# Aliases cheatsheet With lots of 3rd-party amazing aliases installed, this plugin helps list the shortcuts that are currently available based on the plugins you have enabled. To use it, add `aliases` to the plugins array in your zshrc file: ```zsh plugins=(aliases) ``` Requirements: Python needs to be installed. **Maintainer:** [@hqingyi](https://github.com/hqingyi) ## Usage - `als`: show all aliases by group - `als -h/--help`: print help message - `als <keyword(s)>`: filter and highlight aliases by `<keyword>` - `als -g <group>/--group <group>`: show only aliases for group `<group>`. Multiple uses of the flag show all groups - `als --groups`: show only group names ![screenshot](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/assets/66907184/5bfa00ea-5fc3-4e97-8b22-2f74f6b948c7)