#!/usr/bin/env zsh emulate -L zsh setopt noaliases () { setopt extended_glob no_prompt_{bang,subst} prompt_{cr,percent,sp} typeset -g __p9k_root_dir typeset -gi force=0 local opt while getopts 'd:f' opt; do case $opt in d) __p9k_root_dir=$OPTARG;; f) force=1;; +f) force=0;; '?') return 1;; esac done if (( OPTIND <= ARGC )); then print -lr -- "wizard.zsh: invalid arguments: $@" >&2 return 1 fi : ${__p9k_root_dir:=${0:h:h:A}} typeset -gr __p9k_root_dir typeset -gri force source $__p9k_root_dir/internal/configure.zsh || return typeset -ri prompt_indent=2 typeset -ra bg_color=(238 236 234) typeset -ra frame_color=(242 240 238) typeset -ra sep_color=(244 242 240) typeset -ra lean_left=( '' '%31F$extra_icons[1]%B%39F~%b%31F/%B%39Fpowerlevel10k%b%f $prefixes[1]%76F$extra_icons[2]master ⇡2%f ' '' '%76F❯%f █' ) typeset -ra lean_right=( ' $prefixes[2]%134F⎈ minikube%f' '' '' '' ) typeset -ra classic_left=( '%$frame_color[$color]F╭─' '%K{$bg_color[$color]} %31F$extra_icons[1]%B%39F~%b%K{$bg_color[$color]}%31F/%B%39Fpowerlevel10k%b%K{$bg_color[$color]} %$sep_color[$color]F\uE0B1%f $prefixes[1]%76F$extra_icons[2]master ⇡2 %k%$bg_color[$color]F\uE0B0%f' '%$frame_color[$color]F╰─' '%f █' ) typeset -ra classic_right=( '%$bg_color[$color]F\uE0B2%K{$bg_color[$color]}%f $prefixes[2]%134Fminikube ⎈ %k%f' '%$frame_color[$color]F─╮%f' '' '%$frame_color[$color]F─╯%f' ) function prompt_length() { local COLUMNS=1024 local -i x y=$#1 m if (( y )); then while (( ${${(%):-$1%$y(l.1.0)}[-1]} )); do x=y (( y *= 2 )); done local xy while (( y > x + 1 )); do m=$(( x + (y - x) / 2 )) typeset ${${(%):-$1%$m(l.x.y)}[-1]}=$m done fi print $x } function print_prompt() { local left=${style}_left local right=${style}_right left=("${(@P)left}") right=("${(@P)right}") eval "left=(${(@)left:/(#b)(*)/\"$match[1]\"})" eval "right=(${(@)right:/(#b)(*)/\"$match[1]\"})" if (( num_lines == 1)); then left=($left[2] $left[4]) right=($right[1] $right[3]) else (( frame < 1 )) && left=('' $left[2] '' '%76F❯%f █') (( frame < 2 )) && right=($right[1] '' '' '') fi if (( straight )); then [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == nerdfont-complete ]] && local subsep='\uE0BD' || local subsep='|' left=("${(@)${(@)left//\\uE0B1/$subsep}//\\uE0B0/▓▒░}") right=("${(@)${(@)right//\\uE0B3/$subsep}//\\uE0B2/░▒▓}") fi local -i i for ((i = 1; i < $#left; i+=2)); do local l=${(g::):-$left[i]$left[i+1]} local r=${(g::):-$right[i]$right[i+1]} local -i gap=$((__p9k_wizard_columns - 2 * prompt_indent - $(prompt_length $l$r))) (( num_lines == 2 && i == 1 )) && local fill=$gap_char || local fill=' ' print -n -- ${(pl:$prompt_indent:: :)} print -nP -- $l print -nP -- "%$frame_color[$color]F${(pl:$gap::$fill:)}%f" print -P -- $r done } function href() { print -r -- $'%{\e]8;;'${1//\%/%%}$'\a%}'${1//\%/%%}$'%{\e]8;;\a%}' } function centered() { local n=$(prompt_length ${(g::)1}) print -n -- ${(pl:$(((__p9k_wizard_columns - n) / 2)):: :)} print -P -- $1 } function clear() { if (( $+commands[clear] )); then command clear elif zmodload zsh/termcap 2>/dev/null; then echotc cl else print -n -- "\e[H\e[J" fi } function quit() { clear if (( force )); then print -P "Powerlevel10k configuration wizard has been aborted. To run it again, type:" print -P "" print -P " %2Fp9k_configure%f" else print -P "Powerlevel10k configuration wizard will run again next time unless" print -P "you define at least one Powerlevel10k configuration option. To define" print -P "an option that does nothing except for disabling Powerlevel10k" print -P "configuration wizard, type the following command:" print -P "" print -P " %2Fecho%f %3F'POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='%f >>! $__p9k_zshrc_u" print -P "" print -P "To run Powerlevel10k configuration wizard right now, type:" print -P "" print -P " %2Fp9k_configure%f" fi } function ask_diamond() { while true; do clear if (( force )); then print -P "This is %4FPowerlevel10k configuration wizard%f. It will ask you a few" print -P "questions and configure your prompt." else print -P "This is %4FPowerlevel10k configuration wizard%f. You are seeing it because" print -P "you haven't defined any Powerlevel10k configuration options. It will" print -P "ask you a few questions and configure your prompt." fi print -P "" centered "%BDoes this look like a %b%2Fdiamond%f%B (square rotated 45 degrees)?%b" centered "reference: $(href https://graphemica.com/%E2%97%86)" print -P "" centered "---> \uE0B2\uE0B0 <---" print -P "" print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(n) No.%b" print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [ynq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; y) cap_diamond=1; break;; n) cap_diamond=0; break;; esac done } function ask_lock() { while true; do clear [[ -n $2 ]] && centered "$2" centered "%BDoes this look like a %b%2Flock%f%B?%b" centered "reference: $(href https://fontawesome.com/icons/lock)" print -P "" centered "---> $1 <---" print -P "" print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(n) No.%b" print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [ynrq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; y) cap_lock=1; break;; n) cap_lock=0; break;; esac done } function ask_python() { while true; do clear centered "%BDoes this look like a %b%2FPython logo%f%B?%b" centered "reference: $(href https://fontawesome.com/icons/python)" print -P "" centered "---> \uE63C <---" print -P "" print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(n) No.