#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2016 if [[ -z "${MLAT_CONFIG}" ]] && [[ -z "$MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR" ]] then echo "[$(date)][mlathub] No MLAT servers have been defined in MLAT_CONFIG and no external sources have been defined in MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR - no need to start MLATHUB" sleep infinity fi if [[ -n "${MLATHUB_DISABLED}" ]] then echo "[$(date)][mlathub] MLATHUB is disabled." sleep infinity fi # Build the readsb command line based on options MLATHUB_BIN="/usr/local/bin/readsb" # set some basic options: MLATHUB_CMD=("--net") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--quiet") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-only") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--mlat") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--forward-mlat") # send MLAT data to the main readsb/tar1090 of this container: # 26-mar-2023 this was removed; we'll have the main readsb connect directly to the mlat clients. This # is to avoid a data loop in case MLATHUB_ENABLE_ADSB_INGEST is enabled # MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-connector=localhost,30004,beast_reduce_out") # define some more ports: MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-sbs-port=${MLATHUB_SBS_OUT_PORT:-31003}") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-bi-port=${MLATHUB_BEAST_IN_PORT:-31004}") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-bo-port=${MLATHUB_BEAST_OUT_PORT:-31005}") MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-beast-reduce-out-port=${MLATHUB_BEAST_REDUCE_OUT_PORT:-31006}") # We need to get the mlat results ports from the parameters: # parse MLAT_CONFIG string into mlat_configs array readarray -td ";" mlat_configs < <(printf '%s' "${MLAT_CONFIG// /}") # Now loop through the MLAT_CONFIG items and add a net-connector for each of them: mlat_result_sources=0 for instance in "${mlat_configs[@]}" do # shellcheck disable=SC2015 [[ -z "${instance}" ]] && continue || true # put individual params into the $params array: readarray -td "," params < <(printf '%s' "${instance}") if [[ -n "${params[2]}" ]] then MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-connector=localhost,${params[2]},beast_in") (( mlat_result_sources++ )) fi done if ((mlat_result_sources == 0 )) then echo "[$(date)][mlathub] No MLAT servers have been defined in MLAT_CONFIG - no need to start MLATHUB" sleep infinity fi # handle MLATHUB_ENABLE_ADSB_INGEST (if set, connect to readsb as input) if [[ -n "$MLATHUB_ENABLE_ADSB_INGEST" ]]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-connector=localhost,30006,beast_in") fi # Add any additional net_connectors: if [[ -n "$MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR" ]]; then IFS=';' read -r -a MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR_ARRAY <<< "$MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR" for NET_CONNECTOR_ELEMENT in "${MLATHUB_NET_CONNECTOR_ARRAY[@]}" do MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-connector=${NET_CONNECTOR_ELEMENT// /}") done fi if [ -n "${READSB_DEBUG}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=("--debug=$READSB_DEBUG") fi if [ -n "${LAT}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=(--lat "${LAT}") elif [ -n "${READSB_LAT}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=(--lat "${READSB_LAT}") fi if [ -n "${LONG}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=(--lon "${LONG}") elif [ -n "${READSB_LON}" ]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=(--lon "${READSB_LON}") fi # Handle "--max-range=" if [[ -n "$READSB_MAX_RANGE" ]]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=("--max-range=$READSB_MAX_RANGE") fi # Handle "--net-connector-delay=" if [[ -n "$READSB_NET_CONNECTOR_DELAY" ]]; then MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-connector-delay=$READSB_NET_CONNECTOR_DELAY") fi # Handle "--net-heartbeat=" MLATHUB_CMD+=("--net-heartbeat=${READSB_NET_HEARTBEAT:-30}") if ! pgrep readsb >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo "[$(date)][mlathub] Delaying MLAT hub start until container is established..." while ! pgrep readsb >/dev/null 2>&1 do sleep 2 done fi sleep 5 # sleep a bit so readsb is well established echo "[$(date)][mlathub] Starting MLATHUB..." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ -z "${LOGLEVEL}" ]] || [[ "${LOGLEVEL,,}" == "verbose" ]]; then "${MLATHUB_BIN}" "${MLATHUB_CMD[@]}" $MLATHUB_EXTRA_ARGS 2>&1 | \ mawk -W Interactive '{print "[" strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", systime()) "][mlathub] " $0}' elif [[ "${LOGLEVEL,,}" == "error" ]]; then "${MLATHUB_BIN}" "${MLATHUB_CMD[@]}" $MLATHUB_EXTRA_ARGS 2>&1 >/dev/null | \ mawk -W Interactive '{print "[" strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", systime()) "][mlathub] " $0}' elif [[ "${LOGLEVEL,,}" == "none" ]]; then "${MLATHUB_BIN}" "${MLATHUB_CMD[@]}" $MLATHUB_EXTRA_ARGS >/dev/null 2>/dev/null fi