name: Bug report description: Create a report to help us improve Oh My Zsh labels: 'Bug' body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | ## Self Check - Try searching existing [GitHub Issues]( (open or closed) for similar issues. - Try reaching out on the [Discord server]( for help. - type: textarea validations: required: true attributes: label: Describe the bug description: A clear description of what the bug is. - type: textarea validations: required: true attributes: label: Steps to reproduce description: | Steps to reproduce the problem. placeholder: | For example: 1. Enable plugin '...' 2. Run command '...' or try to complete command '...' 3. See error - type: textarea validations: required: true attributes: label: Expected behavior description: A brief description of what should happen. - type: textarea attributes: label: Screenshots and recordings description: | If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. You can also record an asciinema session: - type: input validations: required: true attributes: label: OS / Distro placeholder: e.g. Windows 10, Ubuntu 20.04, Arch Linux, macOS 10.15... - type: input validations: required: true attributes: label: Zsh version description: Run `echo $ZSH_VERSION` to check. placeholder: e.g. 5.6 - type: input validations: required: true attributes: label: Terminal emulator placeholder: e.g. iTerm2, Gnome Terminal... - type: dropdown attributes: label: If using WSL on Windows, which version of WSL description: Run `wsl -l -v` to check. options: - WSL1 - WSL2 - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional context description: Add any other context about the problem here. This can be themes, plugins, custom settings...