# JSON Tools # Adds command line aliases useful for dealing with JSON # Check that user-defined method is installed if [[ -n "$JSONTOOLS_METHOD" ]]; then (( $+commands[$JSONTOOLS_METHOD] )) || unset JSONTOOLS_METHOD fi # If method undefined, find the first one that is installed if [[ ! -v JSONTOOLS_METHOD ]]; then for JSONTOOLS_METHOD in node python ruby; do # If method found, break out of loop (( $+commands[$JSONTOOLS_METHOD] )) && break # Otherwise unset the variable unset JSONTOOLS_METHOD done # If no methods were found, exit the plugin [[ -v JSONTOOLS_METHOD ]] || return 1 fi # Define json tools for each method case "$JSONTOOLS_METHOD" in node) alias pp_json='xargs -0 node -e "console.log(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(process.argv[1]), null, 4));"' alias is_json='xargs -0 node -e "try {json = JSON.parse(process.argv[1]);} catch (e) { console.log(false); json = null; } if(json) { console.log(true); }"' alias urlencode_json='xargs -0 node -e "console.log(encodeURIComponent(process.argv[1]))"' alias urldecode_json='xargs -0 node -e "console.log(decodeURIComponent(process.argv[1]))"' ;; python) alias pp_json='python -c "import sys; del sys.path[0]; import runpy; runpy._run_module_as_main(\"json.tool\")"' alias is_json='python -c " import sys; del sys.path[0]; import json; try: json.loads(sys.stdin.read()) except ValueError, e: print False else: print True sys.exit(0)"' alias urlencode_json='python -c " import sys; del sys.path[0]; import urllib, json; print urllib.quote_plus(sys.stdin.read()) sys.exit(0)"' alias urldecode_json='python -c " import sys; del sys.path[0]; import urllib, json; print urllib.unquote_plus(sys.stdin.read()) sys.exit(0)"' ;; ruby) alias pp_json='ruby -e "require \"json\"; require \"yaml\"; puts JSON.parse(STDIN.read).to_yaml"' alias is_json='ruby -e "require \"json\"; begin; JSON.parse(STDIN.read); puts true; rescue Exception => e; puts false; end"' alias urlencode_json='ruby -e "require \"uri\"; puts URI.escape(STDIN.read)"' alias urldecode_json='ruby -e "require \"uri\"; puts URI.unescape(STDIN.read)"' ;; esac unset JSONTOOLS_METHOD