%b" print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [ynrq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; y) cap_python=1; break;; n) cap_python=0; break;; esac done } function ask_narrow_icons() { if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == (powerline|compatible) ]]; then cap_narrow_icons=0 return fi local text="X" text+="%1F${icons[VCS_GIT_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%2F${icons[VCS_GIT_GITHUB_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%3F${icons[DATE_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%4F${icons[TIME_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%5F${icons[RUBY_ICON]// }%fX" text+="%6F${icons[AWS_EB_ICON]// }%fX" while true; do clear centered "%BDo all these icons %b%2Ffit between the crosses%f%B?%b" print -P "" centered "---> $text <---" print -P "" print -P "%B(y) Yes. Icons are very close to the crosses but there is %b%2Fno overlap%f%B.%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(n) No. Some icons %b%2Foverlap%f%B neighbouring crosses.%b" print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [ynrq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; y) cap_narrow_icons=1; break;; n) cap_narrow_icons=0; break;; esac done } function ask_style() { while true; do clear centered "%BPrompt Style%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) Lean.%b" print -P "" style=lean print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Classic.%b" print -P "" style=classic print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [12rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1) style=lean; break;; 2) style=classic; break;; esac done } function ask_color() { [[ $style != classic ]] && return while true; do clear centered "%BPrompt Color%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) Light.%b" print -P "" color=1 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Medium.%b" print -P "" color=2 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(3) Dark.%b" print -P "" color=3 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [123rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1|2|3) color=$key; break;; esac done } function ask_extra_icons() { if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == (powerline|compatible) ]]; then extra_icons=('' '') return fi local dir_icon=${(g::)icons[HOME_SUB_ICON]} local vcs_icon=${(g::)icons[VCS_GIT_GITHUB_ICON]} local branch_icon=${(g::)icons[VCS_BRANCH_ICON]} if (( cap_narrow_icons )); then dir_icon=${dir_icon// } vcs_icon=${vcs_icon// } branch_icon=${branch_icon// } fi local many=("$dir_icon " "$vcs_icon $branch_icon ") while true; do clear centered "%BIcons%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) Few icons.%b" print -P "" extra_icons=('' '') print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Many icons.%b" print -P "" extra_icons=("$many[@]") print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [12rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1) extra_icons=('' ''); break;; 2) extra_icons=("$many[@]"); break;; esac done } function ask_prefixes() { local fluent=('on ' 'at ') while true; do clear centered "%BPrompt Flow%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) Concise.%b" print -P "" prefixes=('' '') print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Fluent.%b" print -P "" prefixes=("$fluent[@]") print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [12rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1) prefixes=('' ''); break;; 2) prefixes=("$fluent[@]"); break;; esac done } function ask_straight() { if [[ $style != classic || $cap_diamond == 0 ]]; then straight=1 return fi while true; do clear centered "%BPrompt Separators%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) Angled.%b" print -P "" straight=0 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Straight.%b" print -P "" straight=1 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [12rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1) straight=0; break;; 2) straight=1; break;; esac done } function ask_num_lines() { while true; do clear centered "%BPrompt Height%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) One line.%b" print -P "" num_lines=1 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Two lines.%b" print -P "" num_lines=2 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [12rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1|2) num_lines=$key; break;; esac done } function ask_gap_char() { if [[ $num_lines != 2 ]]; then gap_char=" " return fi while true; do clear centered "%BPrompt Connection%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) Disconnected.%b" print -P "" gap_char=" " print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Dotted.%b" print -P "" gap_char="·" print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(3) Solid.%b" print -P "" gap_char="─" print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [123rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1) gap_char=" "; break;; 2) gap_char="·"; break;; 3) gap_char="─"; break;; esac done } function ask_frame() { if [[ $style != classic || $num_lines != 2 ]]; then frame=0 return fi while true; do clear centered "%BPrompt Frame%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) No frame.%b" print -P "" frame=0 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Only left.