#!/command/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2015,SC2016,SC1091 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2023-2024, Ramon F. Kolb (kx1t) and contributors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. # If not, see . #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source /scripts/common source /scripts/interpret_ultrafeeder_config s6wrap=(s6wrap --quiet --timestamps --prepend="${SCRIPT_NAME}") mkdir -p /run/readsb LOGLEVEL="${LOGLEVEL,,}" LOGLEVEL="${LOGLEVEL:-verbose}" chk_disabled "$LOGLEVEL" && LOGLEVEL="none" || true if ! [[ "$LOGLEVEL" =~ ^(verbose|error|none)$ ]]; then [[ -n "$LOGLEVEL" ]] && "${s6wrap[@]}" --args echo "[WARNING] LOGLEVEL set to an unknown value. Defaulting to \"verbose\"" || true LOGLEVEL="verbose" fi LOCATION_PERSIST=/var/globe_history/gpsd_last_location if [[ -f "$LOCATION_PERSIST" ]] && { grep -qs "gpsd" <<< "$ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG" || grep -qs "gpsd" <<< "$ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR"; }; then # shellcheck disable=SC2034 read -r LAT LONG ALT < "$LOCATION_PERSIST" READSB_LAT="" READSB_LON="" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 READSB_ALT="" fi # Build the readsb command line based on options READSB_BIN="/usr/local/bin/readsb" READSB_CMD=("--net") READSB_CMD+=("--quiet") if chk_enabled "${READSB_NET_ONLY}"; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-only") fi if [ -n "${LAT}" ]; then READSB_CMD+=(--lat "${LAT}") elif [ -n "${READSB_LAT}" ]; then READSB_CMD+=(--lat "${READSB_LAT}") fi if [ -n "${LONG}" ]; then READSB_CMD+=(--lon "${LONG}") elif [ -n "${READSB_LON}" ]; then READSB_CMD+=(--lon "${READSB_LON}") fi if [ -n "${MLATHOST}" ]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-connector=${MLATHOST},${MLATPORT},beast_in") fi if [ -n "${BEASTHOST}" ]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-connector=${BEASTHOST},${BEASTPORT},beast_in") fi if [ -n "${UUID}" ]; then READSB_CMD+=("--uuid-file=/run/uuid") fi READSB_CMD+=("--write-json=/run/readsb") READSB_CMD+=("--write-state=/var/globe_history") READSB_CMD+=("--json-trace-interval=15") READSB_CMD+=("--json-reliable=1") READSB_CMD+=("--net-json-port=30047") READSB_CMD+=("--net-ri-port=30001") READSB_CMD+=("--net-ro-port=30002") READSB_CMD+=("--net-sbs-port=30003") READSB_CMD+=("--net-sbs-in-port=32006") # Handle a bunch of custom port assignments: # # net-bi-port is 30004,30104,${READSB_NET_BEAST_INPUT_PORT} ports="${READSB_NET_BEAST_INPUT_PORT}${READSB_NET_BEAST_INPUT_PORT:+,}30004,30104" ports="$(sort -nu <<< "${ports//,/$'\n'}" | sed -z 's/\n/,/g;s/^,//g;s/,$//g')" # de-duplication READSB_CMD+=("--net-bi-port=$ports") # net-bo-port is 30005,${READSB_NET_BEAST_OUTPUT_PORT} ports="${READSB_NET_BEAST_OUTPUT_PORT}${READSB_NET_BEAST_OUTPUT_PORT:+,}30005" ports="$(sort -nu <<< "${ports//,/$'\n'}" | sed -z 's/\n/,/g;s/^,//g;s/,$//g')" # de-duplication READSB_CMD+=("--net-bo-port=$ports") # net-beast-reduce-out-port is 30006,${READSB_NET_BEAST_REDUCE_OUTPUT_PORT} ports="${READSB_NET_BEAST_REDUCE_OUTPUT_PORT}${READSB_NET_BEAST_REDUCE_OUTPUT_PORT:+,}30006" ports="$(sort -nu <<< "${ports//,/$'\n'}" | sed -z 's/\n/,/g;s/^,//g;s/,$//g')" # de-duplication READSB_CMD+=("--net-beast-reduce-out-port=$ports") # net-bo-port is 