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# openapi
Immich API
This Dart package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project:
2024-08-15 00:00:22 +00:00
- API version: 1.112.1
2024-05-15 17:52:52 -04:00
- Generator version: 7.5.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen
## Requirements
Dart 2.12 or later
## Installation & Usage
### Github
If this Dart package is published to Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
git: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
### Local
To use the package in your local drive, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/openapi
## Tests
## Getting Started
Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
2023-04-09 04:26:09 +02:00
// TODO Configure API key authorization: cookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('cookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('cookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: api_key
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('api_key').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('api_key').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
// TODO Configure HTTP Bearer authorization: bearer
// Case 1. Use String Token
// Case 2. Use Function which generate token.
// String yourTokenGeneratorFunction() { ... }
final api_instance = APIKeysApi();
final aPIKeyCreateDto = APIKeyCreateDto(); // APIKeyCreateDto |
try {
final result = api_instance.createApiKey(aPIKeyCreateDto);
} catch (e) {
print('Exception when calling APIKeysApi->createApiKey: $e\n');
## Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to */api*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*APIKeysApi* | [**createApiKey**](doc//APIKeysApi.md#createapikey) | **POST** /api-keys |
*APIKeysApi* | [**deleteApiKey**](doc//APIKeysApi.md#deleteapikey) | **DELETE** /api-keys/{id} |
*APIKeysApi* | [**getApiKey**](doc//APIKeysApi.md#getapikey) | **GET** /api-keys/{id} |
*APIKeysApi* | [**getApiKeys**](doc//APIKeysApi.md#getapikeys) | **GET** /api-keys |
*APIKeysApi* | [**updateApiKey**](doc//APIKeysApi.md#updateapikey) | **PUT** /api-keys/{id} |
*ActivitiesApi* | [**createActivity**](doc//ActivitiesApi.md#createactivity) | **POST** /activities |
*ActivitiesApi* | [**deleteActivity**](doc//ActivitiesApi.md#deleteactivity) | **DELETE** /activities/{id} |
*ActivitiesApi* | [**getActivities**](doc//ActivitiesApi.md#getactivities) | **GET** /activities |
*ActivitiesApi* | [**getActivityStatistics**](doc//ActivitiesApi.md#getactivitystatistics) | **GET** /activities/statistics |
*AlbumsApi* | [**addAssetsToAlbum**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#addassetstoalbum) | **PUT** /albums/{id}/assets |
*AlbumsApi* | [**addUsersToAlbum**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#adduserstoalbum) | **PUT** /albums/{id}/users |
*AlbumsApi* | [**createAlbum**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#createalbum) | **POST** /albums |
*AlbumsApi* | [**deleteAlbum**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#deletealbum) | **DELETE** /albums/{id} |
*AlbumsApi* | [**getAlbumInfo**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#getalbuminfo) | **GET** /albums/{id} |
*AlbumsApi* | [**getAlbumStatistics**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#getalbumstatistics) | **GET** /albums/statistics |
*AlbumsApi* | [**getAllAlbums**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#getallalbums) | **GET** /albums |
*AlbumsApi* | [**removeAssetFromAlbum**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#removeassetfromalbum) | **DELETE** /albums/{id}/assets |
*AlbumsApi* | [**removeUserFromAlbum**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#removeuserfromalbum) | **DELETE** /albums/{id}/user/{userId} |
*AlbumsApi* | [**updateAlbumInfo**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#updatealbuminfo) | **PATCH** /albums/{id} |
*AlbumsApi* | [**updateAlbumUser**](doc//AlbumsApi.md#updatealbumuser) | **PUT** /albums/{id}/user/{userId} |
*AssetsApi* | [**checkBulkUpload**](doc//AssetsApi.md#checkbulkupload) | **POST** /assets/bulk-upload-check |
*AssetsApi* | [**checkExistingAssets**](doc//AssetsApi.md#checkexistingassets) | **POST** /assets/exist |
*AssetsApi* | [**deleteAssets**](doc//AssetsApi.md#deleteassets) | **DELETE** /assets |
*AssetsApi* | [**downloadAsset**](doc//AssetsApi.md#downloadasset) | **GET** /assets/{id}/original |
*AssetsApi* | [**getAllUserAssetsByDeviceId**](doc//AssetsApi.md#getalluserassetsbydeviceid) | **GET** /assets/device/{deviceId} |
*AssetsApi* | [**getAssetInfo**](doc//AssetsApi.md#getassetinfo) | **GET** /assets/{id} |
*AssetsApi* | [**getAssetStatistics**](doc//AssetsApi.md#getassetstatistics) | **GET** /assets/statistics |
*AssetsApi* | [**getMemoryLane**](doc//AssetsApi.md#getmemorylane) | **GET** /assets/memory-lane |
*AssetsApi* | [**getRandom**](doc//AssetsApi.md#getrandom) | **GET** /assets/random |
*AssetsApi* | [**playAssetVideo**](doc//AssetsApi.md#playassetvideo) | **GET** /assets/{id}/video/playback |
*AssetsApi* | [**replaceAsset**](doc//AssetsApi.md#replaceasset) | **PUT** /assets/{id}/original |
*AssetsApi* | [**runAssetJobs**](doc//AssetsApi.md#runassetjobs) | **POST** /assets/jobs |
*AssetsApi* | [**updateAsset**](doc//AssetsApi.md#updateasset) | **PUT** /assets/{id} |
*AssetsApi* | [**updateAssets**](doc//AssetsApi.md#updateassets) | **PUT** /assets |
*AssetsApi* | [**uploadAsset**](doc//AssetsApi.md#uploadasset) | **POST** /assets |
*AssetsApi* | [**viewAsset**](doc//AssetsApi.md#viewasset) | **GET** /assets/{id}/thumbnail |
*AuditApi* | [**getAuditDeletes**](doc//AuditApi.md#getauditdeletes) | **GET** /audit/deletes |
*AuthenticationApi* | [**changePassword**](doc//AuthenticationApi.md#changepassword) | **POST** /auth/change-password |
*AuthenticationApi* | [**login**](doc//AuthenticationApi.md#login) | **POST** /auth/login |
*AuthenticationApi* | [**logout**](doc//AuthenticationApi.md#logout) | **POST** /auth/logout |
*AuthenticationApi* | [**signUpAdmin**](doc//AuthenticationApi.md#signupadmin) | **POST** /auth/admin-sign-up |
*AuthenticationApi* | [**validateAccessToken**](doc//AuthenticationApi.md#validateaccesstoken) | **POST** /auth/validateToken |
*DeprecatedApi* | [**getPersonAssets**](doc//DeprecatedApi.md#getpersonassets) | **GET** /people/{id}/assets |
*DownloadApi* | [**downloadArchive**](doc//DownloadApi.md#downloadarchive) | **POST** /download/archive |
*DownloadApi* | [**getDownloadInfo**](doc//DownloadApi.md#getdownloadinfo) | **POST** /download/info |
*DuplicatesApi* | [**getAssetDuplicates**](doc//DuplicatesApi.md#getassetduplicates) | **GET** /duplicates |
*FacesApi* | [**getFaces**](doc//FacesApi.md#getfaces) | **GET** /faces |
*FacesApi* | [**reassignFacesById**](doc//FacesApi.md#reassignfacesbyid) | **PUT** /faces/{id} |
*FileReportsApi* | [**fixAuditFiles**](doc//FileReportsApi.md#fixauditfiles) | **POST** /reports/fix |
*FileReportsApi* | [**getAuditFiles**](doc//FileReportsApi.md#getauditfiles) | **GET** /reports |
*FileReportsApi* | [**getFileChecksums**](doc//FileReportsApi.md#getfilechecksums) | **POST** /reports/checksum |
*JobsApi* | [**getAllJobsStatus**](doc//JobsApi.md#getalljobsstatus) | **GET** /jobs |
*JobsApi* | [**sendJobCommand**](doc//JobsApi.md#sendjobcommand) | **PUT** /jobs/{id} |
*LibrariesApi* | [**createLibrary**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#createlibrary) | **POST** /libraries |
*LibrariesApi* | [**deleteLibrary**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#deletelibrary) | **DELETE** /libraries/{id} |
*LibrariesApi* | [**getAllLibraries**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#getalllibraries) | **GET** /libraries |
