# Using Ultrafeeder with Grafana and Prometheus [`Grafana`](https://grafana.com/) is an analytics platform that can provide alternative graphs for `readsb`. In this guide we will be using [`Prometheus`](https://prometheus.io/) as the data repository. Using Grafana and Prometheus in this configuration does not require a plan, account, or credentials for their respective cloud offerings. ## Ultrafeeder Image Tag When using the `:telegraf` tag, the image contains [Telegraf](https://docs.influxdata.com/telegraf/), which can be used to capture metrics from `readsb` if an output is enabled. **NOTE - READ CAREFULLY**: As of 27 April 2023, the `latest` image no longer contains Telegraf. If you want to send metrics to InfluxDB or Prometheus, please use the `:telegraf` tag like this in your `docker-compose.yml` file: ```yaml services: tar1090: image: ghcr.io/sdr-enthusiasts/docker-tar1090:telegraf ... ``` ## Hardware requirements Prometheus will store a lot of data, and Grafana will do a lot of data queries. As a result, it would be better if you run these containers on a different system than your feeder Raspberry Pi. This will leave your Pi focused on data collection and processing, and unbothered by the CPU and Disk IO load that Prometheus/Grafana will cause. You *can* do it on a single system. We're assuming below that you are not. If you do it on a single system, then you can combine the `docker-compose.yml` components in a single file ## Step 1: Make Prometheus data available for the Ultrafeeder - Edit your Ultrafeeder's `docker-compose.yml` file and ensure that the following is set for the `ultrafeeder` service: ```yaml environment: - PROMETHEUS_ENABLE=true - TAR1090_ENABLE_AC_DB=true ports: - 9273-9274:9273-9274 ``` Now recreate the ultrafeeder container (`docker-compose up -d ultrafeeder`) and it will generate Prometheus data. ## Step 2: create a container stack for `prometheus` and `grafana` On the machine where you will run Prometheus and Grafana, create a docker-compose file in the `/opt/grafana` directory: ```bash sudo mkdir -p -m777 /opt/grafana/grafana/appdata /opt/grafana/prometheus/config /opt/grafana/prometheus/data cd /opt/grafana cat > docker-compose.yml ``` Now paste in the following text *):
<‐‐ Click the arrow to see the docker-compose.yml text ```yaml version: '3.9' volumes: grafana: driver: local driver_opts: type: none device: "/opt/grafana/grafana/appdata" o: bind prom-config: driver: local driver_opts: type: none device: "/opt/grafana/prometheus/config" o: bind prom-data: driver: local driver_opts: type: none device: "/opt/grafana/prometheus/data" o: bind services: grafana: image: grafana/grafana-oss:latest restart: unless-stopped container_name: grafana hostname: grafana tty: true # uncomment the following section and set the variables if you are exposing Grafana to the internet behind a rev web proxy: environment: # windrose panel plugin is needed for polar plots: - GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=snuids-radar-panel,fatcloud-windrose-panel # uncomment and set the following variables if you are exposing Grafana to the internet behind a rev web proxy: # - GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=https://mywebsite.com/grafana/ # - GF_SERVER_SERVE_FROM_SUB_PATH=true # The following variables are needed if you want to expose and embed any dashboards publicly: # - GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED=true # - GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ORG_NAME=public # - GF_SECURITY_ALLOW_EMBEDDING=true # - GF_PANELS_DISABLE_SANITIZE_HTML=true # - GF_FEATURE_TOGGLES_ENABLE=publicDashboards # The following variables will allow you to "share/render" dashboards as PNG graphics. # You should also enabled the renderer container below. # - GF_RENDERING_SERVER_URL=http://renderer:8081/render # - GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL=http://grafana:3000/ # - GF_LOG_FILTERS=rendering:debug ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: - grafana:/var/lib/grafana # The `renderer` container is needed if you want to share images of your dashboard as a graphic: renderer: image: grafana/grafana-image-renderer:latest prometheus: image: prom/prometheus container_name: prometheus hostname: prometheus restart: unless-stopped tmpfs: - /tmp volumes: - prom-config:/etc/prometheus - prom-data:/prometheus ports: - 9090:9090 ```
*) The volume definition structure is written this way purposely to ensure that the containers can place files in the persistent directories. Do not try to "directly" map volumes (`/opt/grafana/grafana/appdata:/var/lib/grafana`). You should be able to see the following directories: - `/opt/grafana/grafana/appdata` - `/opt/grafana/prometheus/config` - `/opt/grafana/prometheus/data` Download and create Grafana and Prometheus for the first time with this command: ```bash docker compose up -d ``` ## Step 3: Configuring Prometheus Prometheus needs to be told where to look for the data from the ultrafeeder. We will create a target prometheus configuration file that does this, please copy and paste the following. Make sure to replace `ip_xxxxxxx` with the IP address or hostname of the machine where `ultrafeeder` is running: ```bash docker exec -it prometheus sh -c "echo -e \" - job_name: 'ultrafeeder'\n static_configs:\n - targets: ['ip_xxxxxxx:9273', 'ip_xxxxxxx:9274']\" >> /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml" docker stop