date": "Vég dátum",
"error": "Hiba",
"error_loading_image": "Hiba a kép betöltése közben",
"error_title": "Hiba - valami félresikerült",
@ -550,7 +575,9 @@
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Nem lehet a következő elemhez navigálni",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Nem lehet az előző elemhez navigálni",
"cant_apply_changes": "Nem lehet alkalmazni a változtatásokat",
"cant_change_activity": "Nem lehet {enabled, select, true {engedélyezni} other {kikapcsolni}} tevékenységet",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Nem lehet a kedvenc állapotot megváltoztatni ehhez az elemhez",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Nem lehet {count, plural, other {# elem}} metaadatát megváltoztatni",
"cant_get_faces": "Arcok lekérdezése sikertelen",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Hozzászólások számának lekérdezése sikertelen",
"cant_search_people": "Emberek keresése sikertelen",
@ -564,6 +591,7 @@
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Hiba történt az elemek albumból való eltávolítása során, további információért ellenőrizze a logokat",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Minden elem kijelölése közben hiba lépett fel",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Ez a kizárási minta már létezik.",
"failed_job_command": "Parancs {command} hibával zárult a {job} munkában",
"failed_to_create_album": "Album készítése sikertelen",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Megosztott link készítése sikertelen",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Megosztott link szerkesztése sikertelen",
@ -572,81 +600,121 @@
"failed_to_load_assets": "Elemek betöltése sikertelen",
"failed_to_load_people": "Emberek betöltése sikertelen",
"failed_to_remove_product_key": "Termékkulcs eltávolítása sikertelen",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Elemek csoportosítása sikertelen",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Elemek szétszedése sikertelen",
"import_path_already_exists": "Ez az importálási útvonal már létezik.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Helytelen e-mail vagy jelszó",
"paths_validation_failed": "Sikertelen érvényesítés {paths, plural, one {# elérési útvonalon} other {# elérési útvonalon}}",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Profilképek nem tartalmazhatnak átlátszó pixeleket. Közelítsen rá és/vagy mozgassa a képet.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Az elérhető háttértárnál nagyobb kvótát állított be",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Nem sikerült {count, select, one {element} other {elemeket}} ellenőrizni",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Felhasználók hozzáadása albumhoz sikertelen",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Felhasználók hozzáadása megosztott linkhez sikertelen",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Hozzászólás sikertelen",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Kivétel minta hozzáadása sikertelen",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Importálási útvonal hozzáadása sikertelen",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Partnerek hozzáadása sikertelen",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "",
"unable_to_change_date": "",
"unable_to_change_location": "",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Elem {archived, select, true {eltávolítása archívumból} other {hozzáadása archívumba}} sikertelen",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Elem {favorite, select, true {eltávolítása kedvencekből} other {hozzáadása kedvencekhez}} sikertelen",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Elem {archived, select, true {archiválása} other {kivétele archívumból}} sikertelen",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Album tagjának szerepének megváltoztatása sikertelen",
"unable_to_change_date": "Dátum megváltoztatása sikertelen",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Kedvenc állapot megváltoztatása sikertelen",
"unable_to_change_location": "Hely megváltoztatása sikertelen",
"unable_to_change_password": "Jelszó megváltoztatása sikertelen",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "{count, plural, other {# ember}} láthatóságának a megváltoztatása sikertelen",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "OAuth bejelentkezés sikertelen",
"unable_to_connect": "Csatlakozás sikertelen",
"unable_to_connect_to_server": "Szerverhez való csatlakozás sikertelen",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Vágólapra másolás sikertelen. Ellenőrizze, hogy a kapcsolat https-en keresztül történik",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_library": "",
"unable_to_create_user": "",
"unable_to_delete_album": "",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Admin felhasználó létrehozása sikertelen",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Új API kulcs létrehozása sikertelen",
"unable_to_create_library": "Könyvtár létrehozása sikertelen",
"unable_to_create_user": "Felhasználó létrehozása sikertelen",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Album törlése sikertelen",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Elem törlése sikertelen",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Hiba történt az elemek törlésekor",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Kizárási minta törlése sikertelen",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Import útvonal törlése sikertelen",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Megosztott link törlése sikertelen",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Nem sikerült törölni a felhasználót",
"unable_to_download_files": "Fájlok letöltése sikertelen",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Kizárási minta szerkesztése sikertelen",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Import útvonal szerkesztése sikertelen",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Nem sikerült a lomtár ürítése",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Nem lehet belépni a teljes képernyőre",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Nem lehet kilépni a teljes képernyőről",
"unable_to_hide_person": "",
"unable_to_load_album": "",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "",
"unable_to_load_items": "",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "",
"unable_to_play_video": "",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Hozzászólások számának lekérdezése sikertelen",
"unable_to_get_shared_link": "Megosztott link lekérdezése sikertelen",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Személy elrejtése sikertelen",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "OAuth felhasználó csatlakoztatása sikertelen",
"unable_to_load_album": "Album betöltése sikertelen",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Elem aktivitásának betöltése sikertelen",
"unable_to_load_items": "Elemek betöltése sikertelen",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Tetszik állapot betöltése sikertelen",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Minden eszközből való kijelentkeztetés sikertelen",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Sikertelen kijelentkezés",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Sikertelen bejelentkezés OAuth-tal",
"unable_to_play_video": "Videó lejátszása sikertelen",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Nem sikerült az elemeket áthelyezni {name, select, null {egy létező személyhez} other {hozzá: {name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Elemek áthelyezése új személyhez sikertelen",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Felhasználó újratöltése sikertelen",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Felhasználó albumból való eltávolítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "API kulcs eltávolítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Elemek eltávolítása megosztott linkből sikertelen",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "",
"unable_to_remove_partner": "",
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Könyvtár törlése sikertelen",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Offline fájlok törlése sikertelen",
"unable_to_remove_partner": "Partner eltávolítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "Reakció eltávolítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_remove_user": "",
"unable_to_repair_items": "",
"unable_to_reset_password": "",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "",
"unable_to_repair_items": "Elemek javítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_reset_password": "Jelszó visszaállítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "Duplikátum feloldása sikertelen",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "Elemek szemeteskosárból való visszaállítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "Nem sikerült a lomtár visszaállítása",
"unable_to_restore_user": "",
"unable_to_save_album": "",
"unable_to_save_name": "",
"unable_to_save_profile": "",
"unable_to_save_settings": "",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "",
"unable_to_scan_library": "",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "",
"unable_to_restore_user": "Felhasználó visszaállítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_save_album": "Album mentése sikertelen",
"unable_to_save_api_key": "API kulcs mentése sikertelen",
"unable_to_save_date_of_birth": "Születési időpont mentése sikertelen",
"unable_to_save_name": "Név mentése sikertelen",
"unable_to_save_profile": "Profil mentése sikertelen",
"unable_to_save_settings": "Beállítások mentése sikertelen",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Könyvtárak ellenőrzése sikertelen",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Könyvtár ellenőrzése sikertelen",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Kijelölt fénykép beállítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Profilkép beállítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Nem sikerült a profilt elmenteni",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Nem sikerült a fájl lomtárba mozgatása",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Nem sikerült a fiók lekapcsolása",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Albumborító beállítása sikertelen",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Album információ frissítése sikertelen",
"unable_to_update_library": "Nem sikerült a képtár módosítása",
"unable_to_update_location": "Nem sikerült az elérés módosítása",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Nem sikerült a beállítások módosítása",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "Nem sikerült az idővonal kijelzési státuszának módosítása",
"unable_to_update_user": "Nem sikerült a felhasználó módosítása"
"unable_to_update_user": "Nem sikerült a felhasználó módosítása",
"unable_to_upload_file": "Fájlfeltöltés sikertelen"
"every_day_at_onepm": "",
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Kilépés a diavetítésből",
"expand_all": "",
"expand_all": "Minden kinyitása",
"expire_after": "Lejárati idő",
"expired": "Lejárt",
"expires_date": "Lejár {date}",
"explore": "Felfedezés",
"export": "Exportálás",
"export_as_json": "Exportálás JSON formátumban",
"extension": "Kiterjesztés",
"external": "Külső",
"external_libraries": "Külső Képtárak",
"face_unassigned": "Nincs hozzárendelve",
"failed_to_get_people": "Személyek lekérése sikertelen",
"favorite": "Kedvenc",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "Fotó kedvencnek jelölése vagy annak visszavonása",
@ -671,15 +739,33 @@
"go_to_search": "Ugrás a kereséshez",
"go_to_share_page": "Ugrás a megosztás oldalhoz",
"group_albums_by": "Albumok csoportosítása...",
"has_quota": "",
"group_no": "Nincs csoportosítás",
"group_owner": "Csoportosítás tulajdonosonként",
"group_year": "Csoportosítás évenként",
"has_quota": "Van kvótája",
"hi_user": "Helló {name} ({email})",
"hide_all_people": "Minden személy elrejtése",
"hide_gallery": "Galéria elrejtése",
"hide_named_person": "Személy {name} elrejtése",
"hide_password": "Jelszó elrejtése",
"hide_person": "Személy elrejtése",
"hide_unnamed_people": "Megnevezetlen emberek elrejtése",
"host": "",
"hour": "Óra",
"image": "Kép",
"image_alt_text_date": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} készítési dátuma {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} vele: {person1} készítve {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} velük: {person1} és {person2}, ekkor: {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} velük: {person1}, {person2} és {person3} ekkor: {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} velük: {person1}, {person2} és {additionalCount, number} más ekkor: {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} itt: {country}, {city}, ekkor: {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} itt: {country}, {city}, vele: {person1}, ekkor: {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} itt: {country}, {city}, velük: {person1} és {person2}, ekkor: {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} itt: {country}, {city}, velük: {person1}, {person2} és {person3}, ekkor: {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Videó} other {Kép}} itt: {country}, {city}, velük: {person1}, {person2} és {additionalCount, number} más, ekkor: {date}",
"img": "",
"immich_logo": "Immich Logó",
"immich_web_interface": "Immich web felület",
"import_from_json": "Importálás JSON formátumból",
"import_path": "Importálási útvonal",
"in_albums": "{count, plural, one {# albumban} other {# albumban}}",
@ -691,12 +777,13 @@
"info": "Infó",
"interval": {
"day_at_onepm": "Minden nap 13 órakor",
"hours": "",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {óránként} other {{hours, number} óránként}}",
"night_at_midnight": "Minden éjjel éjfélkor",
"night_at_twoam": "Minden éjjel 2 órakor"
"invite_people": "Személyek Meghívása",
"invite_to_album": "Meghívás az albumba",
"items_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}}",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "Feladatok",
"keep": "Megtartás",
@ -705,15 +792,18 @@
"language": "Nyelv",
"language_setting_description": "Válassza ki preferált nyelvét",
"last_seen": "Utoljára látva",
"latest_version": "Legfrissebb verzió",
"latitude": "Szélesség",
"leave": "Elhagyás",
"let_others_respond": "Engedd, hogy mások reagáljanak",
"level": "Szint",
"library": "Képtár",
"library_options": "Képtár beállítások",
"light": "Világos",
"like_deleted": "Tetszik törölve",
"link_options": "Link beállítások",
"link_to_oauth": "",
"linked_oauth_account": "",
"link_to_oauth": "Csatlakoztatás OAuth-hoz",
"linked_oauth_account": "Csatlakoztatott OAuth felhasználó",
"list": "Lista",
"loading": "Betöltés",
"loading_search_results_failed": "Keresési eredmények betöltése sikertelen",
@ -721,8 +811,12 @@
"log_out_all_devices": "Összes Eszköz Kijelentkeztetése",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Az összes eszköz kijelentkeztetve",
"logged_out_device": "Eszköz kijelentkeztetve",
"login_has_been_disabled": "",
"look": "",
"login": "Bejelentkezés",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Bejelentkezés le van tiltva.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Biztos, hogy minden eszközből szeretne kijelentkezni?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Biztos, hogy szeretne kijelentkezni ebből az eszközből?",
"longitude": "Hosszúság",
"look": "Kinézet",
"loop_videos": "Videók ismétlése",
"loop_videos_description": "Engedélyezi a videók folyamatosan ismételt lejátszását az elem megjelenítőben.",
"make": "Gyártó",
@ -734,6 +828,7 @@
"manage_your_devices": "Engedélyezett készülékek kezelése",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "OAuth kapcsolat kezelése",
"map": "Térkép",
"map_marker_for_images": "Térképjelölő a képekhez itt készült: {country}, {city}",
"map_marker_with_image": "Térképjelölő képpel",
"map_settings": "Térkép beállítások",
"matches": "Megegyezések",
@ -741,13 +836,15 @@
"memories": "Emlékek",
"memories_setting_description": "Emlékek tartalmának kezelése",
"memory": "Emlék",
"memory_lane_title": "Emlékek {title}",
"menu": "Menü",
"merge": "Összevonás",
"merge_people": "Személyek összevonása",
"merge_people_limit": "Egyszerre legfeljebb 5 arcot vonhatsz össze",
"merge_people_prompt": "Biztosan összevonod ezeket a személyeket? Ez a művelet nem visszavonható.",
"merge_people_successfully": "",
"minimize": "",
"merge_people_successfully": "Személyek sikeresen egyesítve",
"merged_people_count": "{count, plural, other {# személy}} egyesítve",
"minimize": "Lekicsinítés",
"minute": "Perc",
"missing": "Hiányzó",
"model": "Modell",
@ -758,79 +855,110 @@
"name": "Név",
"name_or_nickname": "Név vagy becenév",
"never": "Soha",
"new_album": "Új album",
"new_api_key": "Új API Kulcs",
"new_password": "Új jelszó",
"new_person": "Új személy",
"new_user_created": "Új felhasználó létrehozva",
"new_version_available": "ÚJ VERZIÓ ELÉRHETŐ",
"newest_first": "Legújabb először",
"next": "Következő",
"next_memory": "Következő emlék",
"no": "Nem",
"no_albums_message": "Hozzon létre új albumot a fotói és videói rendszerezéséhez",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Úgy tűnik, hogy nincs még ilyen névvel album.",
"no_albums_yet": "Úgy tűnik, hogy még nem lett album létrehozva.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Archiváljon fényképeket és videókat, hogy elrejtse azokat a Fényképek nézetből",
"no_exif_info_available": "",
"no_duplicates_found": "Duplikátumok nem találhatók.",
"no_exif_info_available": "Exif információ nem elérhető",
"no_explore_results_message": "Töltsön fel több fényképet, hogy felfedezze a gyűjteményét.",
"no_favorites_message": "Jelöljön meg kedvenceket, hogy gyorsan megtalálhassa legjobb fényképeit és videóit",
"no_libraries_message": "Hozzon létre külső képtárat a fényképei és videói megtekintéséhez",
"no_name": "Nincs Név",
"no_places": "",
"no_places": "Nincsenek helyek",
"no_results": "Nincsenek eredmények",
"no_results_description": "Próbáljon egy szinonimát, vagy fogalmazzon általánosabban",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Hozzon létre egy új albumot, hogy megoszthassa fényképeit és videóit másokkal",
"not_in_any_album": "Nincs albumban",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Megjegyzés: hogy a Tárhelycímkézést végrehajtódjon a korábban feltöltött elemeken, futtassa a",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Megjegyzés: Írjon 0-t végtelen kvótához",
"notes": "Jegyzetek",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "Emailes értesítések engedélyezése",
"notifications": "Értesítések",
"notifications_setting_description": "Értesítések kezelése",
"oauth": "OAuth",
"offline": "Offline",
"offline_paths": "Offline útvonalak",
"offline_paths_description": "Ezeket az eredményeket okozhatja a külső könyvtárhoz nem tartozó fájlok manuális törlése.",
"ok": "Rendben",
"oldest_first": "Legrégebbi először",
"onboarding": "Első lépések",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Az alábbi (nem kötelező) szolgáltatások külső szolgáltatásokon alapulnak, és bármikor kikapcsolhatóak az adminisztrációs beállításokban.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Válasszon egy színt az alkalmazásnak. Ezt bármikor megváltoztathatja a beállításokban.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Állítsunk be néhány gyakori beállítást.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Üdvözlöm, {user}",
"online": "Online",
"only_favorites": "Csak kedvencek",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Csak a megváltoztatott fájlokat frissíti",
"open_the_search_filters": "",
"open_in_map_view": "Megnyitás térkép nézetben",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Megnyitás OpenStreetMap-ben",
"open_the_search_filters": "Keresési szűrők megnyitása",
"options": "Beállítások",
"or": "vagy",
"organize_your_library": "Rendszerezze képtárát",
"original": "eredeti",
"other": "Egyéb",
"other_devices": "Egyéb eszközök",
"other_variables": "Egyéb változók",
"owned": "Tulajdonos",
"owner": "Tulajdonos",
"partner": "Partner",
"partner_can_access": "{partner} hozzáférhet",
"partner_can_access_assets": "Minden fényképe és videója, kivéve amik archiválásra vagy törlésre kerültek",
"partner_can_access_location": "A fényképei készítési helye",
"partner_sharing": "Társmegosztás",
"partners": "Társak",
"password": "Jelszó",
"password_does_not_match": "",
"password_required": "",
"password_reset_success": "",
"password_does_not_match": "Jelszavak nem egyeznek",
"password_required": "Jelszó szükséges",
"password_reset_success": "Jelszóvisszaállítás sikeres",
"past_durations": {
"days": "",
"hours": "",
"years": ""
"days": "{days, plural, one {Tegnap} other {Elmúlt # nap}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Előző óra} other {Elmúlt # óra}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Tavaly} other {Elmúlt # év}}"
"path": "Útvonal",
"pattern": "Minta",
"pause": "Szüneteltetés",
"pause_memories": "Emlékek szüneteltetése",
"paused": "Szüneteltetve",
"pending": "",
"pending": "Folyamatban lévő",
"people": "Személyek",
"people_sidebar_description": "",
"people_edits_count": "{count, plural, other {# személy}} szerkesztve",
"people_sidebar_description": "Jelenítsen meg linket a Személyek fülhöz oldalt",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Figyelmeztetés végleges törlésről",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Figyelmeztessen fájlok végleges törlése előtt",
"permanently_delete": "Végleges törlés",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Elem} other {Elemek}} végleges törlése",
"permanently_delete_assets_prompt": "Biztos, hogy véglegesen törölni szeretné ezt {count, plural, one {az elemet?} other {a(z) <b>#</b> elemet?}} Ez el fogja távolítani az albumokból, amikben {count, plural, one {szerepel} other {szerepelnek}}.",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Elem véglegesen törölve",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} véglegesen törölve",
"person": "Személy",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (rejtett)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Mindenkivel megosztotta a fényképeit, vagy nincs senki, akivel meg tudná osztani.",
"photos": "Képek",
"photos_and_videos": "Fényképek és videók",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Fotó} other {{count, number} Fotó}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Képek előző évekből",
"pick_a_location": "",
"pick_a_location": "Válasszon egy helyet",
"place": "Hely",
"places": "Helyek",
"play": "Lejátszás",
"play_memories": "Emlékek lejátszása",
"play_motion_photo": "Mozgókép lejátszása",
"play_or_pause_video": "",
"play_or_pause_video": "Videó elindítása vagy megállítása",
"point": "",
"port": "Port",
"preset": "Sablon",
@ -839,99 +967,193 @@
"previous_memory": "Előző emlék",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Előző vagy következő fotó",
"primary": "Elsődleges",
"profile_picture_set": "",
"privacy": "Magánszféra",
"profile_image_of_user": "{user} profilképe",
"profile_picture_set": "Profilkép beállítva.",
"public_album": "Publikus album",
"public_share": "Nyilvános Megosztás",
"purchase_account_info": "Támogató",
"purchase_activated_subtitle": "Köszönjük, hogy támogatja az Immich-et és a nyílt forráskódú programokat",
"purchase_activated_time": "Aktiválva ekkor: {date, date}",
"purchase_activated_title": "Kulcs sikeresen aktiválva",
"purchase_button_activate": "Aktiválás",
"purchase_button_buy": "Vásárlás",
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "Vásárolja meg az Immich-et",
"purchase_button_never_show_again": "Soha többé ne mutassa",
"purchase_button_reminder": "Emlékeztessen 30 nap múlva",
"purchase_button_remove_key": "Kulcs eltávolítása",
"purchase_button_select": "Kiválasztás",
"purchase_failed_activation": "Aktiválás sikertelen! Ellenőrizze az e-mailjét a helyes termékkulcsért!",
"purchase_individual_description_1": "Magánszemélynek",
"purchase_individual_description_2": "Támogató állapot",
"purchase_individual_title": "Magánszemély",
"purchase_input_suggestion": "Van termékkulcsa? Adja meg a kulcsot alább",
"purchase_license_subtitle": "Vásárolja meg az Immich-et, hogy támogassa a szolgáltatás fejlesztését a jövőben is",
"purchase_lifetime_description": "Élethosszú vásárlás",
"purchase_option_title": "VÁSÁRLÁSI LEHETŐSÉGEK",
"purchase_panel_info_1": "Az Immich készítése sok időt és erőfeszítést igényel, és teljes munkaidőben foglalkoztatunk szoftvermérnököket hogy olyan jóvá tegyük, amennyire csak lehet. Küldetésünk, hogy a nyílt forráskódú szoftver és etikus üzleti gyakorlat fenntartható bevételi forrás legyen a fejlesztőinknek, és egy magánszférát tiszteletben tartó ökoszisztéma készítése, amely valódi alternatívát nyújt a felhasználókat kihasználó felhőszolgáltatásoknak.",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "Mivel elkötelezettek vagyunk, hogy nem zárunk fizetés mögé szolgáltatásokat, ez a vásárlás az Immich semmilyen új részét nem oldja fel. Olyan felhasználóktól, mint Öntől, függünk, hogy az Immich-et tudjuk fejleszteni.",
"purchase_panel_title": "Támogassa a projektet",
"purchase_per_server": "Szerverenként",
"purchase_per_user": "Felhasználónként",
"purchase_remove_product_key": "Termékkulcs eltávolítása",
"purchase_remove_product_key_prompt": "Biztosan el szeretné távolítani a termékkulcsot?",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "Szerver termékkulcs eltávolítása",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key_prompt": "Biztosan el szeretné távolítani a szerver termékkulcsot?",
"purchase_server_description_1": "Az egész szerverre",
"purchase_server_description_2": "Támogító állapot",
"purchase_server_title": "Szerver",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "A szerver termékkulcsot az admin menedzseli",
"range": "",
"rating": "Értékelés csillagokkal",
"rating_description": "Exif értékelés megjelenítése az infópanelben",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "",
"read_changelog": "",
"reaction_options": "Reakció lehetőségek",
"read_changelog": "Változtatások olvasása",
"reassign": "Áthelyezés",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} áthelyezve {name, select, null {egy létező személyhez} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} áthelyezve egy új személyhez",
"reassing_hint": "Kijelölt média hozzáadása létező emberhez",
"recent": "Friss",
"recent_searches": "Friss keresések",
"refresh": "Frissítés",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Elkódolt videók frissítése",
"refresh_metadata": "Metaadatok frissítése",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Előnézetek frissítése",
"refreshed": "Frissítve",
"refreshes_every_file": "",
"refreshes_every_file": "Minden fájl frissítése",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Elkódolt videók frissítése",
"refreshing_metadata": "Metaadatok frissítése",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Előnézetek újragenerálása",
"remove": "Eltávolítás",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Biztosan szeretne eltávolítani {count, plural, one {# elemet} other {# elemet}} az albumból?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Biztosan szeretne eltávolítani {count, plural, one {# elemet} other {# elemet}} ebből a megosztott linkből?",
"remove_assets_title": "Elemek eltávolítása?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Szabadon megadott időintervallum eltávolítása",
"remove_from_album": "Eltávolítás az albumból",
"remove_from_favorites": "Eltávolítás a kedvencekből",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Eltávolítás a megosztott linkből",
"remove_offline_files": "Offline Fájlok Eltávolítása",
"remove_user": "Felhasználó eltávolítása",
"removed_api_key": "API Kulcs eltávolítva: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Archívumból eltávolítva",
"removed_from_favorites": "Kedvencekből eltávolítva",
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"repair": "Javítás",
"repair_no_results_message": "",
"repair_no_results_message": "Nem megfigyelt és hiányzó fájlok itt jelennek meg",
"replace_with_upload": "Csere feltöltéssel",
"require_password": "",
"repository": "Adattár",
"require_password": "Jelszó szükségessé tétele",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Felhasználó első bejelentkezéskor való jelszóváltoztatásának szükségessé tétele",
"reset": "Visszaállítás",
"reset_password": "Jelszó visszaállítása",
"reset_people_visibility": "",
"reset_people_visibility": "Emberek láthatóságának visszaállítása",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "Visszaállítás alapállapotba",
"resolve_duplicates": "Duplikátumok feloldása",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Minden duplikátum feloldása",
"restore": "Visszaállít",
"restore_all": "Minden visszaállítása",
"restore_user": "Felhasználó visszaállítása",
"retry_upload": "",
"review_duplicates": "",
"restored_asset": "Elem visszaállítása",
"resume": "Folytatás",
"retry_upload": "Feltöltés újrapróbálása",
"review_duplicates": "Megegyező elemek átnézése",
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"role_editor": "Szerkesztő",
"role_viewer": "Néző",
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"saved_profile": "Profil elmentve",
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"say_something": "Szólj hozzá",
"scan_all_libraries": "",
"scan_all_library_files": "",
"scan_new_library_files": "",
"scan_settings": "",
"scan_all_libraries": "Minden könyvtár átnézése",
"scan_all_library_files": "Minden könyvtárbeli elem újraellenőrzése",
"scan_new_library_files": "Ellenőrzés új könyvtárbeli elemekért",
"scan_settings": "Felfedezési beállítások",
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"search_albums": "Albumok keresése",
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"search_type": "",
"search_by_context": "Keresés kontextus alapján",
"search_by_filename": "Keresés fájlnév vagy kiterjesztés alapján",
"search_by_filename_example": "például IMG_1234.JPG vagy PNG",
"search_camera_make": "Kameragyártó keresése...",
"search_camera_model": "Kameramodell keresése...",
"search_city": "Város keresése...",
"search_country": "Ország keresése...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Már meglévő személy keresése",
"search_no_people": "Nincs személy",
"search_no_people_named": "Nincs személy \"{name}\" néven",
"search_people": "Személyek keresése",
"search_places": "Helyek keresése",
"search_state": "Régió keresése...",
"search_timezone": "Időzóna keresése...",
"search_type": "Típus keresése",
"search_your_photos": "Fotók keresése",
"searching_locales": "",
"second": "Másodperc",
"select_album_cover": "",
"see_all_people": "Minden személy megtekintése",
"select_album_cover": "Albumborító kiválasztása",
"select_all": "Összes kijelölése",
"select_avatar_color": "",
"select_face": "",
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"select_library_owner": "",
"select_new_face": "",
"select_all_duplicates": "Minden duplikátum kiválasztása",
"select_avatar_color": "Avatár színének választása",
"select_face": "Arc kiválasztása",
"select_featured_photo": "Kijelölt fénykép kiválasztása",
"select_from_computer": "Kiválasztás számítógépről",
"select_keep_all": "Minden megtartása",
"select_library_owner": "Könyvtártulajdonos kijelölése",
"select_new_face": "Új arc kiválasztása",
"select_photos": "Fotók választása",
"select_trash_all": "Minden szemétbe helyezése",
"selected": "Kijelölt",
"send_message": "",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {# kiválasztva}}",
"send_message": "Üzenet küldése",
"send_welcome_email": "Üdvözlő üzenet küldése",
"server": "Szerver",
"server_stats": "",
"set": "",
"set_as_album_cover": "",
"set_as_profile_picture": "",
"set_date_of_birth": "",
"set_profile_picture": "",
"set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "",
"server_offline": "Szerver Nem Elérhető",
"server_online": "Szerver Elérhető",
"server_stats": "Szerver Statisztikák",
"server_version": "Szerver Verzió",
"set": "Beállítás",
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"set_as_profile_picture": "Beállítás profilképként",
"set_date_of_birth": "Születési dátum beállítása",
"set_profile_picture": "Profilkép beállítása",
"set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "Diavetítés teljes képernyőre állítása",
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"settings_saved": "",
"settings_saved": "Beállítások mentve",
"share": "Megosztás",
"shared": "Megosztva",
"shared_by": "",
"shared_by_you": "",
"shared_by": "Megosztva általa:",
"shared_by_user": "Megosztva {user} által",
"shared_by_you": "Megosztva Ön által",
"shared_from_partner": "Fényképek {partner}-tól/től",
"shared_link_options": "Megosztott link beállítások",
"shared_links": "Megosztott Linkek",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# megosztott kép és videó.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Megosztva vele: {partner}",
"sharing": "Megosztás",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "",
"show_album_options": "",
"show_file_location": "",
"show_gallery": "",
"show_hidden_people": "",
"show_in_timeline": "",
"show_in_timeline_setting_description": "",
"show_keyboard_shortcuts": "",
"sharing_enter_password": "Jelszó megadása szükséges az oldal megtekintéséhez.",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Jelenítsen meg linket a Megosztás fülhöz oldalt",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "nyomja meg a ⇧-t hogy véglegesen törölje az elemet",
"show_album_options": "Albummegjelenítési beállítások",
"show_albums": "Albumok megtekintése",
"show_all_people": "Minden személy megjelenítése",
"show_and_hide_people": "Személyek megjelenítése és elrejtése",
"show_file_location": "Fájl helyének megjelenítése",
"show_gallery": "Galéria megjelenítése",
"show_hidden_people": "Rejtett személyek megjelenítése",
"show_in_timeline": "Megjelenítés az idővonalon",
"show_in_timeline_setting_description": "Ettől a felhasználótól származó képek és videók megjelenítése az Ön idővonalán",
"show_keyboard_shortcuts": "Billentyűparancsok megjelenítése",
"show_metadata": "Metaadatok mutatása",
"show_or_hide_info": "Info mutatása vagy elrejtése",
"show_password": "Jelszó mutatása",
"show_person_options": "Személy opciók mutatása",
"show_progress_bar": "",
"show_progress_bar": "Haladás megjelenítése",
"show_search_options": "Keresési opciók mutatása",
"show_supporter_badge": "Támogató jelvény",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "Támogató jelvény megjelenítése",
"shuffle": "Keverés",
"sign_out": "Kilépés",
"sign_up": "Feliratkozás",
@ -940,61 +1162,99 @@
"slideshow": "Diavetítés",
"slideshow_settings": "Diavetítés beállításai",
"sort_albums_by": "Albumok rendezése...",
"sort_created": "Létrehozva",
"sort_items": "Elemek száma",
"sort_modified": "Módosítva",
"sort_oldest": "Legrégebbi fénykép",
"sort_recent": "Legújabb fénykép",
"sort_title": "Cím",
"source": "Forrás",
"stack": "Fotók csoportosítása",
"stack_selected_photos": "",
"stacktrace": "",
"start_date": "",
"stack_duplicates": "Duplikátumok csoportosítása",
"stack_select_one_photo": "Fő fénykép kiválasztása",
"stack_selected_photos": "Kiválasztott fényképek csoportosítása",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem}} csoportba helyezve",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
"start": "Kezdet",
"start_date": "Kezdet",
"state": "Állam",
"status": "Állapot",
"stop_motion_photo": "Mozgókép megállítása",
"stop_photo_sharing": "Fotók megosztásának megszűntetése?",
"storage": "",
"storage_label": "",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} mostantól nem fog tudni hozzáférni az Ön fényképeihez.",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Fényképek megosztásának abbahagyása ezzel a felhasználóval",
"storage": "Tárhely",
"storage_label": "Tárolási címke",
"storage_usage": "{used}/{available} használatban",
"submit": "",
"submit": "Beadás",
"suggestions": "Javaslatok",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "",
"swap_merge_direction": "",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "Napkelte a tengerparton",
"swap_merge_direction": "Egyesítés irányának megfordítása",
"sync": "Szinkronizálás",
"template": "Minta",
"theme": "Téma",
"theme_selection": "Témaválasztás",
"theme_selection_description": "A böngésző beállításának megfelelően automatikusan használjon világos vagy sötét témát",
"time_based_memories": "",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Egyesítve lesznek",
"time_based_memories": "Emlékek idő alapján",
"timezone": "Időzóna",
"to_archive": "Archívum",
"to_change_password": "Jelszó megváltoztatása",
"to_favorite": "Kedvenc",
"to_login": "Bejelentkezés",
"to_trash": "Szemétbe helyezés",
"toggle_settings": "Beállítások változtatása",
"toggle_theme": "Témaváltás",
"toggle_visibility": "Láthatóság változtatása",
"total_usage": "Összesen használatban",
"trash": "Lomtár",
"trash_all": "Mindet lomtárba",
"trash_count": "{count, number} elem szemétbe helyezése",
"trash_delete_asset": "Elem szemétbe helyezése / törlése",
"trash_no_results_message": "Itt lesznek láthatóak a lomtárba tett képek és videok.",
"type": "",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "A szemeteskosárban lévő elemek véglegesen törlésre kerülnek {days, plural, other {# nap}} múlva.",
"type": "Típus",
"unarchive": "Archívumból kivétel",
"unarchived": "Archívumból kivett",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {# elem kivéve az archívumból}}",
"unfavorite": "Nem Kedvenc",
"unhide_person": "Nem rejtett személy",
"unknown": "Ismeretlen",
"unknown_album": "Ismeretlen Album",
"unknown_year": "Ismeretlen év",
"unlimited": "Korlátlan",
"unlink_oauth": "",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "",
"unlink_oauth": "OAuth leválasztása",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Leválasztott OAuth felhasználó",
"unnamed_album": "Névtelen Album",
"unnamed_share": "Névtelen Megosztás",
"unsaved_change": "Mentés nélküli változtatás",
"unselect_all": "Összes kiválasztás törlése",
"unselect_all_duplicates": "Duplikátumok kijelölésének megszüntetése",
"unstack": "Csoport Megszűntetése",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, other {# elemből}} álló csoport szétszedve",
"untracked_files": "Nem megfigyelt fájlok",
"untracked_files_decription": "Ezek a fájlok nincsenek az alkalmazás által megfigyelve. Létrehozódhattak sikertelen mozgatástól, félbeszakított feltöltéstől, vagy hátrahagyva hiba miatt",
"up_next": "Következik",
"updated_password": "Jelszó megváltoztatva",
"upload": "Feltöltés",
"upload_concurrency": "",
"url": "",
"usage": "",
"upload_errors": "Feltöltés befejezve {count, plural, other {# hibával}}, frissítse az oldalt az újonnan feltöltött elemek megtekintéséhez.",
"upload_progress": "Hátra van {remaining, number} - Feldolgozva {processed, number}/{total, number}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, other {# megegyező elem}} kihagyva",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplikátumok",
"upload_status_errors": "Hibák",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Feltöltve",
"upload_success": "Feltöltés sikeres, frissítse az oldalt az újonnan feltöltött elemek megtekintéséhez.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Felhasználás",
"use_custom_date_range": "Szabadon megadott időintervallum használata",
"user": "Felhasználó",
"user_id": "Felhasználó azonosítója",
"user_usage_detail": "",
"user_liked": "{type, select, photo {ez a fénykép} video {ez a videó} other {ez}} tetszik neki: {user}",
"user_purchase_settings": "Megvásárlás",
"user_purchase_settings_description": "Vásárlás kezelése",
"user_role_set": "{user} beállítása {role} szerepbe",
"user_usage_detail": "Felhasználó használati adatai",
"username": "Felhasználónév",
"users": "Felhasználók",
"utilities": "Eszközök",
@ -1006,15 +1266,21 @@
"video_hover_setting_description": "Ha az egér a bélyegkép felett időzik, a bélyegkép videó lejátszása induljon el. A lejátszás az indítás ikon feletti időzéssel akkor is elindul, ha ez az opció ki van kapcsolva.",
"videos": "Videók",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# Videó} other {# Videó}}",
"view": "Nézet",
"view_album": "Album megtekintése",
"view_all": "Összes mutatása",
"view_all_users": "",
"view_links": "",
"view_next_asset": "",
"view_previous_asset": "",
"view_all_users": "Minden felhasználó megtekintése",
"view_links": "Linkek megtekintése",
"view_next_asset": "Következő elem megtekintése",
"view_previous_asset": "Előző elem megtekintése",
"view_stack": "Csoport megtekintése",
"viewer": "",
"waiting": "",
"week": "",
"welcome_to_immich": "",
"visibility_changed": "Láthatóság megváltozott {count, plural, other {# személy}} számára",
"waiting": "Várakozás",
"warning": "Figyelmeztetés",
"week": "Hét",
"welcome": "Üdv",
"welcome_to_immich": "Üdvözöljük az Immich-ben",
"year": "Év",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# évvel} other {# évvel}} ezelőtt",
"yes": "Igen",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"add_to_shared_album": "Tambahkan ke album terbagi",
"added_to_archive": "Ditambahkan ke arsip",
"added_to_favorites": "Ditambahkan ke favorit",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Ditambahkan {count} ke favorit",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Ditambahkan {count, number} ke favorit",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Tambahkan pola pengecualian. Glob menggunakan *, **, dan ? didukung. Untuk mengabaikan semua berkas dalam direktori apa pun bernama \"Raw\", gunakan \"**/Raw/**\". Untuk mengabaikan semua berkas berakhiran dengan \".tif\", gunakan \"**/*.tif\". Untuk mengabaikan jalur absolut, gunakan \"/jalur/untuk/diabaikan/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Pengaturan Autentikasi",
@ -127,12 +127,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Aktifkan fitur peta",
"map_gps_settings": "Pengaturan Peta & GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Kelola Pengaturan Peta & GPS (Pengodean Geografis Terbalik)",
"map_implications": "Fitur peta mengandalkan layanan tile eksternal",
"map_light_style": "Gaya terang",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Kelola settingan <link>Pengodean Geografis Terbalik</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Pengodean Geografis Terbalik",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Aktifkan pengodean geografis terbalik",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Pengaturan Pengodean Geografis Terbalik",