*LibrariesApi* | [**getLibrary**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#getlibrary) | **GET** /libraries/{id} |
*LibrariesApi* | [**getLibraryStatistics**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#getlibrarystatistics) | **GET** /libraries/{id}/statistics |
*LibrariesApi* | [**removeOfflineFiles**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#removeofflinefiles) | **POST** /libraries/{id}/removeOffline |
*LibrariesApi* | [**scanLibrary**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#scanlibrary) | **POST** /libraries/{id}/scan |
*LibrariesApi* | [**updateLibrary**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#updatelibrary) | **PUT** /libraries/{id} |
*LibrariesApi* | [**validate**](doc//LibrariesApi.md#validate) | **POST** /libraries/{id}/validate |
*MapApi* | [**getMapMarkers**](doc//MapApi.md#getmapmarkers) | **GET** /map/markers |
*MapApi* | [**getMapStyle**](doc//MapApi.md#getmapstyle) | **GET** /map/style.json |
*MapApi* | [**reverseGeocode**](doc//MapApi.md#reversegeocode) | **GET** /map/reverse-geocode |
*MemoriesApi* | [**addMemoryAssets**](doc//MemoriesApi.md#addmemoryassets) | **PUT** /memories/{id}/assets |
*MemoriesApi* | [**createMemory**](doc//MemoriesApi.md#creatememory) | **POST** /memories |
*MemoriesApi* | [**deleteMemory**](doc//MemoriesApi.md#deletememory) | **DELETE** /memories/{id} |
*MemoriesApi* | [**getMemory**](doc//MemoriesApi.md#getmemory) | **GET** /memories/{id} |
*MemoriesApi* | [**removeMemoryAssets**](doc//MemoriesApi.md#removememoryassets) | **DELETE** /memories/{id}/assets |
*MemoriesApi* | [**searchMemories**](doc//MemoriesApi.md#searchmemories) | **GET** /memories |
*MemoriesApi* | [**updateMemory**](doc//MemoriesApi.md#updatememory) | **PUT** /memories/{id} |
*NotificationsApi* | [**sendTestEmail**](doc//NotificationsApi.md#sendtestemail) | **POST** /notifications/test-email |
*OAuthApi* | [**finishOAuth**](doc//OAuthApi.md#finishoauth) | **POST** /oauth/callback |
*OAuthApi* | [**linkOAuthAccount**](doc//OAuthApi.md#linkoauthaccount) | **POST** /oauth/link |
*OAuthApi* | [**redirectOAuthToMobile**](doc//OAuthApi.md#redirectoauthtomobile) | **GET** /oauth/mobile-redirect |
*OAuthApi* | [**startOAuth**](doc//OAuthApi.md#startoauth) | **POST** /oauth/authorize |
*OAuthApi* | [**unlinkOAuthAccount**](doc//OAuthApi.md#unlinkoauthaccount) | **POST** /oauth/unlink |
*PartnersApi* | [**createPartner**](doc//PartnersApi.md#createpartner) | **POST** /partners/{id} |
*PartnersApi* | [**getPartners**](doc//PartnersApi.md#getpartners) | **GET** /partners |
*PartnersApi* | [**removePartner**](doc//PartnersApi.md#removepartner) | **DELETE** /partners/{id} |
*PartnersApi* | [**updatePartner**](doc//PartnersApi.md#updatepartner) | **PUT** /partners/{id} |
*PeopleApi* | [**createPerson**](doc//PeopleApi.md#createperson) | **POST** /people |
*PeopleApi* | [**getAllPeople**](doc//PeopleApi.md#getallpeople) | **GET** /people |
*PeopleApi* | [**getPerson**](doc//PeopleApi.md#getperson) | **GET** /people/{id} |
*PeopleApi* | [**getPersonAssets**](doc//PeopleApi.md#getpersonassets) | **GET** /people/{id}/assets |
*PeopleApi* | [**getPersonStatistics**](doc//PeopleApi.md#getpersonstatistics) | **GET** /people/{id}/statistics |
*PeopleApi* | [**getPersonThumbnail**](doc//PeopleApi.md#getpersonthumbnail) | **GET** /people/{id}/thumbnail |
*PeopleApi* | [**mergePerson**](doc//PeopleApi.md#mergeperson) | **POST** /people/{id}/merge |
*PeopleApi* | [**reassignFaces**](doc//PeopleApi.md#reassignfaces) | **PUT** /people/{id}/reassign |
*PeopleApi* | [**updatePeople**](doc//PeopleApi.md#updatepeople) | **PUT** /people |
*PeopleApi* | [**updatePerson**](doc//PeopleApi.md#updateperson) | **PUT** /people/{id} |
*SearchApi* | [**getAssetsByCity**](doc//SearchApi.md#getassetsbycity) | **GET** /search/cities |
*SearchApi* | [**getExploreData**](doc//SearchApi.md#getexploredata) | **GET** /search/explore |
*SearchApi* | [**getSearchSuggestions**](doc//SearchApi.md#getsearchsuggestions) | **GET** /search/suggestions |
*SearchApi* | [**searchMetadata**](doc//SearchApi.md#searchmetadata) | **POST** /search/metadata |
*SearchApi* | [**searchPerson**](doc//SearchApi.md#searchperson) | **GET** /search/person |
*SearchApi* | [**searchPlaces**](doc//SearchApi.md#searchplaces) | **GET** /search/places |
*SearchApi* | [**searchSmart**](doc//SearchApi.md#searchsmart) | **POST** /search/smart |
*ServerApi* | [**deleteServerLicense**](doc//ServerApi.md#deleteserverlicense) | **DELETE** /server/license |
*ServerApi* | [**getAboutInfo**](doc//ServerApi.md#getaboutinfo) | **GET** /server/about |
*ServerApi* | [**getServerConfig**](doc//ServerApi.md#getserverconfig) | **GET** /server/config |
*ServerApi* | [**getServerFeatures**](doc//ServerApi.md#getserverfeatures) | **GET** /server/features |
*ServerApi* | [**getServerLicense**](doc//ServerApi.md#getserverlicense) | **GET** /server/license |
*ServerApi* | [**getServerStatistics**](doc//ServerApi.md#getserverstatistics) | **GET** /server/statistics |
*ServerApi* | [**getServerVersion**](doc//ServerApi.md#getserverversion) | **GET** /server/version |
*ServerApi* | [**getStorage**](doc//ServerApi.md#getstorage) | **GET** /server/storage |
*ServerApi* | [**getSupportedMediaTypes**](doc//ServerApi.md#getsupportedmediatypes) | **GET** /server/media-types |
*ServerApi* | [**getTheme**](doc//ServerApi.md#gettheme) | **GET** /server/theme |
*ServerApi* | [**pingServer**](doc//ServerApi.md#pingserver) | **GET** /server/ping |
*ServerApi* | [**setServerLicense**](doc//ServerApi.md#setserverlicense) | **PUT** /server/license |
*SessionsApi* | [**deleteAllSessions**](doc//SessionsApi.md#deleteallsessions) | **DELETE** /sessions |
*SessionsApi* | [**deleteSession**](doc//SessionsApi.md#deletesession) | **DELETE** /sessions/{id} |
*SessionsApi* | [**getSessions**](doc//SessionsApi.md#getsessions) | **GET** /sessions |
*SharedLinksApi* | [**addSharedLinkAssets**](doc//SharedLinksApi.md#addsharedlinkassets) | **PUT** /shared-links/{id}/assets |
*SharedLinksApi* | [**createSharedLink**](doc//SharedLinksApi.md#createsharedlink) | **POST** /shared-links |
*SharedLinksApi* | [**getAllSharedLinks**](doc//SharedLinksApi.md#getallsharedlinks) | **GET** /shared-links |
*SharedLinksApi* | [**getMySharedLink**](doc//SharedLinksApi.md#getmysharedlink) | **GET** /shared-links/me |
*SharedLinksApi* | [**getSharedLinkById**](doc//SharedLinksApi.md#getsharedlinkbyid) | **GET** /shared-links/{id} |
*SharedLinksApi* | [**removeSharedLink**](doc//SharedLinksApi.md#removesharedlink) | **DELETE** /shared-links/{id} |
*SharedLinksApi* | [**removeSharedLinkAssets**](doc//SharedLinksApi.md#removesharedlinkassets) | **DELETE** /shared-links/{id}/assets |
*SharedLinksApi* | [**updateSharedLink**](doc//SharedLinksApi.md#updatesharedlink) | **PATCH** /shared-links/{id} |
*StacksApi* | [**createStack**](doc//StacksApi.md#createstack) | **POST** /stacks |
*StacksApi* | [**deleteStack**](doc//StacksApi.md#deletestack) | **DELETE** /stacks/{id} |
*StacksApi* | [**deleteStacks**](doc//StacksApi.md#deletestacks) | **DELETE** /stacks |
*StacksApi* | [**getStack**](doc//StacksApi.md#getstack) | **GET** /stacks/{id} |
*StacksApi* | [**searchStacks**](doc//StacksApi.md#searchstacks) | **GET** /stacks |
*StacksApi* | [**updateStack**](doc//StacksApi.md#updatestack) | **PUT** /stacks/{id} |
*SyncApi* | [**getDeltaSync**](doc//SyncApi.md#getdeltasync) | **POST** /sync/delta-sync |
*SyncApi* | [**getFullSyncForUser**](doc//SyncApi.md#getfullsyncforuser) | **POST** /sync/full-sync |
*SystemConfigApi* | [**getConfig**](doc//SystemConfigApi.md#getconfig) | **GET** /system-config |
