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synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00
chore(web): update translations (#10753)
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ar/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/da/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/en_devel/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fa/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ja/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ko/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/nl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/pl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/pt/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/sl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ta/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/th/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/vi/ Translation: Immich/immich Co-authored-by: Alex van den Hoogen <alex3305@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Andrej Kralj <andrej.kralj@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Aurora <arci@anche.no> Co-authored-by: Bartłomiej Ruk <bartek04041993@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Eryk Michalak <gnu.ewm@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: Heine Olsen <olsen10051988@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Henrik Lievonen <henrik.lievonen@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jordi Masip <jordi@masip.cat> Co-authored-by: Jordy H <jordy@hoebergen.net> Co-authored-by: Junghyuk Kwon <kwon@junghy.uk> Co-authored-by: Justin Ruiter <weblate24@justinruiter.nl> Co-authored-by: Maciek S <maslanypotwor1@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Majid <abtin.php@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Manar Aldroubi <droubi@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: MiguelNdeCarvalho <geral@miguelndecarvalho.pt> Co-authored-by: Nicolò <nicveronese@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ryan Gleeson <gleeson.ryanj@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Vincenzo Nunziata <vinciosdev@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ziemowit Zabawa <ziemek.zabawa@outlook.com> Co-authored-by: dvbthien <dvbthien@dvbthien.onmicrosoft.com> Co-authored-by: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es> Co-authored-by: nazo6 <git@nazo6.dev> Co-authored-by: polar <polar8143@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: wariw <wariwpl@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 923 additions and 431 deletions
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "العمليات",
"actions": "العمليات",
"active": "نشط",
"active": "نشط",
"activity": "النشاط",
"activity": "النشاط",
"activity_changed": "النشاط {enabled, select, true {ممكّن} other {معطّل}}",
"add": "إضافة",
"add": "إضافة",
"add_a_description": "إضافة وصف",
"add_a_description": "إضافة وصف",
"add_a_location": "إضافة موقع",
"add_a_location": "إضافة موقع",
@ -26,15 +27,17 @@
"added_to_favorites": "أضيفت إلى المفضلة",
"added_to_favorites": "أضيفت إلى المفضلة",
"added_to_favorites_count": "تم إضافة {count} إلى المفضلة",
"added_to_favorites_count": "تم إضافة {count} إلى المفضلة",
"admin": {
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "إضافة أنماط الاستبعاد. يدعم التمويه باستخدام *، **، و؟. لتجاهل جميع الملفات في أي دليل يسمى \"Raw\"، استخدم \"**/Raw/**\". لتجاهل جميع الملفات التي تنتهي بـ \".tif\"، استخدم \"**/*.tif\". لتجاهل مسار مطلق، استخدم \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "إعدادات المصادقة",
"authentication_settings": "إعدادات المصادقة",
"authentication_settings_description": "إدارة كلمة المرور وOAuth وإعدادات المصادقة الأخرى",
"authentication_settings_description": "إدارة كلمة المرور وOAuth وإعدادات المصادقة الأخرى",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد تعطيل جميع طرق تسجيل الدخول؟ سيتم تعطيل تسجيل الدخول بالكامل.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "لإعادة التمكين، استخدم <link>أمر الخادم</link>.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "لإعادة التمكين، استخدم <link>أمر الخادم</link>.",
"background_task_job": "العمليات في الخلفية",
"background_task_job": "العمليات في الخلفية",
"check_all": "اختر الكل",
"check_all": "اختر الكل",
"cleared_jobs": "تم مسح المهام لـ: {job}",
"cleared_jobs": "تم مسح المهام لـ: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "يتم حاليًا تعيين الإعدادات بواسطة ملف الإعدادات",
"config_set_by_file": "يتم حاليًا تعيين الإعدادات بواسطة ملف الإعدادات",
"confirm_delete_library": "هل انت متأكد أنك تريد حذف متكبة {library}؟",
"confirm_delete_library": "هل انت متأكد أنك تريد حذف متكبة {library}؟",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "هل انت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه المكتبه؟ سيؤدي ذلك الي حذف جميع الملفات البالغ عددها {count} من Immich ولا يمكن التراجع عن ذلك. الملفات سوف تبقى على القرص.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه المكتبة؟ سيؤدي ذلك إلى حذف {count, plural, one {# أصل موجود} other {جميع # الأصول الموجودة}} من Immich ولا يمكن التراجع عنه. ستظل الملفات موجودة على القرص.",
"confirm_email_below": "للتأكيد, اكتب \"{email}\" في الاسفل",
"confirm_email_below": "للتأكيد, اكتب \"{email}\" في الاسفل",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "هل انت متأكد انك تريد إعاده معالجه جميع الوجوه؟ هذا سوف يحذف الاشخاص الذين بالفعل سميتهم.",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "هل انت متأكد انك تريد إعاده معالجه جميع الوجوه؟ هذا سوف يحذف الاشخاص الذين بالفعل سميتهم.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "هل انت متأكد أنك تريد اعادة تعيين كلمه مرور {user}؟",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "هل انت متأكد أنك تريد اعادة تعيين كلمه مرور {user}؟",
@ -66,11 +69,13 @@
"image_thumbnail_format": "تنسيق الصور المصغّرة",
"image_thumbnail_format": "تنسيق الصور المصغّرة",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "دقة الصور المصغّرة",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "دقة الصور المصغّرة",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "يُستخدم عند عرض مجموعات من الصور (المخطط الزمني الرئيسي، عرض الألبوم، وما إلى ذلك). يمكن أن تحافظ الدقة الأعلى على المزيد من التفاصيل ولكنها تستغرق وقتًا أطول للتشفير، ولها أحجام ملفات أكبر، ويمكن أن تقلل من استجابة التطبيق.",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "يُستخدم عند عرض مجموعات من الصور (المخطط الزمني الرئيسي، عرض الألبوم، وما إلى ذلك). يمكن أن تحافظ الدقة الأعلى على المزيد من التفاصيل ولكنها تستغرق وقتًا أطول للتشفير، ولها أحجام ملفات أكبر، ويمكن أن تقلل من استجابة التطبيق.",
"job_concurrency": "{job} تزامن",
"job_concurrency": "تزامن {job}",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "هذه المهمة ليست آمنة للتشغيل المتزامن.",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "هذه المهمة ليست آمنة للتشغيل المتزامن.",
"job_settings": "إعدادات العمليات",
"job_settings": "إعدادات العمليات",
"job_settings_description": "إدارة تزامن الوظائف",
"job_settings_description": "إدارة تزامن الوظائف",
"job_status": "حالة الوظيفة",
"job_status": "حالة الوظيفة",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# مؤجلة}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# فشلت}}",
"library_created": "تم إنشاء المكتبة: {library}",
"library_created": "تم إنشاء المكتبة: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "تعبير Cron",
"library_cron_expression": "تعبير Cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "\"اضبط فاصل المسح باستخدام صيغة cron. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الرجوع إلى <link>Crontab Guru</link>\"",
"library_cron_expression_description": "\"اضبط فاصل المسح باستخدام صيغة cron. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الرجوع إلى <link>Crontab Guru</link>\"",
@ -123,6 +128,7 @@
"map_dark_style": "النمط الداكن",
"map_dark_style": "النمط الداكن",
"map_enable_description": "تمكين ميزات الخرائط",
"map_enable_description": "تمكين ميزات الخرائط",
"map_light_style": "النمط الفاتح",
"map_light_style": "النمط الفاتح",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "إدارة إعدادات <link>التكوين الجغرافي المعكوس</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "تمكين عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "تمكين عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "إعدادات عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "إعدادات عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
@ -207,6 +213,8 @@
"sidecar_job_description": "اكتشاف أو مزامنة البيانات التعريفية الجانبية من نظام الملفات",
"sidecar_job_description": "اكتشاف أو مزامنة البيانات التعريفية الجانبية من نظام الملفات",
"slideshow_duration_description": "عدد الثواني لعرض كل صورة",
"slideshow_duration_description": "عدد الثواني لعرض كل صورة",
"smart_search_job_description": "قم بتشغيل التعلم الآلي على الأصول لدعم البحث الذكي",
"smart_search_job_description": "قم بتشغيل التعلم الآلي على الأصول لدعم البحث الذكي",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "يتم استخدام الطابع الزمني لإنشاء الأصل للحصول على معلومات التاريخ والوقت",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "عينة عن الوقت {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "تمكين محرك قالب التخزين",
"storage_template_enable_description": "تمكين محرك قالب التخزين",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "تم تمكين التحقق من الهاش",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "تم تمكين التحقق من الهاش",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "تمكين التحقق من الهاش، لا تعطل هذا إلا إذا كنت متأكدًا من تأثيراته",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "تمكين التحقق من الهاش، لا تعطل هذا إلا إذا كنت متأكدًا من تأثيراته",
@ -245,90 +253,139 @@
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "مقاطع الفيديو التي يتجاوز معدل البت أقصى قيمة أو التي لا تكون في تنسيق مقبول",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "مقاطع الفيديو التي يتجاوز معدل البت أقصى قيمة أو التي لا تكون في تنسيق مقبول",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "لمعرفة المزيد حول المصطلحات المستخدمة هنا، يرجى الرجوع إلى وثائق FFmpeg لل<h264-link>H.264 codec</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC codec</hevc-link> and <vp9-link>VP9 codec</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "لمعرفة المزيد حول المصطلحات المستخدمة هنا، يرجى الرجوع إلى وثائق FFmpeg لل<h264-link>H.264 codec</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC codec</hevc-link> and <vp9-link>VP9 codec</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "وضع الجودة الثابتة",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "وضع الجودة الثابتة",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ أفضل من CQP، ولكن بعض أجهزة عتاد التسريع لا تدعم هذا الوضع. تعيين هذا الخيار يسجعل الأفضلية للوضع المحدد عند استخدام الترميز بناءً على الجودة. يتم تجاهله بواسطة NVENC لأنه لا يدعم ICQ.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "عامل معدل الجودة الثابت (-crf)",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "مستوى جودة الفيديو. القيم النموذجية هي 23 لـ H.264، 28 لـ HEVC، 31 لـ VP9، و 35 لـ AV1. كلما كانت القيمة أقل كان ذلك أفضل، ولكن يؤدي إلى ملفات أكبر.",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "لا تقم بتحويل أي مقاطع فيديو، قد تؤدي إلى عدم تشغيلها على بعض العملاء",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "التسريع العتادي",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "تجريبي؛ أسرع بكثير، ولكن ستكون جودتها أقل عند نفس معدل البت",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "فك تشفير الأجهزة",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "ينطبق ذلك فقط على NVENC، QSV، و RKMPP. يمكن تمكين تسريع النهاية إلى النهاية بدلاً من تسريع الترميز فقط. قد لا يعمل على جميع مقاطع الفيديو.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "كود HEVC",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "أقصى عدد من الإطارات B",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "القيم الأعلى تعزز كفاءة الضغط، ولكنها تبطئ عملية الترميز. قد لا تكون متوافقة مع التسريع العتادي على الأجهزة القديمة. قيمة 0 تعطل إطارات B، بينما تضبط القيمة -1 هذا القيمة تلقائيًا.",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "الحد الأقصى لمعدل البت",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "يمكن أن يؤدي تعيين الحد الأقصى لمعدل البت إلى جعل أحجام الملفات أكثر قابلية للتنبؤ بها بتكلفة بسيطة بالنسبة للجودة. عند دقة 720 بكسل، تكون القيم النموذجية 2600 كيلو بايت لـ VP9 أو HEVC، أو 4500 كيلو بايت لـ H.264. معطل إذا تم ضبطه على 0.",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "الحد الأقصى للفاصل الزمني للإطار الرئيسي",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "يضبط الحد الأقصى لمسافة الإطار بين الإطارات الرئيسية. تؤدي القيم المنخفضة إلى زيادة سوء كفاءة الضغط، ولكنها تعمل على تحسين أوقات البحث وقد تعمل على تحسين الجودة في المشاهد ذات الحركة السريعة. 0 يضبط هذه القيمة تلقائيًا.",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "مقاطع الفيديو ذات الدقة الأعلى من الدقة المستهدفة أو بتنسيق غير مقبول",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "الجهاز المفضل",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "ينطبق فقط على VAAPI وQSV. يضبط عقدة dri المستخدمة لتحويل ترميز الأجهزة.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "الضبط المُسبق (-preset)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "سرعة الضغط. تؤدي الإعدادات المسبقة الأبطأ إلى إنتاج ملفات أصغر حجمًا، وزيادة الجودة عند استهداف معدل بت معين. يتجاهل VP9 السرعات الأعلى من \"الأسرع\".",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "الإطارات المرجعية",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "عدد الإطارات التي يجب الرجوع إليها عند ضغط إطار معين. تعمل القيم الأعلى على تحسين كفاءة الضغط، ولكنها تبطئ عملية التشفير. 0 يضبط هذه القيمة تلقائيًا.",
"transcoding_required_description": "",
"transcoding_required_description": "فقط مقاطع الفيديو ذات التنسيق غير المقبول",
"transcoding_settings": "",
"transcoding_settings": "إعدادات تحويل ترميز الفيديو",
"transcoding_settings_description": "",
"transcoding_settings_description": "إدارة معلومات الدقة والترميز لملفات الفيديو",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "القرار المستهدف",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "يمكن أن تحافظ الدقة الأعلى على المزيد من التفاصيل ولكنها تستغرق وقتًا أطول للتشفير، ولها أحجام ملفات أكبر، ويمكن أن تقلل من استجابة التطبيق.",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "التكميم التكيفي الزمني",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "ينطبق فقط على NVENC. يزيد من جودة المشاهد عالية التفاصيل ومنخفضة الحركة. قد لا يكون متوافقًا مع الأجهزة القديمة.",
"transcoding_threads": "",
"transcoding_threads": "الخيوط",
"transcoding_threads_description": "",
"transcoding_threads_description": "تؤدي القيم الأعلى إلى تشفير أسرع، ولكنها تترك مساحة أقل للخادم لمعالجة المهام الأخرى أثناء النشاط. يجب ألا تزيد هذه القيمة عن عدد مراكز وحدة المعالجة المركزية. يزيد من الإستغلال إذا تم ضبطه على 0.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "رسم الخرائط النغمية",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "تحاول الحفاظ على مظهر مقاطع الفيديو HDR عند تحويلها إلى SDR. يقدم كل خوارزمية تنازلات مختلفة بين اللون والتفاصيل والسطوع. Hable تحافظ على التفاصيل، Mobius تحافظ على الألوان، و Reinhard تحافظ على السطوع.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "تحويل الصور من نطاق الإضاءة العالية",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "سيتم ضبط الألوان لتبدو طبيعية على شاشة بهذه السطوع. على عكس المتوقع، تزيد القيم الأقل من سطوع الفيديو والعكس بسبب تعويضها لسطوع الشاشة. قيمة 0 تضبط هذه القيمة تلقائيًا.",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "سياسة الترميز",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "",
"transcoding_transcode_policy_description": "سياسة تحديد متى يجب ترميز الفيديو. سيتم دائمًا ترميز مقاطع الفيديو HDR (ما لم يتم تعطيل الترميز).",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "الترميز بمرورين",
"transcoding_video_codec": "",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "ترميز بمرورين لإنتاج مقاطع فيديو مشفرة بشكل أفضل. عند تمكين الحد الأقصى لمعدل البت (المطلوب للعمل مع H.264 و HEVC)، يستخدم هذا الوضع نطاق معدل البت استنادًا إلى الحد الأقصى لمعدل البت ويتجاهل CRF. بالنسبة لـ VP9، يمكن استخدام CRF إذا تم تعطيل الحد الأقصى لمعدل البت.",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "",
"transcoding_video_codec": "كود الفيديو",
"trash_enabled_description": "",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "يتمتع VP9 بكفاءة عالية وتوافق مع الويب، ولكنه يستغرق وقتًا أطول في تحويل التعليمات البرمجية. يعمل HEVC بشكل مشابه، لكن توافقه مع الويب أقل. H.264 متوافق على نطاق واسع وسريع في تحويل التعليمات البرمجية، ولكنه ينتج ملفات أكبر بكثير. AV1 هو برنامج الترميز الأكثر كفاءة ولكنه يفتقر إلى الدعم على الأجهزة القديمة.",
"trash_number_of_days": "",
"trash_enabled_description": "تمكين ميزات سلة المهملات",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "",
"trash_number_of_days": "عدد الأيام",
"trash_settings": "",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "عدد الأيام اللازمة للاحتفاظ بالأصول في سلة المهملات قبل إزالتها نهائيًا",
"trash_settings_description": "",
"trash_settings": "إعدادات سلة المهملات",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "",
"trash_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات سلة المهملات",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "",
"untracked_files": "الملفات التي لم يتم تعقبها",
