#!/usr/bin/env zsh # # # # #README # # # # This theme provides two customizable header functionalities: # # a) displaying a pseudo-random message from a database of quotations # # (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortune_%28Unix%29) # # b) displaying randomly command line tips from The command line fu # # (https://www.commandlinefu.com) community: in order to make use of this functionality # # you will need Internet connection. # # This theme provides as well information for the current user's context, like; # # branch and status for the current version control system (git and svn currently # # supported) and time, presented to the user in a non invasive volatile way. # # # # #REQUIREMENTS # # This theme requires wget:: # # -Homebrew-osx- brew install wget # # -Debian/Ubuntu- apt-get install wget # # and fortune :: # # -Homebrew-osx- brew install fortune # # -Debian/Ubuntu- apt-get install fortune # # # # optionally: # # -Oh-myzsh vcs plug-ins git and svn. # # -Solarized theme (https://github.com/altercation/solarized/) # # -OS X: iTerm 2 (https://iterm2.com/) # # -font Source code pro (https://github.com/adobe/source-code-pro) # # # # This theme's look and feel is based on the Aaron Toponce's zsh theme, more info: # # https://pthree.org/2008/11/23/727/ # # enjoy! ########## COLOR ########### for COLOR in CYAN WHITE YELLOW MAGENTA BLACK BLUE RED DEFAULT GREEN GREY; do eval PR_$COLOR='%{$fg[${(L)COLOR}]%}' eval PR_BRIGHT_$COLOR='%{$fg_bold[${(L)COLOR}]%}' done PR_RESET="%{$reset_color%}" RED_START="${PR_RESET}${PR_GREY}<${PR_RESET}${PR_RED}<${PR_BRIGHT_RED}<${PR_RESET} " RED_END="${PR_RESET}${PR_BRIGHT_RED}>${PR_RESET}${PR_RED}>${PR_GREY}>${PR_RESET} " GREEN_END="${PR_RESET}${PR_BRIGHT_GREEN}>${PR_RESET}${PR_GREEN}>${PR_GREY}>${PR_RESET} " GREEN_BASE_START="${PR_RESET}${PR_GREY}>${PR_RESET}${PR_GREEN}>${PR_BRIGHT_GREEN}>${PR_RESET}" GREEN_START_P1="${PR_RESET}${GREEN_BASE_START}${PR_RESET} " DIVISION="${PR_RESET}${PR_RED} < ${PR_RESET}" VCS_DIRTY_COLOR="${PR_RESET}${PR_YELLOW}" VCS_CLEAN_COLOR="${PR_RESET}${PR_GREEN}" VCS_SUFIX_COLOR="${PR_RESET}${PR_RED}› ${PR_RESET}" # ########## COLOR ########### # ########## SVN ########### ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_PREFIX="${PR_RESET}${PR_RED}‹svn:" ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_SUFFIX="" ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_DIRTY="${VCS_DIRTY_COLOR} ✘${VCS_SUFIX_COLOR}" ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_CLEAN="${VCS_CLEAN_COLOR} ✔${VCS_SUFIX_COLOR}" # ########## SVN ########### # ########## GIT ########### ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="${PR_RESET}${PR_RED}‹git:" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="${VCS_DIRTY_COLOR} ✘${VCS_SUFIX_COLOR}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_CLEAN="${VCS_CLEAN_COLOR} ✔${VCS_SUFIX_COLOR}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_ADDED="${PR_RESET}${PR_YELLOW} ✚${PR_RESET}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_MODIFIED="${PR_RESET}${PR_YELLOW} ✹${PR_RESET}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DELETED="${PR_RESET}${PR_YELLOW} ✖${PR_RESET}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_RENAMED="${PR_RESET}${PR_YELLOW} ➜${PR_RESET}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNMERGED="${PR_RESET}${PR_YELLOW} ═${PR_RESET}" ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNTRACKED="${PR_RESET}${PR_YELLOW} ✭${PR_RESET}" # ########## GIT ########### function precmd { #gets the fortune ps1_fortune () { #Choose from all databases, regardless of whether they are considered "offensive" fortune -a } #obtains the tip ps1_command_tip () { wget -qO - http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/random/plaintext | sed 1d | sed '/^$/d' } prompt_header () { if [[ "true" == "$ENABLE_COMMAND_TIP" ]]; then ps1_command_tip else ps1_fortune fi } PROMPT_HEAD="${RED_START}${PR_YELLOW}$(prompt_header)${PR_RESET}" # set a simple variable to show when in screen if [[ -n "${WINDOW}" ]]; then SCREEN="" fi } # Context: user@directory or just directory prompt_context () { if [[ "$USERNAME" != "$DEFAULT_USER" || -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]]; then echo -n "${PR_RESET}${PR_RED}$USERNAME@%m${PR_RESET}${PR_BRIGHT_YELLOW}%~%<<${PR_RESET}" else echo -n "${PR_RESET}${PR_BRIGHT_YELLOW}%~%<<${PR_RESET}" fi } set_prompt () { # required for the prompt setopt prompt_subst autoload zsh/terminfo # ######### PROMPT ######### PROMPT='${PROMPT_HEAD} ${RED_START}$(prompt_context) ${GREEN_START_P1}' RPROMPT='${PR_RESET}$(git_prompt_info)$(svn_prompt_info)${PR_YELLOW}%D{%R.%S %a %b %d %Y} ${GREEN_END}${PR_RESET}' # Matching continuation prompt PROMPT2='${GREEN_BASE_START}${PR_RESET} %_ ${GREEN_BASE_START}${PR_RESET} ' # ######### PROMPT ######### } set_prompt