# aws This plugin provides completion support for [awscli](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/index.html) and a few utilities to manage AWS profiles and display them in the prompt. To use it, make sure [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/) is installed, and add `aws` to the plugins array in your zshrc file. ```zsh plugins=(... aws) ``` ## Plugin commands * `asp []`: sets `$AWS_PROFILE` and `$AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE` (legacy) to ``. It also sets `$AWS_EB_PROFILE` to `` for the Elastic Beanstalk CLI. Run `asp` without arguments to clear the profile. * `agp`: gets the current value of `$AWS_PROFILE`. * `aws_change_access_key`: changes the AWS access key of a profile. * `aws_profiles`: lists the available profiles in the `$AWS_CONFIG_FILE` (default: `~/.aws/config`). Used to provide completion for the `asp` function. ## Plugin options * Set `SHOW_AWS_PROMPT=false` in your zshrc file if you want to prevent the plugin from modifying your RPROMPT. Some themes might overwrite the value of RPROMPT instead of appending to it, so they'll need to be fixed to see the AWS profile prompt. ## Theme The plugin creates an `aws_prompt_info` function that you can use in your theme, which displays the current `$AWS_PROFILE`. It uses two variables to control how that is shown: - ZSH_THEME_AWS_PREFIX: sets the prefix of the AWS_PROFILE. Defaults to ``.