"map_settings": "Pengaturan Peta",
"map_settings": "Peta",
"map_settings_description": "Kelola pengaturan peta",
"map_style_description": "URL ke tema peta style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Ekstrak metadata",
@ -275,7 +276,7 @@
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "Perangkat keras yang lebih disukai",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "Hanya diterapkan pada VAAPI dan QSV. Menetapkan node dri yang digunakan untuk transkode perangkat keras.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "Prasetel (-preset)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Kecepatan pengompresan. Prasetel lebih lambat membuat berkas lebih kecil dan meningkatkan kualitas ketika menargetkan kecepatan bit tertentu. VP9 mengabaikan kecepatan di atas `faster`.",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Kecepatan kompresi. Pra setel yang lebih lambat membuat berkas lebih kecil dan meningkatkan kualitas ketika menargetkan kecepatan bit tertentu. VP9 mengabaikan kecepatan di atas `faster`.",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "Bingkai referensi",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "Jumlah bingkai untuk direferensikan ketika mengompres bingkai tertentu. Nilai lebih tinggi meningkatkan efisiensi kompresi, tetapi membuat pengodean lambat. 0 menetapkan nilai ini secara otomatis.",
"transcoding_required_description": "Hanya video dalam format yang tidak diterima",
@ -317,7 +318,8 @@
"user_settings": "Pengaturan Pengguna",
"user_settings_description": "Kelola pengaturan pengguna",
"user_successfully_removed": "Pengguna {email} berhasil dikeluarkan.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Aktifkan permintaan berkala ke GitHub untuk memeriksa rilis baru",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Aktifkan pemeriksaan versi",
"version_check_implications": "Fitur pemeriksaan versi tergantung komunikasi berkala dengan github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Pemeriksaan Versi",
"version_check_settings_description": "Aktifkan/nonaktifkan notifikasi versi baru",
"video_conversion_job": "Transkode video",
@ -333,7 +335,8 @@
"album_added": "Album ditambahkan",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Terima notifikasi surel ketika Anda ditambahkan ke album terbagi",
"album_cover_updated": "Kover album diperbarui",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus album {album}?\nJika album ini dibagikan, pengguna lain tidak akan dapat mengaksesnya lagi.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus album {album}?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Jika album ini dibagikan, pengguna lain tidak akan dapat mengaksesnya lagi.",
"album_info_updated": "Info album diperbarui",
"album_leave": "Tinggalkan album?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin keluar dari {album}?",
@ -357,6 +360,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Perbolehkan penyuntingan",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Perbolehkan pengguna publik untuk mengunduh",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Perbolehkan pengguna publik untuk mengunggah",
"anti_clockwise": "Berlawanan arah jarum jam",
"api_key": "Kunci API",
"api_key_description": "Nilai ini hanya akan ditampilkan sekali. Pastikan untuk menyalin sebelum menutup jendela ini.",
"api_key_empty": "Nama Kunci API Anda seharusnya jangan kosong",
@ -365,7 +369,7 @@
"appears_in": "Muncul dalam",
"archive": "Arsip",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Arsipkan atau batalkan pengarsipan foto",
"archive_size": "Ukuran Arsip",
"archive_size": "Ukuran arsip",
"archive_size_description": "Atur ukuran arsip untuk unduhan (dalam GiB)",
"archived": "",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {# terarsip}}",
@ -407,7 +411,7 @@
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus {count, plural, one {# aset duplikat} other {# aset duplikat}} secara bersamaan? Ini akan menjaga aset terbesar dari setiap kelompok dan menghapus semua duplikat lain secara permanen. Anda tidak dapat mengurungkan tindakan ini!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menyimpan {count, plural, one {# aset duplikat} other {# aset duplikat}}? Ini akan menyelesaikan semua kelompok duplikat tanpa menghapus apa pun.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin membuang {count, plural, one {# aset duplikat} other {# aset duplikat}} secara bersamaan? Ini akan menyimpan aset terbesar dari setiap kelompok dan membuang semua duplikat lainnya.",
"buy": "Beli Lisensi",
"buy": "Beli Immich",
"camera": "Kamera",
"camera_brand": "Merek kamera",
"camera_model": "Model kamera",
@ -435,8 +439,10 @@
"city": "Kota",
"clear": "Hapus",
"clear_all": "Hapus semua",
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Hapus semua pencarian terakhir",
"clear_message": "Hapus pesan",
"clear_value": "Hapus nilai",
"clockwise": "Searah jarum jam",
"close": "Tutup",
"collapse": "Tutup",
"collapse_all": "Tutup Semua",
@ -513,6 +519,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Jangan tampilkan pesan ini lagi",
"done": "Selesai",
"download": "Unduh",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Video tersematkan",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Sertakan video yg tersematkan dalam foto gerak sebagai file terpisah",
"download_settings": "Pengunduhan",
"download_settings_description": "Kelola pengaturan berkaitan dengan pengunduhan aset",
"downloading": "Mengunduh",
@ -538,7 +546,11 @@
"edit_title": "Sunting Judul",
"edit_user": "Sunting pengguna",
"edited": "Disunting",
"editor": "",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Perubahan tidak akan di simpan",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Tutup editor?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Perbandingan aspek",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotasi",
"email": "Surel",
"empty_trash": "Kosongkan sampah",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengosongkan sampah? Ini akan menghapus semua aset dalam sampah secara permanen dari Immich.\nAnda tidak dapat mengurungkan tindakan ini!",
@ -564,6 +576,7 @@
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Terjadi kesalahan menambahkan pengguna ke album",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Terjadi eror menghapus pengguna terbagi",
"error_downloading": "Terjadi eror mengunduh {filename}",
"error_hiding_buy_button": "Kesalahan menyembunyikan tombol beli",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Terjadi eror menghapus aset dari album, lihat konsol untuk detail lebih lanjut",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Terjadi eror memilih semua aset",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Pola pengecualian ini sudah ada.",
@ -574,6 +587,8 @@
"failed_to_get_people": "Gagal mendapatkan orang",
"failed_to_load_asset": "Gagal membuka aset",
"failed_to_load_assets": "Gagal membuka aset-aset",
"failed_to_load_people": "Gagal mengunggah orang",
"failed_to_remove_product_key": "Gagal menghapus kunci produk",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Gagal menumpuk aset",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Gagal membatalkan penumpukan aset",
"import_path_already_exists": "Jalur pengimporan ini sudah ada.",
@ -675,6 +690,7 @@
"expired": "Kedaluwarsa",
"expires_date": "Kedaluwarsa pada {date}",
"explore": "Jelajahi",
"explorer": "Jelajah",
"export": "Ekspor",
"export_as_json": "Ekspor sebagai JSON",
"extension": "Ekstensi",
@ -693,6 +709,7 @@
"filter_people": "Saring orang",
"find_them_fast": "Temukan dengan cepat berdasarkan nama dengan pencarian",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Perbaiki pencocokan salah",
"folders": "Berkas",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Paksa Pindai Ulang Semua Berkas Pustaka",
"forward": "Maju",
"general": "Umum",
@ -716,7 +733,16 @@
"host": "Hos",
"hour": "Jam",
"image": "Gambar",
"image_alt_text_date": "pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} pada tanggal {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil oleh {person1} pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil oleh {person1} dan {person2} pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil oleh {person1}, {person2}, dan {person3} pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil oleh {person1}, {person2}, dan {additionalCount, number} lainnya pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil di {city}, {country} pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil di {city}, {country} oleh {person1} pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil di {city}, {country} oleh {person1} dan {person2} pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil di {city}, {country} oleh {person1}, {person2}, dan {person3} pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} diambil di {city}, {country} oleh {person1}, {person2}, dan {additionalCount, number} lainnya pada {date}",
"image_alt_text_people": "{count, plural, =1 {dengan {person1}} =2 {dengan {person1} dan {person2}} =3 {dengan {person1}, {person2}, dan {person3}} other {dengan {person1}, {person2}, dan {others, number} lainnya}}",
"image_alt_text_place": "di {city}, {country}",
"image_taken": "{isVideo, select, true {Video diambil} other {Gambar diambil}}",
@ -835,6 +861,7 @@
"name": "Nama",
"name_or_nickname": "Nama atau nama panggilan",
"never": "Tidak pernah",
"new_album": "Album baru",
"new_api_key": "Kunci API Baru",
"new_password": "Kata sandi baru",
"new_person": "Orang baru",
@ -873,12 +900,14 @@
"ok": "Oke",
"oldest_first": "Terlawas dahulu",
"onboarding": "Memulai",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Fitur berikut (opsional) bergantung pada layanan eksternal, dan dapat dinonaktifkan kapan saja di pengaturan administrasi.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Pilih tema warna untuk server Anda. Ini dapat diubah lagi dalam pengaturan Anda.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Mari menyiapkan server Anda dengan beberapa pengaturan umum.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Selamat datang, {user}",
"online": "Daring",
"only_favorites": "Hanya favorit",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Hanya menyegarkan berkas yang diubah",
"open_in_map_view": "Buka dalam tampilan peta",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Buka di OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Buka saringan pencarian",
"options": "Opsi",
@ -890,7 +919,7 @@
"other_variables": "Variabel lain",
"owned": "Dimiliki",
"owner": "Pemilik",
"partner": "Partner",
"partner": "Rekan",
"partner_can_access": "{partner} dapat mengakses",
"partner_can_access_assets": "Semua foto dan video Anda kecuali yang ada di Arsip dan Terhapus",
"partner_can_access_location": "Lokasi di mana foto Anda diambil",
@ -943,10 +972,47 @@
"previous_memory": "Kenangan sebelumnya",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Foto sebelumnya atau berikutnya",
"primary": "Utama",
"privacy": "Privasi",
"profile_image_of_user": "Foto profil dari {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Foto profil ditetapkan.",
"public_album": "Album publik",
"public_share": "Pembagian Publik",
"purchase_account_info": "Pendukung",
"purchase_activated_subtitle": "Terima kasih telah mendukung Immich dan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka",
"purchase_activated_time": "Di aktivasi pada {date, date}",
"purchase_activated_title": "Kunci kamu telah sukses di aktivasi",
"purchase_button_activate": "Aktifkan",
"purchase_button_buy": "Beli",
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "Beli Immich",
"purchase_button_never_show_again": "Jangan tampilkan lagi",
"purchase_button_reminder": "Ingatkan saya pada 30 hari lagi",
"purchase_button_remove_key": "Hapus kunci",
"purchase_button_select": "Pilih",
"purchase_failed_activation": "Gagal mengaktifkan! Silakan periksa email kamu untuk kunci produk yang benar!",
"purchase_individual_description_1": "Untuk perorangan",
"purchase_individual_description_2": "Status pendukung",
"purchase_individual_title": "Perorangan",
"purchase_input_suggestion": "Punya kunci produk? Masukkan kunci di bawah ini",
"purchase_license_subtitle": "Beli Immich untuk keberlangsungan pengembangan layanan",
"purchase_lifetime_description": "Pembayaran seumur hidup",
"purchase_option_title": "PILIHAN PEMBAYARAN",
"purchase_panel_info_1": "Membangun Immich membutuhkan banyak waktu dan upaya, dan kami memiliki insinyur penuh waktu yang bekerja untuk membuatnya sebaik mungkin. Misi kami adalah agar perangkat lunak sumber terbuka dan praktik bisnis yang beretika menjadi sumber pendapatan yang berkelanjutan bagi para pengembang dan menciptakan ekosistem yang menghargai privasi dengan alternatif nyata untuk layanan cloud yang eksploitatif.",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "Karena kami berkomitmen untuk tidak menambahkan paywall, pembelian ini tidak akan memberi kamu fitur tambahan apa pun di Immich. Kami mengandalkan pengguna seperti kamu untuk mendukung pengembangan Immich yang sedang berlangsung.",
"purchase_panel_title": "Dukung proyek ini",
"purchase_per_server": "Per server",
"purchase_per_user": "Per pengguna",
"purchase_remove_product_key": "Hapus Kunci Produk",
"purchase_remove_product_key_prompt": "Apakah kamu yakin ingin menghapus kunci produk?",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "Hapus kunci produk Server",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key_prompt": "Apakah kamu yakin ingin menghapus kunci produk Server?",
"purchase_server_description_1": "Untuk keseluruhan server",
"purchase_server_description_2": "Status pendukung",
"purchase_server_title": "Server",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Kunci produk server dikelola oleh admin",
"rating": "Peringkat bintang",
"rating_clear": "Hapus peringkat",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# peringkat} other {# peringkat}}",
"rating_description": "Tampilkan peringkat exif pada panel info",
"reaction_options": "Opsi reaksi",
"read_changelog": "Baca Log Perubahan",
"reassign": "Tetapkan ulang",
@ -989,6 +1055,7 @@
"reset_password": "Atur ulang kata sandi",
"reset_people_visibility": "Atur ulang keterlihatan orang",
"reset_to_default": "Atur ulang ke bawaan",
"resolve_duplicates": "Mengatasi duplikat",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Semua duplikat terselesaikan",
"restore": "Pulihkan",
"restore_all": "Pulihkan semua",
@ -1033,6 +1100,7 @@
"see_all_people": "Lihat semua orang",
"select_album_cover": "Pilih kover album",
"select_all": "Pilih semua",
"select_all_duplicates": "Pilih semua duplikat",
"select_avatar_color": "Pilih warna avatar",
"select_face": "Pilih wajah",
"select_featured_photo": "Pilih foto terfitur",
@ -1065,6 +1133,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Dibagikan oleh {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Dibagikan oleh Anda",
"shared_from_partner": "Foto dari {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Pilihan tautan bersama",
"shared_links": "Tautan terbagi",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# foto & video terbagi.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Dibagikan dengan {partner}",
@ -1073,6 +1142,7 @@
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Tampilkan tautan ke Pembagian dalam bilah samping",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "tekan ⇧ untuk menghapus aset secara permanen",
"show_album_options": "Tampilkan opsi album",
"show_albums": "Tampilkan album",
"show_all_people": "Tampilkan semua orang",
"show_and_hide_people": "Tampilkan & sembunyikan orang",
"show_file_location": "Tampilkan lokasi berkas",
@ -1087,6 +1157,8 @@
"show_person_options": "Tampilkan opsi orang",
"show_progress_bar": "Tampilkan Bilah Progres",
"show_search_options": "Tampilkan opsi pencarian",
"show_supporter_badge": "Lencana suporter",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "Tampilkan lencana suporter",
"shuffle": "Acak",
"sign_out": "Keluar",
"sign_up": "Daftar",
@ -1103,6 +1175,8 @@
"sort_title": "Judul",
"source": "Sumber",
"stack": "Tumpukan",
"stack_duplicates": "Stack duplikat",
"stack_select_one_photo": "Pilih satu foto utama untuk stack",
"stack_selected_photos": "Tumpuk foto terpilih",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# aset} other {# aset}} ditumpuk",
"stacktrace": "Jejak tumpukan",
@ -1135,12 +1209,12 @@
"to_login": "Log masuk",
"to_trash": "Sampah",
"toggle_settings": "Saklar pengaturan",
"toggle_theme": "Saklar tema",
"toggle_theme": "Beralih tema gelap",
"toggle_visibility": "Saklar keterlihatan",
"total_usage": "Jumlah penggunaan",
"trash": "Sampah",
"trash_all": "Buang Semua",
"trash_count": "Buang {count}",
"trash_count": "Sampah {count, number}",
"trash_delete_asset": "Hapus Aset",
"trash_no_results_message": "Foto dan video di sampah akan muncul di sini.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Item yang dibuang akan dihapus secara permanen setelah {days, plural, one {# hari} other {# hari}}.",
@ -1156,9 +1230,11 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Putuskan OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Akun OAuth terputus",
"unnamed_album": "Album Tanpa Nama",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Apakah kamu yakin akan menghapus album ini?",
"unnamed_share": "Pembagian Tanpa Nama",
"unsaved_change": "Perubahan belum disimpan",
"unselect_all": "Batalkan semua pilihan",
"unselect_all_duplicates": "Batal pilih semua duplikat",
"unstack": "Batalkan penumpukan",
"unstacked_assets_count": "Penumpukan {count, plural, one {# aset} other {# aset}} dibatalkan",
"untracked_files": "Berkas tidak dilacak",
@ -1168,7 +1244,7 @@
"upload": "Unggah",
"upload_concurrency": "Konkurensi pengunggahan",
"upload_errors": "Unggahan selesai dengan {count, plural, one {# eror} other {# eror}}, muat ulang laman untuk melihat aset terunggah baru.",
"upload_progress": "Tersisa {remaining} - Memproses {processed}/{total}",
"upload_progress": "Tersisa {remaining, number} - Di proses {processed, number}/{total, number}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "Melewati {count, plural, one {# aset duplikat} other {# aset duplikat}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplikat",
"upload_status_errors": "Eror",
@ -1181,7 +1257,9 @@
"user_id": "ID Pengguna",
"user_license_settings": "Lisensi",
"user_license_settings_description": "Kelola lisensi Anda",
"user_liked": "{user} menyukai {type, select, photo {foto ini} video {video ini} asset {aset ini} other {ini}}",
"user_liked": "{user} menyukai {type, select, photo {foto ini} video {tayangan ini} asset {aset ini} other {ini}}",
"user_purchase_settings": "Pembelian",
"user_purchase_settings_description": "Atur pembelian kamu",
"user_role_set": "Tetapkan {user} sebagai {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Detail penggunaan pengguna",
"username": "Nama pengguna",
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"external_library_created_at": "Libreria esterna (creata il {date})",
"external_library_management": "Gestione Librerie Esterne",
"face_detection": "Rilevamento Volti",
"face_detection_description": "Rileva i volti presenti negli assets utilizzando il machine learning. Per i video, viene presa in considerazione solo la miniatura. \"Tutto\" (ri-)processerà tutti gli assets. \"Mancanti\" selaziona solo gli assets che non sono ancora stati processati. I volti rilevati verranno selezionati per il riconoscimento facciale dopo che il rilevamento dei volti sarà stato completato, raggruppandoli in persone esistenti e/o nuove.",
"face_detection_description": "Rileva i volti presenti negli assets utilizzando il machine learning. Per i video, viene presa in considerazione solo la miniatura. \"Tutto\" (ri-)processerà tutti gli assets. \"Mancanti\" seleziona solo gli assets che non sono ancora stati processati. I volti rilevati verranno selezionati per il riconoscimento facciale dopo che il rilevamento dei volti sarà stato completato, raggruppandoli in persone esistenti e/o nuove.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Raggruppa i volti rilevati in persone. Questo processo viene eseguito dopo che il rilevamento volti è stato completato. \"Tutti\" (ri-)unisce tutti i volti. \"Mancanti\" processa i volti che non hanno una persona assegnata.",
"failed_job_command": "Il comando {command} è fallito per il processo: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "ATTENZIONE: Questo rimuoverà immediatamente l'utente e tutti i suoi assets. Non è possibile tornare indietro e i file non potranno essere recuperati.",
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"image_settings_description": "Gestisci qualità e risoluzione delle immagini generate",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Formato miniatura",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Risoluzione miniatura",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Utilizzato per vedere gruppi di foto (linea temporale,vista album, etc.). Risoluzioni piu' alte possono mantenere piu' dettaglio pero' l'encoding sara' piu' lungo, i file avranno dimensioni maggiori e potrebbero causare una riduzione nella responsivita' dell'applicazione.",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Utilizzato per vedere gruppi di foto (linea temporale, vista album, etc.). Risoluzioni più alte possono mantenere più dettaglio però l'encoding sarà più lungo, i file avranno dimensioni maggiori e potrebbero causare una riduzione nella responsività dell'applicazione.",
"job_concurrency": "Concorrenza {job}",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Questo processo non è eseguibile in maniera concorrente.",
"job_settings": "Impostazioni dei processi",
@ -76,14 +76,14 @@
"job_status": "Stato Processi",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# posticipato} other {# posticipati}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# fallito} other {# falliti}}",
"library_created": "Creata libreria {library}",
"library_created": "Creata libreria: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Espressione cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Imposta l'intervallo di rilevazione utilizzando il formato cron. Per più informazioni consulta es. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Espressioni cron preimpostate",
"library_deleted": "Libreria eliminata",
"library_import_path_description": "Specifica una cartella da importare. Questa cartella e le sue sottocartelle, verranno analizzate per cercare immagini e video.",
"library_scanning": "Scansione periodica",
"library_scanning_description": "Conigura la scansione periodica della libreria",
"library_scanning_description": "Configura la scansione periodica della libreria",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Attiva la scansione periodica della libreria",
"library_settings": "Libreria Esterna",
"library_settings_description": "Gestisci le impostazioni della libreria esterna",
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
"logging_level_description": "Quando attivato, che livello di log utilizzare.",
"logging_settings": "Registro dei Log",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Modello CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Il nome del modello CLIP mostrato <link>qui</link>. Bita cge devi rieseguire il processo 'Ricerca Intelligente' per tutte le immagini al cambio del modello.",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Il nome del modello CLIP mostrato <link>qui</link>. Nota che devi rieseguire il processo 'Ricerca Intelligente' per tutte le immagini al cambio del modello.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Rilevamento Duplicati",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Attiva rilevazione duplicati",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Se disattivo, risorse perfettamente identiche saranno comunque deduplicate.",
@ -103,16 +103,16 @@
"machine_learning_enabled": "Attiva machine learning",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Se disabilitato, tutte le funzioni di ML saranno disabilitate ignorando le importazioni sottostanti.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Riconoscimento Facciale",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Rileva, riconosci, e raggruppa faccie nelle immagini",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Rileva, riconosci, e raggruppa facce nelle immagini",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Modello di riconoscimento facciale",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "I modelli sono mostrati in ordine decrescente in base alla dimensione. I modelli più grandi sono più lenti e utilizzano più memoria, peró producono risultati migliori. Nota che devi ri-eseguire il processo di rilevamento facciale per tutte le immagini quando cambi il modello.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "I modelli sono mostrati in ordine decrescente in base alla dimensione. I modelli più grandi sono più lenti e utilizzano più memoria, però producono risultati migliori. Nota che devi ri-eseguire il processo di rilevamento facciale per tutte le immagini quando cambi il modello.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Attiva riconoscimento facciale",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "Se disabilitato, le immagininon non saranno codificate per il riconoscimento facciale e non verranno mostrate nella sezione Persone della pagina Esplora.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "Se disabilitato, le immagini non saranno codificate per il riconoscimento facciale e non verranno mostrate nella sezione Persone della pagina Esplora.",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "Distanza massima di rilevazione",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "Massima distanza fra due immagini per considerarle duplicate, variando da 0.001-0.1. Valori più alti rileveranno più duplicati, ma potrebbero causare risultati fasulli.",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "Massima distanza fra due immagini per considerarle duplicate, variando da 0.001-0.1. Valori più alti rileveranno più duplicati, ma potrebbero causare falsi positivi.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "Distanza massima di riconoscimento",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "La distanza massima tra due volti per essere considerati la stessa persona, che varia da 0 a 2. Abbassare questo valore può prevenire l'etichettatura di due persone come se fossero la stessa persona, mentre aumentarlo può prevenire l'etichettatura della stessa persona come se fossero due persone diverse. Nota che è più facile unire due persone che separare una persona in due, quindi è preferibile mantenere una soglia più bassa quando possibile.",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "Punteggio minimo di rilvazione",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "Punteggio minimo di rilevazione",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "Punteggio di confidenza minimo per rilevare un volto, da 0 a 1. Valori più bassi rileveranno più volti, ma potrebbero generare risultati fasulli.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "Minimo volti rilevati",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "Il numero minimo di volti riconosciuti per creare una persona. Aumentando questo valore si rende il riconoscimento facciale più preciso, ma aumenta la possibilità che un volto non venga assegnato a una persona.",
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"map_enable_description": "Abilita funzionalità della mappa",
"map_gps_settings": "Impostazioni Mappe & GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Gestisci le impostazioni di Mappe & GPS (Geocoding Inverso)",
"map_implications": "La fnzione della mappa fa uso di un servizio tile esterno (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_implications": "La funzionalità mappa si basa su un servizio tile esterno (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Tema chiaro",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Gestisci impostazioni <link>Geocodifica inversa</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Geocodifica inversa",
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Attiva verifica hash, non disabilitare questo se non sei certo delle implicazioni",
"storage_template_migration": "Migrazione modello archiviazione",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Applica il <link>{template}</link> attuale agli asset caricati in precedenza",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Le modifiche al modello di archiviazione verranno applicate solo agli asset nuovi. Per applicare le modifice retroattivamente esegui <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Le modifiche al modello di archiviazione verranno applicate solo agli asset nuovi. Per applicare le modifiche retroattivamente esegui <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Processo Migrazione Modello di Archiviazione",
"storage_template_more_details": "Per più informazioni riguardo a questa funzionalità, consulta il <template-link>Modello Archiviazione</template-link> e le sue <implications-link>conseguenze</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Quando attivata, questa funzionalità organizzerà automaticamente i file utilizzando il modello di archiviazione definito dall'utente. Per ragioni di stabilità, questa funzionalità è disabilitata per impostazione predefinita. Per più informazioni, consulta <link>la documentazione</link>.",
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Video con bitrate superiore al massimo o in formato non accettato",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Per saperne di più sulla terminologia utilizzata, fai riferimento alla documentazione di FFmpeg su <h264-link>codec H.264</h264-link>, <hevc-link>codec HEVC</hevc-link> e <vp9-link>codec VP9</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Modalità qualità costante",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "iCQ è migliore di CQP, peró alcuni dispositivi di accelerazione hardware non supportano questa modalità. Impostando questa opzione l'applicazione preferirà il modo specificato quando è in uso la codifica quality-based. Ignorato da NVENC perchè non supporta ICQ.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "iCQ è migliore di CQP, però alcuni dispositivi di accelerazione hardware non supportano questa modalità. Impostando questa opzione l'applicazione preferirà il modo specificato quando è in uso la codifica quality-based. Ignorato da NVENC perché non supporta ICQ.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Fattore di rateo costante (-crf)",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "Livello di qualità video. I valori tipici sono 23 per H.264, 28 per HEVC, 31 per VP9 e 35 per AV1. Un valore inferiore indica una qualità migliore, ma produce file di dimensioni maggiori.",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "Non transcodificare alcun video, potrebbe rompere la riproduzione su alcuni client",
@ -274,12 +274,12 @@
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "Bitrate massimo",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "Impostare un bitrate massimo può rendere le dimensioni dei file più prevedibili a un costo minore per la qualità. A 720p, i valori tipici sono 2600k per VP9 o HEVC, o 4500k per H.264. Disabilitato se impostato su 0.",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "Intervallo massimo dei keyframe",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "Imposta la distanza massima tra i keyframe. Valori più bassi peggiorano l'efficienza di compressione, peró migliorano i tempi di ricerca e possono migliorare la qualità nelle scene con movimenti rapidi. 0 imposta questo valore automaticamente.",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "Imposta la distanza massima tra i keyframe. Valori più bassi peggiorano l'efficienza di compressione, però migliorano i tempi di ricerca e possono migliorare la qualità nelle scene con movimenti rapidi. 0 imposta questo valore automaticamente.",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "Video con risoluzione più alta rispetto alla risoluzione desiderata o in formato non accettato",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "Dispositivo hardware preferito",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "Si applica solo a VAAPI e QSV. Imposta il nodo DRI utilizzato per la transcodifica hardware.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "Preset (-preset)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Velocità di compressione. Presets più lenti producono file più piccoli e aumentano la qualità quando si punta a ottenere un certo bitrate. VP9 ignora velocità superiori a `faster`.",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Velocità di compressione. Preset più lenti producono file più piccoli e aumentano la qualità quando viene impostato un certo bitrate. VP9 ignora velocità superiori a `faster`.",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "Frame di riferimento",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "Il numero di frame da prendere in considerazione nel comprimere un determinato frame. Valori più alti migliorano l'efficienza di compressione, ma rallentano la codifica. 0 imposta questo valore automaticamente.",
"transcoding_required_description": "Solo video che non sono in un formato accettato",
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"transcoding_target_resolution": "Risoluzione desiderata",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "Risoluzioni più elevate possono preservare più dettagli ma richiedono più tempo per la codifica, producono file di dimensioni maggiori e possono ridurre la reattività dell'applicazione.",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "AQ temporale",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "Si applica solo a NVENC. Aumenta la qualita delle scene con molto dettaglio e poco movimento. Potrebbe non essere compatibile con dispositivi più vecchi.",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "Si applica solo a NVENC. Aumenta la qualità delle scene con molto dettaglio e poco movimento. Potrebbe non essere compatibile con dispositivi più vecchi.",
"transcoding_threads": "Thread",
"transcoding_threads_description": "Valori più alti portano a una codifica più veloce, ma lasciano meno spazio al server per elaborare altre attività durante l'attività. Questo valore non dovrebbe essere superiore al numero di core CPU. Massimizza l'utilizzo se impostato su 0.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "Mappatura della tonalità",
@ -310,14 +310,14 @@
"untracked_files_description": "Questi file non sono tracciati dall'applicazione. Potrebbero essere il risultato di spostamenti falliti, caricamenti interrotti o abbandonati a causa di un bug",
"user_delete_delay": "L'account e gli asset dell'utente <b>{user}</b> verranno programmati per la cancellazione definitiva tra {delay, plural, one {# giorno} other {# giorni}}.",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Ritardo eliminazione",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Numero di giorni dopo l'eliminazione per cancellare in modo definitivo l'account e gli asset di un utente. Il processo di cancellazione dell'utente viene eseguito a mezzanotte per verificare se esistono utenti pronti a essere eliminati. Le modifiche a questa impostazioni saranno prese in considerazione dalla possima esecuzione.",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Numero di giorni dopo l'eliminazione per cancellare in modo definitivo l'account e gli asset di un utente. Il processo di cancellazione dell'utente viene eseguito a mezzanotte per verificare se esistono utenti pronti a essere eliminati. Le modifiche a questa impostazioni saranno prese in considerazione dalla prossima esecuzione.",
"user_delete_immediately": "L'account e tutti gli asset dell'utente <b>{user}</b> verranno messi in coda per la cancellazione permanente <b>immediata</b>.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "utente",
"user_management": "Gestione Utenti",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "La password dell'utente è stata reimpostata:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Per favore inserisci una password temporanea per l'utente e informalo che dovrà cambiare la password al prossimo login.",
"user_restore_description": "L'account di <b>{user}</b> verrà ripristinato.",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "Ripristina utente - rimozione progammata per il {date, date, long}",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "Ripristina utente - rimozione programmata per il {date, date, long}",
"user_settings": "Impostazione Utente",
"user_settings_description": "Gestisci impostazioni utente",
"user_successfully_removed": "L'utente {email} è stato rimosso con successo.",
@ -362,6 +362,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Permetti modifiche",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permetti di scaricare agli utenti pubblici",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permetti di caricare agli utenti pubblici",
"anti_clockwise": "Senso antiorario",
"api_key": "Chiave API",
"api_key_description": "Il campo verrà mostrato solo una volta. Abbi cura di copiarlo prima di chiudere la finestra.",
"api_key_empty": "Il valore del nome dell'API Key non può essere vuoto",
@ -370,7 +371,7 @@
"appears_in": "Compare in",
"archive": "Archivio",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Archivia o ripristina foto",
"archive_size": "Dimensioni Archivio",
"archive_size": "Dimensioni archivio",
"archive_size_description": "Imposta le dimensioni dell'archivio per i download (in GiB)",
"archived": "Archiviato",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Archiviati #}}",
@ -443,6 +444,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Rimuovi tutte le ricerche recenti",
"clear_message": "Pulisci messaggio",
"clear_value": "Pulisci valore",
"clockwise": "Senso orario",
"close": "Chiudi",
"collapse": "Restringi",
"collapse_all": "Comprimi tutto",
@ -455,7 +457,7 @@
"confirm_admin_password": "Conferma password amministratore",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo link condiviso?",
"confirm_password": "Conferma password",
"contain": "Contieni",
"contain": "Adatta",
"context": "Contesto",
"continue": "Continua",
"copied_image_to_clipboard": "Immagine copiata negli appunti.",
@ -468,7 +470,7 @@
"copy_password": "Copia password",
"copy_to_clipboard": "Copia negli appunti",
"country": "Nazione",
"cover": "Copri",
"cover": "Riempi",
"covers": "Miniature",
"create": "Crea",
"create_album": "Crea album",
@ -519,8 +521,10 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Non mostrare questo messaggio di nuovo",
"done": "Fatto",
"download": "Scarica",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Video incorporati",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Includere i video incorporati nelle foto in movimento come file separato",
"download_settings": "Scarica",
"download_settings_description": "Gestisci le impostazioni riguardandi il download degli asset",
"download_settings_description": "Gestisci le impostazioni relative al download degli asset",
"downloading": "Scaricando",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Scaricando l'asset {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Rilascia i file ovunque per caricarli",
@ -552,6 +556,10 @@
"edit_user": "Modifica utente",
"edited": "Modificato",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Le modifiche non verranno salvate",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Vuoi chiudere l'editor?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Proporzioni",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotazione",
"email": "Email",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Album Vuoto",
@ -643,7 +651,7 @@
"unable_to_hide_person": "Impossibile nascondere persona",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Impossibile collegare l'account OAuth",
"unable_to_load_album": "Impossibile caricare l'album",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Impossiible caricare l'attività dell'asset",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Impossibile caricare l'attività dell'asset",
"unable_to_load_items": "Impossibile caricare gli elementi",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Impossibile caricare lo stato dei preferiti",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Impossibile eseguire il logout da tutti i dispositivi",
@ -663,7 +671,7 @@
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "Impossibile rimuovere reazione",
"unable_to_remove_user": "",
"unable_to_repair_items": "Impossibile riparare elementi",
"unable_to_reset_password": "Impossiible reimpostare la password",
"unable_to_reset_password": "Impossibile reimpostare la password",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "Impossibile risolvere duplicato",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "Impossibile ripristinare gli asset",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "Impossibile ripristinare cestino",
@ -671,23 +679,23 @@
"unable_to_save_album": "Impossibile salvare album",
"unable_to_save_api_key": "Impossibile salvare chiave API",
"unable_to_save_date_of_birth": "Impossible salvare la data di nascita",
"unable_to_save_name": "Impossibile salvare nome",
"unable_to_save_profile": "Impossibile salvare profilo",
"unable_to_save_settings": "Impossibile salvare impostazioni",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Impossibile analizzare librerie",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Impossibile analizzare libreria",
"unable_to_save_name": "Impossibile salvare il nome",
"unable_to_save_profile": "Impossibile salvare il profilo",
