#!/bin/bash # DEPRECATED, see ./rootfs/usr/local/bin/adsbexchange-json-status # # Upload output data from decoder to remote server # REMOTE_URL="https://adsbexchange.com/api/receive/" REMOTE_HOST=$( echo $REMOTE_URL | awk -F'/' '{print $3}' ) # Set this to '0' if you don't want this script to ever try to self-cache DNS. # Default is on, but script will automatically not cache if resolver is localhost, or if curl version is too old. DNS_CACHE=1 # Cache time, default 10min DNS_TTL=600 # Set this to 1 if you want to force using the cache always even if there is a local resolver. DNS_IGNORE_LOCAL=1 # List all paths, IN PREFERRED ORDER, separated by a SPACE # By default, only use the json from the feed client JSON_PATHS=("/run/adsbexchange-feed") ###################################################################################################################### # If you know what you're doing, and you want to override the search path, you can do it easily in # /etc/default/adsbexchange-stats, by setting the JSON_PATHS variable to something else (or even multiple). # For example, the old stats used this: # JSON_PATHS=("/run/adsbexchange-feed" "/run/readsb" "/run/dump1090-fa" "/run/dump1090-mutability" "/run/dump1090" ) # You can enable this old path by setting "USE_OLD_PATH=1", preferrably in /etc/default/adsbexchange-stats ###################################################################################################################### # UUID file UUID_FILE="/boot/adsbx-uuid" if [[ ! -f "$UUID_FILE" ]]; then UUID_FILE="/usr/local/share/adsbexchange/adsbx-uuid" fi # source local overrides (commonly the JSON_PATH, or DNS cache settings) if [ -r /etc/default/adsbexchange-stats ]; then . /etc/default/adsbexchange-stats # If 'USE_OLD_PATH' is set, override the entire list if [ "x$USE_OLD_PATH" != "x" ] && [ $USE_OLD_PATH -eq 1 ]; then echo "Note: 'USE_OLD_PATH' is set." JSON_PATHS=("/run/readsb" "/run/adsbexchange-feed") fi fi # Small bit of sanity... if [ "${#JSON_PATHS[@]}" -le 0 ]; then echo "FATAL - You broke something. JSON_PATHS variable has no locations listed. Please fix." exit 5 fi JSON_DIR="" TEMP_DIR="/run/adsbexchange-stats/" TMPFILE="${TEMP_DIR}/tmp.json" NEWFILE="${TEMP_DIR}/new.json" # Sanity to make sure we can write to our scratch dir in /run T=$(touch $TMPFILE 2>&1) RV=$? if [ $RV -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to write to $TMPFILE, aborting! ($T)" exit 99 fi # load bash sleep builtin if available [[ -f /usr/lib/bash/sleep ]] && enable -f /usr/lib/bash/sleep sleep || true # Do this a few times, in case we're still booting up (wait a bit between checks) CHECK_LOOP=0 while [ "x$JSON_DIR" = "x" ]; do # Check the paths IN ORDER, preferring the first one we find for i in ${!JSON_PATHS[@]}; do CHECK=${JSON_PATHS[$i]} if [ -d $CHECK ]; then JSON_DIR=$CHECK break fi done # Couldn't find any of them... if [ "x$JSON_DIR" = "x" ]; then CHECK_LOOP=$(( CHECK_LOOP + 1 )) if [ $CHECK_LOOP -gt 4 ]; then # Bad news. Complain and exit. echo "ERROR: Tried multiple times, could not find any of the directories - ABORTING!" exit 10 fi echo "No valid data source directory found, do you have the adsbexchange feed scripts installed? Tried each of: [${JSON_PATHS[@]}]" sleep 20 fi done UUID=$(cat $UUID_FILE) if ! [[ $UUID =~ ^\{?[A-F0-9a-f]{8}-[A-F0-9a-f]{4}-[A-F0-9a-f]{4}-[A-F0-9a-f]{4}-[A-F0-9a-f]{12}\}?