diff --git a/immich_auto_album.py b/immich_auto_album.py
index 48c1de8..f9b28de 100644
--- a/immich_auto_album.py
+++ b/immich_auto_album.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+from typing import Tuple
 import requests
 import argparse
 import logging
@@ -148,19 +149,17 @@ requests_kwargs = {
     'verify' : not insecure
-# Yield successive n-sized 
-# chunks from l. 
-def divide_chunks(l, n): 
+def divide_chunks(l: list, n: int): 
+    """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. """
     # looping till length l 
     for i in range(0, len(l), n):  
         yield l[i:i + n]
-def parseSeparatedString(s: str, seprator: str):
+def parseSeparatedString(s: str, seprator: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
     Parse a key, value pair, separated by the provided separator.
     That's the reverse of ShellArgs.
     On the command line (argparse) a declaration will typically look like:
@@ -186,9 +185,15 @@ def parseSeparatedStrings(items: list[str]) -> dict:
             d[key] = value
     return d
-# Create album names from provided path_chunks string array
-# based on supplied album_levels argument (either by level range or absolute album levels)
-def create_album_name(path_chunks):
+def create_album_name(path_chunks: list[str], album_separator: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Create album names from provided path_chunks string array.
+    The method uses global variables album_levels_range_arr or album_levels to
+    generate ablum names either by level range or absolute album levels. If multiple
+    album path chunks are used for album names they are separated by album_separator.
+    """
     album_name_chunks = ()
     logging.debug("path chunks = %s", list(path_chunks))
     # Check which path to take: album_levels_range or album_levels
@@ -229,11 +234,22 @@ def create_album_name(path_chunks):
         if album_name_chunk_size < 0:
             album_name_chunks = path_chunks[album_name_chunk_size:]
     logging.debug("album_name_chunks = %s", album_name_chunks)
-    return album_level_separator.join(album_name_chunks)
+    return album_separator.join(album_name_chunks)
-# Fetches assets from the Immich API
-# Takes different API versions into account for compatibility
-def fetchServerVersion():
+def fetchServerVersion() -> dict:
+    """
+    Fetches the API version from the immich server.
+    If the API endpoint does not yet exist, returns the latest version
+    before that API endpoint was introduced: 1.105.1
+    Returns
+    -------
+        Dictionary with keys 
+            - major
+            - minor
+            - patch
+    """
     # This API call was only introduced with version 1.106.1, so it will fail
     # for older versions.
     # Initialize the version with the latest version without this API call
@@ -247,17 +263,28 @@ def fetchServerVersion():
         logging.info("Detected Immich server version %s.%s.%s or older", version['major'], version['minor'], version['patch'])
     return version
-# Fetches assets from the Immich API
-# Uses the /search/meta-data call. Much more efficient than the legacy method
-# since this call allows to filter for assets that are not in an album only.
-def fetchAssets():
+def fetchAssets(isNotInAlbum: bool) -> list:
+    """
+    Fetches assets from the Immich API.
+    Uses the /search/meta-data call. Much more efficient than the legacy method
+    since this call allows to filter for assets that are not in an album only.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        isNotInAlbum : bool
+            Flag indicating whether to fetch only assets that are not part
+            of an album or not.