"user_settings": "",
"untracked_files_description": "لا يتم تعقب هذه الملفات بواسطة التطبيق. يمكن أن تكون نتيجة لعمليات نقل فاشلة، أو عمليات تحميل متقطعة، أو يتم تركها في الخلف بسبب خطأ ما",
"user_settings_description": "",
"user_delete_delay": "سيتم جدولة حساب <b>{user}</b> وأصوله للحذف الدائم في غضون {delay, plural, one {# يوم} other {# أيام}}.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "فترة التأخير قبل الحذف",
"version_check_settings": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "عدد الأيام بعد الإزالة لحذف حساب المستخدم وأصوله بشكل دائم. يقوم وظيفة حذف المستخدم بالتشغيل في منتصف الليل للتحقق من المستخدمين الذين هم جاهزون للحذف. سيتم تقييم التغييرات على هذا الإعداد في التنفيذ القادم.",
"version_check_settings_description": "",
"user_delete_immediately": "سيتم وضع حساب <b>{user}</b> وأصوله في قائمة الانتظار للحذف الدائم <b>على الفور</b>.",
"video_conversion_job_description": ""
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "قائمة انتظار المستخدم والأصول للحذف الفوري",
"user_management": "إدارة المستخدم",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "تمت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بالمستخدم:",
"user_password_reset_description": "يرجى تزويد المستخدم بكلمة المرور المؤقتة وإبلاغه بأنه سيحتاج إلى تغيير كلمة المرور عند تسجيل الدخول التالي.",
"user_restore_description": "ستتم استعادة حساب <b>{user}</b>.",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "استعادة المستخدم - تمت جدولة الإزالة في {date, date, long}",
"user_settings": "إعدادات المستخدم",
"user_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات المستخدم",
"user_successfully_removed": "تمت إزالة المستخدم {email} بنجاح.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "تمكين إرسال الطلبات الدورية إلى GitHub للتحقق من الإصدارات الجديدة",
"version_check_settings": "التحقق من الإصدار",
"version_check_settings_description": "تمكين/تعطيل إشعار الإصدار الجديد",
"video_conversion_job": "تحويل أشرطة الفيديو",
"video_conversion_job_description": "تحويل مقاطع الفيديو إلى توافق أوسع مع المتصفحات والأجهزة"
"admin_email": "",
"admin_email": "البريد الإلكتروني للمشرف",
"admin_password": "",
"admin_password": "كلمة سر المشرف",
"administration": "الإدارة",
"administration": "الإدارة",
"advanced": "متقدم",
"advanced": "متقدم",
"album_added": "",
"age_months": "عمر {months, plural, one {# شهر} other {# أشهر}}",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "",
"age_year_months": "عمر سنة واحدة، {months, plural, one {# شهر} other {# أشهر}}",
"album_cover_updated": "",
"age_years": "{سنوات , plural, other {العمر #}}",
"album_info_updated": "",
"album_added": "تمت إضافة الألبوم",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "تلقي إشعارًا بالبريد الإلكتروني عند إضافتك إلى ألبوم مشترك",
"album_cover_updated": "تم تحديث غلاف الألبوم",
"album_delete_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف الألبوم {album}؟\nإذا تمت مشاركة هذا الألبوم، فلن يتمكن المستخدمون الآخرون من الوصول إليه بعد الآن.",
"album_info_updated": "تم تحديث معلومات الألبوم",
"album_leave": "هل تريد مغادرة الألبوم؟",
"album_leave_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد مغادرة {album}؟",
"album_name": "اسم الألبوم",
"album_name": "اسم الألبوم",
"album_options": "إعدادات الألبوم",
"album_options": "إعدادات الألبوم",
"album_updated": "",
"album_remove_user": "هل ترغب في إزالة المستخدم؟",
"album_updated_setting_description": "",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إزالة {user}؟",
"album_share_no_users": "يبدو أنك قمت بمشاركة هذا الألبوم مع جميع المستخدمين أو ليس لديك أي مستخدم للمشاركة معه.",
"album_updated": "تم تحديث الألبوم",
"album_updated_setting_description": "تلقي إشعارًا عبر البريد الإلكتروني عندما يحتوي الألبوم المشترك على أصول جديدة",
"album_user_left": "تم ترك {album}",
"album_user_removed": "تم إزالة {user}",
"album_with_link_access": "السماح لأي شخص لديه الرابط برؤية الصور والأشخاص الموجودين في هذا الألبوم.",
"albums": "ألبومات",
"albums": "ألبومات",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} ألبوم} other {{count, number} ألبومات}}",
"all": "الجميع",
"all": "الجميع",
"all_albums": "جميع الألبومات",
"all_people": "جميع الأشخاص",
"all_people": "جميع الأشخاص",
"allow_dark_mode": "",
"all_videos": "جميع الفيديوهات",
"allow_dark_mode": "السماح بالوضع المعتم",
"allow_edits": "إسمح بالتعديل",
"allow_edits": "إسمح بالتعديل",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "السماح لأي مستخدم عام بالتنزيل",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "السماح لأي مستخدم عام بالتنزيل",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "السماح للمستخدم العام بالرفع",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "السماح للمستخدم العام بالرفع",
"api_key": "مفتاح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات",
"api_key": "مفتاح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات",
"api_key_description": "سيتم عرض هذه القيمة مرة واحدة فقط. يرجى التأكد من نسخها قبل إغلاق النافذة.",
"api_key_description": "سيتم عرض هذه القيمة مرة واحدة فقط. يرجى التأكد من نسخها قبل إغلاق النافذة.",
"api_key_empty": "يجب ألا يكون اسم مفتاح API فارغًا",
"api_key_empty": "يجب ألا يكون اسم مفتاح API فارغًا",
"api_keys": "",
"api_keys": "مفاتيح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات",
"app_settings": "إعدادات التطبيق",
"app_settings": "إعدادات التطبيق",
"appears_in": "",
"appears_in": "يظهر في",
"archive": "أرشيف",
"archive": "أرشيف",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "أرشفة الصورة أو إلغاء أرشفتها",
"archive_size": "حجم الأرشيف",
"archive_size_description": "تكوين حجم الأرشيف للتنزيلات (بالجيجابايت)",
"archived": "",
"archived": "",
"asset_offline": "",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {الأرشيف #}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "هل هؤلاء هم نفس الشخص؟",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "هل انت متأكد من أنك تريد أن تفعل هذا؟",
"asset_added_to_album": "تمت إضافته إلى الألبوم",
"asset_adding_to_album": "جارٍ الإضافة إلى الألبوم...",
"asset_description_updated": "تم تحديث وصف الأصول",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "الأصل {filename} غير متصل",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "يحتوي الأصل على وجوه غير مخصصة",
"asset_hashing": "التجزئة...",
"asset_offline": "الأصول دون اتصال",
"asset_offline_description": "هذا الأصل غير متصل. لا يستطيع Immic الوصول إلى موقع الملف الخاص به. يرجى التأكد من توفر الأصل ثم إعادة فحص المكتبة.",
"asset_skipped": "تم تخطيه",
"asset_uploaded": "تم الرفع",
"asset_uploading": "جارٍ الرفع...",
"assets": "أصول",
"assets": "أصول",
"assets_added_count": "تمت إضافة {count, plural, one {# أصل} other {# أصول}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "تمت إضافة {count, plural, one {# أصل} other {# أصول}} إلى الألبوم",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "تمت إضافة {count, plural, one {# أصل} other {# أصول}} إلى {name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# أصل} other {# أصول}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "تم نقل {count, plural, one {# أصل} other {# أصول}} إلى سلة المهملات",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "تم حذف {count, plural, one {# أصل} other {# أصول}} بشكل دائم",
"authorized_devices": "الأجهزه المخولة",
"authorized_devices": "الأجهزه المخولة",
"back": "خلف",
"back": "خلف",
"backward": "",
"backward": "",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "Quant a",
"account": "Compte",
"account": "Compte",
"account_settings": "Configuració del compte",
"account_settings": "Configuració del compte",
"acknowledge": "Reconeix",
"acknowledge": "Reconeix",
@ -273,16 +274,25 @@
"administration": "Administrador",
"administration": "Administrador",
"advanced": "Avançat",
"advanced": "Avançat",
"album_added": "Àlbum afegit",
"album_added": "Àlbum afegit",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Rep una notificació per correu quan siguis afegit a un àlbum compartit",
"album_cover_updated": "Portada de l'àlbum actualitzada",
"album_cover_updated": "Portada de l'àlbum actualitzada",
"album_delete_confirmation": "N'esteu segur que voleu suprimir l'àlbum {album}?\nSi aquest àlbum és compartit, altres usuaris no hi podran accedir més.",
"album_info_updated": "Informació de l'àlbum actualitzada",
"album_info_updated": "Informació de l'àlbum actualitzada",
"album_leave": "Sortir de l'àlbum?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "N'esteu segur que voleu sortir de {album}?",
"album_name": "Nom de l'àlbum",
"album_name": "Nom de l'àlbum",
"album_options": "Opcions de l'àlbum",
"album_options": "Opcions de l'àlbum",
"album_remove_user": "Suprimir l'usuari?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "N'esteu segur que voleu suprimir {user}?",
"album_updated": "Àlbum actualitzat",
"album_updated": "Àlbum actualitzat",
"album_updated_setting_description": "",
"album_updated_setting_description": "",
"album_user_left": "Surt de {album}",
"album_user_removed": "{user} suprimit",
"albums": "Àlbums",
"albums": "Àlbums",
"all": "Tots",
"all": "Tots",
"all_albums": "Tots els àlbum",
"all_people": "Tota la gent",
"all_people": "Tota la gent",
"all_videos": "Tots els vídeos",
"allow_dark_mode": "Permet el tema fosc",
"allow_dark_mode": "Permet el tema fosc",
"allow_edits": "Permet editar",
"allow_edits": "Permet editar",
"api_key": "Clau API",
"api_key": "Clau API",
@ -21,12 +21,17 @@
"add_to": "Tilføj til...",
"add_to": "Tilføj til...",
"add_to_album": "Tilføj til album",
"add_to_album": "Tilføj til album",
"add_to_shared_album": "Tilføj til delt album",
"add_to_shared_album": "Tilføj til delt album",
"added_to_archive": "Tilføjet til arkiv",
"added_to_favorites": "Tilføjet til favoritter",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Tilføjet {count} til favoritter",
"admin": {
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Tilføj udelukkelsesmønstre. Globbing ved hjælp af *, ** og ? understøttes. For at ignorere alle filer i enhver mappe med navnet \"Raw\", brug \"**/Raw/**\". For at ignorere alle filer, der slutter på \".tif\", brug \"**/*.tif\". For at ignorere en absolut sti, brug \"/sti/til/ignoreret/**\".",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Tilføj udelukkelsesmønstre. Globbing ved hjælp af *, ** og ? understøttes. For at ignorere alle filer i enhver mappe med navnet \"Raw\", brug \"**/Raw/**\". For at ignorere alle filer, der slutter på \".tif\", brug \"**/*.tif\". For at ignorere en absolut sti, brug \"/sti/til/ignoreret/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Godkendelsesindstillinger",
"authentication_settings": "Godkendelsesindstillinger",
"authentication_settings_description": "Administrer adgangskode, OAuth og andre godkendelsesindstillinger",
"authentication_settings_description": "Administrer adgangskode, OAuth og andre godkendelsesindstillinger",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Er du sikker på du vil deaktivere alle login muligheder? Login vil blive helt deaktiveret",
"background_task_job": "Baggrundsopgaver",
"background_task_job": "Baggrundsopgaver",
"check_all": "Tjek Alle",
"check_all": "Tjek Alle",
"cleared_jobs": "Ryddet jobs til: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "konfigurationen er i øjeblikket indstillet af en konfigurations fil",
"config_set_by_file": "konfigurationen er i øjeblikket indstillet af en konfigurations fil",
"confirm_delete_library": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette {library} bibliotek?",
"confirm_delete_library": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette {library} bibliotek?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dette bibliotek? Dette vil slette alle {count} indeholdte aktiver fra Immich og kan ikke gøres om. Filerne forbliver på disken.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dette bibliotek? Dette vil slette alle {count} indeholdte aktiver fra Immich og kan ikke gøres om. Filerne forbliver på disken.",
@ -214,13 +214,14 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "Número de segundos para mostrar cada imagen",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Número de segundos para mostrar cada imagen",
"smart_search_job_description": "Ejecute aprendizaje automático en archivos para respaldar la búsqueda inteligente",
"smart_search_job_description": "Ejecute aprendizaje automático en archivos para respaldar la búsqueda inteligente",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "La fecha y hora de creación del elemento será usada para la información sobre la fecha",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "La fecha y hora de creación del elemento será usada para la información sobre la fecha",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "Hora de la muestra {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Habilitar el motor de plantillas de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Habilitar el motor de plantillas de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Verificación de hash habilitada",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Verificación de hash habilitada",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Habilita la verificación de hash, no la desactive a menos que esté seguro de las implicaciones",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Habilita la verificación de hash, no la desactive a menos que esté seguro de las implicaciones",
"storage_template_migration": "Migración de plantillas de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_migration": "Migración de plantillas de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Aplicar la <link>{template}</link> actual a los elementos subidos previamente",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Aplicar la <link>{template}</link> actual a los elementos subidos previamente",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Los cambios en las plantillas solo se aplican a los elementos nuevos. Para aplicarlos retroactivamente a los elementos subidos previamente ejecute la <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Los cambios en las plantillas solo se aplican a los elementos nuevos. Para aplicarlos retroactivamente a los elementos subidos previamente ejecute la <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Tarea de migración de las plantillas de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Migración de la plantilla de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_more_details": "Para obtener más detalles sobre esta función, consulte la <template-link>Plantilla de almacenamiento</template-link> y sus <implications-link>implicaciones</implications-link>",
"storage_template_more_details": "Para obtener más detalles sobre esta función, consulte la <template-link>Plantilla de almacenamiento</template-link> y sus <implications-link>implicaciones</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Cuando está habilitada, esta función organizará automáticamente los archivos según una plantilla definida por el usuario. Debido a problemas de estabilidad, la función se ha desactivado de forma predeterminada. Para obtener más información, consulte la <link>documentación</link>.",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Cuando está habilitada, esta función organizará automáticamente los archivos según una plantilla definida por el usuario. Debido a problemas de estabilidad, la función se ha desactivado de forma predeterminada. Para obtener más información, consulte la <link>documentación</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Límite aproximado de la longitud de la ruta: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_path_length": "Límite aproximado de la longitud de la ruta: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
@ -259,7 +260,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Aceleración por Hardware",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Aceleración por Hardware",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Experimental; mucho más rápido, pero tendrá menor calidad con la misma tasa de bits",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Experimental; mucho más rápido, pero tendrá menor calidad con la misma tasa de bits",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Decodificación por hardware",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Decodificación por hardware",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Se aplica únicamente a NVENC y RKMPP. Habilita la aceleración de un extremo a otro en lugar de solo acelerar la codificación. Puede que no funcione en todos los vídeos.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Se aplica únicamente a NVENC, QSV y RKMPP. Habilita la aceleración de un extremo a otro en lugar de solo acelerar la codificación. Puede que no funcione en todos los vídeos.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "Codec HEVC",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "Codec HEVC",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maximos B-frames",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maximos B-frames",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Los valores más altos mejoran la eficiencia de la compresión, pero ralentizan la codificación. Puede que no sea compatible con la aceleración de hardware en dispositivos más antiguos. 0 desactiva los fotogramas B, mientras que -1 establece este valor automáticamente.",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Los valores más altos mejoran la eficiencia de la compresión, pero ralentizan la codificación. Puede que no sea compatible con la aceleración de hardware en dispositivos más antiguos. 0 desactiva los fotogramas B, mientras que -1 establece este valor automáticamente.",