*SystemConfigApi* | [**getConfigDefaults**](doc//SystemConfigApi.md#getconfigdefaults) | **GET** /system-config/defaults |
*SystemConfigApi* | [**getStorageTemplateOptions**](doc//SystemConfigApi.md#getstoragetemplateoptions) | **GET** /system-config/storage-template-options |
*SystemConfigApi* | [**updateConfig**](doc//SystemConfigApi.md#updateconfig) | **PUT** /system-config |
*SystemMetadataApi* | [**getAdminOnboarding**](doc//SystemMetadataApi.md#getadminonboarding) | **GET** /system-metadata/admin-onboarding |
*SystemMetadataApi* | [**getReverseGeocodingState**](doc//SystemMetadataApi.md#getreversegeocodingstate) | **GET** /system-metadata/reverse-geocoding-state |
*SystemMetadataApi* | [**updateAdminOnboarding**](doc//SystemMetadataApi.md#updateadminonboarding) | **POST** /system-metadata/admin-onboarding |
*TagsApi* | [**createTag**](doc//TagsApi.md#createtag) | **POST** /tags |
*TagsApi* | [**deleteTag**](doc//TagsApi.md#deletetag) | **DELETE** /tags/{id} |
*TagsApi* | [**getAllTags**](doc//TagsApi.md#getalltags) | **GET** /tags |
*TagsApi* | [**getTagAssets**](doc//TagsApi.md#gettagassets) | **GET** /tags/{id}/assets |
*TagsApi* | [**getTagById**](doc//TagsApi.md#gettagbyid) | **GET** /tags/{id} |
*TagsApi* | [**tagAssets**](doc//TagsApi.md#tagassets) | **PUT** /tags/{id}/assets |
*TagsApi* | [**untagAssets**](doc//TagsApi.md#untagassets) | **DELETE** /tags/{id}/assets |
*TagsApi* | [**updateTag**](doc//TagsApi.md#updatetag) | **PATCH** /tags/{id} |
*TimelineApi* | [**getTimeBucket**](doc//TimelineApi.md#gettimebucket) | **GET** /timeline/bucket |
*TimelineApi* | [**getTimeBuckets**](doc//TimelineApi.md#gettimebuckets) | **GET** /timeline/buckets |
*TrashApi* | [**emptyTrash**](doc//TrashApi.md#emptytrash) | **POST** /trash/empty |
*TrashApi* | [**restoreAssets**](doc//TrashApi.md#restoreassets) | **POST** /trash/restore/assets |
*TrashApi* | [**restoreTrash**](doc//TrashApi.md#restoretrash) | **POST** /trash/restore |
*UsersApi* | [**createProfileImage**](doc//UsersApi.md#createprofileimage) | **POST** /users/profile-image |
*UsersApi* | [**deleteProfileImage**](doc//UsersApi.md#deleteprofileimage) | **DELETE** /users/profile-image |
*UsersApi* | [**deleteUserLicense**](doc//UsersApi.md#deleteuserlicense) | **DELETE** /users/me/license |
*UsersApi* | [**getMyPreferences**](doc//UsersApi.md#getmypreferences) | **GET** /users/me/preferences |
*UsersApi* | [**getMyUser**](doc//UsersApi.md#getmyuser) | **GET** /users/me |
*UsersApi* | [**getProfileImage**](doc//UsersApi.md#getprofileimage) | **GET** /users/{id}/profile-image |
*UsersApi* | [**getUser**](doc//UsersApi.md#getuser) | **GET** /users/{id} |
*UsersApi* | [**getUserLicense**](doc//UsersApi.md#getuserlicense) | **GET** /users/me/license |
*UsersApi* | [**searchUsers**](doc//UsersApi.md#searchusers) | **GET** /users |
*UsersApi* | [**setUserLicense**](doc//UsersApi.md#setuserlicense) | **PUT** /users/me/license |
*UsersApi* | [**updateMyPreferences**](doc//UsersApi.md#updatemypreferences) | **PUT** /users/me/preferences |
*UsersApi* | [**updateMyUser**](doc//UsersApi.md#updatemyuser) | **PUT** /users/me |
*UsersAdminApi* | [**createUserAdmin**](doc//UsersAdminApi.md#createuseradmin) | **POST** /admin/users |
*UsersAdminApi* | [**deleteUserAdmin**](doc//UsersAdminApi.md#deleteuseradmin) | **DELETE** /admin/users/{id} |
*UsersAdminApi* | [**getUserAdmin**](doc//UsersAdminApi.md#getuseradmin) | **GET** /admin/users/{id} |
*UsersAdminApi* | [**getUserPreferencesAdmin**](doc//UsersAdminApi.md#getuserpreferencesadmin) | **GET** /admin/users/{id}/preferences |
*UsersAdminApi* | [**restoreUserAdmin**](doc//UsersAdminApi.md#restoreuseradmin) | **POST** /admin/users/{id}/restore |
*UsersAdminApi* | [**searchUsersAdmin**](doc//UsersAdminApi.md#searchusersadmin) | **GET** /admin/users |
*UsersAdminApi* | [**updateUserAdmin**](doc//UsersAdminApi.md#updateuseradmin) | **PUT** /admin/users/{id} |
*UsersAdminApi* | [**updateUserPreferencesAdmin**](doc//UsersAdminApi.md#updateuserpreferencesadmin) | **PUT** /admin/users/{id}/preferences |
feat: folder view (#11880) * feat: folder view poc * fix(folder-view): ui modifications * fix(folder-view): improves utility return types * fix(folder-view): update getAssetsByOriginalPath Endpoint now only returns direct children of the path instead of all images in all subfolders. Functions renamed and scoped to "folder", endpoints renamed * fix(folder-view): improve typing * fix(folder-view): replaces css with tailwind * fix(folder-view): includes folders in main panel * feat(folder-view): folder cache implementation * fix(folder-view): can now search for absolute paths * fix(folder-view): sets default sort to alphabetical by filename * refactor/styling the browser view * double click to navigate * folder tree * use correct side bar icon * styling when selected * correct open icon * folder layout * return assetReponseDto * it's alive * update new api * more styling for folder tree * use query params and path viewer * use arrow up left for parent folder backward navigation * use arrow up left for parent folder backward navigation * encode URL * handle long folder name * refactor to the view controller * remove unused code * clear cache when logout * cleaning up * cleaning up web * clean as new * clean as new * pr feedback + show asset name * add tests * add tests * remove generated file * lint * revert docker-compose.dev file * Update server/src/services/view.service.ts Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jason@rasm.me> * Update server/src/services/view.service.ts Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jason@rasm.me> --------- Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jason@rasm.me>
2024-08-21 19:49:37 +01:00
*ViewApi* | [**getAssetsByOriginalPath**](doc//ViewApi.md#getassetsbyoriginalpath) | **GET** /view/folder |
*ViewApi* | [**getUniqueOriginalPaths**](doc//ViewApi.md#getuniqueoriginalpaths) | **GET** /view/folder/unique-paths |
## Documentation For Models
- [APIKeyCreateDto](doc//APIKeyCreateDto.md)
- [APIKeyCreateResponseDto](doc//APIKeyCreateResponseDto.md)
- [APIKeyResponseDto](doc//APIKeyResponseDto.md)
- [APIKeyUpdateDto](doc//APIKeyUpdateDto.md)
- [ActivityCreateDto](doc//ActivityCreateDto.md)
- [ActivityResponseDto](doc//ActivityResponseDto.md)
- [ActivityStatisticsResponseDto](doc//ActivityStatisticsResponseDto.md)
- [AddUsersDto](doc//AddUsersDto.md)
- [AdminOnboardingUpdateDto](doc//AdminOnboardingUpdateDto.md)
- [AlbumResponseDto](doc//AlbumResponseDto.md)
- [AlbumStatisticsResponseDto](doc//AlbumStatisticsResponseDto.md)
