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import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
2022-02-03 10:06:44 -06:00
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/constants/hive_box.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/asset.service.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/asset_cache.service.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/home/ui/asset_grid/asset_grid_data_structure.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/settings/providers/app_settings.provider.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/settings/services/app_settings.service.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/asset.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/device_info.service.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/tuple.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart';
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class AssetsState {
final List<Asset> allAssets;
final RenderList? renderList;
AssetsState(this.allAssets, {this.renderList});
Future<AssetsState> withRenderDataStructure(int groupSize) async {
return AssetsState(
await RenderList.fromAssetGroups(await _groupByDate(), groupSize),
AssetsState withAdditionalAssets(List<Asset> toAdd) {
return AssetsState([...allAssets, ...toAdd]);
Future<Map<String, List<Asset>>> _groupByDate() async {
sortCompare(List<Asset> assets) {
(e) => e.createdAt,
(a, b) => b.compareTo(a),
return assets.groupListsBy(
(element) => DateFormat('y-MM-dd').format(element.createdAt.toLocal()),
return await compute(sortCompare, allAssets.toList());
static AssetsState fromAssetList(List<Asset> assets) {
return AssetsState(assets);
static AssetsState empty() {
return AssetsState([]);
class _CombineAssetsComputeParameters {
final Iterable<Asset> local;
final Iterable<Asset> remote;
final String deviceId;
_CombineAssetsComputeParameters(this.local, this.remote, this.deviceId);
class AssetNotifier extends StateNotifier<AssetsState> {
final AssetService _assetService;
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final AssetCacheService _assetCacheService;
final AppSettingsService _settingsService;
final log = Logger('AssetNotifier');
final DeviceInfoService _deviceInfoService = DeviceInfoService();
bool _getAllAssetInProgress = false;
bool _deleteInProgress = false;
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) : super(AssetsState.fromAssetList([]));
Future<void> _updateAssetsState(
List<Asset> newAssetList, {
bool cache = true,
}) async {
if (cache) {
state =
await AssetsState.fromAssetList(newAssetList).withRenderDataStructure(
2022-10-15 23:20:15 +02:00
getAllAsset() async {
if (_getAllAssetInProgress || _deleteInProgress) {
// guard against multiple calls to this method while it's still working
final stopwatch = Stopwatch();
try {
_getAllAssetInProgress = true;
bool isCacheValid = await _assetCacheService.isValid();
final Box box = Hive.box(userInfoBox);
if (isCacheValid && state.allAssets.isEmpty) {
final List<Asset>? cachedData = await _assetCacheService.get();
if (cachedData == null) {
isCacheValid = false;
log.warning("Cached asset data is invalid, fetching new data");
} else {
await _updateAssetsState(cachedData, cache: false);
"Reading assets ${state.allAssets.length} from cache: ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}ms",
final localTask = _assetService.getLocalAssets(urgent: !isCacheValid);
final remoteTask = _assetService.getRemoteAssets(
etag: isCacheValid ? box.get(assetEtagKey) : null,
int remoteBegin = state.allAssets.indexWhere((a) => a.isRemote);
remoteBegin = remoteBegin == -1 ? state.allAssets.length : remoteBegin;
final List<Asset> currentLocal = state.allAssets.slice(0, remoteBegin);
final Pair<List<Asset>?, String?> remoteResult = await remoteTask;
List<Asset>? newRemote = remoteResult.first;
List<Asset>? newLocal = await localTask;
log.info("Load assets: ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}ms");
if (newRemote == null &&
(newLocal == null || currentLocal.equals(newLocal))) {
log.info("state is already up-to-date");
newRemote ??= state.allAssets.slice(remoteBegin);
newLocal ??= [];
final combinedAssets = await _combineLocalAndRemoteAssets(
local: newLocal,
remote: newRemote,
await _updateAssetsState(combinedAssets);
log.info("Combining assets: ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds}ms");
box.put(assetEtagKey, remoteResult.second);
} finally {
_getAllAssetInProgress = false;
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static Future<List<Asset>> _computeCombine(
_CombineAssetsComputeParameters data,
) async {
var local = data.local;
var remote = data.remote;
final deviceId = data.deviceId;
final List<Asset> assets = [];
if (remote.isNotEmpty && local.isNotEmpty) {
final Set<String> existingIds = remote
.where((e) => e.deviceId == deviceId)
.map((e) => e.deviceAssetId)
local = local.where((e) => !existingIds.contains(e.id));
// the order (first all local, then remote assets) is important!