%b" print -P "" frame=1 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(3) Left and right.%b" print -P "" frame=2 print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [123rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1|2|3) frame=$((key-1)); break;; esac done } function ask_empty_line() { while true; do clear centered "%BPrompt Spacing%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(1) Compact.%b" print -P "" print_prompt print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(2) Sparse.%b" print -P "" print_prompt print -P "" print_prompt print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [12rq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; 1) empty_line=0; break;; 2) empty_line=1; break;; esac done } function ask_confirm() { while true; do clear centered "%BLooks good?%b" print -P "" print_prompt (( empty_line )) && print -P "" print_prompt print -P "" print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [yrq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; y) break;; esac done } function ask_config_overwrite() { config_backup= if [[ ! -e $__p9k_cfg_path ]]; then write_config=1 return fi while true; do clear centered "Powerlevel10k config file already exists." centered "%BOverwrite %b%2F$__p9k_cfg_path_u%f%B?%b" print -P "" print -P "%B(y) Yes.%b" print -P "" print -P "(r) Restart from the beginning." print -P "" print -P "(q) Quit and do nothing." print -P "" local key= read -k key${(%):-"?%BChoice [yrq]: %b"} || return 1 case $key in q) quit; return 1;; r) return 2;; y) config_backup="$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$__p9k_cfg_basename.XXXXXXXXXX)" || return 1 cp $__p9k_cfg_path $config_backup write_config=1 break ;; esac done } function generate_config() { local base && base="$(<$__p9k_root_dir/config/p10k-$style.zsh)" || return local lines=("${(@f)base}") function sub() { lines=("${(@)lines/#(#b)([[:space:]]#)typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_$1=*/$match[1]typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_$1=$2}") } function uncomment() { lines=("${(@)lines/#(#b)([[:space:]]#)\# $1( |)/$match[1]$1$match[2]$match[2]}") } sub MODE $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE if (( cap_narrow_icons )); then sub VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'\${P9K_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER// }'" sub BACKGROUND_JOBS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'\${P9K_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER// }'" else sub VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'\${P9K_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER}'" sub BACKGROUND_JOBS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'\${P9K_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER}'" fi if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == compatible ]]; then # Many fonts don't have the gear icon. sub BACKGROUND_JOBS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION "'⇶'" fi if [[ $style == classic ]]; then sub BACKGROUND $bg_color[$color] sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_FOREGROUND $frame_color[$color] sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F╭─'" sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F├─'" sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_PREFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F╰─'" sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─╮'" sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─┤'" sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_SUFFIX "'%$frame_color[$color]F─╯'" local left_sep='\uE0B0' local right_sep='\uE0B2' local left_subsep='\uE0B1' local right_subset='\uE0B3' local left_end='\uE0B0' local right_start='\uE0B2' if (( straight )); then [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE == nerdfont-complete ]] && subsep='\uE0BD' || subsep='|' left_end='▓▒░' right_start='░▒▓' fi sub LEFT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'%$sep_color[$color]F$subsep'" sub RIGHT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'%$sep_color[$color]F$subsep'" sub LEFT_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'$subsep'" sub RIGHT_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR "'$subsep'" sub LEFT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL "'$left_end'" sub RIGHT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL "'$right_start'" fi if [[ -n ${(j::)extra_icons} ]]; then local branch_icon=$icons[VCS_BRANCH_ICON] (( cap_narrow_icons )) && branch_icon=${branch_icon// } sub VCS_BRANCH_ICON "'$branch_icon '" else uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION' sub VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION '' sub COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION '' sub TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION '' fi if [[ -n ${(j::)prefixes} ]]; then uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX' uncomment 'typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_PREFIX' sub CONTEXT_TEMPLATE "'%n%f at %180F%m'" sub CONTEXT_ROOT_TEMPLATE "'%n%f at %227F%m'" fi if (( num_lines == 1 )); then local -a tmp local line for line in "$lines[@]"; do [[ $line == (' newline'|*'===[ Line #'*) ]] || tmp+=$line done lines=("$tmp[@]") fi sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_CHAR "'$gap_char'" if (( num_lines == 2 && frame < 2 )); then sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_SUFFIX '' sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_SUFFIX '' sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_SUFFIX '' if (( frame < 1 )); then sub MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_PREFIX '' sub MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_PREFIX '' sub MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_PREFIX '' uncomment prompt_char sub STATUS_OK false sub STATUS_ERROR false fi fi (( empty_line )) && sub PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE true || sub PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE false local header=${(%):-"# Generated by Powerlevel10k configuration wizard on %D{%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M %Z}."