#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2162 [[ "$1" != "" ]] && BRANCH="$1" || BRANCH="$(git branch --show-current)" [[ "$BRANCH" == "main" ]] && TAG="latest" || TAG="$BRANCH" [[ "$ARCHS" == "" ]] && ARCHS="linux/armhf,linux/arm64,linux/amd64" BASETARGET1=ghcr.io/sdr-enthusiasts BASETARGET2=kx1t IMAGE1="$BASETARGET1/$(pwd | sed -n 's|.*/\(docker-.*\)|\1|p'):$TAG" IMAGE2="$BASETARGET2/$(pwd | sed -n 's|.*/docker-\(.*\)|\1|p'):$TAG" echo "press enter to start building $IMAGE1 from $BRANCH" read git checkout $BRANCH starttime="$(date +%s)" # rebuild the container set -x # git pull -a cp -f Dockerfile Dockerfile.tmp-backup if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]] then sed -i '' 's/##BRANCH##/'"$BRANCH"'/g' Dockerfile else sed -i 's/##BRANCH##/'"$BRANCH"'/g' Dockerfile fi docker buildx build -f Dockerfile --compress --push $2 --platform $ARCHS --tag "$IMAGE1" . # [[ $? ]] && docker buildx build -f Dockerfile --compress --push $2 --platform $ARCHS --tag $IMAGE2 . mv -f Dockerfile.tmp-backup Dockerfile echo "Total build time: $(( $(date +%s) - starttime )) seconds"