"unable_to_save_settings": "Impossibile salvare le impostazioni",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Impossibile analizzare le librerie",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Impossibile analizzare la libreria",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Impossibile impostare la foto in evidenza",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Impossibile impostare foto profilo",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Impossibile confermare processo",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Impossibile cestinare asset",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Impossibile scollegare account",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Impossibile impostare la foto profilo",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Impossibile eseguire l'attività",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Impossibile cestinare l'asset",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Impossibile scollegare l'account",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Errore durante l'aggiornamento della copertina dell'album",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Errore durante l'aggiornamento delle info dell'album",
"unable_to_update_library": "Impossibile aggiornare libreria",
"unable_to_update_location": "Impossibile aggiornare posizione",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Impossibile aggiornare impostazioni",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "Impossibile aggiornare lo stato visivo della linea temporale",
"unable_to_update_user": "Impossibile aggiornare utente",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Impossibile aggiornare le informazioni sull'album",
"unable_to_update_library": "Impossibile aggiornare la libreria",
"unable_to_update_location": "Impossibile aggiornare la posizione",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Impossibile aggiornare le impostazioni",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "Impossibile aggiornare lo stato di visualizzazione della sequenza temporale",
"unable_to_update_user": "Impossibile aggiornare l'utente",
"unable_to_upload_file": "Impossibile caricare il file"
"every_day_at_onepm": "",
@ -695,7 +703,7 @@
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Esci dalla diapositiva",
"exit_slideshow": "Esci dalla presentazione",
"expand_all": "Espandi tutto",
"expire_after": "Scade dopo",
"expired": "Scaduto",
@ -745,16 +753,16 @@
"host": "Host",
"hour": "Ora",
"image": "Immagine",
"image_alt_text_date": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Immagine}} scattato il {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} scattata con {person1} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} scattata con {person1} e {person2} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} scattata con {person1}, {person2}, e {person3} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} scattata con {person1}, {person2}, e altre {additionalCount, number} persone il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} scattata a {city}, {country} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} scattata a {city}, {country} con {person1} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} scattata a {city}, {country} con {person1} e {person2} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} scattata a {city}, {country} con {person1}, {person2}, e {person3} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Immagine}} scattato a {city}, {country} con {person1}, {person2} e {additionalCount, number} altre persone il {date}",
"image_alt_text_date": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} il {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} con {person1} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} con {person1} e {person2} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} con {person1}, {person2}, e {person3} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} con {person1}, {person2}, e altre {additionalCount, number} persone il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} a {city}, {country} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} a {city}, {country} con {person1} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} a {city}, {country} con {person1} e {person2} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} a {city}, {country} con {person1}, {person2}, e {person3} il giorno {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video girato} other {Foto scattata}} a {city}, {country} con {person1}, {person2} e {additionalCount, number} altre persone il {date}",
"image_alt_text_people": "{count, plural, =1 {con {person1}} =2 {con {person1} e {person2}} =3 {con {person1}, {person2} e {person3}} other {con {person1}, {person2} e {others, number} altri}}",
"image_alt_text_place": "a {city}, {country}",
"image_taken": "{isVideo, select, true {Video registrato} other {Immagine scattata}}",
@ -783,7 +791,7 @@
"jobs": "Processi",
"keep": "Mantieni",
"keep_all": "Tieni tutto",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Comandi rapidi",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Scorciatoie da tastiera",
"language": "Lingua",
"language_setting_description": "Seleziona la tua lingua predefinita",
"last_seen": "Ultimo accesso",
@ -828,7 +836,7 @@
"loading": "Caricamento",
"loading_search_results_failed": "Impossibile caricare i risultati della ricerca",
"log_out": "Esci",
"log_out_all_devices": "Esci da tutti i dispositivi",
"log_out_all_devices": "Disconnetti tutti i dispositivi",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Disconnesso da tutti i dispositivi",
"logged_out_device": "Disconnesso dal dispositivo",
"login": "Login",
@ -846,7 +854,7 @@
"manage_your_account": "Gestisci il tuo account",
"manage_your_api_keys": "Gestisci le tue chiavi API",
"manage_your_devices": "Gestisci i tuoi dispositivi collegati",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Gestisci la tua connesione OAuth",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Gestisci la tua connessione OAuth",
"map": "Mappa",
"map_marker_for_images": "Indicatore mappa per le immagini scattate in {city}, {country}",
"map_marker_with_image": "Segnaposto con immagine",
@ -863,7 +871,7 @@
"merge_people_limit": "Puoi unire al massimo 5 volti alla volta",
"merge_people_prompt": "Vuoi unire queste persone? Questa azione è irreversibile.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Unione persone completata con successo",
"merged_people_count": "Uniti {count, plural, one {# persona} other {# persone}}",
"merged_people_count": "{count, plural, one {Unita # persona} other {Unite # persone}}",
"minimize": "Minimizza",
"minute": "Minuto",
"missing": "Mancante",
@ -886,8 +894,8 @@
"next_memory": "Prossima memoria",
"no": "No",
"no_albums_message": "Crea un album per organizzare le tue foto ed i tuoi video",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Nessun album con questo nome, per ora.",
"no_albums_yet": "Nessun album presente, per ora.",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Sembra che tu non abbia ancora nessun album con questo nome.",
"no_albums_yet": "Sembra che tu non abbia ancora nessun album.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Archivia foto e video per nasconderli dalla galleria di foto",
"no_duplicates_found": "Nessun duplicato trovato.",
@ -914,9 +922,9 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Prima vecchi",
"onboarding": "Inserimento",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Le seguenti funzioni (opzionali) fanno uso di servizi esterni, e possono essere disabilitate in qualsiasi momento dalle impostazioni d'amministratore.",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Le seguenti funzioni (opzionali) fanno uso di servizi esterni, e possono essere disabilitate in qualsiasi momento nelle impostazioni di amministrazione.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Scegli un tema colore per la tua istanza. Potrai cambiarlo nelle impostazioni.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Andiamo ad impostare la tua istanza con alcuni settaggi comuni.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Andiamo ad impostare la tua istanza con alcune impostazioni comuni.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Benvenuto, {user}",
"online": "Online",
"only_favorites": "Solo preferiti",
@ -956,7 +964,7 @@
"pending": "In attesa",
"people": "Persone",
"people_edits_count": "{count, plural, one {Modificata # persona} other {Modificate # persone}}",
"people_sidebar_description": "Mosta un link alle persone nella barra laterale",
"people_sidebar_description": "Mostra un link alle persone nella barra laterale",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Avviso eliminazione permanente",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Mostra un avviso all'eliminazione definitiva di un asset",
@ -1046,10 +1054,10 @@
"refreshing_metadata": "Ricaricando i metadati",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Rigenerando le anteprime",
"remove": "Rimuovi",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} dall'album?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} da questo link condiviso?",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# asset}} dall'album?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# asset}} da questo link condiviso?",
"remove_assets_title": "Rimuovere asset?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Cancella intervallo data personalizzato",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Rimuovi intervallo data personalizzato",
"remove_from_album": "Rimuovere dall'album",
"remove_from_favorites": "Rimuovi dai preferiti",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Rimuovi dal link condiviso",
@ -1058,7 +1066,7 @@
"removed_api_key": "Rimossa chiave API: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Rimosso dall'archivio",
"removed_from_favorites": "Rimosso dai preferiti",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, other {Rimossi #}} dai preferiti",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, one {Rimosso } other {Rimossi #}} dai preferiti",
"rename": "Rinomina",
"repair": "Ripara",
"repair_no_results_message": "I file mancanti e non tracciati saranno mostrati qui",
@ -1089,7 +1097,7 @@
"saved_settings": "Impostazioni salvate",
"say_something": "Dici qualcosa",
"scan_all_libraries": "Analizza tutte le librerie",
"scan_all_library_files": "Ri-analizza Tutti i File della Libreria",
"scan_all_library_files": "Scansiona nuovamente tutti i file della libreria",
"scan_new_library_files": "Analizza i File Nuovi della Libreria",
"scan_settings": "Impostazioni Analisi",
"scanning_for_album": "Sto cercando l'album...",
@ -1098,7 +1106,7 @@
"search_by_context": "Cerca con contesto",
"search_by_filename": "Cerca per nome del file o estensione",
"search_by_filename_example": "es. IMG_1234.JPG o PNG",
"search_camera_make": "Cerca manufattore fotocamera...",
"search_camera_make": "Cerca produttore fotocamera...",
"search_camera_model": "Cerca modello fotocamera...",
"search_city": "Cerca città...",
"search_country": "Cerca paese...",
@ -1109,7 +1117,7 @@
"search_places": "Cerca luoghi",
"search_state": "Cerca stato...",
"search_timezone": "Cerca fuso orario...",
"search_type": "Certa tipo",
"search_type": "Cerca tipo",
"search_your_photos": "Cerca le tue foto",
"searching_locales": "Cerca localizzazioni...",
"second": "Secondo",
@ -1127,7 +1135,7 @@
"select_photos": "Seleziona foto",
"select_trash_all": "Seleziona cestina tutto",
"selected": "Selezionato",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {# selezionati}}",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, one {# selezionato} other {# selezionati}}",
"send_message": "Manda messaggio",
"send_welcome_email": "Invia email di benvenuto",
"server": "Server",
@ -1140,7 +1148,7 @@
"set_as_profile_picture": "Imposta come foto profilo",
"set_date_of_birth": "Imposta data di nascita",
"set_profile_picture": "Imposta foto profilo",
"set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "Imposta diapositiva a schermo intero",
"set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "Imposta presentazione a schermo intero",
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"settings_saved": "Impostazioni salvate",
"share": "Condivisione",
@ -1173,9 +1181,9 @@
"show_person_options": "Mostra opzioni persona",
"show_progress_bar": "Mostra Barra Avanzamento",
"show_search_options": "Mostra impostazioni di ricerca",
"show_supporter_badge": "Insignia di Contributore",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "Mostra un'insignia di contributore",
"shuffle": "Mescola",
"show_supporter_badge": "Medaglia di Contributore",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "Mostra la medaglia di contributore",
"shuffle": "Casuale",
"sign_out": "Esci",
"sign_up": "Registrati",
"size": "Dimensione",
@ -1194,16 +1202,16 @@
"stack_duplicates": "Raggruppa i duplicati",
"stack_select_one_photo": "Seleziona una foto principale per il gruppo",
"stack_selected_photos": "Impila foto selezionate",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Raggruppato # asset} other {Raggruppati # assets}}",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Raggruppato # asset} other {Raggruppati # asset}}",
"stacktrace": "Traccia dell'errore",
"start": "Inizio",
"start_date": "Data di inizio",
"state": "Provincia",
"status": "Stato",
"stop_motion_photo": "Ferma Foto in Movimento",
"stop_photo_sharing": "Stoppare la condivisione delle tue foto?",
"stop_photo_sharing": "Interrompere la condivisione delle tue foto?",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} non potrà più accedere alle tue foto.",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Non condividere più le tue foto con questo utente",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Interrompi la condivisione delle tue foto con questo utente",
"storage": "Spazio di archiviazione",
"storage_label": "Etichetta archiviazione",
"storage_usage": "{used} di {available} utilizzati",
@ -1235,7 +1243,7 @@
"trash_no_results_message": "Le foto cestinate saranno mostrate qui.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Gli elementi cestinati saranno eliminati definitivamente dopo {days, plural, one {# giorno} other {# giorni}}.",
"type": "Tipo",
"unarchive": "Rimuovi dagli archivi",
"unarchive": "Annulla l'archiviazione",
"unarchived": "Rimosso dall'archivio",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {Non archiviati #}}",
"unfavorite": "Rimuovi preferito",
@ -1252,16 +1260,16 @@
"unselect_all": "Deseleziona tutto",
"unselect_all_duplicates": "Deseleziona tutti i duplicati",
"unstack": "Rimuovi dal gruppo",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Separato # asset} other {Separati # assets}}",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Separato # asset} other {Separati # asset}}",
"untracked_files": "File non tracciati",
"untracked_files_decription": "Questi file non vengono tracciati dall'applicazione. Sono il risultato di spostamenti falliti, caricamenti interrotti, oppure sono stati abbandonati a causa di un bug",
"up_next": "Prossimo",
"updated_password": "Password aggiornata",
"upload": "Carica",
"upload_concurrency": "Caricamenti contemporanei",
"upload_errors": "Caricamento completato con {count, plural, one {# errore} other {# errori}}, ricarica la pagina per vedere gli assets caricati.",
"upload_errors": "Caricamento completato con {count, plural, one {# errore} other {# errori}}, ricarica la pagina per vedere gli asset caricati.",
"upload_progress": "Rimanenti {remaining, number} - Processati {processed, number}/{total, number}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {Ignorato # asset duplicato} other {Ignorati # assets duplicati}}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {Ignorato # asset duplicato} other {Ignorati # asset duplicati}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplicati",
"upload_status_errors": "Errori",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Caricato",
@ -1285,7 +1293,7 @@
"variables": "Variabili",
"version": "Versione",
"version_announcement_closing": "Il tuo amico, Alex",
"version_announcement_message": "Heilà! È stata rilasciata una nuova versione dell'applicazione. Leggi le <link>note di rilascio</link> e assicurati che i tuoi file <code>docker-compose.yml</code>/<code>.env</code> siano aggiornati per evitare problemi e incongruenze, sopratutto se utilizzi WatchTower o altri strumenti per aggiornare l'applicazione in automatico.",
"version_announcement_message": "Ehilà! È stata rilasciata una nuova versione dell'applicazione. Leggi le <link>note di rilascio</link> e assicurati che i tuoi file <code>docker-compose.yml</code>/<code>.env</code> siano aggiornati per evitare problemi e incongruenze, soprattutto se utilizzi WatchTower o altri strumenti per aggiornare l'applicazione in automatico.",
"video": "Video",
"video_hover_setting": "Riproduci l'anteprima del video al passaggio del mouse",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Riproduci miniatura video quando il mouse passa sopra l'elemento. Anche se disabilitato, la riproduzione può essere avviata passando con il mouse sopra l'icona riproduci.",
@ -1305,7 +1313,7 @@
"warning": "Attenzione",
"week": "Settimana",
"welcome": "Benvenuto",
"welcome_to_immich": "Benvenuto a immich",
"welcome_to_immich": "Benvenuto in immich",
"year": "Anno",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# anno} other {# anni}} fa",
"yes": "Si",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "지도 기능 활성화",
"map_gps_settings": "지도 및 GPS 설정",
"map_gps_settings_description": "지도 및 GPS (역지오코딩) 설정 관리",
"map_implications": "지도 기능은 외부 타일 서비스(tiles.immich.clou를 사용합니다.",
"map_light_style": "라이트 스타일",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "<link>역지오코딩</link> 설정 관리",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "역지오코딩",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "역지오코딩 활성화",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "역지오코딩 설정",
"map_settings": "지도 설정",
"map_settings": "지도",
"map_settings_description": "지도 설정 관리",
"map_style_description": "지도 테마 style.json URL",
"metadata_extraction_job": "메타데이터 추출",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "사용자 설정",
"user_settings_description": "사용자 설정 관리",
"user_successfully_removed": "{email}이(가) 성공적으로 제거되었습니다.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "최신 버전 확인을 위한 주기적인 GitHub 확인 활성화",
"version_check_enabled_description": "버전 확인 활성화",
"version_check_implications": "버전 확인 기능은 주기적으로 github.com에 요청을 보냅니다.",
"version_check_settings": "버전 확인",
"version_check_settings_description": "최신 버전 알림 설정 관리",
"video_conversion_job": "동영상 트랜스코드",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "공유 앨범 초대",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "공유 앨범으로 초대를 받은 경우 이메일 알림 받기",
"album_cover_updated": "앨범 커버를 변경했습니다.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "{album} 앨범을 삭제하시겠습니까?\n이 앨범을 공유한 경우 다른 사용자가 더 이상 앨범에 접근할 수 없습니다.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "{album} 앨범을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "이 앨범을 공유한 경우 다른 사용자가 더 이상 앨범에 접근할 수 없습니다.",
"album_info_updated": "앨범 정보가 수정되었습니다.",
"album_leave": "앨범에서 나가시겠습니까?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "{album} 앨범에서 나가시겠습니까?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "편집자로 설정",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "모든 사용자의 다운로드 허용",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "모든 사용자의 업로드 허용",
"anti_clockwise": "반시계 방향",
"api_key": "API 키",
"api_key_description": "이 값은 한 번만 표시됩니다. 창을 닫기 전 반드시 복사하세요.",
"api_key_empty": "키 이름은 비어 있을 수 없습니다.",
@ -441,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "검색 기록 전체 삭제",
"clear_message": "메시지 지우기",
"clear_value": "값 지우기",
"clockwise": "시계 방향",
"close": "닫기",
"collapse": "접기",
"collapse_all": "모두 접기",
@ -550,6 +555,10 @@
"edit_user": "사용자 수정",
"edited": "펀집되었습니다.",
"editor": "편집자",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "변경 사항이 반영되지 않습니다.",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "편집을 종료하시겠습니까?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "종횡비",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "회전",
"email": "이메일",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
@ -720,6 +729,7 @@
"filter_people": "인물 필터",
"find_them_fast": "이름으로 검색하여 빠르게 찾기",
"fix_incorrect_match": "잘못된 분류 수정",
"folders": "폴더",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "모든 파일 강제 다시 스캔",
"forward": "앞으로",
"general": "일반",
@ -895,6 +905,7 @@
"ok": "확인",
"oldest_first": "오래된 순",
"onboarding": "온보딩",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "이 선택적 기능은 외부 서비스를 사용하며, 관리자 설정에서 언제든 비활성화할 수 있습니다.",
"onboarding_storage_template_description": "활성화한 경우, 사용자 정의 템플릿을 기반으로 파일을 자동 분류합니다. 안정성 문제로 인해 해당 기능은 기본적으로 비활성화 되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 [공식 문서]를 참조하세요.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "색상 테마를 선택하세요. 나중에 설정에서 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "몇 가지 일반적인 설정을 진행하겠습니다.",
@ -969,6 +980,7 @@
"previous_memory": "이전 추억",
"previous_or_next_photo": "이전 또는 다음 이미지로",
"primary": "주요",
"privacy": "프라이버시",
"profile_image_of_user": "{user}님의 프로필 이미지",
"profile_picture_set": "프로필 사진이 설정되었습니다.",
"public_album": "공개 앨범",
@ -1007,6 +1019,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "서버 제품 키는 관리자가 관리합니다.",
"range": "",
"rating": "등급",
"rating_clear": "등급 초기화",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {#점} other {#점}}",
"rating_description": "상세 정보에 EXIF의 등급 정보 표시",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "반응 옵션",
@ -1130,6 +1144,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "{user}님이 공유함",
"shared_by_you": "내가 공유함",
"shared_from_partner": "{partner}님의 사진",
"shared_link_options": "공유 링크 옵션",
"shared_links": "공유 링크",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "사진 및 동영상 {assetCount, plural, other {#개를 공유했습니다.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "{partner}님과 공유함",
@ -1205,7 +1220,7 @@
"to_login": "로그인",
"to_trash": "삭제",
"toggle_settings": "설정 변경",
"toggle_theme": "테마 변경",
"toggle_theme": "다크 모드 사용",
"toggle_visibility": "숨김 여부 변경",
"total_usage": "총 사용량",
"trash": "휴지통",
@ -1227,6 +1242,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "OAuth 연결 해제",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "OAuth 계정 연결이 해제되었습니다.",
"unnamed_album": "이름 없는 앨범",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "선텍한 앨범을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"unnamed_share": "이름 없는 공유",
"unsaved_change": "저장되지 않은 변경 사항",
"unselect_all": "모두 선택 해제",
@ -1283,7 +1299,7 @@
"warning": "경고",
"week": "주",
"welcome": "환영합니다",
"welcome_to_immich": "Immich에 오신 것을 환영합니다",
"welcome_to_immich": "환영합니다",
"year": "년",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {#년} other {#년}} 전",
"yes": "네",
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "Veiksmai",
"active": "Vykdoma",
"activity": "Veikla",
"activity_changed": "Veikla yra {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"add": "Pridėti",
"add_a_description": "Pridėti aprašymą",
"add_a_location": "Pridėti vietovę",
@ -34,43 +35,51 @@
"config_set_by_file": "Konfigūracija dabar nustatyta konfigūracinio failo",
"confirm_delete_library": "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti {library} biblioteką?",
"confirm_email_below": "Patvirtinimui įveskite \"{email}\" žemiau",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Ar tikrai norite iš naujo apdoroti visus veidus? Tai taip pat ištrins įvardytus asmenis.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Ar tikrai norite iš naujo nustatyti {user} slaptažodį?",
"crontab_guru": "",
"disable_login": "Išjungti prisijungimą",
"disabled": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "Vykdykite mašininį mokymąsi tam, kad aptiktumėte panašius vaizdus. Nuo šios funkcijos priklauso išmanioji paieška",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "Išimčių šablonai leidžia nepaisyti failų ir aplankų skenuojant jūsų biblioteką. Tai yra naudinga, jei turite aplankų su failais, kurių nenorite importuoti, pavyzdžiui, RAW failai.",
"external_library_created_at": "Išorinė biblioteka (sukurta {date})",
"external_library_management": "Išorinių bibliotekų tvarkymas",
"face_detection": "Veido atpažinimas",
"image_format_description": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "",
"failed_job_command": "Darbo {job} komanda {command} nepavyko",
"force_delete_user_warning": "ĮSPĖJIMAS: Šis veiksmas iš karto pašalins naudotoją ir visą jo informaciją. Šis žingsnis nesugrąžinamas ir failų nebus galima atkurti.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Priverstinai atnaujinami visi failai bilbiotekoje",
"image_format_description": "WebP sukuria mažesnius failus nei JPEG, bet lėčiau juos apdoroja.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Pageidautinai rodyti įterptą peržiūrą",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Teikti pirmenybę plačiai gamai",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "",
"image_preview_format": "Peržiūros formatas",
"image_preview_resolution": "Peržiūros rezoliucija",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Naudojama peržiūrint vieną nuotrauką ir mašininiam mokymui. Didesnė rezoliucija gali išsaugoti daugiau detalių, bet ilgiau užtrukti apdoroti ir sumažinti programos greitumą.",
"image_quality": "Kokybė",
"image_quality_description": "Vaizdo kokybė nuo 1 iki 100. Aukštesnė kokybė yra geresnė, tačiau sukuriami didesni failai. Ši parinktis turi įtakos peržiūros ir miniatiūrų vaizdams.",
"image_settings": "",
"image_settings_description": "",
"image_settings": "Nuotraukos nustatymai",
"image_settings_description": "Keisti sugeneruotų nuotraukų kokybę ir rezoliuciją",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Miniatūros formatas",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Miniatūros rezoliucija",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "",
"job_settings": "",
"job_settings_description": "",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Naudojama žiūrint nuotraukų grupes (pagrindinis nuotraukų puslapis, albumų peržiūra ir t.t.). Aukštesnė rezoliucija gali išlaikyti daugiau detalių, bet užtrunka ilgiau apdoroti, gali turėti didesnius failų dydžius ir gali sumažinti programos greitumą.",
"job_concurrency": "{job} lygiagretumas",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Šis darbas nėra saugus apdoroti lygiagrečiai.",
"job_settings": "Darbo nustatymai",
"job_settings_description": "Keisti darbų lygiagretumą",
"job_status": "Darbų būsenos",
"library_created": "Sukurta biblioteka: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron išraiška",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Nustatykite nuskaitymo intervalą naudodami „cron“ formatą. Daugiau informacijos rasite pvz. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
"library_deleted": "Biblioteka ištrinta",
"library_import_path_description": "Nurodykite aplanką, kurį norite importuoti. Šiame aplanke, įskaitant poaplankius, bus nuskaityti vaizdai ir vaizdo įrašai.",
"library_scanning": "Periodinis skanavimas",
"library_scanning_description": "Konfigūruoti periodinį bibliotekos skanavimą",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Įgalinti periodinį bibliotekos skanavimą",
"library_settings": "Išorinė biblioteka",
"library_settings_description": "Tvarkyti išorinės bibliotekos parametrus",
"library_tasks_description": "",
"library_tasks_description": "Atlikit bibliotekos užduotis",
"library_watching_enable_description": "",
"library_watching_settings": "",
"library_watching_settings_description": "",
@ -83,7 +92,7 @@
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Įgalinti mašininį mokymąsi",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Jei išjungta, visos „ML“ funkcijos bus išjungtos, nepaisant toliau pateiktų nustatymų.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Veido atpažinimas",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Aptikti, atpažinti ir sugrupuoti veidus nuotraukose",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Veido atpažinimo modelis",
@ -91,20 +100,20 @@
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Įgalinti veido atpažinimą",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "Didžiausias atstumas tarp dviejų vaizdų, kad jie būtų laikomi dublikatais, svyruoja nuo 0,001 iki 0,1. Didesnės vertės aptiks daugiau dublikatų, tačiau gali būti klaidingai teigiami.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "Maksimalus atpažinimo atstumas",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "Mažiausias atpažintų veidų skaičius asmeniui, kurį reikia sukurti. Tai padidinus, veido atpažinimas tampa tikslesnis, bet padidėja tikimybė, kad veidas žmogui nepriskirtas.",
"machine_learning_settings": "Mašininio mokymosi nustatymai",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Tvarkyti mašininio mokymosi funkcijas ir nustatymus",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Išmanioji paieška",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Įjungti išmaniąją paiešką",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_url_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "Jei išjungta, vaizdai nebus užkoduoti išmaniajai paieškai.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "Mašininio mokymosi serverio URL",
"manage_log_settings": "",
"map_dark_style": "Tamsioji tema",
"map_enable_description": "",
@ -190,20 +199,21 @@
"thumbnail_generation_job": "Generuoti miniatiūras",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "",
"transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "Spartinimo API",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC (reikalinga NVIDIA GPU)",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_accepted_containers": "Priimami konteineriai",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "Parinktys, kurių daugelis vartotojų keisti neturėtų",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Garso kodekas",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus yra aukščiausios kokybės variantas, tačiau turi mažesnį suderinamumą su senesniais įrenginiais ar programine įranga.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Vaizdo įrašai viršija maksimalią leistiną bitų spartą arba nėra priimtino formato",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Pastovios kokybės režimas",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "",
@ -216,7 +226,7 @@
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC kodekas",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "Maksimalus bitų srautas",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "",
@ -785,13 +795,27 @@
"public_share": "",
"purchase_account_info": "Rėmėjas",
"purchase_activated_subtitle": "Dėkojame, kad remiate Immich ir atviro kodo programinę įrangą",
"purchase_activated_time": "Suaktyvinta {date, date}",
"purchase_activated_title": "Jūsų raktas sėkmingai aktyvuotas",
"purchase_button_activate": "Aktyvuoti",
"purchase_button_buy": "Pirkti",
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "Pirkti Immich",
"purchase_button_never_show_again": "Niekada daugiau nerodyti",
"purchase_button_reminder": "Priminti man po 30 dienų",
"purchase_button_remove_key": "Pašalinti produkto rakta",
"purchase_button_select": "Pasirinkti",
"purchase_failed_activation": "Nepavyko suaktyvinti! Patikrinkite el. paštą, ar turite teisingo produkto koda!",
"purchase_individual_description_1": "Asmeniui",
"purchase_individual_description_2": "Rėmėjo statusas",
"purchase_input_suggestion": "Turite produkto raktą? Įveskite jį žemiau",
"purchase_license_subtitle": "Įsigykite „Immich“, kad palaikytumėte tolesnį paslaugos vystymą",
"purchase_lifetime_description": "Pirkimas visam gyvenimui",
"purchase_option_title": "PIRKIMO PASIRINKIMAS",
"purchase_panel_info_1": "„Immich“ kūrimas užima daug laiko ir pastangų, o visą darbo dieną dirba inžinieriai, kad jis būtų kuo geresnis. Mūsų misija yra, kad atvirojo kodo programinė įranga ir etiška verslo praktika taptų tvariu programuotojų pajamų šaltiniu ir sukurtų privatumą gerbiančią ekosistemą su realiomis alternatyvomis išnaudojamoms debesijos paslaugoms.",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "Kadangi esame įsipareigoję nepridėti mokamų sienų, šis pirkinys nesuteiks jums jokių papildomų „Immich“ funkcijų. Mes tikime, kad tokie vartotojai kaip jūs palaikys nuolatinį „Immich“ vystymąsi.",
"purchase_panel_title": "Palaikykite projektą",
"purchase_per_server": "Vienam serveriui",
"purchase_per_user": "Vienam naudotojui",
"purchase_remove_product_key": "Pašalinti produkto raktą",
"purchase_remove_product_key_prompt": "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti produkto raktą?",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "Pašalinti serverio produkto raktą",
@ -801,6 +825,7 @@
"purchase_server_title": "Serveris",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Serverio produkto raktas yra tvarkomas administratoriaus",
"range": "",
"rating": "Įvertinimas žvaigždutėmis",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "",
"read_changelog": "",
@ -1,32 +1,40 @@
"account": "",
"acknowledge": "",
"action": "",
"actions": "",
"active": "",
"activity": "",
"add": "",
"add_a_description": "",
"add_a_location": "",
"add_a_name": "",
"add_a_title": "",
"about": "Тухай",
"account": "Бүртгэл",
"account_settings": "Бүртгэлийн тохиргоо",
"acknowledge": "Ойлголоо",
"action": "Үйлдэл",
"actions": "Үйлдлүүд",
"active": "Идэвхтэй",
"activity": "Үйлдлийн бүртгэл",
"activity_changed": "Үйлдлийн бүртгэл {enabled, select, true {идэвхтэй} other {идэвхгүй}}",
"add": "Нэмэх",
"add_a_description": "Тайлбар оруулах",
"add_a_location": "Байршил нэмэх",
"add_a_name": "Нэр өгөх",
"add_a_title": "Гарчиг оруулах",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "",
"add_import_path": "",
"add_location": "",
"add_more_users": "",
"add_partner": "",
"add_location": "Байршил оруулах",
"add_more_users": "Өөр хэрэглэгчид нэмэх",
"add_partner": "Хамтрагч нэмэх",
"add_path": "",
"add_photos": "",
"add_photos": "Зураг нэмэх",
"add_to": "",
"add_to_album": "",
"add_to_shared_album": "",
"add_to_album": "Цомогт оруулах",
"add_to_shared_album": "Нээлттэй албумд оруулах",
"added_to_archive": "Архивд оруулах",
"added_to_favorites": "Дуртай зурганд нэмэх",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Дуртай зурагнуудад {count, number} нэмэгдлээ",
"admin": {
"authentication_settings": "",
"authentication_settings": "Танин нэвтрэлт тохиргоо",
"authentication_settings_description": "",
"check_all": "Бүгдийг сонгох",
"crontab_guru": "",
"disable_login": "",
"disabled": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "",
"face_detection": "Нүүр илрүүлэх",
"image_format_description": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "",
@ -35,15 +43,16 @@
"image_preview_format": "",
"image_preview_resolution": "",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "",
"image_quality": "",
"image_quality": "Чанар",
"image_quality_description": "",
"image_settings": "",
"image_settings_description": "",
"image_thumbnail_format": "",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "",
"job_settings": "",
"job_settings": "Ажлын тохиргоо",
"job_settings_description": "",
"job_status": "Ажлын төлөв",
"library_cron_expression": "",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
"library_scanning": "",
@ -62,11 +71,13 @@
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Машин сургалт идэвхжүүлэх",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Идэвхгүй болгосон үед доорх тохиргооноос хамаарахгүйгээр бүх машин сургалтын боломж идэвхгүй болно.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Нүүр танилт",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Зураг дээрх хүмүүсийн нүүрийг илрүүлж, таньж, бүлэглэнэ",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Нүүр танилтын загвар",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "Загварууд хэмжээ нь буурах эрэмбээр жагссан. Том загварууд удаан, илүү их санах ой хэрэглэх боловч харьцангуй чанартай үр дүн үзүүлнэ. Загвар өөрчилсөн тохиолдолд нүүр илрүүлэлтийн ажлыг дахин эхлүүлэх шаардлагатайг санаарай.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Нүүр танилт идэвхжүүлэх",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "",
@ -89,7 +100,7 @@
"map_reverse_geocoding": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "",
"map_settings": "",
"map_settings": "Газрын зураг",
"map_settings_description": "",
"map_style_description": "",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "",
@ -210,14 +221,17 @@
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_video_codec": "",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "",
"trash_enabled_description": "",
"trash_number_of_days": "",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "",
"trash_settings": "",
"trash_settings_description": "",
"trash_enabled_description": "Хогийн сав идэвхжүүлэх",
"trash_number_of_days": "Хоногийн тоо",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "Хогийн саванд хэд хоног хадгалаад бүр мөсөн устгах вэ",
"trash_settings": "Хогийн савны тохиргоо",
"trash_settings_description": "Хогийн савны тохиргоог өөрчлөх",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "",
"user_settings": "",
"user_management": "Хэрэглэгчийн удирдлага",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "Хэрэглэгчийн нууц үг шинээр тохируулагдлаа:",
"user_restore_description": "<b>{user}</b>-н бүртгэл сэргэнэ.",
"user_settings": "Хэрэглэгчийн тохиргоо",
"user_settings_description": "",
"version_check_enabled_description": "",
"version_check_settings": "",
@ -226,57 +240,70 @@
"admin_email": "",
"admin_password": "",
"administration": "",
"administration": "Админ",
"advanced": "",
"album_added": "",
"album_added": "Цомог нэмэгдлээ",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "",
"album_cover_updated": "",
"album_info_updated": "",
"album_name": "",
"album_options": "",
"album_info_updated": "Цомгийн мэлээлэл шинэчлэгдлээ",
"album_leave": "Цомгоос гарах уу?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Та {album} цомгоос гарахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу?",
"album_name": "Цомгийн нэр",
"album_options": "Цомгийн тохиргоо",
"album_remove_user": "Хэрэглэгч хасах уу?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "{user} хэрэглэгчийг хасахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу?",
"album_updated": "",
"album_updated_setting_description": "",
"albums": "",
"all": "",
"all_people": "",
"allow_dark_mode": "",
"allow_edits": "",
"api_key": "",
"api_keys": "",
"app_settings": "",
"albums": "Цомгууд",
"all": "Бүгд",
"all_albums": "Бүх цомог",
"all_people": "Бүх хүн",
"all_videos": "Бүх бичлэг",
"allow_dark_mode": "Харанхуй горим зөвшөөрөх",
"allow_edits": "Засварлалт зөвшөөрөх",
"api_key": "API түлхүүр",
"api_key_description": "Энэ утга зөвхөн ганц л удаа харагдана. Цонхоо хаахаас өмнө хуулж аваарай.",
"api_key_empty": "Таны API түлхүүрийн нэр хоосон байж болохгүй",
"api_keys": "API түлхүүрүүд",
"app_settings": "Апп-н тохиргоо",
"appears_in": "",
"archive": "",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "",
"archive": "Архив",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Зургийг архивт хийх эсвэл гаргах",
"archive_size": "Архивын хэмжээ",
"archive_size_description": "Татах үеийн архивын хэмжээг тохируулах (GiB-р)",
"archived": "",
"asset_added_to_album": "Цомогт нэмсэн",
"asset_adding_to_album": "Цомогт нэмж байна...",
"asset_offline": "",
"assets": "",
"authorized_devices": "",
"back": "",
"backward": "",
"blurred_background": "",
"camera": "",
"camera_brand": "",
"camera_model": "",
"buy": "Immich худалдаж авах",
"camera": "Камер",
"camera_brand": "Камерын үйлдвэр",
"camera_model": "Камерын загвар",
"cancel": "Цуцлах",
"cancel_search": "",
"cancel_search": "Хайлт цуцлах",
"cannot_merge_people": "",
"cannot_update_the_description": "",
"cant_apply_changes": "",
"cant_get_faces": "",
"cant_search_people": "",
"cant_search_places": "",
"change_date": "",
"change_date": "Огноо өөрчлөх",
"change_expiration_time": "",
"change_location": "",
"change_name": "",
"change_name_successfully": "",
"change_password": "",
"change_location": "Байршил өөрчлөх",
"change_name": "Нэр өөрчлөх",
"change_name_successfully": "Нэр амжилттай өөрчлөгдлөө",
"change_password": "Нууц үг өөрчлөх",
"change_your_password": "",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "",
"check_logs": "",
"city": "",
"clear": "",
"clear_all": "",
"city": "Хот",
"clear": "Цэвэрлэх",
"clear_all": "Бүгдийг цэвэрлэх",
"clear_message": "",
"clear_value": "",
"close": "",
@ -371,7 +398,7 @@
"email": "",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
"empty_trash": "",
"empty_trash": "Хогийн сав хоослох",
"enable": "",
"enabled": "",
"end_date": "",
@ -392,7 +419,7 @@
"unable_to_delete_album": "",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "",
"unable_to_delete_user": "",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Хогийн савыг хоослож чадсангүй",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "",
"unable_to_hide_person": "",
@ -412,7 +439,7 @@
"unable_to_reset_password": "",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "Хогийн савнаас гаргаж чадсангүй",
"unable_to_restore_user": "",
"unable_to_save_album": "",
"unable_to_save_name": "",
@ -437,13 +464,13 @@
"expand_all": "",
"expire_after": "",
"expired": "",
"explore": "",
"explore": "Эрж олох",
"extension": "",
"external_libraries": "",
"failed_to_get_people": "",
"favorite": "",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "",
"favorites": "",
"favorites": "Дуртай",
"feature": "",
"feature_photo_updated": "",
"featurecollection": "",
@ -485,7 +512,7 @@
"night_at_midnight": "",
"night_at_twoam": ""
"invite_people": "",
"invite_people": "Хүмүүс урих",
"invite_to_album": "",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "",
@ -497,7 +524,7 @@
"leave": "",
"let_others_respond": "",
"level": "",
"library": "",
"library": "Зургийн сан",
"library_options": "",
"light": "",
"link_options": "",
@ -551,9 +578,9 @@
"no": "",
"no_albums_message": "",
"no_archived_assets_message": "",
"no_assets_message": "",
"no_assets_message": "Энд дарж та эхний зургаа хуулж үзэх үү",
"no_exif_info_available": "",
"no_explore_results_message": "",
"no_explore_results_message": "Зураг хуулж оруулсаны дараа ашиглах боломжтой болно.",
"no_favorites_message": "",
"no_libraries_message": "",
"no_name": "",
@ -570,7 +597,7 @@
"ok": "",
"oldest_first": "",
"online": "",
"only_favorites": "",
"only_favorites": "Зөвхөн дуртай зурагнууд",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "",
"open_the_search_filters": "",
"options": "",
@ -597,7 +624,7 @@
"pause_memories": "",
"paused": "",
"pending": "",
"people": "",
"people": "Хүмүүс",
"people_sidebar_description": "",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "",
@ -608,7 +635,7 @@
"photos_from_previous_years": "",
"pick_a_location": "",
"place": "",
"places": "",
"places": "Байршилууд",
"play": "",
"play_memories": "",
"play_motion_photo": "",
@ -634,9 +661,11 @@
"refreshes_every_file": "",
