local -i force=0 local opt while getopts 'f' opt; do case $opt in f) force=1;; +f) force=0;; \?) return 1;; esac done if (( OPTIND <= ARGC )); then print -lr -- "wizard.zsh: invalid arguments: $@" >&2 return 1 fi local -i in_z4h_wizard=0 [[ $force == 0 && $+functions[z4h] == 1 && -n $Z4H && -e $Z4H/welcome ]] && in_z4h_wizard=1 local -i success=0 local -ri force local -r font_base_url='https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/raw/master' local -ri prompt_indent=2 local -rA pure_original=(grey 242 red 1 yellow 3 blue 4 magenta 5 cyan 6 white 7) local -rA pure_snazzy=(grey 242 red '#FF5C57' yellow '#F3F99D' blue '#57C7FF' magenta '#FF6AC1' cyan '#9AEDFE' white '#F1F1F0') local -ra bg_color=(240 238 236 234) local -ra sep_color=(248 246 244 242) local -ra prefix_color=(250 248 246 244) local -r left_circle='\uE0B6' local -r right_circle='\uE0B4' local -r left_arc='\uE0B7' local -r right_arc='\uE0B5' local -r left_triangle='\uE0B2' local -r right_triangle='\uE0B0' local -r left_angle='\uE0B3' local -r right_angle='\uE0B1' local -r fade_in='░▒▓' local -r fade_out='▓▒░' local -r vertical_bar='\u2502' local -r cursor='%1{\e[07m \e[27m%}' local -r time_24h='16:23:42' local -r time_12h='04:23:42 PM' local -ra lean_left=( '%$frame_color[$color]F╭─ ' '${extra_icons[1]:+%f$extra_icons[1] }%31F$extra_icons[2]%B%39F~%b%31F/%B%39Fsrc%b%f $prefixes[1]%76F$extra_icons[3]master%f ' '%$frame_color[$color]F╰─' '%76F$prompt_char%f ${buffer:-$cursor}' ) local -ra lean_right=( ' $prefixes[2]%101F$extra_icons[4]5s%f${time:+ $prefixes[3]%66F$extra_icons[5]$time%f}' ' %$frame_color[$color]F─╮%f' '' ' %$frame_color[$color]F─╯%f' ) local -ra lean_8colors_left=( '%$frame_color[$color]F╭─ ' '${extra_icons[1]:+%f$extra_icons[1] }%4F$extra_icons[2]%4F~/src%f $prefixes[1]%2F$extra_icons[3]master%f ' '%$frame_color[$color]F╰─' '%2F$prompt_char%f ${buffer:-$cursor}' ) local -ra lean_8colors_right=( ' $prefixes[2]%3F$extra_icons[4]5s%f${time:+ $prefixes[3]%6F$extra_icons[5]$time%f}' ' %$frame_color[$color]F─╮%f' '' ' %$frame_color[$color]F─╯%f' ) local -ra classic_left=( '%$frame_color[$color]F╭─' '%F{$bg_color[$color]}$left_tail%K{$bg_color[$color]} ${extra_icons[1]:+%255F$extra_icons[1] %$sep_color[$color]F$left_subsep%f }%31F$extra_icons[2]%B%39F~%b%K{$bg_color[$color]}%31F/%B%39Fsrc%b%K{$bg_color[$color]} %$sep_color[$color]F$left_subsep%f %$prefix_color[$color]F$prefixes[1]%76F$extra_icons[3]master %k%$bg_color[$color]F$left_head%f' '%$frame_color[$color]F╰─' '%f ${buffer:-$cursor}' ) local -ra classic_right=( '%$bg_color[$color]F$right_head%K{$bg_color[$color]}%f %$prefix_color[$color]F$prefixes[2]%101F5s $extra_icons[4]${time:+%$sep_color[$color]F$right_subsep %$prefix_color[$color]F$prefixes[3]%66F$time $extra_icons[5]}%k%F{$bg_color[$color]}$right_tail%f' '%$frame_color[$color]F─╮%f' '' '%$frame_color[$color]F─╯%f' ) local -ra pure_left=( '' '%F{$pure_color[blue]}~/src%f %F{$pure_color[grey]}master%f ${pure_use_rprompt-%F{$pure_color[yellow]\}5s%f }' '' '%F{$pure_color[magenta]}$prompt_char%f ${buffer:-$cursor}' ) local -ra pure_right=( '${pure_use_rprompt+%F{$pure_color[yellow]\}5s%f${time:+ }}${time:+%F{$pure_color[grey]\}$time%f}' '' '' '' ) local -ra rainbow_left=( '%$frame_color[$color]F╭─' '%F{${${extra_icons[1]:+7}:-4}}$left_tail${extra_icons[1]:+%K{7\}%232F $extra_icons[1] %K{4\}%7F$left_sep}%K{4}%254F $extra_icons[2]%B%255F~%b%K{4}%254F/%B%255Fsrc%b%K{4} %K{2}%4F$left_sep %0F$prefixes[1]$extra_icons[3]master %k%2F$left_head%f' '%$frame_color[$color]F╰─' '%f ${buffer:-$cursor}' ) local -ra rainbow_right=( '%3F$right_head%K{3} %0F$prefixes[2]5s $extra_icons[4]%3F${time:+%7F$right_sep%K{7\} %0F$prefixes[3]$time $extra_icons[5]%7F}%k$right_tail%f' '%$frame_color[$color]F─╮%f' '' '%$frame_color[$color]F─╯%f' ) function prompt_length() { local -i COLUMNS=1024 local -i x y=$#1 m if (( y )); then while (( ${${(%):-$1%$y(l.1.0)}[-1]} )); do x=y (( y *= 2 )) done while (( y > x + 1 )); do (( m = x + (y - x) / 2 )) (( ${${(%):-$1%$m(l.x.y)}[-1]} = m )) done fi typeset -g REPLY=$x } function print_prompt() { [[ $parameters[extra_icons] == scalar* ]] && eval "local -a extra_icons=$extra_icons" [[ $parameters[pure_color] == scalar* ]] && eval "local -A pure_color=$pure_color" [[ $parameters[prefixes] == scalar* ]] && eval "local -a prefixes=$prefixes" local left=${style}_left local right=${style}_right left=("${(@P)left}") right=("${(@P)right}") (( disable_rprompt )) && right=() eval "left=(${(@)left:/(#b)(*)/\"$match[1]\"})" eval "right=(${(@)right:/(#b)(*)/\"$match[1]\"})" if (( num_lines == 1)); then left=($left[2] $left[4]) right=($right[1] $right[3]) else local c=76 [[ $style == pure ]] && c=$pure_color[magenta] [[ $style == lean_8colors ]] && c=2 (( left_frame )) || left=('' $left[2] '' "%F{$c}$prompt_char%f ${buffer:-$cursor}") (( right_frame )) || right=($right[1] '' '' '') fi local -i left_indent=prompt_indent local -i right_indent=prompt_indent prompt_length ${(g::):-$left[1]$left[2]$right[1]$right[2]} local -i width=REPLY while (( wizard_columns - width <= left_indent + right_indent )); do if (( right_indent )); then (( --right_indent )) elif (( left_indent )); then (( --left_indent )) else print -P ' [%3Fnot enough horizontal space to display this%f]' return 0 fi done local -i i for ((i = 1; i < $#left; i+=2)); do local l=${(g::):-$left[i]$left[i+1]} local r=${(g::):-$right[i]$right[i+1]} prompt_length $l$r local -i gap=$((wizard_columns - left_indent - right_indent - REPLY)) (( num_lines == 2 && i == 1 )) && local fill=$gap_char || local fill=' ' print -n -- ${(pl:$left_indent:: :)} print -nP -- $l print -nP -- "%$frame_color[$color]F${(pl:$gap::$fill:)}%f" print -P -- $r done } function href() { local url=${${1//\%/%%}//\\/\\\\} if (( _p9k_term_has_href )); then print -r -- '%{\e]8;;'$url'\a%}'$url'%{\e]8;;\a%}' else print -r -- $url fi } function flowing() { (( ${wizard_columns:-0} )) || local -i wizard_columns=COLUMNS local opt local -i centered indentation while getopts 'ci:' opt; do case $opt in i) indentation=$OPTARG;; c) centered=1;; +c) centered=0;; \?) exit 1;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) local line word lines=() for word in "$@"; do prompt_length ${(g::):-"$line $word"} if (( REPLY > wizard_columns )); then [[ -z $line ]] || lines+=$line line= fi if [[ -n $line ]]; then line+=' ' elif (( $#lines )); then line=${(pl:$indentation:: :)} fi line+=$word done [[ -z $line ]] || lines+=$line for line in $lines; do prompt_length ${(g::)line} (( centered && REPLY < wizard_columns )) && print -n -- ${(pl:$(((wizard_columns - REPLY) / 2)):: :)} print -P -- $line done } function clear() { if (( $+commands[clear] )) && command