$ ]]; then # Data in UUID file is invalid echo "FATAL: Data in UUID file was invalid, exiting!" exit 1 fi ##################### # DNS cache setup # ##################### declare -A DNS_LOOKUP declare -A DNS_EXPIRE # Let's FIRST make sure our version of curl will support what we need (--resolve arg) CURL_VER=$( curl -V | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' ) if [ "x$CURL_VER" = "x" ]; then echo "FATAL - curl is malfunctioning, can't get version info." exit 11 fi # This routine assumes you do no santiy-checking. # # Checks for the host in $DNS_LOOKUP{}, and if the corresponding $DNS_EXPIRE{} is less than NOW, return success. # Otherwise, try looking it up. Save value if lookup succeeded. # # Returns: # On Success: returns 0, and host will be in DNS_LOOKUP assoc array. # On Fail: Various return codes: # - 10 = No Hostname Provided # - 20 = Hostname Format Invalid # - 30 = Lookup Failed even after $DNS_MAX_LOOPS tries DNS_WAIT=5 DNS_MAX_LOOPS=2 dns_lookup () { local HOST=$1 local NOW=$( date +%s ) # You need to pass in a hostname :) if [ "x$HOST" = "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: dns_lookup called without a hostname" >&2 return 10 fi # (is it even a syntactically-valid hostname?) if ! [[ $HOST =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+$ ]]; then echo "ERROR: Invalid hostname passed into dns_lookup [$HOST]" >&2 return 20 fi # If the host is cached, and the TTL hasn't expired, return the cached data. if [ ${DNS_LOOKUP[$HOST]} ]; then if [ ${DNS_EXPIRE[$HOST]} -ge $NOW ]; then return 0 fi fi # Try this several times local LOOP=$DNS_MAX_LOOPS while [ $LOOP -ge 1 ]; do # Ok, let's look this hostname up! Use the first IP returned. # - XXX : WARNING: This assumed the output format of 'host -v' doesn't change drastically! XXX - # - Because this uses the "Trying" line, it should work for non-FQDN lookups, too - sleep $DNS_WAIT & HOST_IP=$( host -v -W $DNS_WAIT -t a "$HOST" | perl -ne 'if (/^Trying "(.*)"/){$h=$1; next;} if (/^$h\.\s+(\d+)\s+IN\s+A\s+(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) {$i=$2; last}; END {printf("%s", $i);}' ) RV=$? # If this is empty, something failed. Sleep some and try again... if [ $RV -ne 0 ] || [ "x$HOST_IP" == "x" ]; then if ping -c1 "$HOST" &>/dev/null && ! host -v -W $DNS_WAIT -t a "$HOST" &>/dev/null; then echo "host not working but ping is, disabling DNS caching!" DNS_CACHE=0 return 1 fi echo "Failure resolving [$HOST], waiting and trying again..." >&2 LOOP=$(( LOOP - 1 )) wait continue fi # If we get here, we successfully resolved it break; done # If LOOP is zero, Something Bad happened. if [ $LOOP -le 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: unable to resolve $HOST even after $DNS_MAX_LOOPS tries. Giving up." >&2 return 30 fi # Resolved ok! NOW=$( date +%s ) DNS_LOOKUP["$HOST"]=$HOST_IP DNS_EXPIRE["$HOST"]=$(( NOW + DNS_TTL )) return 0 } # First, see if we have a localhost resolver... # - Only look at the first 'nameserver' entry in resolv.conf # - This will assume any 127.x.x.x resolver entry is "local" LOCAL_RESOLVER=$( grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | head -1 | egrep -c '[[:space:]]127\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' ) if [ $LOCAL_RESOLVER -ne 0 ]; then if [ $DNS_IGNORE_LOCAL -eq 1 ]; then echo "Found local resolver in resolv.conf, but DNS_IGNORE_LOCAL is on, so ignoring" >&2 else echo "Found local resolver in resolv.conf, disabling DNS Cache" >&2 DNS_CACHE=0 fi fi if ! command -v host &>/dev/null; then echo "host command not available, disabling DNS Cache" >&2 DNS_CACHE=0 fi # If we have a local resolver, just use the URL. If not, look up the host and use that IP (replace the URL appropriately) # -- DNS Setup done echo "Using UUID [${UUID}] for stats uploads" echo "Using JSON directory [${JSON_DIR}] for source data" if [ $DNS_CACHE -ne 0 ]; then echo "Using script's DNS cache ($DNS_TTL seconds)" else echo "NOT using script's DNS cache" fi JSON_FILE="${JSON_DIR}/aircraft.json" STAT_COUNT=0 # Grab the current