"remove": "",
"remove_from_album": "",
"remove_from_favorites": "",
"remove_from_favorites": "Дуртай зурагнуудаас хасах",
"remove_from_shared_link": "",
"remove_offline_files": "",
"removed_from_favorites": "Дуртай зурагнуудаас хасагдсан",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "Дуртай зурагнуудаас {count, plural, other {Removed #}} хасагдлаа",
"repair": "",
"repair_no_results_message": "",
"replace_with_upload": "",
@ -667,11 +696,11 @@
"search_country": "",
"search_for_existing_person": "",
"search_people": "",
"search_places": "",
"search_places": "Байршил хайх",
"search_state": "",
"search_timezone": "",
"search_type": "",
"search_your_photos": "",
"search_your_photos": "Зурагнуудаасаа хайлт хийх",
"searching_locales": "",
"second": "",
"select_album_cover": "",
@ -685,6 +714,7 @@
"selected": "",
"send_message": "",
"server": "",
"server_online": "Сервер Онлайн",
"server_stats": "",
"set": "",
"set_as_album_cover": "",
@ -699,7 +729,7 @@
"shared_by": "",
"shared_by_you": "",
"shared_links": "",
"sharing": "",
"sharing": "Хуваалцах",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "",
"show_album_options": "",
"show_file_location": "",
@ -715,6 +745,7 @@
"show_progress_bar": "",
"show_search_options": "",
"shuffle": "",
"sign_out": "Гарах",
"sign_up": "",
"size": "",
"skip_to_content": "",
@ -728,8 +759,9 @@
"state": "",
"status": "",
"stop_motion_photo": "",
"storage": "",
"storage": "Дискний багтаамж",
"storage_label": "",
"storage_usage": "Нийт {available} боломжтойгоос {used} хэрэглэсэн",
"submit": "",
"suggestions": "",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "",
@ -745,7 +777,7 @@
"toggle_theme": "",
"toggle_visibility": "",
"total_usage": "",
"trash": "",
"trash": "Хогийн сав",
"trash_all": "",
"trash_no_results_message": "",
"type": "",
@ -762,7 +794,7 @@
"unstack": "",
"up_next": "",
"updated_password": "",
"upload": "",
"upload": "Зураг хуулах",
"upload_concurrency": "",
"url": "",
"usage": "",
@ -771,15 +803,15 @@
"user_usage_detail": "",
"username": "",
"users": "",
"utilities": "",
"utilities": "Багаж хэрэгсэл",
"validate": "",
"variables": "",
"version": "",
"video": "",
"video_hover_setting_description": "",
"videos": "",
"view_all": "",
"view_all_users": "",
"view_all": "Бүгдийг харах",
"view_all_users": "Бүх хэрэглэгчийг харах",
"view_links": "",
"view_next_asset": "",
"view_previous_asset": "",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"add_to_shared_album": "Legg til delt album",
"added_to_archive": "Lagt til i arkiv",
"added_to_favorites": "Lagt til i favoritter",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Lagt til {count} i favoritter",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Lagt til {count, number} i favoritter",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Legg til ekskluderingsmønstre. Globbing med *, ** og ? støttes. For å ignorere alle filer i en hvilken som helst mappe som heter \"Raw\", bruk \"**/Raw/**\". For å ignorere alle filer som slutter på \".tif\", bruk \"**/*.tif\". For å ignorere en absolutt filplassering, bruk \"/filbane/til/ignorer/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Autentiserings innstillinger",
@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
"map_dark_style": "Mørk stil",
"map_enable_description": "Aktiver kartfunksjoner",
"map_gps_settings": "Kart & GPS Innstillinger",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Administrer innstillinger for kart og GPS (Reversert geokoding)",
"map_light_style": "Lys stil",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Omvendt geokoding",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Aktiver omvendt geokoding",
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@
"user_settings_description": "Administrer brukerinnstillinger",
"user_successfully_removed": "Brukeren {email} er nå fjernet.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Aktiver periodiske forespørsler til GitHub for å sjekke etter nye utgivelser",
"version_check_implications": "Versjonssjekkfunksjonen baserer seg på periodisk kommunikasjon med github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Versjonssjekk",
"version_check_settings_description": "Aktiver/deaktiver varsel om ny versjon",
"video_conversion_job": "Transkod videoer",
@ -334,6 +336,7 @@
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Motta en e-postvarsling når du legges til i et delt album",
"album_cover_updated": "Albumomslag oppdatert",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette albumet {album}?\nHvis dette albumet er delt, vil ikke andre brukere ha tilgang til det lenger.",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Hvis dette albumet deles, vil andre brukere miste tilgangen til dette.",
"album_info_updated": "Albuminformasjon oppdatert",
"album_leave": "Forlate album?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Er du sikker på at du vil forlate {album}?",
@ -357,6 +360,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Tillat redigering",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Tillat uautentiserte brukere å laste ned",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Tillat uautentiserte brukere å laste opp",
"anti_clockwise": "Mot klokken",
"api_key": "API Nøkkel",
"api_key_description": "Denne verdien vil vises kun én gang. Pass på å kopiere den før du lukker vinduet.",
"api_key_empty": "API Key-navnet bør ikke være tomt",
@ -338,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Album toegevoegd",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Ontvang een e-mailmelding wanneer je aan een gedeeld album wordt toegevoegd",
"album_cover_updated": "Album cover is bijgewerkt",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je het album {album} wilt verwijderen?\nAls dit album gedeeld is, hebben andere gebruikers er geen toegang meer toe.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je het album {album} wilt verwijderen?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Als dit album gedeeld is, hebben andere gebruikers er geen toegang meer toe.",
"album_info_updated": "Albumgegevens bijgewerkt",
"album_leave": "Album verlaten?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {album} wilt verlaten?",
@ -362,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Bewerkingen toestaan",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Sta openbare gebruiker toe om te downloaden",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Sta openbare gebruiker toe om te uploaden",
"anti_clockwise": "Linksom",
"api_key": "API sleutel",
"api_key_description": "Deze waarde wordt slechts één keer getoond. Zorg ervoor dat je deze kopieert voordat je het venster sluit.",
"api_key_empty": "De naam van uw API sleutel mag niet leeg zijn",
@ -443,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Wis alle recente zoekopdrachten",
"clear_message": "Bericht wissen",
"clear_value": "Waarde wissen",
"clockwise": "Rechtsom",
"close": "Sluiten",
"collapse": "Inklappen",
"collapse_all": "Alles inklappen",
@ -519,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Laat dit bericht niet meer zien",
"done": "Klaar",
"download": "Downloaden",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Ingesloten video's",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Voeg video's toe die ingesloten zijn in bewegende foto's als een apart bestand",
"download_settings": "Downloaden",
"download_settings_description": "Beheer instellingen voor het downloaden van assets",
"downloading": "Downloaden",
@ -552,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "Gebruiker bewerken",
"edited": "Bijgewerkt",
"editor": "Bewerker",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "De wijzigingen worden niet opgeslagen",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Editor sluiten?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Beeldverhoudingen",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotatie",
"email": "E-mailadres",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Leeg album",
@ -701,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "Verlopen",
"expires_date": "Verloopt {date}",
"explore": "Verkennen",
"explorer": "Verkenner",
"export": "Exporteren",
"export_as_json": "Exporteren als JSON",
"extension": "Extensie",
@ -722,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Filter op mensen",
"find_them_fast": "Vind ze snel op naam door te zoeken",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Onjuiste overeenkomst corrigeren",
"folders": "Mappen",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Forceer herscan van alle bibliotheekbestanden",
"forward": "Vooruit",
"general": "Algemeen",
@ -923,7 +934,7 @@
"only_favorites": "Alleen favorieten",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Vernieuwt alleen gewijzigde bestanden",
"open_in_map_view": "Openen in kaartweergave",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Openen met OpenStreetMap",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Openen in OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Open de zoekfilters",
"options": "Opties",
"or": "of",
@ -1028,6 +1039,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "De productcode van de server wordt beheerd door de beheerder",
"range": "",
"rating": "Ster waardering",
"rating_clear": "Waardering verwijderen",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# ster} other {# sterren}}",
"rating_description": "De exif-waardering weergeven in het infopaneel",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Reactie opties",
@ -1227,7 +1240,7 @@
"to_login": "Inloggen",
"to_trash": "Prullenbak",
"toggle_settings": "Zichtbaarheid instellingen wisselen",
"toggle_theme": "Thema wisselen",
"toggle_theme": "Donker thema toepassen",
"toggle_visibility": "Zichtbaarheid wisselen",
"total_usage": "Totaal gebruik",
"trash": "Prullenbak",
@ -1249,6 +1262,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Ontkoppel OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "OAuth account ontkoppeld",
"unnamed_album": "Naamloos album",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je dit album wilt verwijderen?",
"unnamed_share": "Naamloze deellink",
"unsaved_change": "Niet-opgeslagen wijziging",
"unselect_all": "Alles deselecteren",
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"image_format_description": "Użycie formatu WebP skutkuje utworzeniem plików o rozmiarze mniejszym niż w przypadku JPEG ale jego kodowanie trwa dłużej.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Preferuj podgląd wbudowany",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "Jeśli to możliwe, używaj osadzonych podglądów w zdjęciach RAW jako danych wejściowych do przetwarzania obrazu. Może to zapewnić dokładniejsze kolory w przypadku niektórych obrazów, ale jakość podglądu zależy od aparatu, a obraz może zawierać więcej artefaktów kompresji.",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Preferuj szeroką przestrzeń barw",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Preferuj szeroką gamę kolorów",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "Do wyświetlania miniatur użyj wyświetlacza P3. Dzięki temu lepiej zachowuje się intensywność obrazów o dużej ilości kolorów, ale obrazy mogą wyglądać inaczej na starych urządzeniach ze starą wersją przeglądarki. Obrazy sRGB są zachowywane jako sRGB, aby uniknąć przesunięć kolorów.",
"image_preview_format": "Format podglądu",
"image_preview_resolution": "Rozdzielczość podglądu",
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
"map_enable_description": "Włącz funkcję mapy",
"map_gps_settings": "Mapa i ustawienia lokalizacji",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Zarządzaj mapą oraz ustawieniami odwróconego geokodowania",
"map_implications": "Funkcja mapy opiera się na zewnętrznej usłudze kafelków (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Styl jasny",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Zarządzaj Ustawieniem <link> Odwrotne Geokodowanie</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Odwrotne Geokodowanie",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Ustawienia Użytkownika",
"user_settings_description": "Zarządzaj ustawieniami użytkownika",
"user_successfully_removed": "Użytkownik {email} został usunięty pomyślnie.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Włącz cykliczne sprawdzanie nowych wersji na GitHubie",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Włącz sprawdzanie wersji",
"version_check_implications": "Funkcja sprawdzania wersji opiera się na okresowej komunikacji z github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Sprawdzenie Wersji",
"version_check_settings_description": "Włącz/wyłącz powiadomienie o nowej wersji",
"video_conversion_job": "Transkodowanie wideo",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Album udostępniony",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Otrzymaj powiadomienie email, gdy zostanie Ci udostępniony album",
"album_cover_updated": "Okładka albumu została zaktualizowana",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Na pewno chcesz usunąć album {album}?\nJeśli został udostępniony, inni użytkownicy nie będą w stanie go obejrzeć.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć album {album}?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Jeżeli album jest udostępniany, inny stracą do niego dostęp.",
"album_info_updated": "Szczegóły albumu zostały zaktualizowane",
"album_leave": "Opuścić album?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Na pewno chcesz opuścić {album}?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Pozwól edytować",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Zezwól użytkownikowi publicznemu na pobieranie",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Zezwól użytkownikowi publicznemu na przesyłanie plików",
"anti_clockwise": "Przeciwnie do ruchu wskazówek zegara",
"api_key": "Klucz API",
"api_key_description": "Widzisz tę wartość po raz pierwszy i ostatni, więc lepiej ją skopiuj przed zamknięciem okna.",
"api_key_empty": "Twój Klucz API nie powinien być pusty",
@ -368,8 +372,8 @@
"appears_in": "W albumach",
"archive": "Archiwum",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Dodaj lub usuń zasób z archiwum",
"archive_size": "Maksymalny Rozmiar Archiwum",
"archive_size_description": "Podziel pobierane pliki na więcej niż jedno archiwum, jeżeli rozmiar archiwum przekroczy tą wartość w GiB",
"archive_size": "Rozmiar archiwum",
"archive_size_description": "Podziel pobierane pliki na więcej niż jedno archiwum, jeżeli rozmiar archiwum przekroczy tę wartość w GiB",
"archived": "Zarchiwizowano",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Zarchiwizowano #}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Czy to jedna i ta sama osoba?",
@ -405,7 +409,7 @@
"birthdate_saved": "Data urodzenia zapisana pomyślnie",
"birthdate_set_description": "Data urodzenia jest używana do obliczenia wieku danej osoby podczas wykonania zdjęcia.",
"blurred_background": "Rozmyte tło",
"build": "Build",
"build": "Kompilacja",
"build_image": "Obraz Buildu",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Czy na pewno chcesz trwale usunąć {count, plural, one {# zduplikowany zasób} few {# zduplikowane zasoby} many {# zduplikowanych zasobów} other {# zduplikowanych zasobów}}? Zostanie zachowany największy zasób z każdej grupy, a wszystkie pozostałe duplikaty zostaną trwale usunięte. Nie można cofnąć tej operacji!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Czy na pewno chcesz zachować {count, plural, one {# zduplikowany zasób} few {# zduplikowane zasoby} many {# zduplikowanych zasobów} other {# zduplikowanych zasobów}}? To spowoduje rozwiązanie wszystkich grup duplikatów bez usuwania czegokolwiek.",
@ -441,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Usuń ostatnio wyszukiwane",
"clear_message": "Zamknij wiadomość",
"clear_value": "Wyczyść wartość",
"clockwise": "Zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara",
"close": "Zamknij",
"collapse": "Zwiń",
"collapse_all": "Zwiń wszystko",
@ -517,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Nie pokazuj więcej tej wiadomości",
"done": "Gotowe",
"download": "Pobierz",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Osadzone filmy",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Dołącz filmy osadzone w ruchomych zdjęciach jako oddzielny plik",
"download_settings": "Pobieranie",
"download_settings_description": "Zarządzaj pobieraniem zasobów",
"downloading": "Pobieranie",
@ -550,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "Edytuj użytkownika",
"edited": "Edytowane",
"editor": "Edytor",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Zmiany nie zostaną zapisane",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Zamknąć edytor?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Proporcje obrazu",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Obrót",
"email": "E-mail",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Pusty Album",
@ -692,7 +703,7 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exif": "Metadane EXIF",
"exit_slideshow": "Zamknij Pokaz Slajdów",
"expand_all": "Rozwiń wszystko",
"expire_after": "Wygasa po",
@ -720,6 +731,7 @@
"filter_people": "Szukaj osoby",
"find_them_fast": "Wyszukuj szybciej przypisując nazwę",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Napraw nieprawidłowe dopasowanie",
"folders": "Foldery",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Wymuś ponowne przeskanowanie wszystkich plików biblioteki",
"forward": "Do przodu",
"general": "Ogólne",
@ -887,6 +899,7 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Od najstarszych",
"onboarding": "Wdrożenie",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Śledzenie (opcjonalne) funkcja opiera się na zewnętrznych usługach i może zostać wyłączona w dowolnym momencie w ustawieniach administracyjnych.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Wybierz motyw kolorystyczny dla twojej instancji. Możesz go później zmienić w ustawieniach.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Przejdźmy do konfiguracji twojej instancji, ustawiając kilka powszechnych opcji.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Witaj, {user}",
@ -959,6 +972,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Poprzednie wspomnienie",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Poprzednie lub następne zdjęcie",
"primary": "Główny",
"privacy": "Prywatność",
"profile_image_of_user": "Zdjęcie profilowe {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Zdjęcie profilowe ustawione.",
"public_album": "Publiczny album",
@ -996,6 +1010,9 @@
"purchase_server_title": "Serwer",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Klucz produktu serwera jest zarządzany przez administratora",
"range": "",
"rating": "Ocena gwiazdkowa",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# star} other {# stars}}",
"rating_description": "Wyświetl ocenę EXIF w panelu informacji",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Opcje reakcji",
"read_changelog": "Zobacz Zmiany",
@ -1118,6 +1135,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Udostępnione przez {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Udostępnione przez ciebie",
"shared_from_partner": "Zdjęcia od {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Opcje udostępniania linku",
"shared_links": "Udostępnione linki",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# udostępnione zdjęcia i filmy.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Dzielisz się z {partner}",
@ -1163,7 +1181,7 @@
"stack_select_one_photo": "Wybierz jedno główne zdjęcie do stosu",
"stack_selected_photos": "Układaj wybrane zdjęcia",
"stacked_assets_count": "Ułożone {count, plural, one {# zasób} other{# zasoby}}",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
"stacktrace": "Ślad stosu",
"start": "Start",
"start_date": "Od dnia",
"state": "Stan",
@ -1193,7 +1211,7 @@
"to_login": "Login",
"to_trash": "Kosz",
"toggle_settings": "Przełącz ustawienia",
"toggle_theme": "Przełącz motyw",
"toggle_theme": "Przełącz ciemny motyw",
"toggle_visibility": "Zmień widoczność",
"total_usage": "Całkowite wykorzystanie",
"trash": "Kosz",
@ -1215,6 +1233,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Odłącz OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Odłączone konto OAuth",
"unnamed_album": "Nienazwany album",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Czy jesteś pewna/pewien, że chcesz usunąć te album?",
"unnamed_share": "Nienazwany udział",
"unsaved_change": "Niezapisana zmiana",
"unselect_all": "Odznacz wszystko",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Ativar recursos do mapa",
"map_gps_settings": "Mapas e Definições de GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Configurações de mapas e GPS (Geocoding inverso)",
"map_implications": "A funcionalidade do mapa necessita um servico externo (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Tema Claro",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Gerir definições de <link>Geocoding inverso</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Geocodificação reversa",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Ativar geocodificação reversa",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Configurações de geocodificação reversa",
"map_settings": "Configurações de mapas e GPS",
"map_settings": "Mapa",
"map_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações do mapa",
"map_style_description": "URL para um tema de mapa style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Extrair metadados",
@ -217,6 +218,7 @@
"sidecar_job_description": "Descubra ou sincronize metadados secundários do sistema de arquivos",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Tempo em segundos para exibir cada imagem",
"smart_search_job_description": "Execute a aprendizagem automática em arquivos para oferecer suporte à pesquisa inteligente",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "O registro de data e hora da criação é usado para fornecer essas informações",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "Exemplo de tempo {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Habilitar mecanismo de modelo de armazenamento",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Verificação de hash ativada",
@ -315,10 +317,12 @@
"user_password_has_been_reset": "A senha do utilizador foi redefinida:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Forneça a senha temporária ao utilizador e informe que ele precisará alterar a senha no próximo início de sessão.",
"user_restore_description": "A conta de <b>{user}</b> será restaurada.",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "Restaurar usuário - planejar remoção em {date, date, long}",
"user_settings": "Configurações do Utilizador",
"user_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações do utilizador",
"user_successfully_removed": "O utilizador {email} foi removido com sucesso.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Ativa verificações periódicas no GitHub para novas versões",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Ativa verificação de novas versões",
"version_check_implications": "A funcionalidade de verificação da versão necessita comunicação periodica com github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Verificação de versão",
"version_check_settings_description": "Ativar/desativar a notificação de nova versão",
"video_conversion_job": "Transcodificar vídeos",
@ -334,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Álbum adicionado",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Receba uma notificação por e-mail quando você for adicionado a um álbum compartilhado",
"album_cover_updated": "Capa do álbum atualizada",
"album_delete_confirmation": "De certeza que quer apagar o álbum {album}?\nSe o álbum for partilhado, os outros utilizadores não poderão acessá-lo novamente.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Tem a certeza que quer apagar o álbum {album}? Se o álbum for partilhado, os outros utilizadores não poderão aceder-lhe novamente.",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Se este álbum for partilhado, os outros utilizadores deixam de poder aceder.",
"album_info_updated": "Informações do álbum atualizadas",
"album_leave": "Sair do álbum?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Tem a certeza que quer sair de {album}?",
@ -347,6 +352,7 @@
"album_updated_setting_description": "Receba uma notificação por e-mail quando um álbum compartilhado tiver novos arquivos",
"album_user_left": "Saída {album}",
"album_user_removed": "Utilizador {user} removido",
"album_with_link_access": "Permite acesso a fotos e pessoas deste album por qualquer pessoa com o link.",
"albums": "Álbuns",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Álbum} other {{count, number} Álbuns}}",
"all": "Todos",
@ -355,23 +361,34 @@
"all_videos": "Todos os vídeos",
"allow_dark_mode": "Permitir modo escuro",
"allow_edits": "Permitir edições",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permit acesso de download ao user publico",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permite acesso de upload ao user publico",
"anti_clockwise": "Sentido anti-horário",
"api_key": "Chave de API",
"api_key_description": "Este valor será apresentado apenas uma única vez. Por favor, certifique-se que o copiou antes de fechar a janela.",
"api_key_empty": "O nome da API Key não pode ser vazio",
"api_keys": "Chaves de API",
"app_settings": "Configurações do Aplicativo",
"appears_in": "Aparece em",
"archive": "Arquivados",
"archive": "Arquivo",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Arquivar ou desarquivar foto",
"archive_size": "Tamanho do Arquivo",
"archive_size": "Tamanho do arquivo",
"archive_size_description": "Configure o tamanho do arquivo para downloads (em GiB)",
"archived": "Arquivado",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Arquivado #}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "São a mesma pessoa?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Tem a certeza que quer fazer isto?",
"asset_added_to_album": "Adicionado ao álbum",
"asset_adding_to_album": "A adicionar ao álbum...",
"asset_description_updated": "A descrição do arquivo foi atualizada",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "O arquivo {filename} está offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "O arquivo tem rostos sem atribuição",
"asset_hashing": "Hashing...",
"asset_offline": "Ativo off-line",
"asset_offline_description": "Este arquivo está offline. Immich não consegue acessar o local do arquivo. Certifique-se de que o arquivo esteja disponível e, em seguida, escaneie a biblioteca novamente.",
"asset_skipped": "Ignorado",
"asset_uploaded": "Enviado",
"asset_uploading": "Em upload...",
"assets": "Arquivos",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo adicionado} other {# arquivos adicionados}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo adicionado} other {# arquivos adicionados}} ao álbum",
@ -381,14 +398,19 @@
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo movido} other {# arquivos movidos}} para a lixeira",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}} excluídos permanentemente",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo excluído} other {# arquivos excluídos}}",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Tem a certeza que quer recuperar todos os artigos apagados? Não é possivel voltar atrás nesta acção!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo restaurado} other {# arquivos restaurados}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo enviado} other {# arquivos enviados}} para a lixeira",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {Arquivo já era} other {Os arquivos já eram}} parte do álbum",
"authorized_devices": "Dispositivos Autorizados",
"back": "Voltar",
"back_close_deselect": "Voltar, fechar ou desmarcar",
"backward": "Para trás",
"birthdate_saved": "Data de nascimento guardada com sucesso",
"birthdate_set_description": "A data de nascimento é usada para calcular a idade desta pessoa no momento em que uma fotografia foi tirada.",
"blurred_background": "Fundo desfocado",
"build": "Construir",
"build_image": "Construir Imagem",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja excluir {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {# arquivos duplicados}}? Esta ação mantém o maior arquivo de cada grupo e exclui permanentemente todas as outras duplicidades. Você não pode desfazer esta ação!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja manter {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {# arquivos duplicados}}? Isso resolverá todos os grupos duplicados sem excluir nada.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja mover para a lixeira {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {# arquivos duplicados}}? Isso manterá o maior arquivo de cada grupo e moverá para a lixeira todas as outras duplicidades.",
@ -399,6 +421,7 @@
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"cancel_search": "Cancelar pesquisa",
"cannot_merge_people": "Não é possível mesclar pessoas",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Não pode voltar atrás nesta ação!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Não é possível atualizar a descrição",
"cant_apply_changes": "Não é possível aplicar alterações",
"cant_get_faces": "Não foi possível obter faces",
@ -410,6 +433,7 @@
"change_name": "Alterar nome",
"change_name_successfully": "Nome alterado com sucesso",
"change_password": "Mudar a senha",
"change_password_description": "Esta é a primeira vez que você está entrando no sistema ou uma solicitação foi feita para alterar sua senha. Insira a nova senha abaixo.",
"change_your_password": "Alterar sua senha",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Visibilidade alterada com sucesso",
"check_all": "Verificar tudo",
@ -421,12 +445,14 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Limpar todas as pesquisas recentes",
"clear_message": "Limpar mensagem",
"clear_value": "Limpar valor",
"clockwise": "Sentido horário",
"close": "Fechar",
"collapse": "Colapsar",
"collapse_all": "Colapsar tudo",
"color_theme": "Tema de cores",
"comment_deleted": "Comentário eliminado",
"comment_options": "Opções de comentário",
"comments_and_likes": "Comentários e gostos",
"comments_are_disabled": "Comentários estão desativados",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"confirm_admin_password": "Confirmar senha de administrador",
@ -452,7 +478,9 @@
"create_library": "Criar biblioteca",
"create_link": "Criar link",
"create_link_to_share": "Criar link para partilhar",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Permiter a visualização desta imagem(s) a qualquer pessoa com este link",
"create_new_person": "Criar nova pessoa",
"create_new_person_hint": "Associe os arquivos para uma nova pessoa",
"create_new_user": "Criar novo utilizador",
"create_user": "Criar utilizador",
"created": "Criado",
@ -494,10 +522,13 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Não mostrar esta mensagem novamente",
"done": "Feito",
"download": "Transferir",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Vídeos incorporados",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Incluir vídeos incorporados em fotos em movimento como um arquivo separado",
"download_settings": "Transferir",
"download_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações relacionadas a transferir ativos",
"downloading": "Baixando",
"downloading_asset_filename": "A transferir o arquivo {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Coloque os ficheiros em qualquer lugar para fazer o upload",
"duplicates": "Duplicados",
"duplicates_description": "Marque cada grupo indicando quais arquivos, se algum, são duplicados",
"duration": "Duração",
@ -526,10 +557,15 @@
"edit_user": "Editar utilizador",
"edited": "Editado",
"editor": "Editar",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "As alterações não serão salvas",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Fechar editor?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Proporções de aspecto",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotação",
"email": "E-mail",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
"empty_trash": "Esvaziar lixo",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja esvaziar a lixeira? Isso removerá todos os arquivos da lixeira do Immich permanentemente.\nVocê não pode desfazer esta ação!",
"enable": "Ativar",
"enabled": "Ativado",
"end_date": "Data final",
@ -537,7 +573,11 @@
"error_loading_image": "Erro ao carregar a página",
"error_title": "Erro - Algo correu mal",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Não pode navegar para o proximo artigo",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Não pode navegar para o artigo anterior",
"cant_apply_changes": "Não foi possível aplicar as alterações",
"cant_change_activity": "Não é possível {enabled, select, true {desativar} other {ativar}} atividade",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Não pode alterar o favorito deste artigo",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Não foi possível alterar os metadados de {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}}",
"cant_get_faces": "Não foi possível obter os rostos",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Não foi possível obter o número de comentários",
@ -545,34 +585,49 @@
"cant_search_places": "Não foi possível pesquisar locais",
"cleared_jobs": "Trabalhos eliminados para: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Erro ao adicionar arquivos ao álbum",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Erro a adicionar utilizador ao album",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Error a apagar o utilizador partilhado",
"error_downloading": "Erro a transferir {filename}",
"error_hiding_buy_button": "Erro ao esconder botão de compra",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Erro a eliminar artigos do album, verifique a consola para mais detalhes",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Erro ao selecionar todos os arquivos",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Este padrão de exclusão já existe.",
"failed_job_command": "Comando {command} falhou para o trabalho: {job}",
"failed_to_create_album": "Falha ao criar álbum",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Falhou a criar um link partilhado",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Falhou a editar o link partilhado",
"failed_to_get_people": "Falha na obtenção de pessoas",
"failed_to_load_asset": "Falha ao carregar arquivo",
"failed_to_load_assets": "Falha ao carregar arquivos",
"failed_to_load_people": "Falha ao carregar pessoas",
"failed_to_remove_product_key": "Falha ao remover chave de produto",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Falha ao empilhar os arquivos",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Falha ao desempilhar arquivos",
"import_path_already_exists": "Este caminho de importação já existe.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Email ou password incorretos",
"paths_validation_failed": "a validação de {paths, plural, one {# caminho falhou} other {# caminhos falharam}}",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Imagem de perfil não pode ter pixels transparentes. Por favor faça zoom in e/ou mova a imagem.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Você definiu uma cota maior do que o tamanho do disco",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Não foi possível verificar {count, select, one {um item} other {alguns itens}}",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Não foi possível adicionar utilizadores ao álbum",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Não foi possivel adicionar os artigos ao link partilhado",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Não foi possível adicionar o comentário",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Não foi possível adicionar o padrão de exclusão",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Não foi possível adicionar o caminho de importação",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Não foi possível adicionar parceiros",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Não é possível {archived, select, true {remover o arquivo de} other {adicionar o arquivo}}",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Não foi possível {favorite, select, true {adicionar arquivo aos} other {remover arquivo dos}} favoritos",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Não é possível {archived, select, true {arquivar} other {desarquivar}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Não foi possível alterar a permissão do utilizador no álbum",
"unable_to_change_date": "Não foi possível alterar a data",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Não foi possivel mudar o favorito do artigo",
"unable_to_change_location": "Não foi possível alterar a localização",
"unable_to_change_password": "Não foi possível alterar a senha",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Não é possível alterar a visibilidade de {count, plural, one {# pessoa} other {# pessoas}}",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Não foi possível completar início de sessão com OAuth",
"unable_to_connect": "Não é possível conectar",
"unable_to_connect_to_server": "Não foi possível ligar ao servidor",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Não é possível copiar para a área de transferência, certifique-se que está acessando a pagina através de https",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Não foi possível criar conta de administrador",
@ -593,6 +648,7 @@
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Não foi possível entrar em modo de tela cheia",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Não foi possível sair do modo de tela cheia",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Não foi possível obter número de comentários",
"unable_to_get_shared_link": "Falha ao obter link compartilhado",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Não foi possível esconder a pessoa",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Não foi possível associar a conta OAuth",
"unable_to_load_album": "Não foi possível carregar o álbum",
@ -603,9 +659,12 @@
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Não foi possível terminar a sessão no dispositivo",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Não foi possível iniciar sessão com OAuth",
"unable_to_play_video": "Não foi possível reproduzir o vídeo",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Não é possível reatribuir arquivos para {name, select, null {uma pessoa existente} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Não é possível reatribuir os arquivos a uma nova pessoa",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Não foi possível atualizar o utilizador",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Não foi possível remover utilizador do álbum",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Não foi possível a Chave de API",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Não é possível remover os arquivos do link compartilhado",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Não foi possível remover a biblioteca",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Não foi possível remover arquivos offline",
@ -626,6 +685,7 @@
"unable_to_save_settings": "Não foi possível salvar as configurações",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Não foi possível escanear as bibliotecas",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Não foi possível escanear a biblioteca",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Não é possível definir a foto do recurso",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Não foi possível definir a foto de perfil",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Não foi possível enviar o trabalho",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Não foi possível enviar o ativo para a lixeira",
@ -650,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "Expirou",
"expires_date": "Expira em {date}",
"explore": "Explorar",
"explorer": "Explorador",
"export": "Exportar",
"export_as_json": "Exportar como JSON",
"extension": "Extensão",
@ -671,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Filtrar pessoas",
"find_them_fast": "Encontre pelo nome em uma pesquisa",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Corrigir correspondência incorreta",
"folders": "Pastas",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Força escanear novamente todos os arquivos da biblioteca",
"forward": "Para frente",
"general": "Geral",
@ -724,6 +786,7 @@
"invite_people": "Convidar Pessoas",
"invite_to_album": "Convidar para o álbum",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {item #} other {itens #}}",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "Trabalhos",
"keep": "Manter",
@ -740,6 +803,7 @@
"library": "Biblioteca",
"library_options": "Opções da biblioteca",
"light": "Claro",
"like_deleted": "Curtida removida",
"link_options": "Opções do Link",
"link_to_oauth": "Link do OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "Conta OAuth Vinculada",
@ -752,6 +816,8 @@
"logged_out_device": "Sessão terminada no dispositivo",
"login": "Iniciar sessão",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Login foi desativado.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja desconectar todos os dispositivos?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja sair deste dispositivo?",
"longitude": "Longitude",
"look": "Estilo",
"loop_videos": "Repetir vídeos",
@ -773,12 +839,14 @@
"memories": "Memórias",
"memories_setting_description": "Gerencie o que vê em suas memórias",
"memory": "Memória",
"memory_lane_title": "Memórias {title}",
"menu": "Menu",
"merge": "Mesclar",
"merge_people": "Mesclar pessoas",
"merge_people_limit": "Só é possível mesclar até 5 faces de uma só vez",
"merge_people_prompt": "Tem certeza que deseja mesclar estas pessoas? Esta ação é irreversível.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Pessoas mescladas com sucesso",
"merged_people_count": "Mesclada {count, plural, one {1 pessoa} other {# pessoas}}",
"minimize": "Minimizar",
"minute": "Minuto",
"missing": "Faltando",
@ -801,6 +869,8 @@
"next_memory": "Próxima memória",
"no": "Não",
"no_albums_message": "Crie um álbum para organizar suas fotos e vídeos",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Parece que você ainda não tem nenhum álbum com este nome.",
