2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
import ' dart:async ' ;
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
/// Build the Scroll Thumb and label using the current configuration
typedef ScrollThumbBuilder = Widget Function (
Color backgroundColor ,
Animation < double > thumbAnimation ,
Animation < double > labelAnimation ,
double height , {
Text ? labelText ,
BoxConstraints ? labelConstraints ,
} ) ;
/// Build a Text widget using the current scroll offset
typedef LabelTextBuilder = Text Function ( double offsetY ) ;
/// A widget that will display a BoxScrollView with a ScrollThumb that can be dragged
/// for quick navigation of the BoxScrollView.
class DraggableScrollbar extends StatefulWidget {
/// The view that will be scrolled with the scroll thumb
final CustomScrollView child ;
/// A function that builds a thumb using the current configuration
final ScrollThumbBuilder scrollThumbBuilder ;
/// The height of the scroll thumb
final double heightScrollThumb ;
/// The background color of the label and thumb
final Color backgroundColor ;
/// The amount of padding that should surround the thumb
final EdgeInsetsGeometry ? padding ;
/// Determines how quickly the scrollbar will animate in and out
final Duration scrollbarAnimationDuration ;
/// How long should the thumb be visible before fading out
final Duration scrollbarTimeToFade ;
/// Build a Text widget from the current offset in the BoxScrollView
final LabelTextBuilder ? labelTextBuilder ;
/// Determines box constraints for Container displaying label
final BoxConstraints ? labelConstraints ;
/// The ScrollController for the BoxScrollView
final ScrollController controller ;
/// Determines scrollThumb displaying. If you draw own ScrollThumb and it is true you just don't need to use animation parameters in [scrollThumbBuilder]
final bool alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ;
DraggableScrollbar ( {
Key ? key ,
this . alwaysVisibleScrollThumb = false ,
required this . heightScrollThumb ,
required this . backgroundColor ,
required this . scrollThumbBuilder ,
required this . child ,
required this . controller ,
this . padding ,
this . scrollbarAnimationDuration = const Duration ( milliseconds: 300 ) ,
this . scrollbarTimeToFade = const Duration ( milliseconds: 600 ) ,
this . labelTextBuilder ,
this . labelConstraints ,
} ) : assert ( child . scrollDirection = = Axis . vertical ) ,
super ( key: key ) ;
DraggableScrollbar . rrect ( {
Key ? key ,
Key ? scrollThumbKey ,
this . alwaysVisibleScrollThumb = false ,
required this . child ,
required this . controller ,
this . heightScrollThumb = 48.0 ,
this . backgroundColor = Colors . white ,
this . padding ,
this . scrollbarAnimationDuration = const Duration ( milliseconds: 300 ) ,
this . scrollbarTimeToFade = const Duration ( milliseconds: 600 ) ,
this . labelTextBuilder ,
this . labelConstraints ,
} ) : assert ( child . scrollDirection = = Axis . vertical ) ,
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scrollThumbBuilder =
_thumbRRectBuilder ( scrollThumbKey , alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ) ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
super ( key: key ) ;
DraggableScrollbar . arrows ( {
Key ? key ,
Key ? scrollThumbKey ,
this . alwaysVisibleScrollThumb = false ,
required this . child ,
required this . controller ,
this . heightScrollThumb = 48.0 ,
this . backgroundColor = Colors . white ,
this . padding ,
this . scrollbarAnimationDuration = const Duration ( milliseconds: 300 ) ,
this . scrollbarTimeToFade = const Duration ( milliseconds: 600 ) ,
this . labelTextBuilder ,
this . labelConstraints ,
} ) : assert ( child . scrollDirection = = Axis . vertical ) ,
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
scrollThumbBuilder =
_thumbArrowBuilder ( scrollThumbKey , alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ) ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
super ( key: key ) ;
DraggableScrollbar . semicircle ( {
Key ? key ,
Key ? scrollThumbKey ,
