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juju.plugin.zsh fix(juju): add public-address fallback to jaddr (#12046) 2023-11-20 12:52:32 +00:00
README.md feat(juju): add functions to get current controller and model (#11572) 2023-03-23 09:42:20 +01:00

juju plugin

This plugin provides useful aliases and functions for juju (for TAB completion, refer to the official repo).

To use this plugin, add juju to the plugins array in your zshrc file.

plugins=(... juju)


Naming convention:

  • ! suffix: --force --no-wait -y.
  • ds suffix: --destroy-storage.
  • jsh prefix means juju show-*.


Alias Command Description
j juju The juju command
jcld juju clouds Lists all clouds with registered credentials
jclda juju clouds --all Lists all clouds available to Juju
jdl juju debug-log --ms Display log, with millisecond resolution
jdlr juju debug-log --ms --replay Replay entire log
jh juju help Show help on a command or other topic
jshsl juju show-status-log Output past statuses for the specified entity
jstj juju status --format=json Show status in json format (more detailed)
jst juju status --relations --color Show status, including relations, in color
jsts juju status --relations --storage --color Show status, including relations and storage, in color


Alias Command Description
jb juju bootstrap Initializing a Juju cloud environment
jbng juju bootstrap --no-gui Initializing a Juju cloud environment without GUI
jbl juju bootstrap localhost Initializing an lxd cloud environment
jblng juju bootstrap --no-gui localhost Initializing an lxd cloud environment without GUI
jbm juju bootstrap microk8s Initializing a MicroK8s cloud environment
jbmng juju bootstrap --no-gui microk8s Initializing a MicroK8s cloud environment without GUI


Alias Command Description
jctl juju controllers List all controllers
jctlr juju controllers --refresh List all controllers (download latest details)
jdc juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models Destroy a controller
jdc! juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --force --no-wait -y Destroy a controller
jdcds juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --destroy-storage Destroy a controller and associated storage
jdcds! juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --destroy-storage --force --no-wait -y Destroy a controller and associated storage
jkc juju kill-controller -y -t 0 Forcibly terminate all associated resources for a Juju controller
jshc juju show-controller Shows detailed information of a controller
jsw juju switch Select or identify the current controller and model


Alias Command Description
jam juju add-model Add a hosted model
jdm juju destroy-model Non-recoverable, complete removal of a model
jdm! juju destroy-model --force --no-wait -y Non-recoverable, complete removal of a model
jdmds juju destroy-model --destroy-storage Non-recoverable, complete removal of a model
jdmds! juju destroy-model --destroy-storage --force --no-wait -y Non-recoverable, complete removal of a model
jmc juju model-config Display or set configuration values on a model
jm juju models List models a user can access on a controller
jshm juju show-model Show information about the current or specified model
jsw juju switch Select or identify the current controller and model

Application / unit

Alias Command Description
jc juju config Get, set, or reset configuration for a deployed application
jde juju deploy --channel=edge Deploy a new application or bundle from the edge channel
jd juju deploy Deploy a new application or bundle
jra juju run-action Queue an action for execution
jraw juju run-action --wait Queue an action for execution and wait for results, with optional timeout
jrm juju remove-application Remove application
jrm! juju remove-application --force --no-wait Remove application forcefully
jrmds juju remove-application --destroy-storage Remove application and destroy attached storage
jrmds! juju remove-application --destroy-storage --force --no-wait Remove application forcefully, destroying attached storage
jrp juju refresh --path Upgrade charm from local charm file
jsa juju scale-application Set the desired number of application units
jssh juju ssh Initiate an SSH session or execute a command on a Juju target
jsshc juju ssh --container Initiate an SSH session or execute a command on a given container
jshu juju show-unit Displays information about a unit


Alias Command Description
jrs juju remove-storage Remove storage
jrs! juju remove-storage --force Remove storage even if it is currently attached


Alias Command Description
jrel juju relate Relate two applications
jrmrel juju remove-relation Remove an existing relation between two applications.
jrmrel! juju remove-relation --force Remove an existing relation between two applications, forcefully.

Cross-model relation (CMR)

Alias Command Description
jex juju expose Make an application publicly available over the network
jof juju offer Offer application endpoints for use in other models
jcon juju consume Add a remote offer to the model
jrmsas juju remove-saas Remove consumed applications (SAAS) from the model
junex juju unexpose Remove public availability over the network for an application


Alias Command Description
jeb juju export-bundle Export the current model configuration as a reusable bundle


  • jaddr <app_name> [unit_num]: display app or unit IP address.
  • jreld <relation_name> <app_name> <unit_num>: display app and unit relation data.
  • jclean: destroy all controllers
  • jcontroller: display the controller your are connected to.
  • jmodel: display the model your are connected to.
  • wjst [interval_secs] [args_for_watch]: watch juju status, with optional interval (default: 5s); you may pass additional arguments to watch.