30152,${READSB_ENABLE_API:+unix:/run/readsb/api.sock},${READSB_NET_API_PORT} ports="${READSB_NET_API_PORT}${READSB_NET_API_PORT:+,}30152" if chk_enabled "$READSB_ENABLE_API"; then ports="${ports},unix:/run/readsb/api.sock"; fi ports="$(sort -nu <<< "${ports//,/$'\n'}" | sed -z 's/\n/,/g;s/^,//g;s/,$//g')" # de-duplication READSB_CMD+=("--net-api-port=$ports") ######################### if chk_enabled "${READSB_ENABLE_HEATMAP:-true}"; then READSB_CMD+=("--heatmap-dir=/var/globe_history") READSB_CMD+=("--heatmap=${READSB_HEATMAP_INTERVAL:-15}") fi if chk_enabled "${READSB_ENABLE_TRACES}"; then READSB_CMD+=("--write-globe-history=/var/globe_history") fi if ! chk_enabled "$READSB_NET_SBS_DISABLE_REDUCE"; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-sbs-reduce") fi if chk_enabled "${READSB_FORWARD_MLAT}"; then "${s6wrap[@]}" --args echo "WARNING -- READSB_FORWARD_MLAT has been set! Do not feed the output of this container to any aggregators!" READSB_CMD+=("--forward-mlat") fi if chk_enabled "${READSB_FORWARD_MLAT_SBS}"; then "${s6wrap[@]}" --args echo "WARNING -- READSB_FORWARD_MLAT_SBS has been set! Do not feed the SBS (BaseStation) output of this container to any aggregators!" READSB_CMD+=("--forward-mlat-sbs") fi if [[ -n "$READSB_RX_LOCATION_ACCURACY" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--json-location-accuracy=$READSB_RX_LOCATION_ACCURACY") fi if [[ -n "$READSB_JSON_INTERVAL" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--write-json-every=$READSB_JSON_INTERVAL") fi if [ -n "${READSB_DEBUG}" ]; then READSB_CMD+=("--debug=$READSB_DEBUG") fi if chk_enabled "$GPSD_DEBUG"; then READSB_CMD+=("--devel=debugGPS") fi # Handle --write-state-only-on-exit if chk_enabled "${READSB_WRITE_STATE_ONLY_ON_EXIT}"; then READSB_CMD+=("--write-state-only-on-exit") fi # Handle "--max-range=" if [[ -n "$READSB_MAX_RANGE" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--max-range=$READSB_MAX_RANGE") fi # Handle "--mlat" # shellcheck disable=SC2153 if chk_enabled "$READSB_MLAT"; then READSB_CMD+=("--mlat") fi # Handle "--modeac" if chk_enabled "$READSB_MODEAC"; then READSB_CMD+=("--modeac") fi # Handle "--stats-every=" if [[ -n "$READSB_STATS_EVERY" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--stats-every=$READSB_STATS_EVERY") fi # Handle "--stats-range" if chk_enabled "$READSB_STATS_RANGE"; then READSB_CMD+=("--stats-range") fi if [[ -n "$READSB_RANGE_OUTLINE_HOURS" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--range-outline-hours=$READSB_RANGE_OUTLINE_HOURS") fi # Handle "--net-beast-reduce-interval=" # Default it to 0.5 second if no value is provided, which is reasonable for feeding aggregators READSB_CMD+=("--net-beast-reduce-interval=${READSB_NET_BEAST_REDUCE_INTERVAL:-0.5}") if chk_enabled "$READSB_NET_BR_OPTIMIZE_FOR_MLAT"; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-beast-reduce-optimize-for-mlat") fi if chk_enabled "$READSB_NET_SBS_REDUCE"; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-sbs-reduce") fi if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_BEAST_REDUCE_FILTER_DIST" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-beast-reduce-filter-dist=$READSB_NET_BEAST_REDUCE_FILTER_DIST") fi if [[ -n "$READSB_JSON_TRACE_INTERVAL" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--json-trace-interval=$READSB_JSON_TRACE_INTERVAL") fi