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Alexander Schlarb 25c2c3a468
feat(lib): send OSC 7 on directory change for more supported terminals (#9914)
Previously this was only emitted on macOS with Apple's Terminal.app (and
compatible clones like iTerm2), but it is used by other terminal emulators
as well to obtain the actual current working directory wiht symlinks intact.
All non-supporting terminal emulators tested gracefully ignored this value,
so emit this on these as well in case they (or some other app masquarading
as them) add future support for this value.

Closes #9914

Co-authored-by: Marc Cornellà <hello@mcornella.com>
2023-04-05 00:20:10 +02:00

160 lines
5.6 KiB

# Set terminal window and tab/icon title
# usage: title short_tab_title [long_window_title]
# See: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Xterm-Title.html#ss3.1
# Fully supports screen, iterm, and probably most modern xterm and rxvt
# (In screen, only short_tab_title is used)
# Limited support for Apple Terminal (Terminal can't set window and tab separately)
function title {
setopt localoptions nopromptsubst
# Don't set the title if inside emacs, unless using vterm
[[ -n "${INSIDE_EMACS:-}" && "$INSIDE_EMACS" != vterm ]] && return
# if $2 is unset use $1 as default
# if it is set and empty, leave it as is
: ${2=$1}
case "$TERM" in
print -Pn "\e]2;${2:q}\a" # set window name
print -Pn "\e]1;${1:q}\a" # set tab name
print -Pn "\ek${1:q}\e\\" # set screen hardstatus
if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == "iTerm.app" ]]; then
print -Pn "\e]2;${2:q}\a" # set window name
print -Pn "\e]1;${1:q}\a" # set tab name
# Try to use terminfo to set the title if the feature is available
if (( ${+terminfo[fsl]} && ${+terminfo[tsl]} )); then
print -Pn "${terminfo[tsl]}$1${terminfo[fsl]}"
ZSH_THEME_TERM_TAB_TITLE_IDLE="%15<..<%~%<<" #15 char left truncated PWD
# Avoid duplication of directory in terminals with independent dir display
if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == Apple_Terminal ]]; then
# Runs before showing the prompt
function omz_termsupport_precmd {
[[ "${DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE:-}" != true ]] || return
# Runs before executing the command
function omz_termsupport_preexec {
[[ "${DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE:-}" != true ]] || return
emulate -L zsh
setopt extended_glob
# split command into array of arguments
local -a cmdargs
# if running fg, extract the command from the job description
if [[ "${cmdargs[1]}" = fg ]]; then
# get the job id from the first argument passed to the fg command
local job_id jobspec="${cmdargs[2]#%}"
# logic based on jobs arguments:
# http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Jobs-_0026-Signals.html#Jobs
# https://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2007/msg00704.html
case "$jobspec" in
<->) # %number argument:
# use the same <number> passed as an argument
job_id=${jobspec} ;;
""|%|+) # empty, %% or %+ argument:
# use the current job, which appears with a + in $jobstates:
# suspended:+:5071=suspended (tty output)
job_id=${(k)jobstates[(r)*:+:*]} ;;
-) # %- argument:
# use the previous job, which appears with a - in $jobstates:
# suspended:-:6493=suspended (signal)
job_id=${(k)jobstates[(r)*:-:*]} ;;
[?]*) # %?string argument:
# use $jobtexts to match for a job whose command *contains* <string>
job_id=${(k)jobtexts[(r)*${(Q)jobspec}*]} ;;
*) # %string argument:
# use $jobtexts to match for a job whose command *starts with* <string>
job_id=${(k)jobtexts[(r)${(Q)jobspec}*]} ;;
# override preexec function arguments with job command
if [[ -n "${jobtexts[$job_id]}" ]]; then
# cmd name only, or if this is sudo or ssh, the next cmd
local CMD="${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|ssh|mosh|rake|-*)]:gs/%/%%}"
local LINE="${2:gs/%/%%}"
title "$CMD" "%100>...>${LINE}%<<"
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
if [[ -z "$INSIDE_EMACS" || "$INSIDE_EMACS" = vterm ]]; then
add-zsh-hook precmd omz_termsupport_precmd
add-zsh-hook preexec omz_termsupport_preexec
# Keep terminal emulator's current working directory correct,
# even if the current working directory path contains symbolic links
# References:
# - Apple's Terminal.app: https://superuser.com/a/315029
# - iTerm2: https://iterm2.com/documentation-escape-codes.html (iTerm2 Extension / CurrentDir+RemoteHost)
# - Konsole: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=327720#c1
# - libvte (gnome-terminal, mate-terminal, …): https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=675987#c14
# Apparently it had a bug before ~2012 were it would display the unknown OSC 7 code
# As of May 2021 mlterm, PuTTY, rxvt, screen, termux & xterm simply ignore the unknown OSC.
# Don't define the function if we're inside Emacs
if [[ -n "$INSIDE_EMACS" ]]; then
# Don't define the function if we're in an unsupported terminal
case "$TERM" in
# all of these either process OSC 7 correctly or ignore entirely
xterm*|putty*|rxvt*|konsole*|mlterm*|alacritty|screen*|tmux*) ;;
contour*|foot*) ;;
# Terminal.app and iTerm2 process OSC 7 correctly
case "$TERM_PROGRAM" in
Apple_Terminal|iTerm.app) ;;
*) return ;;
esac ;;
# Emits the control sequence to notify many terminal emulators
# of the cwd
# Identifies the directory using a file: URI scheme, including
# the host name to disambiguate local vs. remote paths.
function omz_termsupport_cwd {
# Percent-encode the host and path names.
URL_HOST="$(omz_urlencode -P $HOST)" || return 1
URL_PATH="$(omz_urlencode -P $PWD)" || return 1
# common control sequence (OSC 7) to set current host and path
printf "\e]7;%s\a" "file://${URL_HOST}${URL_PATH}"
# Use a precmd hook instead of a chpwd hook to avoid contaminating output
# i.e. when a script or function changes directory without `cd -q`, chpwd
# will be called the output may be swallowed by the script or function.
add-zsh-hook precmd omz_termsupport_cwd