# colorize With this plugin you can syntax-highlight file contents of over 300 supported languages and other text formats. Colorize will highlight the content based on the filename extension. If it can't find a syntax-highlighting method for a given extension, it will try to find one by looking at the file contents. If no highlight method is found it will just cat the file normally, without syntax highlighting. ## Setup To use it, add colorize to the plugins array of your `~/.zshrc` file: ``` plugins=(... colorize) ``` ## Configuration ### Requirements This plugin requires that at least one of the following tools is installed: * [Chroma](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma) * [Pygments](https://pygments.org/download/) ### Colorize tool Colorize supports `pygmentize` and `chroma` as syntax highlighter. By default colorize uses `pygmentize` unless it's not installed and `chroma` is. This can be overridden by the `ZSH_COLORIZE_TOOL` environment variable: ``` ZSH_COLORIZE_TOOL=chroma ``` ### Styles Pygments offers multiple styles. By default, the `default` style is used, but you can choose another theme by setting the `ZSH_COLORIZE_STYLE` environment variable: ``` ZSH_COLORIZE_STYLE="colorful" ``` ## Usage * `ccat <file> [files]`: colorize the contents of the file (or files, if more than one are provided). If no files are passed it will colorize the standard input. * `cless [less-options] <file> [files]`: colorize the contents of the file (or files, if more than one are provided) and open less. If no files are passed it will colorize the standard input. The LESSOPEN and LESSCLOSE will be overwritten for this to work, but only in a local scope.