"no_albums_yet": "Parece que você ainda não tem nenhum álbum.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Arquive fotos e vídeos para os ocultar da sua visualização de fotos",
"no_duplicates_found": "Nenhuma duplicidade foi encontrada.",
@ -811,6 +881,7 @@
"no_name": "Sem nome",
"no_places": "Sem lugares",
"no_results": "Sem resultados",
"no_results_description": "Tente um sinônimo ou uma palavra-chave mais comum",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Crie um álbum para compartilhar fotos e vídeos com pessoas em sua rede",
"not_in_any_album": "Fora de álbum",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Nota: Para aplicar o rótulo de armazenamento a arquivos carregados anteriormente, execute o",
@ -825,10 +896,15 @@
"offline_paths_description": "Estes resultados podem ser devidos a arquivos deletados manualmente e que não são parte de uma biblioteca externa.",
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Mais antigo primeiro",
"onboarding": "Integração",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Os seguintes recursos (opcionais) dependem de serviços externos e podem ser desabilitados a qualquer momento nas configurações de administração.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Escolha um tema de cor para sua instância. Você pode alterar isso mais tarde em suas configurações.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Vamos configurar sua instância com algumas configurações comuns.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Bem-vindo(a), {user}",
"online": "Online",
"only_favorites": "Somente favoritos",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Somente atualize arquivos modificados",
"open_in_map_view": "Abrir na visualização do mapa",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Abrir no OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Abre os filtros de pesquisa",
"options": "Opções",
@ -840,6 +916,7 @@
"other_variables": "Outras variáveis",
"owned": "Seu",
"owner": "Dono",
"partner": "Parceiro",
"partner_can_access": "{partner} pode acessar",
"partner_can_access_assets": "Todas as suas fotos e vídeos, exceto os Arquivados ou Excluídos",
"partner_can_access_location": "A localização onde as fotos foram tiradas",
@ -850,9 +927,9 @@
"password_required": "A senha é obrigatório",
"password_reset_success": "Senha resetada com sucesso",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {Último dia} other {Últimos {days, number} dias}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Última hora} other {Últimas {hours, number} horas}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Último ano} other {Últimos {years, number} anos}}"
"days": "{days, plural, one {Último dia} other {# últimos dias}}",
"hours": "Últimas {hours, plural, one {horas} other {# horas}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Último ano} other {Últimos # anos}}"
"path": "Caminho",
"pattern": "Padrão",
@ -868,10 +945,13 @@
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Exibe um aviso ao excluir arquivos de forma permanente",
"permanently_delete": "Deletar permanentemente",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Excluir permanentemente {count, plural, one {arquivo} other {arquivos}}",
"permanently_delete_assets_prompt": "Tem certeza que deseja excluir permanentemente {count, plural, one {esse arquivo?} other {estes <b>#</b> arquivos?}} Essa ação também removerá {count, plural, one {isto do} other {isto dos}} álbum(s).",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Ativo deletado permanentemente",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "{count, plural, one {# ativo deletado} other {# ativos deletados}} permanentemente",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo excluído} other {# arquivos excluídos}} permanentemente",
"person": "Pessoa",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (oculto)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Parece que você compartilhou suas fotos com todos os usuários ou não tem nenhum usuário para compartilhar.",
"photos": "Fotos",
"photos_and_videos": "Fotos & Vídeos",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Foto} other {{count, number} Fotos}}",
@ -891,41 +971,69 @@
"previous_memory": "Memória anterior",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Foto anterior ou próxima",
"primary": "Primário",
"privacy": "Privacidade",
"profile_image_of_user": "Imagem de perfil de {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Foto de perfil definida.",
"public_album": "Álbum público",
"public_share": "Compartilhar Publicamente",
"purchase_account_info": "Apoiador",
"purchase_activated_subtitle": "Agradecemos por apoiar o Immich e software de código aberto",
"purchase_activated_time": "Ativado em {date, date}",
"purchase_activated_title": "Sua chave foi ativada com sucesso",
"purchase_button_activate": "Ativar",
"purchase_button_buy": "Comprar",
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "Comprar Immich",
"purchase_button_never_show_again": "Nunca mostrar novamente",
"purchase_button_reminder": "Relembrar-me daqui a 30 dias",
"purchase_individual_title": "Individual",
"purchase_button_remove_key": "Remover chave",
"purchase_button_select": "Selecionar",
"purchase_failed_activation": "Falha ao ativar! Verifique seu e-mail para obter a chave de produto correta!",
"purchase_individual_description_1": "Para uma pessoa",
"purchase_individual_description_2": "Status de apoiador",
"purchase_individual_title": "Particular",
"purchase_input_suggestion": "Tem uma chave de produto? Insira a chave abaixo",
"purchase_license_subtitle": "Compre Immich para apoiar o desenvolvimento contínuo do serviço",
"purchase_lifetime_description": "Compra vitalícia",
"purchase_option_title": "OPÇÕES DE COMPRA",
"purchase_panel_info_1": "O desenvolvimento do Immich requer muito tempo e esforço, e temos engenheiros a tempo inteiro a trabalhar nele para melhorá-lo quanto possível. A nossa missão é para que o software de código aberto e práticas de negócio éticas se tornem numa fonte de rendimento sustentável para os desenvolvedores e criar um ecossistema que respeite a privacidade dos utilizadores e que ofereça alternativas reais a serviços cloud explorativos.",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "Como estamos comprometidos em não adicionar acesso pago, esta compra não lhe dará nenhum recurso adicional no Immich. Contamos com usuários como você para dar suporte ao desenvolvimento contínuo do Immich.",
"purchase_panel_title": "Apoie o projeto",
"purchase_per_server": "Por servidor",
"purchase_per_user": "Por utilizador",
"purchase_remove_product_key": "Remover chave de produto",
"purchase_remove_product_key_prompt": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover a chave do produto?",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "Remover chave do produto do servidor",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key_prompt": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover a chave do produto do servidor?",
"purchase_server_description_1": "Para o servidor inteiro",
"purchase_server_description_2": "Status de apoiador",
"purchase_server_title": "Servidor",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "A chave de produto para servidor é gerida pelo administrador",
"range": "",
"rating": "Classificação por estrelas",
"rating_clear": "Limpar classificação",
"rating_count": "{contar, plural, um {# estrela} outro {# estrelas}}",
"rating_description": "Exibir a classificação exif no painel de informações",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Opções de reação",
"read_changelog": "Ler Novidades",
"reassign": "Reatribuir",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "Reatribuir {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}} PARA {name, select, null {uma pessoa existente} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "Reatribuir {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}} a uma nova pessoa",
"reassing_hint": "Atribuir ativos selecionados a uma pessoa existente",
"recent": "Recente",
"recent_searches": "Pesquisas recentes",
"refresh": "Atualizar",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Atualizar vídeos codificados",
"refresh_metadata": "Atualizar metadados",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Atualizar miniaturas",
"refreshed": "Atualizado",
"refreshes_every_file": "Atualiza todos arquivos",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Atualizando vídeo codificado",
"refreshing_metadata": "A atualizar metadados",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "A atualizar miniaturas",
"remove": "Remover",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Tem certeza que deseja remover {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}} do álbum?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Tem certeza que deseja remover {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}} desse link compartilhado?",
"remove_assets_title": "Remover arquivos?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Remover intervalo de datas personalizado",
"remove_from_album": "Remover do álbum",
@ -934,7 +1042,9 @@
"remove_offline_files": "Remover arquivos offline",
"remove_user": "Remover utilizador",
"removed_api_key": "Removido a Chave de API: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Removido do arquivo",
"removed_from_favorites": "Removido dos favoritos",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, other {Removido #}} dos favoritos",
"rename": "Renomear",
"repair": "Reparar",
"repair_no_results_message": "Arquivos perdidos ou não rastreados aparecem aqui",
@ -947,15 +1057,18 @@
"reset_people_visibility": "Resetar pessoas ocultas",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "Repor predefinições",
"resolve_duplicates": "Resolver itens duplicados",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Todas duplicidades resolvidas",
"restore": "Restaurar",
"restore_all": "Restaurar tudo",
"restore_user": "Restaurar utilizador",
"restored_asset": "Arquivo restaurado",
"resume": "Continuar",
"retry_upload": "Tentar carregar novamente",
"review_duplicates": "Revisar duplicidade",
"role": "Função",
"role_editor": "Editor",
"role_viewer": "Visualizador",
"save": "Guardar",
"saved_api_key": "Chave de API salva",
"saved_profile": "Perfil Salvo",
@ -976,6 +1089,8 @@
"search_city": "Pesquisar cidade...",
"search_country": "Pesquisar país...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Pesquisar por pessoas",
"search_no_people": "Nenhuma pessoa",
"search_no_people_named": "Nenhuma pessoa chamada \"{name}\"",
"search_people": "Pesquisar pessoas",
"search_places": "Pesquisar lugares",
"search_state": "Pesquisar estado...",
@ -987,15 +1102,18 @@
"see_all_people": "Ver todas as pessoas",
"select_album_cover": "Escolher capa do álbum",
"select_all": "Selecionar todos",
"select_all_duplicates": "Selecionar todos os itens duplicados",
"select_avatar_color": "Selecionar cor do avatar",
"select_face": "Selecionar face",
"select_featured_photo": "Selecionar foto principal",
"select_from_computer": "Selecionar do computador",
"select_keep_all": "Marcar manter em todos",
"select_library_owner": "Selecione o dono da biblioteca",
"select_new_face": "Selecionar nova face",
"select_photos": "Selecionar fotos",
"select_trash_all": "Marcar lixo em todos",
"selected": "Selecionados",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {# selecionado}}",
"send_message": "Enviar mensagem",
"send_welcome_email": "Enviar E-mail de boas vindas",
"server": "Servidor",
@ -1017,12 +1135,16 @@
"shared_by_user": "Partilhado por {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Compartilhado por você",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotos de {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Opções de link compartilhado",
"shared_links": "Links compartilhados",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} fotos & vídeos compartilhados.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# Fotos & videos compartilhados.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Compartilhado com {partner}",
"sharing": "Compartilhar",
"sharing_enter_password": "Por favor, digite a senha para visualizar esta página.",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Exibe o link Compartilhar na barra lateral",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "Pressione ⇧ para excluir o arquivo permanentemente",
"show_album_options": "Exibir opções do álbum",
"show_albums": "Mostrar álbuns",
"show_all_people": "Mostrar todas as pessoas",
"show_and_hide_people": "Mostrar & ocultar pessoas",
"show_file_location": "Exibir local do arquivo",
@ -1037,6 +1159,8 @@
"show_person_options": "Exibir opções da pessoa",
"show_progress_bar": "Exibir barra de progresso",
"show_search_options": "Exibir opções de pesquisa",
"show_supporter_badge": "Emblema de apoiador",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "Mostrar um emblema de apoiador",
"shuffle": "Aleatório",
"sign_out": "Sair",
"sign_up": "Registrar",
@ -1046,13 +1170,17 @@
"slideshow_settings": "Opções de apresentação",
"sort_albums_by": "Ordenar álbuns por...",
"sort_created": "Data de criação",
"sort_items": "Número de itens",
"sort_modified": "Data de modificação",
"sort_oldest": "Foto mais antiga",
"sort_recent": "Foto mais recente",
"sort_title": "Título",
"source": "Fonte",
"stack": "Empilhar",
"stack_duplicates": "Empilhar duplicados",
"stack_select_one_photo": "Selecione uma foto principal para a pilha",
"stack_selected_photos": "Empilhar fotos selecionadas",
"stacked_assets_count": "Empilhado {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}}",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
"start": "Início",
"start_date": "Data inicial",
@ -1074,9 +1202,11 @@
"theme": "Tema",
"theme_selection": "Selecionar tema",
"theme_selection_description": "Defina automaticamente o tema como claro ou escuro com base na preferência do sistema do seu navegador",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Eles serão mesclados",
"time_based_memories": "Memórias baseada no tempo",
"timezone": "Fuso horário",
"to_archive": "Arquivar",
"to_change_password": "Alterar senha",
"to_favorite": "Favorito",
"to_login": "Iniciar sessão",
"to_trash": "Lixo",
@ -1087,11 +1217,13 @@
"trash": "Lixeira",
"trash_all": "Todos para o lixo",
"trash_count": "Lixeira {count, number}",
"trash_delete_asset": "Excluir arquivo",
"trash_no_results_message": "Fotos e vídeos enviados para o lixo aparecem aqui.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Os itens da lixeira são deletados permanentemente após {days, plural, one {# dia} other {# dias}}.",
"type": "Tipo",
"unarchive": "Desarquivar",
"unarchived": "Restaurado do arquivo",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {Não arquivado #}}",
"unfavorite": "Remover favorito",
"unhide_person": "Exibir pessoa",
"unknown": "Desconhecido",
@ -1101,25 +1233,34 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Desvincular OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Conta OAuth desvinculada",
"unnamed_album": "Álbum sem nome",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Tem a certeza que pretende remover este album?",
"unnamed_share": "Compartilhamento sem nome",
"unsaved_change": "Alteração não guardada",
"unselect_all": "Limpar seleção",
"unselect_all_duplicates": "Remover seleção de todos os duplicados",
"unstack": "Desempilhar",
"unstacked_assets_count": "Desempilhar {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}}",
"untracked_files": "Arquivos não monitorados",
"untracked_files_decription": "Estes arquivos não são monitorados pela aplicação. Podem ser resultados de falhas em uma movimentação, carregamentos interrompidos, ou deixados para trás por causa de um problema",
"up_next": "A seguir",
"updated_password": "Senha atualizada",
"upload": "Carregar",
"upload_concurrency": "Carregar simultâneo",
"upload_errors": "Envio completo com {count, plural, one {# erro} other {# erros}}, atualize a página para ver novos arquivos enviados.",
"upload_progress": "Restante(s) {remaining, number} - Processado(s) {processed, number}/{total, number}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "Ignorado {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {# arquivos duplicados}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplicados",
"upload_status_errors": "Erros",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Enviado",
"upload_success": "Upload realizado com sucesso, atualize a página para ver os novos ativos de upload.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Uso",
"use_custom_date_range": "Usar um intervalo de datas personalizado",
"user": "Utilizador",
"user_id": "ID do utilizador",
"user_liked": "{user} gostou {type, select, photo {dessa foto} video {deste video} asset {deste arquivo} other {disto}}",
"user_purchase_settings": "Compra",
"user_purchase_settings_description": "Gerencie sua compra",
"user_role_set": "Definir {user} como {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Detalhes de uso do utilizador",
"username": "Nome do utilizador",
@ -1128,6 +1269,8 @@
"validate": "Validar",
"variables": "Variáveis",
"version": "Versão",
"version_announcement_closing": "Seu amigo, Alex",
"version_announcement_message": "Olá amigo, há uma nova versão do aplicativo. Reserve um tempo para visitar as <link>histórico de mudanças</link> e garantir que suas configurações <code>docker-compose.yml</code> e <code>.env</code> estejam atualizadas para evitar qualquer configuração incorreta, especialmente se você usar o WatchTower ou qualquer mecanismo que lide com a atualização do seu aplicativo automaticamente.",
"video": "Vídeo",
"video_hover_setting": "Reproduzir vídeo em miniatura quando passar por cima",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Reproduzir vídeo em miniatura quando o mouse está sobre o item. Mesmo quando desativado, a reprodução ainda pode ser iniciada passando sobre o ícone.",
@ -1140,7 +1283,9 @@
"view_links": "Ver links",
"view_next_asset": "Ver próximo ativo",
"view_previous_asset": "Ver ativo anterior",
"view_stack": "Visualizar pilha",
"viewer": "Visualizar",
"visibility_changed": "Visibilidade alterada para {count, plural, one {# pessoa} other {# pessoas}}",
"waiting": "Aguardando",
"warning": "Aviso",
"week": "Semana",
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
"about": "Sobre",
"account": "Conta",
"account_settings": "Configurações da Conta",
"acknowledge": "Confirmar",
"acknowledge": "Entendi",
"action": "Ação",
"actions": "Ações",
"active": "Em execução",
"activity": "Atividade",
"activity_changed": "A atividade está {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"activity_changed": "A atividade está {enabled, select, true {ativada} other {desativada}}",
"add": "Adicionar",
"add_a_description": "Adicionar uma descrição",
"add_a_location": "Adicionar uma localização",
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
"logging_level_description": "Quando ativado, qual nível de log usar.",
"logging_settings": "Registros",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Modelo CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "O nome de um modelo CLIP listado <link>aqui</link>. Lembre-se de reexecutar a tarefa de 'Pesquisa Inteligente' para todas as imagens ao alterar o modelo.",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "O nome de um modelo CLIP listado <link>aqui</link>. Lembre-se de executar novamente a tarefa de 'Pesquisa Inteligente' para todas as imagens após alterar o modelo.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Detecção de duplicidade",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Habilitar detecção de duplicidade",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Se desativado, arquivos exatamente idênticos ainda serão desduplicados.",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Ativar recursos do mapa",
"map_gps_settings": "Mapa e Configurações de GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Gerenciar Mapa e Configurações de GPS (Geocodificação Reversa)",
"map_implications": "O mapa depende de um serviço externo para funcionar (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Tema Claro",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Gerenciar configurações de <link> Geocodificação reversa</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Geocodificação reversa",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Ativar geocodificação reversa",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Configurações de geocodificação reversa",
"map_settings": "Configurações de mapa e GPS",
"map_settings": "Mapa",
"map_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações do mapa",
"map_style_description": "URL para um tema de mapa style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Extrair metadados",
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "Codecs de áudio aceitos",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "Selecione quais codecs de áudio não precisam ser transcodificados. Usado apenas para determinadas políticas de transcodificação.",
"transcoding_accepted_containers": "containers aceitos",
"transcoding_accepted_containers": "Containers aceitos",
"transcoding_accepted_containers_description": "Selecione quais formatos de contêiner não precisam ser remixados para MP4. Usado apenas para determinadas políticas de transcodificação.",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "Codecs de vídeo aceitos",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "Selecione quais codecs de vídeo não precisam ser transcodificados. Usado apenas para determinadas políticas de transcodificação.",
@ -278,7 +279,7 @@
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "Dispositivo de hardware preferido",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "Aplica-se apenas a VAAPI e QSV. Define o nó dri usado para transcodificação de hardware.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "Predefinido (-preset)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Velocidade de compressão. Predefinições mais lentas produzem arquivos menores e aumentam a qualidade ao atingir uma determinada taxa de bits. VP9 ignora velocidades acima de `mais rápidas`.",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Velocidade de compressão. As opções mais lentas produzem arquivos menores e aumentam a qualidade. VP9 ignora as velocidades acima de 'mais rápida'.",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "Quadros de referência",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "O número de quadros a serem referenciados ao compactar um determinado quadro. Valores mais altos melhoram a eficiência da compactação, mas retardam a codificação. 0 define esse valor automaticamente.",
"transcoding_required_description": "Somente vídeos que não estejam em um formato aceito",
@ -310,7 +311,7 @@
"user_delete_delay": "A conta e os arquivos de <b>{user}</b> serão programados para exclusão permanente em {delay, plural, one {# dia} other {# dias}}.",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Excluir atraso",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Número de dias após a remoção para excluir permanentemente a conta e os arquivos de um usuário. A tarefa de exclusão de usuário é executada à meia-noite para verificar usuários que estão prontos para exclusão. As alterações nesta configuração serão avaliadas na próxima execução.",
"user_delete_immediately": "A conta e os arquivos de <b>{user}</b> serão postos na fila para exclusão permanente <b>imediatamente</b>.",
"user_delete_immediately": "A conta e os arquivos de <b>{user}</b> serão programados para exclusão permanente <b>imediata</b>.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "Adicionar o usuário e seus ativos na fila para serem deletados imediatamente",
"user_management": "Gerenciamento de usuários",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "A senha do usuário foi redefinida:",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Configurações do Usuário",
"user_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações do usuário",
"user_successfully_removed": "O usuário {email} foi removido com sucesso.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Ativa verificações periódicas no GitHub para novas versões",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Ativa a verificação de versão",
"version_check_implications": "A verificação de versão depende de uma comunicação periódica com github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Verificação de versão",
"version_check_settings_description": "Ativar/desativar a notificação de nova versão",
"video_conversion_job": "Transcodificar vídeos",
@ -344,11 +346,11 @@
"album_options": "Opções de álbum",
"album_remove_user": "Remover usuário?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover {user}?",
"album_share_no_users": "Parece que você compartilhou este álbum com todos os usuários ou não tem nenhum usuário para compartilhar com ele.",
"album_share_no_users": "Parece que você já compartilhou este álbum com todos os usuários ou não há nenhum usuário para compartilhar.",
"album_updated": "Álbum atualizado",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Receba uma notificação por e-mail quando um álbum compartilhado tiver novos recursos",
"album_user_left": "Saída de {album}",
"album_user_removed": "Usuário {user} removido",
"album_user_left": "Saiu do álbum {album}",
"album_user_removed": "Usuário {user} foi removido",
"album_with_link_access": "Permitir que qualquer pessoa com o link veja as fotos e as pessoas neste álbum.",
"albums": "Álbuns",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Álbum} other {{count, number} Álbuns}}",
@ -358,8 +360,9 @@
"all_videos": "Todos os vídeos",
"allow_dark_mode": "Permitir modo escuro",
"allow_edits": "Permitir edições",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permitir que usuários públicos façam download",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permitir que usuários públicos enviem novos ativos",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permitir que usuários públicos baixem os arquivos",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permitir que usuários públicos enviem novos arquivos",
"anti_clockwise": "Anti-horário",
"api_key": "Chave de API",
"api_key_description": "Este valor será mostrado apenas uma vez. Por favor, certifique-se de copiá-lo antes de fechar a janela.",
"api_key_empty": "O nome da sua chave de API não deve estar vazio",
@ -368,8 +371,8 @@
"appears_in": "Aparece em",
"archive": "Arquivados",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Arquivar ou desarquivar foto",
"archive_size": "Tamanho do Arquivo",
"archive_size_description": "Configure o tamanho do arquivo para downloads (em GiB)",
"archive_size": "Tamanho do arquivo",
"archive_size_description": "Configure o tamanho do arquivo para baixar (em GiB)",
"archived": "Arquivado",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, one {# Arquivado} other {# Arquivados}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Essas pessoas são a mesma pessoa?",
@ -377,11 +380,11 @@
"asset_added_to_album": "Adicionado ao álbum",
"asset_adding_to_album": "Adicionando ao álbum...",
"asset_description_updated": "A descrição do ativo foi atualizada",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "O arquivo {filename} está offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "O arquivo tem rostos não atribuídos",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "O arquivo {filename} não está disponível",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "O arquivo tem rostos sem nomes",
"asset_hashing": "Processando...",
"asset_offline": "Arquivo off-line",
"asset_offline_description": "Este arquivo está offline. O Immich não pode acessar sua localização de arquivo. Certifique-se de que o arquivo esteja disponível e depois escaneie novamente a biblioteca.",
"asset_offline": "Arquivo indisponível",
"asset_offline_description": "Este arquivo não está disponível. O Immich não pode acessar o local do arquivo. Certifique-se de que o arquivo esteja disponível e depois escaneie novamente a biblioteca.",
"asset_skipped": "Ignorado",
"asset_uploaded": "Carregado",
"asset_uploading": "Carregando...",
@ -397,17 +400,17 @@
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja restaurar todos os seus arquivos na lixeira? Esta ação não pode ser desfeita!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo restaurado} other {# arquivos restaurados}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo movido para a lixeira} other {# arquivos movidos para a lixeira}}",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {O recurso estava} other {Os recursos estavam}} já fazendo parte do álbum",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {O arquivo já faz} other {Os arquivos já fazem}} parte do álbum",
"authorized_devices": "Dispositivos Autorizados",
"back": "Voltar",
"back_close_deselect": "Voltar, fechar ou desmarcar",
"backward": "Para trás",
"birthdate_saved": "Data de nascimento salva com sucesso",
"birthdate_set_description": "A data de nascimento é usada para calcular a idade desta pessoa na época de uma foto.",
"birthdate_set_description": "A data de nascimento é usada para calcular a idade da pessoa no momento em que a foto foi tirada.",
"blurred_background": "Fundo desfocado",
"build": "Versão de compilação",
"build_image": "Imagem de compilação",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja deletar {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {em massa # arquivos duplicados}}? Esta ação mantém o maior arquivo de cada grupo e deleta permanentemente todos as outras duplicidades. Você não pode reverter esta ação!",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja deletar {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {em massa # arquivos duplicados}}? Esta ação mantém o maior arquivo de cada grupo e deleta permanentemente todos as outras duplicidades. Você não pode desfazer esta ação!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja manter {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {# arquivos duplicados}}? Isso resolverá todos os grupos duplicados sem excluir nada.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja mover para a lixeira {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {# arquivos duplicados}}? Isso manterá o maior arquivo de cada grupo e moverá para a lixeira todas as outras duplicidades.",
"buy": "Comprar o Immich",
@ -441,6 +444,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Limpar todas as buscas recentes",
"clear_message": "Limpar mensagem",
"clear_value": "Limpar valor",
"clockwise": "Horário",
"close": "Fechar",
"collapse": "Recolher",
"collapse_all": "Colapsar tudo",
@ -517,6 +521,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Não mostrar esta mensagem novamente",
"done": "Feito",
"download": "Baixar",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Vídeos inclusos",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Baixar os vídeos inclusos de uma foto em movimento em um arquivo separado",
"download_settings": "Baixar",
"download_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações relacionadas a transferência de arquivos",
"downloading": "Baixando",
@ -550,6 +556,10 @@
"edit_user": "Editar usuário",
"edited": "Editado",
"editor": "Editar",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "As alterações não serão salvas",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Fechar editor?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Proporções",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotação",
"email": "E-mail",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
@ -562,16 +572,16 @@
"error_loading_image": "Erro ao carregar a página",
"error_title": "Erro - Algo deu errado",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Não é possível navegar para o próximo arquivo",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Não é possível navegar para o arquivo anterior",
"cant_apply_changes": "Não é possível aplicar modificações",
"cant_change_activity": "Não é possível {enabled, select, true {disable} other {enable}} atividade",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Não é possível mudar favorito para o arquivo",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Não é possível alterar os metadados de {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}}",
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Não foi possível navegar para o próximo arquivo",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Não foi possível navegar para o arquivo anterior",
"cant_apply_changes": "Não foi possível aplicar as alterações",
"cant_change_activity": "Não foi possível {enabled, select, true {desativar} other {habilitar}} a atividade",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Não foi possível mudar favorito para o arquivo",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Não foi possível alterar os metadados de {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}}",
"cant_get_faces": "Não foi possível obter os rostos",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Não é possível obter o número de comentários",
"cant_search_people": "Não é possível procurar pessoas",
"cant_search_places": "Não é possível procurar locais",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Não foi possível obter o número de comentários",
"cant_search_people": "Não foi possível procurar pessoas",
"cant_search_places": "Não foi possível procurar locais",
"cleared_jobs": "Tarefas eliminadas para: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Erro ao adicionar arquivos para o álbum",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Erro ao adicionar usuários para o álbum",
@ -605,11 +615,11 @@
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Não foi possível adicionar o caminho de importação",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Não foi possível adicionar parceiros",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Não é possível {archived, select, true {remove asset from} other {add asset to}} arquivar",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Não é possível {favorite, select, true {add asset to} other {remove asset from}} favoritos",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Não é possível {archived, select, true {archive} other {unarchive}}",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Não foi possível {favorite, select, true {adicionar o arquivo aos} other {remover o arquivo dos}} favoritos",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Não foi possível {archived, select, true {arquivar} other {desarquivar}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Não foi possível alterar a permissão do usuário no álbum",
"unable_to_change_date": "Não foi possível alterar a data",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Não é possível alterar o favorito para o arquivo",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Não foi possível alterar o favorito para o arquivo",
"unable_to_change_location": "Não foi possível alterar a localização",
"unable_to_change_password": "Não foi possível alterar a senha",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Não foi possível alterar a visibilidade de {count, plural, one {# pessoa} other {# pessoas}}",
@ -630,7 +640,7 @@
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Não foi possível deletar o caminho de importação",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Não foi possível deletar o link compartilhado",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Não foi possível deletar o usuário",
"unable_to_download_files": "Não foi possível fazer download dos arquivos",
"unable_to_download_files": "Não foi possível baixar os arquivos",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Não foi possível editar o padrão de exclusão",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Não foi possível editar o caminho de importação",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Não foi possível esvaziar a lixeira",
@ -648,7 +658,7 @@
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Não foi possível sair do dispositivo",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Não foi possível fazer login com OAuth",
"unable_to_play_video": "Não foi possível reproduzir o vídeo",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Não foi possível reatribuir arquivos para {name, select, null {an existing person} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Não foi possível reatribuir arquivos a {name, select, null {uma pessoa} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Não foi possível reatribuir arquivos a uma nova pessoa",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Não foi possível atualizar o usuário",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Não foi possível remover usuários do álbum",
@ -663,7 +673,7 @@
"unable_to_repair_items": "Não foi possível reparar os itens",
"unable_to_reset_password": "Não foi possível resetar a senha",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "Não foi possível resolver a duplicidade",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "Não foi possível restaurar o(s) arquivo(s)",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "Não foi possível restaurar",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "Não foi possível restaurar itens da lixeira",
"unable_to_restore_user": "Não foi possível restaurar usuário",
"unable_to_save_album": "Não foi possível salvar o álbum",
@ -699,6 +709,7 @@
"expired": "Expirou",
"expires_date": "Expira em {date}",
"explore": "Explorar",
"explorer": "Explorar",
"export": "Exportar",
"export_as_json": "Exportar como JSON",
"extension": "Extensão",
@ -720,12 +731,13 @@
"filter_people": "Filtrar pessoas",
"find_them_fast": "Encontre pelo nome em uma pesquisa",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Corrigir correspondência incorreta",
"folders": "Pastas",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Força escanear novamente todos os arquivos da biblioteca",
"forward": "Para frente",
"general": "Geral",
"get_help": "Obter Ajuda",
"getting_started": "Primeiros passos",
"go_back": "Retornar",
"go_back": "Voltar",
"go_to_search": "Ir para a pesquisa",
"go_to_share_page": "Ir para a página de compartilhamento",
"group_albums_by": "Agrupar álbuns por...",
@ -743,16 +755,16 @@
"host": "Host",
"hour": "Hora",
"image": "Imagem",
"image_alt_text_date": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} com {person1} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} com {person1} e {person2} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} com {person1}, {person2}, e {person3} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} com {person1}, {person2}, e {additionalCount, number} outros em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} em {city}, {country} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} em {city}, {country} com {person1} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} em {city}, {country} com {person1} e {person2} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} em {city}, {country} com {person1}, {person2}, e {person3} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo} other {Imagem}} {isVideo, select, true {tirado} other {tirada}} em {city}, {country} com {person1}, {person2}, e {additionalCount, number} outros em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} com {person1} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} com {person1} e {person2} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} com {person1}, {person2}, e {person3} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} com {person1}, {person2}, e outras {additionalCount, number} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} em {city}, {country} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} em {city}, {country} com {person1} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} em {city}, {country} com {person1} e {person2} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} em {city}, {country} com {person1}, {person2}, e {person3} em {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Vídeo gravado} other {Foto tirada}} em {city}, {country} com {person1}, {person2}, e {additionalCount, number} outros em {date}",
"image_alt_text_people": "{count, plural, =1 {com {person1}} =2 {com {person1} e {person2}} =3 {com {person1}, {person2}, e {person3}} other {com {person1}, {person2} e outras {others, number} pessoas}}",
"image_alt_text_place": "em {city}, {country}",
"image_taken": "{isVideo, select, true {Gravado} other {Fotografado}}",
@ -912,6 +924,7 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Mais antigo primeiro",
"onboarding": "Integração",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "As seguintes funções opcionais dependem de serviços externos e podem ser desabilitadas a qualquer momento nas configurações de administração.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Escolha um tema de cores para sua instância. Você pode alterar isso posteriormente em suas configurações.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Vamos configurar sua instância com algumas configurações comuns.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Bem-vindo, {user}",
@ -985,6 +998,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Memória anterior",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Foto anterior ou próxima",
"primary": "Primário",
"privacy": "Privacidade",
"profile_image_of_user": "Imagem do perfil de {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Foto de perfil definida.",
"public_album": "Álbum público",
@ -1008,8 +1022,8 @@
"purchase_license_subtitle": "Compre o Immich para apoiar o desenvolvimento contínuo do serviço",
"purchase_lifetime_description": "Compra vitalícia",
"purchase_option_title": "OPÇÕES DE COMPRA",
"purchase_panel_info_1": "Construir o Immich leva muito tempo e esforço, e temos engenheiros dedicados trabalhando nele para torná-lo o melhor possível. Nossa missão é que programas de código aberto e as práticas empresariais éticas se tornem uma fonte de receita sustentável para os desenvolvedores e criar um ecossistema que respeite a privacidade, oferecendo alternativas reais aos serviços de nuvem exploratórios.",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "Como estamos comprometidos em não adicionar bloqueios de pagamento, esta compra não lhe concederá recursos adicionais no Immich. Contamos com usuários como você para apoiar o desenvolvimento contínuo do Immich.",
"purchase_panel_info_1": "Construir o Immich leva muito tempo e esforço. Temos engenheiros trabalhando em tempo integral para torná-lo o melhor possível. Nossa missão é fazer com que programas de código aberto e práticas empresariais éticas se tornem uma fonte de renda sustentável para os desenvolvedores e também criar um ecossistema que respeite a privacidade, oferecendo alternativas reais aos serviços de nuvem exploratórios.",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "Como estamos comprometidos em não adicionar funções bloqueadas por compras, esta compra não lhe concederá nenhum recurso adicional no Immich. Nós contamos com usuários como você para apoiar o desenvolvimento contínuo do Immich.",
"purchase_panel_title": "Apoiar o projeto",
"purchase_per_server": "Por servidor",
"purchase_per_user": "Por usuário",
@ -1022,11 +1036,13 @@
"purchase_server_title": "Servidor",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "A chave do produto para servidor é gerenciada pelo administrador",
"range": "",
"rating": "Estrelas",
"rating_description": "Exibir os metadados de classificação (estrelas) no painel de informações",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Opções de reação",
"read_changelog": "Ler Novidades",
"reassign": "Reatribuir",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo reatribuído} other {# arquivos reatribuídos}} a {name, select, null {an existing person} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo reatribuído} other {# arquivos reatribuídos}} a {name, select, null {uma pessoa} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo reatribuído} other {# arquivos reatribuídos}} a uma nova pessoa",
"reassing_hint": "Atribuir arquivos selecionados a uma pessoa existente",
"recent": "Recente",
@ -1126,8 +1142,8 @@
"send_message": "Enviar mensagem",
"send_welcome_email": "Enviar E-mail de boas vindas",
"server": "Servidor",
"server_offline": "Servidor Fora do Ar",
"server_online": "Servidor no Ar",
"server_offline": "Servidor Indisponível",
"server_online": "Servidor Disponível",
"server_stats": "Status do servidor",
"server_version": "Versão do servidor",
"set": "Definir",
@ -1144,14 +1160,16 @@
"shared_by_user": "Compartilhado por {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Compartilhado por você",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotos de {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Opções do link compartilhado",
"shared_links": "Links compartilhados",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, one {# foto e vídeo compartilhados.} other {# fotos e vídeos compartilhados.}}",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, one {# arquivo compartilhado.} other {# arquivos compartilhados.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Compartilhado com {partner}",
"sharing": "Compartilhar",
"sharing_enter_password": "Digite a senha para visualizar esta página.",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Exibe o link Compartilhar na barra lateral",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "pressione ⇧ para excluir permanentemente o arquivo",
"show_album_options": "Exibir opções do álbum",
"show_albums": "Exibir álbuns",
"show_all_people": "Mostrar todas as pessoas",
"show_and_hide_people": "Mostrar & ocultar pessoas",
"show_file_location": "Exibir local do arquivo",
@ -1167,7 +1185,7 @@
"show_progress_bar": "Exibir barra de progresso",
"show_search_options": "Exibir opções de pesquisa",
"show_supporter_badge": "Insígnia de Contribuidor",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "Mostrar uma insígnia de contribuidor",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "Mostrar a insígnia de contribuidor",
"shuffle": "Aleatório",
"sign_out": "Sair",
"sign_up": "Registrar",
@ -1184,6 +1202,8 @@
"sort_title": "Título",
"source": "Fonte",
"stack": "Empilhar",
"stack_duplicates": "Empilhar duplicados",
"stack_select_one_photo": "Selecione uma foto principal para a pilha",
"stack_selected_photos": "Empilhar fotos selecionadas",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo empilhado} other {# arquivos empilhados}}",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
@ -1241,7 +1261,7 @@
"unnamed_share": "Compartilhamento sem nome",
"unsaved_change": "Alteração não salva",
"unselect_all": "Limpar seleção",
"unselect_all_duplicates": "Deselecionar todas as duplicatas",
"unselect_all_duplicates": "Desselecionar todas as duplicatas",
"unstack": "Desempilhar",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo não empilhado} other {# arquivos não empilhados}}",
"untracked_files": "Arquivos não monitorados",
@ -1251,7 +1271,7 @@
"upload": "Carregar",
"upload_concurrency": "Carregar simultâneo",
"upload_errors": "Envio concluído com {count, plural, one {# erro} other {# erros}}, atualize a página para ver os novos arquivos carregados.",
"upload_progress": "{remaining, number} processando - {processed, number}/{total, number} já processados.",
"upload_progress": "{remaining, number} processando - {processed, number}/{total, number} já processados",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado foi ignorado} other {# arquivos duplicados foram ignorados}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplicados",
"upload_status_errors": "Erros",
@ -1259,13 +1279,13 @@
"upload_success": "Carregado com sucesso, atualize a página para ver os novos arquivos.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Uso",
"use_custom_date_range": "Usar intervalo de datas personalizado invés",
"use_custom_date_range": "Usar intervalo de datas personalizado",
"user": "Usuário",
"user_id": "ID do usuário",
"user_license_settings": "Licença",
"user_license_settings_description": "Gerenciar sua licença",
"user_liked": "{user} curtiu {type, select, photo {this photo} video {this video} asset {this asset} other {it}}",
"user_purchase_settings": "Compra",
"user_liked": "{user} curtiu {type, select, photo {a foto} video {o vídeo} asset {o arquivo} other {isso}}",
"user_purchase_settings": "Comprar",
"user_purchase_settings_description": "Gerenciar sua compra",
"user_role_set": "Definir {user} como {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Detalhes de uso do usuário",
@ -1276,14 +1296,14 @@
"variables": "Variáveis",
"version": "Versão",
"version_announcement_closing": "De seu amigo, Alex",
"version_announcement_message": "Olá, amigo, há uma nova versão do aplicativo disponível. Por favor, visite com calma a página <link>notas da versão</link> e certifique-se de que a configuração do <code>docker-compose.yml</code>, e do <code>.env</code> estejam atualizadas para evitar configurações incorretas, especialmente se você usar o WatchTower ou qualquer mecanismo que lide com a atualização automática do aplicativo.",
"version_announcement_message": "Olá amigo! Uma nova versão do aplicativo está disponível. Para evitar configurações incorretas, por favor verifique com calma a página de <link>notas da versão</link> e certifique-se que os arquivos <code>docker-compose.yml</code> e <code>.env</code> estão configurados corretamente, principalmente se você usa o WatchTower ou qualquer outro mecanismo que faça atualizações automáticas.",
"video": "Vídeo",
"video_hover_setting": "Reproduzir miniatura do vídeo ao passar o mouse",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Reproduzir a miniatura do vídeo ao passar o mouse sobre o item. Mesmo quando desativado, a reprodução pode ser iniciada ao passar o mouse sobre o ícone de reprodução.",
"videos": "Vídeos",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# Vídeo} other {# Vídeos}}",
"view": "Ver",
"view_album": "Exibir álbum",
"view_album": "Ver álbum",
"view_all": "Ver tudo",
"view_all_users": "Ver todos usuários",
"view_links": "Ver links",
@ -1291,7 +1311,7 @@
"view_previous_asset": "Ver arquivo anterior",
"view_stack": "Exibir Pilha",
"viewer": "Visualizar",
"visibility_changed": "Visibilidade alterada para {count, plural, one {# pessoa} other {# pessoas}}",
"visibility_changed": "A visibilidade de {count, plural, one {# pessoa foi alterada} other {# pessoas foram alteradas}}",
"waiting": "Aguardando",
"warning": "Aviso",
"week": "Semana",
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
"map_enable_description": "Включить функции карты",
"map_gps_settings": "Настройки карты и GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Управление настройками карты и GPS (обратный геокодинг)",
"map_implications": "Функция отображения зависит от внешнего сервиса плиток (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Светлый стиль",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Управление настройками <link>Обратного геокодирования</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Обратное Геокодирование",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Пользовательские настройки",
"user_settings_description": "Управление настройками пользователей",
"user_successfully_removed": "Пользователь {email} был успешно удален.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Включить периодические запросы к GitHub для проверки наличия новых версий",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Включить проверку наличия новых версий",
"version_check_implications": "Функция проверки версии зависит от периодического взаимодействия с github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Проверка версии",
"version_check_settings_description": "Включить/отключить уведомление о новой версии",
"video_conversion_job": "Перекодирование видео",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Альбом добавлен",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Получать уведомление по электронной почте, когда вы добавлены к общему альбому",
"album_cover_updated": "Обложка альбома обновлена",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить альбом {album}?\nЕсли этот альбом общий, то другие пользователи не смогут получить к нему доступ.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить альбом {album}?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Если альбом был общим, другие пользователи больше не смогут получить к нему доступ.",
"album_info_updated": "Информация об альбоме обновлена",
"album_leave": "Покинуть альбом?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите покинуть {album}?",
@ -519,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Не показывать это сообщение в дальнейшем",
"done": "Готово",
"download": "Скачать",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Встроенные видео",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Включить видео, встроенные в живые фото, в виде отдельного файла",
"download_settings": "Скачивание",
"download_settings_description": "Управление настройками скачивания объектов",
"downloading": "Загрузка",
@ -705,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "Срок действия истек",
"expires_date": "Срок действия до {date}",
"explore": "Просмотр",
"explorer": "Проводник",
"export": "Экспортировать",
"export_as_json": "Экспорт в JSON",
"extension": "Расширение",
@ -726,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Фильтр по людям",
"find_them_fast": "Быстро найдите их по имени с помощью поиска",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Исправить неправильное соответствие",
"folders": "Папки",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Принудительное повторное сканирование всех файлов библиотеки",
"forward": "Переслать",
"general": "Общие",
@ -918,6 +925,7 @@
"ok": "ОК",
"oldest_first": "Сначала старые",
"onboarding": "Начало работы",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Следующие (необязательные) функции зависят от внешних сервисов и могут быть отключены в любое время в настройках администрирования.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Выберите цветовую тему. Вы можете изменить ее позже в настройках.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Давайте настроим ваш экземпляр с некоторыми общими параметрами.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Добро пожаловать, {user}",
@ -991,6 +999,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Предыдущее воспоминание",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Предыдущая или следующая фотография",
"primary": "Главное",
"privacy": "Конфиденциальность",
"profile_image_of_user": "Изображение профиля {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Установлена картинка профиля.",
"public_album": "Публичный альбом",
@ -1029,6 +1038,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Ключ продукта сервера управляется администратором",
"range": "",
"rating": "Рейтинг звёзд",
"rating_clear": "Очистить рейтинг",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# звезда} other {# звезд}}",
"rating_description": "Показывать рейтинг exif в панели информации",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Опции реакций",
@ -1152,6 +1163,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Владелец: {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Вы поделились",
"shared_from_partner": "Фото от {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Параметры общих ссылок",
"shared_links": "Общие ссылки",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# поделился фото и видео.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Совместно с {partner}",
@ -1249,6 +1261,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Отключить OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Отключить аккаунт OAuth",
"unnamed_album": "Альбом без названия",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот альбом?",
"unnamed_share": "Общий доступ без названия",
"unsaved_change": "Не сохраненное изменение",
"unselect_all": "Снять всё",
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "Dejanja",
"active": "Aktivno",
"activity": "Aktivnost",
"activity_changed": "Aktivnost {enabled, select, true {omogočena} other {onemogočena}}",
"add": "Dodaj",
"add_a_description": "Dodaj opis",
"add_a_location": "Dodaj lokacijo",
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Dodajte vzorec izključitev. Globiranje z uporabo *, ** in ? je podprto. Če želite prezreti vse datoteke v katerem koli imeniku z imenom \"Raw\", uporabite \"**/Raw/**\". Če želite prezreti vse datoteke, ki se končajo na \".tif\", uporabite \"**/*.tif\". Če želite prezreti absolutno pot, uporabite \"/pot/za/ignoriranje/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Nastavitve preverjanja pristnosti",
"authentication_settings_description": "Upravljanje gesel, OAuth in drugih nastavitev preverjanja pristnosti",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Ali zares želite onemogočiti vse prijavne metode? Prijava bo popolnoma onemogočena.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Ponovno omogoči z uporabo <link>Server Command</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Opravila v ozadju",
"check_all": "Označi vse",
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
"map_enable_description": "Омогућите карактеристике мапе",
"map_gps_settings": "Мап & ГПС подешавања",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Управљајте поставкама мапе и ГПС-а (обрнуто геокодирање)",
"map_implications": "Функција мапе се ослања на екстерну услугу плочица (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Светли стил",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Управљајте подешавањима <link>Обрнуто геокодирање</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Обрнуто геокодирање",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Подешавања корисника",
"user_settings_description": "Управљајте корисничким подешавањима",
"user_successfully_removed": "Корисник {email} је успешно уклоњен.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Омогућите периодичне захтеве GitHub-u за проверу нових издања",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Омогућите проверу нових издања",
"version_check_implications": "Функција провере верзије се ослања на периодичну комуникацију са github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Провера верзије",
"version_check_settings_description": "Омогућите/oneмогућите обавештење о новој верзији",
"video_conversion_job": "Транскодирање видео записа",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Албум додан",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Прими обавештење е-поштом кад будеш додан у дељен албум",
"album_cover_updated": "Омот албума ажуриран",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Да ли стварно желите да избришете албум {album}?\nАко се овај албум дели, други корисници више неће моћи да му приступе.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Да ли стварно желите да избришете албум {album}?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Ако се овај албум дели, други корисници више неће моћи да му приступе.",
"album_info_updated": "Информација албума ажурирана",
"album_leave": "Напустити албум?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Да ли стварно желите да напустите {album}?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Дозволи уређење",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Дозволите јавном кориснику да преузме (download-uje)",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Дозволи јавном кориснику да отпреми (уплоад-ује)",
"anti_clockwise": "У смеру супротном од казаљке на сату",
"api_key": "АПИ кључ (key)",
"api_key_description": "Ова вредност ће бити приказана само једном. Обавезно копирајте пре него што затворите прозор.",
"api_key_empty": "Име вашег АПИ кључа не би требало да буде празно",
@ -441,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Обришите све недавне претраге",
"clear_message": "Обриши поруку",
"clear_value": "Јасна вредност",
"clockwise": "У смеру казаљке",
"close": "Затвори",
"collapse": "Скупи",
"collapse_all": "Скупи све",
@ -517,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Не прикажи поново ову поруку",
"done": "Урађено",
"download": "Преузми",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Уграђени видео снимци",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Укључите видео записе уграђене у фотографије у покрету као засебну датотеку",
"download_settings": "Преузимање",
"download_settings_description": "Управљајте подешавањима везаним за преузимање датотека",
"downloading": "Преузимање у току",
@ -550,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "Уреди корисника",
"edited": "Уређено",
"editor": "Urednik",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Промене неће бити сачуване",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Затворити уређивач?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Пропорције (aspect ratios)",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Ротација",
"email": "Е-пошта",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Isprazni album",
@ -699,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "Истекло",
"expires_date": "Истиче {date}",
"explore": "Истражите",
"explorer": "Претраживач (Explorer)",
"export": "Извези",
"export_as_json": "Извези ЈСОН",
"extension": "Екстензија (Extension)",
@ -720,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Филтрирање особа",
"find_them_fast": "Брзо их пронађите по имену помоћу претраге",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Исправите нетачно подударање",
"folders": "Фасцикле (Folders)",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Принудно поново скенирајте све датотеке библиотеке",
"forward": "Напред",
"general": "Генерално",
@ -749,6 +762,10 @@
"image_alt_text_date_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} снимили {person1}, {person2}, и {person3} {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} снимили {person1}, {person2}, и {additionalCount, number} осталих {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} снимљено у {city}, {country} {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} снимљено у {city}, {country} са {person1} {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} снимљено у {city}, {country} са {person1} и {person2} {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} снимљено у {city}, {country} са {person1}, {person2}, и {person3} {date}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {Video} other {Image}} снимљено у {city}, {country} са {person1}, {person2}, и {additionalCount, number} других {date}",
"image_alt_text_people": "{count, plural, =1 {са {person1}} =2 {са {person1} и {person2}} =3 {са {person1}, {person2}, и {person3}} other {са {person1}, {person2}, и {others, number} остали}}",
"image_alt_text_place": "у {city}, {country}",
"image_taken": "{isVideo, select, true {Видео запис снимљен} other {Фотографија усликана}}",
@ -908,6 +925,7 @@
"ok": "Ок",
"oldest_first": "Најстарије прво",
"onboarding": "Приступање (Онбоардинг)",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Следеће (опционе) функције се ослањају на спољне услуге и могу се онемогућити у било ком тренутку у подешавањима администрације.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Изаберите тему боја за свој налог. Ово можете касније да промените у подешавањима.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Хајде да подесимо вашу инстанцу са неким уобичајеним подешавањима.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Добродошли, {user}",
@ -981,6 +999,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Prethodno сећање",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Prethodna или следећа фотографија",
"primary": "Примарна (Primary)",
"privacy": "Приватност",
"profile_image_of_user": "Слика профила од корисника {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Профилна слика постављена.",
"public_album": "Јавни албум",
@ -1019,6 +1038,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Кључем производа сервера управља администратор",
"range": "",
"rating": "Оцена звездица",
"rating_clear": "Обриши оцену",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# звезда} other {# звезде}}",
"rating_description": "Прикажите exif оцену у инфо панелу",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Опције реакције",
@ -1142,6 +1163,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Дели {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Ви делите",
"shared_from_partner": "Слике од {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Опције дељене везе",
"shared_links": "Дељене везе",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# дељене фотографије и видео записе.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Дели се са {partner}",
@ -1217,7 +1239,7 @@
"to_login": "Пријава",
"to_trash": "Смеће",
"toggle_settings": "Намести подешавања",
"toggle_theme": "Намести теме",
"toggle_theme": "Намести тамну тему",
"toggle_visibility": "Namesti vidljivost",
"total_usage": "Укупна употреба",
"trash": "Отпад",
@ -1239,6 +1261,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Прекини везу са Oauth-om",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Опозвана веза OAuth налога",
"unnamed_album": "Неименовани албум",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да избришете овај албум?",
"unnamed_share": "Неименовано делење",
"unsaved_change": "Несачувана промена",
"unselect_all": "Поништи све",
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
"map_enable_description": "Omogućite karakteristike mape",
"map_gps_settings": "Map & GPS podešavanja",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Upravljajte postavkama mape i GPS-a (obrnuto geokodiranje)",
"map_implications": "Funkcija mape se oslanja na eksternu uslugu pločica (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Svetli stil",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Upravljajte podešavanjima <link>Obrnuto geokodiranje</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Obrnuto geokodiranje",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Podešavanja korisnika",
"user_settings_description": "Upravljajte korisničkim podešavanjima",
"user_successfully_removed": "Korisnik {email} je uspešno uklonjen.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Omogućite periodične zahteve GitHub-u za proveru novih izdanja",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Omogućite proveru novih izdanja",
"version_check_implications": "Funkcija provere verzije se oslanja na periodičnu komunikaciju sa github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Provera verzije",
"version_check_settings_description": "Omogućite/onemogućite obaveštenje o novoj verziji",
"video_conversion_job": "Transkodiranje video zapisa",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Album dodan",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Primi obaveštenje e-poštom kad budeš dodan u deljen album",
"album_cover_updated": "Omot albuma ažuriran",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Da li stvarno želite da izbrišete album {album}?\nAko se ovaj album deli, drugi korisnici više neće moći da mu pristupe.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Da li stvarno želite da izbrišete album {album}?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Ako se ovaj album deli, drugi korisnici više neće moći da mu pristupe.",
"album_info_updated": "Informacija albuma ažurirana",
"album_leave": "Napustiti album?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Da li stvarno želite da napustite {album}?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Dozvoli uređenje",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Dozvolite javnom korisniku da preuzme (download-uje)",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Dozvoli javnom korisniku da otpremi (upload-uje)",
"anti_clockwise": "U smeru suprotnom od kazaljke na satu",
"api_key": "API ključ (key)",
"api_key_description": "Ova vrednost će biti prikazana samo jednom. Obavezno kopirajte pre nego što zatvorite prozor.",
"api_key_empty": "Ime vašeg API ključa ne bi trebalo da bude prazno",
@ -441,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Obrišite sve nedavne pretrage",
"clear_message": "Obriši poruku",
"clear_value": "Jasna vrednost",
"clockwise": "U smeru kazaljke",
"close": "Zatvori",
"collapse": "Skupi",
"collapse_all": "Skupi sve",
@ -517,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Ne prikaži ponovo ovu poruku",
"done": "Urađeno",
"download": "Preuzmi",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Ugrađeni video snimci",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Uključite video zapise ugrađene u fotografije u pokretu kao zasebnu datoteku",
"download_settings": "Preuzimanje",
"download_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima vezanim za preuzimanje datoteka",
"downloading": "Preuzimanje u toku",
@ -550,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "Uredi korisnika",
"edited": "Uređeno",
"editor": "Urednik",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Promene neće biti sačuvane",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Zatvoriti uređivač?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Proporcije (aspect ratios)",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Rotacija",
"email": "E-pošta",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Isprazni album",
@ -699,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "Isteklo",
"expires_date": "Ističe {date}",
"explore": "Istražite",
"explorer": "Pretraživač (Explorer)",
"export": "Izvezi",
"export_as_json": "Izvezi JSON",
"extension": "Ekstenzija (Extension)",
@ -720,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "Filtriranje osoba",
"find_them_fast": "Brzo ih pronađite po imenu pomoću pretrage",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Ispravite netačno podudaranje",
"folders": "Fascikle (Folders)",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Prinudno ponovo skenirajte sve datoteke biblioteke",
"forward": "Napred",
"general": "Generalno",
@ -912,6 +925,7 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Najstarije prvo",
"onboarding": "Pristupanje (Onboarding)",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Sledeće (opcione) funkcije se oslanjaju na spoljne usluge i mogu se onemogućiti u bilo kom trenutku u podešavanjima administracije.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Izaberite temu boja za svoj nalog. Ovo možete kasnije da promenite u podešavanjima.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Hajde da podesimo vašu instancu sa nekim uobičajenim podešavanjima.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Dobrodošli, {user}",
@ -985,6 +999,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Prethodno sećanje",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Prethodna ili sledeća fotografija",
"primary": "Primarna (Primary)",
"privacy": "Privatnost",
"profile_image_of_user": "Slika profila od korisnika {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Profilna slika postavljena.",
"public_album": "Javni album",
@ -1023,6 +1038,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Ključem proizvoda servera upravlja administrator",
"range": "",
"rating": "Ocena zvezdica",
"rating_clear": "Obriši ocenu",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# zvezda} other {# zvezde}}",
"rating_description": "Prikažite exif ocenu u info panelu",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Opcije reakcije",
@ -1146,6 +1163,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Deli {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Vi delite",
"shared_from_partner": "Slike od {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Opcije deljene veze",
"shared_links": "Deljene veze",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# deljene fotografije i video zapise.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Deli se sa {partner}",
@ -1221,7 +1239,7 @@
"to_login": "Prijava",
"to_trash": "Smeće",
"toggle_settings": "Namesti podešavanja",
"toggle_theme": "Namesti teme",
"toggle_theme": "Namesti tamnu temu",
"toggle_visibility": "Namesti vidljivost",
"total_usage": "Ukupna upotreba",
"trash": "Otpad",
@ -1243,6 +1261,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Prekini vezu sa Oauth-om",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Opozvana veza OAuth naloga",
"unnamed_album": "Neimenovani album",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovaj album?",
"unnamed_share": "Neimenovano delenje",
"unsaved_change": "Nesačuvana promena",
"unselect_all": "Poništi sve",
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"actions": "Händelser",
"active": "Aktiva",
"activity": "Aktivitet",
"activity_changed": "Aktiviteten är {aktiverad, välj, sant {aktiverad} annat {inaktiverad}}",
"activity_changed": "Aktiviteten är {enabled, select, true {aktiverad} other {inaktiverad}}",
"add": "Lägg till",
"add_a_description": "Lägg till en beskrivning",
"add_a_location": "Lägg till en plats",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Aktivera kartfunktioner",
"map_gps_settings": "Karta & GPS Inställningar",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Ändra kartor & GPS (Omvänd geokodning) inställningar",
"map_implications": "Kartfunktionen är beroende av en extern kartbitstjänst (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Ljus stil",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Hantera inställningar för <link>Omvänd geokodning</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Omvänd Geokodning",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Aktivera omvänd geokodning",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Inställningar för omvänd geokodning",
"map_settings": "Kartinställningar",
"map_settings": "Karta",
"map_settings_description": "Hantera kartinställningar",
"map_style_description": "URL till en style.json-karto tema",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Extrahera metadata",
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@
"notification_email_setting_description": "Inställningar för att skicka epostnotiser",
"notification_email_test_email": "Skicka test-epost",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "Misslyckades med att skicka test-epost, undersök dina värden",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Ett test-epostmeddelande has skickats till {epost}. Kolla din inkorg.",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Ett testmail har skickats till {email}. Kontrollera din inkorg.",
"notification_email_username_description": "Användarnamn att använda vid autentisering med epost-servern",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "Aktivera epost-notiser",
"notification_settings": "Notisinställningar",
@ -181,12 +182,12 @@
"oauth_settings_description": "Hantera OAuth-logininställningar",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "För ytterligare detaljer om denna funktion, se <link>dokumentationen</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Signeringsalgoritm",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Användaranknuten lagringsetikett",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Sätter automatiskt angiven användares lagringsetikett.",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "Användaranknuten lagringskvot",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "Sätter automatiskt angiven användares lagringskvot.",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "Standardlagringskvot (GiB)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "Kvot i GiB som används när ingen fordran angetts (Ange 0 för obegränsad kvot).",
"offline_paths": "Offline-sökvägar",
"offline_paths_description": "Dessa resultat kan bero på manuell borttagning av filer som inte är en del av ett externt bibliotek.",
"password_enable_description": "Logga in med epost och lösenord",
@ -197,23 +198,36 @@
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Samtliga bibliotek uppdateras",
"registration": "Administratörsregistrering",
"registration_description": "Du utses till administratör eftersom du är systemets första användare. Du ansvarar för administration och kan skapa ytterligare användare.",
"removing_offline_files": "Tar Bort Offline-Filer",
"removing_offline_files": "Tar bort offline-filer",
"repair_all": "Reparera alla",
"repair_matched_items": "Matchade {antal, plural, ett {# föremål} övriga {# föremål}}",
"repaired_items": "Reparerade {count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Kräv av användaren att byta lösenord vid första inloggning",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Återställ inställningar till standard",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Återställ inställningar till de senaste sparade",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Scannar bibliotek efter ändrade filer",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "Skannar biblioteket efter nya filer",
"send_welcome_email": "Skicka välkomstmail",
"server_external_domain_settings": "Extern domän",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "Domän för publikt delade länkar, inklusive http(s)://",
"server_settings": "Serverinställningar",
"server_settings_description": "Hantera serverinställningar",
"server_welcome_message": "Välkomstmeddelande",
"server_welcome_message_description": "Ett meddelande som visas på inloggningssidan.",
"sidecar_job_description": "",
"sidecar_job": "Medföljande metadata",
"sidecar_job_description": "Upptäck eller synkronisera medföljande metadata från filsystemet",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Antal sekunder att visa varje bild",
"smart_search_job_description": "",
"storage_template_enable_description": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "",
"smart_search_job_description": "Kör maskininlärning på objekt för att stödja smart sökning",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "Tidsstämpel för resursens skapande används för datum och tidsinformation",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "Exempeltid {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Aktivera mallmotor för lagring",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hash-verifiering aktiverat",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Aktiverar hash-verifiering, deaktiviera inte om du inte är säker på implikationerna",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Ändringar i mall gäller endast nya resurser. För att retoaktivt tillämpa mallen på tidigare uppladdade resurser kör <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Lagringsmall migreringsjobb",
"storage_template_more_details": "För mer information om den här funktionen se <template-link>Lagringsmall</template-link> och dess <implications-link>konsekvenser</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Vid aktivering organiserar denna funktion automatiskt filer baserat på en användardefinierad mall. På grunda av stabilitetsproblem är denna funktion avstängd som standard, för mer information se <link>dokumentation</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Uppskattad längdbegränsning på sökväg: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Lagringsmall",
"storage_template_settings_description": "",
"system_settings": "Systeminställningar",
@ -221,22 +235,26 @@
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "",
"theme_settings": "Temainställningar",
"theme_settings_description": "Hantera anpassningar av webbgränssnittet för Immich",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "",
"these_files_matched_by_checksum": "Dessa filer matchas av deras kontrollsummor",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "Generera Miniatyrer",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "Generera stora, små och suddiga miniatyrer för varje objekt, samt för varje person",
"transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "Accelerations-API",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "API som kommer att interagera med din enhet för att accelerera omkodning. Inställning är 'best effort': vid fel kommer den att återgå till mjukvarubaserad omkodning. VP9 kan fungera eller inte, beroende på din hårdvara.",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC (kräver NVIDIA GPU)",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "Quick Sync (kräver 7 generationens Intel CPU eller senare)",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (bara med Rockchip SOCs)",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "Accepterade ljud-codecs",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "Välj vilka ljud-codecs som inte behöver omkodas. Används endast för vissa omkodningspolicyer.",
"transcoding_accepted_containers": "Accepterade behållare",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "Accepterade video-codecs",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "Välj vilka video-codecs som inte behöver omkodas. Används endast för vissa omkodningspolicyer.",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "Val som de flesta användare inte bör behöva ändra",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Ljud-codec",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus är bästa kvalitetsvalet, men är inte lika kompatibelt med äldre enheter eller mjukvara.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Videor som är i högre än max bithastighet eller inte i ett accepterat format",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "För att läsa mer om terminologin här se FFmpeg-dokumentationen för <h264-link>H.264 kodek</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC kodek</hevc-link> och <vp9-link>VP9 kodek</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "",
@ -246,17 +264,17 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Hårdvaruavkodning",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC-codec",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Högre värden förbättrar kompressionseffektiviteten, men saktar ner kodningen. Kan vara inkompatibel med hårdvaruacceleration på äldre enheter. 0 avaktiverar B-frames, medan -1 anger detta värde automatiskt.",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "Max bithastighet",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "Max nyckelbildruteintervall",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "Förinställning (-preset)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "",
@ -831,7 +849,8 @@
"total_usage": "Total användning",
"trash": "Papperskorg",
"trash_all": "",
"trash_no_results_message": "",
"trash_no_results_message": "Borttagna foton och videor kommer att visas här.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Borttagna objekt kommer att tas bort permanent efter {days, plural, one {# dag} other {# dagar}}.",
"type": "Typ",
"unarchive": "Ångra arkivering",
"unarchived": "",
@ -843,35 +862,40 @@
"unlimited": "Obegränsat",
"unlink_oauth": "",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "",
"unsaved_change": "Osparade ändringar",
"unselect_all": "",
"unstack": "Stapla Av",
"up_next": "",
"updated_password": "",
"updated_password": "Lösenordet har uppdaterats",
"upload": "Ladda upp",
"upload_concurrency": "",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Dubbletter",
"upload_status_errors": "Fel",
"url": "",
"usage": "",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Användning",
"user": "Användare",
"user_id": "",
"user_id": "Användar-ID",
"user_purchase_settings": "Köp",
"user_purchase_settings_description": "Hantera dina köp",
"user_usage_detail": "",
"username": "",
"username": "Användarnamn",
"users": "Användare",
"utilities": "Verktyg",
"validate": "Validera",
"variables": "Variabler",
"version": "Version",
"version_announcement_closing": "Din vän, Alex",
"video": "Video",
"video_hover_setting_description": "",
"videos": "Videor",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# Video} other {# Videor}}",
"view": "Visa",
"view_album": "Visa Album",
"view_all": "Visa alla",
"view_all_users": "Visa alla användare",
"view_links": "Visa länkar",
"view_next_asset": "",
"view_previous_asset": "",
"view_next_asset": "Visa nästa objekt",
"view_previous_asset": "Visa föregående objekt",
"viewer": "",
"waiting": "Väntar",
"warning": "Varning",
@ -881,5 +905,6 @@
"year": "År",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# år} other {# år}} sedan",
"yes": "Ja",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Du har inga delade länkar",
"zoom_image": "Zooma bild"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "விபரம்",
"account": "கணக்கு",
"account_settings": "கணக்கு அமைவுகள்",
"acknowledge": "ஒப்புக்கொள்கிறேன்",
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "செயல்கள்",