clear 2>/dev/null; then return fi echoti clear 2>/dev/null print -n -- "\e[H\e[2J\e[3J" } function hide_cursor() { (( $+terminfo[cnorm] )) || return echoti civis 2>/dev/null } function show_cursor() { local cnorm=${terminfo[cnorm]-} if [[ $cnorm == *$'\e[?25h'(|'\e'*) ]]; then print -n '\e[?25h' else print -n $cnorm fi } function consume_input() { local key while true; do [[ -t 2 ]] read -t0 -k key || break done 2>/dev/null } function quit() { consume_input if [[ $1 == '-c' ]]; then print -Pr -- '' print -Pr -- '%b%k%f%u%s' print -Pr -- '%F{3}--- stack trace (most recent call first) ---%f' print -lr -- $funcfiletrace print -Pr -- '%F{3}--- end of stack trace ---%f' print -Pr -- '' print -Pr -- 'Press %BENTER%b to continue.' hide_cursor read -s fi restore_screen print if (( force )); then flowing Powerlevel10k configuration wizard has been aborted. To run it again, type: print -P "" print -P " %2Fp10k%f %Bconfigure%b" print -P "" else flowing \ Powerlevel10k configuration wizard has been aborted. It will run again \ next time unless you define at least one Powerlevel10k configuration option. \ To define an option that does nothing except for disabling Powerlevel10k \ configuration wizard, type the following command: print -P "" print -P " %2Fecho%f %3F'POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_CONFIGURATION_WIZARD=true'%f >>! $__p9k_zshrc_u" print -P "" flowing To run Powerlevel10k configuration wizard right now, type: print -P "" print -P " %2Fp10k%f %Bconfigure%b" print -P "" fi function quit() {} stty echo 2>/dev/null show_cursor exit 1 } local screen_widgets=() local -i max_priority local -i prompt_idx local choice function add_widget() { local priority=$1 shift local render="${(j: :)${(@q)*}}" screen_widgets+=("$priority" "$render") (( priority <= max_priority )) || max_priority=priority } function render_screen_pass() { local -i pass=$1 local -i prev_pass cur_pass local prev_render cur_render for cur_pass cur_render in "${(@)screen_widgets}" 0 ''; do if (( prev_pass <= pass && (cur_pass == 0 || cur_pass > pass) )); then eval $prev_render fi prev_pass=cur_pass prev_render=$cur_render done } function get_columns() { return 'COLUMNS > 88 ? 88 : COLUMNS' } functions -M get_columns 0 0 function render_screen() { { hide_cursor while true; do while true; do typeset -gi wizard_columns='get_columns()' typeset -gi wizard_lines=LINES if (( wizard_columns < __p9k_wizard_columns )); then clear flowing -c %1FNot enough horizontal space.%f print flowing Make terminal window %Bwider%b or press %BCtrl-C%b to abort Powerlevel10k configuration wizard. elif (( wizard_lines < __p9k_wizard_lines )); then clear flowing -c %1FNot enough vertical space.%f print flowing Make terminal window %Btaller%b or press %BCtrl-C%b to abort Powerlevel10k configuration wizard. else break fi while (( get_columns() == wizard_columns && LINES == wizard_lines )); do sleep 1 done done local -a passes () { local -i pass local render for pass render in "${(@)screen_widgets}"; do passes+=$pass done passes=(${(onu)passes}) } local -i pass for pass in $passes; do local content="$(render_screen_pass $pass)" local lines=("${(@f)content}") (( $#lines > wizard_lines )) && continue clear print -rn -- $content return 0 done clear flowing -c %1FNot enough vertical space.%f print flowing Make terminal window %Btaller%b or press %BCtrl-C%b to abort Powerlevel10k configuration wizard. while (( get_columns() == wizard_columns && LINES == wizard_lines )); do sleep 1 done done } always { show_cursor } } function add_prompt_n() { add_widget 0 "$@" print_prompt local var for var; do eval "local ${(q)var}" done if (( num_lines == 2 )); then add_widget $(( 100 - ++prompt_idx )) print -P ' [%3Fnot enough vertical space to display this%f]' fi } function add_prompt() { add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_prompt_n "$@" add_widget 0 print add_widget 2 } function ask() { local choices=$1 local -i lines columns wizard_lines wizard_columns add_widget 0 print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." add_widget 0 print add_widget $((max_priority + 1)) add_widget 0 print -P "%BChoice [${choices}q]: %b" while true; do =true if (( LINES != lines || get_columns() != columns )); then render_screen lines=wizard_lines columns=wizard_columns fi typeset -g choice= if read -t1 -k choice; then choice=${(L)choice} if [[ $choice == q ]]; then quit fi if [[ $choices == *$choice* ]]; then screen_widgets=() max_priority=0 prompt_idx=0 return fi fi done } local -i greeting_printed=0 function print_greeting() { (( greeting_printed )) && return if (( in_z4h_wizard )); then flowing -c %3FZsh for Humans%f uses %4FPowerlevel10k%f to print command \ line prompt. This wizard will ask you a few questions and configure \ prompt for you. elif (( force )); then flowing -c This is %4FPowerlevel10k configuration wizard%f. \ It will ask you a few questions and configure your prompt. else flowing -c This is %4FPowerlevel10k configuration wizard%f. \ You are seeing it because you haven\'t defined any \ Powerlevel10k configuration options. It will ask \ you a few questions and configure your prompt. fi print -P "" } function iterm_get() { /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :$1" ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist } local terminal iterm2_font_size iterm2_old_font=0 can_install_font=0 () { [[ $P9K_SSH == 0 ]] || return if [[ "$(uname)" == Linux && "$(uname -o)" == Android ]]; then (( $+commands[termux-reload-settings] )) || return (( $+commands[curl] )) || return if [[ -f ~/.termux/font.ttf ]]; then [[ -r ~/.termux/font.ttf ]] || return [[ -w ~/.termux/font.ttf ]] || return ! grep -q 'MesloLGS NF' ~/.termux/font.ttf 2>/dev/null || return fi if [[ -f ~/.termux ]]; then [[ -d ~/.termux && -w ~/.termux ]] || return else [[ -w ~ ]] || return fi terminal=Termux return 0 fi if [[ "$(uname)" == Darwin && $TERM_PROGRAM == iTerm.app ]]; then (( $+commands[curl] )) || return [[ $TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION == [2-9]* ]] || return if [[ -f ~/Library/Fonts ]]; then [[ -d ~/Library/Fonts && -w ~/Library/Fonts ]] || return else [[ -d ~/Library && -w ~/Library ]] || return fi [[ -x /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy ]] || return [[ -x /usr/bin/plutil ]] || return [[ -x /usr/bin/defaults ]] || return [[ -f ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ]] || return [[ -r ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ]] || return [[ -w ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ]] || return local guid1 && guid1="$(iterm_get '"Default Bookmark Guid"' 2>/dev/null)" || return local guid2 && guid2="$(iterm_get '"New Bookmarks":0:"Guid"' 2>/dev/null)" || return local font && font="$(iterm_get '"New Bookmarks":0:"Normal Font"' 2>/dev/null)" || return [[ $guid1 == $guid2 ]] || return [[ $font != 'MesloLGS-NF-Regular '<-> ]] || return [[ $font == (#b)*' '(<->) ]] || return [[ $font == 'MesloLGSNer-Regular '<-> ]] && iterm2_old_font=1 iterm2_font_size=$match[1] terminal=iTerm2 return 0 fi return 1 } && can_install_font=1 function run_command() { local msg=$1 shift [[ -n $msg ]] && print -nP -- "$msg ..." local err && err="$("$@" 2>&1)" || { print -P " %1FERROR%f" print -P "" print -nP "%BCommand:%b " print -r -- "${(@q)*}" if [[ -n $err ]]; then print -P "" print -r -- $err fi quit -c } [[ -n $msg ]] && print -P " %2FOK%f" } function install_font() { clear case $terminal in Termux) command mkdir -p -- ~/.termux || quit -c run_command "Downloading %BMesloLGS NF Regular.ttf%b" \ curl -fsSL -o ~/.termux/font.ttf "$font_base_url/MesloLGS%20NF%20Regular.ttf" run_command "Reloading %BTermux%b settings" termux-reload-settings ;; iTerm2) command mkdir -p -- ~/Library/Fonts || quit -c local style for style in Regular Bold Italic 'Bold Italic'; do local file="MesloLGS NF ${style}.ttf" run_command "Downloading %B$file%b" \ curl -fsSL -o ~/Library/Fonts/$file.tmp "$font_base_url/${file// /%20}" command mv -f -- ~/Library/Fonts/$file{.tmp,} || quit -c done print -nP -- "Changing %BiTerm2%b settings ..." local size=$iterm2_font_size [[ $size == 12 ]] && size=13 local k t v settings=( '"Normal Font"' string '"MesloLGS-NF-Regular '$size'"' '"Terminal Type"' string '"xterm-256color"' '"Horizontal Spacing"' real 1 '"Vertical Spacing"' real 1 '"Minimum Contrast"' real 0 '"Use Bold Font"' bool 1 '"Use Bright Bold"' bool 1 '"Use Italic Font"' bool 1 '"ASCII Anti Aliased"' bool 1 '"Non-ASCII Anti Aliased"' bool 1 '"Use Non-ASCII Font"' bool 0 '"Ambiguous Double Width"' bool 0 '"Draw Powerline Glyphs"' bool 1 '"Only The Default BG Color Uses Transparency"' bool 1 ) for k t v in $settings; do /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :\"New Bookmarks\":0:$k $v" \ ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist 2>/dev/null && continue run_command "" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \ "Add :\"New Bookmarks\":0:$k $t $v" ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist done print -P " %2FOK%f" print -nP "Updating %BiTerm2%b settings cache ..." run_command "" /usr/bin/defaults read com.googlecode.iterm2 sleep 3 print -P " %2FOK%f" sleep 1 clear hide_cursor print flowing +c "%2FMeslo Nerd Font%f" successfully installed. print -P "" () { local out out=$(/usr/bin/defaults read 'Apple Global Domain' NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows 2>/dev/null) || return [[ $out == 1 ]] || return out="$(iterm_get OpenNoWindowsAtStartup 2>/dev/null)" || return [[ $out == false ]] } if (( $? )); then flowing +c Please "%Brestart iTerm2%b" for the changes to take effect. print -P "" flowing +c -i 5 " 1. Click" "%BiTerm2 → Quit iTerm2%b" or press "%B⌘ Q%b." flowing +c -i 5 " 2. Open %BiTerm2%b." print -P "" flowing +c "It's" important to "%Brestart iTerm2%b" by following the instructions above. \ "It's" "%Bnot enough%b" to close iTerm2 by clicking on the red circle. You must \ click "%BiTerm2 → Quit iTerm2%b" or press "%B⌘ Q%b." else flowing +c Please "%Brestart your computer%b" for the changes to take effect. fi while true; do sleep 60 2>/dev/null; done ;; esac return 0 } function ask_font() { (( can_install_font )) || return 0 add_widget 0 print_greeting if (( iterm2_old_font )); then add_widget 0 flowing -c A new version of '%2FMeslo Nerd Font%f' is available. '%BInstall?%b' else add_widget 0 flowing -c %BInstall '%b%2FMeslo Nerd Font%f%B?%b' fi add_widget 0 print add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes (recommended).%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(n) No. Use the current font.%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 ask yn greeting_printed=1 case $choice in y) ask_remove_font || return install_font ;; n) ;; esac return 0 } function print_file_path() { local file=$1 if (( ${(m)#file} > wizard_columns - 2 )); then file[wizard_columns-4,-1]='...' fi add_widget 0 print -P " %B${file//\%/%%}%b" } function ask_remove_font() { local font local -a fonts local -i protected for font in {,/System,~}/Library/Fonts/**/*[Mm]eslo*.(ttf|otf)(N:A); do [[ -f $font && -r $font ]] || continue [[ $font == ~/Library/Fonts/'MesloLGS NF '(Regular|Bold|Italic|Bold\ Italic).ttf ]] && continue [[ "$(<$font)" == *"MesloLGS NF"$'\0'* ]] || continue fonts+=$font [[ -w ${font:h} ]] || protected=1 done (( $#fonts )) || return 0 add_widget 0 flowing -c A variant of "%2FMeslo Nerd Font%f" is already installed. add_widget 0 print -P "" for font in $fonts; do add_widget 0 print_file_path $font done add_widget 0 print -P "" if (( protected )); then if (( $#fonts == 1 )); then add_widget 0 flowing Please %Bdelete%b this file and run '%2Fp10k%f %Bconfigure%b.' else add_widget 0 flowing Please %Bdelete%b these files and run '%2Fp10k%f %Bconfigure%b.' fi add_widget 0 print restore_screen local pass render for pass render in "${(@)screen_widgets}"; do (( pass == 0 )) && eval $render done exit 1 fi if (( $#fonts == 1 )); then add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BDelete this file?%b" else add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BDelete these files?%b" fi add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes (recommended).%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask yr case $choice in r) return 1;; y) zf_rm -f -- $fonts || quit -c;; esac return 0 } function ask_diamond() { local extra add_widget 0 print_greeting add_widget 0 flowing -c %BDoes this look like a%b %2Fdiamond%f '%B(rotated square)?%b' add_widget 0 flowing -c reference: "$(href https://graphemica.com/%E2%97%86)" add_widget 0 print add_widget 0 flowing -c -- "---> \uE0B2\uE0B0 <---" add_widget 0 print add_widget 3 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(n) No.%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 2 if (( can_install_font )); then extra+=r add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." fi ask yn$extra greeting_printed=1 case $choice in r) return 1;; y) cap_diamond=1;; n) cap_diamond=0;; esac return 0 } function ask_lock() { [[ -n $2 ]] && add_widget 0 flowing -c "$2" add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BDoes this look like a %b%2Flock%f%B?%b" add_widget 0 flowing -c "reference: $(href https://fontawesome.com/icons/lock)" add_widget 0 print add_widget 0 flowing -c -- "---> $1 <---" add_widget 0 print add_widget 3 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(n) No.