feat: readonly album sharing (#8720) * rename albums_shared_users_users to album_permissions and add readonly column * disable synchronize on the original join table * remove unnecessary FK names * set readonly=true as default for new album shares * separate and implement album READ and WRITE permission * expose albumPermissions on the API, deprecate sharedUsers * generate openapi * create readonly view on frontend * ??? move slideshow button out from ellipsis menu so that non-owners can have access too * correct sharedUsers joins * add album permission repository * remove a log * fix assetCount getting reset when adding users * fix lint * add set permission endpoint and UI * sort users * remove log * Revert "??? move slideshow button out from ellipsis menu so that non-owners can have access too" This reverts commit 1343bfa31125f7136f81db28f7aa4c5ef0204847. * rename stuff * fix db schema annotations * sql generate * change readonly default to follow migration * fix deprecation notice * change readonly boolean to role enum * fix joincolumn as primary key * rename albumUserRepository in album service * clean up userId and albumId * add write access to shared link * fix existing tests * switch to vitest * format and fix tests on web * add new test * fix one e2e test * rename new API field to albumUsers * capitalize serverside enum * remove unused ReadWrite type * missed rename from previous commit * rename to albumUsers in album entity as well * remove outdated Equals calls * unnecessary relation * rename to updateUser in album service * minor renamery * move sorting to backend * rename and separate ALBUM_WRITE as ADD_ASSET and REMOVE_ASSET * fix tests * fix "should migrate single moving picture" test failing on European system timezone * generated changes after merge * lint fix * fix correct page to open after removing user from album * fix e2e tests and some bugs * rename updateAlbumUser rest endpoint * add new e2e tests for updateAlbumUser endpoint * small optimizations * refactor album e2e test, add new album shared with viewer * add new test to check if viewer can see the album * add new e2e tests for readonly share * failing test: User delete doesn't cascade to UserAlbum entity * fix: handle deleted users * use lodash for sort * add role to addUsersToAlbum endpoint * add UI for adding editors * lint fixes * change role back to editor as DB default * fix server tests * redesign user selection modal editor selector * style tweaks * fix type error * Revert "style tweaks" This reverts commit ab604f4c8f3a6f12ab0b5fe2dd2ede723aa68775. * Revert "redesign user selection modal editor selector" This reverts commit e6f344856c6c05e4eb5c78f0dffb9f52498795f4. * chore: cleanup and improve add user modal * chore: open api * small styling --------- Co-authored-by: mgabor <> Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2024-04-25 06:19:49 +02:00
- [AlbumUserAddDto](doc//AlbumUserAddDto.md)
2024-05-07 16:38:09 -04:00
- [AlbumUserCreateDto](doc//AlbumUserCreateDto.md)
feat: readonly album sharing (#8720) * rename albums_shared_users_users to album_permissions and add readonly column * disable synchronize on the original join table * remove unnecessary FK names * set readonly=true as default for new album shares * separate and implement album READ and WRITE permission * expose albumPermissions on the API, deprecate sharedUsers * generate openapi * create readonly view on frontend * ??? move slideshow button out from ellipsis menu so that non-owners can have access too * correct sharedUsers joins * add album permission repository * remove a log * fix assetCount getting reset when adding users * fix lint * add set permission endpoint and UI * sort users * remove log * Revert "??? move slideshow button out from ellipsis menu so that non-owners can have access too" This reverts commit 1343bfa31125f7136f81db28f7aa4c5ef0204847. * rename stuff * fix db schema annotations * sql generate * change readonly default to follow migration * fix deprecation notice * change readonly boolean to role enum * fix joincolumn as primary key * rename albumUserRepository in album service * clean up userId and albumId * add write access to shared link * fix existing tests * switch to vitest * format and fix tests on web * add new test * fix one e2e test * rename new API field to albumUsers * capitalize serverside enum * remove unused ReadWrite type * missed rename from previous commit * rename to albumUsers in album entity as well * remove outdated Equals calls * unnecessary relation * rename to updateUser in album service * minor renamery * move sorting to backend * rename and separate ALBUM_WRITE as ADD_ASSET and REMOVE_ASSET * fix tests * fix "should migrate single moving picture" test failing on European system timezone * generated changes after merge * lint fix * fix correct page to open after removing user from album * fix e2e tests and some bugs * rename updateAlbumUser rest endpoint * add new e2e tests for updateAlbumUser endpoint * small optimizations * refactor album e2e test, add new album shared with viewer * add new test to check if viewer can see the album * add new e2e tests for readonly share * failing test: User delete doesn't cascade to UserAlbum entity * fix: handle deleted users * use lodash for sort * add role to addUsersToAlbum endpoint * add UI for adding editors * lint fixes * change role back to editor as DB default * fix server tests * redesign user selection modal editor selector * style tweaks * fix type error * Revert "style tweaks" This reverts commit ab604f4c8f3a6f12ab0b5fe2dd2ede723aa68775. * Revert "redesign user selection modal editor selector" This reverts commit e6f344856c6c05e4eb5c78f0dffb9f52498795f4. * chore: cleanup and improve add user modal * chore: open api * small styling --------- Co-authored-by: mgabor <> Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2024-04-25 06:19:49 +02:00
- [AlbumUserResponseDto](doc//AlbumUserResponseDto.md)
- [AlbumUserRole](doc//AlbumUserRole.md)
- [AllJobStatusResponseDto](doc//AllJobStatusResponseDto.md)
feat(server): trash asset (#4015) * refactor(server): delete assets endpoint * fix: formatting * chore: cleanup * chore: open api * chore(mobile): replace DeleteAssetDTO with BulkIdsDTOs * feat: trash an asset * chore(server): formatting * chore: open api * chore: wording * chore: open-api * feat(server): add withDeleted to getAssets queries * WIP: mobile-recycle-bin * feat(server): recycle-bin to system config * feat(web): use recycle-bin system config * chore(server): domain assetcore removed * chore(server): rename recycle-bin to trash * chore(web): rename recycle-bin to trash * chore(server): always send soft deleted assets for getAllByUserId * chore(web): formatting * feat(server): permanent delete assets older than trashed period * feat(web): trash empty placeholder image * feat(server): empty trash * feat(web): empty trash * WIP: mobile-recycle-bin * refactor(server): empty / restore trash to separate endpoint * test(server): handle failures * test(server): fix e2e server-info test * test(server): deletion test refactor * feat(mobile): use map settings from server-config to enable / disable map * feat(mobile): trash asset * fix(server): operations on assets in trash * feat(web): show trash statistics * fix(web): handle trash enabled * fix(mobile): restore updates from trash * fix(server): ignore trashed assets for person * fix(server): add / remove search index when trashed / restored * chore(web): format * fix(server): asset service test * fix(server): include trashed assts for duplicates from uploads * feat(mobile): no dialog for trash, always dialog for permanent delete * refactor(mobile): use isar where instead of dart filter * refactor(mobile): asset provide - handle deletes in single db txn * chore(mobile): review changes * feat(web): confirmation before empty trash * server: review changes * fix(server): handle library changes * fix: filter external assets from getting trashed / deleted * fix(server): empty-bin * feat: broadcast config update events through ws * change order of trash button on mobile * styling * fix(mobile): do not show trashed toast for local only assets --------- Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2023-10-06 07:01:14 +00:00
- [AssetBulkDeleteDto](doc//AssetBulkDeleteDto.md)
- [AssetBulkUpdateDto](doc//AssetBulkUpdateDto.md)