@ -372,6 +373,7 @@
"asset_description_updated": "La descripción del elemento ha sido actualizada",
"asset_description_updated": "La descripción del elemento ha sido actualizada",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "El archivo {filename} está offline",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "El archivo {filename} está offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "El archivo no tiene rostros asignados",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "El archivo no tiene rostros asignados",
"asset_hashing": "Hashing...",
"asset_offline": "Archivos fuera de linea",
"asset_offline": "Archivos fuera de linea",
"asset_offline_description": "Este archivo está offline. Immich no puede acceder a la ubicación de su archivo. Asegúrese de que el archivo esté disponible y luego vuelva a escanear la biblioteca.",
"asset_offline_description": "Este archivo está offline. Immich no puede acceder a la ubicación de su archivo. Asegúrese de que el archivo esté disponible y luego vuelva a escanear la biblioteca.",
"asset_skipped": "Omitido",
"asset_skipped": "Omitido",
@ -691,6 +693,7 @@
"extension": "Extension",
"extension": "Extension",
"external": "Externo",
"external": "Externo",
"external_libraries": "Bibliotecas Externas",
"external_libraries": "Bibliotecas Externas",
"face_unassigned": "Sin asignar",
"failed_to_get_people": "No se pudo encontrar a personas",
"failed_to_get_people": "No se pudo encontrar a personas",
"favorite": "Favorito",
"favorite": "Favorito",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "Foto favorita o no favorita",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "Foto favorita o no favorita",
@ -899,6 +902,7 @@
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Mostrar una advertencia al eliminar archivos permanentemente",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Mostrar una advertencia al eliminar archivos permanentemente",
"permanently_delete": "Borrar permanentemente",
"permanently_delete": "Borrar permanentemente",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Eliminar permanentemente {count, plural, one {asset} other {assets}}",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Eliminar permanentemente {count, plural, one {asset} other {assets}}",
"permanently_delete_assets_prompt": "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar permanentemente {count, plural, one {¿este activo?} other {¿estos <b>#</b> activos?}} Esto también eliminará {count, plural, one {de tu} other {de tus}} álbum(es).",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Archivo eliminado permanentemente",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Archivo eliminado permanentemente",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "Eliminado permanentemente {count, plural, one {# activo} other {# activos}}",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "Eliminado permanentemente {count, plural, one {# activo} other {# activos}}",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "Eliminado permanentemente {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "Eliminado permanentemente {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"about": "درباره",
"about": "درباره",
"account": "حساب کاربری",
"account": "حساب کاربری",
"account_settings": "تنظیمات حساب کاربری",
"account_settings": "تنظیمات حساب کاربری",
"acknowledge": "",
"acknowledge": "متوجه شدم",
"action": "",
"action": "",
"actions": "",
"actions": "",
"active": "فعال",
"active": "فعال",
@ -27,30 +27,31 @@
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} تا اضافه شد به علاقه مندی ها",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} تا اضافه شد به علاقه مندی ها",
"admin": {
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"authentication_settings": "",
"authentication_settings": "تنظیمات احراز هویت",
"authentication_settings_description": "",
"authentication_settings_description": "مدیریت رمز عبور، OAuth، و سایر تنظیمات احراز هویت",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید تمام روشهای ورود را غیرفعال کنید؟ ورود به طور کامل غیرفعال خواهد شد.",
"background_task_job": "",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "برای فعال سازی مجدد از <link> دستور سرور </link> استفاده کنید.",
"check_all": "",
"background_task_job": "وظایف پسزمینه",
"cleared_jobs": "",
"check_all": "بررسی همه",
"config_set_by_file": "",
"cleared_jobs": "وظایف پاک شده برای:{job}",
"confirm_delete_library": "",
"config_set_by_file": "تنظیم فعلی توسط یک فایل پیکربندی انجام شده است",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "",
"confirm_delete_library": "آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید کتابخانه {library} را حذف کنید؟",
"confirm_email_below": "",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید این کتابخانه را حذف کنید؟ این عمل باعث حذف {count, plural, one {# فایل داخلی} other {همه # فایل داخلی}} از Immich خواهد شد و قابل بازگشت نیست. فایلها بر روی دیسک باقی خواهند ماند.",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "",
"confirm_email_below": "برای تأیید، \"{email}\" را در زیر تایپ کنید",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید تمام چهرهها را مجددا پردازش کنید؟ این عمل باعث پاک شدن افراد مشخص شده نیز خواهد شد.",
"disable_login": "",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید رمز عبور {user} را بازنشانی کنید؟",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "",
"disable_login": "غیرفعال کردن ورود",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "اجرای یادگیری ماشین بر روی فایلها برای شناسایی تصاویر مشابه. این وابسته به جستجوی هوشمند است.",
"external_library_created_at": "",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "الگوهای استثنا به شما امکان میدهد هنگام اسکن کتابخانه خود فایلها و پوشهها را نادیده بگیرید . این مفید است اگر پوشههایی دارید که فایلهایی را شامل میشوند که نمیخواهید وارد کنید، مانند فایلهای RAW.",
"external_library_management": "",
"external_library_created_at": "کتابخانه خارجی (ایجاد شده در {date})",
"face_detection": "",
"external_library_management": "مدیریت کتابخانه خارجی",
"face_detection_description": "",
"face_detection": "تشخیص چهره",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "",
"face_detection_description": "تشخیص چهرهها در فایلها با استفاده از یادگیری ماشین. برای ویدیوها، تنها تصویر بندانگشتی در نظر گرفته میشود. گزینه \"همه\" تمام فایلها را (مجددا) پردازش میکند. گزینه \"گمشده\" فایلها را در صف قرار میدهد که هنوز پردازش نشدهاند. چهرههای تشخیص داده شده پس از اتمام تشخیص چهره، برای تشخیص چهره به صورت صف انتظار قرار میگیرند، آنها را به افراد موجود یا جدید گروهبندی میکند.",
"failed_job_command": "",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "گروهبندی چهرههای تشخیص داده شده به افراد. این مرحله پس از تشخیص چهره انجام میشود. گزینه \"همه\" تمام چهرهها را (مجددا) دسته بندی میکند. گزینه \"گمشده\" چهرهها را در صف قرار میدهد که به هیچ فردی اختصاص داده نشدهاند.",
"force_delete_user_warning": "",
"failed_job_command": "دستور {command} برای کار: {job} ناموفق بود",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "",
"force_delete_user_warning": "هشدار: این عمل باعث حذف فوری کاربر و تمام فایلها میشود. این عمل قابل بازگشت نیست و فایلها قابل بازیابی نیستند.",
"image_format_description": "",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "بروزرسانی اجباری تمام فایلهای کتابخانه",
"image_format_description": "فرمت WebP فایلهای کوچکتری نسبت به JPEG ایجاد میکند، اما زمان کدگذاری آن کندتر است.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "",
@ -66,13 +67,13 @@
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "",
"job_concurrency": "",
"job_concurrency": "",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "این کار ایمنی همزمانی را تضمین نمیکند.",
"job_settings": "",
"job_settings": "تنظیمات کار",
"job_settings_description": "",
"job_settings_description": "مدیریت همزمانی کار",
"job_status": "",
"job_status": "وضعیت کار",
"jobs_delayed": "",
"jobs_delayed": "",
"jobs_failed": "",
"jobs_failed": "",
"library_created": "",
"library_created": "کتابخانه ایجاد شده: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "",
"library_cron_expression": "",
"library_cron_expression_description": "",
"library_cron_expression_description": "",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Lisää mallit, jonka mukaan jätetään tiedostoja pois. Jokerimerkit *, ** ja ? ovat tuettuna. Jättääksesi pois kaikki tiedostot mistä tahansa löytyvästä kansiosta \"Raw\" käytä \"**/Raw/**\". Jättääksesi pois kaikki \". tif\" päätteiset tiedot, käytä \"**/*.tif\". Jättääksesi pois tarkan tiedostopolun, käytä \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Lisää mallit, jonka mukaan jätetään tiedostoja pois. Jokerimerkit *, ** ja ? ovat tuettuna. Jättääksesi pois kaikki tiedostot mistä tahansa löytyvästä kansiosta \"Raw\" käytä \"**/Raw/**\". Jättääksesi pois kaikki \". tif\" päätteiset tiedot, käytä \"**/*.tif\". Jättääksesi pois tarkan tiedostopolun, käytä \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Autentikointiasetukset",
"authentication_settings": "Autentikointiasetukset",
"authentication_settings_description": "Hallitse salasana-, OAuth- ja muut autentikoinnin asetukset",
"authentication_settings_description": "Hallitse salasana-, OAuth- ja muut autentikoinnin asetukset",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa kaikki kirjautumistavat käytöstä? Kirjautuminen on tämän jälkeen mahdotonta.",
"background_task_job": "Taustatyöt",
"background_task_job": "Taustatyöt",
"check_all": "Tarkista kaikki",
"check_all": "Tarkista kaikki",
"cleared_jobs": "Työn {job} tehtävät tyhjennetty",
"cleared_jobs": "Työn {job} tehtävät tyhjennetty",
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
"failed_job_command": "Komento {command} epäonnistui työlle {job}",
"failed_job_command": "Komento {command} epäonnistui työlle {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "VAROITUS: Tämä poistaa käyttäjän ja kaikki mediat. Tätä ei voi perua, eikä tiedostoja voi palauttaa.",
"force_delete_user_warning": "VAROITUS: Tämä poistaa käyttäjän ja kaikki mediat. Tätä ei voi perua, eikä tiedostoja voi palauttaa.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Pakotetaan virkistämään kaikkien kirjastojen tiedostot",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Pakotetaan virkistämään kaikkien kirjastojen tiedostot",
"image_format_description": "WebP tuottaa pienempiä tiedostoja kuin JPEG, mutta on hitaampi koodata",
"image_format_description": "WebP tuottaa pienempiä tiedostoja kuin JPEG, mutta on hitaampi pakata.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Suosi upotettua esikatselua",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Suosi upotettua esikatselua",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "Käytä RAW-kuvissa upotettuja esikatselukuvia aina kun mahdollista. Tämä voi joissain kuvissa tuottaa tarkemmat värit, mutta esikatselun laatu on riippuvainen kamerasta ja kuvassa voi olla enemmän pakkauksesta aiheutuvia häiriöitä.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "Käytä RAW-kuvissa upotettuja esikatselukuvia aina kun mahdollista. Tämä voi joissain kuvissa tuottaa tarkemmat värit, mutta esikatselun laatu on riippuvainen kamerasta ja kuvassa voi olla enemmän pakkauksesta aiheutuvia häiriöitä.",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Suosi laajaa väriskaalaa",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Suosi laajaa väriskaalaa",
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@
"image_preview_resolution": "Esikatselun resoluutio",
"image_preview_resolution": "Esikatselun resoluutio",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Käytetään kun katsellaan yksittäisiä kuvia, tai koneoppimiseen. Suurempi resoluutio voi säilyttää paremmin yksityiskohtia. Tosin koodaus kestää kauemmin, tiedostokoko kasvaa, ja se saattaa hidastaa sovelluksen responsiivisuutta.",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Käytetään kun katsellaan yksittäisiä kuvia, tai koneoppimiseen. Suurempi resoluutio voi säilyttää paremmin yksityiskohtia. Tosin koodaus kestää kauemmin, tiedostokoko kasvaa, ja se saattaa hidastaa sovelluksen responsiivisuutta.",
"image_quality": "Laatu",
"image_quality": "Laatu",
"image_quality_description": "Kuvan laatu välillä 1-100. Suurempi arvo on paremman laatuinen, mutta tuottaa kookkaampia tiedostoja. Tämä asetus vaikuttaa esikatselu- ja pikkukuviin.",
"image_quality_description": "Kuvan laatu välillä 1-100. Suurempi arvo on paremman laatuinen, mutta tuottaa kookkaampia tiedostoja. Tämä asetus vaikuttaa esikatselu- ja pikkukuviin.",
"image_settings": "Kuva-asetukset",
"image_settings": "Kuva-asetukset",
"image_settings_description": "Hallitse luotujen kuvien laatua ja resolutiota",
"image_settings_description": "Hallitse luotujen kuvien laatua ja resolutiota",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Pikkukuvien muoto",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Pikkukuvien muoto",
@ -75,8 +76,9 @@
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} tehtävää vivästetty",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} tehtävää vivästetty",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} epäonnistui",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} epäonnistui",
"library_created": "Kirjasto {library} luotu",
"library_created": "Kirjasto {library} luotu",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron lauseke",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron-lauseke",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Cron lausekkeen esiasetukset",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Anna skannaustiheys cron-formaatissa. Saadaksesi lisätietoja katso esimerkiksi <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Cron-lausekkeen esiasetukset",
"library_deleted": "Kirjasto poistettu",
"library_deleted": "Kirjasto poistettu",
"library_import_path_description": "Määritä kansio joka tuodaan. Kuvat ja videot skannataan tästä kansiosta, sekä alikansioista.",
"library_import_path_description": "Määritä kansio joka tuodaan. Kuvat ja videot skannataan tästä kansiosta, sekä alikansioista.",
"library_scanning": "Ajoittainen skannaus",
"library_scanning": "Ajoittainen skannaus",
@ -91,7 +93,8 @@
"logging_enable_description": "Ota käyttöön lokitus",
"logging_enable_description": "Ota käyttöön lokitus",
"logging_level_description": "Kun käytössä, mitä lokituksen tasoa käytetään.",
"logging_level_description": "Kun käytössä, mitä lokituksen tasoa käytetään.",
"logging_settings": "Lokit",
"logging_settings": "Lokit",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Clip malli",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP-malli",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Käytettävän CLIP-mallin nimi <link>toimivien mallien listasta</link>. Huomaa että sinun täytyy suorittaa \"Älykäs etsintä\"-työ uudelleen vaihdettuasi käytettävää mallia.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Kaksoiskappaleiden tunnistus",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Kaksoiskappaleiden tunnistus",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Ota käyttöön kaksoiskappaleiden tunnistus",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Ota käyttöön kaksoiskappaleiden tunnistus",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Jos ei käytössä, täsmälleen samojen aineistojen kaksoiskappaleet tullaan silti poistamaan.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Jos ei käytössä, täsmälleen samojen aineistojen kaksoiskappaleet tullaan silti poistamaan.",
@ -124,13 +127,14 @@
"map_dark_style": "Tumma teema",
"map_dark_style": "Tumma teema",
"map_enable_description": "Ota käyttöön karttatoiminnot",
"map_enable_description": "Ota käyttöön karttatoiminnot",
"map_light_style": "Vaalea teema",
"map_light_style": "Vaalea teema",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Hallitse <link>käänteisen geokoodauksen</link> asetuksia",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Käänteinen Geokoodaus",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Käänteinen Geokoodaus",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Ota käyttöön osoitteiden poiminta karttakoordinaateista",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Ota käyttöön osoitteiden poiminta karttakoordinaateista",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Käänteisen Geokoodauksen asetukset",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Käänteisen Geokoodauksen asetukset",
"map_settings": "Kartta- ja GPS asetukset",
"map_settings": "Kartta- ja GPS asetukset",
"map_settings_description": "Hallitse kartan asetuksia",
"map_settings_description": "Hallitse kartan asetuksia",
"map_style_description": "style.json -karttateeman URL",
"map_style_description": "style.json -karttateeman URL",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Poimi Metadata",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Kerää metadata",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "Poimi metatiedot aineistoista, kuten GPS ja resoluutio",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "Poimi metatiedot aineistoista, kuten GPS ja resoluutio",