timestamp of the file. Try in a loop a few times, in case while [ $STAT_COUNT -lt 5 ]; do JSON_STAT=$(stat --printf="%Y" $JSON_FILE 2> /dev/null) RV=$? if [ $RV -eq 0 ]; then break fi STAT_COUNT=$(( STAT_COUNT + 1 )) sleep 15 done # Bad juju if we still don't have a stat... if [ "x$JSON_STAT" = "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: Can't seem to stat $JSON_FILE at startup, bailing out..." exit 15 fi # Complain if this file seems really old NOW=$(date +%s) DIFF=$(( NOW - JSON_STAT )) if [ $DIFF -gt 60 ]; then echo "WARNING: $JSON_FILE seems old, are you sure we're using the right path?" fi # How long to wait before uploads, minimum (in seconds) WAIT_TIME=5 # random sleep on startup ... reduce load spikes sleep "$(( RANDOM % WAIT_TIME )).$(( RANDOM % 100))" # How long curl will wait to send data (10 sec default) MAX_CURL_TIME=10 # How much time (sec) has to pass since last JSON update before we say something # Initial value is "AGE_COMPLAIN", and then it complains every "AGE_INTERVAL" after that # Deftauls are: # AGE_COMPLAIN = 30 sec # AGE_INTERVAL = 30 min (1800 sec) AGE_COMPLAIN=30 AGE_INTERVAL=$(( 30 * 60 )) OLD_AGE=$AGE_COMPLAIN while true; do wait # make this loop from now to the next start last exactly $WAIT_TIME secons # sleep in the background then wait for it at the end of the loop sleep $WAIT_TIME & NOW=$(date +%s) # Grab new stat. If it fails, wait longer (otherwise assign to the main var) NEW_STAT=$(stat --printf="%Y" $JSON_FILE 2> /dev/null) RV=$? if [ $RV -ne 0 ]; then sleep 10 else JSON_STAT=$NEW_STAT fi DIFF=$(( NOW - JSON_STAT )) if [ $DIFF -gt $OLD_AGE ]; then echo "WARNING: JSON file $JSON_FILE has not been updated in $DIFF seconds. Did your decoder die?" OLD_AGE=$(( OLD_AGE + AGE_INTERVAL )) else # Reset this here, in case it comes back ;) OLD_AGE=$AGE_COMPLAIN fi # Move the JSON somewhere before operating on it... rm -f $TMPFILE $NEWFILE CP=$(cp $JSON_FILE $TMPFILE 2>&1) RV=$? if [ $RV -ne 0 ]; then # cp failed (file changed during copy, usually), wait a few and loop again sleep 2 continue fi if STATUS=$(vcgencmd get_throttled 2>/dev/null | tr -d '"'); then STATUS="${STATUS#*=}" else STATUS="" fi if ! jq -c \ --arg STATUS "$STATUS" \ --arg UUID "$UUID" \ ' . | ."uuid"=$UUID | ."v"=$STATUS | ."rssi"=(if (.aircraft | length <= 0) then 0 else ([.aircraft[].rssi] | select(. >=0) | add / length | floor) end) | ."rssi-min"=(if (.aircraft | length <= 0) then 0 else ([.aircraft[].rssi] | select(. >=0) | min | floor) end) | ."rssi-max"=(if (.aircraft | length <= 0) then 0 else ([.aircraft[].rssi] | select(. >=0) | max | floor) end) ' < $TMPFILE > $NEWFILE then # this shouldn't happen, don't spam the syslog with the error quite as much sleep 15 # we don't have a json output, let's try again from the start continue fi CURL_EXTRA="" # If DNS_CACHE is set, use the builtin cache (and correspondingly the additional curl arg if [ $DNS_CACHE -ne 0 ]; then dns_lookup $REMOTE_HOST RV=$? if [ $RV -ne 0 ]; then # Some sort of error... We'll fall back to normal curl usage, but sleep a little. echo "DNS Error for ${REMOTE_HOST}, fallback ..." else REMOTE_IP=${DNS_LOOKUP[$REMOTE_HOST]} CURL_EXTRA="--resolve ${REMOTE_HOST}:443:$REMOTE_IP" fi fi sleep 0.314 gzip -c <$NEWFILE >$TEMP_DIR/upload.gz sleep 0.314 # Push up the data. 'curl' will wait no more than $MAX_CURL_TIME seconds for upload to complete curl -m $MAX_CURL_TIME $CURL_EXTRA -sS -X POST -H "adsbx-uuid: ${UUID}" -H "Content_Encoding: gzip" --data-binary @- $REMOTE_URL 2>&1 <$TEMP_DIR/upload.gz RV=$? if [ $RV -ne 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: curl process returned non-zero ($RV): [$CURL]; Sleeping a little extra." sleep $(( 5 + RANDOM % 15 )) fi done