%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 2 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask ynr case $choice in r) return 1;; y) cap_lock=1;; n) cap_lock=0;; esac return 0 } function ask_python() { add_widget 0 flowing -c %BDoes this look like a "%b%2FPython logo%f%B?%b" add_widget 0 flowing -c reference: "$(href https://fontawesome.com/icons/python)" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 flowing -c -- "---> \uE63C <---" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 3 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(n) No.%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 2 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask ynr case $choice in r) return 1;; y) cap_python=1;; n) cap_python=0;; esac return 0 } function ask_arrow() { add_widget 0 flowing -c %BDoes this look like%b "%2F><%f" %Bbut taller and "fatter?%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 flowing -c -- "---> \u276F\u276E <---" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 3 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(n) No.%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 2 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask ynr case $choice in r) return 1;; y) cap_arrow=1;; n) cap_arrow=0;; esac return 0 } function ask_debian() { add_widget 0 flowing -c %BDoes this look like a%b "%2FDebian logo%f" "%B(swirl/spiral)?%b" add_widget 0 flowing -c reference: "$(href https://debian.org/logos/openlogo-nd.svg)" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 flowing -c -- "---> \uF306 <---" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 3 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(n) No.%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 2 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask ynr case $choice in r) return 1;; y) cap_debian=1;; n) cap_debian=0;; esac return 0 } function ask_icon_padding() { if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == (powerline|compatible|ascii) ]]; then POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING=none return 0 fi local text="X" text+="%1F${icons[VCS_GIT_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%2F${icons[VCS_GIT_GITHUB_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%3F${icons[TIME_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%4F${icons[RUBY_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%5F${icons[HOME_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%6F${icons[HOME_SUB_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%1F${icons[FOLDER_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%2F${icons[RAM_ICON]// }%fX" add_widget 0 flowing -c %BDo all these icons "%b%2Ffit between the crosses%f%B?%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 flowing -c -- "---> $text <---" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 3 add_widget 0 flowing +c -i 5 "%B(y) Yes." Icons are very close to the crosses but there is "%b%2Fno overlap%f%B.%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 1 add_widget 0 flowing +c -i 5 "%B(n) No." Some icons "%b%2Foverlap%f%B" neighbouring crosses.%b add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 2 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask ynr case $choice in r) return 1;; y) POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING=none options+='small icons' ;; n) POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING=moderate options+='large icons' up_triangle+=' ' down_triangle+=' ' slanted_bar='\uE0BD ' ;; esac return 0 } function ask_style() { if (( terminfo[colors] < 256 )); then style=lean_8colors left_frame=0 right_frame=0 frame_color=(0 7 2 4) color_name=(Black White Green Blue) options+=lean_8colors return 0 fi local extra add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BPrompt Style%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(1) Lean.%b" add_prompt style=lean left_frame=0 right_frame=0 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(2) Classic.%b" add_prompt style=classic add_widget 0 print -P "%B(3) Rainbow.%b" add_prompt style=rainbow if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE != ascii ]]; then extra+=4 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(4) Pure.%b" add_prompt style=pure fi add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 123${extra}r case $choice in r) return 1;; 1) style=lean; left_frame=0; right_frame=0; options+=lean;; 2) style=classic; options+=classic;; 3) style=rainbow; options+=rainbow;; 4) style=pure; empty_line=1; options+=pure;; esac return 0 } function ask_charset() { [[ $style == (lean*|classic|rainbow) && $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE != ascii ]] || return 0 add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BCharacter Set%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(1) Unicode.%b" add_prompt add_widget 0 print -P "%B(2) ASCII.%b" add_prompt \ left_sep= \ right_sep= \ left_subsep='|' \ right_subsep='|' \ left_head= \ right_head= \ prompt_char='>' \ left_frame=0 \ right_frame=0 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 12r case $choice in r) return 1;; 1) options+=unicode;; 2) options+=ascii left_sep= right_sep= left_subsep='|' right_subsep='|' left_head= right_head= prompt_char='>' left_frame=0 right_frame=0 POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=ascii POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING=none cap_diamond=0 cap_python=0 cap_debian=0 cap_lock=0 cap_arrow=0 ;; esac return 0 } function ask_color_scheme() { (( terminfo[colors] < 256 )) && return if [[ $style == lean ]]; then add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BPrompt Colors%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(1) 256 colors.%b" add_prompt style=lean add_widget 0 print -P "%B(2) 8 colors.%b" add_prompt style=lean_8colors add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 12r case $choice in r) return 1;; 1) style=lean;; 2) style=lean_8colors frame_color=(0 7 2 4) color_name=(Black White Green Blue) ;; esac options=(${options:#lean} $style) elif [[ $style == pure && $has_truecolor == 1 ]]; then add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BPrompt Colors%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(1) Original.%b" add_prompt "pure_color=(${(j: :)${(@q)${(@kv)pure_original}}})" add_widget 0 print -P "%B(2) Snazzy.%b" add_prompt "pure_color=(${(j: :)${(@q)${(@kv)pure_snazzy}}})" add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 12r case $choice in r) return 1;; 1) pure_color=(${(kv)pure_original}) options+=original ;; 2) pure_color=(${(kv)pure_snazzy}) options+=snazzy ;; esac fi return 0 } function ask_color() { [[ $style != classic ]] && return add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BPrompt Color%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(1) $color_name[1].