"migration_job": "Migrointi",
"migration_job": "Migrointi",
"migration_job_description": "Migroi aineiston pikkukuvat ja kasvot uusimpaan kansiorakenteeseen",
"migration_job_description": "Migroi aineiston pikkukuvat ja kasvot uusimpaan kansiorakenteeseen",
@ -170,6 +174,7 @@
"oauth_scope": "Skooppi (Scope)",
"oauth_scope": "Skooppi (Scope)",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "Hallitse OAuth kirjautumisen asetuksia",
"oauth_settings_description": "Hallitse OAuth kirjautumisen asetuksia",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "Saadaksesi lisätietoja tästä toiminnosta, katso <link>dokumentaatio</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Allekirjoitusalgoritmi",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Allekirjoitusalgoritmi",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Tallennustilan nimikkeen valtuutusväittämä (claim)",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Tallennustilan nimikkeen valtuutusväittämä (claim)",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Määriä käyttäjän tallennustilan nimike tämän väittämän arvoksi automaattisesti.",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Määriä käyttäjän tallennustilan nimike tämän väittämän arvoksi automaattisesti.",
@ -326,8 +331,12 @@
"archive_size_description": "Määritä arkiston koko latauksissa (Gt)",
"archive_size_description": "Määritä arkiston koko latauksissa (Gt)",
"archived": "Arkistoitu",
"archived": "Arkistoitu",
"asset_offline": "Aineisto offline-tilassa",
"asset_offline": "Aineisto offline-tilassa",
"asset_skipped": "Ohitettu",
"asset_uploaded": "Lähetetty",
"asset_uploading": "Lähetetään…",
"assets": "kohdetta",
"assets": "kohdetta",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "Albumiin lisätty {count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}}",
"assets_added_count": "Lisätty {count, plural, one {# kohde} other {# kohdetta}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "Albumiin lisätty {count, plural, one {# kohde} other {# kohdetta}}",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{name}:n lisätty {count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}}",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{name}:n lisätty {count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "Siirretty {count, plural, one {# aineisto} other {# aineistoa}} roskakoriin",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "Siirretty {count, plural, one {# aineisto} other {# aineistoa}} roskakoriin",
@ -642,18 +651,20 @@
"invite_people": "",
"invite_people": "",
"invite_to_album": "Kutsu albumiin",
"invite_to_album": "Kutsu albumiin",
"job_settings_description": "",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "",
"jobs": "Taustatehtävät",
"keep": "",
"keep": "Säilytä",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "",
"keep_all": "Säilytä kaikki",
"language": "",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Pikanäppäimet",
"language_setting_description": "",
"language": "Kieli",
"last_seen": "",
"language_setting_description": "Valitse suosimasi kieli",
"last_seen": "Viimeksi nähty",
"latest_version": "Viimeisin versio",
"leave": "",
"leave": "",
"let_others_respond": "Anna muiden vastata",
"let_others_respond": "Anna muiden vastata",
"level": "",
"level": "Taso",
"library": "Kirjasto",
"library": "Kirjasto",
"library_options": "",
"library_options": "",
"light": "",
"light": "Vaalea",
"link_options": "",
"link_options": "",
"link_to_oauth": "",
"link_to_oauth": "",
"linked_oauth_account": "",
"linked_oauth_account": "",
@ -661,9 +672,12 @@
"loading": "",
"loading": "",
"loading_search_results_failed": "",
"loading_search_results_failed": "",
"log_out": "Kirjaudu ulos",
"log_out": "Kirjaudu ulos",
"log_out_all_devices": "",
"log_out_all_devices": "Kirjaudu ulos kaikilta laitteilta",
"login_has_been_disabled": "",
"login": "Kirjaudu",
"look": "",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Kirjautuminen on otettu pois käytöstä.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti kirjautua ulos kaikilta laitteilta?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti kirjautua ulos näiltä laitteilta?",
"look": "Tyyli",
"loop_videos": "",
"loop_videos": "",
"loop_videos_description": "",
"loop_videos_description": "",
"make": "Valmistaja",
"make": "Valmistaja",
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"about": "Informazioni",
"about": "Informazioni",
"account": "Account",
"account": "Account",
"account_settings": "Impostazioni account",
"account_settings": "Impostazioni Account",
"acknowledge": "Acconsenti",
"acknowledge": "Ho capito",
"action": "Azione",
"action": "Azione",
"actions": "Azioni",
"actions": "Azioni",
"active": "Attivo",
"active": "Attivo",
"activity": "Attività",
"activity": "Attività",
"activity_changed": "L'attività è {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"activity_changed": "L'attività è {enabled, select, true {abilitata} other {disabilitata}}",
"add": "Aggiungi",
"add": "Aggiungi",
"add_a_description": "Aggiungi una descrizione",
"add_a_description": "Aggiungi una descrizione",
"add_a_location": "Aggiungi un luogo",
"add_a_location": "Aggiungi un luogo",
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"image_preview_resolution": "Risoluzione anteprima",
"image_preview_resolution": "Risoluzione anteprima",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Usata per visualizzazione individuale di foto e per machine learning. Risoluzioni più alte possono preservare più dettagli ma richiedono un encoding più lento, occupano più spazio, e possono ridurre la responsività della app.",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Usata per visualizzazione individuale di foto e per machine learning. Risoluzioni più alte possono preservare più dettagli ma richiedono un encoding più lento, occupano più spazio, e possono ridurre la responsività della app.",
"image_quality": "Qualità",
"image_quality": "Qualità",
"image_quality_description": "Qualità dell'immagine da 1 a 100. Un valore più alto risulta in una migliore qualità, ma produce files più grandi.",
"image_quality_description": "Qualità dell'immagine da 1 a 100. Un valore più alto risulta in una migliore qualità, ma produce file più grandi.",
"image_settings": "Impostazioni delle immagini",
"image_settings": "Impostazioni delle immagini",
"image_settings_description": "Gestisci qualità e risoluzione delle immagini generate",
"image_settings_description": "Gestisci qualità e risoluzione delle immagini generate",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Formato miniatura",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Formato miniatura",
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Questo processo non è eseguibile in maniera concorrente.",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Questo processo non è eseguibile in maniera concorrente.",
"job_settings": "Impostazioni dei processi",
"job_settings": "Impostazioni dei processi",
"job_settings_description": "Gestisci la concorrenza dei processi",
"job_settings_description": "Gestisci la concorrenza dei processi",
"job_status": "Stato Processo",
"job_status": "Stato Processi",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# posticipato} other {# posticipati}}",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# posticipato} other {# posticipati}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# fallito} other {# falliti}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# fallito} other {# falliti}}",
"library_created": "Creata libreria {library}",
"library_created": "Creata libreria {library}",
@ -90,13 +90,13 @@
"library_tasks_description": "Esegui processi della libreria",
"library_tasks_description": "Esegui processi della libreria",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Osserva le librerie esterne per cambiamenti",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Osserva le librerie esterne per cambiamenti",
"library_watching_settings": "Osserva librerie (SPERIMENTALE)",
"library_watching_settings": "Osserva librerie (SPERIMENTALE)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Osserva automaticamente per cambiamenti di files",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Osserva automaticamente i cambiamenti dei file",
"logging_enable_description": "Attiva il logging",
"logging_enable_description": "Attiva il logging",
"logging_level_description": "Quando attivato, che livello di log utilizzare.",
"logging_level_description": "Quando attivato, che livello di log utilizzare.",
"logging_settings": "Logging",
"logging_settings": "Logging",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Modello CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Modello CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Il nome del modello CLIP mostrato <link>qui</link>. Bita cge devi rieseguire il processo 'Ricerca Intelligente' per tutte le immagini al cambio del modello.",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Il nome del modello CLIP mostrato <link>qui</link>. Bita cge devi rieseguire il processo 'Ricerca Intelligente' per tutte le immagini al cambio del modello.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Detezione di Duplicati",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Rilevamento Duplicati",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Attiva rilevazione duplicati",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Attiva rilevazione duplicati",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Se disattivo, risorse perfettamente identiche saranno comunque deduplicate.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Se disattivo, risorse perfettamente identiche saranno comunque deduplicate.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Utilizza i CLIP embeddings per trovare possibili duplicati",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Utilizza i CLIP embeddings per trovare possibili duplicati",
@ -144,22 +144,22 @@
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Nota: Per assegnare l'etichetta storage ad asset precedentemente caricati, esegui",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Nota: Per assegnare l'etichetta storage ad asset precedentemente caricati, esegui",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "NOTA: Non potrà essere modificato in futuro!",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "NOTA: Non potrà essere modificato in futuro!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Nota: Inserisci 0 per una quota illimitata",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Nota: Inserisci 0 per una quota illimitata",
"notification_email_from_address": "Indirizzo da",
"notification_email_from_address": "Indirizzo mittente",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "Indirizzo email mittente, ad esempio: \"Server Foto Immich <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "Indirizzo email mittente, ad esempio: \"Server Foto Immich <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "Host del server email (es. smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_host_description": "Host del server email (es. smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Ignora errori di certificato",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Ignora errori di certificato",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Ignora errori di validazione del certificato TLS (sconsigliato)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Ignora errori di validazione del certificato TLS (sconsigliato)",
"notification_email_password_description": "Password da usare per l'autenticazione con il server email",
"notification_email_password_description": "Password da usare per l'autenticazione con il server email",
"notification_email_port_description": "Porta del server email (es. 25, 465, 587)",
"notification_email_port_description": "Porta del server email (es. 25, 465, 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Manda email di test e salva",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Invia email di test e salva",
"notification_email_setting_description": "Impostazioni per notifiche email",
"notification_email_setting_description": "Impostazioni per le notifiche via email",
"notification_email_test_email": "Invia email di prova",
"notification_email_test_email": "Invia email di prova",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "Impossibile mandare email di test, controlla i valori inseriti",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "Impossibile inviare email di prova, controlla i valori inseriti",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Un'email di test è stata mandata a {email}. Per favore controlla la tua casella di posta.",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Un'email di prova è stata inviata a {email}. Per favore controlla la tua casella di posta.",
"notification_email_username_description": "Nome utente utilizzato per l'autenticazione con il server email",
"notification_email_username_description": "Nome utente utilizzato per l'autenticazione con il server email",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "Attiva notifiche email",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "Attiva notifiche via email",
"notification_settings": "Impostazioni Notifiche",
"notification_settings": "Impostazioni Notifiche",
"notification_settings_description": "Gestisci impostazioni notifiche, incluse email",
"notification_settings_description": "Gestisci le impostazioni di notifica, incluse le email",
"oauth_auto_launch": "Avvio automatico",
"oauth_auto_launch": "Avvio automatico",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "Esegui il flusso di autenticazione OAuth automaticamente navigando sulla pagina di login",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "Esegui il flusso di autenticazione OAuth automaticamente navigando sulla pagina di login",
"oauth_auto_register": "Registrazione automatica",
"oauth_auto_register": "Registrazione automatica",
@ -200,9 +200,9 @@
"require_password_change_on_login": "Richiedi all'utente di cambiare password al primo accesso",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Richiedi all'utente di cambiare password al primo accesso",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Ripristina impostazioni predefinite",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Ripristina impostazioni predefinite",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Ripristina impostazioni alle impostazioni salvate di recente",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Ripristina impostazioni alle impostazioni salvate di recente",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Scansiona la libreria per file cambiati",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Scansiona la libreria per file modificati",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "Scansiona la libreria per nuovi file",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "Scansiona la libreria per nuovi file",
"send_welcome_email": "Manda email di benvenuto",
"send_welcome_email": "Invia email di benvenuto",
"server_external_domain_settings": "Dominio esterno",
"server_external_domain_settings": "Dominio esterno",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "Dominio per link condivisi pubblicamente, incluso http(s)://",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "Dominio per link condivisi pubblicamente, incluso http(s)://",
"server_settings": "Impostazioni Server",
"server_settings": "Impostazioni Server",
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "Il numero di frame da prendere in considerazione nel comprimere un determinato frame. Valori più alti migliorano l'efficienza di compressione, ma rallentano la codifica. 0 imposta questo valore automaticamente.",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "Il numero di frame da prendere in considerazione nel comprimere un determinato frame. Valori più alti migliorano l'efficienza di compressione, ma rallentano la codifica. 0 imposta questo valore automaticamente.",
"transcoding_required_description": "Solo video che non sono in un formato accettato",
"transcoding_required_description": "Solo video che non sono in un formato accettato",
"transcoding_settings": "Impostazioni Trascodifica Video",
"transcoding_settings": "Impostazioni Trascodifica Video",
"transcoding_settings_description": "Gestione informazioni risoluzione e codifica dei file video",
"transcoding_settings_description": "Gestisci le impostazioni di risoluzione e codifica dei file video",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "Risoluzione desiderata",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "Risoluzione desiderata",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "Risoluzioni più elevate possono preservare più dettagli ma richiedono più tempo per la codifica, producono file di dimensioni maggiori e possono ridurre la reattività dell'applicazione.",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "Risoluzioni più elevate possono preservare più dettagli ma richiedono più tempo per la codifica, producono file di dimensioni maggiori e possono ridurre la reattività dell'applicazione.",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "AQ temporale",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "AQ temporale",
