from typing import Tuple import requests import argparse import logging import sys import os import datetime from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict import re import urllib3 import random # Trying to deal with python's isnumeric() function # not recognizing negative numbers def is_integer(str): try: int(str) return True except ValueError: return False # Translation of GLOB-style patterns to Regex # Source: # FIXME: Replace with glob.translate() introduced with Python 3.13 escaped_glob_tokens_to_re = OrderedDict(( # Order of ``**/`` and ``/**`` in RE tokenization pattern doesn't matter because ``**/`` will be caught first no matter what, making ``/**`` the only option later on. # W/o leading or trailing ``/`` two consecutive asterisks will be treated as literals. ('/\\*\\*', '(?:/.+?)*'), # Edge-case #1. Catches recursive globs in the middle of path. Requires edge case #2 handled after this case. ('\\*\\*/', '(?:^.+?/)*'), # Edge-case #2. Catches recursive globs at the start of path. Requires edge case #1 handled before this case. ``^`` is used to ensure proper location for ``**/``. ('\\*', '[^/]*'), # ``[^/]*`` is used to ensure that ``*`` won't match subdirs, as with naive ``.*?`` solution. ('\\?', '.'), ('\\[\\*\\]', '\\*'), # Escaped special glob character. ('\\[\\?\\]', '\\?'), # Escaped special glob character. ('\\[!', '[^'), # Requires ordered dict, so that ``\\[!`` preceded ``\\[`` in RE pattern. Needed mostly to differentiate between ``!`` used within character class ``[]`` and outside of it, to avoid faulty conversion. ('\\[', '['), ('\\]', ']'), )) escaped_glob_replacement = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(escaped_glob_tokens_to_re).replace('\\', '\\\\\\')) def glob_to_re(pattern): return escaped_glob_replacement.sub(lambda match: escaped_glob_tokens_to_re[], re.escape(pattern)) # Constants holding script run modes # Creat albums based on folder names and script arguments SCRIPT_MODE_CREATE = "CREATE" # Create album names based on folder names, but delete these albums SCRIPT_MODE_CLEANUP = "CLEANUP" # Delete ALL albums SCRIPT_MODE_DELETE_ALL = "DELETE_ALL" # Environment variable to check if the script is running inside Docker ENV_IS_DOCKER = "IS_DOCKER" # List of allowed share user roles SHARE_ROLES = ["editor", "viewer"] # Constants for album thumbnail setting ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_ALL = "random-all" ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_FILTERED = "random-filtered" ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_SETTINGS = ["first", "last", "random", ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_ALL, ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_FILTERED] ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_STATIC_INDICES = { "first": 0, "last": -1, } parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create Immich Albums from an external library path based on the top level folders", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("root_path", action='append', help="The external libarary's root path in Immich") parser.add_argument("api_url", help="The root API URL of immich, e.g.") parser.add_argument("api_key", help="The Immich API Key to use") parser.add_argument("-r", "--root-path", action="append", help="Additional external libarary root path in Immich; May be specified multiple times for multiple import paths or external libraries.") parser.add_argument("-u", "--unattended", action="store_true", help="Do not ask for user confirmation after identifying albums. Set this flag to run script as a cronjob.") parser.add_argument("-a", "--album-levels", default="1", type=str, help="Number of sub-folders or range of sub-folder levels below the root path used for album name creation. Positive numbers start from top of the folder structure, negative numbers from the bottom. Cannot be 0. If a range should be set, the start level and end level must be separated by a comma like '<startLevel>,<endLevel>'. If negative levels are used in a range, <startLevel> must be less than or equal to <endLevel>.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--album-separator", default=" ", type=str, help="Separator string to use for compound album names created from nested folders. Only effective if -a is set to a value > 1") parser.add_argument("-c", "--chunk-size", default=2000, type=int, help="Maximum number of assets to add to an album with a single API call") parser.add_argument("-C", "--fetch-chunk-size", default=5000, type=int, help="Maximum number of assets to fetch with a single API call") parser.add_argument("-l", "--log-level", default="INFO", choices=['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'], help="Log level to use") parser.add_argument("-k", "--insecure", action="store_true", help="Set to true to ignore SSL verification") parser.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", action="append", help="Use either literals or glob-like patterns to ignore assets for album name creation. This filter is evaluated after any values passed with --path-filter. May be specified multiple times.") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", default=SCRIPT_MODE_CREATE, choices=[SCRIPT_MODE_CREATE, SCRIPT_MODE_CLEANUP, SCRIPT_MODE_DELETE_ALL], help="Mode for the script to run with. CREATE = Create albums based on folder names and provided arguments; CLEANUP = Create album nmaes based on current images and script arguments, but delete albums if they exist; DELETE_ALL = Delete all albums. If the mode is anything but CREATE, --unattended does not have any effect. Only performs deletion if -d/--delete-confirm option is set, otherwise only performs a dry-run.") parser.add_argument("-d", "--delete-confirm", action="store_true", help="Confirm deletion of albums when running in mode "+SCRIPT_MODE_CLEANUP+" or "+SCRIPT_MODE_DELETE_ALL+". If this flag is not set, these modes will perform a dry run only. Has no effect in mode "+SCRIPT_MODE_CREATE) parser.add_argument("-x", "--share-with", action="append", help="A user name (or email address of an existing user) to share newly created albums with. Sharing only happens if the album was actually created, not if new assets were added to an existing album. If the the share role should be specified by user, the format <userName>=<shareRole> must be used, where <shareRole> must be one of 'viewer' or 'editor'. May be specified multiple times to share albums with more than one user.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--share-role", default="viewer", choices=['viewer', 'editor'], help="The default share role for users newly created albums are shared with. Only effective if --share-with is specified at least once and the share role is not specified within --share-with.") parser.add_argument("-S", "--sync-mode", default=0, type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], help="Synchronization mode to use. Synchronization mode helps synchronizing changes in external libraries structures to Immich after albums have already been created. Possible Modes: 0 = do nothing; 1 = Delete any empty albums; 2 = Delete offline assets AND any empty albums") parser.add_argument("-O", "--album-order", default=False, type=str, choices=[False, 'asc', 'desc'], help="Set sorting order for newly created albums to newest or oldest file first, Immich defaults to newest file first") parser.add_argument("-A", "--find-assets-in-albums", action="store_true", help="By default, the script only finds assets that are not assigned to any album yet. Set this option to make the script discover assets that are already part of an album and handle them as usual. If --find-archived-assets is set as well, both options apply.") parser.add_argument("-f", "--path-filter", action="append", help="Use either literals or glob-like patterns to filter assets before album name creation. This filter is evaluated before any values passed with --ignore. May be specified multiple times.") parser.add_argument("--set-album-thumbnail", choices=ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_SETTINGS, help="Set first/last/random image as thumbnail for newly created albums or albums assets have been added to. If set to "+ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_FILTERED+", thumbnails are shuffled for all albums whose assets would not be filtered out or ignored by the ignore or path-filter options, even if no assets were added during the run. If set to "+ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_ALL+", the thumbnails for ALL albums will be shuffled on every run.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--archive", action="store_true", help="Set this option to automatically archive all assets that were newly added to albums. If this option is set in combination with --mode = CLEANUP or DELETE_ALL, archived images of deleted albums will be unarchived. Archiving hides the assets from Immich's timeline.") parser.add_argument("--find-archived-assets", action="store_true", help="By default, the script only finds assets that are not archived in Immich. Set this option to make the script discover assets that are already archived. If -A/--find-assets-in-albums is set as well, both options apply.") args = vars(parser.parse_args()) # set up logger to log in logfmt format logging.basicConfig(level=args["log_level"], stream=sys.stdout, format='time=%(asctime)s level=%(levelname)s msg=%(message)s') logging.Formatter.formatTime = (lambda self, record, datefmt=None: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created, datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone().isoformat(sep="T",timespec="milliseconds")) root_paths = args["root_path"] root_url = args["api_url"] api_key = args["api_key"] number_of_images_per_request = args["chunk_size"] number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request = args["fetch_chunk_size"] unattended = args["unattended"] album_levels = args["album_levels"] # Album Levels Range handling album_levels_range_arr = () album_level_separator = args["album_separator"] album_order = args["album_order"] insecure = args["insecure"] ignore_albums = args["ignore"] mode = args["mode"] delete_confirm = args["delete_confirm"] share_with = args["share_with"] share_role = args["share_role"] sync_mode = args["sync_mode"] find_assets_in_albums = args["find_assets_in_albums"] path_filter = args["path_filter"] set_album_thumbnail = args["set_album_thumbnail"] archive = args["archive"] find_archived_assets = args["find_archived_assets"] # Override unattended if we're running in destructive mode if mode != SCRIPT_MODE_CREATE: unattended = False is_docker = os.environ.get(ENV_IS_DOCKER, False) logging.debug("root_path = %s", root_paths) logging.debug("root_url = %s", root_url) logging.debug("api_key = %s", api_key) logging.debug("number_of_images_per_request = %d", number_of_images_per_request) logging.debug("number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request = %d", number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request) logging.debug("unattended = %s", unattended) logging.debug("album_levels = %s", album_levels) #logging.debug("album_levels_range = %s", album_levels_range) logging.debug("album_level_separator = %s", album_level_separator) logging.debug("album_order = %s", album_order) logging.debug("insecure = %s", insecure) logging.debug("ignore = %s", ignore_albums) logging.debug("mode = %s", mode) logging.debug("delete_confirm = %s", delete_confirm) logging.debug("is_docker = %s", is_docker) logging.debug("share_with = %s", share_with) logging.debug("share_role = %s", share_role) logging.debug("sync_mode = %d", sync_mode) logging.debug("find_assets_in_albums = %s", find_assets_in_albums) logging.debug("path_filter = %s", path_filter) logging.debug("set_album_thumbnail = %s", set_album_thumbnail) logging.debug("archive = %s", archive) logging.debug("find_archived_assets = %s", find_archived_assets) # Verify album levels if is_integer(album_levels) and album_levels == 0: parser.print_help() exit(1) # Request arguments for API calls requests_kwargs = { 'headers' : { 'x-api-key': api_key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' }, 'verify' : not insecure } def expand_to_glob(expr: str) -> str: """ Expands the passed expression to a glob-style expression if it doesn't contain neither a slash nor an asterisk. The resulting glob-style expression matches any path that contains the original expression anywhere. Parameters ---------- expr : str Expression to expand to a GLOB-style expression if not already one Returns --------- The original expression if it contained a slash or an asterisk, otherwise \\*\\*/\\*\\<expr\\>\\*/\\*\\* """ if not '/' in expr and not '*' in expr: glob_expr = f'**/*{expr}*/**' logging.debug("expanding %s to %s", expr, glob_expr) return glob_expr else: return expr def divide_chunks(l: list, n: int): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. """ # looping till length l for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] def parseSeparatedString(s: str, seprator: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Parse a key, value pair, separated by the provided separator. That's the reverse of ShellArgs. On the command line (argparse) a declaration will typically look like: foo=hello or foo="hello world" """ items = s.split(seprator) key = items[0].strip() # we remove blanks around keys, as is logical value = None if len(items) > 1: # rejoin the rest: value = seprator.join(items[1:]) return (key, value) def parseSeparatedStrings(items: list[str]) -> dict: """ Parse a series of key-value pairs and return a dictionary """ d = {} if items: for item in items: key, value = parseSeparatedString(item, '=') d[key] = value return d def create_album_name(path_chunks: list[str], album_separator: str) -> str: """ Create album names from provided path_chunks string array. The method uses global variables album_levels_range_arr or album_levels to generate ablum names either by level range or absolute album levels. If multiple album path chunks are used for album names they are separated by album_separator. """ album_name_chunks = () logging.debug("path chunks = %s", list(path_chunks)) # Check which path to take: album_levels_range or album_levels if len(album_levels_range_arr) == 2: if album_levels_range_arr[0] < 0: album_levels_start_level_capped = min(len(path_chunks), abs(album_levels_range_arr[0])) album_levels_end_level_capped = album_levels_range_arr[1]+1 album_levels_start_level_capped *= -1 else: album_levels_start_level_capped = min(len(path_chunks)-1, album_levels_range_arr[0]) # Add 1 to album_levels_end_level_capped to include the end index, which is what the user intended to. It's not a problem # if the end index is out of bounds. album_levels_end_level_capped = min(len(path_chunks)-1, album_levels_range_arr[1]) + 1 logging.debug("album_levels_start_level_capped = %d", album_levels_start_level_capped) logging.debug("album_levels_end_level_capped = %d", album_levels_end_level_capped) # album start level is not equal to album end level, so we want a range of levels if album_levels_start_level_capped is not album_levels_end_level_capped: # if the end index is out of bounds. if album_levels_end_level_capped < 0 and abs(album_levels_end_level_capped) >= len(path_chunks): album_name_chunks = path_chunks[album_levels_start_level_capped:] else: album_name_chunks = path_chunks[album_levels_start_level_capped:album_levels_end_level_capped] # album start and end levels are equal, we want exactly that level else: # create on-the-fly array with a single element taken from album_name_chunks = [path_chunks[album_levels_start_level_capped]] else: album_levels_int = int(album_levels) # either use as many path chunks as we have, # or the specified album levels album_name_chunk_size = min(len(path_chunks), abs(album_levels_int)) if album_levels_int < 0: album_name_chunk_size *= -1 # Copy album name chunks from the path to use as album name album_name_chunks = path_chunks[:album_name_chunk_size] if album_name_chunk_size < 0: album_name_chunks = path_chunks[album_name_chunk_size:] logging.debug("album_name_chunks = %s", album_name_chunks) return album_separator.join(album_name_chunks) def fetchServerVersion() -> dict: """ Fetches the API version from the immich server. If the API endpoint for getting the server version cannot be reached, raises HTTPError Returns ------- Dictionary with keys - major - minor - patch """ # This API call was only introduced with version 1.106.1, so it will fail # for older versions. # Initialize the version with the latest version without this API call r = requests.get(root_url+'server-info/version', **requests_kwargs) if r.status_code == 200: version = r.json()"Detected Immich server version %s.%s.%s", version['major'], version['minor'], version['patch']) # Any other errors mean communication error with API else: logging.error("Communication with Immich API failed! Make sure the passed API URL is correct!") checkApiResponse(r) return version def fetchAssets(isNotInAlbum: bool, findArchived: bool) -> list: """ Fetches assets from the Immich API. Uses the /search/meta-data call. Much more efficient than the legacy method since this call allows to filter for assets that are not in an album only. Parameters ---------- isNotInAlbum : bool Flag indicating whether to fetch only assets that are not part of an album or not. If set to False, will find images in albums and not part of albums findArchived : bool Flag indicating whether to only fetch assets that are archived. If set to False, will find archived and unarchived images Returns --------- An array of asset objects """ assets = fetchAssetsWithOptions({'isNotInAlbum': isNotInAlbum, 'findArchived': findArchived}) return assets def fetchAssetsWithOptions(searchOptions: dict) -> list: """ Fetches assets from the Immich API using specific search options. The search options directly correspond to the body used for the search API request. Parameters ---------- searchOptions: dict Dictionary containing options to pass to the search/metadata API endpoint Returns --------- An array of asset objects """ body = searchOptions assets = [] # prepare request body # This API call allows a maximum page size of 1000 number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request_search = min(1000, number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request) body['size'] = number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request_search # Initial API call, let's fetch our first chunk page = 1 body['page'] = str(page) r ='search/metadata', json=body, **requests_kwargs) r.raise_for_status() responseJson = r.json() assetsReceived = responseJson['assets']['items'] logging.debug("Received %s assets with chunk %s", len(assetsReceived), page) assets = assets + assetsReceived # If we got a full chunk size back, let's perfrom subsequent calls until we get less than a full chunk size while len(assetsReceived) == number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request_search: page += 1 body['page'] = page r ='search/metadata', json=body, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) responseJson = r.json() assetsReceived = responseJson['assets']['items'] logging.debug("Received %s assets with chunk %s", len(assetsReceived), page) assets = assets + assetsReceived return assets def fetchAlbums(): """Fetches albums from the Immich API""" apiEndpoint = 'albums' r = requests.get(root_url+apiEndpoint, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) return r.json() def fetchAlbumAssets(albumId: str): """ Fetches assets of a specifc album Parameters ---------- albumId : str The ID of the album for which to fetch the assets """ apiEndpoint = f'albums/{albumId}' r = requests.get(root_url+apiEndpoint, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) return r.json()["assets"] def deleteAlbum(album: dict): """ Deletes an album identified by album['id'] If the album could not be deleted, logs an error. Parameters ---------- album : dict Dictionary with the following keys: - id - albumName Returns --------- True if the album was deleted, otherwise False """ apiEndpoint = 'albums' logging.debug("Album ID = %s, Album Name = %s", album['id'], album['albumName']) r = requests.delete(root_url+apiEndpoint+'/'+album['id'], **requests_kwargs) try: checkApiResponse(r) return True except: logging.error("Error deleting album %s: %s", album['albumName'], r.reason) return False def createAlbum(albumName: str, albumOrder: str) -> str: """ Creates an album with the provided name and returns the ID of the created album Parameters ---------- albumName : str Name of the album to create albumOrder : str False or order [asc|desc] Returns --------- True if the album was deleted, otherwise False Raises ---------- Exception if the API call failed """ apiEndpoint = 'albums' data = { 'albumName': albumName, 'description': albumName } r =, json=data, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) albumId = r.json()['id'] if albumOrder: data = { 'order': albumOrder } r = requests.patch(root_url+apiEndpoint+f'/{albumId}', json=data, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) return albumId def is_asset_ignored(asset: dict) -> bool: """ Determines if the asset should be ignored for the purpose of this script based in its originalPath and global ignore and path_filter options. Parameters ---------- asset : dict The asset to check if it must be ignored or not. Must have the key 'originalPath'. Returns ---------- True if the asset must be ignored, otherwise False """ is_asset_ignored = False asset_root_path = None asset_path = asset['originalPath'] for root_path in root_paths: if root_path in asset_path: asset_root_path = root_path break logging.debug("Identified root_path for asset %s = %s", asset_path, asset_root_path) if asset_root_path: # First apply filter, if any if len(path_filter_regex) > 0: any_match = False for path_filter_regex_entry in path_filter_regex: if re.fullmatch(path_filter_regex_entry, asset_path.replace(asset_root_path, '')): any_match = True if not any_match: logging.debug("Ignoring asset %s due to path_filter setting!", asset_path) is_asset_ignored = True # If the asset "survived" the path filter, check if it is in the ignore_albums argument if not is_asset_ignored and len(ignore_albums_regex) > 0: for ignore_albums_regex_entry in ignore_albums_regex: if re.fullmatch(ignore_albums_regex_entry, asset_path.replace(asset_root_path, '')): is_asset_ignored = True logging.debug("Ignoring asset %s due to ignore_albums setting!", asset_path) break return is_asset_ignored def addAssetsToAlbum(albumId: str, assets: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Adds the assets IDs provided in assets to the provided albumId. If assets if larger than number_of_images_per_request, the list is chunked and one API call is performed per chunk. Only logs errors and successes. Returns Parameters ---------- albumId : str The ID of the album to add assets to assets: list[str] A list of asset IDs to add to the album Returns --------- The asset UUIDs that were actually added to the album (not respecting assets that were already part of the album) """ apiEndpoint = 'albums' # Divide our assets into chunks of number_of_images_per_request, # So the API can cope assets_chunked = list(divide_chunks(assets, number_of_images_per_request)) assets_added = list() for assets_chunk in assets_chunked: data = {'ids':assets_chunk} r = requests.put(root_url+apiEndpoint+f'/{albumId}/assets', json=data, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) response = r.json() cpt = 0 for res in response: if not res['success']: if res['error'] != 'duplicate': logging.warning("Error adding an asset to an album: %s", res['error']) else: cpt += 1 assets_added.append(res['id']) if cpt > 0:"%d new assets added to %s", cpt, album) return assets_added def fetchUsers(): """Queries and returns all users""" apiEndpoint = 'users' r = requests.get(root_url+apiEndpoint, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) return r.json() def shareAlbumWithUserAndRole(album_id: str, share_user_ids: list[str], share_role: str): """ Shares the album with the provided album_id with all provided share_user_ids using share_role as a role. Parameters ---------- album_id : str The ID of the album to share share_user_ids: list[str] IDs of users to share the album with share_role: str The share role to use when sharing the album, valid values are "viewer" or "editor" Raises ---------- Exception if share_role contains an invalid value Exception if the API call fails """ apiEndpoint = 'albums/'+album_id+'/users' assert share_role in SHARE_ROLES # build payload album_users = [] for share_user_id in share_user_ids: share_info = dict() share_info['role'] = share_role share_info['userId'] = share_user_id album_users.append(share_info) data = { 'albumUsers': album_users } r = requests.put(root_url+apiEndpoint, json=data, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) def triggerOfflineAssetRemoval(): """ Removes offline assets. Takes into account API changes happening between v1.115.0 and v1.116.0. Before v1.116.0, offline asset removal was an asynchronuous job that could only be triggered by an Administrator for a specific library. Since v1.116.0, offline assets are no longer displayed in the main timeline but shown in the trash. They automatically come back from the trash when they are no longer offline. The only way to delete them is either by emptying the trash (along with everything else) or by selectively deleting all offline assets. This is option the script now uses. Raises ---------- HTTPException if any API call fails """ if version['major'] == 1 and version ['minor'] < 116: triggerOfflineAssetRemovalPreMinorVersion116() else: triggerOfflineAssetRemovalSinceMinorVersion116() def triggerOfflineAssetRemovalSinceMinorVersion116(): """ Synchronuously deletes offline assets. Uses the searchMetadata endpoint to find all assets marked as offline, then issues a delete call for these asset UUIDs. Raises ---------- HTTPException if any API call fails """ # Workaround for a bug where isOffline option is not respected: # Search all trashed assets and manually filter for offline assets. # WARNING! This workaround must NOT be removed to keep compatibility with Immich v1.116.x to at # least v1.117.x (reported issue for v1.117.0, might be fixed with v1.118.0)! # If removed the assets for users of v1.116.0 - v1.117.x might be deleted completely!!! trashed_assets = fetchAssetsWithOptions({'trashedAfter': '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'}) #logging.debug("search results: %s", offline_assets) offline_assets = [asset for asset in trashed_assets if asset['isOffline']] if len(offline_assets) > 0: logging.debug("Deleting the following offline assets (count: %d): %s", len(offline_assets), [asset['originalPath'] for asset in offline_assets]) deleteAssets(offline_assets, True) else:"No offline assets found!") def deleteAssets(assets_to_delete: list, force: bool): """ Deletes the provided assets from Immich. Parameters ---------- assets_to_delete : list A list of asset objects with key 'id'. force: bool Force flag to pass to the API call Raises ---------- HTTPException if the API call fails """ apiEndpoint = 'assets' assetIdsToDelete = [asset['id'] for asset in assets_to_delete] data = { 'force': force, 'ids': assetIdsToDelete } r = requests.delete(root_url+apiEndpoint, json=data, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) def triggerOfflineAssetRemovalPreMinorVersion116(): """ Triggers Offline Asset Removal Job. Only supported in Immich prior v1.116.0. Requires the script to run with an Administrator level API key. Works by fetching all libraries and triggering the Offline Asset Removal job one by one. Raises ---------- HTTPException if the API call fails """ libraries = fetchLibraries() for library in libraries: triggerOfflineAssetRemovalAsync(library['id']) def fetchLibraries() -> list[dict]: """ Queries and returns all libraries Raises ---------- Exception if any API call fails """ apiEndpoint = 'libraries' r = requests.get(root_url+apiEndpoint, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) return r.json() def triggerOfflineAssetRemovalAsync(libraryId: str): """ Triggers removal of offline assets in the library identified by libraryId. Parameters ---------- libraryId : str The ID of the library to trigger offline asset removal for Raises ---------- Exception if any API call fails """ apiEndpoint = f'libraries/{libraryId}/removeOffline' r =, **requests_kwargs) if r.status_code == 403: logging.fatal("--sync-mode 2 requires an Admin User API key!") else: checkApiResponse(r) def setAlbumThumbnail(albumId: str, assetId: str): """ Sets asset as thumbnail of album Parameters ---------- albumId : str The ID of the album for which to set the thumbnail assetId : str The ID of the asset to be set as thumbnail Raises ---------- Exception if the API call fails """ apiEndpoint = f'albums/{albumId}' data = {"albumThumbnailAssetId": assetId} r = requests.patch(root_url+apiEndpoint, json=data, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) def setAssetsArchived(assetIds: list[str], isArchived: bool): """ (Un-)Archives the assets identified by the passed list of UUIDs. Parameters ---------- assetIds : list A list of asset IDs to archive isArchived : bool Flag indicating whether to archive or unarchive the passed assets Raises ---------- Exception if the API call fails """ apiEndpoint = f'assets' data = { "ids": assetIds, "isArchived": isArchived } r = requests.put(root_url+apiEndpoint, json=data, **requests_kwargs) checkApiResponse(r) def checkApiResponse(response: requests.Response): """ Checks the HTTP return code for the privided response and logs any errors before raising an HTTPException Parameters ---------- respsone : requests.Response A list of asset IDs to archive isArchived : bool Flag indicating whether to archive or unarchive the passed assets Raises ---------- HTTPException if the API call fails """ try: response.raise_for_status() except: if response.json(): logging.error("Error in API call: %s", response.json()) else: logging.error("API respsonse did not contain a payload") response.raise_for_status() if insecure: urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) # Verify album levels range if not is_integer(album_levels): album_levels_range_split = album_levels.split(",") if (len(album_levels_range_split) != 2 or not is_integer(album_levels_range_split[0]) or not is_integer(album_levels_range_split[1]) or int(album_levels_range_split[0]) == 0 or int(album_levels_range_split[1]) == 0 or (int(album_levels_range_split[0]) >= 0 and int(album_levels_range_split[1]) < 0) or (int(album_levels_range_split[0]) < 0 and int(album_levels_range_split[1]) >= 0) or (int(album_levels_range_split[0]) < 0 and int(album_levels_range_split[1]) < 0) and int(album_levels_range_split[0]) > int(album_levels_range_split[1])): logging.error("Invalid album_levels range format! If a range should be set, the start level and end level must be separated by a comma like '<startLevel>,<endLevel>'. If negative levels are used in a range, <startLevel> must be less than or equal to <endLevel>.") exit(1) album_levels_range_arr = album_levels_range_split # Convert to int album_levels_range_arr[0] = int(album_levels_range_split[0]) album_levels_range_arr[1] = int(album_levels_range_split[1]) # Special case: both levels are negative and end level is -1, which is equivalent to just negative album level of start level if(album_levels_range_arr[0] < 0 and album_levels_range_arr[1] == -1): album_levels = album_levels_range_arr[0] album_levels_range_arr = () logging.debug("album_levels is a range with negative start level and end level of -1, converted to album_levels = %d", album_levels) else: logging.debug("valid album_levels range argument supplied") logging.debug("album_levels_start_level = %d", album_levels_range_arr[0]) logging.debug("album_levels_end_level = %d", album_levels_range_arr[1]) # Deduct 1 from album start levels, since album levels start at 1 for user convenience, but arrays start at index 0 if album_levels_range_arr[0] > 0: album_levels_range_arr[0] -= 1 album_levels_range_arr[1] -= 1 # Create ignore regular expressions ignore_albums_regex = [] if ignore_albums: for ignore_albums_entry in ignore_albums: ignore_albums_regex.append(glob_to_re(expand_to_glob(ignore_albums_entry))) # Create path filter regular expressions path_filter_regex = [] if path_filter: for path_filter_entry in path_filter: path_filter_regex.append(glob_to_re(expand_to_glob(path_filter_entry))) # append trailing slash to all root paths for i in range(len(root_paths)): if root_paths[i][-1] != '/': root_paths[i] = root_paths[i] + '/' # append trailing slash to root URL if root_url[-1] != '/': root_url = root_url + '/' version = fetchServerVersion() # Check version if version['major'] == 1 and version ['minor'] < 106: logging.fatal("This script only works with Immich Server v1.106.0 and newer! Update Immich Server or use script version 0.8.1!") exit(1) # Special case: Run Mode DELETE_ALL albums if mode == SCRIPT_MODE_DELETE_ALL: albums = fetchAlbums()"%d existing albums identified", len(albums)) # Delete Confirm check if not delete_confirm: album_names = [] for album in albums: album_names.append(album['albumName']) print("Would delete the following albums (ALL albums!):") print(album_names) if is_docker: print("Run the container with environment variable DELETE_CONFIRM set to 1 to actually delete these albums!") else: print("Call with --delete-confirm to actually delete albums!") exit(0) cpt = 0 for album in albums: if deleteAlbum(album): # If the archived flag is set it means we need to unarchived all images of deleted albums; # In order to do so, we need to fetch all assets of the album we're going to delete assets_in_album = [] if archive: assets_in_album = fetchAlbumAssets(album['id'])"Deleted album %s", album['albumName']) cpt += 1 if len(assets_in_album) > 0 and archive: setAssetsArchived([asset['id'] for asset in assets_in_album], False)"Unarchived %d assets", len(assets_in_album))"Deleted %d/%d albums", cpt, len(albums)) exit(0)"Requesting all assets") # only request images that are not in any album if we are running in CREATE mode, # otherwise we need all images, even if they are part of an album if mode == SCRIPT_MODE_CREATE: assets = fetchAssets(not find_assets_in_albums, find_archived_assets) else: assets = fetchAssets(False, True)"%d photos found", len(assets))"Sorting assets to corresponding albums using folder name") album_to_assets = defaultdict(list) for asset in assets: asset_path = asset['originalPath'] # This method will log the ignore reason, so no need to log anyhting again. if is_asset_ignored(asset): continue for root_path in root_paths: if root_path not in asset_path: continue # Chunks of the asset's path below root_path path_chunks = asset_path.replace(root_path, '').split('/') # A single chunk means it's just the image file in no sub folder, ignore if len(path_chunks) == 1: continue # remove last item from path chunks, which is the file name del path_chunks[-1] album_name = create_album_name(path_chunks, album_level_separator) if len(album_name) > 0: album_to_assets[album_name].append(asset['id']) else: logging.warning("Got empty album name for asset path %s, check your album_level settings!", asset_path) album_to_assets = {k:v for k, v in sorted(album_to_assets.items(), key=(lambda item: item[0]))}"%d albums identified", len(album_to_assets))"Album list: %s", list(album_to_assets.keys())) if not unattended and mode == SCRIPT_MODE_CREATE: if is_docker: print("Check that this is the list of albums you want to create. Run the container with environment variable UNATTENDED set to 1 to actually create these albums.") exit(0) else: print("Press enter to create these albums, Ctrl+C to abort") input() album_to_id = {}"Listing existing albums on immich") albums = fetchAlbums() album_to_id = {album['albumName']:album['id'] for album in albums }"%d existing albums identified", len(albums)) # mode CLEANUP if mode == SCRIPT_MODE_CLEANUP: albums_to_delete = list() for album in album_to_assets: if album in album_to_id: album_to_delete = dict() album_to_delete['id'] = album_to_id[album] album_to_delete['albumName'] = album albums_to_delete.append(album_to_delete) # Delete Confirm check if not delete_confirm: print("Would delete the following albums:") print([a['albumName'] for a in albums_to_delete]) if is_docker: print("Run the container with environment variable DELETE_CONFIRM set to 1 to actually delete these albums!") else: print(" Call with --delete-confirm to actually delete albums!") exit(0) else: cpt = 0 for album_to_delete in albums_to_delete: # If the archived flag is set it means we need to unarchived all images of deleted albums; # In order to do so, we need to fetch all assets of the album we're going to delete assets_in_album = [] if archive: assets_in_album = fetchAlbumAssets(album_to_delete['id']) if deleteAlbum(album_to_delete):"Deleted album %s", album_to_delete['albumName']) cpt += 1 if len(assets_in_album) > 0 and archive: setAssetsArchived([asset['id'] for asset in assets_in_album], False)"Unarchived %d assets", len(assets_in_album))"Deleted %d/%d albums", cpt, len(album_to_assets)) exit(0) # mode CREATE"Creating albums if needed") created_albums = dict() for album in album_to_assets: if album in album_to_id: continue album_id = createAlbum(album, album_order) album_to_id[album] = album_id created_albums[album] = album_id'Album %s added!', album)"%d albums created", len(created_albums)) # Share newly created albums with users if share_with is not None and len(created_albums) > 0:"Sharing created albums with users") share_user_roles = parseSeparatedStrings(share_with) logging.debug("Share User Roles: %s", share_user_roles) # Get all users users = fetchUsers() logging.debug("Found users: %s", users) # Initialize dicitionary of share roles to user IDs to share with roles_for_share_user_ids = dict() for allowed_role in SHARE_ROLES: roles_for_share_user_ids[allowed_role] = list() # Search user IDs of users to share with for share_user in share_user_roles.keys(): role = share_user_roles[share_user] # search user ID by name or email found_user = False if role == None: role = share_role logging.debug("No explicit share role passed for share user %s, using default role %s", share_user, share_role) elif role not in SHARE_ROLES: role = share_role logging.warning("Passed share role %s for user %s is not allowed, defaulting to %s", role, share_user, share_role) else: logging.debug("Explicit share role %s passed for share user %s", role, share_user) for user in users: # Search by name or mail address if user['name'] == share_user or user['email'] == share_user: share_user_id = user['id'] logging.debug("User %s has ID %s", share_user, share_user_id) roles_for_share_user_ids[role].append(share_user_id) found_user = True break if not found_user: logging.warning("User %s to share albums with does not exist!", share_user) shared_album_cnt = 0 # Only try sharing if we found at least one user ID to share with for share_album in created_albums.keys(): album_shared_successfully = False for role in roles_for_share_user_ids.keys(): share_user_ids = roles_for_share_user_ids[role] if len(share_user_ids) > 0: try: shareAlbumWithUserAndRole(created_albums[share_album], share_user_ids, role) logging.debug("Album %s shared with users IDs %s in role: %s)", share_album, share_user_ids, role) album_shared_successfully = True except: logging.warning("Error sharing album %s for users %s in role %s", share_album, share_user_ids, role) album_shared_successfully = False if album_shared_successfully: shared_album_cnt += 1"Successfully shared %d/%d albums", shared_album_cnt, len(created_albums))"Adding assets to albums") # Note: Immich manages duplicates without problem, # so we can each time ad all assets to same album, no photo will be duplicated albums_with_assets_added = list() asset_uuids_added = list() for album, assets in album_to_assets.items(): id = album_to_id[album] assets_added = addAssetsToAlbum(id, assets) if len(assets_added) > 0: album_with_asset_added = dict() album_with_asset_added['id'] = id album_with_asset_added['albumName'] = album albums_with_assets_added.append(album_with_asset_added) asset_uuids_added += assets_added # Archive assets if archive and len(asset_uuids_added) > 0: setAssetsArchived(asset_uuids_added, True)"Archived %d assets", len(asset_uuids_added)) if set_album_thumbnail:"Updating album thumbnails") if set_album_thumbnail in [ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_ALL, ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_FILTERED]: # fetch albums again to get newest state albums = fetchAlbums() else: albums = albums_with_assets_added for album in albums: # get assets for album and sort them by file creation date assets = fetchAlbumAssets(album['id']) # apply filtering to assets if set_album_thumbnail == ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_RANDOM_FILTERED: assets[:] = [asset for asset in assets if not is_asset_ignored(asset)] if(len(assets) > 0): assets.sort(key=lambda x: x['fileCreatedAt']) if set_album_thumbnail not in ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_STATIC_INDICES.keys(): index = random.randint(0, len(assets)-1) else: index = ALBUM_THUMBNAIL_STATIC_INDICES[set_album_thumbnail]"Using asset with index %d as thumbnail for album %s", index, album['albumName']) setAlbumThumbnail(album['id'], assets[index]['id']) # Perform sync mode action: Trigger offline asset removal if sync_mode == 2:"Trigger offline asset removal") triggerOfflineAssetRemoval() # Perform sync mode action: Delete empty albums # # For Immich versions prior to v1.116.0: # Attention: Since Offline Asset Removal is an asynchronous job, # albums affected by it are most likely not empty yet! So this # might only be effective in the next script run. if sync_mode >= 1:"Deleting all empty albums") albums = fetchAlbums() emptyAlbumCount = 0 deletedAlbumCount = 0 for album in albums: if album['assetCount'] == 0: emptyAlbumCount += 1"Deleting empty album %s", album['albumName']) if deleteAlbum(album): deletedAlbumCount += 1 if emptyAlbumCount > 0:"Successfully deleted %d/%d empty albums!", deletedAlbumCount, emptyAlbumCount) else:"No empty albums found!")"Done!")