# Yarn plugin

This plugin adds completion for the [Yarn package manager](https://yarnpkg.com/en/), as well as some aliases
for common Yarn commands.

To use it, add `yarn` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:

plugins=(... yarn)

## Global scripts directory

It also adds `yarn` global scripts dir (commonly `~/.yarn/bin`) to the `$PATH`. To disable this feature, set
the following style in your `.zshrc`:

zstyle ':omz:plugins:yarn' global-path no

## Yarn Berry

If you are using Yarn berry (a.k.a. Yarn version 2 or higher) as your global Yarn version you should configure
this plugin to configure its aliases accordingly, set the following style in your `.zshrc`:

zstyle ':omz:plugins:yarn' berry yes

## Aliases

- Aliases marked with <sup>`*`</sup> are only available when using Yarn v1 (non-berry)
- Aliases marked with <sup>`b`</sup> are only available when using Yarn berry

| Alias              | Command                                                                                               | Description                                                                        |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| y                  | `yarn`                                                                                                | The Yarn command                                                                   |
| ya                 | `yarn add`                                                                                            | Install a package in dependencies (`package.json`)                                 |
| yad                | `yarn add --dev`                                                                                      | Install a package in devDependencies (`package.json`)                              |
| yap                | `yarn add --peer`                                                                                     | Install a package in peerDependencies (`package.json`)                             |
| yb                 | `yarn build`                                                                                          | Run the build script defined in `package.json`                                     |
| ycc                | `yarn cache clean`                                                                                    | Clean yarn's global cache of packages                                              |
| yd                 | `yarn dev`                                                                                            | Run the dev script defined in `package.json`                                       |
| yf                 | `yarn format`                                                                                         | Run the dev script defined in `package.json`                                       |
| yh                 | `yarn help`                                                                                           | Show help for a yarn command                                                       |
| yi                 | `yarn init`                                                                                           | Interactively creates or updates a package.json file                               |
| yin                | `yarn install`                                                                                        | Install dependencies defined in `package.json`                                     |
| yln                | `yarn lint`                                                                                           | Run the lint script defined in `package.json`                                      |
| ylnf               | `yarn lint --fix`                                                                                     | Run the lint script defined in `package.json`to automatically fix problems         |
| yp                 | `yarn pack`                                                                                           | Create a compressed gzip archive of package dependencies                           |
| yrm                | `yarn remove`                                                                                         | Remove installed packages                                                          |
| yrun               | `yarn run`                                                                                            | Run a defined package script                                                       |
| ys                 | `yarn serve`                                                                                          | Start the dev server                                                               |
| yst                | `yarn start`                                                                                          | Run the start script defined in `package.json`                                     |
| yt                 | `yarn test`                                                                                           | Run the test script defined in `package.json`                                      |
| ytc                | `yarn test --coverage`                                                                                | Run the test script defined in `package.json` with coverage                        |
| yui                | `yarn upgrade-interactive`                                                                            | Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade                                      |
| yuil               | `yarn upgrade-interactive --latest` (or see `yui` when using [yarn berry](#yarn-berry))               | Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade to the latest available version      |
| yii                | `yarn install --frozen-lockfile` (or `yarn install --immutable` when using [yarn berry](#yarn-berry)) | Install dependencies and abort if the lockfile was to be modified                  |
| yifl               | `yii`                                                                                                 | Install dependencies and abort if the lockfile was to be modified                  |
| yup                | `yarn upgrade`                                                                                        | Upgrade packages to their latest version                                           |
| yv                 | `yarn version`                                                                                        | Update the version of your package                                                 |
| yw                 | `yarn workspace`                                                                                      | Run a command within a single workspace.                                           |
| yws                | `yarn workspaces`                                                                                     | Run a command within all defined workspaces.                                       |
| yy                 | `yarn why`                                                                                            | Show why a package has been installed, detailing which other packages depend on it |
| yga<sup>`*`</sup>  | `yarn global add`                                                                                     | Install packages globally on your operating system                                 |
| ygls<sup>`*`</sup> | `yarn global list`                                                                                    | Lists global installed packages                                                    |
| ygrm<sup>`*`</sup> | `yarn global remove`                                                                                  | Remove global installed packages from your OS                                      |
| ygu<sup>`*`</sup>  | `yarn global upgrade`                                                                                 | Upgrade packages installed globally to their latest version                        |
| yls<sup>`*`</sup>  | `yarn list`                                                                                           | List installed packages                                                            |
| yout<sup>`*`</sup> | `yarn outdated`                                                                                       | Check for outdated package dependencies                                            |
| yuca<sup>`*`</sup> | `yarn global upgrade && yarn cache clean`                                                             | Upgrade global packages and clean yarn's global cache                              |
| ydlx<sup>`b`</sup> | `yarn dlx`                                                                                            | Run a package in a temporary environment.                                          |
| yn<sup>`b`</sup>   | `yarn node`                                                                                           | Run node with the hook already setup.                                              |