#!/usr/bin/env sh # parse comma separated root paths and wrap in quotes oldIFS=$IFS IFS=',' # disable globbing set -f # parse ROOT_PATH CSV main_root_path="" additional_root_paths="" for path in ${ROOT_PATH}; do if [ -z "$main_root_path" ]; then main_root_path="\"$path\"" else additional_root_paths="--root-path \"$path\" $additional_root_paths" fi done IFS=$oldIFS # parse semicolon separated root paths and wrap in quotes oldIFS=$IFS IFS=':' # parse SHARE_WITH CSV share_with_list="" if [ ! -z "$SHARE_WITH" ]; then for share_user in ${SHARE_WITH}; do share_with_list="--share-with \"$share_user\" $share_with_list" done fi # parse PATH_FILTER CSV path_filter_list="" if [ ! -z "$PATH_FILTER" ]; then for path_filter_entry in ${PATH_FILTER}; do path_filter_list="--path-filter \"$path_filter_entry\" $path_filter_list" done fi # parse IGNORE CSV ignore_list="" if [ ! -z "$IGNORE" ]; then for ignore_entry in ${IGNORE}; do ignore_list="--ignore \"$ignore_entry\" $ignore_list" done fi # reset IFS IFS=$oldIFS unattended= if [ ! -z "$UNATTENDED" ]; then unattended="--unattended" fi args="$unattended $main_root_path $API_URL $API_KEY" if [ ! -z "$additional_root_paths" ]; then args="$additional_root_paths $args" fi if [ ! -z "$ALBUM_LEVELS" ]; then args="--album-levels $ALBUM_LEVELS $args" fi if [ ! -z "$ALBUM_SEPARATOR" ]; then args="--album-separator \"$ALBUM_SEPARATOR\" $args" fi if [ ! -z "$FETCH_CHUNK_SIZE" ]; then args="--fetch-chunk-size $FETCH_CHUNK_SIZE $args" fi if [ ! -z "$CHUNK_SIZE" ]; then args="--chunk-size $CHUNK_SIZE $args" fi if [ ! -z "$LOG_LEVEL" ]; then args="--log-level $LOG_LEVEL $args" fi if [ "$INSECURE" = "true" ]; then args="--insecure $args" fi if [ ! -z "$ignore_list" ]; then args="$ignore_list $args" fi if [ ! -z "$MODE" ]; then args="--mode \"$MODE\" $args" fi if [ ! -z "$DELETE_CONFIRM" ]; then args="--delete-confirm $args" fi if [ ! -z "$share_with_list" ]; then args="$share_with_list $args" fi if [ ! -z "$SHARE_ROLE" ]; then args="--share-role $SHARE_ROLE $args" fi if [ ! -z "$SYNC_MODE" ]; then args="--sync-mode $SYNC_MODE $args" fi if [ ! -z "$ALBUM_ORDER" ]; then args="--album-order $ALBUM_ORDER $args" fi if [ ! -z "$FIND_ASSETS_IN_ALBUMS" ]; then args="--find-assets-in-albums $args" fi if [ ! -z "$path_filter_list" ]; then args="$path_filter_list $args" fi if [ ! -z "$SET_ALBUM_THUMBNAIL" ]; then args="--set-album-thumbnail \"$SET_ALBUM_THUMBNAIL\" $args" fi BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0") echo $args echo $args | xargs python3 -u $BASEDIR/immich_auto_album.py