feat(server): Add support for client-side hashing (#2072) * Modify controller DTOs * Can check duplicates on server side * Remove deviceassetid and deviceid * Remove device ids from file uploader * Add db migration for removed device ids * Don't sanitize checksum * Convert asset checksum to string * Make checksum not optional for asset * Use enums when rejecting duplicates * Cleanup * Return of the device id, but optional * Don't use deviceId for upload folder * Use checksum in thumb path * Only use asset id in thumb path * Openapi generation * Put deviceAssetId back in asset response dto * Add missing checksum in test fixture * Add another missing checksum in test fixture * Cleanup asset repository * Add back previous /exists endpoint * Require checksum to not be null * Correctly set deviceId in db * Remove index * Fix compilation errors * Make device id nullabel in asset response dto * Reduce PR scope * Revert asset service * Reorder imports * Reorder imports * Reduce PR scope * Reduce PR scope * Reduce PR scope * Reduce PR scope * Reduce PR scope * Update openapi * Reduce PR scope * refactor: asset bulk upload check * chore: regenreate open-api * chore: fix tests * chore: tests * update migrations and regenerate api * Feat: use checksum in web file uploader * Change to wasm-crypto * Use crypto api for checksumming in web uploader * Minor cleanup of file upload * feat(web): pause and resume jobs * Make device asset id not nullable again * Cleanup * Device id not nullable in response dto * Update API specs * Bump api specs * Remove old TODO comment * Remove NOT NULL constraint on checksum index * Fix requested pubspec changes * Remove unneeded import * Update server/apps/immich/src/api-v1/asset/asset.service.ts Co-authored-by: Michel Heusschen <59014050+michelheusschen@users.noreply.github.com> * Update server/apps/immich/src/api-v1/asset/asset-repository.ts Co-authored-by: Michel Heusschen <59014050+michelheusschen@users.noreply.github.com> * Remove unneeded check * Update server/apps/immich/src/api-v1/asset/asset-repository.ts Co-authored-by: Michel Heusschen <59014050+michelheusschen@users.noreply.github.com> * Remove hashing in the web uploader * Cleanup file uploader * Remove varchar from asset entity fields * Return 200 from bulk upload check * Put device asset id back into asset repository * Merge migrations * Revert pubspec lock * Update openapi specs * Merge upstream changes * Fix failing asset service tests * Fix formatting issue * Cleanup migrations * Remove newline from pubspec * Revert newline * Checkout main version * Revert again * Only return AssetCheck --------- Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Michel Heusschen <59014050+michelheusschen@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-05-24 23:08:21 +02:00
- [AssetBulkUploadCheckDto](doc//AssetBulkUploadCheckDto.md)
- [AssetBulkUploadCheckItem](doc//AssetBulkUploadCheckItem.md)
- [AssetBulkUploadCheckResponseDto](doc//AssetBulkUploadCheckResponseDto.md)
- [AssetBulkUploadCheckResult](doc//AssetBulkUploadCheckResult.md)
- [AssetDeltaSyncDto](doc//AssetDeltaSyncDto.md)
- [AssetDeltaSyncResponseDto](doc//AssetDeltaSyncResponseDto.md)
feat(web): re-assign person faces (2) (#4949) * feat: unassign person faces * multiple improvements * chore: regenerate api * feat: improve face interactions in photos * fix: tests * fix: tests * optimize * fix: wrong assignment on complex-multiple re-assignments * fix: thumbnails with large photos * fix: complex reassign * fix: don't send people with faces * fix: person thumbnail generation * chore: regenerate api * add tess * feat: face box even when zoomed * fix: change feature photo * feat: make the blue icon hoverable * chore: regenerate api * feat: use websocket * fix: loading spinner when clicking on the done button * fix: use the svelte way * fix: tests * simplify * fix: unused vars * fix: remove unused code * fix: add migration * chore: regenerate api * ci: add unit tests * chore: regenerate api * feat: if a new person is created for a face and the server takes more than 15 seconds to generate the person thumbnail, don't wait for it * reorganize * chore: regenerate api * feat: global edit * pr feedback * pr feedback * simplify * revert test * fix: face generation * fix: tests * fix: face generation * fix merge * feat: search names in unmerge face selector modal * fix: merge face selector * simplify feature photo generation * fix: change endpoint * pr feedback * chore: fix merge * chore: fix merge * fix: tests * fix: edit & hide buttons * fix: tests * feat: show if person is hidden * feat: rename face to person * feat: split in new panel * copy-paste-error * pr feedback * fix: feature photo * do not leak faces * fix: unmerge modal * fix: merge modal event * feat(server): remove duplicates * fix: title for image thumbnails * fix: disable side panel when there's no face until next PR --------- Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2023-12-05 16:43:15 +01:00
- [AssetFaceResponseDto](doc//AssetFaceResponseDto.md)
- [AssetFaceUpdateDto](doc//AssetFaceUpdateDto.md)
- [AssetFaceUpdateItem](doc//AssetFaceUpdateItem.md)
- [AssetFaceWithoutPersonResponseDto](doc//AssetFaceWithoutPersonResponseDto.md)
- [AssetFullSyncDto](doc//AssetFullSyncDto.md)
- [AssetIdsDto](doc//AssetIdsDto.md)
- [AssetIdsResponseDto](doc//AssetIdsResponseDto.md)
- [AssetJobName](doc//AssetJobName.md)
- [AssetJobsDto](doc//AssetJobsDto.md)
- [AssetMediaResponseDto](doc//AssetMediaResponseDto.md)
- [AssetMediaSize](doc//AssetMediaSize.md)
- [AssetMediaStatus](doc//AssetMediaStatus.md)
- [AssetOrder](doc//AssetOrder.md)
- [AssetResponseDto](doc//AssetResponseDto.md)
- [AssetStackResponseDto](doc//AssetStackResponseDto.md)
- [AssetStatsResponseDto](doc//AssetStatsResponseDto.md)
- [AssetTypeEnum](doc//AssetTypeEnum.md)
- [AudioCodec](doc//AudioCodec.md)
- [AuditDeletesResponseDto](doc//AuditDeletesResponseDto.md)
- [AvatarResponse](doc//AvatarResponse.md)
- [AvatarUpdate](doc//AvatarUpdate.md)
- [BulkIdResponseDto](doc//BulkIdResponseDto.md)
- [BulkIdsDto](doc//BulkIdsDto.md)
- [CLIPConfig](doc//CLIPConfig.md)
- [CQMode](doc//CQMode.md)
- [ChangePasswordDto](doc//ChangePasswordDto.md)
- [CheckExistingAssetsDto](doc//CheckExistingAssetsDto.md)
- [CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto](doc//CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto.md)
- [Colorspace](doc//Colorspace.md)
- [CreateAlbumDto](doc//CreateAlbumDto.md)
- [CreateLibraryDto](doc//CreateLibraryDto.md)
- [CreateProfileImageResponseDto](doc//CreateProfileImageResponseDto.md)
2022-12-05 11:56:44 -06:00
- [CreateTagDto](doc//CreateTagDto.md)
- [DownloadArchiveInfo](doc//DownloadArchiveInfo.md)
- [DownloadInfoDto](doc//DownloadInfoDto.md)
- [DownloadResponse](doc//DownloadResponse.md)
- [DownloadResponseDto](doc//DownloadResponseDto.md)
- [DownloadUpdate](doc//DownloadUpdate.md)
feat(server): near-duplicate detection (#8228) * duplicate detection job, entity, config * queueing * job panel, update api * use embedding in db instead of fetching * disable concurrency * only queue visible assets * handle multiple duplicateIds * update concurrent queue check * add provider * add web placeholder, server endpoint, migration, various fixes * update sql * select embedding by default * rename variable * simplify * remove separate entity, handle re-running with different threshold, set default back to 0.02 * fix tests * add tests * add index to entity * formatting * update asset mock * fix `upsertJobStatus` signature * update sql * formatting * default to 0.03 * optimize clustering * use asset's `duplicateId` if present * update sql * update tests * expose admin setting * refactor * formatting * skip if ml is disabled * debug trash e2e * remove from web * remove from sidebar * test if ml is disabled * update sql * separate duplicate detection from clip in config, disable by default for now * fix doc * lower minimum `maxDistance` * update api * Add and Use Duplicate Detection Feature Flag (#9364) * Add Duplicate Detection Flag * Use Duplicate Detection Flag * Attempt Fixes for Failing Checks * lower minimum `maxDistance` * fix tests --------- Co-authored-by: mertalev <101130780+mertalev@users.noreply.github.com> * chore: fixes and additions after rebase * chore: update api (remove new Role enum) * fix: left join smart search so getAll works without machine learning * test: trash e2e go back to checking length of assets is zero * chore: regen api after rebase * test: fix tests after rebase * redundant join --------- Co-authored-by: Nicholas Flamy <30300649+NicholasFlamy@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Zack Pollard <zackpollard@ymail.com> Co-authored-by: Zack Pollard <zack@futo.org>
