diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 872d811..7732eae 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
 3. Run the script
 python3 ./immich_auto_album.py -h
-usage: immich_auto_album.py [-h] [-r ROOT_PATH] [-u] [-a ALBUM_LEVELS] [-s ALBUM_SEPARATOR] [-c CHUNK_SIZE] [-C FETCH_CHUNK_SIZE] [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG}] root_path api_url api_key
+usage: immich_auto_album.py [-h] [-r ROOT_PATH] [-u] [-a ALBUM_LEVELS] [-s ALBUM_SEPARATOR] [-c CHUNK_SIZE] [-C FETCH_CHUNK_SIZE] [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG}] [-k] root_path api_url api_key
 Create Immich Albums from an external library path based on the top level folders
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ options:
                         Additional external libarary root path in Immich; May be specified multiple times for multiple import paths or external libraries. (default: None)
   -u, --unattended      Do not ask for user confirmation after identifying albums. Set this flag to run script as a cronjob. (default: False)
   -a ALBUM_LEVELS, --album-levels ALBUM_LEVELS
-                        Number of sub-folders or range of sub-folder levels below the root path used for album name creation. Positive numbers start from top of the folder structure, negative numbers from the bottom. Cannot be 0. If a range should be set, the start level and end level must be separated by a comma
-                        like '<startLevel>,<endLevel>'. If negative levels are used in a range, <startLevel> must be less than or equal to <endLevel>. (default: 1)
+                        Number of sub-folders or range of sub-folder levels below the root path used for album name creation. Positive numbers start from top of the folder structure, negative numbers from the bottom. Cannot be 0. If a range should be set, the
+                        start level and end level must be separated by a comma like '<startLevel>,<endLevel>'. If negative levels are used in a range, <startLevel> must be less than or equal to <endLevel>. (default: 1)
   -s ALBUM_SEPARATOR, --album-separator ALBUM_SEPARATOR
                         Separator string to use for compound album names created from nested folders. Only effective if -a is set to a value > 1 (default: )
   -c CHUNK_SIZE, --chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ options:
                         Maximum number of assets to fetch with a single API call (default: 5000)
                         Log level to use (default: INFO)
+  -k, --insecure        Set to true to ignore SSL verification (default: False)
 __Plain example without optional arguments:__
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ The environment variables are analoguous to the script's command line arguments.
 | CHUNK_SIZE         | no | Maximum number of assets to add to an album with a single API call (default: 2000)  |
 | FETCH_CHUNK_SIZE   | no | Maximum number of assets to fetch with a single API call (default: 5000)            |
 | LOG_LEVEL          | no | Log level to use (default: INFO), allowed values: CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG |
+| INSECURE           | no | Set to `true` to disable SSL verification for the Immich API server, useful for self-signed certificates (default: `false`), allowed values: `true`, `false` |
 #### Run the container with Docker