"active": "செயல்பாட்டில்",
"activity": "செயல்பாடுகள்",
"activity_changed": "செயல்பாடு {இயக்கப்பட்டது, தேர்ந்தெடு, சரி {இயக்கப்பட்டது} மற்றது {முடக்கப்பட்டது}}",
"add": "சேர்",
"add_a_description": "விவரம் சேர்",
"add_a_location": "இடத்தை சேர்க்கவும்",
@ -25,11 +27,11 @@
"added_to_favorites": "விருப்பங்களில் (பேவரிட்ஸ்) சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"added_to_favorites_count": "விருப்பங்களில் (பேவரிட்ஸ்) {count} சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "விலக்கு வடிவங்களைச் சேர்க்கவும். *, **, மற்றும் ? ஆதரிக்கப்படுகிறது. \"Raw\" என்ற பெயரிடப்பட்ட எந்த கோப்பகத்திலும் உள்ள எல்லா கோப்புகளையும் புறக்கணிக்க, \"**/Raw/**\" ஐப் பயன்படுத்தவும். \".tif\" இல் முடியும் எல்லா கோப்புகளையும் புறக்கணிக்க, \"**/*.tif\" ஐப் பயன்படுத்தவும். ஒரு முழுமையான பாதையை புறக்கணிக்க, \"/path/to/ignore/**\" ஐப் பயன்படுத்தவும்.",
"authentication_settings": "அடையாள உறுதிப்படுத்தல் அமைப்புகள் (செட்டிங்ஸ்)",
"authentication_settings_description": "கடவுச்சொல், OAuth, மற்றும் பிற அடையாள அமைப்புகள்",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "எல்லா உள்நுழைவு முறைகளையும் நிச்சயமாக முடக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா? உள்நுழைவு முற்றிலும் முடக்கப்படும்.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "மீண்டும் இயக்க, <link> சர்வர் கட்டளை</link> பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "மீண்டும் இயக்க, <link> சர்வர் கட்டளை</link> பயன்படுத்தவும்.",
"background_task_job": "பின்னணி பணிகள்",
"check_all": "அனைத்தையும் தேர்ந்தெடு",
"cleared_jobs": "முடித்த வேலைகள்: {job}",
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@
"face_detection": "முகம் கண்டறிதல்",
"face_detection_description": "இயந்திர கற்றலைப் பயன்படுத்தி சொத்துக்களில் உள்ள முகங்களைக் கண்டறியவும். வீடியோக்களுக்கு, சிறுபடம் மட்டுமே கருதப்படுகிறது. \"அனைத்து\" (மறு-) அனைத்து சொத்துகளையும் செயலாக்குகிறது. இதுவரை செயலாக்கப்படாத புகைப்பட சொத்துக்களை \"காணவில்லை\" வரிசைப்படுத்துகிறது. முகம் கண்டறிதல் முடிந்ததும், கண்டறியப்பட்ட முகங்கள், ஏற்கனவே இருக்கும் அல்லது புதிய நபர்களாகக் குழுவாக்கப்பட்டு, முக அடையாளத்திற்காக வரிசையில் நிறுத்தப்படும்.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "நபர்களின் முகங்களைக் குழு கண்டறிந்தது. முகம் கண்டறிதல் முடிந்ததும் இந்தப் படி இயங்கும். அனைத்து முகங்களையும் \"அனைத்து\" (மறு-) கொத்துகள். \"காணவில்லை\" என்பது நபர் நியமிக்கப்படாத முகங்களை வரிசைப்படுத்துகிறது.",
"failed_job_command": "",
"failed_job_command": "பணிக்கான கட்டளை {command} தோல்வியடைந்தது: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "எச்சரிக்கை: இது பயனரையும் அனைத்து புகைப்பட சொத்துகளையும் உடனடியாக அகற்றும். இதை செயல்தவிர்க்க முடியாது மற்றும் புகைப்படங்களை மீட்டெடுக்க முடியாது.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "அனைத்து லைப்ரரி புகைப்படங்களையும் கட்டாயப்படுத்தி புதுப்பிக்கவும்",
"image_format_description": "WebP, JPEG ஐ விட சிறிய கோப்புகளை உருவாக்குகிறது, ஆனால் குறியாக்கம் செய்ய மெதுவாக உள்ளது.",
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
"storage_template_migration": "การย้ายเทมเพลตที่เก็บข้อมูล",
"storage_template_migration_description": "ใช้<link>{template}</link>ปัจจุบันกับสื่อที่อัพโหลดก่อนหน้านี้",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_settings": "",
"storage_template_settings": "เทมเพลตการจัดเก็บข้อมูล",
"storage_template_settings_description": "",
"system_settings": "การตั้งค่าระบบ",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "CSS กําหนดเอง",
@ -27,17 +27,17 @@
"added_to_favorites": "Favorilere eklendi",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count, number} fotoğraf favorilere eklendi",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Dışlama desenleri ekleyin. *, ** ve ? kullanılarak globbing desteklenir. Herhangi bir \"Raw\" adlı dizindeki tüm dosyaları yoksaymak için \"**/Raw/**\" kullanın. \".tif\" ile biten tüm dosyaları yoksaymak için \"**/*.tif\" kullanın. Mutlak yolu yoksaymak için \"/path/to/ignore/**\" kullanın.",
"authentication_settings": "Yetkilendirme ayarları",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Dışlama desenleri ekleyin. *, ** ve ? kullanılarak Globbing (temsili yer doldurucu karakter) desteklenir. Farzedelim \"Raw\" adlı bir dizininiz var, içinde ki tüm dosyaları yoksaymak için \"**/Raw/**\" şeklinde yazabilirsiniz. \".tif\" ile biten tüm dosyaları yoksaymak için \"**/*.tif\" yazabilirsiniz. Mutlak yolu yoksaymak için \"/yoksayılacak/olan/yol/**\" şeklinde yazabilirsiniz.",
"authentication_settings": "Yetkilendirme Ayarları",
"authentication_settings_description": "Şifre, OAuth, ve diğer yetkilendirme ayarlarını yönet",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Tüm giriş yöntemlerini devre dışı bırakmak istediğinize emin misiniz? Giriş yapma fonksiyonu tamamen devre dışı bırakılacak.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Yeniden aktif etmek için <link>Sunucu Komutu</link>'nu kullanın.",
"background_task_job": "Arka plan görevleri",
"check_all": "Hepsini kontrol et",
"background_task_job": "Arka Plan Görevleri",
"check_all": "Hepsini Kontrol Et",
"cleared_jobs": "{job} için işler temizlendi",
"config_set_by_file": "Ayarlar şuan için config dosyası tarafından ayarlandı",
"config_set_by_file": "Ayarlar şuanda config dosyası tarafından ayarlanmıştır",
"confirm_delete_library": "{library} kütüphanesini silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Bu kütüphaneyi silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? Bu işlem {count, plural, one {# contained asset} other {all # contained assets}} tane varlığı Immich'den silecek ve bu işlem geri alınamaz. Silinen dosyalar diskten silinmeyecek.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Bu kütüphaneyi silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? Bu işlem {count, plural, one {# tane varlığı} other {all # tane varlığı}} Immich'den silecek ve bu işlem geri alınamaz. Silinen dosyalar diskten silinmeyecek.",
"confirm_email_below": "Onaylamak için aşağıya {email} yazın",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Tüm yüzleri tekrardan işlemek istediğinize emin misiniz? Bu işlem isimlendirilmiş insanları da silecek.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "{user} adlı kullanıcının şifresini sıfırlamak istediğinize emin misiniz?",
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "Benzer fotoğrafları bulmak için makine öğrenmesini çalıştır. Bu işlem Akıllı Arama'ya bağlıdır",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "Kütüphaneyi tararken dosya ve klasörleri görmezden gelmek için dışlama desenlerini kullanabilirsiniz. RAW dosyaları gibi bazı dosya ve klasörleri içe aktarmak istemediğinizde bu seçeneği kullanabilirsiniz.",
"external_library_created_at": "Dış kütüphane ({date} tarihinde oluşturuldu.)",
"external_library_management": "Dış kütüphane yönetimi",
"external_library_management": "Dış Kütüphane Yönetimi",
"face_detection": "Yüz tarama",
"face_detection_description": "Makine öğrenmesini kullanarak medyalardaki yüzleri bulun. Videolar için sadece önizleme görüntüleri kullanılacak. \"All\" tüm medyaları tekrardan işler. \"Missing\" daha önce işlenmemiş medyaları işlenmeleri için sıraya koyar. Tespit edilen yüzler yüz tarama işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra Yüz Tanıma için sıraya koyulacak ve kişiler olarak gruplandırılacak.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Tespit edilen yüzleri gruplandır. Bu işlem, yüz tanıma işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra çalışır. \"All\" tüm yüzleri gruplandırır. \"Missing\" ise tespit edilen fakat kişi atanmamış olan yüzleri sıraya koyar.",
"face_detection_description": "Makine öğrenmesini kullanarak içeriklerinizde ki yüzleri bulun. Videolar için sadece önizleme görüntüleri kullanılacak. \"Hepsi\" seçeneği tüm medyaları tekrardan işler. \"İşlenmemiş\" daha önceden işlenmemiş içerikleri işlenmeleri için sıraya koyar. Tespit edilen yüzler yüz tarama işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra Yüz Tanıma için sıraya koyulacak ve kişiler olarak gruplandırılacak.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Tespit edilen yüzleri gruplandır. Bu işlem, yüz tanıma işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra çalışır. \"Hepsi\" tüm yüzleri gruplandırır. \"İşlenmemiş\" ise tespit edilen fakat kişi atanmamış olan yüzleri sıraya koyar.",
"failed_job_command": "{job} işi için {command} komutu başarısız",
"force_delete_user_warning": "UYARI: Bu işlem kullanıcıyı ve bütün verilerini silecek. Bu işlem geri alınamaz ve silinen veriler geri kurtarılamaz.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Tüm kütüphane dosyaları yenileniyor",
@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
"map_enable_description": "Harita ayarlarını etkinleştir",
"map_gps_settings": "Harita & GPS Ayarları",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Harita Yönetimi & GPS (Ters Jeokodlama) Ayarları",
"map_implications": "Harita özelliği, harici bir döşeme hizmetine (tiles.immich.cloud) bağlıdır",
"map_light_style": "Açık mod",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "<link>Coğrafi Kodlama</link> ayarlarını yönet",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Coğrafi Kodlama",
@ -257,7 +258,7 @@
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Videolar maksimum bir oranından yürksek ya da kabul edilir bir formatta değil",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Buradaki terminolojiyi öğrenmek için FFmpeg dokümantasyonlarına bakabilirsiniz: <h264-link>H.264</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC</hevc-link> ve <vp9-link>VP9</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Sabit kalite modu",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ, CQP'den daha iyidir, ancak bazı donanım hızlandırma cihazları bu modu desteklemez. Bu seçeneğin ayarlanması, kalite tabanlı kodlama kullanırken belirtilen modu tercih eder. ICQ'yu desteklemediği için NVENC tarafından göz ardı edilir.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Sabit oran faktörü (-SOF)",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "Video kalite seviyesi. Tipik değerler H.264 için 23, HEVC için 28, VP9 için 31 ve AV1 için 35'tir. Daha düşük değerler daha iyi kalite sağlar, ancak daha büyük dosyalar üretir.",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "Videoları dönüştürmeyin, bazı istemcilerde oynatma bozulabilir",
@ -272,16 +273,16 @@
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "Maksimum bit hızı ayarlamak, kaliteye küçük bir maliyetle dosya boyutlarını daha öngörülebilir hale getirebilir.",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "Hedef çözünürlükten yüksek veya kabul edilen formatta olmayan videolar",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "Tercih edilen donanım cihazı",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "Sadece VAAPI ve QSV için uygulanır. Donanım kod çevrimi için DRI Node ayarlar.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Sıkıştırma hızı. Daha yavaş olan ayarlar belirli bitrate ayarları için daha küçük ve daha kaliteli dosya üretir. VP9 ayarı 'daha hızlı' ayarının üstündeki ayarları görmezden gelir.",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "Referans kareler",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "",
"transcoding_required_description": "",
"transcoding_settings": "",
"transcoding_settings_description": "",
"transcoding_required_description": "Yalnızca kabul edilen formatta olmayan videolar",
"transcoding_settings": "Video Dönüştürme Ayarları",
"transcoding_settings_description": "Video dosyalarının çözünürlük ve kodlama bilgilerini yönetir",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "Hedef çözünürlük",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "Daha yüksek çözünürlükler daha fazla detayı koruyabilir fakat işlemesi daha uzun sürer, dosya boyutu daha yüksek olur ve uygulamanın akıcılığını etkileyebilir.",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "",
@ -289,9 +290,9 @@
"transcoding_threads": "İş Parçacıkları",
"transcoding_threads_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "Ton-haritalama",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "HDR videoların SDR'ye dönüştürülürken görünümünü korumayı amaçlar. Her algoritma renk, detay ve parlaklık için farklı dengeleme yapar. Hable detayları korur, Mobius renkleri korur ve Reinhard parlaklığı korur.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "Renkler, bu parlaklıkta bir ekran için normal görünecek şekilde ayarlanacaktır. Karşıt olarak, daha düşük değerler videonun parlaklığını artırır ve tersi de geçerlidir çünkü ekranın parlaklığını telafi eder. 0 bu değeri otomatik olarak ayarlar.",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "",
"transcoding_transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "",
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"about": "Про програму",
"account": "Обліковий запис",
"account_settings": "Налаштування Облікового запису",
"account_settings": "Налаштування профілю",
"acknowledge": "Прийняти",
"action": "Дія",
"actions": "Дії",
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "Запустити машинне навчання на активах для виявлення схожих зображень. Залежить від інтелектуального пошуку",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "Шаблони виключень дозволяють ігнорувати файли та папки під час сканування вашої бібліотеки. Це корисно, якщо у вас є папки, які містять файли, які ви не хочете імпортувати, наприклад, RAW-файли.",
"external_library_created_at": "Зовнішня бібліотека (створена {date})",
"external_library_management": "Управління Зовнішньою Бібліотекою",
"external_library_management": "Керування зовнішніми бібліотеками",
"face_detection": "Виявлення обличчя",
"face_detection_description": "Виявлення обличчя на активах з використанням машинного навчання. Для відео розглядається лише ескіз. Опція \"Усі\" повторно обробляє всі активи. Опція \"Відсутні\" ставить в чергу активи, які ще не були оброблені. Виявлені обличчя будуть поставлені в чергу для визначення обличчя після завершення виявлення обличчя, групуючи їх в існуючих або нових людей.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Групувати виявлені обличчя у людей. Цей крок виконується після завершення виявлення обличчя. Опція \"Усі\" перегруповує всі обличчя. Опція \"Відсутні\" ставить в чергу обличчя, які ще не мають призначеної особи.",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "Увімкнути функції мапи",
"map_gps_settings": "Налаштування карти та GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Керування налаштуваннями карти та GPS (зворотний геокодинг)",
"map_implications": "Функція карти використовує зовнішній сервіс плиток (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Світлий стиль",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Керувати налаштуваннями <link>зворотного геокодування</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Зворотне геокодування",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Увімкнути зворотне геокодування",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Налаштування зворотного геокодування",
"map_settings": "Налаштування Мапи",
"map_settings": "Мапа",
"map_settings_description": "Управління налаштуваннями мапи",
"map_style_description": "URL до теми мапи у форматі style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Витягнути метадані",
@ -209,7 +210,7 @@
"send_welcome_email": "Надіслати лист з вітанням",
"server_external_domain_settings": "Зовнішній домен",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "Домен для публічних загальнодоступних посилань, включаючи http(s)://",
"server_settings": "Налаштування Серверу",
"server_settings": "Налаштування сервера",
"server_settings_description": "Керування налаштуваннями сервера",
"server_welcome_message": "Вітальне повідомлення",
"server_welcome_message_description": "Повідомлення, яке відображається на сторінці входу.",
@ -278,11 +279,11 @@
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "Переважний апаратний пристрій",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "Застосовується тільки до VAAPI і QSV. Встановлює вузол DRI, який використовується для апаратного транскодування.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "Параметр (-preset)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Швидкість стиснення. Повільніше предустановки створюють менші файли і підвищують якість при встановленні певного бітрейту. VP9 ігнорує швидкості вище `faster`.",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Швидкість стиснення. Повільніші пресети створюють менші файли і підвищують якість при певному бітрейті. VP9 ігнорує швидкості вище 'швидше'.",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "Основні кадри",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "Кількість кадрів, на які посилається при стисненні даного кадру. Вищі значення покращують ефективність стиснення, але збільшують час кодування. Значення 0 автоматично налаштовує це значення.",
"transcoding_required_description": "Лише відео, що не у прийнятому форматі",
"transcoding_settings": "Налаштування Транскодування Відео",
"transcoding_settings": "Налаштування транскодування відео",
"transcoding_settings_description": "Керування роздільною здатністю та кодуванням відеофайлів",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "Роздільна здатність",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "Вищі роздільні здатності можуть зберігати більше деталей, але займають більше часу на кодування, мають більші розміри файлів і можуть зменшити швидкість роботи додатку.",
@ -312,7 +313,7 @@
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Кількість днів після видалення для остаточного видалення акаунта користувача та його ресурсів. Задача видалення користувача запускається опівночі для перевірки користувачів, готових до видалення. Зміни цього налаштування будуть оцінені під час наступного виконання.",
"user_delete_immediately": "Акаунт та ресурси користувача <b>{user}</b> будуть <b>негайно</b> поставлені в чергу на остаточне видалення.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "Поставити користувача та ресурси в чергу для негайного видалення",
"user_management": "Управління користувачами",
"user_management": "Керування користувачами",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "Пароль користувача було скинуто:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Будь ласка, надайте користувачеві тимчасовий пароль і повідомте йому, що він повинен буде змінити пароль при наступному вході.",
"user_restore_description": "Акаунт <b>{user}</b> буде відновлено.",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Налаштування користувача",
"user_settings_description": "Керування налаштуваннями користувачів",
"user_successfully_removed": "Користувача з електронною поштою {email} успішно видалено.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Увімкнення періодичних запитів до GitHub для перевірки нових випусків",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Увімкнути перевірку версії",
"version_check_implications": "Функція перевірки версії залежить від періодичної комунікації з github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Перевірка версії",
"version_check_settings_description": "Увімкнути/вимкнути сповіщення про нову версію",
"video_conversion_job": "Перекодувати відео",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Альбом додано",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Отримувати повідомлення по електронній пошті, коли вас додають до спільного альбому",
"album_cover_updated": "Обкладинка альбому оновлена",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити альбом {album}?\nЯкщо цей альбом є спільним, інші користувачі більше не зможуть отримувати до нього доступ.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити альбом {album}?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Якщо альбом був спільним, інші користувачі не зможуть отримати доступ до нього.",
"album_info_updated": "Інформація про альбом оновлена",
"album_leave": "Залишити альбом?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Ви впевнені, що хочете залишити альбом {album}?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Дозволити редагування",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Дозволити публічному користувачеві завантажувати файли",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Дозволити публічним користувачам завантажувати",
"anti_clockwise": "Проти годинникової стрілки",
"api_key": "Ключ API",
"api_key_description": "Це значення буде показане лише один раз. Будь ласка, обов'язково скопіюйте його перед закриттям вікна.",
"api_key_empty": "Назва вашого ключа API не може бути порожньою",
@ -440,6 +444,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Очистити всі останні пошукові запити",
"clear_message": "Очистити повідомлення",
"clear_value": "Очистити значення",
"clockwise": "По годинниковій стрілці",
"close": "Закрити",
"collapse": "Згорнути",
"collapse_all": "Згорнути все",
@ -516,6 +521,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Не показувати це повідомлення знову",
"done": "Готово",
"download": "Скачати",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Вбудовані відео",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Включати відео, вбудовані в рухомі фотографії, як окремий файл",
"download_settings": "Скачати",
"download_settings_description": "Керування налаштуваннями, пов'язаними з завантаженням ресурсів",
"downloading": "Скачування",
@ -548,7 +555,11 @@
"edit_title": "Редагувати заголовок",
"edit_user": "Редагувати користувача",
"edited": "Відредаговано",
"editor": "",
"editor": "Редактор",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Зміни не будуть збережені",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Закрити редактор?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Пропорції зображення",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Орієнтація",
"email": "Електронна пошта",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
@ -698,6 +709,7 @@
"expired": "Закінчився термін дії",
"expires_date": "Термін дії закінчується {date}",
"explore": "Дослідити",
"explorer": "Провідник",
"export": "Експортувати",
"export_as_json": "Експорт в JSON",
"extension": "Розширення",
@ -719,6 +731,7 @@
"filter_people": "Фільтр по людях",
"find_them_fast": "Швидко знаходьте їх за назвою за допомогою пошуку",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Виправити неправильний збіг",
"folders": "Папки",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Примусово пересканувати всі файли бібліотеки",
"forward": "Переслати",
"general": "Загальні",
@ -911,6 +924,7 @@
"ok": "ОК",
"oldest_first": "Спочатку найстарші",
"onboarding": "Введення",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Наступні (необов'язкові) функції залежать від зовнішніх сервісів і можуть бути вимкнені в будь-який час у налаштуваннях адміністрації.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Виберіть колірну тему для свого екземпляра. Ви можете змінити її пізніше в налаштуваннях.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Давайте налаштуємо ваш екземпляр за допомогою деяких загальних параметрів.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Ласкаво просимо, {user}",
@ -927,7 +941,7 @@
"other": "Інше",
"other_devices": "Інші пристрої",
"other_variables": "Інші змінні",
"owned": "У власності",
"owned": "Власні",
"owner": "Власник",
"partner": "Партнер",
"partner_can_access": "{partner} має доступ",
@ -983,6 +997,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Попередній спогад",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Попередня або наступна фотографія",
"primary": "Головне",
"privacy": "Конфіденційність",
"profile_image_of_user": "Зображення профілю {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Зображення профілю встановлено.",
"public_album": "Публічний альбом",
@ -1021,6 +1036,9 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Ключ продукту сервера керується адміністратором",
"range": "",
"rating": "Зоряний рейтинг",
"rating_clear": "Очистити рейтинг",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# зірка} few {# зірки} many {# зірок} other {# зірок}}",
"rating_description": "Показувати рейтинг EXIF в інформаційній панелі",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Опції реакції",
"read_changelog": "Прочитати зміни в оновленні",
@ -1125,8 +1143,8 @@
"send_message": "Надіслати повідомлення",
"send_welcome_email": "Надішліть вітальний лист",
"server": "Сервер",
"server_offline": "Сервер відключено",
"server_online": "Сервер підключено",
"server_offline": "Сервер офлайн",
"server_online": "Сервер онлайн",
"server_stats": "Статистика сервера",
"server_version": "Версія сервера",
"set": "Встановіть",
@ -1143,6 +1161,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "Спільний доступ з {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Ви поділились",
"shared_from_partner": "Фото від {partner}",
"shared_link_options": "Опції спільних посилань",
"shared_links": "Спільні посилання",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# спільні фотографії та відео.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Спільно з {partner}",
@ -1151,6 +1170,7 @@
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Відображати посилання на загальний доступ у бічній панелі",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "натисніть ⇧ щоб видалити об'єкт назавжди",
"show_album_options": "Показати параметри альбому",
"show_albums": "Показувати альбоми",
"show_all_people": "Показати всіх людей",
"show_and_hide_people": "Показати та приховати людей",
"show_file_location": "Показати розташування файлу",
@ -1179,10 +1199,12 @@
"sort_items": "Кількість елементів",
"sort_modified": "Дата зміни",
"sort_oldest": "Старі фото",
"sort_recent": "Нещодавні фото",
"sort_recent": "Нещодавні",
"sort_title": "Заголовок",
"source": "Джерело",
"stack": "Стек",
"stack_duplicates": "Групувати дублікати",
"stack_select_one_photo": "Вибрати одне основне фото для групи",
"stack_selected_photos": "Сгрупувати обрані фотографії",
"stacked_assets_count": "Згруповано {count, plural, one {# ресурс} few {# ресурси} many {# ресурсів} other {# ресурсів}}",
"stacktrace": "Стек викликів",
@ -1194,7 +1216,7 @@
"stop_photo_sharing": "Припинити надання ваших знімків?",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} більше не матиме доступу до ваших фотографій.",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Припинити ділитися своїми фотографіями з цим користувачем",
"storage": "Місце для зберігання",
"storage": "Сховище",
"storage_label": "Мітка для зберігання",
"storage_usage": "{used} з {available} доступних",
"submit": "Підтвердити",
@ -1237,6 +1259,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Від'єднайте OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Відключити акаунт OAuth",
"unnamed_album": "Альбом без назви",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Ви впевнені, що бажаєте видалити цей альбом?",
"unnamed_share": "Спільний доступ без назви",
"unsaved_change": "Незбережена зміна",
"unselect_all": "Зняти все",
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
"map_enable_description": "Bật tính năng bản đồ",
"map_gps_settings": "Bản đồ & GPS",
"map_gps_settings_description": "Quản lý cài đặt Bản đồ & GPS (Mã hóa địa lý ngược)",
"map_implications": "Tính năng bản đồ phụ thuộc vào dịch vụ thẻ bản đồ bên ngoài (tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "Giao diện sáng",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Quản lý cài đặt <link>Mã hóa địa lý ngược</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Mã hoá địa lý ngược (Reverse Geocoding)",
@ -222,7 +223,7 @@
"storage_template_enable_description": "Bật công cụ mẫu lưu trữ",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Bật xác minh băm",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Bật xác minh băm, không tắt tính năng này trừ khi bạn chắc chắn về các rủi ro có thể xảy ra",
"storage_template_migration": "Dịch chuyển mẫu lưu trữ",
"storage_template_migration": "Di chuyển mẫu lưu trữ",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Áp dụng <link>{template}</link> hiện tại cho các ảnh đã được tải lên trước đây",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Các thay đổi mẫu chỉ áp dụng cho các ảnh mới. Để áp dụng lại mẫu cho các ảnh đã được tải lên trước đây, hãy chạy <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Tác vụ di chuyển mẫu lưu trữ",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "Người dùng",
"user_settings_description": "Quản lý cài đặt người dùng",
"user_successfully_removed": "Người dùng {email} đã được xóa thành công.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Bật gửi yêu cầu định kỳ đến GitHub để kiểm tra các bản phát hành mới",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Bật kiểm tra phiên bản",
"version_check_implications": "Tính năng kiểm tra phiên bản yêu cầu kết nối thường xuyên đến github.com",
"version_check_settings": "Kiểm tra phiên bản",
"version_check_settings_description": "Bật/tắt thông báo phiên bản mới",
"video_conversion_job": "Chuyển mã video",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "Đã thêm album",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Nhận thông báo qua email khi bạn được thêm vào một album chia sẻ",
"album_cover_updated": "Đã cập nhật ảnh bìa album",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa album {album} không?\nNếu album này đang được chia sẻ, các người dùng khác sẽ không còn truy cập được nữa.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa album {album} không?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "Nếu album này được chia sẻ, các người dùng khác sẽ không còn truy cập được nữa.",
"album_info_updated": "Đã cập nhật thông tin album",
"album_leave": "Rời album?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn rời khỏi {album} không?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "Cho phép chỉnh sửa",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Cho phép người dùng công khai tải xuống",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Cho phép người dùng công khai tải lên",
"anti_clockwise": "Xoay trái",
"api_key": "Khóa API",
"api_key_description": "Giá trị này chỉ được hiển thị một lần. Vui lòng sao chép nó trước khi đóng cửa sổ.",
"api_key_empty": "Tên khóa API của bạn không được để trống",
@ -369,7 +373,7 @@
"archive": "Lưu trữ",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Lưu trữ hoặc huỷ lưu trữ ảnh",
"archive_size": "Kích thước gói nén",
"archive_size_description": "Cấu hình kích thước cho các tập tin nén tải về (đơn vị GiB)",
"archive_size_description": "Cấu hình kích thước nén cho các tập tin tải xuống (đơn vị GiB)",
"archived": "",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Đã lưu trữ # mục}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Đây có phải cùng một người không?",
@ -440,10 +444,11 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "Xóa tất cả tìm kiếm gần đây",
"clear_message": "Xóa tin nhắn",
"clear_value": "Xóa giá trị",
"clockwise": "Xoay phải",
"close": "Đóng",
"collapse": "Thu gọn",
"collapse_all": "Thu gọn tất cả",
"color_theme": "Giao diện màu",
"color_theme": "Chủ đề màu sắc",
"comment_deleted": "Bình luận đã bị xóa",
"comment_options": "Tùy chọn bình luận",
"comments_and_likes": "Bình luận & lượt thích",
@ -480,7 +485,7 @@
"created": "Đã tạo",
"current_device": "Thiết bị hiện tại",
"custom_locale": "Ngôn ngữ và khu vực tùy chỉnh",
"custom_locale_description": "Định dạng ngày tháng và số dựa trên ngôn ngữ và khu vực",
"custom_locale_description": "Định dạng ngày và số dựa trên ngôn ngữ và khu vực",
"dark": "Tối",
"date_after": "Ngày sau",
"date_and_time": "Ngày và giờ",
@ -490,7 +495,7 @@
"day": "Ngày",
"deduplicate_all": "Xóa tất cả mục trùng lặp",
"default_locale": "Ngôn ngữ và khu vực mặc định",
"default_locale_description": "Định dạng ngày tháng và số dựa trên ngôn ngữ của trình duyệt của bạn",
"default_locale_description": "Định dạng ngày và số dựa trên ngôn ngữ trình duyệt của bạn",
"delete": "Xóa",
"delete_album": "Xóa album",
"delete_api_key_prompt": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa khóa API này không?",
@ -506,7 +511,7 @@
"direction": "Hướng",
"disabled": "Tắt",
"disallow_edits": "Không cho phép chỉnh sửa",
"discover": "Khám phá",
"discover": "Tìm",
"dismiss_all_errors": "Bỏ qua tất cả lỗi",
"dismiss_error": "Bỏ qua lỗi",
"display_options": "Tùy chọn hiển thị",
@ -516,6 +521,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "Không hiển thị thông báo này nữa",
"done": "Xong",
"download": "Tải xuống",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "Các video nhúng",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "Gồm các video được nhúng trong ảnh chuyển động thành một tập tin riêng",
"download_settings": "Tải xuống",
"download_settings_description": "Quản lý cài đặt liên quan đến việc tải ảnh xuống",
"downloading": "Đang tải xuống",
@ -548,7 +555,11 @@
"edit_title": "Chỉnh sửa tiêu đề",
"edit_user": "Chỉnh sửa người dùng",
"edited": "Đã chỉnh sửa",
"editor": "",
"editor": "Trình chỉnh sửa",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "Những thay đổi sẽ không được lưu",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "Đóng trình chỉnh sửa?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "Tỷ lệ khung hình",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "Xoay",
"email": "Email",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
@ -698,6 +709,7 @@
"expired": "Hết hạn",
"expires_date": "Hết hạn vào {date}",
"explore": "Khám phá",
"explorer": "Khám phá",
"export": "Xuất",
"export_as_json": "Xuất dưới dạng JSON",
"extension": "Phần mở rộng",
@ -719,6 +731,7 @@
"filter_people": "Lọc người",
"find_them_fast": "Tìm nhanh bằng tên với tìm kiếm",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Sửa lỗi trùng khớp không chính xác",
"folders": "Thư mục",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Yêu cầu quét lại tất cả các tập tin thư viện",
"forward": "Tiến về phía trước",
"general": "Chung",
@ -883,6 +896,7 @@
"ok": "Đồng ý",
"oldest_first": "Cũ nhất trước",
"onboarding": "Hướng dẫn sử dụng",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "Các tính năng (tùy chọn) sau đây phụ thuộc vào các dịch vụ bên ngoài và có thể bị tắt bất kỳ lúc nào trong cài đặt quản trị.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Chọn chủ đề màu sắc cho tài khoản riêng của bạn. Bạn có thể thay đổi điều này sau trong cài đặt của bạn.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Hãy thiết lập tài khoản riêng của bạn với một số cài đặt cơ bản.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Chào mừng, {user}",
@ -945,7 +959,7 @@
"places": "Địa điểm",
"play": "Phát",
"play_memories": "Phát kỷ niệm",
"play_motion_photo": "Phát ảnh động",
"play_motion_photo": "Phát ảnh chuyển động",
"play_or_pause_video": "Phát hoặc tạm dừng video",
"point": "",
"port": "Cổng",
@ -955,6 +969,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Kỷ niệm trước",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Ảnh trước hoặc sau",
"primary": "Chính",
"privacy": "Bảo mật",
"profile_image_of_user": "Ảnh đại diệncủa {user}",
"profile_picture_set": "Ảnh đại diện đã được đặt.",
"public_album": "Album công khai",
@ -968,7 +983,7 @@
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "Mua Immich",
"purchase_button_never_show_again": "Không hiển thị lại",
"purchase_button_reminder": "Nhắc tôi trong 30 ngày",
"purchase_button_remove_key": "Xoá khóa",
"purchase_button_remove_key": "Xóa khóa",
"purchase_button_select": "Chọn",
"purchase_failed_activation": "Kích hoạt thất bại! Vui lòng kiểm tra email của bạn để biết khóa sản phẩm chính xác!",
"purchase_individual_description_1": "Dành cho cá nhân",
@ -983,9 +998,9 @@
"purchase_panel_title": "Hỗ trợ dự án",
"purchase_per_server": "Mỗi máy chủ",
"purchase_per_user": "Mỗi người dùng",
"purchase_remove_product_key": "Xoá khóa sản phẩm",
"purchase_remove_product_key": "Xóa khóa sản phẩm",
"purchase_remove_product_key_prompt": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xoá khóa sản phẩm?",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "Xoá khóa sản phẩm máy chủ",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "Xóa khóa sản phẩm máy chủ",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key_prompt": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xoá khóa sản phẩm máy chủ?",
"purchase_server_description_1": "Dành cho toàn bộ máy chủ",
"purchase_server_description_2": "Trạng thái người hỗ trợ",
@ -993,6 +1008,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "Khóa sản phẩm máy chủ được quản lý bởi quản trị viên",
"range": "",
"rating": "Xếp hạng sao",
"rating_clear": "Xóa đánh giá",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {# sao} other {# sao}}",
"rating_description": "Hiển thị xếp hạng ảnh trong bảng thông tin",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Tùy chọn phản ứng",
@ -1012,16 +1029,16 @@
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Đang làm mới video đã mã hóa",
"refreshing_metadata": "Đang làm mới metadata",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Đang tạo lại hình thu nhỏ",
"remove": "Xoá",
"remove": "Xóa",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xoá {count, plural, one {# mục} other {# mục}} khỏi album?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xoá {count, plural, one {# mục} other {# mục}} khỏi liên kết chia sẻ này?",
"remove_assets_title": "Xoá mục?",
"remove_assets_title": "Xóa mục?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Bỏ chọn khoảng ngày tùy chỉnh",
"remove_from_album": "Xoá khỏi album",
"remove_from_favorites": "Xoá khỏi Mục yêu thích",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Xoá khỏi liên kết chia sẻ",
"remove_from_album": "Xóa khỏi album",
"remove_from_favorites": "Xóa khỏi Mục yêu thích",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Xóa khỏi liên kết chia sẻ",
"remove_offline_files": "Loại bỏ tập tin ngoại tuyến",
"remove_user": "Xoá người dùng",
"remove_user": "Xóa người dùng",
"removed_api_key": "Khóa API đã xóa: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Đã xoá khỏi Kho lưu trữ",
"removed_from_favorites": "Đã xoá khỏi Mục yêu thích",
@ -1163,7 +1180,7 @@
"stack_selected_photos": "Nhóm các ảnh đã chọn",
"stacked_assets_count": "Đã nhóm {count, plural, one {# mục} other {# mục}}",
"stacktrace": "Thông tin chi tiết lỗi",
"start": "Bắt đầu",
"start": "Chạy",
"start_date": "Ngày bắt đầu",
"state": "Tỉnh",
"status": "Trạng thái",
@ -1180,9 +1197,9 @@
"swap_merge_direction": "Đổi hướng hợp nhất",
"sync": "Đồng bộ",
"template": "Mẫu",
"theme": "Giao diện",
"theme_selection": "Giao diện tổng thể",
"theme_selection_description": "Tự động đặt giao diện sáng hoặc tối dựa trên tùy chọn hệ thống của trình duyệt của bạn",
"theme": "Chủ đề",
"theme_selection": "Chủ đề tổng thể",
"theme_selection_description": "Tự động đặt chủ đề sáng hoặc tối dựa trên tùy chọn hệ thống của trình duyệt của bạn",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Chúng sẽ được hợp nhất với nhau",
"time_based_memories": "Kỷ niệm dựa trên thời gian",
"timezone": "Múi giờ",
@ -1190,14 +1207,14 @@
"to_change_password": "Đổi mật khẩu",
"to_favorite": "Yêu thích",
"to_login": "Đăng nhập",
"to_trash": "Xoá",
"to_trash": "Xóa",
"toggle_settings": "Chuyển đổi cài đặt",
"toggle_theme": "Chuyển đổi giao diện",
"toggle_theme": "Chuyển đổi chủ đề tối",
"toggle_visibility": "",
"total_usage": "Tổng dung lượng đã sử dụng",
"trash": "Thùng rác",
"trash_all": "Xoá hết",
"trash_count": "Xoá {count, number} mục",
"trash_all": "Xóa hết",
"trash_count": "Xóa {count, number} mục",
"trash_delete_asset": "Chuyển vào thùng rác/Xóa vĩnh viễn",
"trash_no_results_message": "Ảnh và video đã bị xoá sẽ hiển thị ở đây.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Các mục đã xóa sẽ bị xóa vĩnh viễn sau {days, plural, one {# ngày} other {# ngày}}.",
@ -1214,6 +1231,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "Huỷ liên kết OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Đã huỷ liên kết tài khoản OAuth",
"unnamed_album": "Album chưa đặt tên",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa album này không?",
"unnamed_share": "Chia sẻ chưa đặt tên",
"unsaved_change": "Thay đổi chưa lưu",
"unselect_all": "Bỏ chọn tất cả",
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
"add_to_album": "加入相簿",
"add_to_shared_album": "加入共享相簿",
"added_to_archive": "已加入封存",
"added_to_favorites": "新增至收藏",
"added_to_favorites_count": "已新增 {count, number} 個項目至收藏",
"added_to_favorites": "已加入收藏",
"added_to_favorites_count": "已把 {count, number} 個項目加入收藏",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "新增排除規則。支援使用「*」、「 **」、「?」來匹配字串。如果要排除所有名稱為「Raw」的檔案或目錄,請使用「**/Raw/**」。如果要排除所有「.tif」結尾的檔案,請使用「**/*.tif」。如果要排除某個絕對路徑,請使用「/path/to/ignore/**」。",
"authentication_settings": "驗證設定",
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"crontab_guru": "",
"disable_login": "停用登入",
"disabled": "已禁用",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "運行機器學習以檢測相似圖像。此功能仰賴智慧搜尋",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "對檔案執行機器學習來偵測相似圖片。(此功能仰賴智慧搜尋)",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "排除規則讓您在掃描資料庫時忽略特定文件和文件夾。用於當您有不想導入的文件(例如 RAW 文件)或文件夾。",
"external_library_created_at": "外部圖庫(於 {date} 建立)",
"external_library_management": "外部圖庫管理",
@ -61,14 +61,14 @@
"image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "使用 Display P3 來製作縮圖。這可以更好地保留廣色域圖片的鮮豔度,但在舊版瀏覽器或舊設備上,圖片可能會顯示不同。sRGB 圖片會維持 sRGB 以避免顏色變化。",
"image_preview_format": "預覽格式",
"image_preview_resolution": "預覽解析度",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "檢視單張照片和機器學習時用。高解析度可以保留更多細節,但會增加編碼時間、增加檔案大小、降低應用軟體的流暢度。",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "觀賞單張照片及機器學習時用。較高的解析度可以保留更多細節,但編碼時間較長,檔案也較大,且可能降低應用程式的響應速度。",
"image_quality": "品質",
"image_quality_description": "圖片品質從1到100,數值越高代表品質越好但檔案也越大,此選項影響預覽和縮圖圖片。",
"image_settings": "圖片設定",
"image_settings_description": "管理生成圖片的品質和解析度",
"image_settings_description": "管理產生圖片的品質和解析度",
"image_thumbnail_format": "縮圖格式",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "縮圖解析度",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "檢視多張照片時用(時間軸、相冊等⋯)。高解析度可以保留更多細節,但會增加編碼時間、增加檔案大小、降低應用軟體的流暢度。",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "觀賞多張照片時(時間軸、相簿等)用。較高的解析度可以保留更多細節,但編碼時間較長,檔案也較大,且可能降低應用程式的響應速度。",
"job_concurrency": "{job}並行",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "這個任務並行並不安全。",
"job_settings": "任務設定",
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# 項任務延遲}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# 項}}任務失敗",
"library_created": "已建立圖庫:{library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron 表達式",