@ -301,14 +301,16 @@
"trash_settings_description": "Gestisci impostazioni cestino",
"trash_settings_description": "Gestisci impostazioni cestino",
"untracked_files": "File non tracciati",
"untracked_files": "File non tracciati",
"untracked_files_description": "Questi file non sono tracciati dall'applicazione. Potrebbero essere il risultato di spostamenti falliti, caricamenti interrotti o abbandonati a causa di un bug",
"untracked_files_description": "Questi file non sono tracciati dall'applicazione. Potrebbero essere il risultato di spostamenti falliti, caricamenti interrotti o abbandonati a causa di un bug",
"user_delete_delay": "L'account e gli asset dell'utente <b>{user}</b> verranno programmati per la cancellazione definitiva tra {delay, plural, one {# giorno} other {# giorni}}.",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Ritardo eliminazione",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Ritardo eliminazione",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Numero di giorni dopo l'eliminazione per cancellare in modo definitivo l'account e gli asset di un utente. Il processo di cancellazione dell'utente viene eseguito a mezzanotte per verificare se esistono utenti pronti a essere eliminati. Le modifiche a questa impostazioni saranno prese in considerazione dalla possima esecuzione.",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Numero di giorni dopo l'eliminazione per cancellare in modo definitivo l'account e gli asset di un utente. Il processo di cancellazione dell'utente viene eseguito a mezzanotte per verificare se esistono utenti pronti a essere eliminati. Le modifiche a questa impostazioni saranno prese in considerazione dalla possima esecuzione.",
"user_delete_immediately": "L'account e tutti gli asset di <b>{user}</b> vengono messi in coda per la cancellazione permanente <b>immediata</b>.",
"user_delete_immediately": "L'account e tutti gli asset dell'utente <b>{user}</b> verranno messi in coda per la cancellazione permanente <b>immediata</b>.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "utente",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "utente",
"user_management": "Gestione Utenti",
"user_management": "Gestione Utenti",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "La password dell'utente è stata reimpostata:",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "La password dell'utente è stata reimpostata:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Per favore inserisci una password temporanea per l'utente e informalo che dovrà cambiare la password al prossimo login.",
"user_password_reset_description": "Per favore inserisci una password temporanea per l'utente e informalo che dovrà cambiare la password al prossimo login.",
"user_restore_description": "L'account di <b>{user}</b> verrà ripristinato.",
"user_restore_description": "L'account di <b>{user}</b> verrà ripristinato.",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "Ripristina utente - rimozione progammata per il {date, date, long}",
"user_settings": "Impostazione Utente",
"user_settings": "Impostazione Utente",
"user_settings_description": "Gestisci impostazioni utente",
"user_settings_description": "Gestisci impostazioni utente",
"user_successfully_removed": "L'utente {email} è stato rimosso con successo.",
"user_successfully_removed": "L'utente {email} è stato rimosso con successo.",
@ -322,6 +324,9 @@
"admin_password": "Password Amministratore",
"admin_password": "Password Amministratore",
"administration": "Amministrazione",
"administration": "Amministrazione",
"advanced": "Avanzate",
"advanced": "Avanzate",
"age_months": "Età {months, plural, one {# mese} other {# mesi}}",
"age_year_months": "Età 1 anno, {months, plural, one {# mese} other {# mesi}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, one {# anno} other {# anni}}",
"album_added": "Album aggiunto",
"album_added": "Album aggiunto",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Ricevi una notifica email quando sei aggiunto a un album condiviso",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Ricevi una notifica email quando sei aggiunto a un album condiviso",
"album_cover_updated": "Copertina dell'album aggiornata",
"album_cover_updated": "Copertina dell'album aggiornata",
@ -333,6 +338,7 @@
"album_options": "Impostazioni Album",
"album_options": "Impostazioni Album",
"album_remove_user": "Rimuovi l'utente?",
"album_remove_user": "Rimuovi l'utente?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Sicuro di voler cancellare l'utente {user}?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Sicuro di voler cancellare l'utente {user}?",
"album_share_no_users": "Sembra che tu abbia condiviso questo album con tutti gli utenti oppure non hai nessun utente con cui condividere.",
"album_updated": "Album aggiornato",
"album_updated": "Album aggiornato",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Ricevi una notifica email quando un album condiviso ha nuovi asset",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Ricevi una notifica email quando un album condiviso ha nuovi asset",
"album_user_removed": "Utente {user} rimosso",
"album_user_removed": "Utente {user} rimosso",
@ -345,6 +351,8 @@
"all_videos": "Tutti i video",
"all_videos": "Tutti i video",
"allow_dark_mode": "Permetti tema scuro",
"allow_dark_mode": "Permetti tema scuro",
"allow_edits": "Permetti modifiche",
"allow_edits": "Permetti modifiche",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permetti di scaricare agli utenti pubblici",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permetti di caricare agli utenti pubblici",
"api_key": "Chiave API",
"api_key": "Chiave API",
"api_key_description": "Il campo verrà mostrato solo una volta. Abbi cura di copiarlo prima di chiudere la finestra.",
"api_key_description": "Il campo verrà mostrato solo una volta. Abbi cura di copiarlo prima di chiudere la finestra.",
"api_key_empty": "Il valore del nome dell'API Key non può essere vuoto",
"api_key_empty": "Il valore del nome dell'API Key non può essere vuoto",
@ -356,6 +364,7 @@
"archive_size": "Dimensioni Archivio",
"archive_size": "Dimensioni Archivio",
"archive_size_description": "Imposta le dimensioni dell'archivio per i download (in GiB)",
"archive_size_description": "Imposta le dimensioni dell'archivio per i download (in GiB)",
"archived": "Archiviato",
"archived": "Archiviato",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Archiviati #}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Sono la stessa persona?",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Sono la stessa persona?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Sei sicuro di voler procedere?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Sei sicuro di voler procedere?",
"asset_added_to_album": "Aggiunto all'album",
"asset_added_to_album": "Aggiunto all'album",
@ -366,18 +375,36 @@
"asset_hashing": "Hashing...",
"asset_hashing": "Hashing...",
"asset_offline": "Risorsa offline",
"asset_offline": "Risorsa offline",
"asset_offline_description": "Il media è offline. Immich non è in grado di accedere al percorso del file. Assicurarsi che il media sia disponibile e riscansionare la libreria.",
"asset_offline_description": "Il media è offline. Immich non è in grado di accedere al percorso del file. Assicurarsi che il media sia disponibile e riscansionare la libreria.",
"asset_skipped": "Saltato",
"asset_uploaded": "Caricato",
"asset_uploading": "Caricamento...",
"assets": "Risorse",
"assets": "Risorse",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset aggiunto} other {# asset aggiunti}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset aggiunto} other {# asset aggiunti}} all'album",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset aggiunto} other {# asset aggiunti}} a {name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, other {# asset}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {Spostato # asset} other {Spostati # asset}} nel cestino",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {Spostato # asset} other {Spostati # asset}} nel cestino",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset spostato} other {# asset spostati}} nel cestino",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset cancellato} other {# asset cancellati}} definitivamente",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset rimosso} other {# asset rimossi}}",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare tutti gli asset cancellati? Non puoi annullare questa azione!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset ripristinato} other {# asset ripristinati}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset spostato} other {# asset spostati}} nel cestino",
"authorized_devices": "Dispositivi autorizzati",
"authorized_devices": "Dispositivi autorizzati",
"back": "Indietro",
"back": "Indietro",
"back_close_deselect": "Indietro, chiudi o deseleziona",
"backward": "Indietro",
"backward": "Indietro",
"birthdate_saved": "Data di nascita salvata con successo",
"birthdate_set_description": "La data di nascita è usata per calcolare l'età di questa persona nel momento dello scatto della foto.",
"blurred_background": "Sfondo sfocato",
"blurred_background": "Sfondo sfocato",
"build": "",
"camera": "Fotocamera",
"camera": "Fotocamera",
"camera_brand": "Marca fotocamera",
"camera_brand": "Marca fotocamera",
"camera_model": "Modello fotocamera",
"camera_model": "Modello fotocamera",
"cancel": "Annulla",
"cancel": "Annulla",
"cancel_search": "Annulla ricerca",
"cancel_search": "Annulla ricerca",
"cannot_merge_people": "Impossibile unire le persone",
"cannot_merge_people": "Impossibile unire le persone",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Non puoi annullare questa azione!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Impossibile aggiornare la descrizione",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Impossibile aggiornare la descrizione",
"cant_apply_changes": "Impossibile applicare le modifiche",
"cant_apply_changes": "Impossibile applicare le modifiche",
"cant_get_faces": "Impossibile caricare i volti",
"cant_get_faces": "Impossibile caricare i volti",
@ -470,6 +497,7 @@
"download_settings": "Scarica",
"download_settings": "Scarica",
"download_settings_description": "Gestisci le impostazioni riguardandi il download degli asset",
"download_settings_description": "Gestisci le impostazioni riguardandi il download degli asset",
"downloading": "Scaricando",
"downloading": "Scaricando",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Rilascia i file ovunque per caricarli",
"duplicates": "Duplicati",
"duplicates": "Duplicati",
"duplicates_description": "Risolvi ciascun gruppo indicando quali sono, se esistono, i duplicati",
"duplicates_description": "Risolvi ciascun gruppo indicando quali sono, se esistono, i duplicati",
"duration": "Durata",
"duration": "Durata",
@ -511,6 +539,7 @@
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Questo pattern di esclusione già esiste.",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Questo pattern di esclusione già esiste.",
"failed_job_command": "Il comando {command} è fallito per il processo: {job}",
"failed_job_command": "Il comando {command} è fallito per il processo: {job}",
"import_path_already_exists": "Questo percorso di importazione già esiste.",
"import_path_already_exists": "Questo percorso di importazione già esiste.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Email o password non corretta",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# percorso} other {# percorsi}} hanno fallito la validazione",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# percorso} other {# percorsi}} hanno fallito la validazione",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Hai impostato un limite più alto della dimensione del disco",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Hai impostato un limite più alto della dimensione del disco",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Impossibile verificare {count, select, one {elemento} other {elementi}}",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Impossibile verificare {count, select, one {elemento} other {elementi}}",
@ -536,6 +565,7 @@
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Impossibile cancellare percorso di importazione",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Impossibile cancellare percorso di importazione",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Impossibile cancellare link condiviso",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Impossibile cancellare link condiviso",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Impossibile cancellare utente",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Impossibile cancellare utente",
"unable_to_download_files": "Impossibile scaricare i file",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Impossibile modificare pattern di esclusione",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Impossibile modificare pattern di esclusione",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Impossibile cambiare percorso di importazione",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Impossibile cambiare percorso di importazione",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Impossibile svuotare il cestino",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Impossibile svuotare il cestino",
@ -553,7 +583,7 @@
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Impossibile rimuovere la chiave API",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Impossibile rimuovere la chiave API",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Impossibile rimuovere libreria",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Impossibile rimuovere libreria",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Impossibile rimuovere file offline",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Impossibile rimuovere i file offline",
"unable_to_remove_partner": "Impossibile rimuovere compagno",
"unable_to_remove_partner": "Impossibile rimuovere compagno",
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "Impossibile rimuovere reazione",
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "Impossibile rimuovere reazione",
"unable_to_remove_user": "",
"unable_to_remove_user": "",
@ -619,6 +649,7 @@
"go_to_share_page": "Vai alla pagina condivisione",
"go_to_share_page": "Vai alla pagina condivisione",
"group_albums_by": "Raggruppa album in base a...",
"group_albums_by": "Raggruppa album in base a...",
"has_quota": "Ha limite",
"has_quota": "Ha limite",
"hi_user": "Ciao {name} ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "Nascondi galleria",
"hide_gallery": "Nascondi galleria",
"hide_password": "Nascondi password",
"hide_password": "Nascondi password",
"hide_person": "Nascondi persona",
"hide_person": "Nascondi persona",
@ -727,7 +758,7 @@
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Nota: Per aggiungere l'etichetta dell'archiviazione agli asset caricati in precedenza, esegui",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Nota: Per aggiungere l'etichetta dell'archiviazione agli asset caricati in precedenza, esegui",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Nota: Inserisci 0 per archiviazione illimitata",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Nota: Inserisci 0 per archiviazione illimitata",
"notes": "Note",
"notes": "Note",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "Attiva le notifiche email",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "Attiva le notifiche via email",
"notifications": "Notifiche",
"notifications": "Notifiche",
"notifications_setting_description": "Gestisci notifiche",
"notifications_setting_description": "Gestisci notifiche",
"oauth": "OAuth",
"oauth": "OAuth",
@ -811,7 +842,7 @@
"removed_api_key": "Rimossa chiave API: {name}",
"removed_api_key": "Rimossa chiave API: {name}",
"rename": "Rinomina",
"rename": "Rinomina",
"repair": "Ripara",
"repair": "Ripara",
"repair_no_results_message": "I file che non sono traccia e mancanti saranno mostrati qui",
"repair_no_results_message": "I file mancanti e non tracciati saranno mostrati qui",
"replace_with_upload": "Rimpiazza con upload",
"replace_with_upload": "Rimpiazza con upload",
"require_password": "Richiedi password",
"require_password": "Richiedi password",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Richiedi all'utente di cambiare password al primo accesso",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Richiedi all'utente di cambiare password al primo accesso",
@ -864,7 +895,7 @@
"select_trash_all": "Seleziona cestina tutto",
"select_trash_all": "Seleziona cestina tutto",
"selected": "Selezionato",
"selected": "Selezionato",
"send_message": "Manda messaggio",
"send_message": "Manda messaggio",
"send_welcome_email": "Manda email di benvenuto",
"send_welcome_email": "Invia email di benvenuto",
"server": "Server",
"server": "Server",
"server_stats": "Statistiche Server",
"server_stats": "Statistiche Server",
"set": "Imposta",
"set": "Imposta",
@ -883,7 +914,7 @@