this . alwaysVisibleScrollThumb = false ,
required this . child ,
required this . controller ,
this . heightScrollThumb = 48.0 ,
this . backgroundColor = Colors . white ,
this . padding ,
this . scrollbarAnimationDuration = const Duration ( milliseconds: 300 ) ,
this . scrollbarTimeToFade = const Duration ( milliseconds: 600 ) ,
this . labelTextBuilder ,
this . labelConstraints ,
} ) : assert ( child . scrollDirection = = Axis . vertical ) ,
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
scrollThumbBuilder = _thumbSemicircleBuilder (
heightScrollThumb * 0.6 , scrollThumbKey , alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ) ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
super ( key: key ) ;
@ override
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DraggableScrollbarState createState ( ) = > DraggableScrollbarState ( ) ;
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static buildScrollThumbAndLabel (
{ required Widget scrollThumb ,
required Color backgroundColor ,
required Animation < double > ? thumbAnimation ,
required Animation < double > ? labelAnimation ,
required Text ? labelText ,
required BoxConstraints ? labelConstraints ,
required bool alwaysVisibleScrollThumb } ) {
var scrollThumbAndLabel = labelText = = null
? scrollThumb
: Row (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment . end ,
children: [
ScrollLabel (
animation: labelAnimation ,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor ,
constraints: labelConstraints ,
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
child: labelText ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
) ,
scrollThumb ,
] ,
) ;
if ( alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ) {
return scrollThumbAndLabel ;
return SlideFadeTransition (
animation: thumbAnimation ! ,
child: scrollThumbAndLabel ,
) ;
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static ScrollThumbBuilder _thumbSemicircleBuilder (
double width , Key ? scrollThumbKey , bool alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ) {
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
return (
Color backgroundColor ,
Animation < double > thumbAnimation ,
Animation < double > labelAnimation ,
double height , {
Text ? labelText ,
BoxConstraints ? labelConstraints ,
} ) {
final scrollThumb = CustomPaint (
key: scrollThumbKey ,
2022-02-04 10:41:51 -06:00
foregroundPainter: ArrowCustomPainter ( Colors . white ) ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
child: Material (
elevation: 4.0 ,
color: backgroundColor ,
borderRadius: BorderRadius . only (
topLeft: Radius . circular ( height ) ,
bottomLeft: Radius . circular ( height ) ,
topRight: const Radius . circular ( 4.0 ) ,
bottomRight: const Radius . circular ( 4.0 ) ,
) ,
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
child: Container (
constraints: BoxConstraints . tight ( Size ( width , height ) ) ,
) ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
) ,
) ;
return buildScrollThumbAndLabel (
scrollThumb: scrollThumb ,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor ,
thumbAnimation: thumbAnimation ,
labelAnimation: labelAnimation ,
labelText: labelText ,
labelConstraints: labelConstraints ,
alwaysVisibleScrollThumb: alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ,
) ;
} ;
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static ScrollThumbBuilder _thumbArrowBuilder (
Key ? scrollThumbKey , bool alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ) {
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
return (
Color backgroundColor ,
Animation < double > thumbAnimation ,
Animation < double > labelAnimation ,
double height , {
Text ? labelText ,
BoxConstraints ? labelConstraints ,
} ) {
final scrollThumb = ClipPath (
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
clipper: ArrowClipper ( ) ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
child: Container (
height: height ,
width: 20.0 ,
decoration: BoxDecoration (
color: backgroundColor ,
borderRadius: const BorderRadius . all (