}$'\n' header+="# Based on romkatv/powerlevel10k/config/p10k-$style.zsh" if [[ $commands[sum] == ('/bin'|'/usr/bin'|'/usr/local/bin')'/sum' ]]; then local -a sum if sum=($(sum <<<${base//$'\r\n'/$'\n'} 2>/dev/null)) && (( $#sum == 2 )); then header+=", checksum $sum[1]" fi fi header+=$'.\n' header+="# Wizard options: $POWERLEVEL9K_MODE" (( cap_narrow_icons )) && header+=", small icons" || header+=", big icons" [[ $style == classic ]] && header+=", color $color" [[ -n ${(j::)extra_icons} ]] && header+=", many icons" || header+=", few icons" [[ -n ${(j::)prefixes} ]] && header+=", fluent" || header+=", concise" if [[ $style == classic ]]; then (( straight )) && header+=", straight" || header+=", angled" fi (( num_lines == 1 )) && header+=", 1 line" || header+=", $num_lines lines" if (( num_lines == 2 )); then case $gap_char in ' ') header+=", disconnected";; '·') header+=", dotted";; '─') header+=", solid";; esac case $frame in 0) header+=", no frame";; 1) header+=", left frame";; 2) header+=", full frame";; esac fi (( empty_line )) && header+=", sparse" || header+=", compact"; header+=$'.\n#' if [[ -e $__p9k_cfg_path ]]; then unlink $__p9k_cfg_path || return 1 fi print -lr -- "$header" "$lines[@]" >$__p9k_cfg_path } function write_zshrc() { if [[ -e $__p9k_zshrc ]]; then local lines=(${(f)"$(<$__p9k_zshrc)"}) local f1=$__p9k_cfg_path local f2=$__p9k_cfg_path_u local f3=${__p9k_cfg_path_u/#\~\//\$HOME\/} local f4=${__p9k_cfg_path_u/#\~\//\"\$HOME\"\/} local f5="'$f1'" local f6="\"$f1\"" local f7="\"$f3\"" if [[ -n ${(@M)lines:#(#b)source[[:space:]]##($f1|$f2|$f3|$f4|$f5|$f6|$f7)*} ]]; then print -P "No changes have been made to %4F$__p9k_zshrc_u%f because it already sources %2F$__p9k_cfg_path_u%f." return fi fi local comments=( "# You can customize your prompt by editing $__p9k_cfg_path_u." "# To run Powerlevel10k configuration wizard, type 'p9k_configure'." ) print -lr -- "" $comments "source $__p9k_cfg_path_u" >>$__p9k_zshrc print -P "" print -P "The following lines have been appended to %4F$__p9k_zshrc_u%f:" print -P "" print -lP -- ' %240F'${^comments}'%f' " %2Fsource%f $__p9k_cfg_path_u" } _p9k_can_configure || return source $__p9k_root_dir/internal/icons.zsh || return while true; do local POWERLEVEL9K_MODE= style= config_backup= gap_char=' ' local -i num_lines=0 write_config=0 straight=0 empty_line=0 frame=1 color=1 local -i cap_diamond=0 cap_python=0 cap_narrow_icons=0 cap_lock=0 local -a extra_icons=('' '') local -a prefixes=('' '') ask_diamond || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } (( cap_diamond )) || straight=1 if [[ -n $AWESOME_GLYPHS_LOADED ]]; then POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-mapped-fontconfig else ask_lock '\uF023' || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } if (( ! cap_lock )); then ask_lock '\uE138' "Let's try another one." || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } if (( cap_lock )); then (( cap_diamond )) && POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-patched || POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=flat else (( cap_diamond )) && POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=powerline || POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=compatible fi elif (( ! cap_diamond )); then POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-fontconfig else ask_python || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } (( cap_python )) && POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=awesome-fontconfig || POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=nerdfont-complete fi fi _p9k_init_icons ask_narrow_icons || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_style || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_color || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_extra_icons || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_prefixes || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_straight || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_num_lines || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_gap_char || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_frame || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_empty_line || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_confirm || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } ask_config_overwrite || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return } break done clear print -P "Powerlevel10k configuration has been written to %2F$__p9k_cfg_path_u%f." if [[ -n $config_backup ]]; then print -P "The backup of the previuos version is at %3F$config_backup%f." fi if (( write_config )); then generate_config || return fi write_zshrc || return print -P "" } "$@"