if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_BEAST_REDUCE_FILTER_ALT" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-beast-reduce-filter-alt=$READSB_NET_BEAST_REDUCE_FILTER_ALT") fi # Handle "--net-buffer=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_BUFFER" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-buffer=$READSB_NET_BUFFER") fi # Handle "--net-connector=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_CONNECTOR" ]]; then # Strip any extraneous spaces: READSB_NET_CONNECTOR="${READSB_NET_CONNECTOR#"${READSB_NET_CONNECTOR%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # strip leading space READSB_NET_CONNECTOR="${READSB_NET_CONNECTOR//; /;}" IFS=';' read -r -a READSB_NET_CONNECTOR_ARRAY <<< "$READSB_NET_CONNECTOR" for NET_CONNECTOR_ELEMENT in "${READSB_NET_CONNECTOR_ARRAY[@]}" do READSB_CMD+=("--net-connector=${NET_CONNECTOR_ELEMENT// /}") done fi # Handle ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG / ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR elements relevant to readsb: [[ "${#READSB_CONF_ARR[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && READSB_CMD+=("${READSB_CONF_ARR[@]}") || true # Handle "--net-connector-delay=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_CONNECTOR_DELAY" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-connector-delay=$READSB_NET_CONNECTOR_DELAY") fi # Handle "--net-heartbeat=" READSB_CMD+=("--net-heartbeat=${READSB_NET_HEARTBEAT:-35}") # Handle "--net-ri-port=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_RAW_INPUT_PORT" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-ri-port=$READSB_NET_RAW_INPUT_PORT") fi # Handle "--net-ro-interval=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_RAW_OUTPUT_INTERVAL" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-ro-interval=$READSB_NET_RAW_OUTPUT_INTERVAL") fi # use 0.12s/120ms to reduce number of packets sent to aggregators (compared to ro-interval 50ms) # most aggregator feed clients historically use 200ms so this is already a reduction in jitter / latency READSB_CMD+=("--net-ro-interval-beast-reduce=${READSB_NET_RO_INTERVAL_BEAST_REDUCE:-0.12}") # Handle "--net-ri-port=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_RAW_OUTPUT_PORT" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-ro-port=$READSB_NET_RAW_OUTPUT_PORT") fi # Handle "--net-ro-size=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_RAW_OUTPUT_SIZE" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-ro-size=$READSB_NET_RAW_OUTPUT_SIZE") fi # Handle "--net-sbs-in-port=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_SBS_INPUT_PORT" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-sbs-in-port=$READSB_NET_SBS_INPUT_PORT") fi # Handle "--net-sbs-port=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_SBS_OUTPUT_PORT" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-sbs-port=$READSB_NET_SBS_OUTPUT_PORT") fi # Handle "--net-verbatim" if chk_enabled "$REASSB_NET_VERBATIM"; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-verbatim") fi # Handle "--net-vrs-port=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_VRS_PORT" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--net-vrs-port=$READSB_NET_VRS_PORT") fi # make sure the db file exists, and if it does, use it if