Radius . circular ( 12.0 ) ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
return buildScrollThumbAndLabel (
scrollThumb: scrollThumb ,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor ,
thumbAnimation: thumbAnimation ,
labelAnimation: labelAnimation ,
labelText: labelText ,
labelConstraints: labelConstraints ,
alwaysVisibleScrollThumb: alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ,
) ;
} ;
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static ScrollThumbBuilder _thumbRRectBuilder (
Key ? scrollThumbKey , bool alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ) {
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
return (
Color backgroundColor ,
Animation < double > thumbAnimation ,
Animation < double > labelAnimation ,
double height , {
Text ? labelText ,
BoxConstraints ? labelConstraints ,
} ) {
final scrollThumb = Material (
elevation: 4.0 ,
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
color: backgroundColor ,
borderRadius: const BorderRadius . all ( Radius . circular ( 7.0 ) ) ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
child: Container (
constraints: BoxConstraints . tight (
Size ( 16.0 , height ) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
return buildScrollThumbAndLabel (
scrollThumb: scrollThumb ,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor ,
thumbAnimation: thumbAnimation ,
labelAnimation: labelAnimation ,
labelText: labelText ,
labelConstraints: labelConstraints ,
alwaysVisibleScrollThumb: alwaysVisibleScrollThumb ,
) ;
} ;
class ScrollLabel extends StatelessWidget {
final Animation < double > ? animation ;
final Color backgroundColor ;
final Text child ;
final BoxConstraints ? constraints ;
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static const BoxConstraints _defaultConstraints =
BoxConstraints . tightFor ( width: 72.0 , height: 28.0 ) ;
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const ScrollLabel ( {
Key ? key ,
required this . child ,
required this . animation ,
required this . backgroundColor ,
this . constraints = _defaultConstraints ,
} ) : super ( key: key ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return FadeTransition (
opacity: animation ! ,
child: Container (
margin: const EdgeInsets . only ( right: 12.0 ) ,
child: Material (
elevation: 4.0 ,
color: backgroundColor ,
borderRadius: const BorderRadius . all ( Radius . circular ( 16.0 ) ) ,
child: Container (
constraints: constraints ? ? _defaultConstraints ,
alignment: Alignment . center ,
child: child ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
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class DraggableScrollbarState extends State < DraggableScrollbar >
with TickerProviderStateMixin {
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
late double _barOffset ;
late double _viewOffset ;
late bool _isDragInProcess ;
late AnimationController _thumbAnimationController ;
late Animation < double > _thumbAnimation ;
late AnimationController _labelAnimationController ;
late Animation < double > _labelAnimation ;
Timer ? _fadeoutTimer ;
@ override
void initState ( ) {
super . initState ( ) ;
_barOffset = 0.0 ;
_viewOffset = 0.0 ;
_isDragInProcess = false ;
_thumbAnimationController = AnimationController (
vsync: this ,
duration: widget . scrollbarAnimationDuration ,
) ;
_thumbAnimation = CurvedAnimation (
parent: _thumbAnimationController ,
curve: Curves . fastOutSlowIn ,
) ;
_labelAnimationController = AnimationController (
vsync: this ,
duration: widget . scrollbarAnimationDuration ,
) ;
_labelAnimation = CurvedAnimation (
parent: _labelAnimationController ,
curve: Curves . fastOutSlowIn ,
) ;
@ override
void dispose ( ) {
_thumbAnimationController . dispose ( ) ;
_labelAnimationController . dispose ( ) ;
_fadeoutTimer ? . cancel ( ) ;
super . dispose ( ) ;
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double get barMaxScrollExtent = >
context . size ! . height - widget . heightScrollThumb ;
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2022-02-04 10:41:51 -06:00
double get barMinScrollExtent = > 0 ;
