Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh.git synced 2024-10-16 19:50:09 +00:00

418 lines
13 KiB

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description
# -----------
# Completion script for git-extras (https://github.com/tj/git-extras).
# This depends on and reuses some of the internals of the _git completion
# function that ships with zsh itself. It will not work with the _git that ships
# with git.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors
# -------
# * Alexis GRIMALDI (https://github.com/agrimaldi)
# * spacewander (https://github.com/spacewander)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Inspirations
# -----------
# * git-extras (https://github.com/tj/git-extras)
# * git-flow-completion (https://github.com/bobthecow/git-flow-completion)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal functions
# These are a lot like their __git_* equivalents inside _git
__gitex_command_successful () {
if (( ${#*:#0} > 0 )); then
_message 'not a git repository'
return 1
return 0
__gitex_commits() {
declare -A commits
git log --oneline -15 | sed 's/\([[:alnum:]]\{7\}\) /\1:/' | while read commit
hash=$(echo $commit | cut -d':' -f1)
local ret=1
_describe -t commits commit commits && ret=0
__gitex_remote_names() {
local expl
declare -a remote_names
remote_names=(${(f)"$(_call_program remotes git remote 2>/dev/null)"})
__gitex_command_successful || return
_wanted remote-names expl remote-name compadd $* - $remote_names
__gitex_tag_names() {
local expl
declare -a tag_names
tag_names=(${${(f)"$(_call_program tags git for-each-ref --format='"%(refname)"' refs/tags 2>/dev/null)"}#refs/tags/})
__gitex_command_successful || return
_wanted tag-names expl tag-name compadd $* - $tag_names
__gitex_branch_names() {
local expl
declare -a branch_names
branch_names=(${${(f)"$(_call_program branchrefs git for-each-ref --format='"%(refname)"' refs/heads 2>/dev/null)"}#refs/heads/})
__gitex_command_successful || return
_wanted branch-names expl branch-name compadd $* - $branch_names
__gitex_specific_branch_names() {
local expl
declare -a branch_names
branch_names=(${${(f)"$(_call_program branchrefs git for-each-ref --format='"%(refname)"' refs/heads/"$1" 2>/dev/null)"}#refs/heads/$1/})
__gitex_command_successful || return
_wanted branch-names expl branch-name compadd - $branch_names
__gitex_feature_branch_names() {
__gitex_specific_branch_names 'feature'
__gitex_submodule_names() {
local expl
declare -a submodule_names
submodule_names=(${(f)"$(_call_program branchrefs git submodule status | awk '{print $2}')"}) # '
__gitex_command_successful || return
_wanted submodule-names expl submodule-name compadd $* - $submodule_names
__gitex_author_names() {
local expl
declare -a author_names
author_names=(${(f)"$(_call_program branchrefs git log --format='%aN' | sort -u)"})
__gitex_command_successful || return
_wanted author-names expl author-name compadd $* - $author_names
# subcommands
# new subcommand should be added in alphabetical order
_git-authors() {
_arguments -C \
'(--list -l)'{--list,-l}'[show authors]' \
'--no-email[without email]' \
_git-changelog() {
_arguments \
'(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[list commits]' \
_git-clear() {
_arguments \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[force clear]' \
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[help message]' \
_git-coauthor() {
_arguments \
':co-author[co-author to add]' \
':co-author-email[email address of co-author to add]'
_git-contrib() {
_arguments \
_git-count() {
_arguments \
'--all[detailed commit count]'
_git-create-branch() {
local curcontext=$curcontext state line
_arguments -C \
': :->command' \
'*:: :->option-or-argument'
case "$state" in
_arguments \
'(--remote -r)'{--remote,-r}'[setup remote tracking branch]'
case $line[1] in
-r|--remote )
_arguments -C \
_git-delete-branch() {
_arguments \
_git-delete-squashed-branches() {
_arguments \
_git-delete-submodule() {
_arguments \
_git-delete-tag() {
_arguments \
_git-effort() {
_arguments \
'--above[ignore file with less than x commits]'
_git-extras() {
local curcontext=$curcontext state line ret=1
declare -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
': :->command' \
'*:: :->option-or-argument' && ret=0
case $state in
declare -a commands
'update:update git-extras'
_describe -t commands command commands && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-v --version)'{-v,--version}'[show current version]'
_git-feature() {
local curcontext=$curcontext state line ret=1
declare -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
': :->command' \
'*:: :->option-or-argument' && ret=0
case $state in
declare -a commands
'finish:merge feature into the current branch'
_describe -t commands command commands && ret=0
case $line[1] in
_arguments -C \
'--squash[Use squash merge]' \
-r|--remote )
_arguments -C \
return 0
_arguments \
'(--remote -r)'{--remote,-r}'[setup remote tracking branch]'
_git-graft() {
_arguments \
':src-branch-name:__gitex_branch_names' \
_git-guilt() {
_arguments -C \
'(--email -e)'{--email,-e}'[display author emails instead of names]' \
'(--ignore-whitespace -w)'{--ignore-whitespace,-w}'[ignore whitespace only changes]' \
'(--debug -d)'{--debug,-d}'[output debug information]' \
'-h[output usage information]'
_git-ignore() {
_arguments -C \
'(--local -l)'{--local,-l}'[show local gitignore]' \
'(--global -g)'{--global,-g}'[show global gitignore]' \
'(--private -p)'{--private,-p}'[show repo gitignore]'
_git-info() {
_arguments -C \
'(--color -c)'{--color,-c}'[use color for information titles]' \
'--no-config[do not show list all variables set in config file, along with their values]'
_git-merge-into() {
_arguments '--ff-only[merge only fast-forward]'
_arguments \
':src:__gitex_branch_names' \
_git-missing() {
_arguments \
':first-branch-name:__gitex_branch_names' \
_git-release() {
_arguments -C \
'-c[Generates/populates the changelog with all commit message since the last tag.]' \
'-r[The "remote" repository that is destination of a push operation.]' \
'-m[use the custom commit information instead of the default message.]' \
'-s[Create a signed and annotated tag.]' \
'-u[Create a tag, annotated and signed with the given key.]' \
'--semver[If the latest tag in your repo matches the semver format requirement, you could increase part of it as the new release tag.]' \
'--prefix[Add a prefix string to semver to allow more complex tags.]' \
'--no-empty-commit[Avoid creating empty commit if nothing could be committed.]' \
'--[The arguments listed after "--" separator will be passed to pre/post-release hook.]'
