# nvm plugin

This plugin adds autocompletions for [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) — a Node.js version manager.
It also automatically sources nvm, so you don't need to do it manually in your `.zshrc`.

To use it, add `nvm` to the plugins array of your zshrc file:

plugins=(... nvm)

## Settings

If you installed nvm in a directory other than `$HOME/.nvm`, set and export `NVM_DIR` to be the directory
where you installed nvm.

These settings should go in your zshrc file, before Oh My Zsh is sourced:

- **`NVM_HOMEBREW`**: if you installed nvm via Homebrew, in a directory other than `/usr/local/opt/nvm`, you
  can set `NVM_HOMEBREW` to be the directory where you installed it. For example, on Apple Silicon-based Macs,
  [Homebrew is installed in `/opt/homebrew`](https://docs.brew.sh/Installation). To get the directory where
  nvm has been installed, regardless of chip architecture, use `NVM_HOMEBREW=$(brew --prefix nvm)`.

- **`NVM_LAZY`**: if you want the plugin to defer the load of nvm to speed-up the start of your zsh session,
  set `NVM_LAZY` to `1`. This will source nvm script only when using it, and will create a function for `node`,
  `npm`, `pnpm`, `yarn`, and the command(s) specified by `NVM_LAZY_CMD`, so when you call either of them,
  nvm will be loaded and run with default version.

- **`NVM_LAZY_CMD`**: if you want additional command(s) to trigger lazy loading of nvm, set `NVM_LAZY_CMD` to
  the command or an array of the commands.

- **`NVM_AUTOLOAD`**: if `NVM_AUTOLOAD` is set to `1`, the plugin will automatically load a node version when
  if finds a [`.nvmrc` file](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#nvmrc) in the current working directory indicating
  which node version to load.