2023-06-08 17:22:45 +02:00
import { AssetGridState, BucketPosition } from '$lib/models/asset-grid-state';
2023-07-01 06:50:47 +02:00
import { api, AssetCountByTimeBucketResponseDto } from '@api';
import { flatMap, sumBy } from 'lodash-es';
2023-01-27 15:32:26 +01:00
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
2022-09-04 15:34:39 +02:00
* The state that holds information about the asset grid
export const assetGridState = writable<AssetGridState>(new AssetGridState());
export const loadingBucketState = writable<{ [key: string]: boolean }>({});
function createAssetStore() {
2023-07-01 06:50:47 +02:00
let _assetGridState = new AssetGridState();
assetGridState.subscribe((state) => {
_assetGridState = state;
let _loadingBucketState: { [key: string]: boolean } = {};
loadingBucketState.subscribe((state) => {
_loadingBucketState = state;
const estimateViewportHeight = (assetCount: number, viewportWidth: number): number => {
// Ideally we would use the average aspect ratio for the photoset, however assume
// a normal landscape aspect ratio of 3:2, then discount for the likelihood we
// will be scaling down and coalescing.
const thumbnailHeight = 235;
const unwrappedWidth = (3 / 2) * assetCount * thumbnailHeight * (7 / 10);
const rows = Math.ceil(unwrappedWidth / viewportWidth);
const height = rows * thumbnailHeight;
return height;
* Set initial state
* @param viewportHeight
* @param viewportWidth
* @param data
const setInitialState = (
viewportHeight: number,
viewportWidth: number,
data: AssetCountByTimeBucketResponseDto,
userId: string | undefined,
) => {
timelineHeight: 0,
buckets: data.buckets.map((bucket) => ({
bucketDate: bucket.timeBucket,
bucketHeight: estimateViewportHeight(bucket.count, viewportWidth),
assets: [],
cancelToken: new AbortController(),
position: BucketPosition.Unknown,
assets: [],
// Update timeline height based on calculated bucket height
assetGridState.update((state) => {
state.timelineHeight = sumBy(state.buckets, (d) => d.bucketHeight);
return state;
const getAssetsByBucket = async (bucket: string, position: BucketPosition) => {
try {
const currentBucketData = _assetGridState.buckets.find((b) => b.bucketDate === bucket);
if (currentBucketData?.assets && currentBucketData.assets.length > 0) {
assetGridState.update((state) => {
const bucketIndex = state.buckets.findIndex((b) => b.bucketDate === bucket);
state.buckets[bucketIndex].position = position;
return state;
[bucket]: true,
const { data: assets } = await api.assetApi.getAssetByTimeBucket(
getAssetByTimeBucketDto: {
timeBucket: [bucket],
userId: _assetGridState.userId,
withoutThumbs: true,
{ signal: currentBucketData?.cancelToken.signal },
[bucket]: false,
// Update assetGridState with assets by time bucket
assetGridState.update((state) => {
const bucketIndex = state.buckets.findIndex((b) => b.bucketDate === bucket);
state.buckets[bucketIndex].assets = assets;
state.buckets[bucketIndex].position = position;
state.assets = flatMap(state.buckets, (b) => b.assets);
return state;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
} catch (e: any) {
if (e.name === 'CanceledError') {
console.error('Failed to get asset for bucket ', bucket);
const removeAsset = (assetId: string) => {
assetGridState.update((state) => {
const bucketIndex = state.buckets.findIndex((b) => b.assets.some((a) => a.id === assetId));
const assetIndex = state.buckets[bucketIndex].assets.findIndex((a) => a.id === assetId);
state.buckets[bucketIndex].assets.splice(assetIndex, 1);
if (state.buckets[bucketIndex].assets.length === 0) {
state.assets = flatMap(state.buckets, (b) => b.assets);
return state;
const _removeBucket = (bucketDate: string) => {
assetGridState.update((state) => {
const bucketIndex = state.buckets.findIndex((b) => b.bucketDate === bucketDate);
state.buckets.splice(bucketIndex, 1);
state.assets = flatMap(state.buckets, (b) => b.assets);
return state;
const updateBucketHeight = (bucket: string, actualBucketHeight: number): number => {
let scrollTimeline = false;
let heightDelta = 0;
assetGridState.update((state) => {
const bucketIndex = state.buckets.findIndex((b) => b.bucketDate === bucket);
// Update timeline height based on the new bucket height
const estimateBucketHeight = state.buckets[bucketIndex].bucketHeight;
heightDelta = actualBucketHeight - estimateBucketHeight;
state.timelineHeight += heightDelta;
scrollTimeline = state.buckets[bucketIndex].position == BucketPosition.Above;
state.buckets[bucketIndex].bucketHeight = actualBucketHeight;
state.buckets[bucketIndex].position = BucketPosition.Unknown;
return state;
if (scrollTimeline) {
return heightDelta;
return 0;
const cancelBucketRequest = async (token: AbortController, bucketDate: string) => {
// set new abort controller for bucket
assetGridState.update((state) => {
const bucketIndex = state.buckets.findIndex((b) => b.bucketDate === bucketDate);
state.buckets[bucketIndex].cancelToken = new AbortController();
return state;
const updateAsset = (assetId: string, isFavorite: boolean) => {
assetGridState.update((state) => {
const bucketIndex = state.buckets.findIndex((b) => b.assets.some((a) => a.id === assetId));
const assetIndex = state.buckets[bucketIndex].assets.findIndex((a) => a.id === assetId);
state.buckets[bucketIndex].assets[assetIndex].isFavorite = isFavorite;
state.assets = flatMap(state.buckets, (b) => b.assets);
return state;
return {
2022-09-04 15:34:39 +02:00
export const assetStore = createAssetStore();