Fork 0


Moved API calls to functions for support of legacy API calls (might be removed in the future)
Added support for API with Immich Server v1.106.1+
This commit is contained in:
Salvoxia 2024-06-11 20:41:23 +02:00
parent aab24346d1
commit 5618dd3b6f

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import logging
import sys
import datetime
import array as arr
import json
from collections import defaultdict
# Trying to deal with python's isnumeric() function
@ -88,6 +89,16 @@ if not is_integer(album_levels):
album_levels_range_arr[0] -= 1
album_levels_range_arr[1] -= 1
# Request arguments for API calls
requests_kwargs = {
'headers' : {
'x-api-key': api_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
# Yield successive n-sized
# chunks from l.
def divide_chunks(l, n):
@ -141,9 +152,34 @@ def create_album_name(path_chunks):
logging.debug("album_name_chunks = %s", album_name_chunks)
return album_level_separator.join(album_name_chunks)
# Fetches assets from the Immich API
# Takes different API versions into account for compatibility
def fetchServerVersion():
# This API call was only introduced with version 1.106.1, so it will fail
# for older versions.
# Initialize the version with the latest version without this API call
version = {'major': 1, 'minor': 105, "patch": 1}
r = requests.get(root_url+'server-info/version', **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 404
if r.status_code == 200:
version = r.json()
logging.info("Detected Immich server version %s.%s.%s", version['major'], version['minor'], version['patch'])
logging.info("Detected Immich server version %s.%s.%s or older", version['major'], version['minor'], version['patch'])
return version
# Fetches assets from the Immich API
# Takes different API versions into account for compatibility
def fetchAssets():
if version['major'] == 1 and version['minor'] <= 105:
return fetchAssetsLegacy()
return fetchAssetsMinorV106()
# Fetches assets from the Immich API
# Uses the legacy GET /asset call which only exists up to v1.105.x
def fetchAssetsLegacy():
assets = []
# Initial API call, let's fetch our first chunk
r = requests.get(root_url+'asset?take='+str(number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request), **requests_kwargs)
@ -164,13 +200,93 @@ def fetchAssets():
assets = assets + r.json()
return assets
requests_kwargs = {
'headers' : {
'x-api-key': api_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
# Fetches assets from the Immich API
# Uses the /search/meta-data call. Much more efficient than the legacy method
# since this call allows to filter for assets that are not in an album only.
def fetchAssetsMinorV106():
assets = []
# prepare request body
body = {}
#body['isNotInAlbum'] = 'false'
# This API call allows a maximum page size of 1000
number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request_search = min(1000, number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request)
body['size'] = number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request_search
# Initial API call, let's fetch our first chunk
page = 1
body['page'] = str(page)
r = requests.post(root_url+'search/metadata', json=body, **requests_kwargs)
responseJson = r.json()
assetsReceived = responseJson['assets']['items']
logging.debug("Received %s assets with chunk %s", len(assetsReceived), page)
assets = assets + assetsReceived
# If we got a full chunk size back, let's perfrom subsequent calls until we get less than a full chunk size
while len(assetsReceived) == number_of_assets_to_fetch_per_request_search:
page += 1
body['page'] = page
r = requests.post(root_url+'search/metadata', json=body, **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code == 200
responseJson = r.json()
assetsReceived = responseJson['assets']['items']
logging.debug("Received %s assets with chunk %s", len(assetsReceived), page)
assets = assets + assetsReceived
return assets
# Fetches assets from the Immich API
# Takes different API versions into account for compatibility
def fetchAlbums():
apiEndpoint = 'albums'
if version['major'] == 1 and version['minor'] <= 105:
apiEndpoint = 'album'
r = requests.get(root_url+apiEndpoint, **requests_kwargs)
return r.json()
# Creates an album with the provided name and returns the ID of the
# created album
def createAlbum(albumName):
apiEndpoint = 'albums'
if version['major'] == 1 and version['minor'] <= 105:
apiEndpoint = 'album'
data = {
'albumName': albumName,
'description': albumName
r = requests.post(root_url+apiEndpoint, json=data, **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code in [200, 201]
return r.json()['id']
# Adds the provided assetIds to the provided albumId
def addAssetsToAlbum(albumId, assets):
apiEndpoint = 'albums'
if version['major'] == 1 and version['minor'] <= 105:
apiEndpoint = 'album'
# Divide our assets into chunks of number_of_images_per_request,
# So the API can cope
assets_chunked = list(divide_chunks(assets, number_of_images_per_request))
for assets_chunk in assets_chunked:
data = {'ids':assets_chunk}
r = requests.put(root_url+apiEndpoint+f'/{albumId}/assets', json=data, **requests_kwargs)
if r.status_code not in [200, 201]:
assert r.status_code in [200, 201]
response = r.json()
cpt = 0
for res in response:
if not res['success']:
if res['error'] != 'duplicate':
logging.warning("Error adding an asset to an album: %s", res['error'])
cpt += 1
if cpt > 0:
logging.info("%d new assets added to %s", cpt, album)
# append trailing slash to all root paths
for i in range(len(root_paths)):
@ -180,6 +296,8 @@ for i in range(len(root_paths)):
if root_url[-1] != '/':
root_url = root_url + '/'
version = fetchServerVersion()
logging.info("Requesting all assets")
assets = fetchAssets()
logging.info("%d photos found", len(assets))
@ -219,9 +337,8 @@ if not unattended:
album_to_id = {}
logging.info("Listing existing albums on immich")
r = requests.get(root_url+'album', **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code == 200
albums = r.json()
albums = fetchAlbums()
album_to_id = {album['albumName']:album['id'] for album in albums }
logging.info("%d existing albums identified", len(albums))
@ -231,13 +348,7 @@ cpt = 0
for album in album_to_assets:
if album in album_to_id:
data = {
'albumName': album,
'description': album
r = requests.post(root_url+'album', json=data, **requests_kwargs)
assert r.status_code in [200, 201]
album_to_id[album] = r.json()['id']
album_to_id[album] = createAlbum(album)
logging.info('Album %s added!', album)
cpt += 1
logging.info("%d albums created", cpt)
@ -248,29 +359,6 @@ logging.info("Adding assets to albums")
# so we can each time ad all assets to same album, no photo will be duplicated
for album, assets in album_to_assets.items():
id = album_to_id[album]
# Divide our assets into chunks of number_of_images_per_request,
# So the API can cope
assets_chunked = list(divide_chunks(assets, number_of_images_per_request))
for assets_chunk in assets_chunked:
data = {'ids':assets_chunk}
r = requests.put(root_url+f'album/{id}/assets', json=data, **requests_kwargs)
if r.status_code not in [200, 201]:
assert r.status_code in [200, 201]
response = r.json()
cpt = 0
for res in response:
if not res['success']:
if res['error'] != 'duplicate':
logging.warning("Error adding an asset to an album: %s", res['error'])
cpt += 1
if cpt > 0:
logging.info("%d new assets added to %s", cpt, album)
addAssetsToAlbum(id, assets)