return assets;
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Future<List<Asset>> _combineLocalAndRemoteAssets({
required Iterable<Asset> local,
required List<Asset> remote,
}) async {
final String deviceId = Hive.box(userInfoBox).get(deviceIdKey);
return await compute(
_CombineAssetsComputeParameters(local, remote, deviceId),
clearAllAsset() {
2022-02-03 10:06:44 -06:00
void onNewAssetUploaded(Asset newAsset) {
final int i = state.allAssets.indexWhere(
(a) =>
a.isRemote ||
(a.id == newAsset.deviceAssetId && a.deviceId == newAsset.deviceId),
if (i == -1 || state.allAssets[i].deviceAssetId != newAsset.deviceAssetId) {
_updateAssetsState([...state.allAssets, newAsset]);
} else {
// order is important to keep all local-only assets at the beginning!
...state.allAssets.slice(0, i),
...state.allAssets.slice(i + 1),
// TODO here is a place to unify local/remote assets by replacing the
// local-only asset in the state with a local&remote asset
deleteAssets(Set<Asset> deleteAssets) async {
_deleteInProgress = true;
try {
final localDeleted = await _deleteLocalAssets(deleteAssets);
final remoteDeleted = await _deleteRemoteAssets(deleteAssets);
final Set<String> deleted = HashSet();
if (deleted.isNotEmpty) {
state.allAssets.where((a) => !deleted.contains(a.id)).toList(),
} finally {
_deleteInProgress = false;
Future<List<String>> _deleteLocalAssets(Set<Asset> assetsToDelete) async {
var deviceInfo = await _deviceInfoService.getDeviceInfo();
var deviceId = deviceInfo["deviceId"];
final List<String> local = [];
// Delete asset from device
for (final Asset asset in assetsToDelete) {
if (asset.isLocal) {
} else if (asset.deviceId == deviceId) {
// Delete asset on device if it is still present
var localAsset = await AssetEntity.fromId(asset.deviceAssetId);
if (localAsset != null) {
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if (local.isNotEmpty) {
try {
return await PhotoManager.editor.deleteWithIds(local);
} catch (e, stack) {
log.severe("Failed to delete asset from device", e, stack);
return [];
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Future<Iterable<String>> _deleteRemoteAssets(
Set<Asset> assetsToDelete,
) async {
final Iterable<Asset> remote = assetsToDelete.where((e) => e.isRemote);
final List<DeleteAssetResponseDto> deleteAssetResult =
await _assetService.deleteAssets(remote) ?? [];
return deleteAssetResult
.where((a) => a.status == DeleteAssetStatus.SUCCESS)
.map((a) => a.id);
Future<bool> toggleFavorite(Asset asset, bool status) async {
final newAsset = await _assetService.changeFavoriteStatus(asset, status);
if (newAsset == null) {
log.severe("Change favorite status failed for asset ${asset.id}");
return asset.isFavorite;
await _updateAssetsState(
state.allAssets.map((a) {
if (asset.id == a.id) {
return Asset.remote(newAsset);
return a;
return newAsset.isFavorite;
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final assetProvider = StateNotifierProvider<AssetNotifier, AssetsState>((ref) {
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return AssetNotifier(
final assetGroupByMonthYearProvider = StateProvider((ref) {
// TODO: remove `where` once temporary workaround is no longer needed (to only
// allow remote assets to be added to album). Keep `toList()` as to NOT sort
// the original list/state
final assets =
ref.watch(assetProvider).allAssets.where((e) => e.isRemote).toList();
(e) => e.createdAt,
(a, b) => b.compareTo(a),
return assets.groupListsBy(
(element) => DateFormat('MMMM, y').format(element.createdAt.toLocal()),