# kubectx - show active kubectl context

This plugins adds `kubectx_prompt_info()` function. It shows name of the active
kubectl context (`kubectl config current-context`).

You can use it to customize prompt and know if You are on prod cluster ;)

To use this plugin, add `kubectx` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:

plugins=(... kubectx)

### Usage

Add to **.zshrc**:

# right prompt
# left prompt

### Custom context names

You can rename the default context name for better readability or additional formatting.
These values accept [prompt expansion sequences](http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html)
such as `%F{color}`, `%f`, `%K{color}`, `%k`, `%B`, `%b`, `%U`, `%u`, `%S`, `%s`, `%{...%}`.

**Example**: add this to your .zshrc file:

# contexts with spaces
kubectx_mapping[context\ with\ spaces]="%F{red}spaces%f"
# don't use quotes as it will break the prompt
kubectx_mapping["context with spaces"]="%F{red}spaces%f" # ti

You can also define the whole mapping array at once:

typeset -A kubectx_mapping
  minikube                      "mini"
  context_name_from_kubeconfig  "$emoji[wolf_face]"
  production_cluster            "%{$fg[yellow]%}prod!%{$reset_color%}"
  "context with spaces"         "%F{red}spaces%f"