"shared_links": "Link condivisi",
"shared_links": "Link condivisi",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# foto & video condivisi.}}",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# foto & video condivisi.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Condiviso con {partner}",
"shared_with_partner": "Condiviso con {partner}",
"sharing": "Condividendo",
"sharing": "Condivisione",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Mostra un link a Condivisione nella barra laterale",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Mostra un link a Condivisione nella barra laterale",
"show_album_options": "Mostra opzioni album",
"show_album_options": "Mostra opzioni album",
"show_and_hide_people": "Mostra & nascondi persone",
"show_and_hide_people": "Mostra & nascondi persone",
@ -920,7 +951,7 @@
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Non condividere più le tue foto con questo utente",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Non condividere più le tue foto con questo utente",
"storage": "Archiviazione",
"storage": "Archiviazione",
"storage_label": "Etichetta archiviazione",
"storage_label": "Etichetta archiviazione",
"storage_usage": "{used} di {available} utilizzato",
"storage_usage": "{used} di {available} utilizzati",
"submit": "Invia",
"submit": "Invia",
"suggestions": "Suggerimenti",
"suggestions": "Suggerimenti",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "Tramonto sulla spiaggia",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "Tramonto sulla spiaggia",
@ -934,14 +965,14 @@
"timezone": "Fuso orario",
"timezone": "Fuso orario",
"to_archive": "Archivio",
"to_archive": "Archivio",
"to_favorite": "Preferito",
"to_favorite": "Preferito",
"to_trash": "Cestino",
"to_trash": "Cancella",
"toggle_settings": "Attiva/disattiva impostazioni",
"toggle_settings": "Attiva/disattiva impostazioni",
"toggle_theme": "Cambia tema",
"toggle_theme": "Cambia tema",
"toggle_visibility": "Cambia visibilità",
"toggle_visibility": "Cambia visibilità",
"total_usage": "Utilizzo totale",
"total_usage": "Utilizzo totale",
"trash": "Cestino",
"trash": "Cestino",
"trash_all": "Cestina Tutto",
"trash_all": "Cestina Tutto",
"trash_count": "Cestino {count}",
"trash_count": "Cancella {count}",
"trash_no_results_message": "Le foto cestinate saranno mostrate qui.",
"trash_no_results_message": "Le foto cestinate saranno mostrate qui.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Gli elementi cestinati saranno eliminati definitivamente dopo {days, plural, one {# giorno} other {# giorni}}.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Gli elementi cestinati saranno eliminati definitivamente dopo {days, plural, one {# giorno} other {# giorni}}.",
"type": "Tipo",
"type": "Tipo",
@ -965,6 +996,8 @@
"updated_password": "Password aggiornata",
"updated_password": "Password aggiornata",
"upload": "Carica",
"upload": "Carica",
"upload_concurrency": "Caricamenti contemporanei",
"upload_concurrency": "Caricamenti contemporanei",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Caricato",
"upload_success": "Caricamento completato con successo, aggiorna la pagina per vedere i nuovi asset caricati.",
"url": "URL",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Utilizzo",
"usage": "Utilizzo",
"user": "Utente",
"user": "Utente",
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "ユーザーのストレージラベルを、このクレームの値に自動的に設定します。",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "ユーザーのストレージラベルを、このクレームの値に自動的に設定します。",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "ユーザーのストレージクォータをこのクレームの値に自動的に設定します。",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "ユーザーのストレージクォータをこのクレームの値に自動的に設定します。",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "デフォルトのストレージ割り当て(GiB)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "クレームが提供されていない場合に使用されるクォータをGiB単位で設定します(無制限にする場合は0を入力してください)。",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "クレームが提供されていない場合に使用されるクォータをGiB単位で設定します(無制限にする場合は0を入力してください)。",
"offline_paths_description": "これらの結果は、外部ライブラリに属さないファイルを手動で削除したことによる可能性があります。",
"offline_paths_description": "これらの結果は、外部ライブラリに属さないファイルを手動で削除したことによる可能性があります。",
"password_enable_description": "メールアドレスとパスワードでログイン",
"password_enable_description": "メールアドレスとパスワードでログイン",
@ -196,10 +196,15 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "各画像を表示する秒数",
"slideshow_duration_description": "各画像を表示する秒数",
"smart_search_job_description": "スマート検索をサポートするため、アセットに対して機械学習を実行する",
"smart_search_job_description": "スマート検索をサポートするため、アセットに対して機械学習を実行する",
"storage_template_enable_description": "ストレージ テンプレート エンジンの有効化",
"storage_template_enable_description": "ストレージ テンプレート エンジンの有効化",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "ハッシュ検証に失敗",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "ハッシュ検証を有効化",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "ハッシュ検証の有効化(よくわからなければ、有効にしてください)",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "ハッシュ検証の有効化(よくわからなければ、有効にしてください)",
"storage_template_migration": "ストレージ テンプレート の移行",
"storage_template_migration": "ストレージ テンプレート の移行",
"storage_template_migration_job": "ストレージ移行ジョブ",
"storage_template_migration_description": "現在の<link>{template}</link>を以前にアップロードされたアセットに適用",
"storage_template_migration_info": "テンプレートの変更は新しいアセットにのみ適用されます。 以前にアップロードしたアセットにテンプレートを遡って適用するには、<link>{job}</link> を実行してください。",
"storage_template_migration_job": "ストレージテンプレート移行ジョブ",
"storage_template_more_details": "この機能の詳細については、<template-link>ストレージテンプレート</template-link>とその<implications-link>影響</implications-link>を参照してください",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "この機能を有効にすると、ユーザー定義のテンプレートに基づいてファイルが自動で整理されます。 安定性の問題のため、この機能はデフォルトでオフになっています。 詳細については、<link>ドキュメント</link>を参照してください。",
"storage_template_path_length": "おおよそのパス長の制限: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "ストレージ テンプレート",
"storage_template_settings": "ストレージ テンプレート",
"storage_template_settings_description": "アップロードしたアセットのフォルダ構造とファイル名を管理します",
"storage_template_settings_description": "アップロードしたアセットのフォルダ構造とファイル名を管理します",
"system_settings": "システム設定",
"system_settings": "システム設定",
@ -261,112 +266,172 @@
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "HDR動画をSDRに変換する際に見た目を維持しようと試みます。各アルゴリズムは、色、詳細、明るさに対して異なるトレードオフを行います。Hableは詳細を維持し、Mobiusは色を維持し、Reinhardは明るさを維持します。",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "HDR動画をSDRに変換する際に見た目を維持しようと試みます。各アルゴリズムは、色、詳細、明るさに対して異なるトレードオフを行います。Hableは詳細を維持し、Mobiusは色を維持し、Reinhardは明るさを維持します。",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "トーンマッピング NPL",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "トーンマッピング NPL",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "トランスコードポリシー",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "",
"transcoding_transcode_policy_description": "動画がトランスコードされるべきかを決めるポリシー。HDRビデオは常にトランスコードされます(トランスコードが無効化されている場合を除く)。",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "Two-passエンコード",
"transcoding_video_codec": "",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "二つのパスでトランスコードし、よりよくエンコードされた動画を生成します。最大ビットレートが有効になっている場合(H.264とHEVCが動作するために必要)、このモードは最大ビットレートを基にしたビットレートの範囲を使用し、CRFを無視します。VP9については最大ビットレートの無効時にCRFを使うことができます。",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "",
"transcoding_video_codec": "動画コーデック",
"trash_enabled_description": "",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "VP9 は高い効率とWeb 互換性を持ちますが、トランスコードに時間がかかります。 HEVC も同様ですが、Web 互換性が低くなります。 H.264 は幅広い互換性がありトランスコードが高速ですが、生成されるファイルははるかに大きくなります。 AV1 は最も効率的なコーデックですが、古いデバイスではサポートされていません。",
"trash_number_of_days": "",
"trash_enabled_description": "ごみ箱機能を有効化",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "",
"trash_number_of_days": "日数",
"trash_settings": "",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "アセットを完全に削除する前にごみ箱に保管しておく日数",
"trash_settings_description": "",
"trash_settings": "ごみ箱の設定",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "",
"trash_settings_description": "ごみ箱の設定を管理します",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "",
"untracked_files": "追跡されていないファイル",
"user_settings": "",
"untracked_files_description": "これらのファイルはアプリケーションによって追跡されていません。これらは移動の失敗、アップロードの中断、またはバグにより取り残されたものである可能性があります",
"user_settings_description": "",
"user_delete_delay": "<b>{user}</b>のアカウントとアセットは{delay, plural, one {#日} other {#日}}後に完全に削除されるように予定されます。",
"version_check_enabled_description": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "遅延削除",
"version_check_settings": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "削除実行後、ユーザーのアカウントとアセットが完全に削除されるまでの日数。 ユーザー削除ジョブは深夜に実行され、削除の準備ができているユーザーを確認します。 この設定への変更は、次回の実行時に反映されます。",
"version_check_settings_description": "",
"user_delete_immediately": "<b>{user}</b> のアカウントとアセットは、<b>直ちに</b>完全に削除するためにキューに追加されます。",
"video_conversion_job_description": ""
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "ユーザーとアセットを即時削除するキューに入れる",
"user_management": "ユーザー管理",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "ユーザーのパスワードがリセットされました:",
"user_password_reset_description": "ユーザーにこの一時パスワードを提供し、次回ログイン時にパスワードを変更しなければならないことを伝えてください。",
"user_restore_description": "<b>{user}</b>のアカウントは復元されました。",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "ユーザーを復元 - {date, date, long}に削除予定",
"user_settings": "ユーザー設定",
"user_settings_description": "ユーザー設定を管理します",
"user_successfully_removed": "ユーザー {email} は正常に削除されました。",
"version_check_enabled_description": "新しいリリースを確認するための定期的なGitHubへのリクエストを有効にする",
"version_check_settings": "バージョンチェック",
"version_check_settings_description": "新しいバージョンの通知を有効/無効にします",
"video_conversion_job": "動画をトランスコード",
"video_conversion_job_description": "幅広いブラウザやデバイスとの互換性を高めるために動画をトランスコードします"
"admin_email": "",
"admin_email": "管理者Email",
"admin_password": "",
"admin_password": "管理者パスワード",
"administration": "",
"administration": "管理",
"advanced": "詳細設定",
"advanced": "詳細設定",
"album_added": "",
"album_added": "アルバム追加",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "共有アルバムに追加されたときEメール通知を受信する",
"album_cover_updated": "",
"album_cover_updated": "",
"album_info_updated": "",
"album_delete_confirmation": "アルバム{album}を本当に削除しますか?\nこのアルバムが共有されているなら、他のユーザーもアルバムにアクセスできなくなります。",
"album_name": "",
"album_info_updated": "アルバム情報更新",
"album_name": "アルバム名",
"album_options": "",
"album_options": "",
"album_updated": "",
"album_remove_user": "ユーザーを削除しますか?",
"album_updated_setting_description": "",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "本当に{user}を削除しますか?",
"album_share_no_users": "このアルバムを全てのユーザーと共有したか、共有するユーザーがいないようです。",
"album_updated": "アルバム更新",
"album_updated_setting_description": "共有アルバムに新しいアセットが追加されたとき通知を受け取る",
"album_with_link_access": "リンクを知っている人は誰でも、このアルバム中の写真と人物を閲覧できるようになります。",
"albums": "アルバム",
"albums": "アルバム",
"all": "すべて",
"all": "すべて",
"all_people": "",
"all_albums": "全てのアルバム",
"allow_dark_mode": "",
"all_people": "全ての人物",
"allow_edits": "",
"all_videos": "全ての動画",
"api_key": "",
"allow_dark_mode": "ダークモードを許可",
"api_keys": "",
"allow_edits": "編集を許可",
"app_settings": "",
"api_key": "APIキー",
"appears_in": "",
"api_key_description": "この値は一回のみ表示されます。 ウィンドウを閉じる前に必ずコピーしてください。",
"api_key_empty": "APIキー名は空白にできません",
"api_keys": "APIキー",
"app_settings": "アプリ設定",
"appears_in": "これらに含まれます",
"archive": "アーカイブ",
"archive": "アーカイブ",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "写真をアーカイブまたはアーカイブ解除",
"archive_size": "アーカイブサイズ",
"archived": "",
"archived": "",
"asset_offline": "",
"are_these_the_same_person": "これらは同じ人物ですか?",
"assets": "写真と動画",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "本当にこれを行いますか?",
"authorized_devices": "",
"asset_added_to_album": "アルバムに追加",
"asset_adding_to_album": "アルバムに追加しています…",
"asset_description_updated": "アセットの説明が更新されました",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "アセット {filename} はオフラインです",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "アセットには未割り当ての顔があります",
"asset_hashing": "ハッシュ計算中…",
"asset_offline": "アセットはオフラインです",
"asset_offline_description": "このアセットはオフラインです。 Immichはファイルの場所にアクセスできません。 アセットが利用可能であることを確認しライブラリを再スキャンしてください。",
"asset_skipped": "スキップ済",
"asset_uploaded": "アップロード済",
"asset_uploading": "アップロード中...",
"assets": "アセット",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセットを追加しました",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセットをアルバムに追加しました",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセットを{name}に追加しました",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセット",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセットをごみ箱に移動しました",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセットを完全に削除しました",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセットを削除しました",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "ごみ箱のアセットをすべて復元してもよろしいですか? この操作を元に戻すことはできません!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセットを復元しました",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {#個} other {#個}}のアセットをごみ箱に移動しました",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {個} other {個}}のアセットは既にアルバムの一部です",
"authorized_devices": "認可済みデバイス",
"back": "戻る",
"back": "戻る",
"backward": "",
"back_close_deselect": "戻る、閉じる、選択解除",
"backward": "新しい方へ",
"birthdate_saved": "生年月日が正常に保存されました",
"birthdate_set_description": "生年月日は、写真撮影時のこの人物の年齢を計算するために使用されます。",
"blurred_background": "",
"blurred_background": "",
"camera": "",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "本当に {count} 個の重複したアセットを一括削除しますか?これにより各重複中の最大のアセットが保持され、他の全ての重複が削除されます。この操作を元に戻すことはできません!",
"camera_brand": "",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "本当に {count}個の重複アセットを保持しますか?これにより何も削除されずに重複グループが解決されます。",
"camera_model": "",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "本当に{count}個の重複したアセットを一括でごみ箱に移動しますか?これにより各重複中の最大のアセットが保持され、他の全ての重複はごみ箱に移動されます。",
"camera": "カメラブランド",
"camera_brand": "カメラブランド",
"camera_model": "カメラモデル",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"cancel_search": "",
"cancel_search": "検索をキャンセル",
"cannot_merge_people": "",
"cannot_merge_people": "人物をマージできません",
"cannot_update_the_description": "",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "この操作は元に戻せません!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "説明を更新できません",
"cant_apply_changes": "",
"cant_apply_changes": "",
"cant_get_faces": "",
"cant_get_faces": "",
"cant_search_people": "",
"cant_search_people": "",
"cant_search_places": "",
"cant_search_places": "",
"change_date": "",
"change_date": "日時を変更",
"change_expiration_time": "有効期限を変更",
"change_expiration_time": "有効期限を変更",
"change_location": "",
"change_location": "場所を変更",
"change_name": "",
"change_name": "名前を変更",
"change_name_successfully": "",
"change_name_successfully": "名前を正常に変更しました",
"change_password": "パスワードを変更",
"change_password": "パスワードを変更",
"change_your_password": "",
"change_password_description": "これは、初めてのサインインであるか、パスワードの変更要求が行われたかのいずれかです。 新しいパスワードを下に入力してください。",
"change_your_password": "パスワードを変更します",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "",
"check_logs": "",
"check_logs": "ログを確認",
"city": "市町村",
"city": "市町村",
"clear": "クリア",
"clear": "クリア",
"clear_all": "",
"clear_all": "全てクリア",
"clear_message": "",
"clear_message": "メッセージをクリア",
"clear_value": "",
"clear_value": "値をクリア",
"close": "",
"close": "閉じる",
"collapse_all": "",
"collapse": "展開",
"color_theme": "",
"collapse_all": "全て展開",
"comment_options": "",
"color_theme": "カラーテーマ",
"comments_are_disabled": "",
"comment_deleted": "コメントが削除されました",
"confirm": "了解",
"comment_options": "コメント設定",
"confirm_admin_password": "",
"comments_are_disabled": "コメントは無効化されています",
"confirm": "確認",
"confirm_admin_password": "管理者パスワードを確認",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "本当にこの共有リンクを削除しますか?",
"confirm_password": "確定",
"confirm_password": "確定",
"contain": "",
"contain": "収める",
"context": "",
"context": "状況",
"continue": "",
"continue": "続ける",
"copied_image_to_clipboard": "",
"copied_image_to_clipboard": "画像をクリップボードにコピーしました。",
"copy_error": "",
"copied_to_clipboard": "クリップボードにコピーしました!",
"copy_file_path": "",
"copy_error": "コピーのエラー",
"copy_image": "",
"copy_file_path": "ファイルパスをコピー",
"copy_link": "",
"copy_image": "画像をコピー",
"copy_link_to_clipboard": "",
"copy_link": "リンクをコピー",
"copy_password": "",
"copy_link_to_clipboard": "リンクをクリップボードにコピー",
"copy_to_clipboard": "",
"copy_password": "パスワードをコピー",
"copy_to_clipboard": "クリップボードにコピー",
"country": "国",
"country": "国",
"cover": "",
"cover": "カバー",
"covers": "",
"covers": "カバー",
"create": "作成",
"create": "作成",
"create_album": "アルバムを作成",
"create_album": "アルバムを作成",
"create_library": "",
"create_library": "ライブラリを作成",
"create_link": "リンクを作る",
"create_link": "リンクを作る",
"create_link_to_share": "共有リンクを作る",
"create_link_to_share": "共有リンクを作る",
"create_new_person": "",
"create_link_to_share_description": "リンクを知っている人全員が選択した写真を閲覧できるようになります",
"create_new_user": "",
"create_new_person": "新しい人物を作成",
"create_user": "",
"create_new_person_hint": "選択されたアセットを新しい人物に割り当て",
"create_new_user": "新規ユーザーの作成",
"create_user": "ユーザーを作成",
"created": "",
"created": "",
"current_device": "",
"current_device": "現在のデバイス",
"custom_locale": "",
"custom_locale": "",
"custom_locale_description": "",
"custom_locale_description": "",
"dark": "",
"dark": "",
@ -398,7 +463,9 @@
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "",
"done": "完了",
"done": "完了",
"download": "ダウンロード",
"download": "ダウンロード",
"downloading": "",
"downloading": "ダウンロード中",
"downloading_asset_filename": "アセット {filename} をダウンロード中",
"duplicates": "重複",
"duration": "",
"duration": "",
"durations": {
"durations": {
"days": "",
"days": "",
@ -493,7 +560,7 @@
"expand_all": "",