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double get viewMaxScrollExtent = > widget . controller . position . maxScrollExtent ;
double get viewMinScrollExtent = > widget . controller . position . minScrollExtent ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
Text ? labelText ;
if ( widget . labelTextBuilder ! = null & & _isDragInProcess ) {
labelText = widget . labelTextBuilder ! (
_viewOffset + _barOffset + widget . heightScrollThumb / 2 ,
) ;
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return LayoutBuilder (
builder: ( BuildContext context , BoxConstraints constraints ) {
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
//print("LayoutBuilder constraints=$constraints");
return NotificationListener < ScrollNotification > (
onNotification: ( ScrollNotification notification ) {
changePosition ( notification ) ;
return false ;
} ,
child: Stack (
children: < Widget > [
RepaintBoundary (
child: widget . child ,
) ,
RepaintBoundary (
child: GestureDetector (
onVerticalDragStart: _onVerticalDragStart ,
onVerticalDragUpdate: _onVerticalDragUpdate ,
onVerticalDragEnd: _onVerticalDragEnd ,
child: Container (
alignment: Alignment . topRight ,
margin: EdgeInsets . only ( top: _barOffset ) ,
padding: widget . padding ,
child: widget . scrollThumbBuilder (
widget . backgroundColor ,
_thumbAnimation ,
_labelAnimation ,
widget . heightScrollThumb ,
labelText: labelText ,
labelConstraints: widget . labelConstraints ,
) ,
) ,
) ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ;
} ) ;
//scroll bar has received notification that it's view was scrolled
//so it should also changes his position
//but only if it isn't dragged
changePosition ( ScrollNotification notification ) {
if ( _isDragInProcess ) {
return ;
setState ( ( ) {
if ( notification is ScrollUpdateNotification ) {
_barOffset + = getBarDelta (
notification . scrollDelta ! ,
barMaxScrollExtent ,
viewMaxScrollExtent ,
) ;
if ( _barOffset < barMinScrollExtent ) {
_barOffset = barMinScrollExtent ;
if ( _barOffset > barMaxScrollExtent ) {
_barOffset = barMaxScrollExtent ;
_viewOffset + = notification . scrollDelta ! ;
if ( _viewOffset < widget . controller . position . minScrollExtent ) {
_viewOffset = widget . controller . position . minScrollExtent ;
if ( _viewOffset > viewMaxScrollExtent ) {
_viewOffset = viewMaxScrollExtent ;
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
if ( notification is ScrollUpdateNotification | |
notification is OverscrollNotification ) {
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if ( _thumbAnimationController . status ! = AnimationStatus . forward ) {
_thumbAnimationController . forward ( ) ;
_fadeoutTimer ? . cancel ( ) ;
_fadeoutTimer = Timer ( widget . scrollbarTimeToFade , ( ) {
_thumbAnimationController . reverse ( ) ;
_labelAnimationController . reverse ( ) ;
_fadeoutTimer = null ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
double getBarDelta (
double scrollViewDelta ,
double barMaxScrollExtent ,
double viewMaxScrollExtent ,
) {
return scrollViewDelta * barMaxScrollExtent / viewMaxScrollExtent ;
double getScrollViewDelta (
double barDelta ,
double barMaxScrollExtent ,
double viewMaxScrollExtent ,
) {
return barDelta * viewMaxScrollExtent / barMaxScrollExtent ;
void _onVerticalDragStart ( DragStartDetails details ) {
setState ( ( ) {
_isDragInProcess = true ;
_labelAnimationController . forward ( ) ;
_fadeoutTimer ? . cancel ( ) ;
} ) ;
void _onVerticalDragUpdate ( DragUpdateDetails details ) {
setState ( ( ) {
if ( _thumbAnimationController . status ! = AnimationStatus . forward ) {
_thumbAnimationController . forward ( ) ;
if ( _isDragInProcess ) {
_barOffset + = details . delta . dy ;
if ( _barOffset < barMinScrollExtent ) {
_barOffset = barMinScrollExtent ;
if ( _barOffset > barMaxScrollExtent ) {
_barOffset = barMaxScrollExtent ;
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
double viewDelta = getScrollViewDelta (
details . delta . dy , barMaxScrollExtent , viewMaxScrollExtent ) ;