chk_enabled "$TAR1090_ENABLE_AC_DB"; then if [[ -e $TAR1090_UPDATE_DIR/aircraft.csv.gz ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--db-file=$TAR1090_UPDATE_DIR/aircraft.csv.gz") elif [[ -e $TAR1090_INSTALL_DIR/aircraft.csv.gz ]]; then # fallback to container supplied not updated csv.gz READSB_CMD+=("--db-file=$TAR1090_INSTALL_DIR/aircraft.csv.gz") fi if ! chk_disabled "$TAR1090_DB_LONGTYPE"; then READSB_CMD+=("--db-file-lt") fi fi # Handle "--device-type" if [[ -n "$READSB_DEVICE_TYPE" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--device-type=$READSB_DEVICE_TYPE") fi # Handle "--gain" if [[ -n "$READSB_GAIN" ]]; then if [[ "${READSB_GAIN,,}" == "autogain" ]] && [[ -f /var/globe_history/autogain/gain ]]; then read -r gain < /var/globe_history/autogain/gain else [[ "${READSB_GAIN,,}" == "autogain" ]] && gain="${READSB_AUTOGAIN_INITIAL_GAIN:-49.6}" || gain="${READSB_GAIN}" fi READSB_CMD+=("--gain=$gain") elif [[ "${READSB_GAIN,,}" != "omit" ]] && [[ "${READSB_GAIN,,}" != "off" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--gain=auto") fi ##### RTL-SDR OPTIONS ##### # Handle "--device=" if [[ -n "$READSB_RTLSDR_DEVICE" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--device=$READSB_RTLSDR_DEVICE") fi # Handle "--enable-agc" if [[ -n "$READSB_RTLSDR_ENABLE_AGC" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--enable-agc") fi # Handle "--ppm=" if [[ -n "$READSB_RTLSDR_PPM" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--ppm=$READSB_RTLSDR_PPM") fi ##### MODE-S BEAST OPTIONS ##### # Handle "--beast-crc-off" if chk_enabled "$READSB_BEAST_CRC_OFF"; then READSB_CMD+=("--beast-crc-off") fi # Handle "--beast-df045-on" if chk_enabled "$READSB_BEAST_DF045_ON"; then READSB_CMD+=("--beast-df045-on") fi # Handle "--beast-df1117-on" if chk_enabled "$READSB_BEAST_DF1117_ON"; then READSB_CMD+=("--beast-df1117-on") fi # Handle "--beast-fec-off" if chk_enabled "$READSB_BEAST_FEC_OFF"; then READSB_CMD+=("--beast-fec-off") fi # Handle "--beast-mlat-off" if chk_enabled "$READSB_BEAST_MLAT_OFF"; then READSB_CMD+=("--beast-mlat-off") fi # Handle "--beast-modeac" if chk_enabled "$READSB_BEAST_MODEAC"; then READSB_CMD+=("--beast-modeac") fi # Handle "--beast-serial=" if [[ -n "$READSB_BEAST_SERIAL" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--beast-serial=$READSB_BEAST_SERIAL") fi if [[ -n "$READSB_BEAST_BAUDRATE" ]]; then READSB_CMD+=("--beast-baudrate=$READSB_BEAST_BAUDRATE") fi ##################### # Handle --write-prom= if chk_enabled "$PROMETHEUS_ENABLE"; then READSB_CMD+=("--write-prom=/run/readsb-prometheus.prom") fi # wait 15 seconds if this is not the first startup if [[ $(s6-svdt /run/service/readsb | wc -l) != 0 ]]; then "${s6wrap[@]}" --args echo "delaying restart by 15 seconds" sleep 15 fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ "${LOGLEVEL,,}" == "verbose" ]]; then exec "${s6wrap[@]}" --args "${READSB_BIN}" "${READSB_CMD[@]}" $READSB_AUTOMATION_ARGS $READSB_EXTRA_ARGS elif [[ "${LOGLEVEL,,}" == "error" ]]; then exec "${s6wrap[@]}" --ignore=stdout --args "${READSB_BIN}" "${READSB_CMD[@]}" $READSB_AUTOMATION_ARGS $READSB_EXTRA_ARGS elif [[ "${LOGLEVEL,,}" == "none" ]]; then exec "${s6wrap[@]}" --ignore=stdout --ignore=stderr --args "${READSB_BIN}" "${READSB_CMD[@]}" $READSB_AUTOMATION_ARGS $READSB_EXTRA_ARGS fi