diff --git a/docs/docs/install/environment-variables.md b/docs/docs/install/environment-variables.md
index e775735734..09a4305167 100644
--- a/docs/docs/install/environment-variables.md
+++ b/docs/docs/install/environment-variables.md
@@ -184,3 +184,24 @@ Typesense URL example JSON before encoding:
| `MACHINE_LEARNING_CLASSIFICATION_MODEL` | Classification Model | `microsoft/resnet-50` | machine learning |
| `MACHINE_LEARNING_CACHE_FOLDER` | ML Cache Location | `/cache` | machine learning |
| `TRANSFORMERS_CACHE` | ML Transformers Cache Location | `/cache` | machine learning |
+## Docker Secrets
+The following variables support the use of [Docker secrets](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/secrets/) for additional security.
+To use any of these, replace the regular environment variable with the equivalent `_FILE` environment variable. The value of
+the `_FILE` variable should be set to the path of a file containing the variable value.
+| Regular Variable | Equivalent Docker Secrets '\_FILE' Variable |
+| :----------------: | :-----------------------------------------: |
+\*1: See the [official documentation](https://github.com/docker-library/docs/tree/master/postgres#docker-secrets) for
+details on how to use Docker Secrets in the Postgres image.
+\*2: See [this comment](https://github.com/docker-library/redis/issues/46#issuecomment-335326234) for an example of how
+to use use a Docker secret for the password in the Redis container.