#!/command/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2015,SC2016,SC1091 source /scripts/common s6wrap=(s6wrap --quiet --timestamps --prepend="$(basename "$0")" --args) # First check if ADSBX is in the config string # combine ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG and ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG="${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG}${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG:+;}${ULTRAFEEDER_NET_CONNECTOR}" # remove any newlines: ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG="${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG//$'\n'/}" # Strip any extraneous spaces: ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG="${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG#"${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # strip leading space ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG="${ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG//; /;}" if ! grep -i adsbexchange.com <<< "$ULTRAFEEDER_CONFIG" >/dev/null 2>&1; then "${s6wrap[@]}" echo "AdsbExchange not configured - no stats package needed" sleep infinity & wait $! fi # Install the Stats package: if [[ ! -f /etc/default/adsbexchange-stats ]]; then echo -e "UUID_FILE=/run/uuid\nJSON_PATHS=(\"/run/readsb\")" > /etc/default/adsbexchange-stats fi if [[ ! -f /usr/local/bin/json-status ]]; then if ! curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/json-status https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ADSBexchange/adsbexchange-stats/master/json-status; then "${s6wrap[@]}" echo "ERROR: AdsbExchange configure, but cannot download stats package! AdsbExchange will be fed but stats will not be available" sleep infinity & wait $! fi chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/json-status fi mkdir -p /run/adsbexchange-stats # wait until readsb is established... if ! pgrep readsb >/dev/null; then if [[ -z "${LOGLEVEL}" ]] || [[ "${LOGLEVEL,,}" == "verbose" ]]; then "${s6wrap[@]}" echo "Delaying start of the AdsbExchange Stats module until container is established..." fi while ! pgrep readsb >/dev/null do sleep 2 & wait $! done # wait 2 seconds after readsb process exists sleep 2 & wait $! fi "${s6wrap[@]}" echo "invoking: /usr/local/bin/json-status" "${s6wrap[@]}" /usr/local/bin/json-status