%b" add_prompt color=1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(2) $color_name[2].%b" add_prompt color=2 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(3) $color_name[3].%b" add_prompt color=3 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(4) $color_name[4].%b" add_prompt color=4 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 1234r case $choice in r) return 1;; [1-4]) color=$choice;; esac options+=${${(L)color_name[color]}//ı/i} return 0 } function print_frame_marker() { local label="(1) $color_name[1]." local -i n='wizard_columns - 7' local -i m=$((n - $#label)) print -P "${(l:$n:: :)}frame" print -P "%B$label%b${(l:$m:: :)} |" print -P "${(l:$n:: :)} v" } function ask_ornaments_color() { [[ $style != (rainbow|lean*) || $num_lines == 1 ]] && return [[ $gap_char == ' ' && $left_frame == 0 && $right_frame == 0 ]] && return local ornaments=() [[ $gap_char != ' ' ]] && ornaments+=Connection (( left_frame || right_frame )) && ornaments+=Frame add_widget 0 flowing -c "%B${(j: & :)ornaments} Color%b" if (( left_frame || right_frame )); then add_widget 0 print_frame_marker add_widget 3 print -P "%B(1) $color_name[1].%b" add_prompt_n color=1 add_widget 0 print add_widget 2 else add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(1) $color_name[1].%b" add_prompt color=1 fi add_widget 0 print -P "%B(2) $color_name[2].%b" add_prompt color=2 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(3) $color_name[3].%b" add_prompt color=3 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(4) $color_name[4].%b" add_prompt color=4 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 1234r case $choice in r) return 1;; [1-4]) color=$choice;; esac options+=${${(L)color_name[color]}//ı/i}-ornaments return 0 } function ask_time() { local extra add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BShow current time?%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(1) No.%b" add_prompt time= add_widget 0 print -P "%B(2) 24-hour format.%b" add_prompt time=$time_24h add_widget 0 print -P "%B(3) 12-hour format.%b" add_prompt time=$time_12h add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 123r case $choice in r) return 1;; 1) time=;; 2) time=$time_24h; options+='24h time';; 3) time=$time_12h; options+='12h time';; esac return 0 } function ask_use_rprompt() { [[ $style != pure ]] && return add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BNon-permanent content location%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(1) Left.%b" add_prompt add_widget 0 print -P "%B(2) Right.%b" add_prompt pure_use_rprompt= add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 12r case $choice in r) return 1;; 1) ;; 2) pure_use_rprompt=; options+=rprompt;; esac return 0 } function os_icon_name() { local uname="$(uname)" if [[ $uname == Linux && "$(uname -o 2>/dev/null)" == Android ]]; then echo ANDROID_ICON else case $uname in SunOS) echo SUNOS_ICON;; Darwin) echo APPLE_ICON;; CYGWIN_NT-*|MSYS_NT-*|MINGW64_NT-*|MINGW32_NT-*) echo WINDOWS_ICON;; FreeBSD|OpenBSD|DragonFly) echo FREEBSD_ICON;; Linux) local os_release_id if [[ -r /etc/os-release ]]; then local lines=(${(f)"$(*|<6->.*) ]]; then instant_prompt=off options+=instant_prompt=auto-off return 0 fi if (( $+functions[z4h] )); then instant_prompt=quiet options+=instant_prompt=auto-quiet return fi add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BInstant Prompt Mode%b" add_widget 0 print_instant_prompt_link add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print add_widget 2 add_widget 0 flowing +c -i 5 "%B(1) Verbose (recommended).%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 flowing +c -i 5 "%B(2) Quiet.%b" Choose this if you\'ve read and understood \ instant prompt documentation. add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 flowing +c -i 5 "%B(3) Off.%b" Choose this if you\'ve tried instant prompt \ and found it incompatible with your zsh configuration files. add_widget 0 print add_widget 2 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask 123r case $choice in r) return 1;; 1) instant_prompt=verbose; options+=instant_prompt=verbose;; 2) instant_prompt=quiet; options+=instant_prompt=quiet;; 3) instant_prompt=off; options+=instant_prompt=off;; esac return 0 } function ask_transient_prompt() { local disable_rprompt=$((num_lines == 1)) local p=76 [[ $style == pure ]] && p=$pure_color[magenta] [[ $style == lean_8colors ]] && p=2 p="%F{$p}$prompt_char%f" add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BEnable Transient Prompt?%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 print -P "${(pl:$prompt_indent:: :)}$p %2Fgit%f pull" add_widget 3 add_widget 0 print -P "${(pl:$prompt_indent:: :)}$p %2Fgit%f branch x" (( empty_line )) && add_widget 0 print add_prompt_n buffer="%2Fgit%f checkout x$cursor" add_widget 0 print add_widget 2 add_widget 0 print -P "%B(n) No.%b" add_widget 0 print add_widget 1 add_widget 0 buffer="%2Fgit%f pull" print_prompt add_widget 3 (( empty_line )) && { add_widget 0 print; add_widget 3 } add_prompt_n buffer="%2Fgit%f branch x" (( empty_line )) && add_widget 0 print add_prompt_n buffer="%2Fgit%f checkout x$cursor" add_widget 0 print add_widget 2 add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask ynr case $choice in r) return 1;; y) transient_prompt=1; options+=transient_prompt;; n) transient_prompt=0;; esac return 0 } function ask_config_overwrite() { config_backup= config_backup_u=0 if [[ ! -e $__p9k_cfg_path ]]; then return 0 fi add_widget 0 flowing -c Powerlevel10k config file already exists. add_widget 0 flowing -c "%BOverwrite" "%b%2F${__p9k_cfg_path_u//\\/\\\\}%f%B?%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask yr case $choice in r) return 1;; y) if [[ -n "$TMPDIR" && ( ( -d "$TMPDIR" && -w "$TMPDIR" ) || ! ( -d /tmp && -w /tmp ) ) ]]; then local tmpdir=$TMPDIR local tmpdir_u='$TMPDIR' else local tmpdir=/tmp local tmpdir_u=/tmp fi if (( ! $+commands[mktemp] )) || ! config_backup=$(mktemp $tmpdir/$__p9k_cfg_basename.XXXXXXXXXX 2>/dev/null); then config_backup=$tmpdir/$__p9k_cfg_basename.$EPOCHREALTIME fi cp $__p9k_cfg_path $config_backup || quit -c config_backup_u=$tmpdir_u/${(q-)config_backup:t} ;; esac return 0 } function ask_zshrc_edit() { zshrc_content= zshrc_backup= zshrc_backup_u= zshrc_has_cfg=0 zshrc_has_instant_prompt=0 write_zshrc=0 if (( $+functions[z4h] )); then zshrc_has_cfg=1 zshrc_has_instant_prompt=1 return fi check_zshrc_integration || quit -c [[ $instant_prompt == off ]] && zshrc_has_instant_prompt=1 (( zshrc_has_cfg && zshrc_has_instant_prompt )) && return add_widget 0 flowing -c %BApply changes to "%b%2F${__p9k_zshrc_u//\\/\\\\}%f%B?%b" add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 1 local modifiable=y if [[ ! -w $__p9k_zd ]]; then modifiable= add_widget 0 flowing -c %3FWARNING:%f %2F${__p9k_zd_u//\\/\\\\}%f %3Fis readonly.%f add_widget 0 print -P "" elif [[ -e $__p9k_zshrc && ! -w $__p9k_zshrc ]]; then local -a stat zstat -A stat +uid -- $__p9k_zshrc || quit -c if (( stat[1] == EUID )); then add_widget 0 flowing -c %3FNOTE:%f %2F${__p9k_zshrc_u//\\/\\\\}%f %3Fis readonly.%f else modifiable= add_widget 0 flowing -c \ %3FWARNING:%f %2F${__p9k_zshrc_u//\\/\\\\}%f %3Fis readonly and \ not owned by the user. Cannot modify it.%f fi add_widget 0 print -P "" fi if [[ $modifiable == y ]]; then add_widget 0 print -P "%B(y) Yes (recommended).%b" else add_widget 0 print -P "%1F(y) Yes (disabled).%f" fi add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 flowing +c -i 5 "%B(n) No." I know which changes to apply and will do it myself.%b add_widget 0 print -P "" add_widget 0 print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." ask ${modifiable}nr case $choice in r) return 1;; n) return 0;; y) write_zshrc=1 if [[ -n $zshrc_content ]]; then if [[ -n "$TMPDIR" && ( ( -d "$TMPDIR" && -w "$TMPDIR" ) || ! ( -d /tmp && -w /tmp ) ) ]]; then local tmpdir=$TMPDIR local tmpdir_u='$TMPDIR' else local tmpdir=/tmp local tmpdir_u=/tmp fi zshrc_backup="$(mktemp $tmpdir/.zshrc.XXXXXXXXXX)" || quit -c cp -p $__p9k_zshrc $zshrc_backup || quit -c local -i writable=1 if [[ ! -w $zshrc_backup ]]; then chmod u+w -- $zshrc_backup || quit -c writable=0 fi print -r -- $zshrc_content >$zshrc_backup || quit -c (( writable )) || chmod u-w -- $zshrc_backup || quit -c zshrc_backup_u=$tmpdir_u/${(q-)zshrc_backup:t} fi ;; esac return 0 } function generate_config() { local base && base="$(<$__p9k_root_dir/config/p10k-${style//_/-}.zsh)" || return local lines=("${(@f)base}") function sub() { lines=("${(@)lines/#(#b)([[:space:]]#)typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_$1=*/$match[1]typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_$1=$2}") } function uncomment() { lines=("${(@)lines/#(#b)([[:space:]]#)\# $1( |)/$match[1]$1$match[2]$match[2]}") } function rep() { lines=("${(@)lines//$1/$2}") } if [[ $style == pure ]]; then rep "local grey=242" "local grey='$pure_color[grey]'" rep "local red=1" "local red='$pure_color[red]'" rep "local yellow=3" "local yellow='$pure_color[yellow]'" rep "local blue=4" "local blue='$pure_color[blue]'" rep "local magenta=5" "local magenta='$pure_color[magenta]'" rep "local cyan=6" "local cyan='$pure_color[cyan]'" rep "local white=7" "local white='$pure_color[white]'" else sub MODE $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE sub ICON_PADDING $POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == compatible ]]; then sub STATUS_ERROR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'х'" sub STATUS_ERROR_SIGNAL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'х'" sub STATUS_ERROR_PIPE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'х'" fi if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == (compatible|powerline) ]]; then uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOCK_ICON' sub LOCK_ICON "'∅'" uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' sub NORDVPN_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'nord'" uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RANGER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' sub RANGER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'▲'" uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' sub KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'○'" uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' sub AZURE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'az'" uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_EB_ENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' sub AWS_EB_ENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'eb'" uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND_JOBS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' sub BACKGROUND_JOBS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'≡'" fi if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == (awesome-patched|awesome-fontconfig) && $cap_python == 0 ]]; then uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYTHON_ICON' sub VIRTUALENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'🐍'" sub ANACONDA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'🐍'" sub PYENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'🐍'" sub PYTHON_ICON "'🐍'" fi if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == nerdfont-complete ]]; then sub BATTERY_STAGES "'\uf58d\uf579\uf57a\uf57b\uf57c\uf57d\uf57e\uf57f\uf580\uf581\uf578'" fi if [[ $style == (classic|rainbow) ]]; then if [[ $style == classic ]]; then sub BACKGROUND $bg_color[$color] sub LEFT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'%$sep_color[$color]F$left_subsep'" sub RIGHT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'%$sep_color[$color]F$right_subsep'" sub VCS_LOADING_FOREGROUND $sep_color[$color] rep '%248F' "%$prefix_color[$color]F" else sub LEFT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'$left_subsep'" sub RIGHT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'$right_subsep'" fi sub RULER_FOREGROUND $frame_color[$color] sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_FOREGROUND $frame_color[$color] sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F╭─'" sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F├─'" sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F╰─'" sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─╮'" sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─┤'" sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─╯'" sub LEFT_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'$left_sep'" sub RIGHT_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'$right_sep'" sub LEFT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL "'$left_tail'" sub LEFT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL "'$left_head'" sub RIGHT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL "'$right_head'" sub RIGHT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL "'$right_tail'" fi if [[ -n ${(j::)extra_icons} ]]; then local branch_icon=${icons[VCS_BRANCH_ICON]// } sub VCS_BRANCH_ICON "'$branch_icon '" uncomment os_icon else uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' sub VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION '' sub COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION '' sub TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION '' fi if [[ -n ${(j::)prefixes} ]]; then uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_PREFIX' if [[ $style == (lean|classic) ]]; then [[ $style == classic ]] && local fg="%$prefix_color[$color]F" || local fg="%f" sub VCS_PREFIX "'${fg}on '" sub COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_PREFIX "'${fg}took '" sub CONTEXT_PREFIX "'${fg}with '" sub KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX "'${fg}at '" sub TIME_PREFIX "'${fg}at '" sub TOOLBOX_PREFIX "'${fg}in '" fi fi sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_CHAR "'$gap_char'" if [[ $style == (classic|rainbow) && $num_lines == 2 ]]; then if (( ! right_frame )); then sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_SUFFIX '' sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_SUFFIX '' sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_SUFFIX '' fi if (( ! left_frame )); then sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_PREFIX '' sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_PREFIX '' sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_PREFIX '' sub STATUS_OK false sub STATUS_ERROR false fi fi if [[ $style == lean* ]]; then sub RULER_FOREGROUND $frame_color[$color] sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_FOREGROUND $frame_color[$color] if (( right_frame )); then sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─╮'" sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─┤'" sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─╯'" sub RIGHT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL "' '" fi if (( left_frame )); then sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F╭─'" sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F├─'" sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F╰─'" sub LEFT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL "' '" fi fi if [[ $style == (classic|rainbow) ]]; then if (( num_lines == 2 && ! left_frame )); then uncomment prompt_char else uncomment vi_mode fi fi if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == ascii ]]; then sub 'STATUS_OK_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' "'ok'" sub 'STATUS_OK_PIPE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' "'ok'" sub 'STATUS_ERROR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' "'err'" sub 'STATUS_ERROR_SIGNAL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' "" sub 'STATUS_ERROR_PIPE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' "'err'" sub 'BATTERY_STAGES' "('battery')" sub 'PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIINS_CONTENT_EXPANSION' "'>'" sub 'PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VICMD_CONTENT_EXPANSION' "'<'" sub 'PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIVIS_CONTENT_EXPANSION' "'V'" sub 'PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIOWR_CONTENT_EXPANSION' "'^'" rep "-i '⭐'" "-i '*'" rep '…' '..' rep '⇣' '<' rep '⇡' '>' rep '⇠' '<-' rep '⇢' '->' rep '─' '-' fi fi if (( $+pure_use_rprompt )); then local segment for segment in command_execution_time virtualenv context; do rep " $segment" " tmp_$segment" uncomment $segment rep " tmp_$segment " " # $segment" done fi if [[ -n $time ]]; then uncomment time if [[ $time == $time_12h ]]; then sub TIME_FORMAT "'%D{%I:%M:%S %p}'" fi fi if (( num_lines == 1 )); then local -a tmp local line for line in "$lines[@]"; do [[ $line == (' newline'*|*'===[ Line #'*) ]] || tmp+=$line done lines=("$tmp[@]") fi (( empty_line )) && sub PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE true || sub PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE false sub INSTANT_PROMPT $instant_prompt (( transient_prompt )) && sub TRANSIENT_PROMPT always local header=${(%):-"# Generated by Powerlevel10k configuration wizard on %D{%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M %Z}."}$'\n' header+="# Based on romkatv/powerlevel10k/config/p10k-${style//_/-}.zsh" if [[ $commands[sum] == ('/bin'|'/usr/bin'|'/usr/local/bin')'/sum' ]]; then local -a sum if sum=($(sum <<<${base//$'\r\n'/$'\n'} 2>/dev/null)) && (( $#sum == 2 )); then header+=", checksum $sum[1]" fi fi header+=$'.\n' local line="# Wizard options: $options[1]" local opt for opt in $options[2,-1]; do if (( $#line + $#opt > 85 )); then header+=$line header+=$',\n' line="# $opt" else line+=", $opt" fi done header+=$line header+=$'.\n# Type `p10k configure` to generate another config.\n#' command mkdir -p -- ${__p9k_cfg_path:h} || return if [[ -e $__p9k_cfg_path ]]; then unlink $__p9k_cfg_path || return fi print -lr -- "$header" "$lines[@]" >$__p9k_cfg_path } function change_zshrc() { (( write_zshrc )) || return 0 local tmp=$__p9k_zshrc.${(%):-%n}.tmp.$$ [[ ! -e $__p9k_zshrc ]] || cp -p $__p9k_zshrc $tmp || return { local -i writable=1 if [[ -e $tmp && ! -w $tmp ]]; then chmod u+w -- $tmp || return writable=0 fi print -n >$tmp || return if (( !zshrc_has_instant_prompt )); then >>$tmp print -r -- "# Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. Should stay close to the top of ${(%)__p9k_zshrc_u}. # Initialization code that may require console input (password prompts, [y/n] # confirmations, etc.) must go above this block; everything else may go below. if [[ -r \"\${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-\$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-\${(%):-%n}.zsh\" ]]; then source \"\${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-\$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-\${(%):-%n}.zsh\" fi" || return fi if [[ -n $zshrc_content ]]; then (( zshrc_has_instant_prompt )) || print >>$tmp || return >>$tmp print -r -- $zshrc_content || return fi if (( !zshrc_has_cfg )); then >>$tmp print -r -- " # To customize prompt, run \`p10k configure\` or edit ${(%)__p9k_cfg_path_u}. [[ ! -f ${(%)__p9k_cfg_path_u} ]] || source ${(%)__p9k_cfg_path_u}" || return fi (( writable )) || chmod u-w -- $tmp || return command mv -f -- $tmp $__p9k_zshrc || return } always { zf_rm -f -- $tmp } if [[ -n $zshrc_backup_u ]]; then print -rP "" flowing +c See "%B${__p9k_zshrc_u//\\/\\\\}%b" changes: print -rP " %2Fdiff%f %B$zshrc_backup_u%b %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b" fi return 0 } function check_zshrc_integration() { typeset -g zshrc_content= typeset -gi zshrc_has_cfg=0 zshrc_has_instant_prompt=0 [[ -e $__p9k_zshrc ]] || return 0 zshrc_content="$(<$__p9k_zshrc)" || return local lines=(${(f)zshrc_content}) local f0=$__p9k_cfg_path_o local f1=${(q)f0} local f2=${(q-)f0} local f3=${(qq)f0} local f4=${(qqq)f0} local g1=${${(q)__p9k_cfg_path_o}/#(#b)${(q)HOME}\//'~/'} local h0='${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.p10k.zsh' local h1='${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.p10k.zsh' local h2='"${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.p10k.zsh"' local h3='"${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.p10k.zsh' local h4='${ZDOTDIR}/.p10k.zsh' local h5='"${ZDOTDIR}/.p10k.zsh"' local h6='"${ZDOTDIR}"/.p10k.zsh' local h7='$ZDOTDIR/.p10k.zsh' local h8='"$ZDOTDIR/.p10k.zsh"' local h9='"$ZDOTDIR"/.p10k.zsh' local h10='$POWERLEVEL9K_CONFIG_FILE' local h11='"$POWERLEVEL9K_CONFIG_FILE"' if [[ -n ${(@M)lines:#(#b)[^#]#([^[:IDENT:]]|)source[[:space:]]##($f1|$f2|$f3|$f4|$g1|$h0|$h1|$h2|$h3|$h4|$h5|$h6|$h7|$h8|$h9|$h10|$h11)(|[[:space:]]*|'#'*)} ]]; then zshrc_has_cfg=1 fi local pre='${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh' if [[ -n ${(@M)lines:#(#b)[^#]#([^[:IDENT:]]|)source[[:space:]]##($pre|\"$pre\")(|[[:space:]]*|'#'*)} ]]; then zshrc_has_instant_prompt=1 fi return 0 } () { (( force )) && return _p9k_can_configure -q || return 0 local zshrc_content zshrc_has_cfg zshrc_has_instant_prompt check_zshrc_integration 2>/dev/null || return 0 (( zshrc_has_cfg )) || return 0 [[ -s $__p9k_cfg_path ]] || return 0 print -P "" flowing \ Powerlevel10k configuration file "($__p9k_cfg_path_u)" was not sourced. This \ might have been caused by errors in zsh startup files, most likely in \ $__p9k_zshrc_u. See above for any indication of such errors and fix them. If \ there are no errors, try running Powerlevel10k configuration wizard: print -P '' print -P ' %2Fp10k%f %Bconfigure%b' print -P '' flowing \ If you do nothing, you will see this message again when you start zsh. You can \ suppress it by defining %BPOWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_CONFIGURATION_WIZARD=true%b in \ $__p9k_zshrc_u. print -P '' return 1 } || return if (( $+terminfo[smcup] && $+terminfo[rmcup] )) && echoti smcup 2>/dev/null; then function restore_screen() { echoti rmcup 2>/dev/null function restore_screen() {} } else function restore_screen() {} fi { # always if (( force )); then _p9k_can_configure || return else _p9k_can_configure -q || return fi zmodload zsh/terminfo zsh/datetime || return if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == (5.7.<1->*|5.<8->*|<6->.*) && $COLORTERM == (24bit|truecolor) ]]; then local -ir has_truecolor=1 else local -ir has_truecolor=0 fi stty -echo 2>/dev/null while true; do local instant_prompt=verbose zshrc_content= zshrc_backup= zshrc_backup_u= local -i zshrc_has_cfg=0 zshrc_has_instant_prompt=0 write_zshrc=0 local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE= POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING=moderate style= config_backup= config_backup_u= local gap_char=' ' prompt_char='❯' down_triangle='\uE0BC' up_triangle='\uE0BA' slanted_bar='\u2571' local left_subsep= right_subsep= left_tail= right_tail= left_head= right_head= time= local -i num_lines=2 empty_line=0 color=2 left_frame=1 right_frame=1 transient_prompt=0 local -i cap_diamond=0 cap_python=0 cap_debian=0 cap_lock=0 cap_arrow=0 local -a extra_icons=('' '' '') local -a frame_color=(244 242 240 238) local -a color_name=(Lightest Light Dark Darkest) local -a prefixes=('' '') local -a options=() if (( has_truecolor )); then local -A pure_color=(${(kv)pure_snazzy}) else local -A pure_color=(${(kv)pure_original}) fi unset pure_use_rprompt if [[ $TERM != (dumb|linux) && $langinfo[CODESET] == (utf|UTF)(-|)8 ]]; then ask_font || continue ask_diamond || continue if [[ $AWESOME_GLYPHS_LOADED == 1 ]]; then POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-mapped-fontconfig else ask_lock '\uF023' || continue if (( ! cap_lock )); then ask_lock '\uE138' "Let's try another one." || continue if (( cap_lock )); then if (( cap_diamond )); then POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-patched ask_python || continue else POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=flat fi else if (( cap_diamond )); then POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=powerline else ask_arrow || continue (( cap_arrow )) && POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=compatible || POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=ascii fi fi elif (( ! cap_diamond )); then POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-fontconfig else ask_debian || continue if (( cap_debian )); then POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=nerdfont-complete else POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-fontconfig ask_python || continue fi fi fi else POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=ascii fi if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == powerline ]]; then options+=powerline elif (( cap_diamond )); then options+="$POWERLEVEL9K_MODE + powerline" else options+="$POWERLEVEL9K_MODE" fi (( cap_python )) && options[-1]+=' + python' if (( cap_diamond )); then left_sep=$right_triangle right_sep=$left_triangle left_subsep=$right_angle right_subsep=$left_angle left_head=$right_triangle right_head=$left_triangle else left_sep= right_sep= left_head= right_head= if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == ascii ]]; then left_subsep='|' right_subsep='|' prompt_char='>' left_frame=0 right_frame=0 else left_subsep=$vertical_bar right_subsep=$vertical_bar fi fi _p9k_init_icons ask_icon_padding || continue _p9k_init_icons ask_style || continue ask_charset || continue ask_color_scheme || continue ask_color || continue ask_use_rprompt || continue ask_time || continue ask_separators || continue ask_heads || continue ask_tails || continue ask_num_lines || continue ask_gap_char || continue ask_frame || continue ask_ornaments_color || continue ask_empty_line || continue ask_extra_icons || continue ask_prefixes || continue ask_transient_prompt || continue ask_instant_prompt || continue ask_config_overwrite || continue ask_zshrc_edit || continue break done restore_screen if (( !in_z4h_wizard )); then print flowing +c New config: "%U${__p9k_cfg_path_u//\\/\\\\}%u." if [[ -n $config_backup ]]; then flowing +c Backup of the old config: "%U${config_backup_u//\\/\\\\}%u." fi if [[ -n $zshrc_backup ]]; then flowing +c Backup of "%U${__p9k_zshrc_u//\\/\\\\}%u:" "%U${zshrc_backup_u//\\/\\\\}%u." fi fi generate_config || return change_zshrc || return if (( !in_z4h_wizard )); then print -rP "" flowing +c File feature requests and bug reports at "$(href https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/issues)" print -rP "" fi success=1 } always { (( success )) || quit consume_input stty echo 2>/dev/null show_cursor restore_screen }