2024-05-16 13:08:37 -04:00
- [DuplicateDetectionConfig](doc//DuplicateDetectionConfig.md)
- [DuplicateResponseDto](doc//DuplicateResponseDto.md)
- [EmailNotificationsResponse](doc//EmailNotificationsResponse.md)
- [EmailNotificationsUpdate](doc//EmailNotificationsUpdate.md)
- [EntityType](doc//EntityType.md)
- [ExifResponseDto](doc//ExifResponseDto.md)
feat(web): re-assign person faces (2) (#4949) * feat: unassign person faces * multiple improvements * chore: regenerate api * feat: improve face interactions in photos * fix: tests * fix: tests * optimize * fix: wrong assignment on complex-multiple re-assignments * fix: thumbnails with large photos * fix: complex reassign * fix: don't send people with faces * fix: person thumbnail generation * chore: regenerate api * add tess * feat: face box even when zoomed * fix: change feature photo * feat: make the blue icon hoverable * chore: regenerate api * feat: use websocket * fix: loading spinner when clicking on the done button * fix: use the svelte way * fix: tests * simplify * fix: unused vars * fix: remove unused code * fix: add migration * chore: regenerate api * ci: add unit tests * chore: regenerate api * feat: if a new person is created for a face and the server takes more than 15 seconds to generate the person thumbnail, don't wait for it * reorganize * chore: regenerate api * feat: global edit * pr feedback * pr feedback * simplify * revert test * fix: face generation * fix: tests * fix: face generation * fix merge * feat: search names in unmerge face selector modal * fix: merge face selector * simplify feature photo generation * fix: change endpoint * pr feedback * chore: fix merge * chore: fix merge * fix: tests * fix: edit & hide buttons * fix: tests * feat: show if person is hidden * feat: rename face to person * feat: split in new panel * copy-paste-error * pr feedback * fix: feature photo * do not leak faces * fix: unmerge modal * fix: merge modal event * feat(server): remove duplicates * fix: title for image thumbnails * fix: disable side panel when there's no face until next PR --------- Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2023-12-05 16:43:15 +01:00
- [FaceDto](doc//FaceDto.md)
- [FacialRecognitionConfig](doc//FacialRecognitionConfig.md)
- [FileChecksumDto](doc//FileChecksumDto.md)
- [FileChecksumResponseDto](doc//FileChecksumResponseDto.md)
- [FileReportDto](doc//FileReportDto.md)
- [FileReportFixDto](doc//FileReportFixDto.md)
- [FileReportItemDto](doc//FileReportItemDto.md)
- [ImageFormat](doc//ImageFormat.md)
- [JobCommand](doc//JobCommand.md)
- [JobCommandDto](doc//JobCommandDto.md)
- [JobCountsDto](doc//JobCountsDto.md)
- [JobName](doc//JobName.md)
- [JobSettingsDto](doc//JobSettingsDto.md)
- [JobStatusDto](doc//JobStatusDto.md)
- [LibraryResponseDto](doc//LibraryResponseDto.md)
- [LibraryStatsResponseDto](doc//LibraryStatsResponseDto.md)
- [LicenseKeyDto](doc//LicenseKeyDto.md)
- [LicenseResponseDto](doc//LicenseResponseDto.md)
- [LogLevel](doc//LogLevel.md)
- [LoginCredentialDto](doc//LoginCredentialDto.md)
- [LoginResponseDto](doc//LoginResponseDto.md)
- [LogoutResponseDto](doc//LogoutResponseDto.md)
- [MapMarkerResponseDto](doc//MapMarkerResponseDto.md)
- [MapReverseGeocodeResponseDto](doc//MapReverseGeocodeResponseDto.md)
- [MapTheme](doc//MapTheme.md)
- [MemoryCreateDto](doc//MemoryCreateDto.md)
- [MemoryLaneResponseDto](doc//MemoryLaneResponseDto.md)
- [MemoryResponse](doc//MemoryResponse.md)
- [MemoryResponseDto](doc//MemoryResponseDto.md)
- [MemoryType](doc//MemoryType.md)
- [MemoryUpdate](doc//MemoryUpdate.md)
- [MemoryUpdateDto](doc//MemoryUpdateDto.md)
- [MergePersonDto](doc//MergePersonDto.md)
- [MetadataSearchDto](doc//MetadataSearchDto.md)
- [OAuthAuthorizeResponseDto](doc//OAuthAuthorizeResponseDto.md)
- [OAuthCallbackDto](doc//OAuthCallbackDto.md)
- [OAuthConfigDto](doc//OAuthConfigDto.md)
2024-04-02 14:21:58 -05:00
- [OnThisDayDto](doc//OnThisDayDto.md)
- [PartnerDirection](doc//PartnerDirection.md)
- [PartnerResponseDto](doc//PartnerResponseDto.md)
- [PathEntityType](doc//PathEntityType.md)
- [PathType](doc//PathType.md)
- [PeopleResponseDto](doc//PeopleResponseDto.md)
- [PeopleUpdateDto](doc//PeopleUpdateDto.md)
- [PeopleUpdateItem](doc//PeopleUpdateItem.md)
- [Permission](doc//Permission.md)
- [PersonCreateDto](doc//PersonCreateDto.md)
2023-05-17 13:07:17 -04:00
- [PersonResponseDto](doc//PersonResponseDto.md)
- [PersonStatisticsResponseDto](doc//PersonStatisticsResponseDto.md)
2023-05-17 13:07:17 -04:00
- [PersonUpdateDto](doc//PersonUpdateDto.md)
feat(web): re-assign person faces (2) (#4949) * feat: unassign person faces * multiple improvements * chore: regenerate api * feat: improve face interactions in photos * fix: tests * fix: tests * optimize * fix: wrong assignment on complex-multiple re-assignments * fix: thumbnails with large photos * fix: complex reassign * fix: don't send people with faces * fix: person thumbnail generation * chore: regenerate api * add tess * feat: face box even when zoomed * fix: change feature photo * feat: make the blue icon hoverable * chore: regenerate api * feat: use websocket * fix: loading spinner when clicking on the done button * fix: use the svelte way * fix: tests * simplify * fix: unused vars * fix: remove unused code * fix: add migration * chore: regenerate api * ci: add unit tests * chore: regenerate api * feat: if a new person is created for a face and the server takes more than 15 seconds to generate the person thumbnail, don't wait for it * reorganize * chore: regenerate api * feat: global edit * pr feedback * pr feedback * simplify * revert test * fix: face generation * fix: tests * fix: face generation * fix merge * feat: search names in unmerge face selector modal * fix: merge face selector * simplify feature photo generation * fix: change endpoint * pr feedback * chore: fix merge * chore: fix merge * fix: tests * fix: edit & hide buttons * fix: tests * feat: show if person is hidden * feat: rename face to person * feat: split in new panel * copy-paste-error * pr feedback * fix: feature photo * do not leak faces * fix: unmerge modal * fix: merge modal event * feat(server): remove duplicates * fix: title for image thumbnails * fix: disable side panel when there's no face until next PR --------- Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2023-12-05 16:43:15 +01:00
- [PersonWithFacesResponseDto](doc//PersonWithFacesResponseDto.md)
- [PlacesResponseDto](doc//PlacesResponseDto.md)
- [PurchaseResponse](doc//PurchaseResponse.md)
- [PurchaseUpdate](doc//PurchaseUpdate.md)
- [QueueStatusDto](doc//QueueStatusDto.md)
- [RatingResponse](doc//RatingResponse.md)
- [RatingUpdate](doc//RatingUpdate.md)
- [ReactionLevel](doc//ReactionLevel.md)
- [ReactionType](doc//ReactionType.md)
- [ReverseGeocodingStateResponseDto](doc//ReverseGeocodingStateResponseDto.md)
- [ScanLibraryDto](doc//ScanLibraryDto.md)
- [SearchAlbumResponseDto](doc//SearchAlbumResponseDto.md)