"expand_all": "",
"expire_after": "有効期限",
"expire_after": "有効期限",
"expired": "有効期限が切れました",
"expired": "有効期限が切れました",
"explore": "",
"explore": "探索",
"extension": "",
"extension": "",
"external_libraries": "",
"external_libraries": "",
"failed_to_get_people": "",
"failed_to_get_people": "",
@ -576,7 +643,7 @@
"manage_your_api_keys": "",
"manage_your_api_keys": "",
"manage_your_devices": "",
"manage_your_devices": "",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "",
"map": "",
"map": "地図",
"map_marker_with_image": "",
"map_marker_with_image": "",
"map_settings": "マップの設定",
"map_settings": "マップの設定",
"media_type": "",
"media_type": "",
@ -609,7 +676,7 @@
"no_archived_assets_message": "",
"no_archived_assets_message": "",
"no_assets_message": "",
"no_assets_message": "",
"no_exif_info_available": "",
"no_exif_info_available": "",
"no_explore_results_message": "",
"no_explore_results_message": "コレクションを探索するにはさらに写真をアップロードしてください。",
"no_favorites_message": "",
"no_favorites_message": "",
"no_libraries_message": "",
"no_libraries_message": "",
"no_name": "",
"no_name": "",
@ -693,8 +760,8 @@
"remove_from_favorites": "",
"remove_from_favorites": "",
"remove_from_shared_link": "",
"remove_from_shared_link": "",
"remove_offline_files": "",
"remove_offline_files": "",
"repair": "",
"repair": "修復",
"repair_no_results_message": "",
"repair_no_results_message": "追跡されていないファイルや存在しないファイルがここに表示されます",
"replace_with_upload": "",
"replace_with_upload": "",
"require_password": "",
"require_password": "",
"reset": "",
"reset": "",
@ -740,8 +807,9 @@
"select_photos": "写真を選択",
"select_photos": "写真を選択",
"selected": "",
"selected": "",
"send_message": "",
"send_message": "",
"server": "",
"server": "サーバー",
"server_stats": "",
"server_stats": "サーバー統計",
"server_version": "サーバーバージョン",
"set": "",
"set": "",
"set_as_album_cover": "",
"set_as_album_cover": "",
"set_as_profile_picture": "",
"set_as_profile_picture": "",
@ -782,10 +850,10 @@
"stacktrace": "",
"stacktrace": "",
"start_date": "",
"start_date": "",
"state": "都道府県",
"state": "都道府県",
"status": "",
"status": "ステータス",
"stop_motion_photo": "",
"stop_motion_photo": "",
"stop_photo_sharing": "写真の共有を無効化しますか?",
"stop_photo_sharing": "写真の共有を無効化しますか?",
"storage": "",
"storage": "ストレージ",
"storage_label": "",
"storage_label": "",
"submit": "",
"submit": "",
"suggestions": "ユーザーリスト",
"suggestions": "ユーザーリスト",
@ -821,6 +889,8 @@
"updated_password": "",
"updated_password": "",
"upload": "アップロード",
"upload": "アップロード",
"upload_concurrency": "",
"upload_concurrency": "",
"upload_status_duplicates": "重複",
"upload_status_errors": "エラー",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"usage": "",
"usage": "",
"user": "",
"user": "",
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
"account": "계정",
"account": "계정",
"account_settings": "계정 설정",
"account_settings": "계정 설정",
"acknowledge": "확인",
"acknowledge": "확인",
"action": "동작",
"action": "작업",
"actions": "동작",
"actions": "작업",
"active": "활성",
"active": "활성",
"activity": "활동",
"activity": "활동",
"activity_changed": "활동이 {enabled, select, true {활성화} other {비활성화}}됨",
"activity_changed": "활동이 {enabled, select, true {활성화} other {비활성화}}됨",
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "해시 검증을 활성화합니다. 이 설정의 결과를 확실히 이해하지 않는 한 비활성화하지 마세요",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "해시 검증을 활성화합니다. 이 설정의 결과를 확실히 이해하지 않는 한 비활성화하지 마세요",
"storage_template_migration": "스토리지 템플릿 마이그레이션",
"storage_template_migration": "스토리지 템플릿 마이그레이션",
"storage_template_migration_description": "기존에 업로드된 콘텐츠에 현재 <link>{template}</link> 적용",
"storage_template_migration_description": "기존에 업로드된 콘텐츠에 현재 <link>{template}</link> 적용",
"storage_template_migration_info": "템플릿의 변경 사항은 새 콘텐츠에만 적용됩니다. 이전에 업로드한 콘텐츠에 템플릿을 소급 적용하려면, <link>{job}</link> 작업을 실행하세요.",
"storage_template_migration_info": "템플릿의 변경 사항은 새 콘텐츠에만 적용됩니다. 이전에 업로드한 콘텐츠에도 적용하려면, <link>{job}</link>을 실행하세요.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "스토리지 템플릿 마이그레이션 작업",
"storage_template_migration_job": "스토리지 템플릿 마이그레이션 작업",
"storage_template_more_details": "이 기능에 대한 자세한 정보는 <template-link>스토리지 템플릿</template-link> 및 <implications-link>설명</implications-link>을 참조하세요",
"storage_template_more_details": "이 기능에 대한 자세한 정보는 <template-link>스토리지 템플릿</template-link> 및 <implications-link>설명</implications-link>을 참조하세요",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "이 기능을 활성화하면 사용자 정의 템플릿을 기반으로 파일이 자동으로 정리됩니다. 안정성 문제로 인해 기능이 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 <link>문서</link>를 참조하세요.",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "이 기능을 활성화하면 사용자 정의 템플릿을 기반으로 파일이 자동으로 정리됩니다. 안정성 문제로 인해 기능이 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 <link>문서</link>를 참조하세요.",
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
"copy_to_clipboard": "클립보드에 복사",
"copy_to_clipboard": "클립보드에 복사",
"country": "국가",
"country": "국가",
"cover": "확대",
"cover": "확대",
"covers": "표지",
"covers": "타일",
"create": "생성",
"create": "생성",
"create_album": "앨범 생성",
"create_album": "앨범 생성",
"create_library": "라이브러리 생성",
"create_library": "라이브러리 생성",
@ -690,7 +690,7 @@
"explore": "탐색",
"explore": "탐색",
"export": "내보내기",
"export": "내보내기",
"export_as_json": "JSON으로 내보내기",
"export_as_json": "JSON으로 내보내기",
"extension": "추가 기능",
"extension": "확장자",
"external": "외부",
"external": "외부",
"external_libraries": "외부 라이브러리",
"external_libraries": "외부 라이브러리",
"face_unassigned": "할당되지 않음",
"face_unassigned": "할당되지 않음",
@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
"no_duplicates_found": "중복 항목이 없습니다.",
"no_duplicates_found": "중복 항목이 없습니다.",
"no_exif_info_available": "EXIF 정보 없음",
"no_exif_info_available": "EXIF 정보 없음",
"no_explore_results_message": "컬렉션을 탐색하려면 더 많은 사진을 업로드하세요.",
"no_explore_results_message": "컬렉션을 탐색하려면 더 많은 사진을 업로드하세요.",
"no_favorites_message": "즐겨찾기에 추가하여 좋아하는 사진과 동영상을 빠르게 찾기",
"no_favorites_message": "즐겨찾기에 좋아하는 사진과 동영상을 추가하여 빠르게 확인해보세요",
"no_libraries_message": "외부 라이브러리를 생성하여 사진과 동영상 보기",
"no_libraries_message": "외부 라이브러리를 생성하여 사진과 동영상 보기",
"no_name": "이름 없음",
"no_name": "이름 없음",
"no_places": "장소 없음",
"no_places": "장소 없음",
@ -903,7 +903,7 @@
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "콘텐츠 영구 삭제 시 경고 메시지 표시",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "콘텐츠 영구 삭제 시 경고 메시지 표시",
"permanently_delete": "영구 삭제",
"permanently_delete": "영구 삭제",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {개} other {개}} 항목을 영구적으로 삭제",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {개} other {개}} 항목을 영구적으로 삭제",
"permanently_delete_assets_prompt": "정말 {count, plural, one {이 항목} other {항목 <b>#</b>개}}를 영구적으로 삭제하시겠습니까? 앨범에 포함된 {count, plural, one {항목도} other {항목들도}} 삭제됩니다.",
"permanently_delete_assets_prompt": "정말 {count, plural, one {이 항목을} other {항목 <b>#</b>개를}} 영구적으로 삭제하시겠습니까? 앨범에 포함된 {count, plural, one {항목도} other {항목들도}} 삭제됩니다.",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "콘텐츠가 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "콘텐츠가 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}가 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}가 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {개} other {개}} 항목이 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {개} other {개}} 항목이 영구적으로 삭제됨",
@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@
"search_state": "지역 검색...",
"search_state": "지역 검색...",
"search_timezone": "시간대로 검색...",
"search_timezone": "시간대로 검색...",
"search_type": "형식 검색",
"search_type": "형식 검색",
"search_your_photos": "당신의 사진을 검색하세요",
"search_your_photos": "사진 검색",
"searching_locales": "로케일 검색...",
"searching_locales": "로케일 검색...",
"second": "초",
"second": "초",
"see_all_people": "모든 인물 보기",
"see_all_people": "모든 인물 보기",
@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@
"validate": "검증",
"validate": "검증",
"variables": "변수",
"variables": "변수",
"version": "버전",
"version": "버전",
"version_announcement_closing": "당신의 친구, Alex",
"version_announcement_closing": "당신의 친구, Alex가",
"version_announcement_message": "안녕하세요, 애플리케이션의 새로운 버전이 있습니다. <link>릴리스 노트</link>를 확인해주세요. WatchTower 등의 자동 업데이트 기능을 사용하는 경우, 잘못된 구성을 방지하기 위해 <code>docker-compose.yml</code> 및 <code>.env</code> 설정이 최신인지 확인해주세요.",
"version_announcement_message": "안녕하세요, 애플리케이션의 새로운 버전이 있습니다. <link>릴리스 노트</link>를 확인해주세요. WatchTower 등의 자동 업데이트 기능을 사용하는 경우, 잘못된 구성을 방지하기 위해 <code>docker-compose.yml</code> 및 <code>.env</code> 설정이 최신인지 확인해주세요.",
"video": "동영상",
"video": "동영상",
"video_hover_setting": "동영상에 마우스를 올려 재생",
"video_hover_setting": "동영상에 마우스를 올려 재생",
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
"image_preview_resolution": "Voorbeeldresolutie",
"image_preview_resolution": "Voorbeeldresolutie",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Gebruikt bij het tonen van een enkele foto en voor machine learning. Hogere resoluties kunnen meer detail behouden maar duren langer om te verwerken, hebben hogere bestandsgrootte, en kunnen de applicatie langzamer maken.",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Gebruikt bij het tonen van een enkele foto en voor machine learning. Hogere resoluties kunnen meer detail behouden maar duren langer om te verwerken, hebben hogere bestandsgrootte, en kunnen de applicatie langzamer maken.",
"image_quality": "Kwaliteit",
"image_quality": "Kwaliteit",
"image_quality_description": "Afbeeldingskwaliteit van 1-100. Een hoger getal zorgt voor betere kwaliteit foto's, maar produceert grotere bestanden.",
"image_quality_description": "Afbeeldingskwaliteit van 1-100. Een hoger getal zorgt voor betere kwaliteit foto's, maar produceert grotere bestanden. Dit heeft effect op voorbeeldfoto's en thumbnails.",
"image_settings": "Afbeeldings-instellingen",
"image_settings": "Afbeeldings instellingen",
"image_settings_description": "Beheer de kwaliteit en resolutie van gegenereerde afbeeldingen",
"image_settings_description": "Beheer de kwaliteit en resolutie van gegenereerde afbeeldingen",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Thumbnail bestandsformaat",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Thumbnail bestandsformaat",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Thumbnail resolutie",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Thumbnail resolutie",
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"job_concurrency": "{job} gelijktijdigheid",
"job_concurrency": "{job} gelijktijdigheid",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Deze taak kan niet gelijktijdig worden uitgevoerd.",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Deze taak kan niet gelijktijdig worden uitgevoerd.",
"job_settings": "Achtergrondtaak-instellingen",
"job_settings": "Achtergrondtaak-instellingen",
"job_settings_description": "Beheer gelijktijdigheid van taken",
"job_settings_description": "Beheer gelijktijdige taken",
"job_status": "Taakstatus",
"job_status": "Taakstatus",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# vertraagd}}",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# vertraagd}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# mislukt}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# mislukt}}",
@ -87,21 +87,21 @@
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Periodieke bibliotheekscan aanzetten",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Periodieke bibliotheekscan aanzetten",
"library_settings": "Externe bibliotheek",
"library_settings": "Externe bibliotheek",
"library_settings_description": "Externe bibliotheekinstellingen beheren",
"library_settings_description": "Externe bibliotheekinstellingen beheren",
"library_tasks_description": "Bibliotheektaken uitvoeren",
"library_tasks_description": "Voer bibliotheek taken uit",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Externe bibliotheken monitoren op bestandswijzigingen",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Externe bibliotheken monitoren op bestandswijzigingen",
"library_watching_settings": "Bibliotheek monitoren (EXPERIMENTEEL)",
"library_watching_settings": "Bibliotheek monitoren (EXPERIMENTEEL)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Automatisch monitoren op gewijzigde bestanden",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Automatisch gewijzigde bestanden bijhouden",
"logging_enable_description": "Logboek inschakelen",
"logging_enable_description": "Logboek inschakelen",
"logging_level_description": "Indien ingeschakeld, welk logniveau wordt gebruikt.",
"logging_level_description": "Indien ingeschakeld, welk logniveau er wordt gebruikt.",
"logging_settings": "Logboek",
"logging_settings": "Logging",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP model",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP model",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "De naam van een CLIP-model dat <link>hier</link> is vermeld. Let op: je moet de 'Slim Zoeken -taak opnieuw uitvoeren voor alle afbeeldingen wanneer je een model wijzigt.",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "De naam van een CLIP-model dat <link>hier</link> is vermeld. Let op: je moet de 'Slim Zoeken -taak opnieuw uitvoeren voor alle afbeeldingen wanneer je een model wijzigt.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Duplicaat detectie",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Duplicaat detectie",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Duplicaatdetectie inschakelen",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Duplicaatdetectie inschakelen",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Indien uitgeschakeld, worden identieke assets nog steeds gededupliceerd.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Indien uitgeschakeld, worden identieke assets nog steeds gededupliceerd.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Gebruik CLIP-embeddings om mogelijke duplicaten te vinden",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Gebruik CLIP om exactie kopieën te vinden",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Machine learning inschakelen",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Machine learning inschakelen",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Indien uitgeschakeld, worden alle ML-functies uitgeschakeld ongeacht de onderstaande instellingen.",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Wanneer uitgeschakeld zullen alle ML instellingen uitgezet worden, ongeacht onderstaande instellingen.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Gezichtsherkenning",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Gezichtsherkenning",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Detecteer, herken en groepeer gezichten in afbeeldingen",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Detecteer, herken en groepeer gezichten in afbeeldingen",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Model voor gezichtsherkenning",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Model voor gezichtsherkenning",
@ -887,7 +887,7 @@
"past_durations": {
"past_durations": {
"days": "Afgelopen {days, plural, one {dag} other {# dagen}}",
"days": "Afgelopen {days, plural, one {dag} other {# dagen}}",
"hours": "Afgelopen {hours, plural, one {uur} other {# uren}}",
"hours": "Afgelopen {hours, plural, one {uur} other {# uren}}",
"years": "Afgelopen {years, plural, one {jaar} other {# jaren}}"
"years": "Afgelopen {years, plural, one {jaar} other {# jaar}}"
"path": "Pad",
"path": "Pad",
"pattern": "Patroon",
"pattern": "Patroon",
@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@
"welcome": "Welkom",
"welcome": "Welkom",
"welcome_to_immich": "Welkom bij Immich",
"welcome_to_immich": "Welkom bij Immich",
"year": "Jaar",
"year": "Jaar",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# jaar} other {# jaren}} geleden",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# jaar} other {# jaar}} geleden",
"yes": "Ja",
"yes": "Ja",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Je hebt geen gedeelde links",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Je hebt geen gedeelde links",
"zoom_image": "Inzoomen"
"zoom_image": "Inzoomen"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
"about": "Sobre",
"account": "Conta",
"account": "Conta",
"account_settings": "Configurações de Conta",
"account_settings": "Configurações da Conta",
"acknowledge": "Confirmar",
"acknowledge": "Confirmar",
"action": "Ação",
"action": "Ação",
"actions": "Ações",
"actions": "Ações",
"active": "Executando",
"active": "Ativo",
"activity": "Atividade",
"activity": "Atividade",
"activity_changed": "A atividade está {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"add": "Adicionar",
"add": "Adicionar",
"add_a_description": "Adicionar descrição",
"add_a_description": "Adicionar uma descrição",
"add_a_location": "Adicionar uma localização",
"add_a_location": "Adicionar localização",
"add_a_name": "Adicionar um nome",
"add_a_name": "Adicionar um nome",
"add_a_title": "Adicionar um título",
"add_a_title": "Adicionar um título",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "Adicionar padrão de exclusão",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "Adicionar um padrão de exclusão",
"add_import_path": "Adicionar caminho de importação",
"add_import_path": "Adicionar um caminho de importação",
"add_location": "Adicionar local",
"add_location": "Adicionar localização",
"add_more_users": "Adicionar mais usuários",
"add_more_users": "Adicionar mais utilizadores",
"add_partner": "Adicionar parceiro",
"add_partner": "Adicionar parceiro",
"add_path": "Adicionar caminho",
"add_path": "Adicionar caminho",
"add_photos": "Adicionar fotos",
"add_photos": "Adicionar fotos",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "O programu",
"account": "Račun",
"account": "Račun",
"account_settings": "Nastavitve računa",
"account_settings": "Nastavitve računa",
"acknowledge": "Potrdi",
"acknowledge": "Potrdi",
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
"machine_learning_settings": "இயந்திர கற்றல் அமைப்புகள்",
"machine_learning_settings": "இயந்திர கற்றல் அமைப்புகள்",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "இயந்திர கற்றல் அம்சங்கள் மற்றும் அமைப்புகளை நிர்வகிக்கவும்",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "இயந்திர கற்றல் அம்சங்கள் மற்றும் அமைப்புகளை நிர்வகிக்கவும்",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "ஸ்மார்ட் தேடல்",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "ஸ்மார்ட் தேடல்",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "CLIP உட்பொதிப்புகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி சொற்பொருளில் படங்களைத் தேடுங்கள்",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "CLIP மாடெலைப் பயன்படுத்தி சொற்பொருளில் படங்களைத் தேடுங்கள்",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "ஸ்மார்ட் தேடலை இயக்கு",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "ஸ்மார்ட் தேடலை இயக்கு",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "முடக்கப்பட்டிருந்தால், ஸ்மார்ட் தேடலுக்காக படங்கள் குறியாக்கம் செய்யப்படாது.",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "முடக்கப்பட்டிருந்தால், ஸ்மார்ட் தேடலுக்காக படங்கள் குறியாக்கம் செய்யப்படாது.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "இயந்திர கற்றல் சேவையகத்தின் URL",
"machine_learning_url_description": "இயந்திர கற்றல் சேவையகத்தின் URL",
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
"repair_all": "அனைத்தையும் பழுதுபார்க்கவும்",
"repair_all": "அனைத்தையும் பழுதுபார்க்கவும்",
"repair_matched_items": "பொருந்தியது {count, plural, one {# உருப்படி} other {# உருப்படிகள்}}",
"repair_matched_items": "பொருந்தியது {count, plural, one {# உருப்படி} other {# உருப்படிகள்}}",
"repaired_items": "பழுதுபார்க்கப்பட்டது {count, plural, one {# உருப்படி} other {# உருப்படிகள்}}",
"repaired_items": "பழுதுபார்க்கப்பட்டது {count, plural, one {# உருப்படி} other {# உருப்படிகள்}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "",
"require_password_change_on_login": "முதல் உள்நுழைவில் பயனர் கடவுச்சொல்லை மாற்ற வேண்டும்",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "",
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
"logging_level_description": "เมื่อเปิดใช้งาน ใช้ระดับการบันทึกอะไร",
"logging_level_description": "เมื่อเปิดใช้งาน ใช้ระดับการบันทึกอะไร",
"logging_settings": "การบันทึก",
"logging_settings": "การบันทึก",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "โมเดล Clip",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "โมเดล Clip",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "ชื่อของโมเดล CLIP ที่ระบุ<link>ตรงนี้</link> โปรดทราบว่าจำเป็นต้องดำเนินงาน 'ค้นหาอัจฉริยะ' ใหม่สำหรับทุกรูปเมื่อเปลี่ยนโมเดล",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "ตรวจจับการซ้ำกัน",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "ตรวจจับการซ้ำกัน",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "เปิดใช้งานการตรวจจับการซ้ำ",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "เปิดใช้งานการตรวจจับการซ้ำ",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "หากปิดใช้งาน สื่อที่เหมือนกันจะยังถูกลบออก",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "หากปิดใช้งาน สื่อที่เหมือนกันจะยังถูกลบออก",
@ -127,6 +128,7 @@
"map_dark_style": "แบบมืด",
"map_dark_style": "แบบมืด",
"map_enable_description": "เปิดใช้งานแผนที่",
"map_enable_description": "เปิดใช้งานแผนที่",
"map_light_style": "แบบสว่าง",
"map_light_style": "แบบสว่าง",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "จัดการการตั้งค่า<link>แปลงพิกัดภูมิศาสตร์ </link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "ประมวลผลชื่อทางภูมิศาสตร์",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "ประมวลผลชื่อทางภูมิศาสตร์",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "เปิดใช้งานประมวลผลชื่อทางภูมิศาสตร์",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "เปิดใช้งานประมวลผลชื่อทางภูมิศาสตร์",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "การตั้งค่าประมวลผลชื่อทางภูมิศาสตร์",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "การตั้งค่าประมวลผลชื่อทางภูมิศาสตร์",
@ -173,6 +175,7 @@
"oauth_scope": "ขอบเขต",
"oauth_scope": "ขอบเขต",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "จัดการการตั้งค่าล็อกอินผ่าน OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "จัดการการตั้งค่าล็อกอินผ่าน OAuth",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "สำหรับรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม ให้อ้างถึง<link>เอกสาร</link>",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "อัลกอริทึมการลงนาม",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "อัลกอริทึมการลงนาม",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "สิทธิ์ที่ใช้อ้างถึงฉลากการจัดเก็บ",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "สิทธิ์ที่ใช้อ้างถึงฉลากการจัดเก็บ",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "ตั้งฉลากการจัดเก็บของผู้ใช้งานตามสิทธิ์ที่ใช้อ้างถึงโดยอัตโนมัติ",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "ตั้งฉลากการจัดเก็บของผู้ใช้งานตามสิทธิ์ที่ใช้อ้างถึงโดยอัตโนมัติ",
@ -188,8 +191,12 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "พาธทั้งหมดถูกตรวจสอบสำเร็จแล้ว",
"paths_validated_successfully": "พาธทั้งหมดถูกตรวจสอบสำเร็จแล้ว",
"quota_size_gib": "โควตา (GiB)",
"quota_size_gib": "โควตา (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "รีเฟรชคลังภาพทั้งหมด",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "รีเฟรชคลังภาพทั้งหมด",
"registration": "ลงทะเบียนผู้จัดการ",
"registration_description": "เนื่องจากคุณเป็นผู้ใช้งานแรกของระบบ คุณจะถูกแต่งตั้งเป็นผู้จัดการและรับผิดชอบงานบริหาร ผู้ใช้งานเพิ่มเติมจะถูกสร้างโดยคุณ",
"removing_offline_files": "กำลังลบไฟล์ออฟไลน์",
"removing_offline_files": "กำลังลบไฟล์ออฟไลน์",
"repair_all": "ซ่อมแซมทั้งหมด",
"repair_all": "ซ่อมแซมทั้งหมด",
"repair_matched_items": "จับคู่ {count, plural, one {# รายการ} other {# รายการ}}",
"repaired_items": "ซ่อมแซม {count, plural, one {# รายการ} other {# รายการ}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "บังคับผู้ใช้ให้เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านเมื่อเข้าสู่ระบบครั้งแรก",
"require_password_change_on_login": "บังคับผู้ใช้ให้เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านเมื่อเข้าสู่ระบบครั้งแรก",
"reset_settings_to_default": "ตั้งค่าการตั้งค่าเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น",
"reset_settings_to_default": "ตั้งค่าการตั้งค่าเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "ตั้งค่าการตั้งค่าเป็นค่าล่าสุด",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "ตั้งค่าการตั้งค่าเป็นค่าล่าสุด",
@ -206,9 +213,13 @@
"sidecar_job_description": "ค้นหาหรือซิงค์ไฟล์ metadata จากระบบ",
"sidecar_job_description": "ค้นหาหรือซิงค์ไฟล์ metadata จากระบบ",
"slideshow_duration_description": "จำนวนวินาทีที่จะแสดงแต่ละรูปภาพ",
"slideshow_duration_description": "จำนวนวินาทีที่จะแสดงแต่ละรูปภาพ",
"smart_search_job_description": "เรียกใช้ machine learning บนสื่อเพื่อรองรับการค้นหาอัจฉริยะ",
"smart_search_job_description": "เรียกใช้ machine learning บนสื่อเพื่อรองรับการค้นหาอัจฉริยะ",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "เวลาประทับบนสื่อถูกใช้สำหรับข้อมูลวันเวลา",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "ตัวอย่างเวลา {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "เปิดใช้งานการจัดเทมเพลตที่เก็บข้อมูล",
"storage_template_enable_description": "เปิดใช้งานการจัดเทมเพลตที่เก็บข้อมูล",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "เปิดใช้การตรวจสอบ Hash แล้ว",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "เปิดใช้การตรวจสอบ Hash แล้ว",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "เปิดใช้งานการตรวจสอบ hash ห้ามปิดใช้งานเว้นแต่คุณจะเข้าใจผลกระทบ",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "เปิดใช้งานการตรวจสอบ hash ห้ามปิดใช้งานเว้นแต่คุณจะเข้าใจผลกระทบ",
"storage_template_migration": "การย้ายเทมเพลตที่เก็บข้อมูล",
"storage_template_migration_description": "ใช้<link>{template}</link>ปัจจุบันกับสื่อที่อัพโหลดก่อนหน้านี้",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_settings": "",
"storage_template_settings": "",
"storage_template_settings_description": "",
"storage_template_settings_description": "",
@ -233,7 +244,7 @@
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "เลือกแบบไฟล์วิดีโอที่จะไม่ถูกแปลงใหม่ ใช้สําหรับกฏการแปลงแบบไฟล์",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "เลือกแบบไฟล์วิดีโอที่จะไม่ถูกแปลงใหม่ ใช้สําหรับกฏการแปลงแบบไฟล์",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "ตัวเลือกที่ผู้ใช้ส่วนใหญ่ไม่จำเป็นต้องเปลี่ยน",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "ตัวเลือกที่ผู้ใช้ส่วนใหญ่ไม่จำเป็นต้องเปลี่ยน",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "แบบไฟล์เสียง",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "แบบไฟล์เสียง",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus ให้คุณภาพสูงสุด แต่อาจจะเข้ากันไม่ได้กับอุปกรณ์เก่าหรือซอฟต์แวร์เก่า",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus ให้คุณภาพสูงสุด แต่อุปกรณ์เก่าหรือซอฟต์แวร์เก่าอาจจะเข้ากันไม่ได้",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "วิดีโอมีค่า bitrate สูงกว่าค่าสูงสุดหรือไฟล์วิดีโอไม่รองรับ",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "วิดีโอมีค่า bitrate สูงกว่าค่าสูงสุดหรือไฟล์วิดีโอไม่รองรับ",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "โหมดคุณภาพคงที่",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "โหมดคุณภาพคงที่",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ ดีกว่า CQP แต่อุปกรณ์บางตัวอาจจะไม่รองรับโหมดนี้ การตั้งค่าตัวนี้จะเลือกโหมดที่ระบุไว้เมื่อใช้การแปลงคุณภาพไฟล์ ไม่สน NVENC เพราะไม่รองรับ ICQ",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ ดีกว่า CQP แต่อุปกรณ์บางตัวอาจจะไม่รองรับโหมดนี้ การตั้งค่าตัวนี้จะเลือกโหมดที่ระบุไว้เมื่อใช้การแปลงคุณภาพไฟล์ ไม่สน NVENC เพราะไม่รองรับ ICQ",
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Thêm quy tắc loại trừ. Hỗ trợ sử dụng ký tự *, **, và ?. Để bỏ qua tất cả các tệp bất kỳ trong thư mục tên \"Raw\", hãy dùng \"**/Raw/**\". Để bỏ qua các tệp có đuôi \".tif\", hãy dùng \"**/*.tif\". Để bỏ qua một đường dẫn đầy đủ, hãy dùng \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Thêm quy tắc loại trừ. Hỗ trợ sử dụng ký tự *, **, và ?. Để bỏ qua tất cả các tệp bất kỳ trong thư mục tên \"Raw\", hãy dùng \"**/Raw/**\". Để bỏ qua các tệp có đuôi \".tif\", hãy dùng \"**/*.tif\". Để bỏ qua một đường dẫn đầy đủ, hãy dùng \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Cài đặt đăng nhập",
"authentication_settings": "Cài đặt đăng nhập",
"authentication_settings_description": "Quản lý mật khẩu, OAuth và các cài đặt đăng nhập khác",
"authentication_settings_description": "Quản lý mật khẩu, OAuth và các cài đặt đăng nhập khác",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn vô hiệu hoá tất cả các phương thức đăng nhập? Đăng nhập sẽ bị vô hiệu hóa hoàn toàn.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Để bật lại, dùng <link>Lệnh máy chủ</link>.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Để bật lại, dùng <link>Lệnh máy chủ</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Các tác vụ nền",
"background_task_job": "Các tác vụ nền",
"check_all": "Chọn tất cả",
"check_all": "Chọn tất cả",
@ -98,19 +99,19 @@
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Phát hiện ảnh trùng lặp",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Phát hiện ảnh trùng lặp",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Bật phát hiện ảnh trùng lặp",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Bật phát hiện ảnh trùng lặp",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Nếu bị vô hiệu hoá, các ảnh trùng lặp giống hệt nhau vẫn sẽ bị loại bỏ.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Nếu bị vô hiệu hoá, các ảnh trùng lặp giống hệt nhau vẫn sẽ bị loại bỏ.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Sử dụng vector nhúng CLIP để tìm kiếm ảnh trùng lặp",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Bật machine learning",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Bật machine learning",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Nếu bị vô hiệu hoá, tất cả các tính năng ML sẽ bị vô hiệu hoá kể các cài đặt bên dưới.",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Nếu bị vô hiệu hoá, tất cả các tính năng ML sẽ bị vô hiệu hoá kể các cài đặt bên dưới.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Nhận dạng khuôn mặt",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Nhận dạng khuôn mặt",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Phát hiện, nhận dạng và nhóm các khuôn mặt trong ảnh",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Phát hiện, nhận dạng và nhóm các khuôn mặt trong ảnh",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Mô hình nhận dạng khuôn mặt",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Mô hình nhận dạng khuôn mặt",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "Các mô hình được liệt kê theo thứ tự kích thước giảm dần. Mô hình càng lớn, kết quả càng chính xác nhưng sẽ chạy chậm và tốn nhiều bộ nhớ hơn. Lưu ý rằng sau khi thay đổi mô hình, bạn cần chạy lại tính năng \"Phát hiện Khuôn mặt\" cho tất cả hình ảnh.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Bật nhận dạng khuôn mặt",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Bật nhận dạng khuôn mặt",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "Nếu tính năng này bị vô hiệu hóa, hình ảnh sẽ không được mã hóa để nhận diện khuôn mặt và sẽ không xuất hiện trong phần Mọi người trong trang Khám phá.",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "Khoảng cách phát hiện tối đa",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "Khoảng cách tối đa để hai ảnh được coi là trùng lặp, dao động từ 0,001 đến 0,1. Giá trị càng cao sẽ phát hiện được nhiều ảnh trùng lặp hơn, nhưng có thể bao gồm cả ảnh không thực sự giống nhau.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "Khoảng cách nhận dạng tối đa",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "Khoảng cách tối đa để hai khuôn mặt được coi là cùng một người, dao động từ 0-2. Giảm giá trị này có thể ngăn chặn việc gán nhãn hai người cùng một người, trong khi tăng giá trị này có thể ngăn chặn việc gán nhãn cùng một người là hai người khác nhau. Lưu ý rằng việc gộp hai người lại với nhau dễ dàng hơn là tách một người thành hai, vì vậy hãy ưu tiên giá trị thấp khi có thể.",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "",
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@
"machine_learning_settings": "Cài đặt Machine Learning",
"machine_learning_settings": "Cài đặt Machine Learning",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Quản lý các tính năng và cài đặt của machine learning",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Quản lý các tính năng và cài đặt của machine learning",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Tìm kiếm thông minh",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Tìm kiếm thông minh",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "Tìm kiếm hình ảnh theo ngữ nghĩa với CLIP",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Bật tìm kiếm thông minh",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Bật tìm kiếm thông minh",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "Nếu vô hiệu hoá, hình ảnh sẽ không được mã hoá để tìm kiếm thông minh.",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "Nếu vô hiệu hoá, hình ảnh sẽ không được mã hoá để tìm kiếm thông minh.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "Địa chỉ máy chủ machine learning",
"machine_learning_url_description": "Địa chỉ máy chủ machine learning",
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "Tự động đăng nhập bằng tài khoản OAuth khi bạn truy cập trang đăng nhập",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "Tự động đăng nhập bằng tài khoản OAuth khi bạn truy cập trang đăng nhập",
"oauth_auto_register": "Tự động đăng ký",
"oauth_auto_register": "Tự động đăng ký",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "Tự động đăng ký người dùng mới sau khi đăng nhập với OAuth",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "Tự động đăng ký người dùng mới sau khi đăng nhập với OAuth",
"oauth_button_text": "Nội dung văn bản nút",
"oauth_button_text": "Nội dung văn bản nút bấm",
"oauth_client_id": "Mã ứng dụng khách OAuth",
"oauth_client_id": "Mã ứng dụng khách OAuth",
"oauth_client_secret": "Mật khẩu ứng dụng khách OAuth",
"oauth_client_secret": "Mật khẩu ứng dụng khách OAuth",
"oauth_enable_description": "Đăng nhập với OAuth",
"oauth_enable_description": "Đăng nhập với OAuth",
@ -282,7 +283,7 @@
"admin_email": "Email Quản trị",
"admin_email": "Email Quản trị",
"admin_password": "Mật khẩu Quản trị",
"admin_password": "Mật khẩu Quản trị",
"administration": "",
"administration": "Trang quản trị",
"advanced": "Nâng cao",
"advanced": "Nâng cao",
"album_added": "",
"album_added": "",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "",
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