_git-squash() {
_arguments '--squash-msg[commit with the squashed commit messages]'
_arguments \
_git-stamp() {
_arguments -C \
'(--replace -r)'{--replace,-r}'[replace stamps with same id]'
_git-standup() {
_arguments -C \
'-a[Specify the author of commits. Use "all" to specify all authors.]' \
'-d[Show history since N days ago]' \
'-D[Specify the date format displayed in commit history]' \
'-f[Fetch commits before showing history]' \
'-g[Display GPG signed info]' \
'-h[Display help message]' \
'-L[Enable the inclusion of symbolic links]' \
'-m[The depth of recursive directory search]' \
'-B[Display the commits in branch groups]'
_git-summary() {
_arguments '--line[summarize with lines rather than commits]'
_arguments '--dedup-by-email[remove duplicate users by the email address]'
_arguments '--no-merges[exclude merge commits]'
_arguments -C \
'(--soft -s)'{--soft,-s}'[only rolls back the commit but changes remain un-staged]' \
'(--hard -h)'{--hard,-h}'[wipes your commit(s)]'
zstyle -g existing_user_commands ':completion:*:*:git:*' user-commands
zstyle ':completion:*:*:git:*' user-commands $existing_user_commands \
alias:'define, search and show aliases' \
abort:'abort current revert, merge, rebase, or cherry-pick process' \
archive-file:'export the current head of the git repository to an archive' \
authors:'generate authors report' \
browse:'open repo website in browser' \
browse-ci:'open repo CI page in browser' \
bug:'create bug branch' \
bulk:'run bulk commands' \
brv:'list branches sorted by their last commit date'\
changelog:'generate a changelog report' \
chore:'create chore branch' \
clear-soft:'soft clean up a repository' \
clear:'rigorously clean up a repository' \
coauthor:'add a co-author to the last commit' \
commits-since:'show commit logs since some date' \
contrib:'show user contributions' \
count:'show commit count' \
create-branch:'create branches' \
delete-branch:'delete branches' \
delete-merged-branches:'delete merged branches' \
delete-squashed-branches:'delete squashed branches' \
delete-submodule:'delete submodules' \
delete-tag:'delete tags' \
delta:'lists changed files' \
effort:'show effort statistics on file(s)' \
extras:'awesome git utilities' \
feature:'create/merge feature branch' \
force-clone:'overwrite local repositories with clone' \
fork:'fork a repo on GitHub' \
fresh-branch:'create fresh branches' \
gh-pages:'create the GitHub pages branch' \
graft:'merge and destroy a given branch' \
guilt:'calculate change between two revisions' \
ignore-io:'get sample gitignore file' \
ignore:'add .gitignore patterns' \
info:'returns information on current repository' \
local-commits:'list local commits' \
lock:'lock a file excluded from version control' \
locked:'ls files that have been locked' \
magic:'commits everything with a generated message' \
merge-into:'merge one branch into another' \
merge-repo:'merge two repo histories' \
missing:'show commits missing from another branch' \
mr:'checks out a merge request locally' \
obliterate:'rewrite past commits to remove some files' \
paste:'send patches to pastebin sites' \
pr:'checks out a pull request locally' \
psykorebase:'rebase a branch with a merge commit' \
pull-request:'create pull request to GitHub project' \
reauthor:'replace the author and/or committer identities in commits and tags' \
rebase-patch:'rebases a patch' \
refactor:'create refactor branch' \
release:'commit, tag and push changes to the repository' \
rename-branch:'rename a branch' \
rename-tag:'rename a tag' \
rename-remote:'rename a remote' \
repl:'git read-eval-print-loop' \
reset-file:'reset one file' \
root:'show path of root' \
scp:'copy files to ssh compatible `git-remote`' \
sed:'replace patterns in git-controlled files' \
setup:'set up a git repository' \
show-merged-branches:'show merged branches' \
show-tree:'show branch tree of commit history' \
show-unmerged-branches:'show unmerged branches' \
squash:'import changes from a branch' \
stamp:'stamp the last commit message' \
standup:'recall the commit history' \
summary:'show repository summary' \
sync:'sync local branch with remote branch' \
touch:'touch and add file to the index' \
undo:'remove latest commits' \
unlock:'unlock a file excluded from version control' \
utimes:'change files modification time to their last commit date'