// How many thumbnails to load per "page" fetched from Immich
const PER_PAGE = 50

class LGallery {
  index = PER_PAGE

   * Create a lightGallery instance and populate it with the first page of gallery items
  init (params = {}) {
    // Create the lightGallery instance
    this.element = document.getElementById('lightgallery')
    this.lightGallery = lightGallery(this.element, Object.assign({
      plugins: [lgZoom, lgThumbnail, lgVideo, lgFullscreen],
      speed: 500,
      This license key was graciously provided by LightGallery under their
      GPLv3 open-source project license:
      licenseKey: '8FFA6495-676C4D30-8BFC54B6-4D0A6CEC'
      Please do not take it and use it for other projects, as it was provided
      specifically for Immich Public Proxy.

      For your own projects you can use the default license key of
      0000-0000-000-0000 as per their docs:

    }, params.lgConfig))
    this.items = params.items

    let timeout
    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
      if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout)
      timeout = setTimeout(lgallery.handleScroll, 100)

   * Listen for scroll events and load more gallery items
  handleScroll () {
    const rect = lgallery.element.getBoundingClientRect()
    const scrollPosition = Math.max(0, rect.bottom - window.innerHeight)
    const buffer = 200 // pixels before bottom to trigger load

    if (scrollPosition <= buffer) {

   * Load more gallery items as per lightGallery docs
   * https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/demos/infinite-scrolling/
  loadMoreItems () {
    if (this.index < this.items.length) {
      // Append new thumbnails
        .slice(this.index, this.index + PER_PAGE)
        .forEach(item => {
          if (item.video) {
            this.element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<a data-video='${item.video}'
        ${item.downloadUrl ? 'data-download-url="' + item.downloadUrl + '"' : ''}>
        <img alt="" src="${item.thumbnailUrl}"/><div class="play-icon"></div></a>`)
          } else {
            this.element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<a href="${item.previewUrl}"
        ${item.downloadUrl ? 'data-download-url="' + item.downloadUrl + '"' : ''}>
        <img alt="" src="${item.thumbnailUrl}"/></a>`)
      this.index += PER_PAGE
const lgallery = new LGallery()