#!/command/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC1091,SC2015,SC2016 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2023-2024, Ramon F. Kolb (kx1t) and contributors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. # If not, see . #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source /scripts/common source /scripts/interpret_ultrafeeder_config s6wrap=(s6wrap --quiet --timestamps --prepend="$SCRIPT_NAME") LOGLEVEL="${LOGLEVEL,,}" LOGLEVEL="${LOGLEVEL:-verbose}" chk_disabled "$LOGLEVEL" && LOGLEVEL="none" || true if ! [[ "$LOGLEVEL" =~ ^(verbose|error|none)$ ]]; then [[ -n "$LOGLEVEL" ]] && "${s6wrap[@]}" --args echo "[WARNING] LOGLEVEL set to an unknown value. Defaulting to \"verbose\"" || true LOGLEVEL="verbose" fi if [[ -z "${MLAT_CONFIG}" ]] && [[ -z "$MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR" ]] && [[ ${#MLATHUB_CONF_ARR[@]} == 0 ]] && ! chk_enabled "${MLATHUB_ENABLE}"; then "${s6wrap[@]}" --args echo "No MLAT servers have been defined in MLAT_CONFIG and no external sources have been defined in MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR - no need to start MLATHUB" stop_service fi if chk_enabled "${MLATHUB_DISABLE}"; then "${s6wrap[@]}" --args echo "MLATHUB is disabled." stop_service fi # Build the readsb command line based on options MLATHUB_BIN="/usr/local/bin/readsb" # set some basic options: MLATHUB_CMD=("--net") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--quiet") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-only") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--mlat") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--forward-mlat") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--forward-mlat-sbs") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-connector=localhost,30004,beast_out") # define some more ports: MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-sbs-port=${MLATHUB_SBS_OUT_PORT:-31003}") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-bi-port=${MLATHUB_BEAST_IN_PORT:-31004}") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-bo-port=${MLATHUB_BEAST_OUT_PORT:-31005}") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-beast-reduce-out-port=${MLATHUB_BEAST_REDUCE_OUT_PORT:-31006}") # Add any additional net_connectors: if [[ -n "$MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR" ]]; then # Strip any extraneous spaces: MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR="${MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR#"${MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # strip leading spaces MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR="${MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR//; /;}" # strip space after semicolon IFS=';' read -r -a MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR_ARRAY <<< "$MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR" for NET_CONNECTOR_ELEMENT in "${MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR_ARRAY[@]}" do MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-connector=${NET_CONNECTOR_ELEMENT}") done fi # Handle ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG / ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR elements relevant to readsb: [[ "${#MLATHUB_CONF_ARR[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && MLATHUB_CMD+=("${MLATHUB_CONF_ARR[@]}") || true if chk_enabled "${READSB_DEBUG}"; then MLATHUB_CMD+=("--debug=$READSB_DEBUG") fi if [ -n "${LAT}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=(--lat "${LAT}") elif [ -n "${READSB_LAT}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=(--lat "${READSB_LAT}") fi if [ -n "${LONG}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=(--lon "${LONG}") elif [ -n "${READSB_LON}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=(--lon "${READSB_LON}") fi # Handle "--max-range=" if [[ -n "$READSB_MAX_RANGE" ]]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=("--max-range=$READSB_MAX_RANGE") fi # Handle "--net-connector-delay=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_CONNECTOR_DELAY" ]]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-connector-delay=$READSB_NET_CONNECTOR_DELAY") fi # Handle "--net-heartbeat=" MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-heartbeat=${READSB_NET_HEARTBEAT:-35}") "${s6wrap[@]}" --args echo "Starting MLATHUB..." # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2069 if [[ "${LOGLEVEL}" == "verbose" ]]; then exec "${s6wrap[@]}" --args "${MLATHUB_BIN}" "${MLATHUB_CMD[@]}" $MLATHUB_EXTRA_ARGS elif [[ "${LOGLEVEL}" == "error" ]]; then exec "${s6wrap[@]}" --ignore=stdout --args "${MLATHUB_BIN}" "${MLATHUB_CMD[@]}" $MLATHUB_EXTRA_ARGS elif [[ "${LOGLEVEL}" == "none" ]]; then exec "${s6wrap[@]}" --ignore=stdtout --ignore=stderr --args "${MLATHUB_BIN}" "${MLATHUB_CMD[@]}" $MLATHUB_EXTRA_ARGS fi