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
_viewOffset = widget . controller . position . pixels + viewDelta ;
if ( _viewOffset < widget . controller . position . minScrollExtent ) {
_viewOffset = widget . controller . position . minScrollExtent ;
if ( _viewOffset > viewMaxScrollExtent ) {
_viewOffset = viewMaxScrollExtent ;
widget . controller . jumpTo ( _viewOffset ) ;
} ) ;
void _onVerticalDragEnd ( DragEndDetails details ) {
_fadeoutTimer = Timer ( widget . scrollbarTimeToFade , ( ) {
_thumbAnimationController . reverse ( ) ;
_labelAnimationController . reverse ( ) ;
_fadeoutTimer = null ;
} ) ;
setState ( ( ) {
_isDragInProcess = false ;
} ) ;
/// Draws 2 triangles like arrow up and arrow down
class ArrowCustomPainter extends CustomPainter {
Color color ;
ArrowCustomPainter ( this . color ) ;
@ override
bool shouldRepaint ( covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate ) = > false ;
@ override
void paint ( Canvas canvas , Size size ) {
final paint = Paint ( ) . . color = color ;
const width = 12.0 ;
const height = 8.0 ;
final baseX = size . width / 2 ;
final baseY = size . height / 2 ;
canvas . drawPath (
_trianglePath ( Offset ( baseX , baseY - 2.0 ) , width , height , true ) ,
paint ,
) ;
canvas . drawPath (
_trianglePath ( Offset ( baseX , baseY + 2.0 ) , width , height , false ) ,
paint ,
) ;
static Path _trianglePath ( Offset o , double width , double height , bool isUp ) {
return Path ( )
. . moveTo ( o . dx , o . dy )
. . lineTo ( o . dx + width , o . dy )
. . lineTo ( o . dx + ( width / 2 ) , isUp ? o . dy - height : o . dy + height )
. . close ( ) ;
///This cut 2 lines in arrow shape
class ArrowClipper extends CustomClipper < Path > {
@ override
Path getClip ( Size size ) {
Path path = Path ( ) ;
path . lineTo ( 0.0 , size . height ) ;
path . lineTo ( size . width , size . height ) ;
path . lineTo ( size . width , 0.0 ) ;
path . lineTo ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) ;
path . close ( ) ;
double arrowWidth = 8.0 ;
double startPointX = ( size . width - arrowWidth ) / 2 ;
double startPointY = size . height / 2 - arrowWidth / 2 ;
path . moveTo ( startPointX , startPointY ) ;
path . lineTo ( startPointX + arrowWidth / 2 , startPointY - arrowWidth / 2 ) ;
path . lineTo ( startPointX + arrowWidth , startPointY ) ;
path . lineTo ( startPointX + arrowWidth , startPointY + 1.0 ) ;
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
path . lineTo (
startPointX + arrowWidth / 2 , startPointY - arrowWidth / 2 + 1.0 ) ;
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
path . lineTo ( startPointX , startPointY + 1.0 ) ;
path . close ( ) ;
startPointY = size . height / 2 + arrowWidth / 2 ;
path . moveTo ( startPointX + arrowWidth , startPointY ) ;
path . lineTo ( startPointX + arrowWidth / 2 , startPointY + arrowWidth / 2 ) ;
path . lineTo ( startPointX , startPointY ) ;
path . lineTo ( startPointX , startPointY - 1.0 ) ;
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
path . lineTo (
startPointX + arrowWidth / 2 , startPointY + arrowWidth / 2 - 1.0 ) ;
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
path . lineTo ( startPointX + arrowWidth , startPointY - 1.0 ) ;
path . close ( ) ;
return path ;
@ override
bool shouldReclip ( CustomClipper < Path > oldClipper ) = > false ;
class SlideFadeTransition extends StatelessWidget {
final Animation < double > animation ;
final Widget child ;
const SlideFadeTransition ( {
Key ? key ,
required this . animation ,
required this . child ,
} ) : super ( key: key ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return AnimatedBuilder (
animation: animation ,
2022-06-22 14:23:35 +09:00
builder: ( context , child ) = >
2022-07-01 10:08:49 +09:00
animation . value = = 0.0 ? const SizedBox ( ) : child ! ,
2022-02-03 22:08:22 -06:00
child: SlideTransition (
position: Tween (
begin: const Offset ( 0.3 , 0.0 ) ,
end: const Offset ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) ,
) . animate ( animation ) ,
child: FadeTransition (
opacity: animation ,
child: child ,
) ,
) ,
) ;