- [SearchAssetResponseDto](doc//SearchAssetResponseDto.md)
- [SearchExploreItem](doc//SearchExploreItem.md)
- [SearchExploreResponseDto](doc//SearchExploreResponseDto.md)
- [SearchFacetCountResponseDto](doc//SearchFacetCountResponseDto.md)
- [SearchFacetResponseDto](doc//SearchFacetResponseDto.md)
- [SearchResponseDto](doc//SearchResponseDto.md)
- [SearchSuggestionType](doc//SearchSuggestionType.md)
- [ServerAboutResponseDto](doc//ServerAboutResponseDto.md)
- [ServerConfigDto](doc//ServerConfigDto.md)
- [ServerFeaturesDto](doc//ServerFeaturesDto.md)
- [ServerMediaTypesResponseDto](doc//ServerMediaTypesResponseDto.md)
- [ServerPingResponse](doc//ServerPingResponse.md)
- [ServerStatsResponseDto](doc//ServerStatsResponseDto.md)
- [ServerStorageResponseDto](doc//ServerStorageResponseDto.md)
- [ServerThemeDto](doc//ServerThemeDto.md)
- [ServerVersionResponseDto](doc//ServerVersionResponseDto.md)
- [SessionResponseDto](doc//SessionResponseDto.md)
- [SharedLinkCreateDto](doc//SharedLinkCreateDto.md)
- [SharedLinkEditDto](doc//SharedLinkEditDto.md)
- [SharedLinkResponseDto](doc//SharedLinkResponseDto.md)
- [SharedLinkType](doc//SharedLinkType.md)
- [SignUpDto](doc//SignUpDto.md)
- [SmartInfoResponseDto](doc//SmartInfoResponseDto.md)
- [SmartSearchDto](doc//SmartSearchDto.md)
- [StackCreateDto](doc//StackCreateDto.md)
- [StackResponseDto](doc//StackResponseDto.md)
- [StackUpdateDto](doc//StackUpdateDto.md)
- [SystemConfigDto](doc//SystemConfigDto.md)
- [SystemConfigFFmpegDto](doc//SystemConfigFFmpegDto.md)
- [SystemConfigImageDto](doc//SystemConfigImageDto.md)
- [SystemConfigJobDto](doc//SystemConfigJobDto.md)
- [SystemConfigLibraryDto](doc//SystemConfigLibraryDto.md)
- [SystemConfigLibraryScanDto](doc//SystemConfigLibraryScanDto.md)
feat(server): Automatic watching of library folders (#6192) * feat: initial watch support * allow offline files * chore: ignore query errors when resetting e2e db * revert db query * add savepoint * guard the user query * chore: openapi and db migration * wip * support multiple libraries * fix tests * wip * can now cleanup chokidar watchers * fix unit tests * add library watch queue * add missing init from merge * wip * can now filter file extensions * remove watch api from non job client * Fix e2e test * watch library with updated import path and exclusion pattern * add library watch frontend ui * case sensitive watching extensions * can auto watch libraries * move watcher e2e tests to separate file * don't watch libraries from a queue * use event emitters * shorten e2e test timeout * refactor chokidar code to filesystem provider * expose chokidar parameters to config file * fix storage mock * set default config for library watching * add fs provider mocks * cleanup * add more unit tests for watcher * chore: fix format + sql * add more tests * move unwatch feature back to library service * add file event unit tests * chore: formatting * add documentation * fix e2e tests * chore: fix e2e tests * fix library updating * test cleanup * fix typo * cleanup * fixing as per pr comments * reduce library watch config file * update storage config and mocks * move negative event tests to unit tests * fix library watcher e2e * make watch configuration global * remove the feature flag * refactor watcher teardown * fix microservices init * centralize asset scan job queue * improve docs * add more tests * chore: open api * initialize app service * fix docs * fix library watch feature flag * Update docs/docs/features/libraries.md Co-authored-by: Daniel Dietzler <36593685+danieldietzler@users.noreply.github.com> * fix: import right app service * don't be truthy * fix test speling * stricter library update tests * move fs watcher mock to external file * subscribe to config changes * docker does not need polling * make library watch() private * feat: add configuration ui --------- Co-authored-by: Daniel Dietzler <36593685+danieldietzler@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2024-01-31 09:15:54 +01:00
- [SystemConfigLibraryWatchDto](doc//SystemConfigLibraryWatchDto.md)
- [SystemConfigLoggingDto](doc//SystemConfigLoggingDto.md)
- [SystemConfigMachineLearningDto](doc//SystemConfigMachineLearningDto.md)
- [SystemConfigMapDto](doc//SystemConfigMapDto.md)
- [SystemConfigNewVersionCheckDto](doc//SystemConfigNewVersionCheckDto.md)
feat(server): email notifications (#8447) * feat(server): add `react-mail` as mail template engine and `nodemailer` * feat(server): add `smtp` related configs to `SystemConfig` * feat(web): add page for SMTP settings * feat(server): add `react-email.adapter` This adapter render the React-Email into HTML and plain/text email. The output is set as the body of the email. * feat(server): add `MailRepository` and `MailService` Allow to use the NestJS-modules-mailer module to send SMTP emails. This is the base transport for the `NotificationRepository` * feat(server): register the job dispatcher and Job for async email This allows to queue email sending jobs for the `EmailService`. * feat(server): add `NotificationRepository` and `NotificationService` This act as a middleware to properly route the notification to the right transport. As POC I've only implemented a simple SMTP transport. * feat(server): add `welcome` email template * feat(server): add the first notification on `createUser` in `UserService` This trigger an event for the `NotificationRepository` that once processes by using the global config and per-user config will carry the payload to the right notification transport. * chore: clean up * chore: clean up web * fix: type errors" * fix package lock * fix mail sending, option to ignore certs * chore: open api * chore: clean up * remove unused import * feat: email feature flag * chore: remove unused interface * small styling --------- Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Dietzler <mail@ddietzler.dev> Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2024-05-02 16:43:18 +02:00
- [SystemConfigNotificationsDto](doc//SystemConfigNotificationsDto.md)
- [SystemConfigOAuthDto](doc//SystemConfigOAuthDto.md)
- [SystemConfigPasswordLoginDto](doc//SystemConfigPasswordLoginDto.md)
- [SystemConfigReverseGeocodingDto](doc//SystemConfigReverseGeocodingDto.md)
- [SystemConfigServerDto](doc//SystemConfigServerDto.md)
feat(server): email notifications (#8447) * feat(server): add `react-mail` as mail template engine and `nodemailer` * feat(server): add `smtp` related configs to `SystemConfig` * feat(web): add page for SMTP settings * feat(server): add `react-email.adapter` This adapter render the React-Email into HTML and plain/text email. The output is set as the body of the email. * feat(server): add `MailRepository` and `MailService` Allow to use the NestJS-modules-mailer module to send SMTP emails. This is the base transport for the `NotificationRepository` * feat(server): register the job dispatcher and Job for async email This allows to queue email sending jobs for the `EmailService`. * feat(server): add `NotificationRepository` and `NotificationService` This act as a middleware to properly route the notification to the right transport. As POC I've only implemented a simple SMTP transport. * feat(server): add `welcome` email template * feat(server): add the first notification on `createUser` in `UserService` This trigger an event for the `NotificationRepository` that once processes by using the global config and per-user config will carry the payload to the right notification transport. * chore: clean up * chore: clean up web * fix: type errors" * fix package lock * fix mail sending, option to ignore certs * chore: open api * chore: clean up * remove unused import * feat: email feature flag * chore: remove unused interface * small styling --------- Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Dietzler <mail@ddietzler.dev> Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2024-05-02 16:43:18 +02:00
