#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2015 # # This scripts should be sourced by the /etc/services.d/xxx/run modules for # readsb, mlat-client, and mlathub. It interprets the ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG / ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR parameter # and makes individual net-connector strings available for these three modules. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2023-2024, Ramon F. Kolb (kx1t) and contributors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. # If not, see . #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Note: # ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG and ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR can be used interchangeably # If both are defined, they will be considered jointly. # # Format: # ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG=adsb,host,port,protocol[,uuid=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX][,extra-arguments] # ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG=mlat,host,port[,return_port][,uuid=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX][,extra-arguments] # ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG=mlathub,host,port,protocol[,uuid=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX][,extra-arguments] # # The ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG parameter can have multiple config strings, separated by a `;` # Please note that the config strings cannot contain `;` or `,` -- undefined things may happen if these characters are present. # # In the above configuration strings: # `host` is an IP address. Specify an IP/hostname/containername for incoming or outgoing connections. # `port` is a TCP port number # `protocol` can be one of the following: # `beast_reduce_out`: Beast-format output with lower data throughput (saves bandwidth and CPU) # `beast_reduce_plus_out`: Beast-format output with extra data (UUID). This is the preferred format when feeding the "new" aggregator services # `beast_out`: Beast-format output # `beast_in`: Beast-format input # `raw_out`: Raw output # `raw_in`: Raw input # `sbs_out`: SBS-format output # `vrs_out`: SBS-format output # `uuid=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX` is an optional parameter that sets the UUID for this specific instance. # It will override the global `UUID` parameter. This is only needed when you want to send different UUIDs to different aggregators. # `input_connect=host:port is an optional parameter that sets the input_connect values for this instance` # `lat=xxxx` is an optional parameter that sets the latitude for this specific instance # `lon=xxxx` is an optional parameter that sets the longitude for this specific instance # `alt=xxxx` is an optional parameter that sets the altitude for this specific instance # `extra-arguments` can be any additional command line argument you want to pass to readsb, mlathub, or mlat-client # Example: `--net-only`. Please make sure to only once pass in an extra argument for each of the adsb|mlat|mlathub service. # Do some prep work: # combine ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG and ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG="${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG}${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG:+;}${ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR}" # remove any newlines: ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG="${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG//$'\n'/}" # Strip any extraneous spaces: ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG="${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG#"${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # strip leading space ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG="${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG//; /;}" # Now read each entry and parse it: READSB_CONF_ARR=() MLATHUB_CONF_ARR=() readarray -td ";" configs < <(printf '%s' "${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG}") # Now loop through the MLAT_CONFIG items and start up an Mlat_client for each of them: for instance in "${configs[@]}" do [[ -z "${instance}" ]] && continue || true # put individual params into the $params array: readarray -td "," param < <(printf '%s' "${instance}") # Process based on parameter string type in param[0]: param[0]="${param[0],,}" case "${param[0]}" in adsb) # parse arguments for main readsb # build net-connector string into $readsb_str # and add any extra arguments in as individual entries into READSB_CONF_ARR() readsb_str="${param[1]},${param[2]},${param[3]}" for ((i=4; i<${#param[*]}; i++)) do if [[ "${param[i]:0:5}" == "uuid=" ]]; then readsb_str="${readsb_str},${param[i]}" elif [[ -n "${param[i]}" ]]; then READSB_CONF_ARR+=("${param[i]}") fi done # Now add $readsb_str to the READSB_CONF_ARR() as --net-connector argument: READSB_CONF_ARR+=("--net-connector=${readsb_str}") ;; mlat) # parse arguments for the individual MLAT clients. # In this case, the mlat-client run module will interpret everything # as long as it is in the MLAT_CONFIG parameter. So we'll just add that here. MLAT_CONFIG="${MLAT_CONFIG}${MLAT_CONFIG:+;}${instance#*,}" ;; mlathub) # parse arguments for mlat_hub # build net-connector string into $readsb_str # and add any extra arguments in as individual entries into MLATHUB_CONF_STR() mlathub_str="${param[1]},${param[2]},${param[3]}" for ((i=4; i<${#param[*]}; i++)) do if [[ "${param[i]:0:5}" == "uuid=" ]]; then mlathub_str="${readsb_str},${param[i]}" elif [[ -n "${param[i]}" ]]; then MLATHUB_CONF_ARR+=("${param[i]}") fi done # Now add $readsb_str to the READSB_CONF_STR as --net-connector argument: MLATHUB_CONF_ARR+=("--net-connector=${mlathub_str}") ;; *) # Check if there's anything in ${ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR} -- if not, it's a bad config element. If yes, add it as if it were ADSB if [[ -z "${ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR}" ]]; then echo "[$(date)][${APPNAME}] Warning: skipping unknown ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG config element \"${instance}\"" else # parse arguments for main readsb # build net-connector string into $readsb_str # and add any extra arguments in as individual entries into READSB_CONF_ARR() readsb_str="${param[0]},${param[1]},${param[2]}" for ((i=3; i<${#param[*]}; i++)) do if [[ "${param[i]:0:5}" == "uuid=" ]]; then readsb_str="${readsb_str},${param[i]}" elif [[ -n "${param[i]}" ]]; then READSB_CONF_ARR+=("${param[i]}") fi done # Now add $readsb_str to the READSB_CONF_ARR() as --net-connector argument: READSB_CONF_ARR+=("--net-connector=${readsb_str}") fi esac done