+    Returns
+    ---------
+        An array of asset objects
+    """
     assets = []
     # prepare request body
     body = {}
-    # only request images that are not in any album if we are running in CREATE mode,
-    # otherwise we need all images, even if they are part of an album
-    if mode == SCRIPT_MODE_CREATE:
-        body['isNotInAlbum'] = 'true'
+    body['isNotInAlbum'] = isNotInAlbum
     # This API call allows a maximum page size of 1000
     number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request_search = min(1000, number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request)
@@ -285,17 +312,32 @@ def fetchAssets():
     return assets
-# Fetches albums from the Immich API
 def fetchAlbums():
+    """Fetches albums from the Immich API"""
     apiEndpoint = 'albums'
     r = requests.get(root_url+apiEndpoint, **requests_kwargs)
     return r.json()
-# Deletes an album identified by album['id']
-# Returns False if the album could not be deleted, otherwise True
-def deleteAlbum(album):
+def deleteAlbum(album: dict):
+    """
+    Deletes an album identified by album['id']
+    If the album could not be deleted, logs an error.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        album : dict
+            Dictionary with the following keys:
+                - id
+                - albumName
+    Returns
+    ---------
+        True if the album was deleted, otherwise False
+    """
     apiEndpoint = 'albums'
     logging.debug("Album ID = %s, Album Name = %s", album['id'], album['albumName'])
@@ -305,9 +347,26 @@ def deleteAlbum(album):
         return False
     return True
-# Creates an album with the provided name and returns the ID of the
-# created album
-def createAlbum(albumName):
+def createAlbum(albumName: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Creates an album with the provided name and returns the ID of the created album
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        albumName : str
+            Name of the album to create
+    Returns
+    ---------
+        True if the album was deleted, otherwise False
+    Raises
+    ----------
+        Exception if the API call failed
+    """
     apiEndpoint = 'albums'
     data = {
@@ -318,8 +377,23 @@ def createAlbum(albumName):
     assert r.status_code in [200, 201]
     return r.json()['id']
-# Adds the provided assetIds to the provided albumId
-def addAssetsToAlbum(albumId, assets):
+def addAssetsToAlbum(albumId: str, assets: list[str]):
+    """
+    Adds the assets IDs provided in assets to the provided albumId.
+    If assets if larger than number_of_images_per_request, the list is chunked
+    and one API call is performed per chunk.
+    Only logs errors and successes.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        albumId : str
+            The ID of the album to add assets to
+        assets: list[str]
+            A list of asset IDs to add to the album
+    """
     apiEndpoint = 'albums'
     # Divide our assets into chunks of number_of_images_per_request,
@@ -346,19 +420,39 @@ def addAssetsToAlbum(albumId, assets):
         if cpt > 0:
             logging.info("%d new assets added to %s", cpt, album)
-# Queries and returns all users
 def fetchUsers():
+    """Queries and returns all users"""
     apiEndpoint = 'users'
     r = requests.get(root_url+apiEndpoint, **requests_kwargs)
     assert r.status_code in [200, 201]
     return r.json()
-# Shares the album with the provided album_id with all provided share_user_ids
-# using share_role as a role.
-def shareAlbumWithUserAndRole(album_id, share_user_ids, share_role):
+def shareAlbumWithUserAndRole(album_id: str, share_user_ids: list[str], share_role: str):
+    """
+    Shares the album with the provided album_id with all provided share_user_ids
+    using share_role as a role.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        album_id : str
+            The ID of the album to share
+        share_user_ids: list[str]
+            IDs of users to share the album with
+        share_role: str
+            The share role to use when sharing the album, valid values are
+            "viewer" or "editor"
+    Raises
+    ----------
+        Exception if share_role contains an invalid value  
+        Exception if the API call failed
+    """ 
     apiEndpoint = 'albums/'+album_id+'/users'
+    assert share_role in SHARE_ROLES
     # build payload
     album_users = []
     for share_user_id in share_user_ids:
@@ -414,7 +508,12 @@ if mode == SCRIPT_MODE_DELETE_ALL:
 logging.info("Requesting all assets")
-assets = fetchAssets()
+# only request images that are not in any album if we are running in CREATE mode,
+# otherwise we need all images, even if they are part of an album
+    assets = fetchAssets(True)
+    assets = fetchAssets(False)
 logging.info("%d photos found", len(assets))
@@ -445,7 +544,7 @@ for asset in assets:
         # remove last item from path chunks, which is the file name
         del path_chunks[-1]
-        album_name = create_album_name(path_chunks)
+        album_name = create_album_name(path_chunks, album_level_separator)
         if len(album_name) > 0: