#!/usr/bin/env zsh
#vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et fenc=utf-8

# Required for shunit2 to run correctly
setopt shwordsplit

function setUp() {
  # Load Powerlevel9k
  source functions/icons.zsh
  source functions/utilities.zsh

function testDefinedFindsDefinedVariable() {

  assertTrue "defined 'my_var'"
  unset my_var

function testDefinedDoesNotFindUndefinedVariable() {
  assertFalse "defined 'my_var'"

function testSetDefaultSetsVariable() {
  set_default 'my_var' 'x'

  assertEquals 'x' "$my_var"
  unset my_var

function testPrintSizeHumanReadableWithBigNumber() {
  # Interesting: Currently we can't support numbers bigger than that.
  assertEquals '0.87E' "$(printSizeHumanReadable 1000000000000000000)"

function testPrintSizeHumanReadableWithExabytesAsBase() {
  assertEquals '9.77Z' "$(printSizeHumanReadable 10000 'E')"

function testGetRelevantItem() {
  typeset -a list
  list=(a b c)
  local callback='[[ "$item" == "b" ]] && echo "found"'

  local result=$(getRelevantItem "$list" "$callback")
  assertEquals 'found' "$result"

  unset list

function testGetRelevantItemDoesNotReturnNotFoundItems() {
  typeset -a list
  list=(a b c)
  local callback='[[ "$item" == "d" ]] && echo "found"'

  local result=$(getRelevantItem "$list" "$callback")
  assertEquals '' ''

  unset list

function testSegmentShouldBeJoinedIfDirectPredecessingSegmentIsJoined() {
  typeset -a segments
  segments=(a b_joined c_joined)
  # Look at the third segment
  local current_index=3
  local last_element_index=2

  local joined
  segmentShouldBeJoined $current_index $last_element_index "$segments" && joined=true || joined=false
  assertTrue "$joined"

  unset segments

function testSegmentShouldBeJoinedIfPredecessingSegmentIsJoinedTransitivley() {
  typeset -a segments
  segments=(a b_joined c_joined)
  # Look at the third segment
  local current_index=3
  # The last printed segment was the first one,
  # the second segmend was conditional.
  local last_element_index=1

  local joined
  segmentShouldBeJoined $current_index $last_element_index "$segments" && joined=true || joined=false
  assertTrue "$joined"

  unset segments

function testSegmentShouldNotBeJoinedIfPredecessingSegmentIsNotJoinedButConditional() {
  typeset -a segments
  segments=(a b_joined c d_joined)
  # Look at the fourth segment
  local current_index=4
  # The last printed segment was the first one,
  # the second segmend was conditional.
  local last_element_index=1

  local joined
  segmentShouldBeJoined $current_index $last_element_index "$segments" && joined=true || joined=false
  assertFalse "$joined"

  unset segments

source shunit2/shunit2