"library_cron_expression_description": "以 cron 格式設定掃描時段。詳細資訊請參考 <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "現成的 Cron 表達式",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron 運算式",
"library_cron_expression_description": "以 Cron 格式設定掃描時段。詳細資訊請參閱 <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "現成的 Cron 運算式",
"library_deleted": "圖庫已刪除",
"library_import_path_description": "選取要載入的資料夾。以掃描資料夾(含子資料夾)內的影像和影片。",
"library_scanning": "定期掃描",
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
"logging_settings": "記錄檔",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP 模型",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "CLIP 模型 <link>名稱列表</link>。更換模型後須對所有影像重新執行「智慧搜尋」。",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "重複檢測",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "啟用重複檢測",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "重複項目偵測",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "啟用重複項目偵測",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "即使停用,完全一樣的素材仍會被忽略。",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "用 CLIP 向量比對潛在重複",
"machine_learning_enabled": "啟用機器學習",
@ -125,16 +125,17 @@
"machine_learning_url_description": "機器學習伺服器的網址",
"manage_concurrency": "管理並行",
"manage_log_settings": "管理日誌設定",
"map_dark_style": "深色模式",
"map_dark_style": "深色樣式",
"map_enable_description": "啟用地圖功能",
"map_gps_settings": "地圖與 GPS 設定",
"map_gps_settings_description": "管理地圖和 GPS(逆向地理編碼)設定",
"map_light_style": "淺色模式",
"map_implications": "地圖功能依賴外部平貼服務(tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "淺色樣式",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "管理<link>逆向地理編碼</link>設定",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "逆向地理編碼",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "啟用逆向地理編碼",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "逆向地理編碼設定",
"map_settings": "地圖設定",
"map_settings": "地圖",
"map_settings_description": "管理地圖設定",
"map_style_description": "地圖主題(style.json)的網址",
"metadata_extraction_job": "擷取元資料",
@ -143,16 +144,16 @@
"migration_job_description": "將照片和人臉的縮圖遷移到最新的文件夾結構",
"no_paths_added": "未添加路徑",
"no_pattern_added": "未添加pattern",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "注意:若要將存儲標籤應用於先前上傳的圖片,請運行",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "註:這將無法更改!",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "註:要將存標記用於先前上傳的檔案,請執行",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "註:之後就無法更改嘍!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "註:輸入 0 表示不限制配額",
"notification_email_from_address": "發出電郵",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "寄出人電郵,例如:\"Immich 相片伺服器 <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "電郵伺服器主機位址 (e.g. smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_from_address": "寄件地址",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "寄件者電子郵件地址(例:Immich Photo Server <noreply@immich.app>)",
"notification_email_host_description": "電子郵件伺服器主機(例:smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "忽略憑證錯誤",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "忽略 TLS 憑證驗證錯誤(不建議)",
"notification_email_password_description": "以電子郵件伺服器驗證身份時的密碼",
"notification_email_port_description": "電郵伺服器端口(例如 25、465 或 587)",
"notification_email_port_description": "電子郵件伺服器埠口(如: 25、465 或 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "傳送測試電子郵件並儲存",
"notification_email_setting_description": "發送電子郵件通知的設置",
"notification_email_test_email": "傳送測試電子郵件",
@ -160,15 +161,15 @@
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "測試電子郵件已發送至 {email}。請檢查您的收件箱。",
"notification_email_username_description": "以電子郵件伺服器驗證身份時的使用者名稱",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "啟用電子郵件通知",
"notification_settings": "通知設定",
"notification_settings": "通知",
"notification_settings_description": "管理通知設置,包括電子郵件通知",
"oauth_auto_launch": "自動啟動",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "導覽至登入頁面後自動進行 OAuth 登入流程",
"oauth_auto_register": "自動註冊",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "使用 OAuth 登錄後自動註冊新用戶",
"oauth_button_text": "按鈕文字",
"oauth_client_id": "用戶端識別碼",
"oauth_client_secret": "用戶端密碼",
"oauth_client_id": "客戶端 ID",
"oauth_client_secret": "客戶端密鑰",
"oauth_enable_description": "用 OAuth 登入",
"oauth_issuer_url": "簽發者網址",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "移動端重定向 URI",
@ -195,28 +196,28 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "所有路徑驗證成功",
"quota_size_gib": "配額(GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "正在重新整理所有圖庫",
"registration": "管理員註冊",
"registration": "管理者註冊",
"registration_description": "由於您是本系統的首位使用者,因此將您指派爲負責管理本系統的管理者,其他使用者須由您協助建立帳號。",
"removing_offline_files": "移除離線檔案中",
"repair_all": "全部糾正",
"repair_matched_items": "有 {count, plural, other {# 個項目相符}}",
"repaired_items": "已糾正 {count, plural, other {# 個項目}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "要求使用者在首次登入時更改密碼",
"reset_settings_to_default": "重置設置為默認值",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "重置設置為最近保存的設置",
"reset_settings_to_default": "將設定重設回預設",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "已設回最後儲存的設定",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "正在掃描資料庫以檢查文件變更",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "正在掃描資料庫以檢查新文件",
"send_welcome_email": "傳送歡迎電子郵件",
"server_external_domain_settings": "外部網域",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "公開分享鏈結的網域(包含「http(s)://」)",
"server_settings": "伺服器設定",
"server_settings": "伺服器",
"server_settings_description": "管理伺服器設定",
"server_welcome_message": "歡迎訊息",
"server_welcome_message_description": "在登入頁面顯示的訊息。",
"sidecar_job": "側接元資料",
"sidecar_job_description": "從檔案系統探索或同步側接(Sidecar)元資料",
"slideshow_duration_description": "每張圖片放映的秒數",
"smart_search_job_description": "對檔案運行機器學習以用於智能搜尋",
"smart_search_job_description": "對檔案執行機器學習,以利智慧搜尋",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "檔案的創建時戳會用於判斷時間資訊",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "時間樣式 {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "啟用存儲模板引擎",
@ -230,16 +231,16 @@
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "啟用此功能後,將根據用戶自定義的模板自動組織文件。由於穩定性問題,此功能已默認關閉。欲了解更多信息,請參閱 <link>文檔</link>。",
"storage_template_path_length": "大致路徑長度限制:<b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "存儲模板",
"storage_template_settings_description": "管理上傳檔案的文件夾結構和文件名",
"storage_template_settings_description": "管理上傳檔案的資料夾結構和檔名",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code> 是用戶的存儲標籤",
"system_settings": "系統設定",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "自訂 CSS",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "層疊樣式表(CSS)允許自定義 Immich 的設計。",
"theme_settings": "主題設定",
"theme_settings_description": "管理 Immich 網頁界面的自定義設置",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "可以用層疊樣式表(CSS)來自訂 Immich 的設計。",
"theme_settings": "主題",
"theme_settings_description": "自訂 Immich 的網頁界面",
"these_files_matched_by_checksum": "這些檔案的核對和(Checksum)是相符的",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "生成縮圖",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "為每個資產生成大、小和模糊的縮圖,並為每個人生成縮圖",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "產生縮圖",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "爲每個檔案產生大、小及模糊縮圖,也爲每位人物產生縮圖",
"transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "加速 API",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "該 API 將用您的設備加速轉碼。設置是“盡力而為”:如果失敗,它將退回到軟件轉碼。VP9 轉碼是否可行取決於您的硬件。",
@ -262,7 +263,7 @@
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ 比 CQP 更好,但某些硬件加速設備不支持此模式。設置此選項時,會在使用基於質量的編碼時偏好指定的模式。由於 NVENC 不支持 ICQ,此選項對其無效。",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "恆定速率因子(-crf)",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "視頻質量級別。典型值為 H.264 的 23、HEVC 的 28、VP9 的 31 和 AV1 的 35。數值越低,質量越高,但會產生較大的文件。",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "不要轉碼任何視頻,可能會導致某些客戶端無法播放",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "不轉碼影片,可能會讓某些客戶端無法正常播放",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "硬體加速",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "實驗性功能;速度更快,但在相同比特率下質量較低",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "硬體解碼",
@ -274,7 +275,7 @@
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "設置最大比特率可以使文件大小更具可預測性,但會稍微降低質量。在 720p 分辨率下,典型值為 VP9 或 HEVC 的 2600k,或 H.264 的 4500k。設置為 0 則禁用此功能。",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "最大關鍵幀間隔",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "設置關鍵幀之間的最大幀距。較低的值會降低壓縮效率,但可以改善尋找時間,並可能改善快速運動場景中的質量。0 會自動設置此值。",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "分辨率高於目標或格式不被接受的視頻",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "高於目標解析度或格式不被支援的影片",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "首選硬件設備",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "僅適用於 VAAPI 和 QSV。設置用於硬件轉碼的 DRI 節點。",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "預設值(-preset)",
@ -282,10 +283,10 @@
"transcoding_reference_frames": "參考幀數",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "壓縮給定幀時參考的幀數。較高的值可以提高壓縮效率,但會降低編碼速度。0 會自動設置此值。",
"transcoding_required_description": "僅限於格式不被接受的視頻",
"transcoding_settings": "影片轉碼設定",
"transcoding_settings": "影片轉碼",
"transcoding_settings_description": "管理影片的解析度和編碼資訊",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "目標解析度",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "較高的解析度可以保留更多細節,但編碼所需時間更長,文件大小也會增加,並可能降低應用程序的響應速度。",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "較高的解析度可以保留更多細節,但編碼時間較長,檔案也較大,且可能降低應用程式的響應速度。",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "時間自適應量化(Temporal AQ)",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "僅適用於 NVENC。提高高細節、低運動場景的質量。可能與舊設備不兼容。",
"transcoding_threads": "線程數量",
@ -300,11 +301,11 @@
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "使用雙通道編碼以產生更高質量的編碼視頻。當啟用最大比特率時(對 H.264 和 HEVC 有效),此模式使用基於最大比特率的比特率範圍,並忽略 CRF。對於 VP9,如果禁用最大比特率,可以使用 CRF。",
"transcoding_video_codec": "視頻編解碼器",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "VP9 具有高效能和網頁兼容性,但轉碼時間較長。HEVC 性能相似,但網頁兼容性較低。H.264 兼容性廣泛且轉碼速度快,但生成的文件較大。AV1 是最有效的編解碼器,但在舊設備上支持度不足。",
"trash_enabled_description": "啟用垃圾箱功能",
"trash_enabled_description": "啟用垃圾桶功能",
"trash_number_of_days": "日數",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "永久刪除之前,檔案於垃圾箱中保留的日數",
"trash_settings": "垃圾箱設置",
"trash_settings_description": "管理垃圾箱設置",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "永久刪除之前,將檔案保留在垃圾桶中的日數",
"trash_settings": "垃圾桶",
"trash_settings_description": "管理垃圾桶設定",
"untracked_files": "未被追蹤的檔案",
"untracked_files_description": "這些檔案不會被追蹤。它們可能是移動失誤、上傳中斷或遇到漏洞而遺留的產物",
"user_delete_delay": "<b>{user}</b> 的帳戶和資產將安排在 {delay, plural, one {# 天} other {# 天}} 後進行永久刪除。",
@ -315,28 +316,30 @@
"user_management": "使用者管理",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "使用者密碼已重設:",
"user_password_reset_description": "請提供使用者臨時密碼,並告知下次登入時需要更改密碼。",
"user_restore_description": "<b>{user}</b> 的帳戶將被恢復。",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "恢復用戶 - 預定於 {date, date, long} 移除",
"user_settings": "使用者設定",
"user_restore_description": "<b>{user}</b> 的帳號將被還原。",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "還原使用者 - 預定於 {date, date, long} 移除",
"user_settings": "使用者",
"user_settings_description": "管理使用者設定",
"user_successfully_removed": "已成功移除 {email}(使用者)。",
"version_check_enabled_description": "啟用定期向 GitHub 發送請求以檢查新版本",
"version_check_enabled_description": "啟用版本檢查",
"version_check_implications": "版本檢查功能會定期與 github.com 通訊",
"version_check_settings": "版本檢查",
"version_check_settings_description": "啟用/禁用新版本通知",
"video_conversion_job": "轉碼視頻",
"video_conversion_job_description": "轉碼視頻以提高瀏覽器和設備的兼容性"
"version_check_settings_description": "啟用 / 停用新版本通知",
"video_conversion_job": "轉碼影片",
"video_conversion_job_description": "對影片轉碼,相容更多瀏覽器和裝置"
"admin_email": "管理員電子郵件",
"admin_email": "管理者電子郵件",
"admin_password": "管理者密碼",
"administration": "管理",
"advanced": "進階",
"age_months": "年齡 {months, plural, one {# 個月} other {# 個月}}",
"age_year_months": "年齡 1 年,{months, plural, one {# 個月} other {# 個月}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {年齡 #}}",
"album_added": "已新增相簿",
"age_months": "{months, plural, other {# 個月大}}",
"age_year_months": "1 歲,{months, plural, other {# 個月}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {# 歲}}",
"album_added": "加入相簿時",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "當我被加入共享相簿時,用電子郵件通知我",
"album_cover_updated": "已更新相簿封面",
"album_delete_confirmation": "確定要刪除「{album}」(相簿)嗎?\n如果已分享此相簿,其他使用者就無法再存取。",
"album_delete_confirmation": "確定要刪除「{album}」(相簿)嗎?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "如果已分享此相簿,其他使用者就無法再存取這本相簿了。",
"album_info_updated": "已更新相簿資訊",
"album_leave": "離開相簿?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "您確定要離開 {album} 嗎?",
@ -345,7 +348,7 @@
"album_remove_user": "移除使用者?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "確定要移除 {user} 嗎?",
"album_share_no_users": "看來您與所有使用者共享了這本相簿,或沒有其他使用者可供分享。",
"album_updated": "已更新相簿",
"album_updated": "更新相簿時",
"album_updated_setting_description": "當共享相簿有新檔案時,用電子郵件通知我",
"album_user_left": "已離開 {album}",
"album_user_removed": "已移除 {user}",
@ -356,15 +359,16 @@
"all_albums": "所有相簿",
"all_people": "所有人",
"all_videos": "所有視頻",
"allow_dark_mode": "允許黑暗模式",
"allow_dark_mode": "允許深色模式",
"allow_edits": "允許編輯",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "開放給使用者下載",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "開放讓使用者上傳",
"anti_clockwise": "逆時針",
"api_key": "API 金鑰",
"api_key_description": "此值僅顯示一次。請確保在關閉窗口之前複製它。",
"api_key_empty": "您的 API 金鑰名稱不能爲空",
"api_keys": "API 金鑰",
"app_settings": "應用設置",
"app_settings": "應用程式設定",
"appears_in": "出現在",
"archive": "封存",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "封存或取消封存照片",
@ -382,48 +386,48 @@
"asset_hashing": "Hashing中...",
"asset_offline": "檔案離線",
"asset_offline_description": "此檔案己離線。Immich 無法訪問其文件位置。請確保資產可用,然後重新掃描資料庫。",
"asset_skipped": "跳過",
"asset_skipped": "已略過",
"asset_uploaded": "已上傳",
"asset_uploading": "上傳中...",
"asset_uploading": "上傳中…",
"assets": "檔案",
"assets_added_count": "已添加 {count, plural, one {# 個資產} other {# 個資產}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "已將 {count, plural, other {# 個檔案}}加入相簿",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "已將 {count, plural, other {# 個檔案}}加入{hasName, select, true {<b>{name}</b>} other {新相簿}}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# 個檔案} other {# 個檔案}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "已將 {count, plural, one {# 個檔案} other {# 個檔案}} 移到垃圾箱",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "已將 {count, plural, other {# 個檔案}}丟進垃圾桶",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "已永久刪除 {count, plural, one {# 個檔案} other {# 個檔案}}",
"assets_removed_count": "已移除 {count, plural, one {# 個檔案} other {# 個檔案}}",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "您確定要恢復所有垃圾箱中的檔案嗎?此操作無法撤銷!",
"assets_restored_count": "已恢復 {count, plural, one {# 個檔案} other {# 個檔案}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# 個檔案} other {# 個檔案}} 已放入垃圾箱",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "確定要還原所有丟掉的檔案嗎?此步驟無法取消喔!",
"assets_restored_count": "已還原 {count, plural, other {# 個檔案}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "已丟掉 {count, plural, other {# 個檔案}}",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {檔案已} other {檔案已}} 是相冊的一部分",
"authorized_devices": "授權裝置",
"back": "后退",
"back_close_deselect": "返回、關閉或取消選擇",
"back_close_deselect": "返回、關閉及取消選取",
"backward": "倒轉",
"birthdate_saved": "已成功保存出生日期",
"birthdate_set_description": "出生日期會用於計算此人在照片拍攝時的年齡。",
"birthdate_saved": "出生日期儲存成功",
"birthdate_set_description": "出生日期會用來計算此人拍照時的歲數。",
"blurred_background": "模糊背景",
"build": "建置編號",
"build_image": "建置映像",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "您確定要批量刪除 {count, plural, one {# 個重複檔案} other {# 個重複檔案}} 嗎?這將保留每組中的最大檔案,並永久刪除所有其他重複項。此操作無法撤銷!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "您確定要保留 {count, plural, one {# 個重複檔案} other {# 個重複檔案}} 嗎?這將解決所有重複組而不刪除任何內容。",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "您確定要批量將 {count, plural, one {# 個重複檔案} other {# 個重複檔案}} 移到垃圾箱嗎?這將保留每組中最大的檔案,並將所有其他重複項放入垃圾箱。",
"buy": "購買 Immich",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "確定要一次丟掉 {count, plural, other {# 個重複的檔案}}嗎?這樣每組重複的檔案中,最大的會留下來,其它的會被丟進垃圾桶。",
"buy": "購置 Immich",
"camera": "相機",
"camera_brand": "相機品牌",
"camera_model": "相機型號",
"cancel": "取消",
"cancel_search": "取消搜尋",
"cannot_merge_people": "無法合併人物",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "您無法撤銷此操作!",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "此步驟無法取消喔!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "無法更新描述",
"cant_apply_changes": "",
"cant_get_faces": "",
"cant_search_people": "",
"cant_search_places": "",
"change_date": "更改日期",
"change_expiration_time": "更改有效期限",
"change_expiration_time": "更改失效期限",
"change_location": "更改位置",
"change_name": "改名",
"change_name_successfully": "改名成功",
@ -440,6 +444,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "清除所有最近的搜尋",
"clear_message": "清除訊息",
"clear_value": "清除值",
"clockwise": "順時針",
"close": "關閉",
"collapse": "折疊",
"collapse_all": "全部折疊",
@ -448,9 +453,9 @@
"comment_options": "評論選項",
"comments_and_likes": "評論與讚好",
"comments_are_disabled": "評論已禁用",
"confirm": "确定",
"confirm": "確認",
"confirm_admin_password": "確認管理者密碼",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "您確定要刪除這個共享鏈接嗎?",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "確定要刪除這條分享鏈結嗎?",
"confirm_password": "確認密碼",
"contain": "包含",
"context": "情境",
@ -458,7 +463,7 @@
"copied_image_to_clipboard": "圖片已複製到剪貼簿。",
"copied_to_clipboard": "已複製到剪貼簿!",
"copy_error": "複製錯誤",
"copy_file_path": "複製文件路徑",
"copy_file_path": "複製檔案路徑",
"copy_image": "複製圖片",
"copy_link": "複製鏈結",
"copy_link_to_clipboard": "將鏈結複製到剪貼簿",
@ -467,9 +472,9 @@
"country": "國家",
"cover": "封面",
"covers": "封面",
"create": "创建",
"create": "建立",
"create_album": "建立相簿",
"create_library": "創建圖庫",
"create_library": "建立圖庫",
"create_link": "建立鏈結",
"create_link_to_share": "建立分享鏈結",
"create_link_to_share_description": "允許任何擁有鏈接的人查看所選的照片",
@ -479,18 +484,18 @@
"create_user": "建立使用者",
"created": "建立於",
"current_device": "此裝置",
"custom_locale": "自定義區域設定",
"custom_locale_description": "根據語言和地區格式化日期和數字",
"custom_locale": "自訂區域",
"custom_locale_description": "依語言和區域設定日期和數字格式",
"dark": "深色",
"date_after": "日期之後",
"date_and_time": "日期和时间",
"date_and_time": "日期與時間",
"date_before": "日期之前",
"date_of_birth_saved": "出生日期已成功保存",
"date_of_birth_saved": "出生日期儲存成功",
"date_range": "日期範圍",
"day": "日",
"deduplicate_all": "刪除所有重複項目",
"default_locale": "默認區域設定",
"default_locale_description": "根據您的瀏覽器區域設定格式化日期和數字",
"default_locale": "預設區域",
"default_locale_description": "依瀏覽器區域設定日期和數字格式",
"delete": "删除",
"delete_album": "刪除相簿",
"delete_api_key_prompt": "您確定要刪除這個 API Key嗎?",
@ -512,10 +517,12 @@
"display_options": "顯示選項",
"display_order": "顯示順序",
"display_original_photos": "顯示原始照片",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "當網頁兼容原始照片時,偏好查看照片時顯示原始檔案而非縮略圖。這可能會導致照片顯示速度變慢。",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "在網頁與原始檔案相容的情況下,查看檔案時優先顯示原始檔案而非縮圖。這可能會讓照片顯示速度變慢。",
"do_not_show_again": "不再顯示此訊息",
"done": "完成",
"download": "下載",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "嵌入影片",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "把嵌入動態照片的影片作爲單獨的檔案包含在內",
"download_settings": "下載",
"download_settings_description": "管理與檔案下載相關的設定",
"downloading": "下載中",
@ -548,12 +555,16 @@
"edit_title": "編輯標題",
"edit_user": "編輯使用者",
"edited": "己編輯",
"editor": "",
"editor": "編輯器",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "編輯過的內容不會儲存起來",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "要關閉編輯器嗎?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "長寬比",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "旋轉",
"email": "電子郵件",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
"empty_trash": "清空回收站",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "您確定要清空垃圾桶嗎?這將永久刪除 Immich 中所有垃圾桶中的檔案。\n您不能撤銷這個操作!",
"empty_trash": "清空垃圾桶",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "確定要清空垃圾桶嗎?這會永久刪除 Immich 垃圾桶中所有的檔案。\n此步驟無法取消喔!",
"enable": "啟用",
"enabled": "己啟用",
"end_date": "結束日期",
@ -576,7 +587,7 @@
"error_adding_users_to_album": "將使用者加入相簿時出錯",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "刪除共享使用者時出錯",
"error_downloading": "下載 {filename} 時出錯",
"error_hiding_buy_button": "隱藏購買按鈕時出錯",
"error_hiding_buy_button": "隱藏購置按鈕時出錯",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "從相簿中移除檔案時出錯了,請到控制臺瞭解詳情",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "選擇所有檔案時出錯",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "此排除模式已存在。",
@ -590,7 +601,7 @@
"failed_to_load_people": "無法載入人物",
"failed_to_remove_product_key": "無法移除產品密鑰",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "無法堆疊檔案",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "無法解除堆疊資產",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "無法解除堆疊檔案",
"import_path_already_exists": "此匯入路徑已存在。",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "電子郵件或密碼有誤",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# 個路徑} other {# 個路徑}} 驗證失敗",
@ -604,7 +615,7 @@
"unable_to_add_import_path": "無法添加匯入路徑",
"unable_to_add_partners": "無法添加夥伴",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "無法{archived, select, true {從封存中移除檔案} other {將檔案加入封存}}",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "無法 {favorite, select, true {將檔案添加至} other {從中移除檔案}} 收藏夾",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "無法將檔案{favorite, select, true {加入收藏} other {從收藏中移除}}",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "無法{archived, select, true {封存} other {取消封存}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "無法更改相簿使用者的角色",
"unable_to_change_date": "無法更改日期",
@ -618,7 +629,7 @@
"unable_to_connect": "無法連接",
"unable_to_connect_to_server": "無法連接到伺服器",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "無法複製到剪貼板,請確保您以 https 存取該頁面",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "無法建立管理員帳戶",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "無法建立管理者帳號",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "無法建立新的 API 金鑰",
"unable_to_create_library": "無法建立資料庫",
"unable_to_create_user": "無法建立使用者",
@ -662,9 +673,9 @@
"unable_to_repair_items": "無法糾正項目",
"unable_to_reset_password": "無法重設密碼",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "無法解決重複項",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "無法恢復檔案",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "無法恢復垃圾桶內容",
"unable_to_restore_user": "無法恢復使用者",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "無法還原檔案",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "無法還原垃圾桶中的項目",
"unable_to_restore_user": "無法還原使用者",
"unable_to_save_album": "無法儲存相簿",
"unable_to_save_api_key": "無法儲存 API 金鑰",
"unable_to_save_date_of_birth": "無法儲存出生日期",
@ -676,7 +687,7 @@
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "無法設置特色照片",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "無法設置個人頭像",
"unable_to_submit_job": "無法提交作業",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "無法將檔案移至垃圾桶",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "無法將檔案丟進垃圾桶",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "無法對帳號取消連接",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "無法更新相簿封面",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "無法更新相簿資訊",
@ -694,10 +705,11 @@
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "退出幻燈片",
"expand_all": "展開全部",
"expire_after": "有效時間",
"expire_after": "失效時間",
"expired": "已過期",
"expires_date": "有效期限:{date}",
"expires_date": "失效期限:{date}",
"explore": "探索",
"explorer": "探測器",
"export": "匯出",
"export_as_json": "匯出 JSON",
"extension": "副檔名",
@ -718,6 +730,7 @@
"filter_people": "篩選人物",
"find_them_fast": "搜尋名稱,快速找人",
"fix_incorrect_match": "修復不相符的",
"folders": "資料夾",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "強制重新掃描所有資料庫檔案",
"forward": "順序",
"general": "一般",
@ -746,7 +759,7 @@
"image_alt_text_date_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {影片} other {圖片}} 與 {person1} 和 {person2} 一同於 {date} 拍攝",
"image_alt_text_date_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {影片} other {圖片}} 與 {person1}、{person2} 和 {person3} 一同於 {date} 拍攝",
"image_alt_text_date_4_or_more_people": "{isVideo, select, true {影片} other {圖片}} 與 {person1}、{person2} 和其他 {additionalCount, number} 人於 {date} 拍攝",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{isVideo, select, true {影片} other {圖片}} 於 {city}、{country},{date} 拍攝",
"image_alt_text_date_place": "{date}在 {country} - {city} 拍攝的{isVideo, select, true {影片} other {圖片}}",
"image_alt_text_date_place_1_person": "{isVideo, select, true {影片} other {圖片}} 於 {city}、{country},與 {person1} 一同在 {date} 拍攝",
"image_alt_text_date_place_2_people": "{isVideo, select, true {影片} other {圖片}} 在 {city}、{country},與 {person1} 和 {person2} 一同於 {date} 拍攝",
"image_alt_text_date_place_3_people": "{isVideo, select, true {影片} other {圖片}} 在 {city}、{country},與 {person1}、{person2} 和 {person3} 一同於 {date} 拍攝",
@ -765,7 +778,7 @@
"info": "資訊",
"interval": {
"day_at_onepm": "每天下午 1 點",
"hours": "每 {hours, plural, one {小時} other {{hours, number} 小時}}",
"hours": "每 {hours, plural, other {{hours, number} 小時}}",
"night_at_midnight": "每晚午夜",
"night_at_twoam": "每晚凌晨 2 點"
@ -802,7 +815,7 @@
"login": "登入",
"login_has_been_disabled": "已停用登入功能。",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "您確定要登出所有裝置嗎?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "您確定要登出這個裝置嗎?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "要登出這臺裝置嗎?",
"longitude": "經度",
"look": "樣貌",
"loop_videos": "重播影片",
@ -811,7 +824,7 @@
"manage_shared_links": "管理分享鏈結",
"manage_sharing_with_partners": "管理與夥伴的分享",
"manage_the_app_settings": "管理應用程式設定",
"manage_your_account": "管理您的帳戶",
"manage_your_account": "管理您的帳號",
"manage_your_api_keys": "管理您的 API 金鑰",
"manage_your_devices": "管理已登入的裝置",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "管理您的 OAuth 連接",
@ -822,7 +835,7 @@
"matches": "相符",
"media_type": "媒體類型",
"memories": "回憶",
"memories_setting_description": "管理您在回憶中顯示的內容",
"memories_setting_description": "管理您的回憶中顯示的內容",
"memory": "回憶",
"memory_lane_title": "回憶長廊{title}",
"menu": "選單",
@ -838,11 +851,11 @@
"model": "型號",
"month": "月",
"more": "更多",
"moved_to_trash": "已移至垃圾桶",
"moved_to_trash": "已丟進垃圾桶",
"my_albums": "我的相簿",
"name": "名稱",
"name_or_nickname": "名稱或暱稱",
"never": "永遠",
"never": "永不失效",
"new_album": "新相簿",
"new_api_key": "新的 API 金鑰",
"new_password": "新密碼",
@ -861,7 +874,7 @@
"no_duplicates_found": "沒發現重複項目。",
"no_exif_info_available": "沒有可用的 Exif 資訊",
"no_explore_results_message": "上傳更多照片以利探索。",
"no_favorites_message": "將最喜愛的項目添加至收藏夾,以便快速找到您的最佳照片和影片",
"no_favorites_message": "加入收藏,加速尋找影像",
"no_libraries_message": "建立外部圖庫來查看您的照片和影片",
"no_name": "無名",
"no_places": "沒有地點",
@ -869,7 +882,7 @@
"no_results_description": "試試同義詞或更通用的關鍵字吧",
"no_shared_albums_message": "建立相簿分享照片和影片",
"not_in_any_album": "不在任何相簿中",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "注意:要將存儲標籤應用於先前上傳的檔案,請運行",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "註:要將存標記用於先前上傳的檔案,請執行",
"note_unlimited_quota": "註:輸入 0 表示不限制配額",
"notes": "提示",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "啟用電子郵件通知",
@ -882,6 +895,7 @@
"ok": "確定",
"oldest_first": "由舊至新",
"onboarding": "入門指南",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "以下(可選)功能依賴外部服務,可隨時在管理設定中停用。",
"onboarding_theme_description": "選擇顏色主題。您可以稍後在設定中更改此選項。",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "讓我們為您的伺服器架構一些常見的設置。",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "歡迎,{user}",
@ -890,7 +904,7 @@
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "只重新整理修改過的檔案",
"open_in_map_view": "開啟地圖檢視",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "用 OpenStreetMap 開啟",
"open_the_search_filters": "打開搜尋過濾器",
"open_the_search_filters": "開啟搜尋篩選器",
"options": "選項",
"or": "或",
"organize_your_library": "整理您的圖庫",
@ -943,7 +957,7 @@
"places": "地點",
"play": "播放",
"play_memories": "播放回憶",
"play_motion_photo": "播放動態相片",
"play_motion_photo": "播放動態照片",
"play_or_pause_video": "播放或暫停影片",
"point": "",
"port": "埠口",
@ -951,46 +965,49 @@
"preview": "預覽",
"previous": "上一張",
"previous_memory": "上一張回憶",
"previous_or_next_photo": "上一張或下一張照片",
"previous_or_next_photo": "上、下一張照片",
"primary": "首要",
"privacy": "隱私",
"profile_image_of_user": "{user} 的個人資料圖片",
"profile_picture_set": "已設定個人資料圖片。",
"public_album": "公開相簿",
"public_share": "公開分享",
"purchase_account_info": "擁護者",
"purchase_activated_subtitle": "感謝您對 Immich 及開源軟體的支持",
"purchase_activated_subtitle": "感謝您對 Immich 及開源軟體的支援",
"purchase_activated_time": "於 {date, date} 啟用",
"purchase_activated_title": "金鑰成功啟用了",
"purchase_button_activate": "啟用",
"purchase_button_buy": "購買",
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "購買 Immich",
"purchase_button_buy": "購置",
"purchase_button_buy_immich": "購置 Immich",
"purchase_button_never_show_again": "不再顯示",
"purchase_button_reminder": "30天後提醒我",
"purchase_button_reminder": "過 30 天再提醒我",
"purchase_button_remove_key": "移除金鑰",
"purchase_button_select": "選擇",
"purchase_button_select": "選這個",
"purchase_failed_activation": "啟用失敗!請檢查您的電子郵件以取得正確的產品金鑰!",
"purchase_individual_description_1": "針對個人",
"purchase_individual_description_2": "支持者狀態",
"purchase_individual_description_2": "擁護者狀態",
"purchase_individual_title": "個人",
"purchase_input_suggestion": "有產品金鑰嗎?請在下面輸入金鑰",
"purchase_license_subtitle": "購買 Immich 以支持軟件發展",
"purchase_lifetime_description": "終身購買",
"purchase_option_title": "購買選項",
"purchase_license_subtitle": "購置 Immich 來支援軟體開發",
"purchase_lifetime_description": "終身購置",
"purchase_option_title": "購置選項",
"purchase_panel_info_1": "開發 Immich 可不是件容易的事,花了我們不少功夫。好在有一群全職工程師在背後默默努力,爲的就是把它做到最好。我們的目標很簡單:讓開源軟體和正當的商業模式能成爲開發者的長期飯碗,同時打造出重視隱私的生態系統,讓大家有個不被剝削的雲端服務新選擇。",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "由於我們於不設付費牆,這筆購買不會為你提供 Immich 任何額外功能。我們依賴像你這樣的用戶來支持 Immich 持續開發。",
"purchase_panel_title": "支持這個項目",
"purchase_per_server": "每台伺服器",
"purchase_panel_info_2": "我們承諾不設付費牆,所以購置 Immich 並不會讓您獲得額外的功能。我們是依賴使用者們的支援來開發 Immich 的。",
"purchase_panel_title": "支援這項專案",
"purchase_per_server": "每臺伺服器",
"purchase_per_user": "每位使用者",
"purchase_remove_product_key": "移除產品密鑰",
"purchase_remove_product_key_prompt": "您確定要移除產品密鑰嗎?",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "移除伺服器產品密鑰",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key_prompt": "您確定要移除伺服器產品密鑰嗎?",
"purchase_server_description_1": "適用於整個伺服器",
"purchase_server_description_2": "支持者狀態",
"purchase_remove_product_key": "移除產品金鑰",
"purchase_remove_product_key_prompt": "確定要移除產品金鑰嗎?",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key": "移除伺服器產品金鑰",
"purchase_remove_server_product_key_prompt": "確定要移除伺服器產品金鑰嗎?",
"purchase_server_description_1": "給整臺伺服器",
"purchase_server_description_2": "擁護者狀態",
"purchase_server_title": "伺服器",
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "伺服器產品金鑰是由管理者管理的",
"range": "",
"rating": "評星",
"rating_clear": "清除評等",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, other {# 星}}",
"rating_description": "在資訊面板中顯示 Exif 評等",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "反應選項",
@ -1023,7 +1040,7 @@
"removed_api_key": "已移除 API 金鑰:{name}",
"removed_from_archive": "從封存中移除",
"removed_from_favorites": "已從收藏中移除",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "已從收藏中移除 {count, plural, one {#} other {#}}",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "已移除收藏的 {count, plural, other {# 個項目}}",
"rename": "改名",
"repair": "糾正",
"repair_no_results_message": "未被追蹤及遺失的檔案會顯示在這裏",
@ -1033,22 +1050,22 @@
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "要求使用者在首次登入時更改密碼",
"reset": "重設",
"reset_password": "重設密碼",
"reset_people_visibility": "重置人物可見性",
"reset_people_visibility": "重設人物可見性",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "設爲預設",
"reset_to_default": "重設回預設",
"resolve_duplicates": "解決重複項",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "已解決所有重複項目",
"restore": "恢复",
"restore_all": "恢復全部",
"restore_user": "恢復使用者",
"restored_asset": "已恢復檔案",
"restore": "還原",
"restore_all": "全部還原",
"restore_user": "還原使用者",
"restored_asset": "已還原檔案",
"resume": "繼續",
"retry_upload": "重試上傳",
"retry_upload": "重新上傳",
"review_duplicates": "查核重複項目",
"role": "角色",
"role_editor": "編輯者",
"role_viewer": "檢視者",
"save": "保存",
"save": "儲存",
"saved_api_key": "已儲存的 API 密鑰",
"saved_profile": "已儲存個人資料",
"saved_settings": "已儲存設定",
@ -1069,14 +1086,14 @@
"search_country": "搜尋國家…",
"search_for_existing_person": "搜尋現有的人物",
"search_no_people": "沒有人找到",
"search_no_people_named": "沒有名為 \"{name}\" 的人",
"search_no_people_named": "沒有名爲「{name}」的人物",
"search_people": "搜尋人物",
"search_places": "搜尋地點",
"search_state": "搜尋地區…",
"search_timezone": "搜尋時區...",
"search_timezone": "搜尋時區…",
"search_type": "搜尋類型",
"search_your_photos": "搜尋照片",
"searching_locales": "搜尋地區...",
"searching_locales": "搜尋區域…",
"second": "秒",
"see_all_people": "查看所有人物",
"select_album_cover": "選擇相簿封面",
@ -1089,7 +1106,7 @@
"select_keep_all": "全部保留",
"select_library_owner": "選擇圖庫擁有者",
"select_new_face": "選擇新臉孔",
"select_photos": "選相片",
"select_photos": "選照片",
"select_trash_all": "全部刪除",
"selected": "已選擇",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {選了 # 項}}",
@ -1100,10 +1117,10 @@
"server_online": "伺服器在線",
"server_stats": "伺服器統計",
"server_version": "目前版本",
"set": "設置",
"set": "設定",
"set_as_album_cover": "設爲相簿封面",
"set_as_profile_picture": "設為個人資料圖片",
"set_date_of_birth": "設置出生日期",
"set_date_of_birth": "設定出生日期",
"set_profile_picture": "設置個人資料圖片",
"set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "以全螢幕放映幻燈片",
"settings": "設定",
@ -1114,6 +1131,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "由 {user} 分享",
"shared_by_you": "由你分享",
"shared_from_partner": "來自 {partner} 的照片",
"shared_link_options": "分享鏈結選項",
"shared_links": "分享鏈結",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {已分享 # 張照片及影片。}}",
"shared_with_partner": "與 {partner} 共享",
@ -1137,8 +1155,8 @@
"show_person_options": "顯示人物選項",
"show_progress_bar": "顯示進度條",
"show_search_options": "顯示搜尋選項",
"show_supporter_badge": "支持者徽章",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "顯示支持者徽章",
"show_supporter_badge": "擁護者徽章",
"show_supporter_badge_description": "顯示擁護者徽章",
"shuffle": "隨機排序",
"sign_out": "登出",
"sign_up": "註冊",
@ -1157,14 +1175,14 @@
"stack": "堆叠",
"stack_duplicates": "堆疊重複項目",
"stack_select_one_photo": "爲堆疊選一張主要照片",
"stack_selected_photos": "堆疊選定的照片",
"stack_selected_photos": "堆疊所選的照片",
"stacked_assets_count": "已堆疊 {count, plural, one {# 個檔案} other {# 個檔案}}",
"stacktrace": "堆疊追蹤",
"start": "開始",
"start_date": "開始日期",
"state": "地區",
"status": "狀態",
"stop_motion_photo": "停格照片",
"stop_motion_photo": "停止動態照片",
"stop_photo_sharing": "要停止分享您的照片嗎?",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} 將無法再訪問你的照片。",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "停止與此用戶共享你的照片",
@ -1179,7 +1197,7 @@
"template": "模板",
"theme": "主題",
"theme_selection": "主題選項",
"theme_selection_description": "根據你的瀏覽器系統偏好自動設置主題為淺色或深色",
"theme_selection_description": "依瀏覽器系統偏好自動設定深、淺色主題",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "它們將會被合併在一起",
"time_based_memories": "依時間回憶",
"timezone": "時區",
@ -1189,13 +1207,13 @@
"to_login": "登入",
"to_trash": "垃圾桶",
"toggle_settings": "切換設定",
"toggle_theme": "切換主題",
"toggle_theme": "切換深色主題",
"toggle_visibility": "",
"total_usage": "總用量",
"trash": "垃圾桶",
"trash_all": "全丟進垃圾桶",
"trash_count": "刪除 {count, number} 檔案",
"trash_delete_asset": "刪除檔案/放入垃圾桶",
"trash_all": "全部丟掉",
"trash_count": "丟掉 {count, number} 個檔案",
"trash_delete_asset": "將檔案丟進垃圾桶 / 刪除",
"trash_no_results_message": "垃圾桶中的照片和影片將顯示在這裡。",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "垃圾桶中的項目會在 {days, plural, other {# 天}}後永久刪除。",
"type": "類型",
@ -1211,12 +1229,13 @@
"unlink_oauth": "取消連接 OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "已解除連接 OAuth 帳號",
"unnamed_album": "未命名相簿",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "確定要刪除這本相簿嗎?",
"unnamed_share": "未命名分享",
"unsaved_change": "未儲存的更改",
"unsaved_change": "更改未儲存",
"unselect_all": "取消全選",
"unselect_all_duplicates": "取消選擇所有重複項",
"unselect_all_duplicates": "取消選取所有的重複項目",
"unstack": "取消堆叠",
"unstacked_assets_count": "已取消堆疊 {count, plural, one {# 個檔案} other {# 個檔案}}",
"unstacked_assets_count": "已解除堆疊 {count, plural, other {# 個檔案}}",
"untracked_files": "未被追蹤的檔案",
"untracked_files_decription": "這些檔案不會被追蹤。它們可能是移動失誤、上傳中斷或遇到漏洞而遺留的產物",
"up_next": "下一個",
@ -1225,10 +1244,10 @@
"upload_concurrency": "上傳並行",
"upload_errors": "上傳完成,但有 {count, plural, other {# 處出錯}},要查看新上傳的檔案請重新整理頁面。",
"upload_progress": "剩餘 {remaining, number} - 已處理 {processed, number}/{total, number}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "跳過 {count, plural, one {# 個重複檔案} other {# 個重複檔案}}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "已略過 {count, plural, other {# 個重複的檔案}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "重複項目",
"upload_status_errors": "錯誤",
"upload_status_uploaded": "己上載",
"upload_status_uploaded": "已上傳",
"upload_success": "上傳成功,要查看新上傳的檔案請重新整理頁面。",
"url": "網址",
"usage": "用量",
@ -1236,7 +1255,7 @@
"user": "使用者",
"user_id": "使用者 ID",
"user_liked": "{user} 喜歡了 {type, select, photo {這張照片} video {這段影片} asset {這個檔案} other {它}}",
"user_purchase_settings": "購買",
"user_purchase_settings": "購置",
"user_purchase_settings_description": "管理你的購買",
"user_role_set": "設 {user} 爲{role}",
"user_usage_detail": "使用者用量詳情",
@ -1249,7 +1268,7 @@
"version_announcement_closing": "敬祝順心,Alex",
"version_announcement_message": "嗨~本應用程式可以更新了,爲防止配置出錯,請花點時間閱讀<link>發行說明</link>,並確保 <code>docker-compose.yml</code> 和 <code>.env</code> 設置是最新的,特別是使用 WatchTower 等自動更新工具時。",
"video": "影片",
"video_hover_setting": "在鼠標懸停時播放影片縮圖",
"video_hover_setting": "游標停留時播放影片縮圖",
"video_hover_setting_description": "當滑鼠停在項目上時播放影片縮圖。即使停用,將滑鼠停在播放圖示上也可以播放。",
"videos": "影片",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, other {# 部影片}}",
@ -1262,7 +1281,7 @@
"view_previous_asset": "查看上一項",
"view_stack": "查看堆疊",
"viewer": "",
"visibility_changed": "{count, plural, one {# 人} other {# 人}} 的可見性已更改",
"visibility_changed": "已更改 {count, plural, other {# 位人物}}的可見性",
"waiting": "待處理",
"warning": "警告",
"week": "周",
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@
"map_enable_description": "启用地图功能",
"map_gps_settings": "地图与GPS设置",
"map_gps_settings_description": "管理地图与GPS(反向地理编码)设置",
"map_implications": "地图功能依赖于外部图块服务(tiles.immich.cloud)",
"map_light_style": "浅色模式",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "管理<link>反向地理编码</link>设置",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "反向地理编码",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "启用反向地理编码",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "反向地理编码设置",
"map_settings": "地图设置",
"map_settings": "地图",
"map_settings_description": "管理地图设置",
"map_style_description": "地图主题 style.json 的 URL",
"metadata_extraction_job": "提取元数据",
@ -320,7 +321,8 @@
"user_settings": "用户设置",
"user_settings_description": "管理用户设置",
"user_successfully_removed": "用户{email}已被成功删除。",
"version_check_enabled_description": "启用对GitHub的定期请求以检查新版本",
"version_check_enabled_description": "启用版本检测",
"version_check_implications": "版本检查功能依赖于与 github.com 的定期通信",
"version_check_settings": "版本检查",
"version_check_settings_description": "启用或禁用新版本通知",
"video_conversion_job": "视频转码",
@ -336,7 +338,8 @@
"album_added": "相册已添加",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "当您被添加到共享相册时,接收电子邮件通知",
"album_cover_updated": "相册封面已更新",
"album_delete_confirmation": "是否确定要删除相册{album}?\n如果这是共享相册,其他用户将无法再访问它。",
"album_delete_confirmation": "是否确定要删除相册{album}?",
"album_delete_confirmation_description": "如果该相册是共享的,其他用户将无法再访问它。",
"album_info_updated": "相册信息已更新",
"album_leave": "退出相册?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "确定要退出相册{album}?",
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
"allow_edits": "允许编辑",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "开放下载给所有人",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "允许所有用户上传",
"anti_clockwise": "逆时针",
"api_key": "API Key",
"api_key_description": "该应用密钥只会展示一次。请确保在关闭窗口前复制下来。",
"api_key_empty": "API Key的名称不可以为空",
@ -441,6 +445,7 @@
"clear_all_recent_searches": "清除所有最近搜索",
"clear_message": "清空消息",
"clear_value": "清空值",
"clockwise": "顺时针",
"close": "关闭",
"collapse": "折叠",
"collapse_all": "全部折叠",
@ -517,6 +522,8 @@
"do_not_show_again": "不再显示该信息",
"done": "完成",
"download": "下载",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos": "内嵌视频",
"download_include_embedded_motion_videos_description": "将动态照片中的内嵌视频作为单独文件纳入",
"download_settings": "下载",
"download_settings_description": "管理项目下载相关设置",
"downloading": "下载中",
@ -550,6 +557,10 @@
"edit_user": "编辑用户",
"edited": "已编辑",
"editor": "编辑器",
"editor_close_without_save_prompt": "此更改不会被保存",
"editor_close_without_save_title": "关闭编辑器?",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_aspect_ratios": "长宽比",
"editor_crop_tool_h2_rotation": "旋转",
"email": "邮箱",
"empty": "空",
"empty_album": "清空相册",
@ -699,6 +710,7 @@
"expired": "已过期",
"expires_date": "{date}过期",
"explore": "探索",
"explorer": "浏览器",
"export": "导出",
"export_as_json": "导出为JSON",
"extension": "扩展",
@ -720,6 +732,7 @@
"filter_people": "过滤人物",
"find_them_fast": "按名称快速搜索",
"fix_incorrect_match": "修复不正确的匹配",
"folders": "文件夹",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "强制重新扫描所有图库文件",
"forward": "向前",
"general": "通用",
@ -872,7 +885,7 @@
"my_albums": "我的相册",
"name": "名称",
"name_or_nickname": "名称或昵称",
"never": "从不",
"never": "永不过期",
"new_album": "新相册",
"new_api_key": "新API Key",
"new_password": "新密码",
@ -912,6 +925,7 @@
"ok": "确定",
"oldest_first": "最旧优先",
"onboarding": "盛大开启",
"onboarding_privacy_description": "以下(可选)功能依赖外部服务,可随时在管理设置中禁用。",
"onboarding_theme_description": "选择服务的颜色主题。稍后可以在设置中进行修改。",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "我们在启用服务前先做一些通用设置。",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "欢迎,{user}",
@ -985,6 +999,7 @@
"previous_memory": "上一个",
"previous_or_next_photo": "上一张或下一张照片",
"primary": "首要",
"privacy": "隐私",
"profile_image_of_user": "{user}的个人资料图片",
"profile_picture_set": "个人资料图片已设置。",
"public_album": "公开相册",
@ -1023,6 +1038,8 @@
"purchase_settings_server_activated": "服务器产品密钥正在由管理员管理",
"range": "范围",
"rating": "星级",
"rating_clear": "删除星级",
"rating_count": "{count, plural, one {#星} other {#星}}",
"rating_description": "在信息面板中展示EXIF星级",
"raw": "Raw",
"reaction_options": "反应选项",
@ -1146,6 +1163,7 @@
"shared_by_user": "由{user}共享",
"shared_by_you": "你的共享",
"shared_from_partner": "来自{partner}的照片",
"shared_link_options": "共享链接选项",
"shared_links": "共享链接",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {#项已共享照片&视频。}}",
"shared_with_partner": "与{partner}共享",
@ -1221,7 +1239,7 @@
"to_login": "登录",
"to_trash": "放入回收站",
"toggle_settings": "切换设置",
"toggle_theme": "切换主题",
"toggle_theme": "切换深色主题",
"toggle_visibility": "切换可见性",
"total_usage": "总用量",
"trash": "回收站",
@ -1243,6 +1261,7 @@
"unlink_oauth": "解绑OAuth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "解绑OAuth账户",
"unnamed_album": "未命名相册",
"unnamed_album_delete_confirmation": "您确定要删除该相册吗?",
"unnamed_share": "未命名共享",
"unsaved_change": "未保存的修改",
"unselect_all": "取消全选",
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