- [SystemConfigSmtpDto](doc//SystemConfigSmtpDto.md)
- [SystemConfigSmtpTransportDto](doc//SystemConfigSmtpTransportDto.md)
- [SystemConfigStorageTemplateDto](doc//SystemConfigStorageTemplateDto.md)
- [SystemConfigTemplateStorageOptionDto](doc//SystemConfigTemplateStorageOptionDto.md)
- [SystemConfigThemeDto](doc//SystemConfigThemeDto.md)
feat(server): trash asset (#4015) * refactor(server): delete assets endpoint * fix: formatting * chore: cleanup * chore: open api * chore(mobile): replace DeleteAssetDTO with BulkIdsDTOs * feat: trash an asset * chore(server): formatting * chore: open api * chore: wording * chore: open-api * feat(server): add withDeleted to getAssets queries * WIP: mobile-recycle-bin * feat(server): recycle-bin to system config * feat(web): use recycle-bin system config * chore(server): domain assetcore removed * chore(server): rename recycle-bin to trash * chore(web): rename recycle-bin to trash * chore(server): always send soft deleted assets for getAllByUserId * chore(web): formatting * feat(server): permanent delete assets older than trashed period * feat(web): trash empty placeholder image * feat(server): empty trash * feat(web): empty trash * WIP: mobile-recycle-bin * refactor(server): empty / restore trash to separate endpoint * test(server): handle failures * test(server): fix e2e server-info test * test(server): deletion test refactor * feat(mobile): use map settings from server-config to enable / disable map * feat(mobile): trash asset * fix(server): operations on assets in trash * feat(web): show trash statistics * fix(web): handle trash enabled * fix(mobile): restore updates from trash * fix(server): ignore trashed assets for person * fix(server): add / remove search index when trashed / restored * chore(web): format * fix(server): asset service test * fix(server): include trashed assts for duplicates from uploads * feat(mobile): no dialog for trash, always dialog for permanent delete * refactor(mobile): use isar where instead of dart filter * refactor(mobile): asset provide - handle deletes in single db txn * chore(mobile): review changes * feat(web): confirmation before empty trash * server: review changes * fix(server): handle library changes * fix: filter external assets from getting trashed / deleted * fix(server): empty-bin * feat: broadcast config update events through ws * change order of trash button on mobile * styling * fix(mobile): do not show trashed toast for local only assets --------- Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2023-10-06 07:01:14 +00:00
- [SystemConfigTrashDto](doc//SystemConfigTrashDto.md)
- [SystemConfigUserDto](doc//SystemConfigUserDto.md)
2022-12-05 11:56:44 -06:00
- [TagResponseDto](doc//TagResponseDto.md)
- [TagTypeEnum](doc//TagTypeEnum.md)
- [TimeBucketResponseDto](doc//TimeBucketResponseDto.md)
- [TimeBucketSize](doc//TimeBucketSize.md)
- [ToneMapping](doc//ToneMapping.md)
- [TranscodeHWAccel](doc//TranscodeHWAccel.md)
- [TranscodePolicy](doc//TranscodePolicy.md)
- [UpdateAlbumDto](doc//UpdateAlbumDto.md)
feat: readonly album sharing (#8720) * rename albums_shared_users_users to album_permissions and add readonly column * disable synchronize on the original join table * remove unnecessary FK names * set readonly=true as default for new album shares * separate and implement album READ and WRITE permission * expose albumPermissions on the API, deprecate sharedUsers * generate openapi * create readonly view on frontend * ??? move slideshow button out from ellipsis menu so that non-owners can have access too * correct sharedUsers joins * add album permission repository * remove a log * fix assetCount getting reset when adding users * fix lint * add set permission endpoint and UI * sort users * remove log * Revert "??? move slideshow button out from ellipsis menu so that non-owners can have access too" This reverts commit 1343bfa31125f7136f81db28f7aa4c5ef0204847. * rename stuff * fix db schema annotations * sql generate * change readonly default to follow migration * fix deprecation notice * change readonly boolean to role enum * fix joincolumn as primary key * rename albumUserRepository in album service * clean up userId and albumId * add write access to shared link * fix existing tests * switch to vitest * format and fix tests on web * add new test * fix one e2e test * rename new API field to albumUsers * capitalize serverside enum * remove unused ReadWrite type * missed rename from previous commit * rename to albumUsers in album entity as well * remove outdated Equals calls * unnecessary relation * rename to updateUser in album service * minor renamery * move sorting to backend * rename and separate ALBUM_WRITE as ADD_ASSET and REMOVE_ASSET * fix tests * fix "should migrate single moving picture" test failing on European system timezone * generated changes after merge * lint fix * fix correct page to open after removing user from album * fix e2e tests and some bugs * rename updateAlbumUser rest endpoint * add new e2e tests for updateAlbumUser endpoint * small optimizations * refactor album e2e test, add new album shared with viewer * add new test to check if viewer can see the album * add new e2e tests for readonly share * failing test: User delete doesn't cascade to UserAlbum entity * fix: handle deleted users * use lodash for sort * add role to addUsersToAlbum endpoint * add UI for adding editors * lint fixes * change role back to editor as DB default * fix server tests * redesign user selection modal editor selector * style tweaks * fix type error * Revert "style tweaks" This reverts commit ab604f4c8f3a6f12ab0b5fe2dd2ede723aa68775. * Revert "redesign user selection modal editor selector" This reverts commit e6f344856c6c05e4eb5c78f0dffb9f52498795f4. * chore: cleanup and improve add user modal * chore: open api * small styling --------- Co-authored-by: mgabor <> Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2024-04-25 06:19:49 +02:00
- [UpdateAlbumUserDto](doc//UpdateAlbumUserDto.md)
- [UpdateAssetDto](doc//UpdateAssetDto.md)
- [UpdateLibraryDto](doc//UpdateLibraryDto.md)
- [UpdatePartnerDto](doc//UpdatePartnerDto.md)
2022-12-05 11:56:44 -06:00
- [UpdateTagDto](doc//UpdateTagDto.md)
- [UsageByUserDto](doc//UsageByUserDto.md)
- [UserAdminCreateDto](doc//UserAdminCreateDto.md)
- [UserAdminDeleteDto](doc//UserAdminDeleteDto.md)
- [UserAdminResponseDto](doc//UserAdminResponseDto.md)
- [UserAdminUpdateDto](doc//UserAdminUpdateDto.md)
- [UserAvatarColor](doc//UserAvatarColor.md)
- [UserLicense](doc//UserLicense.md)
- [UserPreferencesResponseDto](doc//UserPreferencesResponseDto.md)
- [UserPreferencesUpdateDto](doc//UserPreferencesUpdateDto.md)
- [UserResponseDto](doc//UserResponseDto.md)
- [UserStatus](doc//UserStatus.md)
- [UserUpdateMeDto](doc//UserUpdateMeDto.md)
- [ValidateAccessTokenResponseDto](doc//ValidateAccessTokenResponseDto.md)
- [ValidateLibraryDto](doc//ValidateLibraryDto.md)
- [ValidateLibraryImportPathResponseDto](doc//ValidateLibraryImportPathResponseDto.md)
- [ValidateLibraryResponseDto](doc//ValidateLibraryResponseDto.md)
- [VideoCodec](doc//VideoCodec.md)
- [VideoContainer](doc//VideoContainer.md)
## Documentation For Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
### bearer
- **Type**: HTTP Bearer authentication
### cookie
- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: immich_access_token
- **Location**:
### api_key
- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: x-api-key
- **Location**: HTTP header
## Author