prometheus docker compose up -d ``` (If you screw this up, **do NOT** re-run the command. Instead, try `sudo nano /opt/grafana//prometheus/config/prometheus.yml` and fix it that way.) ## Accessing Prometheus and Grafana via your browser You should be able to point your web browser at: - `http://docker.host.ip.addr:9090/` to access the `prometheus` console. - `http://docker.host.ip.addr:3000/` to access the `grafana` console, use admin/admin as initial credentials, you should be prompted to change the password on first login. Remember to change `docker.host.ip.addr` to the IP address of your docker host. ## Configuring data source and dashboard in Grafana After you have logged into the `grafana` console the following manual steps are required to connect to `prometheus` as the data source 1. Click `Add your first data source` in the main panel 2. Click `Prometheus` from the list of options provided 3. Input or select the following options, if the option is not listed, do not input anything for that option: Option | Input ------------- | ------------- Name | ultrafeeder URL | `http://prometheus:9090/` Clicking `Save & Test` should return a green message indicating success. The dashboard can now be imported with the following steps 1. Hover over the `four squares` icon in the sidebar, click `+ Import` 2. Enter `18398` into the `Import via grafana.com` section and click `Load` 3. Select `ultrafeeder` from the bottom drop down list 4. Click `Import` on the subsequent dialogue box At this point you should see a very nice dashboard, you can find it under `General` in the `Dashboards` section. ## Advanced Configuration: support for dashboards for multiple ultrafeeder instances If you have multiple feeder stations with multiple instances of `ultrafeeder`, you can configure a dashboard for each of them. Here's how. In our example, we have two `ultrafeeder` instance called `heerlen` and `trenton`. You can adjust these names in accordance with your needs. First execute all steps above, and then continue here. ### Step 1: Edit your Prometheus config file so the `job_name`s look like this ```yaml - job_name: 'heerlen' static_configs: - targets: ['', ''] - job_name: 'trenton' static_configs: - targets: ['', ''] ``` Here, `` is the IP address of the `heerlen` station, and `` is the IP address of the `trenton` station. Yours will be different. Please keep the ports as you mapped them for Ultrafeeder in each instance. You should have a `- job_name` block for each ultrafeeder instance. You can remove the `ultrafeeder` section as it will probably be a duplicate of what you just created. Once you are done editing, restart Prometheus (`docker restart prometheus`). ### Step 2: Change your initial Grafana dashboard to use the new job name In the previous step, you replaced the `ultrafeeder` job name by two or more new names. Now, we need to create a copy of the dashboard for each of the job names and make sure they each use the data source from the correct `ultrafeeder` instance. - Step 2a: Log into Grafana and open the Ultrafeeder dashboard that you already created - Step 2b: Click on the cogwheel (`Dashboard Settings`) in the top of the screen - Step 2c: Choose `JSON Model` from the Setting menu on the left of the screen and click anywhere in the JSON text - Step 2d. Press CTRL-F (Window/Linux) or CMD-F (Mac) and press the `>` button to show Find and Replace:
![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15090643/234160327-7997cfec-8726-4974-a125-859f4f16f6b7.png) - Step 2e: Find all instances of `job=\"ultrafeeder\"` and replace them with `job=\"heerlen\"` (or whatever name your first feeder has) - Step 2f: Press `Save dashboard` at the top right of the screen, followed by `Save` on the next screen - Step 2g: Press ESC to go back to your dashboard Now your first Grafana dashboard gets its data from the your first `ultrafeeder` instance. ### Step 3: Clone the dashboard and repoint it at your second `ultrafeeder` instance If you followed the steps above, you should be at your updated (first) dashboard. We'll now clone and adapt it for your second `ultrafeeder` instance: - Step 3a: Press the `Share` icon (to the right of the star, next to the page title) - Step 3b: Click the `Export` tab. Switch on `Export for sharing externally` - Step 3c: Press `View JSON` and `Copy to Clipboard` - Step 3d: `X` out of the popup box, leave the Dashboard, and go back to the `Browse Dashboards` page. - Step 3e: Click `New` -> `Import`. Right-click in the `Import via panel json` box, and paste your clipboard. Press `Load` - Step 3f: Change the `Name` and `uid` (pick anything you want), and select `Prometheus` as data source. IMPORTANT: if you do not change the `Name` and `uid`, it will overwrite your existing dashboard. CHANGE BOTH OF THEM! Then press `Import` - Step 3g: You will see your new dashboard, but it's still getting data from your first one. Follow steps 2b - 2g above to change the data source from `heerlen` (or whatever you named it) to `trenton` (or whatever name you want to give to it) Now you have 2 dashboards for 2 instances of Ultrafeeder! ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15090643/234161588-69cd1888-6d9c-42f2-90d9-8eb108b0dce5.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15090643/234161718-845d3836-005e-4d38-ba45-9c59873c8db9.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15090643/234161841-fde61d66-2f64-43f6-8e71-4152eef76f72.png)